#tess: THAT ASS
ornithorynquerouge · 6 months
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Cute Natalie Roser by Tess Leopold
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apple8ees · 6 months
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happy anniversary @comicaurora this comic is officially eligible to enter american and canadian public elementary school [kindergarten]
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testure-1988 · 6 months
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abbyshands · 8 months
the urge to do a tess x maria x reader fic but…WHO’S GNA READ THAT 😒😒😒
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be-an-echo · 10 months
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under the mistletoe
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aqukana · 2 years
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#peak "parents with their child at the toy store" dynamic
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cheesecakeislazy · 1 month
Disventure Camp All Stars Episode 19 opinions-
Spoiler Warning!! This post is short cause this episode was meh
I’m not a Jaiden shipper so this episode to me was to see if they could finally give James a personality. No, they didn’t. Again, James is made for fanservice. What are his personality traits again? Dates Aiden, Loves Aiden, Would Do Anything For Aiden, Social Media Star, Is Kind. WHAT THE FUCK IS HIS PERSONALITY?!
Despite it being canon- Jaiden isn’t even in my top 5 DCAS ships. On the other hand- I really missed my lad Tom (TwT)
So glad that we got some Tom screentime, and you Jam/TomJake shippers are going crazy because he finally admitted to still being in love with Jake- #NotMyShipButSlayIGuess
TomJake is in my top 3 favorite ships, but nothing is beating Jakeden. There’s chemistry that isn’t forced, it’s not just fanservice, it can’t be destroyed by ONC and make it canon. ONC was too pussy to make TessxAllyxHunter canon, so they wouldn’t even dare think of shipping two twinks together!!! 😱😱
This episode was decent- made me chuckle a bit, there were some good Aiden lines. And the scene of Jake? Hilarious. Which now means, in my fanfic? Jake is going to be EVEN MORE terrified of James being his helper >:)
Anyways all in all this was a mid episode, 7/10. Aiden and Tom carried this episode and Grett burning Yul’s face made it 10x better. I’m actually gonna start working on chapter two of my fanfic because the show is boutta end and I haven’t even gotten to chapter two yet 😅
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apfelhalm · 9 months
How the fuck do you make friends in a new fandom if you don't already know someone
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the-mountain-flower · 9 months
Spoiler Warning for the webcomic Aurora!
Ok it's so obvious that Tess in Shrike's flashback is incredibly biased from a "I don't like them" standpoint (like the others) bc it's so different from what she's actually like, but,
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I'm not the only one who saw this as "don't talk about my girlfriend like that", right?
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ornithorynquerouge · 6 months
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Cute Natalie Jayne Roser by Tess Leopold
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gramarye · 7 months
my cat after escaping into the hallway after i accidentally left the door ajar and running 7 flights of stairs down into the bottom floor for an Adventure but realizing everything is sooooo so so scary actually and hiding under the radiator waiting to be saved by me
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I know James and Ally are friends in canon (from the few hints we got), but. like. imagine if they expanded on that. he could help her with dealing with the social media haters since GOD knows he has experience in that department.
ooo yesss!!! waiter waiter more actual friendships please!!!
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be-an-echo · 1 year
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I got you
(Jackson mornings)
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faerune · 9 months
Tagged by @chuckhansen and @leviiackrman! Thanks dears <3
Tagging: @queennymeria, @kiryukazumas, @gwynbleidd, @jennystahl, @newbordeaux, @risingsh0t, @florbelles, @unholymilf, @shellibisshe, @fenharel, @thedeadthree, @envergothash, @shadowglens, @statichvm, and @jackiesarch!!
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eating others as a religious act, a form of human sacrifice or tradition in the name of a deity. you care a lot about your grades, or used to as a child, and would cry if you got a b in English. you are a people pleaser. you are good at self discipline. you desperately want to achieve success, in whatever way that means to you, and feel the need to devote your life to something you find bigger than yourself, in order for your life to have meaning. you probably had an eating disorder. or an anxiety disorder
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the eating of the dead as a process of grieving and honoring your loved ones. you are very emotionally mature. you probably have experienced a lot of pain, but you are now in a better place. you are very mindful, maybe you used to have an eating disorder or substance abuse issues. now you drink green juice and do pilates. you journal too probably.
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eating others as a metaphor for love, desire and devotion. a love that is so strong it is destructive. you are a desperate person. you believe in love at first sight. you belive in soul mates. you believed in magic until you were probably a bit too old. you tend to be obsessive. you long for connection, and all though you have friends, you feel that none of them truly understand you. you wish to devote yourself to another person, as you feel you are not enough in yourself.
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blackcat419 · 1 year
Rha!yra stans : we hate rapi*ts !!!
Their queen allied with one married one and she approved of sending two ra*posts after her own sister and her niece nephews she litreally is a ra*pist her self Dalton greyjoy is the one I mean with allied
The amount of displeasure I have with Aegon’s character is immense. Why wasn’t a absentee dad that spent his time drinking and whoring but when the going got tough came back to defend his family to the death not enough? Why do we need an even worse version of Mushroom’s account of Aegon???
They made show Daemon a lot less creepy (still creepy and should be in jail) than his book counterpart. In the books, that brothel scene happened when Rhaenyra was 13/14!!! And the line about him wanting maidens 🤮
I don’t have high hopes for Dalton’s character either. In the books he’s the Red Kraken cause he kills so many people and by the age of 19 he had 22 salt wives, better known as women forcibly taken from their homes to be raped and serve as servants. He was killed by a girl only known as Tess while he slept and she disappeared to the sea like an avenging mermaid! (Mermaid Tess headcannon?) and the iron islands were wreck by Tyland Lannister’s widow Joahanna Lannister who wrecked their shit! This is the true story of women fighting back against their oppressors in the dance. Tess is one of the bravest characters in the story and deserves to be represented as a woman getting justice on her abuser instead of a jealous girl killing her lover. I really hope they don’t make Dalton a Casanova archetype and really focus on the horror raiding does to people.
Blood and Cheese are the absolute worst. Killing a kid, forcing a mother to choose between her children, and forcing a grandmother to eat this horror is some of the worst things anyone can do to people. This is on Daemon and they better not turn it into Mysaria doing the whole thing or Jaeheary’s death being an accident.
But my hopes aren’t high. Even if the show shows these subhuman monsters as what they truly are, some fans will thirst for these cretans. I can only hope it’s a small and ostracized minority who know they are terrible characters instead of justifying their actions, but again, my hopes are low.
Also I stand by Criston Cole being raped by Rhaenyra. I was a Resident Advisor in College and we taught that any sexual activity without enthusiastic consent is rape. Criston was not enthusiastic and he never verbally consented.
I hope the show can actually engage with the themes it’s bringing up but the show runners seem willfully blind to their own story.
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elialys · 9 months
i actually don't hate my chapter anymore??
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