#tettix characters
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It’s new salad time again! Well, month-old salad that I’ve been developing. His name is Seilleanan (which I shorten to Shei,) He's minimum height and I headcanon his hair as lots of tiny white flowers, and he’s definitely my edgiest boy.
...I’m serious.
Shei stuff!
Probably around 19, give or take a couple years
Murder-mesmer. He’s probably been involved in some seriously shady shit in the past.
Not terribly keen on the whole Ventari situation. He doesn’t like the sense of indoctrination and he feels the teachings themselves are... of mixed usefulness but often too vague to be helpful. But on the other hand, the Nightmare Court isn’t any better. So far as he’s concerned, the Nightmare has all the problems of the Dream but with more misery.
He was supposed to be a Valiant, but he made the very deliberate decision to avoid his Wyld Hunt. (Not sure what it was yet.) It probably still itches at the back of his mind sometimes, but he accepts it as a chronic condition.
The rise of Mordremoth was not a good time for him. Being Soundless, he was highly vulnerable to the call, but he’s also damned stubborn. The Pale Tree couldn’t have him, the Dream itself couldn’t have him, the Nightmare couldn’t have him, no fucking way was he going to let Mordremoth have him. But it wasn’t an easy fight.
My gut says that’s when he lost the eye.
He’s genuinely trying to be a better person than he used to be, which probably did involve actual murder. But because he has learned, and he recognizes a better way to live and treat people. He still has an independent streak that stretches further than Mordremoth’s tendrils.
I’m already shipping him. So help me, @alphazi is stealing all my characters.
Bonus leucistic raptor friend:
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illusorywall · 8 years
Bloodborne: Return to Yharnam (annual mass community event)
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That’s right! Another event is coming up soon for Bloodborne, on March 10th! Rules/ suggestions in the flyer below:
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Create a new character and play through the game
Ring your bells and call hunters from across worlds to co-operate
Optional: Try to defeat at least two players in each area in PvP before moving on
Leave a message that says "you're in the know, right?" by the Hunter's Dream bath messenger. Upvote any of these you find!
Play through at your own pace. Suggested end date of March 24th
Event Discord Chat:
Thanks Tettix and Ordingandr96 for the flyers!
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Inspired by "tag yourself" sort of stuff, I decided to see if I could describe my current characters in exactly four bullet points. All 19 of them. As an exercise in being concise with my fleshed-out characters, finding descriptions (no matter how silly) for my undeveloped characters, and generally just getting something out there without thinking too hard.
The results of this exercise under the cut. In roughly descending order of how developed they are.
Galen Blake
“Such a nice boy.”
favorite word is “solitude”
doesn’t understand why people act like sex is so important
unsettlingly casual relationship with death
kinda scary looking
soft and delicate underneath
has all of the feelings
would rather be drawing
Likes guns. A Lot.
will fight you
will also bake you cookies
What gender?
actual ADHD
“Did I do that?”
the good twin
kind of a sad boy
just wants everyone safe and happy
not as cis as he seems
has lots of stabs and is ready to dispense them
raptor BFF
ships her RL friends
Lynette Rhodes
massive lesbian
has ALL the girls
true neutral
most likely to become a mob boss if given the chance
so many regrets
no more patience for your BS
“Yes, I’m still here.”
Amara Landi
the competent one
glitter motherfucker
all about that bass
her smile is pleasant but her eyes are laughing at you
Alaric Landi
just wants magic so much
sibling rivalry
most likely to fall in love with a bird
(don’t ask)
grandma charr
“Would you like to pet my devourers?”
could probably still maul you
but won’t
leaf dogs
leaf puppies
so many
never enough
literally a giant stick
book boy
“Romance? Sounds fake but okay.”
probably has a “pet” skritt
Ilta Lightweaver
the quiet gay
afraid of nature
likes pretty things
good at hugs
Mari Ovesdottir
Small norn. Big gun
some kind of snow fairy
tasteful thigh
But consider for a moment: baby griffons.
doesn’t believe in pants
Aeromancer Tettix
“I don’t think well on the ground.”
a cute
probably nb
but usually forgotten
Nia Tibicen
will fuck you up
then resurrect you
as her undead servant to fuck someone else up
likes cats
The still unnamed character who will one day be my largos because I have no shame
the one guy in a sea of female PC largos
probably okay with that
doesn’t like you
doesn’t want to be here
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Amara Landi
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She’s not really developed. But she’s pretty!
Her tag
Age: 20s
Class: Noble
Profession: Mesmer
Other affiliations: ?
Romance stuff: ?
Character Details
Needs development. Sister of Alaric. Probably the one actually running things
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Galen Blake
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He doesn’t actually care about anyone but himself and his husband, but at least he’s polite about it.
His tag
Age: 23
Class: Commoner. More or less. His current social status is… odd. Rilias is technically kind of nobility, but in a loose, no-actual-power kind of way, putting Galen in the even odder position of only sort of marrying into nobility in a way that doesn’t actually offer him much of an elevation in status. But he does have access to more luxuries now, and he’s quite asocial anyway, so it works out for him.
Profession: Necromancer/mesmer (still working out how mesmer fits ICly)
Other affiliations: None
Romance stuff: Married. To the most infuriating man in Tyria. The story of how he met and got involved with Rilias is one of chance meetings and unspoken longings and observant third parties trying to nudge the dumb boys in love into actually talking to each other, and it’s all much more than I can go into here.
Character Details
Very polite, very patient, but also very disinterested in the affairs of most people. Most of the time the pleasant exterior is disguising the fact that he’s long since stopped paying any real attention to you. He’s much more interested in his necromancy and his religion. And seeing as he has a particular affinity for Grenth, he tends not to think of there being a huge distinction between the two things.
Had a bit of a tiff with his parents and doesn’t really talk to them anymore. All because it’s apparently considered in bad taste to practice your necromancy on recently dead relatives. Pffft, some people, amirite? (In all seriousness, he DOES feel pretty bad about that now.)
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chameleocoonj · 7 years
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Some original characters!!!!!! Tymbal is the dnd character I play with some friends, and all the others are npcs I’ve been writing for my mini quests (we take turns dm’ing smaller missions). The top three are pretty fleshed out, the bottom three are newer and don’t have full/definite names yet... :’0
If you know me at all, you know the names have some kind of cheesy animal-related origin. I will draw something in this pixelly style for the first person who can correctly explain the meaning of each name (including surnames). 
Nobody made any guesses and I’m tired!!! So I’ll just tell you in this post!!
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chameleocoonj · 7 years
Answers for the name guessin contest :’0
Harold DonDactillius: The Peacock Mantis Shrimp
The shrimp’s scientific name is Odontodactylus scyllarus. There are two types of mantis shrimps, smashers and spearers. This type is a smasher, so Harold uses punching gloves. I mixed up the spelling of the scientific name inspo because I want him to be a fancy gentleman. 
Tymbal Tettix: The Cicada
Tymbals are part of the exoskeleton that help make that signature cicada sound, Tettix is a greek word for cicada. I play her with my friends as a bard who isn’t very good at regular music but can channel magic through insect-like song instead. She plays the kazoo.
Olivia Juran: The Orchid Mantis
Olivier is the name of the guy who gave Hymenopus coronatus its scientific name. Nathan Juran directed the 1957 film The Deadly Mantis. Olivia wields twin swords Asaj Ventress style and spiked bracers, imitating the signature arms of a praying mantis. Her cape is supposed to be like flower petals.
Kruip: The Golden Mole
Kruipmolle is an Afrikaans name for this animal, essentially meaning crawl. When I saw the golden mole in the desert episode of Planet Earth 2, I fell in love. When my dad and i caught a mole in the backyard last week, I wanted to design a mole character. The gray color scheme was kind of boring though, so I drew inspiration from the golden mole for the hair color gradient, a cute mask, and shovel like weapons.
Pipistrelle: The Common Pipistrelle
This is a type of bat, I just liked the name a lot!!! I also wanted to do a quest in like an underground city, soooooo bat people.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Myrmec: The Giant Anteater
Myrmecophaga tridactyla is the giant anteater’s scientific name, the myrmec part meaning ant. For my birthday, my mom and I went behind the scenes at the Nashville Zoo to the anteater barn, where I got to feed one of them yogurt!! It was incredible being so close to such a cool animal, so I just had to do something based on it.
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