jthm-kinkmeme · 1 year
tess x tenna x devi. lesbian time.
bonus optional additions:
-sleepover with there’s only one bed trope
-supernatural/cryptid creatures, maybe with tess vampire, tenna mothfolk and devi werecat
-“holy shit i like girls” realization, fits tess best imo, bonus points if others help work out the newly uncloseted one’s internalized homophobia
-irken au or maybe vortian au? idk getting abducted by lesbian aliens sexy. lesbian aliens sexy in general.
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vivernia · 2 months
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Reverse AU? Devi is here as Johnny, Tenna is as Jimmy, Tess is as Dillon (and vice versa)
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thehousethatlives · 10 months
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diciusnestea · 2 years
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tzeremie · 2 years
Buncha sketches (Devi, Tess, Tonja/Tenna, Nny all from JtHM. Jasper & Salus, both OCs. A silly inaccurate capybara, and a punk Naruto)
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b1oodthrsty · 1 month
jthm if it was one of those 2013 lps youtube series. this has just been sitting in my drafts but i want2 draw them so might as well post
squee - 115
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tenna - 209
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devi - 900
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edgar - 319
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tess - 77
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nailbunny - 18
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johnny - 196
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mr fuck - 336
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psychodoughboy - 125 (bear with me their blandness i just wanted them to match + nny being allergic to cats makes this funnier)
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reverend meat - 1749
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might edit or add more characters lateridk. was hard to assign colors to nny and his voices so i figured theyd all have a greyscale palette to contrast every1 else
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fizzychan · 3 months
Drew Nny again! I really want to draw Squee, Devi, Tenna, Tess, or any other characters
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misterxsamsa · 29 days
Analyzing the whole Jhonen thing, denying that part of it is set on Johnny, got me thinking.
Jhonen is not fooling anyone. Of course he put a lot of himself into his work, both in Johnny and the other characters (Like Devi in IFS). I don't think he had a traumatic past or anything similar, but, perhaps, had opinions to put down on a piece of paper. And over time, he just didn't see himself reflected in Johnny like he did in the beginning. At least, that's the conclusion I came to. On the one hand, I would also feel ashamed that my 19 year old version is still being read by thousands of people, who feel identified with a “part of me”. The work is no longer mine, it's not personal, it is open to everyone to identify with. Jhonen never talked about how important it is for him to draw, but come on, JtHM and IFS the main focus of the protagonists is that they lost their creativity. That's a bit of a big deal for someone who draws full time. Not only that, he cosplayed Johnny, he has the original doughboys (And I think a reverend meat? if it's not just an edited image). I can see the mixed feelings, between feeling embarrassed at your work, but it's yours, you're not going to let just anyone call it a “joke.” Making a comic just for “the laughs”, but you put a lot of yourself anyway, and not just in book and movie choices, that's not just “jokes.” I don't think this way, Jv probably doesn't either, but it's an answer I can come to. I wouldn't consider it a *extremely* personal work, but a look at 19-year-old Jhonen.
This makes me think what actual comics would be like, or in some case a movie, or series (Pls Jv i swear). He's changed a lot, surely his hurmor will prevail as always, but I'm intrigued as to what his vision of his characters would be, now 40 yo, beyond a poster of Johnny full of blood (and his rp twitter account. ).
Sorry, I may be VERY wrong. I'm not cool enough to get into Jhonen's creative brain, but try to analyze it as someone familiar with this “creating something” thing.
I used to get worried about the possibilities involving a sequel to the original comics, largely because I feel capturing the spirit of the source material perfectly is impossible. He's not 19 anymore, and thus wouldn't write Johnny with the same priorities and intentions. However, enough years have passed where I think I'd be open to something different. There's so much left unresolved by Issue #7 that a new perspective on the characters, and concepts therin might be an advantage to any sequel media. Jhonen probably understands the nuanced flaws to Johnny's character better than when he was originally writing them, so I'd imagine that hindsight would give him a much more interesting way of approaching them. That's not even mentioning characters like Tess, Dillon, or Tenna who are fountains of untapped potential. Now, I fear that if Jhonen tried to scientifically recreate the percise energy and mindset behind the original comic run, it'd just fall into some bizzare narrative uncanny valley where it's not quite right.
I'm not Jhonen, so I couldn't say definitively what direction he'd go in with Johnny, but I think a lot of his wax-poeticizing would be eradicated from his character. I know Jhonen's expressed that should he rewrite the comics, in some form, he'd want to focus on Johnny being a slave to a Lovecraftian beast more than his angst. That worries me a bit, because I actually think Johnny as a portrayal of mental illness, and his interpersonal problems, are extremely compelling. However, I fear that comprises a lot of what makes Jhonen somewhat sheepish about him as a character nowadays. That, and Jhonen's said himself that he tends not to prioritize the same things about Johnny, and his source material, that a lot of its fans do. In that specific example, he was talking about the "Where the fuck is the Bactine?!" line that got cut in a re-write he did at some point or another. Still, at least we can all agree that the Lovecraftian consumption part of Johnny's character's progression deserved way more attention than what it got for how intruiging it was.
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beedeerling · 1 year
Special post, unfortunately i have art block, i start drawing but i cant finish it, so that means something special!! Ill be doing all asks i get about ↓
-John doe game
-Helluva boss
-Your Boyfriend Game
-Your Girlfriend Game
-Villainos au's (not including multi fandom au's)
-Invader zim
-Invader zim au's (that i know)
-Jhonny the homicidal maniac
This will continue no matter how many asks i get, and i will just ignore asks that im uncomfortable with
I just want more asks, you can message me privately if you want something but your not sure if its okay, otherwise just ask in the ask box
i accept any single character asks
And multiple character asks
(might take multiple days)
What i wont do
-excessive gore
Basically anything that could get me banned
What ships do i accept
-verosika x barbie (Varbie/Maywire)
-peter x yn
-sarah x yn
-clembrane x membrane
-jhonny x devi
-tess x tenna
-dememcia x Cecilia (lizardheart my beloved)
-Bh x flug (no hate, just perfer it to other ships)
-dememcia x black hat (dont prefer it but its cute)
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snappedsky · 2 years
Fanatics 98.5
The Battalion and their allies fight to protect the city.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
War for Earth Part 5
           Johnny finishes wrapping bandages around the worst of his wounds. As he pulls on a fresh shirt, Nugget hops up onto his bed next to him.
           “Where were you hiding,” he mutters as he scratches her head.
           Suddenly, a loud boom from outside sends her scattering away. Johnny quickly rushes out the front door and looks up. His neighbors do the same.
           A giant red ship has taken up the majority of the sky over the city. He quickly recognizes it as the Massive.
           “Attention, people of Earth! Your planet is about to be destroyed by the Irken Armada! Congratulations!”
           Johnny glowers with annoyance.
           A much smaller ship shoots down from the flagship and crashes into the ground just down the street. The hatch opens and two Irken soldiers armed with laser rifles emerge.
           The neighbors scream and duck back into their homes as the aliens begin firing randomly. Johnny throws on his coat and marches down the road.
           One of the Irkens notices him approaching and nudges his partner. They speak in Irken to each other, but it’s obvious they find this amusing.
           They aim their weapons, agreeing to put the silly, weak human out of his misery. Then Johnny strikes.
           It’s over before the Irkens can even comprehend what’s happening. They both lie on the ground in chunks, pink blood dripping from Johnny’s knives as he crushes their guns beneath his boots.
           “That…could’ve been more satisfying,” he murmurs, “given the ass-kicking I received not long ago.”
           He sighs heavily and glares up at the Massive overhead. “Being a hero isn’t really my thing…but maybe there’s some way for me to help.”            Meanwhile, in a small, ratty apartment, Devi tries to rush for the door. But Jimmy, Dhillon, and Krik hold her back.
           “Let! Me! The fuck! Go!” she barks as she pulls against them.
           “You crazy bitch!” Dhillon snaps, “settle the fuck down!”
           “You saw those things coming out of the ground!” Krik adds, “and now those aliens! We can’t go out of there!”
           “I have to do something! I can’t just hide in here!” she argues.
           “If something happens to you, Johnny will destroy us!” Jimmy retorts, “and I don’t wanna test if we still regenerate!”
           Tenna, Tess, and Edgar watch this display from the other side of the room.
           “You should all quiet down,” Edgar urges, “we don’t want something hearing us.”
           “Tell that to her!” Jimmy, Dhillon, and Krik snap.
           Devi keeps trying to fight them, until Tenna comes up in front of her.
           “D,” she says gently, “they’re right. This…this is way over our heads. Those demons almost killed us.”
           “But…Johnny…” Devi croaks.
           “We just have to hope that he’ll be okay, like he always is,” Tenna replies and gently squeezes Devi’s shoulders. “Let’s just…stay here and hide until it’s over.”
           All of the fight drains out of Devi. The boys let her go and she crumples to her knees. Tenna kneels in front of her and hugs her tight.
           Outside, the city is quickly becoming a warzone.
           A woman stumbles through the streets, clutching her young son. A lanky demon with snow-white skin chases her on all fours, like a crazed beast. It would have her and her child within a matter of seconds, but before it can reach her, a hail of gunfire tears through it.
           The woman collapses to her knees at the feet of an armed soldier as the demon falls dead.
           “Get inside,” he demands, “stay low.”
           “Look out!” she shrieks, pointing behind him.
           The soldier turns as an Irken jumps off a roof and aims his laser rifle. But before he can fire, another laser blast hits him from the side, knocking him down.
           “T-t-take that, Irken s-scum,” Spleenk stammers nervously, clutching his gun.
           The soldier nods respectfully and Spleenk smiles.
           Resisty aliens and SDA soldiers fight side-by-side to beat back the demons and Irkens. As Dib runs through the streets, blasting enemies with his power glove, he watches this with awe.
           “I gotta say, Zim,” he remarks, “you really brought these people together.”
           “Of course,” Zim replies through his communicator. “Zim is a natural born leader.”
           Pepito flies through the skies above the city. He swiftly takes out any demons and Irkens clinging to the skyscrapers without a second thought as he looks around. “Has anyone seen Olivia?”
           “We should focus on the armies first,” Squee suggests. He zooms through the streets on his rocket wheelies, cutting down or blowing up any enemy he passes. “Once their numbers have gone down, then we’ll worry about the leaders.”
           “Squee’s right,” Gaz agrees as she smashes in the head of an Irken with her war hammer. “The final bosses should wait until the end.”            “Fine, fine,” Zim replies, “but if anyone sees the Tallest, tell me immediately.”
           “You really think the Tallest are here?” Tak asks, blasting a demon with her arm cannon while Mimi fires a series of guns from her head at another. “They’re likely still on the Massive. They’ve never left the ship once for an invasion.”
           “Yes, but Earth is a special case,” Kio argues as she leads a small group of civilians into an intact building.
           “Yes,” Zim agrees. He lands on the roof of a skyscraper, Gir and Minimoose by his side, as he glares up at the Massive. “It is.”
           Beneath him, in the city streets, the war rages on steadily.
           An Irken soldier fires his rifle at Serena. She dodges each laser nimbly and smashes his head into the road. Another Irken lashes his spider legs at Jeff. He catches them and rips them right out of the PAK.
           A bulky demon with a large snout charges down the road to Bianca. She waves her wand, picking it up with her magic, then crushes it into mush.
           Tak flies through the street with rockets from her PAK, Mimi by her side. They both fire their weapons at clusters of Irkens or demons, lessening the stress on any SDA or Resisty soldiers.
           A group of civilians hide out in a dark restaurant, cowering beneath the window. A couple of large demons approach curiously, sniffing the air. Before they can look inside, a team of Irken soldiers appear. They bark something in their language. The demons roar in response.
           A couple of smiley bombs bounce on the ground in between the two groups, blowing them up. Any who survive get swiftly cut down by a dark blur.
           Squee flicks the mixture of blood from his blades as he skids to a stop. He glances around for a second, deciding where to go next, when he hears a loud roar from overhead. He looks up to see a large demon pouncing down on him from a roof. He gets ready to dodge when the monster is suddenly sliced down the middle. The two halves thunk onto the road.
           Squee smiles as he sees Pepito fly by, blowing him a kiss.
           Meanwhile, Gaz trots down the road, a particular destination in mind. She arrives there at the same time as Dib.
           They both share a knowing look and turn to their house. Thankfully, it’s unharmed.
           “He’s probably not even home, right,” Dib points out.
           “He’s probably at the lab,” Gaz adds.
           Before they can go inside, they hear a growling from behind and turn to see a large demon, about the size of a house, prowling down the street. It stands on two short legs, the tips of its fingers dragging on the ground beside it.
           “That’s a big’un,” Gaz remarks, readying her war hammer.
           Dib grips his power glove and charges it up.
           The demon roars and charges them, lifting its long arms. The siblings prepare to attack, but before they can, a large laser blast fires over them and completely destroys the top half of the demon. Its bottom half slides down the road, stopping at the kids’ feet.
           They turn with surprise. “Dad!”
           Professor Membrane steps out of his house, steam rising from his two mechanical arms. Metal shifts and clangs as he flexes his fingers.
           “Hello, children,” he says jovially.
           “Dad!” Dib exclaims, “can you believe what’s going on here? Monsters? Aliens?”
           “Of course I can’t believe it, son,” he replies, “that’s why it’s a hallucination.”
           “Wait-wha-what? No, Dad, this is all real. It’s proves everything I’ve been saying for years.”            “Oh, come now. How can anything this fantastical and terrifying be real?”
           “But, wait,” Gaz says, “if you don’t think it’s real, why did you just help us?”            “Because, dream or not, I will never allow any harm to befall my children,” Membrane declares.
           “Aw!” the siblings coo and hug their dad.
           “I mean, I still have some mixed feelings about this, but aw!” Dib adds quickly.
           Over the city, Kio flies on a jetpack, surveying the situation. She informs Shmoopy and the other medics of any injured she finds, escorts civilians to safety, and does a quick headcount of enemies. The war is still raging strong but, judging by the numbers, she feels like Earth is winning.
           She’s smiling proudly when a loud explosion catches her attention. She looks up to see Zim standing on the tip of a tower. Lasers fire from his PAK, rockets blast from Gir’s head, and Minimoose fires blasts from his mouth at the underbelly of the Massive.
           “Zim!” Kio exclaims, “what are you doing?”
           “Getting their attention,” he replies darkly.
           A megaphone extends from his PAK to his mouth. “Tallest!” he screams, his voice echoing for miles. “Come face Zim!”
           In answer, drones fire out of the Massive and fly right for him.
           “Deal with them,” Zim demands.
           Minimoose fires his blast, taking out a large swath of the drones. Gir flies around the rest, throwing them around and smashing them into each other, giggling maniacally. The whole time, Zim doesn’t stop glaring at the Massive.
           Suddenly, a circular piece of the underbelly separates and lowers away. Standing on it are Tallest Red and Purple. They glare back at Zim as they descend dramatically to the ground. Zim activates his jetpack and flies after them.
           They land on a large road in the middle of the city. Cars surround them, abandoned. Fighting can be heard in the distance. A breeze blows by, disturbing some litter.
           “What’s your endgame here, Zim?” Purple asks.
           “You came here looking for a fight,” Zim retorts, “I’m just ending it.”
           “You and this disgusting little planet have been a thorn in our side and a stain on our record for too long,” Red says.
           “I saved Irk!” he snaps.
           “We didn’t need your help,” Purple argues.
           “You have never treated me with the respect I deserve.”
           “Sure we have. We’ve always given you no respect.”
           Zim glowers. “Earth is my planet. My home. I am going to rule over it and I will not let it be destroyed by anyone!”
           “What’s this?”
           The Irkens turn at the sudden voice and see Olivia lowering to the ground on her wings. “A final boss encounter, without me? That’s just rude.”            “Oh, you’re the little freak who called us before,” Purple remarks.
           “Yeah, you’re welcome,” she replies, “if it wasn’t for me, you never would’ve worked up the balls- or whatever you have- to attack this planet. But still, very rude to do it at the same time as my attack.”
           “Not that it matters,” she shrugs, “my demons will destroy all your pathetic little armies. And then I will plunge this world into darkness.”
           “Urgh, enough!” Zim barks angrily, “the Earth is mine! It is mine to rule!”
           “It is ours to dominate!” Red snaps, Purple nodding agreeably.
           “It is mine to destroy!” Olivia argues.
           They glare at each dangerously, tensions rising. On the roof of a nearby building, Kio watches all of this.
           “Uh oh.”
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johnnyzzzzz · 7 months
hyperfixation wall update!!!
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Added: Alien Jhonen, Tess, Filler Bunny, Devi, Dib with the alien thingies, and Tenna with Spooky!!! :3
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The entire wall so far!
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devnny · 4 years
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doodles of some dystopia au, or something (´ー`) sometimes a family is 4 goths and a squee! 💀
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lazerlustt · 4 years
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xbenadrillx · 4 years
jthm characters as tweets i’ve made :)
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jthm as a whole:
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incorrectjthmquotes · 5 years
Devi: What are you guys going be for Halloween?
Nny: Sad.
Tess: Gay.
Jimmy: Sexy.
Pepito: Minecraft.
Edgar: Also Minecraft.
Todd: Minecraft as well!
Tenna: Sexy Minecraft.
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ifeelsick-moved · 5 years
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here comes the girls ready to beat you up 
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