#text made with flamingtext.com
furbearingbrick · 5 years
Please for the love of GOD tell me how you made those Jason Vorhees images. So that I too may create reaction memes of great proportion.
to overlay transparent images, i use this site
for the text effects, i use this site
making the text transparent and being able to save the image takes a bit of fiddling, though
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Just made the cool YouTube thumbnail for one of my mates. It look like most popular you-tubers thumbnails. For this image I used Pixlr (online photo shop)   
links: https://pixlr.com
The text: http://www5.flamingtext.com/
his youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC21PFcyfqHFbp-uRwqEWAIQ    
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Personal Learning Network
flIn order to “stay abreast of industry news, information, and opportunities,” I’d like to present to you all the following key elements to proving my success story here as a student Mastering the art of Creative Writing. (Personal Development and Leadership).
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While putting together the Papaly board, it turns out I was listening to a song called “End of Story” on Youtube and considering the inspiration we can get from music into writing, I was also considering all my practical places for resorting to writer’s favor, and thinking about how much I loved writing music lyrics.
--Papaly Board: Resources for Learning.
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While looking through some articles, I found that this Feedly reader board was a great place to save articles I was looking at for later reading and full development of my research. I believe this is a fun place to gather pieces and come back to intriguing articles you really wanted to read. 
While I was putting this board together I was really dreaming of THE IMPORTANT MISSION I’ve been on for about 7 years now, and without even realizing the true nature of my cause for all this searching, the answer finally appeared to me while I was surmising possibilities and it was all about logging the journey’s characters can go on while logging articles about writing: the secret was the achievement. 
I always love a character for their dreams but I love them more for their AMBITIONS to succeed. I never really realized before why I was boggling so much at all of these people on television and in movies (and in books and sometimes in songs too)... it’s because they were all striving for something. I love that moment when the character is striving for something, and I’m always just sitting there dying for their ultimate success.
--Feedly Reader.
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I made this logo for my name on flamingtext.com in order to express my creative edge, and as an individual I chose to use text that appears broken yet completely expressive and intriguing in it’s many dimensions and with elements alluding to my nature as eclectic: and with a stone background: it expresses my nature as seeming broken, but still surrounded in stone. It’s highly expressive, so I would like to inspire my readers to evaluate this for symbolic worth like they should with my writing. I believe design is an incredibly important element to coincide with text.
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--This is just a screen shot of my linked in profile. I put this together a long time ago. I’m a freelance writer, and I have worked for several cool companies and on several really cool projects.
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Lastly, I just wanted to share a place I like to write. I was always a quiet writer, never dreaming that people were ever really going to follow me or truly read what it was I had to say.
--Facebook: My Social Media Page 
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emiemi345 · 1 year
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