#tetsu x reader
kuroosdarling · 1 year
you always knew your boyfriend was attractive and yet, nothing could’ve prepared you for the sight you saw when you came home.
kuroo was fast asleep on the bed, taking one of his rare afternoon naps after work. you had gotten home a little later than usual and coming back to this sight was nothing short of heavenly.
kuroo laid on the bed, shirtless, with the blanket covering his lower back and onwards. his back muscles were on full display, subtly flexing with every small movement he made as he snoozed.
he slept how he normally slept when he was alone, head buried inbetween his and your pillows. his arms securely wrapped around them, his biceps bulging at the slight pressure he used to push them against his head.
how was it fair that even asleep, kuroo was the most attractive man you had ever laid eyes on?
as if he sensed your presence, kuroos eyes slowly opened, peeking out from beneath the pillows. although you couldn’t see his smile, you saw the light of it reach his eyes, a soft glow emitting from him all the way to you as if he was trying to lure you in.
“oh hi there, sweetheart,” he rasped out, his voice still thick from sleep. “care to join me?”
and just like that, you found yourself in his warm embrace. those strong arms wrapped securely around you as he traded the pillows for the crook of your neck — happily sighing before sleep took over him once again.
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clawsdevour · 20 days
*،Ꮺ ࣪ kuroo husband hcs
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wc: 0.6k content warning: post-time skip, fluff, MY MAN MY MAN MY MAN..., not proofread
˚. ꢾ𓍢ִ໋
-Kuroo, the type of husband to oversleep a lot. Sometimes you'd have to wake him up because his alarm won't stop ringing but you don't mind it. You like to just watch him sleep peacefully knowing how hard he works and he appreciates it when you let him sleep just a tad bit longer while you got breakfast ready for him.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to sneak up behind you whenever you're cooking and start to attack you with tickles. He loves hearing you laugh so hard while playfully shouting at him to stop, to counteract his attack you both end up in a tickle fight that quickly comes to an end when you both smell something burning...
-Kuroo, the type of husband to love little cozy date nights at home. He loves the private intimate tension in the atmosphere whenever the ambient light hits right with you at his side. He'd enjoy playing little board games with you while your guys' favorite show playing in the back while you exchange giggles.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to love doing cheesy little couple things in public. For instance, sharing an ice cream sundae. He would love to just spoon-feed you while you're happily eating it. Kuroo would also just love having your hand in his all the time. He loves knowing that you're always there by giving you a little squeeze.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to love doing late night errand runs with you. If you're walking to the convenience store and there's absolutely no one in your path, he'd for sure establish a race to the store and start sprinting even though he knows you won't race him. Of course, he's going to run back to you when he's already halfway there and say he won.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to go and absolutely dissolve in your arms the moment he comes back from work. He loves knowing that you're always there for him like how he is for you. After a warm bath, his favorite thing to do is just lay in your arms with his face nestling in the crook of your neck eventually drifting off to sleep.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to let you play with his bed head hair. The most he really does for it is probably just a trim, so whenever you ask him if you can touch his hair he doesn't really mind at all. In fact he actually likes when you're just stroking through his messy hair with your fingers, it's like a free scalp massage by the one he loves the most.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to love spending slow evenings with you. Doesn't matter if you're just lounging on the couch with your head in his lap laughing at a movie. Kuroo just simply loves being in your presence, especially when it's almost the end of the day where he gets to have these little unwinding moments with you.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to have Bokuto and Kenma hype him up right after he bought your engagement ring. Rejection ran circles through his mind so many times after he purchased it. Kuroo was so nervous and his hands definitely got so sweaty that when he was fiddling with the box in his pocket, it almost slipped out right before he distracted you to look behind.
-Kuroo, the type of husband to love the idea of having a few kids running around the house. He can see his future bright and clear with you standing right in the middle of it and of course, your little minions swarming around you both. He's also SUCH a girl's dad fight me I dare you.
masterlist here
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ryder-writes · 8 months
I feel like while Kirishima is very warm, Tetsutetsu is very cold.
Like when you're cuddling with Eijiro you cannot have a blanket on you or you will overheat.
On the other hand, if you're cuddling with Tetsu you need a blanket because his body is just always cold for some reason (especially his hands).
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solarrene · 11 months
young love
It's adorably sickening how endearing he is.
It makes your heart ache when you try to hide your smile. Not of anything bad, really, but rather the opposite. Because there lies your truth beneath your smile in reasons of him. The truth he's yet to know.
The truth he's undeniably cute in oblivious of.
He is such a loser.
A damn loser who has your heart skipping its beat when you walk through the school gates. A damn loser that makes you soar inside as you see him for the first time in the day. A damn loser who you loudly cheer for in the bleachers to each game, win or lose, your heart screams for him.
If your noise for him isn't enough to be heard, you could only hope your silence could be.
Nevertheless, you don't take it upon him.
One of the smartest people you know and still could be the dumbest. Always adorably so. Irritating, however—he's cute.
"What?" He asks, his eyebrows raising, along with that damn smirk of his.
Breaking you out of your daze. The two of you sitting across from each other. You've lost yourself while he was talking about his volleyball activities that you yourself asked of.
You only look at him, not saying anything for a moment but just stare, your smile evident. "What?" He laughs. It's a knowing look of yours, that he can tell, but he doesn't know.
You clicked your tongue, "Nothing." You shrugged, your little, calm smile stays nonetheless.
"Seriously." He pressed, playfully so despite that he really wants to know.
Your lips turns up more as you look down on your lap. Whether he's still as clueless or he's beginning to know the littlest of it—you couldn't care less at the moment.
Softly huffing out a little laugh to yourself as you look at him then again, "Nothing," you utter again, tutting your head lightly. Your bright smile turns calm and little again, but one could not miss how fonder it became.
He doesn't.
It's a wonder how you could held his gaze with him not breaking it, all while his grinning eyes remains. "I just....." You trail off, your voice turning mellow. "Adore you."
Tetsu breathes a little laugh. He nods as he looks down for a second, his ever teasing grin melting to a smile he rarely has. He looks up but to the side, his smile stays and it gets wider.
Before he looks back at you again. And there you figure, that finally—"I know."
💌🖋️: i miss him. that's it. very high school happy crush inspired
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sunshinetoshi · 1 year
a solid pair
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kuroo x reader (<1k words)
content (warnings): fluff
a/n: i was going to wait until kuroo’s bday to post this but i simply -cannot wait- it’s been a fat minute since i’ve written anything more than thoughts into my notes app so if this is bad i will pretend it’s not. self-confidence. also bless romcoms for making me rot for love once more.
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“I have a question.”
“I have an answer.”
“What do you want for your birthday?”
His chest rumbles in soft laughter beneath you. He hums in thought before responding, “I’m going to give a kind-of answer because I already know you’re not going to settle with me saying I don’t need anything.”
You nod your head, “You’d be correct. Like give me ideas or a price range that makes you comfy. I have a couple different ideas but I wanted to ask you.” You sat up to give him a proper look in his eyes, “Just amuse me, it’s the first birthday we’re spending together and I want us to both be comfortable with how we celebrate. It’s unknown territory,” you hold a hand out to him like you’re making a deal, “help me out here.”
He grins before pushing your hand out of the way and engulfing you into a hug. “All right give me second.” He rubs small circles into your back. “Hm.. Don’t get me anything fancy, so definitely nothing expensive. But I don’t want to say anything specific. I want to be surprised. Helpful?”
“Just barely,” you huff in a faux dramatic tone, “But yes, helpful.”
“Hey, if you really want an honest answer you could get me a rock and I’d love it.”
“A rock.”
“Yes, a rock.”
“You joke a lot, you know.”
He shook his head, “I’m not joking around, I’d love it and I’d love it because it’s from you.”
“Socks?” Your friend stops in their tracks.
You nod without taking your eyes off of the displays you’re scanning, “Mhm, socks.”
“Please explain before I cast judgement.”
“We’re at the mall getting socks because he has said so many times he - quote unquote - loves funky socks. And he’s always wearing a different pair when I see him so why not add to the collection?”
“Funky how?”
“Funky like his favorite pair have cats on it. As in he prefers striped or polka dot socks over plain ones. As in he complains when he has to wear plain ones for fancy events.” You smile remembering the last big meeting he had and the little grumble Tetsurou made as he put his socks on.
“Aw, I guess that’s nice then. Okay you said there was a another part to your gift?”
“Yeah, and if you’re loving this side quest you’re gonna love the next - oh! These! He loves space and these lil guys are way cuter aliens than the other socks.” You hold up the pair for your friend and they laugh in disbelief.
You can’t help but join your friend in laughing at yourself.
“You look ridiculous!”
“I feel it too but I need to find a good one. Just stand watch and tell me if anyone’s coming.”
You continue your search, picking out select candidates when you realize after quite a while your friend is no longer giggling at you.
You turn you turn your head and look up at them. Their grin is wide. “What?” you ask, cracking a smile of your own.
“This is too cute.”
“What is?”
“You’re squatting like a kid looking for the perfect rock to give your boyfriend because he said he’d be happy even if you have him a rock for his birthday. You’re like a little penguin and it’s really really cute.”
You give a bashful smile and go back to searching for the perfect one.
“Did you get full?” Tetsurou gives your leg a gentle shake from the driver’s seat.
“I did.” You take in the smile on his face. “How’s your birthday so far?”
He shakes his head. “Oh man, a great day at work and a great evening with you with great food? Pretty great.” He gives a cheeky grin.
“Good,” you respond, satisfied with his answer. “But actually I have one more surprise,” you reach down to your jacket on the floor of the passenger seat - where you had been hiding his present.
You hold it out to him and expect him to giddily open it up. But he grabs it with care and takes it in. This was a softer smile than you usually see on him and when he turned to look at you you swear his eyes had a brighter twinkle.
“Thank you, really. I was serious, you didn’t have to get me anything,” he grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze. “I’m gonna treasure whatever is in this box.”
“See what’s inside first,” you give his hand a squeeze of your own before dropping it so he has both hands free.
He chuckles and begins to untie the ribbon of the box. “Dang,” he lifts the box up closer to the car light above him, “This is a nice box. This is present enough.” Back to his teasing self.
“Open it,” you laugh.
“Okay, okay, but I’m serious. I’m keeping this box. it’s fantastic.” He lifts the lid and after of beat of silence of him processing what he sees he lets out a deep laugh at the rock sitting in the box. “A rock?” He laughs again before looking at you, “I love it.” He lifts it to get a closer look, reading aloud the tiny letters you carefully (stressfully) wrote on one side of the rock.
Happy Birthday Tetsu ♡
He traces over the date and your name you also wrote. He rolls the rock in his hand, tossing it a couple times. “This is like the perfect shape too. You know what, I’m putting this on my desk, that way I can look at it everyday.” He smiles at it once more before reaches over and gives you a big warm hug, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you giggle before bringing his attention back to the box, “there’s more - just a little something.”
He lifts the piece of paper you used to separate the two parts of your gift.
“Socks!” He takes them out and looks at the design on both pairs. “Aw I love them! Hey these are great quality, they’re thick. Look at this one with the little aliens. And this one,” he lifts the other pair, “Is your aesthetic to a T.”
“That’s what I said!” you exclaimed in excitement.
He laughed at the outburst. “Then clearly,” he put each pair on either side of his face, “We’re the perfect pair.”
And maybe it was how he appreciated the small things. Maybe it was how his jokes, though corny, always made you smile. For reasons, emotions, beyond you, you decide then that yes - he’s the one.
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hi!! given it’s been almost 2 years since i’ve written anything here i will no longer being doing taglists. ty for reading thooo <3
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tetsvhoe · 1 year
if you remember requesting scenarios from diff characters in diff scenarios abt 2 yrs ago, here ya go :DD
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Kuroo is exhilarated, his adrenaline rushing after their victorious match. However, in a (not so) unusual twist, he abandons his captain duties immediately after shaking hands with the opposing team. Ignoring the usual post-match routine of a heartfelt speech and cool-down stretching, he stands there panting, sporting a huge, dorky grin. His eyes search for you among the crowd, and when he finally spots you, he can't contain his excitement.
"We won!" he exclaims, as if you hadn't just witnessed the entire match.
"Yeah, Tetsu, you did it! I'm proud of you," you reply warmly.
Unable to contain your own excitement, you step forward, closing the distance between you two. Standing on your tiptoes, you place a chaste kiss on his temple, a gesture of affection that comes naturally to you. He blinks back at you, feeling like he might explode from the adrenaline and happiness coursing through him. The world seems to fade away for a moment, leaving just the two of you in that euphoric bubble.
He's momentarily frozen in place, captivated by your affectionate gesture, and if it weren't for his teammates calling for him, he would have happily stayed right there with you until the gym was emptied out. The joy of the victory, combined with the tenderness of your kiss, makes it a moment he wishes could last forever.
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ktarogf · 1 month
it’s after 3am but omghghgh i need to get this out of my head
being in a poly with bokuto and kuroo 🤕🤕 you were kuroo’s personal assistant and he introduced bokuto you as his boyfriend. both of them were very busy during bo’s so you spent a lot of time looking at their schedules finding time for their little dates, picking up dry cleaning, and etc. and you were oh so tired
but great work is always rewarded.
bo would notice how exhausted you’ve been and convinced kuroo to allow you to come on their vacation to some tropical island during his off season as a gracious thank you and he agreed
on your vacay you’re wined and dined to the nines and the three of you have enjoyed the night and retreated back to their suite for some drinks.
you’re thanking them for doing this for you and they’re telling you not to sweat it. it’s a comfortable silence as you wait for the wine to warm you up and kuroo looks a little too good while loosening his tie and bokuto is completely spread out across the couch.
you can’t help but to look at his hands and their ministrations, and the way his adam’s apple bobbed after he groaned from finally being free from the tight tie.
but as you’re watching kuroo, bokuto is watching you.
“you keep staring at my boyfriend, what you wanna kiss him or something”
“and if you want to , we’re okay with that”
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starrbright · 3 months
Kuroo is someone who can't stop touching you. As soon as he's home his fingers are on your curves, sinking deep into your flesh with the strength of his grip like he's terrified you'll disappear on him. He's the one who works, he's the one who leaves every morning, you're currently looking for a new job.
So why is it you are the one whose always manhandled away from the stove, with his work-tired eyes crinkling at you from behind his glasses. His hands search a little too far because you are trying to make dinner but it's so fucking distracting when they slip under you loose cotton shirt and touch the gentle rolls of your stomach. Your body gives way to him though, as he presses needy kisses to the underside of your jaw, like he's certain if he has his lips on you, he won't ever have to leave again. "Testurou," you whine, glancing over your shoulder at the stove. "At least let me turn it off." He huffs not quite a negative but not quite an agreement, his tightening grasp is answer enough. "We can't let dinner burn or god, the house burst into flames," you sigh as you cup the back of his neck and press your forehead to his. His hazel eyes narrow in that way that makes you feel alive. It sends zaps of electricity through you nerves. It's something you only see when he looks at you, talks about his job, or guards the net on the volley ball court. The latter has been something you haven't seen since high school, when you knew who he was but you were just another face in the crowd at school. "Fine," he sighs, moving to drop his face into the crook of your neck like you've denied him all things necessary in life in that one instant. "I'll be back," you promise, because you always flit towards him like a moth to the flame. You may have fallen first, but from the way he watches you, you know even now after the two years you've been together, he's fallen harder.
oh wow
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what did i do to deserve this
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thank you 😭😭😭😭😭😔😔😔😔😔😔
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kuroosdarling · 2 years
no nut november
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♡‧₊˚ kuroo x reader
♡‧₊˚ wc: 2.9k
♡‧₊˚ cw: MDNI. oral fem!receiving, face sitting, unprotected sex, brief edging, creampie(s), overstimulation, overall kuroo is just … really submissive lmfao
♡‧₊˚ synopsis: one drunk mistake and now he’s wishing he never opened up his mouth to accept the challenge
dear tetsu ♡
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kuroo said it wasn’t fair, that he didn’t want any part of it. but the boys had roped him into him, guilted him by using his beloved provocation against him. and he had been drunk when he agreed. but now he’s sober and miserable as he stares at you lounging on the bed in one of his work shirts and nothing else but your red, lacy panties that drive him absolutely insane.
yeah, it was absolutely unfair.
“babeee.” he lets out an exaggerated whine as he sulks into the room, sliding his blazer off of him. it had been a week since the challenge started and he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t already getting to him.
“tetsu?” you sit up, the collar of the shirt sliding off your shoulder, exposing the soft skin that he so desperately wanted to latch his lips around, leaving his loving marks in his wake. “you’re home early.”
“didn’t feel well.” a pitiful pout forming on his face as he quickly unbuttoned his shirt so he could slip it of. he also makes a point to kick off his dress pants, flinging them across the room as he continued his journey to your shared bed.
“what’s wrong?” your head delicately tilts to the side, concern etched all over your face. is it bad that it only made him want you even more? always so caring — so good to him. his cock leaps at the thought, at the way your brows furrowed, a small pout overtaking your features. if it was any normal day, he’d bend you over on the bed and have his way with you. maybe even lay you down on your back at the edge of the bed so he could use your throat the way you both loved.
he tried to shake the thoughts from his head as he sat down next to you, leaning his forehead against your shoulder. if he moved his head just a little further up, he could kiss your exposed skin. but he bit back his tongue. he felt your hand cover the top of his head, rubbing soothing circles into him.
“i need to touch you.” he whispered, trying to hide further into your shirt as if it would take back the words he said. he desperately wanted to overcome this challenge but you were just too damn intoxicating, luring him in by just a few seemingly innocent touches.
“i’m right here.” you whispered back, moving so you could properly wrap your arms around him. he stopped you before you could get too far, the challenge coming back to the forefront of his brain. he looked up to see the pretty pout resting on your face and it took every ounce of him to not kiss it right off of you.
all week he had been bragging that this would be easy — that you’d be the one begging him to indulge you. but here he was, debating his entire existence. why had he let the boys talk him into something so dumb? he could practically hear them taunting him.
“but i cant lose this challenge.” he lets out a dramatic sigh, flopping back onto the bed, his head gently landing in between the mess of pillows that lined up on your bed. you easily crawled over him, straddling him so he was trapped in your hold. immediately, he tried to sit up, propping himself up on his elbows. “hey-“
“what, im not doing anything?” you cut him off as you smirked down at him. now he really wanted to kiss that look off your face. he bit his lip as you splayed your hands over his chest, lightly scratching his exposed skin as your fingers cascaded down.
“exactly.” he let out a low groan, frustration evident in his voice as his head flops back down on the pillow. you couldn’t help but snicker at your boyfriend. “that’s the problem.”
“oh? want me to solve it for you then?” you teased, your hands dancing over the black boxer briefs he still had on. just from the touch alone, he could feel his cock twitch, already interested in seeing where this would go. but his brain wouldn’t allow it.
“you’re so mean. you know the rules and i feel like this is already teetering on the edge of them.” he said, trying to wriggle out from your hold. the friction only sent sparks down his spine.
“but tetsu.” you gently cooed down at him, leaning over so your lips lightly brushed up against his ear. he clenched his jaw as hard as he could to keep himself in check, but he could barely hold it together. “i miss you.”
suddenly, nothing else mattered to him. not the challenge, not the stakes he had set for losing the bet, nothing. the only thing that mattered was you. maybe he could hold on a little bit, somehow gain control of the situation…
“oh you’re such a little minx.” he groaned, his hands flying up to your hips in an attempt to ground himself. but self-sabotage must’ve been his middle name because everything he was doing only made it worse for himself. his hands slowly slid up under the shirt you had on. everything about you was so warm, all he wanted to do was fully indulge himself in the desire he kept trying to repress.
“what are ya gonna do about it?” you had him right where you wanted him. you knew that, he knew that — it was only a matter of time before he caved in. he made it a good 7 days. a solid run if you ask him. his fingers dug into your soft skin, using the leverage to slide you down so you were directly over his hardening cock.
“please.” he asked, looking up at you like you hung up every single star in the sky. you were a wonder to him, something he’d always cherish and appreciate. it filled him with so much pride when he was able to see you like this. normally, he took charge in the bedroom. but damn, you were so hot over him like this that he didn’t really mind the change in power.
“come again?” you were driving him crazy. his grip on you only tightened as his eyes trailed down your body. your hips started to move against him, achingly slow. “what about the challenge?”
“fuck the challenge, fuck me instead. please. need to feel you. need you to make me feel good. don’t care if i lose if it means i get to be with you.” his eyes met yours, desperation swimming in his irises. the normally light, hazel color was drowning in deep gold, trying to pull you under his spell. he needed you to know how badly he needed this — needed you.
“as much as i love to hear you beg, i think i’m going to need a visual demonstration.” you demand. he doesn’t waste another second as his grip moved to your plush thighs, easily pulling you up to his mouth. his fingers hook under your already drenched panties to push them aside so he could line up your glistening folds with his parched lips. “woah tets-“
“itadakimasu.” he muttered before diving into you, his tongue sliding into your entrance as his nose bumped against your clit. your hands find their home in his hair, pulling onto it as he had his way with you — so desperate to prove himself.
each flick of his tongue had you tightening your hold on him, each quick, concise movement earned another tug on his hair. he lets out a deep groan into your cunt, absolutely hooked on your sweet taste. he had been deprived of it for a week; a man starved from the absence of his favorite pleasure.
your thighs deliciously pressed around his head as you nearly reach your peak. it was kuroos favorite place to be — save for being buried deep inside of you. the iron grip he had around your thighs was unwavering as he relentlessly feasted on you.
kuroos mouth was a marvel. meant for more than his quick wit and endless charm. it was your saving grace just as it was your downfall. he only further proves your point as he wraps his sinful lips around your clit, dragging you closer to your edge.
he relishes in each twitch of your body, pride filling him as your body gives away your true feelings — you missed this almost as much as he did.
“tetsu- ‘m close.” you whimpered as you grind against his face, the friction starting to get to your head. each drag of your hips had you bumping your clit against his nose and hurling your further towards your release.
“please cum f’me baby.” he mumbled against your core as he continued on. he wanted his reward, but he needed you to cum more.
you moved your hands behind you, inching towards his cock. you hand barely grazed his covered length, evidence of his arousal coated his boxers. kuroo hissed into your cunt as your hand started to palm against him, grinding his hips up into your hold, seeking more friction.
it was almost pitiful at how close he was by just a few of your touches. but could you blame him? it had been a week and you were too irresistible for him to hold back.
it only made him work harder, using his skillful mouth to coax you into unraveling. his thumb pressed down onto your clit and it’s all you needed to cum, your slick gushing onto the lower half of his face. he quickly tried to lap it up, savoring the flavor he missed so much.
quickly sliding back down towards his neglected length, you slide off your panties. you gently take his cock out, pressing your thumb against his tip, causing his body to jolt forward. you quickly straddle him again, rubbing his tip all over your slick, trying to get it as wet as possible before you sink down onto it.
shame quickly filled kuroo as he gripped the sheets, his body already threatening to betray him and cum from just a trivial pussyjob. and of course you pick up on it, teetering between teasing him more or just fulling seating yourself onto him. you decide on the latter, sliding down on his cock. his jaw goes slack as his head tosses back, desperately holding onto his composure as he fully sheathed himself into you.
nothing beat this. being buried in your silky, sopping cunt had his eyes rolling to the back of his head. it took everything in him to not cum from merely bottoming out, but you didn’t give him a fair chance.
even though the stretch burned, you were getting off on his internal struggle, so you started rocking your hips back and forth. his leaking tip already nudging against your sweet spot.
“w-wait—“ he groaned, grabbing onto your hips to try and stop you. even though he had the physical strength to stop your actions, mentally, he couldn’t do it. not when everything felt so good. “give me a minute to—“
as quickly as he entered you was as quickly as he left. you sat up, his glistening cock sliding out of you, already on the brink of release. kuroo groaned out in frustration, pawing at your hips to try and get you back to where he needed you.
“darling.” he gasped out, his hair stuck on his forehead from the sweat that started to accumulate. he felt tormented, tortured. he needed release but he knew he had to do it on your terms. his cock twitched as it brushed up against your thigh. “please don’t tease me —“
“you told me you needed a moment.” you said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. maybe it was, but he was already too fucked out to see it. did he say that? he doesn’t even know anymore. all he knows is that he needed to pump you full of his cum.
“moment taken.” he purrs, trying to hold onto his composure. his hands hooking onto your hips to ease you back down onto him. you allow him, transfixed on the way his mouth hung open in a silent moan as your warm, tight walls wrap around him. the bead of sweat that hung by his forehead starts to make its way down the side of his face. “you’re so fucking hot like this baby, bet you feel real good, huh? does my baby like being in charge?”
you involuntarily clench around his cock from his words alone. it fuels him with a small sense of pride that even though you were in control, he still held some sort of power over the situation.
but it was short lived.
you reached down to lick the sweat off his face. his hips stuttered at the feeling of your warm tongue swiping along his skin. he gulped as you slowly slid off his cock before slamming back down into him. he lets out a strangled groan, his tight grip on your hips becoming bruising as his mind became filled with you.
“just you wait, baby, by the time im done with you, you’re gonna beg me to always be in charge.” you teased, mocking him. his lustful gaze latches onto you as all the words leave his body.
if he thought you were doing your worst earlier, it was nothing compared to now. watching you bounce up and down on his cock had him in a trance, pleasure shooting up his spine as he feels his impending release tighten deep in his core.
“missed you s’much.” he groaned, moving his hips to match your pace.
“you act like it’s been a whole month.” you teased back, “when you only made it a week.”
“hah - you just feel so good.” he babbled, thrusting his hips faster into you, almost overpowering to the pace you were setting. but even in his fucked out mind, he knew better than to cross you right now. “wanna give you all my cum.”
“then give it to me, baby. you don’t need to hold back anymore.” you cooed, brushing his hair back off of his forehead before giving it a harsh tug. it sent him over the edge, gripping onto your plush thighs as he let out a long string of curses mixed with your name.
rope after rope of cum spills into you as he pushed his cock as deep as he can into you. your hips slow to a stop, giving your burning thighs a much needed break.
he knew the boys were gonna make fun of him for failing the challenge, but he reveled in your warmth that snuggly held his cock in place, already trying to milk him dry. you looked so ethereal perched up on him, the work shirt you still had one hanging on by a button. he couldn’t stop himself from ripping it off and sliding it off your shoulders.
he sat up, making his mark all over your collarbones. you at least allowed him a short-lived grace period as he came down from his first high. his cock was still painfully hard, something he knew he’d need at least another release before it started to die down.
once you start moving your hips again, kuroo buried his face in your chest, groaning out at the overstimulation. his head was dizzy with pleasure, drowning in his lust for you.
everything was so wet — so tight — as he repeatedly fucked his cum back into you, trying to push it as far as he could to make room for his next load. he knew you were determined to milk him dry and all he could do was take your nipple into his mouth and let you use him.
“‘m gonna cum again.” you breathed out. you were so tight, your walls encasing him like a vice. he lifted his head to look up at you, mesmerized by how heavenly you looked. his hand had a mind of its own as it reached down to press against your clit, rubbing small circles. your soft whines turned into loud whimpers as you reached your high, pulling him with you.
he kept cumming, your walls spasming around him in what could only be an attempt to drain him. he lazily humped against you, lost in pleasure as his mind washed over in a haze.
“n-no more.” kuroo breathed out, wrapping his arms around you and resting his head against your chest. he felt the vibrations in your chest as you let out a soft laugh, running your fingers through his hair. you slowly moved your hips again, not taking in his words. kuroo choked out a strangled moan as he looked up at you.
seeing his lash line brimmed with tears from overstimulation had you feeling a power you didn’t know you could feel. was this always why he fucked you until you cried? seeing him underneath you and looking so messy had you resuming your actions, fucking yourself even harder onto his aching, but still hard cock.
“no, tetsu.” your hands splayed across his chest as you stop bouncing for a moment so he could take in your words. “you don’t get it. you failed, so now you get to cum as many times as i want you to.”
safe to say, he had a long night ahead of him.
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yyxandere · 10 months
And more images about Yakuza men, but in this time it's a liiiittle dark (be careful 😶‍🌫️):
You must be one of the lucky people, or vice versa, if you were able to attract the attention of the most faithful servant of the chairman of the Tojo Clan - Mine. Most likely, you both met either by chance on the street or while working as his secretary. If you both was meet accidentally at street, he most likely didn’t even pay attention, but later he involuntarily began to remember, involuntarily grumbling, why a civilian like you got him hooked. This went from trying to get you out of his head to now actively pursuing you. Due to his important work, Yoshitaka is not able to monitor you around the clock, so he quietly asks for help from his master with the appearance that you are “suspicious” in the city and voila! It has access to all points wherever you are, and it always felt someone's else looks even in your home. But if you were his secretary, things would get more interesting. Under the guise of “work,” he obsessively bores you with his meticulous attention to detail and always finds something to complain about, still not understanding why he thinks about strange sensations from your presence, mistakenly considering you for rejection. Over time, Mine becomes more and more tolerable to you, afraid that his assertiveness will make you force fired from job, and immediately begins to make pleasant remarks here and there, thereby confusing you. As soon as you lower your guard, you will be completely in his hands with no way to escape. It is impossible to call for help or fight with him, this will not help anything, and will only anger your captor. Of course, he will not knock out every living thing from your body, but he can give a pacifying slap in the face if you try to attack him or express disrespect for his master. If you are initially calm and do not express negativity towards him, Mine will be pleased, and will even allow you to be among civilization again, but under close supervision. If someone dares to encroach on you, then this fool will face the most painful days of his life and may even would force you to watch all this if you were too close to this stranger in his opinion. He is not too cruel, but not too kind yandere.
Tachibana, as a businessman, is an extremely gallant and delicate man. This person is ready to literally spoil you with anything: high-quality food, expensive jewelry, clothes or even weapons; his power has no limits. If you had experience in the field of management, then he could attach you to one position in his real estate agency, which would make you as close as possible to him if by that time you still do not know him better. This gives him a chance, as in the case of Mine, under the guise of "performance monitoring", to literally breathe down your neck while you nervously fill out the paperwork. Tetsu has the most tolerance and best understanding of your situation if you are very unhappy with it, but the longer the negativity lasts, the more bitter it becomes. At one point, he will be able to punish you with isolation so that you “calm down”, after which he will try to make amends by feeling guilty. There is a real chance that he will kidnap you safely, he has many enemies, and he does not want to risk your safety for him. Due to kidney problems, he cannot be with you as often as he would like, leaving you in the care of his guards, or you go to him for dialysis, if you don't mind being with him during this procedure, which can It will comfort him a little. Tachibana is the man who smiles sweetly at you, talks about his day, and discreetly adjusts his prosthetic, which he used last night against the villains who were planning to kidnap you to blackmail him. But you don’t need to know this, the main thing is that you are safe, his and only his.
Oda is not as nice to you like his master. Using his experience with human trafficking, he can put as much pressure on you to stay with him, which makes him a very skilled manipulator. From sweet words to direct threatenings, he threat you with the most frightening things, using anything to break your revolution to resistance. Oda is even ready to use his people, where they “kidnap” you, and he, as a real “savior,” helps you in this situation, hoping for the development of Stockholm syndrome in you. But even if this does not help and by some miracle you are still able to fight it, then it is useless. Wherever you go, he can easily call for help from the Tachibana, for whom it is not difficult to find someone, especially civil. After this, you will have a stick instead of a cookie, where you will be isolated from the outside world and limited in food. No matter how long it lasts, Oda is very patient when it comes to your obedience, he has no morals unless it concerns his master. Of course, he is not completely heartless and can behave normally, but once you express your dissatisfaction at least once again, you will start all over. He is a ruthless demon with a cute mask instead of a face, be careful.
Saejima, after a long imprisonment, has become very restrained in terms of showing too strong emotions, and you can help him with this. Once he warms up to you, he will be able to trust you enough to talk about himself and his main trauma. You'll have to hold Saejima while he clings to you, crying fitfully, burying his face in your shoulder, after every nightmare in which he had dreams of the people he killed that fateful day. This incident has affected him greatly and he is grateful that you always console him after every breakdown by gently stroking his head in soothing movements. Saejima may seem very rude at times, but don't jump to conclusions! He is a very straightforward person and the combination of his Kansai accent can be a little confusing, but you will get used to it over time. You will also have to introduce Sejima to modern technology, patiently explaining everything, understanding that during his stay in prison he was literally completely cut off from the outside world. He takes advantage of this, pretending to be even more ignorant for your attention and enjoying the feeling of your presence, leaning against him from behind for a painstaking explanation of how to use certain gadgets! He's too obsessed with you to let you go, and he's so apologetic about it, trying to flatter you with every desire. Well, you still don't want to leave him, do you…?
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Mine is so fine please help me, esply in isshin 🤤🤤
Mine, an obsessor by nature, we might never know if fate was trying to be cruel to your life, but it seems like your luck finally ran out when you met him. If you're just a normal civilian who manages to capture his interest, at the beginning he will hate you better yet despise you. you're just a normal person who has no place in this world he works yet why did you manage to keep him awake? always occupying his mind, it was a nuisance he couldn't be thinking of you, a lowly person when he could be at his boss's side. Yet here he was hiring one of his men to put CCTV in your own apartment, but it wasn't enough for him he wanted to see wherever you go, a decision that felt like he NEEDED to make. So talking to the clan head Daigo, he wanted to track down wherever you went saying that "you were very suspicious" or "she might be working with the other yakuza, and we might get information about them through her." such excuses made Daigo reluctant, I mean, spying a "normal" woman's life is very much mess up and he hasn't even heard about you but Daigo trusted his right-hand man, how can he not? He has done many things that improve the clan. So in the end Daigo agrees to track and keep an eye on you by Mine, and so with that, you were being watched over Mine, everywhere, he now has all the cameras in all of Kaumuroscho even in the most darkes alley, and he has it. Maybe he was trying to find out something suspicious or maybe just to feed this growling dog inside of him, asking, and yearning to see more of you. Yet this begins a story of a man falling in love, a man who wants to control you.
Mine would show himself but he would be planning your downfall, making you lose your job, turning your friends against you, and making you unable to pay for rent, causing you to be kicked out, you have nowhere to go until Mine saw you on the street and gave you a very manipulative smile, taking you away and asking you to be his secretary and this could have been an angel send but little did you know that you were just about to walk to the devils palm (if you know the devils palm reference ily and we should kiss)
As his secretary, you are more tense than ever. Mine giving you many strict rules and many more, make sure that you keep a list of his next meeting and all, even though he told you he was in the yakuza which is a MAJOR red flag, you agreed cuz hey, beggars vant be choosers so you decided that if you have food in the table a roof in your head and security from all the dark business that he's doing then you would be good, Mine did tell you that hell makes sure that you won't be involved in any kind of yakuza business where you need to spill blood, no only some shady ones.
Mine as your boss, is very much restricted, he would be so close to you that he's practically breathing your scent, to see "your progress" and he would make sure that you have more work than assigned no matter how much you want to pull your hairs out you can't really complain to your boss, the same boss that is giving you money to live a stable life. Mine would give you mixed signs, just a moment he was charming and was buttering you up now he's staring at you with some sort of cold expression in his eyes, he doesn't show any emotion, only that look in his eyes gives you shivers.
Now if he were to kidnap you, he knows that you would throw a "childish" tantrum so, of course, he has tricks up his sleeve after many months of planning to kidnap you, one of them is using your family or friends as blackmail material, he wouldn't kill them (for now) but he will use them as his pawns to keep you from staying away from him, every failed attempt to escape or even bad manners like spitting on his face, he would give you a satisfying slap and as for your escape he would make your close one's life like hell, they will lose their job and their house by some unknown organization. Don't you even dare disrespect Daigo in any kind of way, he will drag you from your hair and hold your face and bind your wrist together as he gives you one of the most furious looks ever, your wrist too would be bruised, he would tie you up in his basement and leave you there for many days, until you apologize from disrespecting Daigo he would then let you go and soothe your wounds.
If you actually behave yourself then be prepared to be spoiled by Mine, he will give you many luxurious clothes, fancy restaurants, or even raise one of your siblings to have a higher position in the company they are working at, see, not a bad deal right? Just behave and deal with the bruises that he gives you while kissing you so harshly.
Our beloved Tachibana, his sophisticated yet intelligent demeanor had lured you in like a siren's voice, a siren that will lure you by her voice and her beauty is the only thing shinning beside the mast of gold she has beside her (yandere siren tachibana au?). Tachibana like Mine will plan your downfall and come to your life like a savior, and we all know what happens next, you have nothing else but despair and disappointment in your heart. The one who will bring you into the light is none other than Tachibana our beloved Tachibana who will take care of you. He will make you work close to him, you won't even have to know any kind of experience in the area, he just wants you to be near him, but if you really want to learn how to manage the business then he would be happy to teach you, while you sit on your chair he is behind, so close that you can practically smell what kind of colne his wearing and his shampoo smells like your favorite brand too. He would place his non-prosthetic hand on top of yours so he can feel your skin and body heat while he tells you basic instructions, yet how can you focus when you are out here being a blushing mess, Tachibana knows that and makes himself closer to you. Your heart beats faster and faster, and your breath gets heavier as you try to concentrate on his words. It's not just the fact that he is hot, it's his charisma, his smile, his eyes, his body, and his personality, he is someone you can't seem to get enough, he is alluring. You know how he makes you blush and you can't stop it. His presence, his warmth, the way he smiles gently at you, the way you melt every time he whispers sweet words to you, the way he holds you so carefully and tenderly in his arms, the way he caresses your skin whenever he touches it.
Offending is pretty much impossible since his lapdog I mean- Oda is already near him, (pretty much giving you a stink eye). If Tachiaban manages to kidnap you, he will spoil you but if you keep on screaming and crying he will gently hush you like how a mother comforts her baby, bite him, kick him, even spit on his face he won't get angry, no, him showing you that his calm shows you how much he is in control, like you said anon, he would leave you at his basement so you can calm down. But unlike Mine, Tachibana would slowly creep into your family or friend's life, so if you even manage to escape (how tf is that possible, he has cameras everywhere) you would seem like the ungrateful one. How can a nice and soft-spoken man, ever do such things, they're gonna look at you like you're insane!!
Actually, while we are on the topic of family, Tachibana would actually want a child himself, yes, he knows that he needs an heir but he deeply wants a child of his own. Most of all Tachiaban wants to live a good life even if it is a short one, he wants you to talk about your day as you carry his child while he fixes his prosthetic arm after giving the person who was planning to kidnap you a good punch.
I DESPISE this bastard Oda, after what he has done to my beloved queen Makoto.
The glorious asshole himself Oda, as you said aint a savior unlike his boss, he is willing to hurt you so you can learn how to love him. It doesn't matter if it's physical or psychological he will hurt you no matter what. He has no problem pulling some strings to get you kidnaped by his old pals and letting them play with you for a bit, and then he will come and save you like some kind of superhero, he would make sure after what happened to you, you will cling unto him like a leech and never let him go and he sucks ever affection and attention you give him, he speaks like feathers are roaming around you yet, in reality, are insects ready to eat you whole. Escaping him would be impossible, being the right hand of the most powerful estate agent in Kamurocho, leaving him won't be easy. He will use your family as blackmail but, if you push his buttons hard he will not hesitate to kill your family in front of you, their waling screams pierce your ears, a night to remember. He has no morals and would not even stop until you behave.
Even though you will have the luxury of living a good life with Oda, his kindness and gentle manner are only a facade to his demonic self, act out of line again then you wouldn't mind being thrown in his basement with no food or water as you makes you forcefully watch a video of your father getting tortured. He will leave you there for days and come back to you in your disheveled state, he will make you take a bath and feed you, he's going to break you and rebuild you as many times as he wants until you behave.
Ah yes, Saejima the man with blood in his hands, his hands are rough and big, and calloused yet here he is the same man that has a hand that can grip a man's head with one arm while being wounded not knowing how to send a text to someone, and of coarse you never blame him he spend many years in the gutter and missed out of all human technologies, you are more then happy to explain the basics!! He listens attentively, absorbing the information and memorizing it all the best he can, he tries his best but most of the time he has a hard time concentrating when your body is touching him, he likes it when you in his side while you tap on the "cellphone" but please do be patient with him, he is learning! Even though he is acting aloof he can spend more time with you and listen to your voice. Also, Saejima asked about your favorite music which you happily agreed to give recommendations about, you happily listen to your music taste and make Saejima listen to any kind of genre you listen to, it's just an excuse for Saejima to be close to you and see your smile as you hum the lyrics, he has to stop himself from trying to hug you and kiss you afraid that he will make you uncomfortable.
Saejima is vulnerable to you, he trusts you that he is willing to cry on your shoulder as he clings to you when he has suddenly memories of what happened, many years in the gutter deprived him of any kind of affection hell, and even humans touch, so he CRAVES your touch, he wants your touch, your hugs, anything that will give him any kind of comfort. When he hugs you he can smell your scent, he loves the way your fingers feel between his hair (IF HE HAD HIS HAIR B4), how warm you feel, how soft and pliant you are, the way you make his heartbeat quicker than normal, the way you make him feel special and important. He can't explain the feelings he has in his heart whenever you do, but deep inside him there is a fear that it will change someday, he is scared that someday your view of him will change and you will realize that he is nothing more than a monster.
Saejima is also scared that you might see him as a rude individual plus his resting bitch face doesn't help either yet if you manage to see through him and see that he's just being honest and straightforwards and he's also, in fact, a soft man at heart, he is really just a traumatized guy who needs all the support he needs, you would just leave him in the dust wouldn't you?
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randoimago · 1 year
Hi! May I have some headcanons for Kiryu, Tachibana and Nishiki (separately) with a fem or gn s/o who has doll teeth?
I'm insecure with mine, ngl 😕 (even if they are discreet)
Have a good night! <3
Having a Reader with Doll Teeth
Fandom: Yakuza
Character(s): Kiryu Kazuma, Nishikiyama, Tachibana
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I had never heard it being called doll teeth before. I always thought that the gap is cute! But here you go and I hope you enjoy these!!
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He might be a himbo, but he notices that you shield your smile or look away when you open your mouth for anything. It confuses him because he didn't understand what you were hiding.
Kiryu brings it up in casual conversation one day. Just no tact when he asks. You explain you're insecure because of your teeth and he just stares at you for a bit.
He thinks it's cute? But he doesn't want to push you out of your comfort zone. Gradually he tries to make more jokes. He's not really a comedian, but he does try to get you to smile more or face him when you speak. Just slowly tries to get you to out of your shell.
Nishiki notices you hiding your face from him and it causes him to pout. He probably makes a bit of a joke about how he thought he was nice to look at.
Will talk to you when he notices it happening a lot. The idea that something is wrong doesn't sit well with him. You explain your teeth and the self consciousness to him and he asks you to smile so he can tell you how cute you look.
Honestly, Nishiki is the type that he'd compliment you every day to help you grow out of your shell. He knows what insecurity is like and so if he can help you with yours then he'll do his best.
He's quick to notice that you seem shyer when it comes to your face. He's tested it a few times by making small jokes to get you to smile and you always looked away.
Tachibana would speak up about your habit and tell you that it makes him feel a bit sad that you hide from him. He understands your insecurity and doesn't want to push you to let him see your smile, but he is honest with how he hopes that one day you're able to.
Will also compliment you too, but not too much since he doesn't want you to feel more self conscious at the attention you're suddenly getting. If there is anything you can think of that help you then he's sure to do that too.
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blucassiopeia · 1 year
Sullen Books
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"A prelude spin-off for an upcoming fic"
warnings: afab!reader, passive angst
A Kuroo Tetsurou x reader one shot or???
a/n: no comfort on this, i wanna pin this mf till the end of my breath LOL; i honestly had a hard time on this one, avoiding as many clues as possible omg; fufufu
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"ーma. I don't know."
"Well, we all don't know. And c'mon, she's pregnant. We have to be present in her life in these times. She's alone."
"She's not. That motherfucker will be right there with her any day now."
"And the other one."
"Not the other one."
"If you could be so kind with him."
"I just wish they'll kill the biggest motherfucker ever existed."
You're staring at the vast table that's lining this book café in the university. It's not crowded in this time of day, still got some vacant seats elsewhere, but not directly next to you.
You tried to sleep again when you noticed your phone died and the humming music in your headphones got silenced, but, for the love of God, how? Muffled conversations is all you could hear. You tried not to groan in frustration.
"Akaashi's visiting this weekend, are you really gonna pass?"
You also waited for the other one with the muffled voice to answer to maybe put an end to your over reacting misery. But it never came. Right. Keep that silence and never talk again. Your head is still turned away from them, resting on an opened french book. You didn't read it, you don't even know much about french, you just love how it smells it lulls you to sleep. Yes, your kind of pillow.
Shufflings that came from things being dumped to a bag and minimum volume of a game you once played with your brother over the few months sounded. And Lo! Silence! The last you heard from the man next to you before you went back to your dreamland wasー
"Don't I really have a chance, Kenma?"
It was raining when Kuroo walks out of the university and onto the bus stop. The transparent umbrellaーone which she had left and forgotten in Nekoma's gym from the last Training Campーwas somehow relaxing to watch. The droplets make a hurried plop sound and it slides to the sides, hang on the silver tips and falls to the already wet pavement. He occassionally stares at it as he walks.
Then he heard some heavy books fall in the other side of the pavement, near the bicycle parking area. He turned to your unsuspecting figure that's too messy on picking the scattered, and now wet, books. Your bag threatening to give up on your shoulder too. He just stares at your back for a second or two and walked on, fearing he might miss his bus if he would help you. Also ignoring the fact that he somehow remembers that same long light blonde hair from the university book café three days ago.
"Why is this wet, Y/n?" the attendant on the book café grumpily asked you as you returned the books you borrowed. You frowned as you recounted to him yesterday at the sidewalk just by the bus stop. "You have to pay for the damages."
Your jaw dropped. "But no pages were torn." Your frown deepened when he dismissed you with a tab you have to pay before exiting the book café, or you have to face extra payments in your tuition. Ugh.
You grouchingly made your way to your spot. The book café is strategically situated at the center of a cross road in the university and your favorite spot is facing a part where students rarely pass by, it's peaceful with all the trees fresh to spring forth leaves.
Then you saw a raven-black haired man in your spot. Your frown deepened just a little more you can feel almost wrinkles automatically appearing in your face. Not your day, huh?
His face is turned to your side. He's not especially handsome but he's sort ofーwellーfanciable, at the least. But not your type. Definitely. You grimaced and plopped your things gently to his side, a chair away, not giving up the serenity this spot has to offer. But still grumbling because that grumpy attendant has banned you on the books until you pay up. Grr. You put your headphones on and decided to rest your eyes.
You woke up to the sound of soft dings. You peered and accidentally caught a glimpse of his lockscreen. A golden-haired girl next to his beaming figure. And the screen darkened just as fast. You couldn't care less but that woke you up real bad, your head started to throb.
You were grimacing and finding a perfect angle to rest your head against your arms but to no avail. It was until you tilted your head to his direction again. He's facing you right now and snoring. You softly snorted and somehow, to the soft hum of his snoring and music on your discarded headphones now hanging on your neck, you found yourself closing your eyes.
Kuroo jolted at a tiny pull on his hair and he looked up to find Kenma. "I have been texting you for two hours already."
Kuroo groaned and put his stuff back on his bag, finding a note with his notebook. I like it when you sleep, so adorable but unaware of it. You look so peaceful.
"If I haven't gone hereー"
Kuroo shoved all of his things, note included, to his bag and slung it on his shoulders, wrinkling the fabric of his sweater. "Sorry. Sorry. Let's go."
"Y/n, go with me to this wedding in Miyagi please? It's in 3 weeks."
Your nose scrunched up when you read your brother's message that weekend morning. You yawned as you dialed his number.
"Please! It's my friend's wedding."
"But why do you have to bring someone?" Geez.
"Well, everyone I'm close with are bringing dates."
"Then bring your girlfriend!" Ugh.
"I don't have one! No more of this. You're coming with me!"
And he fucking hanged up on you. Miyagi's 2 hours away. What the hell is he thinking? You rolled your eyes as you took a shower to start your day and classes is in an hour. You'll definitely gonna be late.
The hall was packed already when you arrived. This is a new class you just enrolled in because you just realized this is a prerequisite to that one major next semester. Blockmates are not as kind as you think, if being new to the place is still not as inconvenient.
Your eyes flew to an empty seat at the back. Next to that same raven-black hair in the book café. His eyes were dead straight to the professor and writing stuffs as he goes on with the lecture, thankfully ignoring you as you bend down trying to be obscure. He didn't spare you a glance when you sat next to him, just a subtle drag of his scattered notes out of your space. And you ignored it.
But you were surprised when he hurriedly came pass you out of the book café that afternoon. He was all smiles and seemingly excited for something. You looked back to where he is going. And you saw her. The same golden-haired girl in his lockscreen running to meet his open arms.
"Tetsuuu! I missed youu!"
"Hey! Don't run!"
She jumped to his arms to where he spinned as he catches her, hugging her tight, brows all up above his closed eyes, face snuggling in her neck. You saw how his hug tightened as the second passed by, brows furrowing and you have to go on in the book café because of the weird feeling you had harbored in that scene.
The day you gave up a day in your favorite spot is the day you sat by the entrance and see how his face changes as he talks to the sunshine girl that has her waist carefully held by another man standing beside her. You saw Kuroo's face under his mask.
"Don't I really have a chance, Kenma?"
A voice rang loudly as you watch him watch the couple in front of him.
Kuroo's mind was swarming with lots and lots of thoughts. Mostly from what his friend said about his wedding. Wedding. He felt like he's tearing up. What a weak man he is. He just wants to storm outside the lecture hall and go straight home or anywhere else where he can scream his lungs out. His thighs are popping under the long line of desk, his fist resting on it as it bounces up.
"Lemme answer that, sir!"
"Okay, Miss Y/n. Mr. Kuroo is somehow not in my class right now."
He closed his eyes in realization that he was called a few times, and that a girl, you who is sitting rows away from him, saved him from half of the embarassment. C'mon, Kuroo. Focus. Head on the lecture.
Friday came and your brother was already nudging you to pack your things for both of you will be in a train in two hours. That Miyagi wedding is a hassle but you can't ditch your brother when he's being too cute in front of you now.
"So who is this friend that's getting married?"
He grinned in his seat and pulled out his phone. "She's my crush way back first year." Your brows shot up at his confession as he shoves his phone to your face. "Isn't she pretty? Her name is Tsukishima Ran. Well, tomorrow, she'll bear a new family name."
Your face went cold when you saw the bride-to-be. Your eyes travelled to your brother so slow and flickered back to his screen. "Y-yeah, she's really pretty."
You should've asked him before you sat on that bloody train to Miyagi. Now, you wonder what to do to avoid people. You felt your breath hitched as you realize you'll see him again, now out of the university walls.
The walk to the stunning venue was unnerving. The men were in black and the women are in either gray or white. You padded the white fabric against your skin and turned to your brother. "You look scared Y/n." He took your hand to his arm for you to cling to. "You want to poop?"
"Idiot." You hissed and pinched his arm to where he flinched and laughed as he ushered you to a table full of his volleyball friends.
You took a deep breath and act insignificant, dying to ignore the stares of a blond-hair-with-black-roots man across the table. You restricted your eyes to your phone, to your space in the table and to your brother's face. You badly want to end the night fast.
"Ran-chan! Well, you'd still be myーourーRan-chan even if you're married to that fucker. I'd still be your knight in shining armor whenever you need me, will always be available, but not on changing diapers okay? That's someone else's job."
"Who is that someone else?"
"Her fucking bestfriend, who else!"
Your head perked up when laughs were roaring throughout the venue as a man from the nearby table raised his middle finger to Kuroo, of which he kindly returned.
"In all seriousnessー" That stare he gave to the bride sent shivers to you, it made you want to run away.
"ーI'll still protect you and the ones you love with my life. That's how you both are special to me. And to that small one in your tummy right now.." He trailed his eyes to the groom that's still beaming throughout his friend's unsuspecting confession.
"He'll have the bestest dad ever, and the coolest uncle and a bunch of extra shitbag uncles. Best wishes to the both of you. Be happy now."
Kuroo wasn't supposed to say those words aloud. He wasn't supposed to. He was dead-set on keeping his feelings under control but seeing her in her wedding dress with his friend next to her, he lost it. Now he's desperately trying to find a peaceful place away from the venue to rant out, beer on one hand, loosened necktie dangled around his disheveled polo.
And you found him hunched on one of the small round pavillions away from the venue. He was sobbing real hard when you silently walked up to him. The ice came in contact with sunshine and it melted, drowning you too in the process. You pursed your lips and sat quietly two spaces away from him. That moment you held with him was suspiciously your solace from all else that's bothering you right now. His sobs, heaves, whimpers and shuffles, trying to wipe his snotty nose in his slacks. He might've noticed you but chose to ignore, like what he has been doing for the past two months.
He must really love the bride. To the point where he has no choice but to put down his mask like this. You hummed and rested your back on the wooden rails that's encasing the pavillion, careful not to make much noise, careful not to watch him cry his heart out. You closed your eyes, enveloping yourself with the sound of cries from a heartbroken Kuroo Tetsurou.
It seemed like an hour or two before Kuroo stopped crying, the can of beer crumpled on his bloodied hand. He felt his legs cramped as he stretched out and caught a hand next to him. He breathed heavy and out as he brushed the back of your hand with his thumb and looked up at your peaceful, angel face.
He's not an idiot to not know you're around. He just chooses to ignore you to not pass the pain. And he can't, he's still too in love with Ran. He's too in love with her to pay attention to others poking on him. And so, he walked away without waking you up.
Years had passed and you found yourself in his proximity again. Well, you applied at the Japan's Volleyball Association on the sole purpose of indulging what your brother loves, and now you learned to love too. Never did you know it's also his field.
Wait. Who were you kidding?
You still remember the thing Kenmaーthe blonde hair with black roots guy from that weddingーsaid to you after you woke up alone in that pavillion.
"It's better if you stay away, Y/n."
You were still shocked about how he knows your name. And if this is what it is, then Kuroo knows your name too? Is that it?
"He's dead-set on Ran right now, and maybe for a few years. He'll never be ready. I know him. When he's into something, he's going all out."
You remembered what Kuroo said in his message a while ago. "If he's gonna protect her and her loved ones, then who's gonna protect him if I avoid him now?" You smiled. "It's okay. I'm not asking for reciprocation. This is not business anyway."
Then you left Kenma dumbfounded.
You didn't know when did you start falling for Kuroo. Nor know why are you acting like the situation's okay with you. You just know that you're at peace when you see him. Just seeing him breathing and comfortable is okay.
Through the years, you started to do things to make him comfortable in every littlest way. To making him coffee when he's out cold on his desk during a night-shift, to the simple saves you did just to ease his way out of a situation, to that bento you bought him once when he forgot to buy his lunch, to volunteering to cover his shift when Ran's twins needs him for something, to rigging the Christmas raffle to let him win the vacation package.
All those were subtle. And you're comfortable with it. At least, he's happy with it.
Over the years, much to his displeasure, he is still in love with Ran. He has fully accepted that he can't be that person whom she will love, and naively thinks that acceptance itself will make him move on. Oh how wrong is he. Now, he's suffering from your little gestures of appreciations and love.
If he just fell out of love with Ran, he'll gladly turn to you. If he just forced his way to you, he'll gladly hold you in his arms even if you're both hurting. If he's just brave enough to drag you into his life, he'll kiss you breathless. But he won't, and he can't. Coz he loves someone else.
And how bad was it for him when that day came on both of you. Him, holding you in his flailing arms, tears coming down his cheeks and trying to grip your hand to a note from years ago you thought he discarded, returning it to you but the thought's so reversed now. Kenma's words ringing in his ears as he stares at you.
"If you're gonna protect her and her loved ones, who's gonna protect you if she's not around. She said something like that. And you don't have to reciprocate what she gives, she added. She's too pure for your dumb ass but let her love you, Kuroo."
You just made an irreversible sacrifice. And he's gonna regret this for the rest of his life. Well, it's not so long before that too. Kuroo smiled through his tears and he kissed you so earnestly, the kiss he should've given you in that pavillion, or when you saved him from the professor's questions, or when you stared at him getting broken with the wedding news from his friends, or when you walked up to his side on that certain class, or when he saw you getting stumped with so much books under the rain.
He should've done this kiss to you a long time ago, instead of waiting for it from another. He wasted so much time.
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Semi Eita | Sugawara Koushi | Akaashi Keiji | Sakusa Kiyoomi | Kageyama Tobio | Oikawa Tooru | Miya Osamu
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Reblogs and interactions are appreciated. Theories will be entertained. Cassie 2023.
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ariiireads · 5 months
Hii I'm wondering if any of the Kuroo girlies have any baby names for his kids? I made Kuroo in my sim save, and he is now expecting TWINS (he knocked up my other sim with ONE fuck) the babies are very much unplanned but anyways
if any of u have any name suggestions please please share with me!!!
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atarathegreat · 1 year
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu- Fake Date
Kirishima and I stared at his metal counterpart, shock and awe weren't the words I'd use but Tetsutetsu sure did.
"Come on! What am I supposed to do?! Kirishima, you're a genius with these things!" Tetsutetsu paced across Kiri's room, his quirk activating over his hands in his anxious state, "I can't go alone! Not after bragging about it for so long!"
I leaned back and began playing on my phone. School dances weren't my thing and I didn't know the boy near enough to put my nose in his business. It wasn't my fault that he bragged about this great girl he got for prom, and it definitely wasn't my fault she ditched. Four years at UA and this boy would never learn to put his foot in his mouth.
The silence in the room finally reached my ears and I glanced up to find both boys staring at me.
"What are you staring for?" I waved my hand in front of Kirishima. He smiled, but it wasn't genuine, it was hiding something, "Well, we had an idea… But it involves you…"
Tetsutetsu threw himself over the bed and pleaded up at me from my knees, "Go with me to prom!"
I was sure my blood froze, but Tetsutetsu didn't acknowledge my shocked state as he continued to bargain with me. The dude wasn't ugly by any means, many girls found him just as handsome as they found Kirishima, but he could be… What's the word… Thick? Dense! Tetsutetsu was dense.
His dark eyes were boring into mine, glazing over and beginning to water. I didn't know this guy, I wasn't a dance person, social gatherings were stupid in my opinion. I sighed and shook my head, peeking to Kirishima for assistance. He definitely wasn't on my side.
"Look, Y/n, you be my date to prom and I'll give you anything you want in return. I'll train with you, teach you my fighting style or me and Kirishima could knock each other out like we did at the sports festival." Tetsutetsu took one of my hands in both of his, the heat on his metal skin was insane, "You can tell everyone afterwards or you keep it a secret, anything!"
I groaned, bouncing my head off the wall and glaring at both of them, "Fine."
They shared a first bump and cheered, Kirishima lifting me off his bed like I was some of type of royalty. I struggled to keep myself together as they tossed me between them until I ended up hanging upside down, Tetsutetsu holding tightly to my waist as Kirishima helped fix my position. Death was going to come for me before I could become a pro hero and I'd have these guys to thank.
Tetsutetsu exchanged numbers with me while stating that there was a certain dance I had to learn. That was great, at least there was a plan he had and we could work from there. Every afternoon after our classes we would meet up and dance behind the 1-A dorms, it was a simple dance but Tetsu wanted to get where we didn't need to communicate our moves. Sometimes Kirishima and Bakugo would come out to watch and talk to us but they only split up my focus and I'd trip over Tetsu's boots.
I hated it but I loved it all the same. Tetsu was a gentleman, much like Kiri, but there was something so different about him. It drew me in each time we'd danced together and I started getting thoughts about how perfectly I moved with him or how I fit snuggly against his body. His voice was like honey and his warmth became the only thing fighting my natural coldness. I constantly wanted to be next to him.
"You guys look like you're having fun." Monoma stepped out of the nearby tree line, pulling a glare from the previously laughing Tetsu, "A backup since you're other girl ditched you for me? How pathetic you choose Y/n over a girl from our class. How far you've fallen."
Tetsu easily hid me behind him and faced Monoma, "You should go, you second rate copy cat. This isn't about being ditched anymore and you shouldn't put people down like you do."
I looked back and caught Bakugo staring out the window, he hated Monoma more than anyone so I waved my hand for him to deal with it. Monoma didn't stand a chance against my special move: Guard Dog Bakugo. "Geez, he really needs to get a hobby." I joked, patting Tetsu on the back, "You good?"
"This really isn't about her ditching me anymore, Y/n. I'm really happy that you said you'd go to prom with me, I get it if you don't like me back but it wouldn't be manly to hide it from you anymore." Tetsu sighed before pulling back his smile, "Let's try it one last time, you've pretty much got it down!"
Words wouldn't form in my brain so I just finished our dance and waved goodbye. It was weird that he liked me, not because of who he was but real life didn't work like that. You didn't get a crush on someone and them like you back, that was for movies or stories. Fairytale works. Kirishima tried to talk to me about it, Tetsu had told him that feelings had come up through our dancing meets. Still I could only nod. Whether it was shock or my mind refusing to process it all I didn't know, but I did know that prom was soon.
I'd chosen a new color scheme for our outfits, the other girl had picked out the ugliest shade of dark green and I didn't think it matched Tetsu at all. Unknown to him, I took the liberty to order new clothes. A steel colored suit for him and a grey knee length dress for me. Kirishima helped to pull the laces on the back tight, tying it so I didn't look like random strings were hanging from my back.
The rest of the class was already in our common room, some with their dates and others like myself meeting their date at the gym. Kirishima offered to walk with me since it had rained and my shoes were not thick enough to withstand a puddle. My friend had to lift me more than once so I could avoid getting my dress and shoes dirty.
"Thanks, Kiri, I'd hate to have wet feet while dancing." We shared a quick laugh and went our separate ways. The teachers had really gone out of their way to make the place breathtaking with streamers and balloons and some quirks were even used to make it more magical. Only one scene took my eyes off the room. Tetsu. He looked so handsome in the suit and I would've melted if he wasn't in a bad situation.
Near the refreshments table he was standing tall against Monoma and who I presumed was his first date. I straightened my spine and hurried across the floor to take Tetsu's hand. He smiled gratefully down at me before his eyes widened, "You look stunning in grey!"
"Thank you." I giggled, looking over to Monoma and the girl, "Monoma, I didn't know you had a date! You never said anything!"
Tetsu and I left before she started nagging at Monoma, it was rude but he deserved it. We mingled with our classes and had some light conversation with everyone, but the excitement on Tetsu's face when a song came on, "Our dance! Hurry, Y/n, we have to!"
Butterflies knotted my stomach as we moved together, the motions making more sense when music guided them. The warmth between us changed when the song ended and a slower song started.
"Care for another dance?" Tetsutetsu experimentally moved a hand to my lower back, I moved closer and wrapped my arms over his shoulders. "So that's a yes?" Tetsu moved us with the music.
"I know what I want in return for coming to prom with you." My cheeks burned and I tried to avoid eye contact, only for Tetsu to pull my face back to his. "Like I said, anything!" He was so calm for our faces being so close together.
"Kiss me?"
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stunie · 3 months
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HAIKYUU + THIGH RIDING ᯓ⭑ ft. bokuto koutarou, daichi sawamura, kuroo tetsurou, miya atsumu, sakusa kiyoomi, & ushijima wakatoshi x f!reader
contains : explicit smut (18+), thigh riding / dry humping, phone call (keep quiet n ride!), risky sex / very mild: cw exhibitionism, squirting, teasing, praise, kissing <3, hair pulling (you to them), orgasm denial, usage of pet names — 2.9K WC
note : yayya my first haikyuu post on here ! this is my response to this thirst here ૮꒰˶˃ ^ ˂̵˵꒱ა hope u all have fun reading this <3
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“Whoa whoa,” Kuroo coos through a breathy chuckle, big hand wrapping around your hip to hold you still against his thigh. “Easy now, pretty thing. Let’s pause for a second, okay?”
The sound of your protests and whines almost make him cave right off the bat. “…Tetsu..” you sulk, corners of your lips curling into a sad pout even when he gives you an apologetic smile before he’s jutting his thumb to gesture at his phone, the irritating melody of his ringtone repeating itself as the screen lights up, “Incoming call from: Kenma!” displayed across the top.
“Sorryy,” he huffs. “Can’t. This one’s important.”
He’s giving you a reassuring squeeze around your hip, a silent reminder that he’ll give you everything you need in a few minutes, but you’re not having any of that. Your arms come to stubbornly wrap around his neck before he can pick up the call, sugar sweet voice already making pleas only a second later.
On any other given day, you would have let him take the call with only an irritated huff— just not today. Not with the way you can already feel your orgasm running away from you. “P-please, please Tetsu,” you sob, “I was so close. Can’t wait any longer.. please?”
His eyes are widening a bit at the unfamiliar desperation in your voice, grunt slipping out when his cock reacts to it too, twitching and slapping against his stomach— a reoccurring habit that seems to only occur whenever you give him that needy little look of yours.
“Awww,” he whispers, and you barely catch the strain in his voice. “Well I’m sorry for ruining your moment, angel.”
You’re practically purring as soon as you feel his hand come to lightly cup your jaw, immediately melting into his touch as he smiles in response. “Ah— fine,” Kuroo caves as soon as he sees your hands coming to cutely hold his wrist in place. “Guess i can’t stop you if you need it so bad. But listen here..”
His thumb moves from your jaw, digit pressing into your bottom lip to angle your face at him. The look you’re giving him is just to die for, pouty lips soft against his thumb and you’re peering up at him through those pleady eyes— as if there was even a single chance that Kuroo would ever deny his pretty girl of an orgasm in the first place.
“Nothing crazy. Deal? Kenma hears and..” he presses a little harder into your lip, watching the way your tongue comes to swipe at the invasive finger. “Me and you? Are never hearing the end of it.”
You’re swiftly nodding as soon as the words register, hands coming to rest on the muscles of his shoulders as you resume your movement the next second, gasping at the way your clit catches against his thigh. “Kenma?” You hear him hum, tucking his phone between his cheek and shoulder— quick and casual.
Maybe too casual.
“Mmm,” his eyes flicker back towards you when you take in a sharp inhale. “So it’s about that. You sure you don’t wanna meet up to go over it?”
A loud gasp slips out from you when he abruptly grabs you by your waist, and your hands slam over your mouth, Kuroo tensing beneath you. “…Hm? Yeah, I’m listening.” He chuckles, regaining his composure in an instant as he starts to rock you back and forth against his leg— and fast.
The roughness has your face contorting, nails digging deep into his shoulders as you try and resist the strong hands guiding you back and forth— try and slow him down a bit, delay your oncoming orgasm by even second if anything at all. You hadn’t expected it to come back so fast, and.. you both knew good and well that you weren’t gonna be able to stay quiet.
You give him a look, something resembling your best attempt at a glare, but he’s ignoring it— casually chatting with kenma about something you can’t quite catch. You’re only left to bite your lip, eyebrows deeply furrowed as you desperately fight the knot tightening inside your belly, thighs clamping against his own as he flexes his quad straight into you.
“Oh,” Kuroo says, hand leaving your waist to pick up his phone again, finger hovering over the ‘mute’ button, and your body is falling limp onto his chest, hands balancing yourself on him as you peer up at him through tired eyes and a heavy pant. “Actually..”
“..Looks like I got a bit of a problem to take care of here first.” He smiles. “So give me a minute, yeah?”
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“Gonna have to keep that pretty voice of yours down.” Atsumu’s lips brush against the shell of your ear, big hands tight around your hips as he drags you up and down his thigh. “Or ‘Samu’s gonna hear ya.”
Your hips stutter against his leg, drawing a sharp gasp from you- and he curses under his breath. Osamu would be back any second now, and yet he’s got you seated on him, your lounge shorts pulled to the side so he can draw one quick orgasm out of you before the three of you head out for dinner.
Because you— Atsumu’s impatient lil bunny, or so he calls you, just couldn’t wait until after the dinner to get a quick treat.
“‘M trying.” You whisper, voice breathless and whiny, and you tighten your embrace around his middle, burying your face deep into the fabric of his sweater. “Feels ‘s good… so good— need more..”
“I know, I know— later, yeah?” He sounds unsteady from how roughly he’s moving you against him, muscles of his thigh flexing and hardening underneath you. “Gonna give it to ya real good. stuff ya nice and full. How’s that sound, dirty girl?”
You want that.
You know exactly how easy it’d be for him to get you gushing underneath his cock if it weren’t for your insistence on him not cumming. And well.. it kind of made sense to him— considering how your last creampie went. His mind thinks back to how you looked with his cum dribbling down your thighs as you nervously clamped them together, and how no one seemed to noticed the juices dripping into a neat little puddle beneath you.
It’d be so easy— he’s got you all mapped out and knows you like the back of his hand. He could just push those pretty thighs of yours up to your face, hold them nice and still as he pummels the deep spot inside you that has you chanting his name over and over, and your cunt would be gushing right after that.
“‘Tsumu.” You choke out, tightly latching onto him like a koala, “‘M gonna cum..!”
“You are, aren’t ya? I can tell.” He groans, and his thigh bounces up into you, mumbling a curse under his breath when you squeal at the roughness. “Show me that pretty face when you’re lettin’ go.”
A couple more rolls of your hips and you’re gasping and stuttering against him, Atsumu pulling you just right against his thigh as your eyes slam shut, knot inside you violently snapping in an instant as you tremble underneath him, your mouth falling open in a silent scream.
“That’s my fuckin’ girl.” His voice comes out deep and breathy, hands tightening their grip on you. “Ride it all out f’ me, rela- oh s-shit.”
Your eyes widen as soon as the sound of footsteps registers in your mind, and your head swiftly turns back to see that Atsumu’s already pulling your shorts back over your cunt, your juices immediately soaking through the fabric as he holds you flush against his chest, big hand cradling the back of your head.
“‘Tsumu..!” You whisper, but he’s shushing you with gentle strokes along the back of your head.
“What, ‘Samu?” he calls out, his mind putting together a silent prayer that his twin was not about to open the door.
His prayers go unanswered.
“You two ready yet?” Osamu’s asking as soon as he flings open the door, the knob accidentally slipping through his grasp, and your door crashes against your wall with a loud thud a second later.
You faintly hear him mutter an “oops” before his eyes are finally falling on you, brow raising at the sight of you clinging tightly onto atsumu as your chest heaves up and down.
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“What?” you can feel your concentration falter as soon as the sound of Sakusa’s voice reaches you, and you’re immediately wiping at the frustrated tears that have begun to collect along your lashes. “Can’t cum like that?”
You’re quick to shake your head, and he doesn’t miss the slight tremble to your lips. Cute.
Sakusa had his doubts about this idea of yours from the start. He knows how needy you always get— knows that despite that innocent face of yours, your cunt’s anything but. It’s greedy. Something like this was probably not gonna be able to get you to finish, and he knew that.. but a part of him was just curious.
What he wasn’t expecting, however, was to see you this frustrated. Your chest is rising up and down with each angry pant, arm coming to rub at your nose from the occasional sniffle after being denied orgasm after orgasm.
And him? he’s never felt such a strong ache before. The dark spot on his shorts are a tell-tale sign that he’s been leaking with pre-cum, and he can practically feel it starting to drip down his cock. Neither of you were doing so well, and if he was being honest, he’s on the verge of flipping you over and putting you in a mating press— but the small voice inside him wants to see you come undone on his thighs. Badly.
He’s just gotta see how you look.
“Need your cock, Omi.” You mumble, rising onto your knees to scoot further up, but he’s stopping you only a second later. “Omi? Why..?”
“No.” he says flatly. “You don’t.”
“I do!” You’re protesting immediately after, hands balancing on his shoulders. “Can’t finish without it— ah!”
You yelp when he’s roughly pulling you back down, his quad flexing as soon as your cunt makes contact with his leg. The hands around your hips are tight, and Sakusa’s setting a rhythm only a moment later, keeping the muscles of his legs firm and flexed to better rub against your clit.
“W-wait!” You’re stammering, whining straight into his ear as you frantically latch onto him. He lets you bury your face into the crook of his neck as he works you closer to your high, forcing you into a mind-numbing pace to have you flying right off the edge in a few more seconds.
“You can— don’t fight it.” His voice comes out as a deep grunt, a result of his dragged out attempts at ignoring the borderline painful throb of his cock, and oh- he was so going to take you in a mating press after this. The second you’re finished gushing, he was gonna flip you over and finally rid himself this irritating ache.
“Omi!” You sob, eyes clenching shut as your hips start to stutter, and he can feel you trembling underneath his hands. “Omi.. O-omi— ‘m close!” He only responds by roughly pressing his thigh up against you, thick muscle hitting your clit just right as you choke out a scream, finally gushing all over his thighs.
“See?” He exhales, breath hitching in his throat when your nails dig deep into his back, his hands slowly moving you up and down to ride out your high.
“You can.”
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“Feeling good, huh? Don’t try to fight it.”
Daichi grunts when you tug at his hair a little harder, face buried deep into his front as you desperately hump his leg. He’s gentle with you, strong hands guiding you up and down his leg, but he’d be lying if he said his patience wasn’t starting to wear thin.
The sweet nothings he’s been whispering into your ear this entire time are starting to sound a lot less like cooing and a lot more like grunting.
He couldn’t help it. He can feel you so so vividly, feel your juices dripping down the sides of his thigh and hear you moaning straight into his chest. You were soaked through and through, and it’s taking everything in him to stay patient and let you have this.
“There you go.” He’s praising you when you grind against him particularly hard, ignoring the way his shorts are feeling painfully tight around his cock. “Just like that— move exactly like that.”
“Daichi,” you whine. “‘M getting so close— feels so good.”
“Yeah?” He exhales deeply, and the way his cock twitches suddenly has him groaning, hands squeezing a bit too hard against your hips as you wince. “Daichi..?”
“Oops, sorry princess.” He’s clenching his jaw, giving you a weak smile as you wrap your arms around him. “That’s my bad. Don’t mind me, okay? Just.. worry about yourself— this is all about you right now.”
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You weren’t as subtle as you thought.
His legs just looked so strong, so perfect to sit on, and you couldn’t help yourself. He didn’t seem to think too much of it when you first sat a little lower than you usually did, straddling his mid thigh as he flipped through another manga that Tendou had lent him earlier that week.
Just subtle movements up and down his thigh was your original plan, but it didn’t take very long for him to catch on.
“What are you doing?” Ushijima’s voice has you jolting from where you’re seated on his left thigh, his gaze now on you and the way you’re frantically waving your arms around in defense, barely able to stammer out a “N-nothing!”
You just barely catch the way his eyebrow raises in suspicion. It has you moving off him the next second, but he’s tossing aside the manga, big and strong hands easily wrapping around your hips to keep you planted on him.
“Don’t leave yet.” He says, stern and flat, but you catch the hint of curiosity swirling deep in his eyes.
The familiar heat of embarrassment is flooding to your face in an instant, and your head hangs low. “S-sorry, Toshi.” You mumble, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. “Your thighs just looked so big, just wanted to… ride them.”
It’s silent.
You work up the courage to snack a glance at him again, now faced with the sight of his head tilted a bit, as if confused by your confession. “B-but!” You continue, mouth already running off on its own. “Forget it, okay? It might be weird— Toshi..?”
It was just one little flex of his quad, one that had the muscle pushing up against your clit, but the way his name rolled off your tongue sounded sinful. You can feel his grip around your hips tightening a bit, and he’s leaning in to close the gap between the two of you.
“Wouldn’t it feel better like this?”
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It started off with an accidental brush of his knee against your cunt.
Bokuto had always been eager with his kisses. He had you pinned down on his mattress, body hovering over yours as he moved his lips against your own— and he hadn’t even noticed anything different until he heard you suddenly moan into his mouth. He’s pulling away the next second, eyes wide as he tries gauging your reaction again, bringing his knee back to rub over your cunt. And … just like clockwork, your eyes clench shut and you choke back a gasp.
He swallows thickly.
Only five minutes later and he’s got you seated on his thigh, moving you back and forth with a needy grunt, his free hand squeezing your cheeks as he forces you to look up at him. “Don’t look away, ‘kay?”
“You look pretty— pretty like that. I just wanna see.”
The look on his face isn’t much different from yours. His mouth is slightly parted in desperate pants, deep red spreading across his cheeks at the sight of you feeling good on his leg. He’s swallowing deeply before he takes in a sharp inhale right after, already pussy drunk and his dick hasn’t even touched you yet.
The way your face starts to contort when you’re rapidly approaching your high has him just hoping he doesn’t end up finishing untouched. It’s throbbing— absolutely aching with need and as soon as you start sobbing his name, he can feel his patience shatter into thin pieces.
You let out a loud yelp as soon as your back hits the mattress, Bokuto looming over you with a strained look on his face as he rushes to line his tip up with your hole. “S-sorry.” His voice is just above a growl. “I can’t help it after all. It’s okay though, right? Gonna make you feel good.”
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kuroosdarling · 1 year
kuroo can never go in for a quick peck on the cheek with you. he’s tried, he really has. but every time his lips touch your skin he can’t help but crave more.
so to satiate that urge, he kisses your other cheek. but that’s not enough either. so he opts for your forehead, your nose, hell, even your eyelids if you’ll let him. and then ultimately, he melts his lips against yours with a content, enamored sigh knowing that no matter how many times he pecks your cheek, it’ll always end up like this.
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