themoongirls12 Ā· 5 months
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gyucheolslut Ā· 11 months
wonu gaming on his handheld switch but you want physical affection so you plant yourself in his lap <33 youā€™re straddling him, chest to chest, with his arms wrapped around you and his head resting on your shoulder so he can still see his screen. heā€™s probably playing something cozy like acnh and asking you about your day while you nuzzle your face into his neck :ā€™))
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no because sitting in wonuā€™s lap, head resting on his shoulder, face buried into his neck while you play with the hair at his nape.. nose rubbing against his skin, inhaling deeply so the smell of his cologne and laundry detergent fill your nose.. such a comforting scent..
his chin perched softly on your shoulder as he continues playing his games!!! just holding you!!! iā€™m sad!!!
he would ask about your day, hand coming to rub the small of your back, just underneath your shirt, whenever his game was on a loading screen,,,
humming in acknowledgment to whatever you have to say, replying with full interest whenever there was room for him to speak..
listening so attentively even if he isnā€™t looking directly at youā€¦ heā€™s such a good listenerā€¦ always makes you feel so seen, so heard,,, so comfortable,,, :(
iā€™d do anything to be in his arms just once!! just one time!!!!!! </3
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lycantooth Ā· 3 months
I really wish people would stop equating miscecanis blogs with omegaverse blogs. some miscecanids donā€™t mind it being referred to as omegaverse but some do! it is our identity, for some itā€™s just a part of our therianthropy, and we wish to be respected without pre-existing stigma and assumptions
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ch-errybloosm Ā· 5 months
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A NEWWWW LACED SET like and rebloge if you save or use.
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alola03 Ā· 3 months
Fave character poll!
I was tagged by @driftveilcity! Thank you for tagging me! Feel free to tag me in more stuff! I love getting tagged :D
Okay so I have to post 5 characters and whoever gets tagged has to do the same! I'll tag @m0stlygh0st, @lachonk, @ggreeeenheart, @mi-spark and @hoshimagico! (No pressure tho guys!) And everyone else who wants to do it!
I'll also tag @dressycobra7 even tho you prob won't know too many of my picks lol (feel free to make your own poll! I'd love to see!)
It was so hard to come up with a 5th character >_< I wanted to diversify the list so it wasn't just pokemon but it was so hard! If you vote in the poll please tell me who you voted for :D! I'd love to know!
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sixtyroses Ā· 6 months
I am a simple girl - being called a good girl makes me melt into a pink, glittery puddle.
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starwikia Ā· 8 months
Undead Unluck Theory
Fengā€™s Character Arc isnā€™t over - Possible Unfade Evolution
Iā€™ve been thinking about this theory for a while and with chapter 191 partly confirming something for me I think itā€™s time to write it down.
Basically: Start Investing in Feng Kowloon stocks.
Major Spoiler Warning all the way up to chapter 191 of the manga.Ā 
This theory initially spawned after chapter 177 came out. More specifically, it spawned from the spread panel that showcased the current union members (minus Chikara, Sean, and Yusai who were shown to be in the operating room with Latla and Rip).
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Here it was shown that Feng was not with the other union members. Earlier it was hinted that he didnā€™t join because he wasnā€™t with them when the group time skipped from 1999 to 2015.
At the time I had suspected that Feng simply hadnā€™t time traveled with everyone else and had used those 15 years to train (taking advantage of Unfade) and mightā€™ve rejoined later, but no, turns out he hasnā€™t joined the Union at all.
Which made me ask this: why didnā€™t Feng join the union? It wouldā€™ve been easy for Tozuka to write a little panel or two where Fuuko couldā€™ve said, ā€œok sorry I lied to you, I promise this time weā€™ll fight monsters this time thoughā€ and Feng couldā€™ve begrudgingly agreed to join at that point.
The thing with Undead Unluck is that Tozuka has a habit of constantly setting up minor plot details and then giving them major payoffs later on. Itā€™s one of the best parts of the mangaā€™s writing in my opinion. So I believe Feng not joining the union at this point of time was a very deliberate writing choice on the author's part.
So with that in mind, letā€™s get started.
Current Quest Rounds
Currently, there are four quests active.
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Letā€™s take out ā€œCapture of UMA Burnā€. It's not relevant for this theory. What matters for this theory are the quests for Language, Beast, and Summer.
Language and Beast have relevance because of their rewards. Four extra seats added to the round table means four negators can participate on quests. But thatā€™s all they can offer for this topic.
Summer, on the other hand, is extremely important. Because in loop 100, Summer was the exact quest Feng got his formal debut in.
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My prediction is that in a direct parallel to loop 100, the 101 version of the Summer quest is where weā€™re going to get reintroduced to Feng, and probably get told that heā€™s been up to for the last fifteen or so years.
What follows is that one of the union members will tell Feng about the Sick fight, to which he will be extremely disappointed to have missed out on. Itā€™s at this point that upon learning thereā€™s more of these extremely strong UMAs that heā€™ll go, ā€œFine, you win Fuuko Izumo, Iā€™ll join your Union.ā€
My guess is that, assuming that Fuuko successfully recruits the five negators Andy led her to, the open seats will go as following:
- Feng
- Top
- Tatiana
- Latla/Julia
This is because the first three are more suited to go straight into combat roles. As for Latla and Julia, I think the last seat could go to either one of them. It depends on whether Julia manifests Unjustice during this quest period but if she doesnā€™t, Latla can now fight directly due to being equipped with one half of Blade Runner.
This would leave Ichico, Nico, Kururu, Haruka, Bunny and Julia/Latla (aka the one who didnā€™t get the seat) as support members until new seats are rewarded.
Itā€™s extremely important to note that at this point Feng isnā€™t part of the Union because he cares about protecting people or saving the world. Despite him acknowledging Shen as his son, Feng still prioritizes his quest of being the strongest more.
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Unfade Intermission (AKA Billy Would Kick Feng's Ass if they fought Right Now)
This is where I talk about my thoughts of Unfade because this is where it would flow best.
(I am also going to put a quick disclaimer that this isnā€™t an invitation for power scaling arguments as they donā€™t have any relevance here.)
Anyway, Unfade, Fengā€™s negation ability. In Fengā€™s character bio in the volume 8 extras Unfade is described as a self-targeting compulsory activation type. ā€œAn ability that Negates aging after activation.ā€
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ā€¦ aaaand thatā€™s all Unfade can do, really.Ā 
In fact, Unfade stands out from other negation powers because from what weā€™ve been shown it has no viability in combat. I think the only negation that shares this trait is Unsleep. The reason Feng is such a threatening person has to do almost entirely with his years of cultivating his skills as a martial artist (granted, having an ageless, unfading body which is forever at peak condition probably does help a lot but I digress). Itā€™s worth noting that if Unfade had been given to almost any other person, they wouldnā€™t nearly be as dangerous as Feng is.
It is my belief that within the current negators, you take out their powers and make them fight purely hand to hand as normal humans? Feng comes out the strongest, if not pretty damn close to it.
However, the second that negation powers are added into the fray, Feng would lose his title as the strongest, and he would lose that title very quickly. In a negator fight with, say, Billy, he wipes the floor with Feng, easily. Feng having no idea how negator powers work is how Fuuko was able to keep him in check for so long in loop 101.
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In UU, negation powers donā€™t get stronger via traditional training. In order to level up, the negator in question has to expand their interpretation of their powers.
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By expanding their interpretation, this typically leads to the negator having a journey of self discovery about themselves. Inherently due to this system, a lot of times this means that negators evolving their powers tend to be directly tied into character development. Itā€™s a neat system! One of my favorite power systems in SJ because of how naturally it ties together with the narrative.
But for Feng? This is the literal worst thing for him. Because even though heā€™s a legendary martial artist, Feng has a terrible understanding of people. Heā€™s the least emotionally intelligent person among the negators, and itā€™s not even close. Shen, who was raised by Feng for around twenty years, notes that Fengā€™s unending pursuit of strength hasnā€™t brought him any sense of fulfillment and that Feng himself isnā€™t even self aware of that fact.
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Feng didnā€™t even realize he even had a negation tragedy until 150 years after his ability manifested. Even then, Shen (who, for the record, only found out about negations likeā€¦ 15Ā  minutes prior), had to spell it out to Feng.
Throughout loops 100 and 101, weā€™ve seen how differently negation abilities can evolve. Negation abilities so far have tend to have fallen in three ways:
It has direct ties into character development and how they evolve as people (Unluck, Unchange, Unseen)
It has manifested differently due to the wildly different circumstances between loops (Unfair)
The negator have found ways to work around what would be entirely detrimental abilities to make them useable to get through day to day life (Unsleep, Untell)
The idea that Unfade has never evolved since manifestation ties pretty well with how stagnant Feng has been as a person throughout most of his life. In fact, while the circumstances of manifestation are different, Feng 100 getting UF as an old man vs Feng 101 getting UF when he was around his twenties, the ability itself hasnā€™t changed at all. Which definitely isnā€™t unique but it is worth noting, I feel.
Master Rule VII
Remember at the beginning of this post that stated chapter 191 partly confirmed something to me? Yeah thatā€™s relevant now. This was the big clincher that inspired me to write this giant theory.Ā 
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Right now we donā€™t know exactly what Master Rule VII represents exactly (itā€™s possible ā€œTime Defenseā€ is just an attack name just like how Andy uses ā€œCrimson Bullet"), however he is absolutely heavily time based if not outright time. My top prediction for him is that heā€™s UMA Time or Fade. (For simplicityā€™s sake, this theory will use ā€œVIIā€ when it comes to referring to him.)
Anyway, assuming that weā€™re going in order of counting down, then naturally VII is next in the line up. Feng's first round as a union member means heā€™s conveniently part of the quest period where, chances are, he might be a hard counter to the UMA that represents time in some capacity, as Unfade negates the passage of time affecting his body. Everyone in the Roundtable comes to this conclusion as well and thus Feng is signed up for the quest for the neutralization of VII. In this scenario, Shen would also be one of the negators in this quest, this is going to be extremely important.Ā 
However as the actual fight begins, Feng turns out to not be a perfect counter to VII for one reason or another. This fight would end up being a struggle for everyone involved because VII would presumably use his time abilities to avoid hits and disorient everyone by time lagging them like how he did to Andy in 191.
During this fight, Shen is going to be in danger, and possibly get hit with a fatal injury before he can even react. Feng, witnessing this, is going to have one thought in his head, ā€œShen is going to die.ā€ ā€œMy son is about to die.ā€
And at that moment Feng recalls what Fuuko believes the meaning of being the strongest:
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ā€œThose who care for others with an unwavering heart have always been the strongest people around.ā€
And Feng, after decades of not knowing what she meant, finally realizes what Fuuko was trying to tell him. And this, in turn, causes Unfade to evolve.Ā 
Interestingly, Feng back in loop 100 is stated to figure out how souls worked, but this hasnā€™t come up since.Ā 
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And I think this would be a great opportunity to fire that Chekhovā€™s Gun, because my friend (who also reads the manga) gave a really cool possibility on how Unfade could evolve into a combat viable ability by combining the idea of Feng mastering using his soul in combat. The basic idea follows that by unleashing his soul in his impacts he would be able to make strikes that donā€™t fade away. Tying into the idea of how he only unlocks Unfadeā€™s true potential when he opens himself up to the more metaphorical version of ā€œthe impact he has on othersā€ and vice versa.
(Of course this is just one idea of how Unfade could evolve, I just really like this idea because it ties with UUā€™s constant video game analogies, with Unfadeā€™s evolution being akin to a damage multiplier like when you get a really good combo in a fighting game. Basically Tozuka would acknowledge Fengā€™s a giant Tekken reference).
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I know that negation abilities are classified with external or self targeting, but Sean alone proves that if you bend the rules enough, you can get away with not following those classifications to the letter.
Either way, this upgrade leads Feng to turn the tides against VII and complete the quest in a way that leads to the Union getting away without casualties. Maybe as a bonus we get Feng making a Shen-esq joke (like "Your rules are outdated, you old coot" or smth) to tie how much influence both of them have had on each other. Also ideally Feng stops having the emotional intelligence of a goldfish and trying to fight Fuuko at a drop of a hat but that might be asking for too much, honestly.Ā 
After the fight Feng would finally drop his tsundere bullshit and admits out loud (and to himself) that yes, he cares for Mei and Shen not just because theyā€™re his disciples but because he genuinely loves them as family.
This would also be the point heā€™s marked as a true member of the Union because he now wants to protect his family.
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zaacoy Ā· 1 year
If memory serves I believe we've seen him a grand total of 12 outfits now, those being his normal outfit, the scorpion demoness outfit, his apocalyptic outfit, his desert outfit, a naval outfit that we see him in for all of 3 seconds, his cold/winter outfit, lantern rite merch, his new S4 outfit, Sanzang's outfit, the purple and grey one from his training with master Subodhi, his pajamas, and the celestial warrior outfit in the brand new Lego sets, all of which should be presented in order below (if Tumblr image formatting cooperates I still don't really know how it works)
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(ignore the inconvenient watermark LMAO)
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In literally every single outfit we see him in(with the sole exception of the desert outfit where they were all sweating to death, excused as an outlier due to temperature conditions) he is completely covered head to toe except for his face and hands.
I present to you the headcanon that Tang hates not being entirely covered and will go out of his way to make sure he is. No logic based reason for it, it just feels bad to him, sensory issue? maybe? idk He cozy cozy comfy comfy at all times!! It is a must!!! Thank you for coming to my tedtalk heehoo
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crescentmp3 Ā· 6 months
new 2D rpg idea...
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the-three-shepherds Ā· 16 days
butcher or a pauperā€” i'm gonna be nobody's soldier.
such divinity would change one's self, for better or for worse. what it will most certainly do is: defy fate.
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garbagechocolate Ā· 1 year
happy birthday mx maā€™am
cake šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰
Wanna know a secret?
I don't actually like cake
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themoongirls12 Ā· 2 years
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chromatasia Ā· 7 months
alright now for the clover patch au portion of the poll-voted rambling!! this is gonna be a longer post but itā€™s going to be an overview of how each clover feels towards the other (and a certain flower too :3)
(for reference, gold = genocide clover, soul = neutral route clover, and just clover is pacifist route/the main clover of this run. also, soul will be colored when referring to the character, while it will be the default color when referring to a regular human soul.)
cloverā€™s thoughts:
clover -> gold
clover is Very Confused by gold. one of the first things they did was point a gun at their soul, but then they proceeded to teach them how to survive in the underground. peacefully, despite the clear signs of wear and tear on their clothes that clover is fairly certain would not just appear from traveling. sure, they can be bluntā€¦ most of the times, but clover doesnā€™t have any reason to not trust them. theyā€™ll justā€¦ keep an eye on them for now. (though they doubt they could do anything against a real gun.)
clover -> soul
if clover was confused by gold, then clover feels that way about soul multiplied by about ten. they barely know how their soul works in general, then it just. suddenly contorts into their image. they find soul to be very spooky, even barring the lack of facial expressions and their inability to communicate without sign language orā€¦ text boxes? clover is confident that they are pretty good at reading people, yet soul is quite literally a blank slate. the only emotion clover can manage to parse from them is anxiousness, if their jumpiness is anything to go by.
clover -> flowey
clover never got the chance to actually talk to the flower. although he seemed nice enough, goldā€™s attitude towards him suggests that something isnā€™t as it seemsā€¦ they would ask him about it, if gold and soul didnā€™t try to shoot him on sight every time heā€™s attempted conversation.
goldā€™s thoughts:
gold -> clover
ā€œnaive. i canā€™t let them repeat my mistakes.ā€
gold -> soul
ā€œā€¦a victim to this cycle. just like all of us, i suppose. at least they could break free in some way.ā€
gold -> flowey
ā€œheā€™s planning something, i know he is. the underground isnā€™t right, and if iā€™ve noticed that then he has too. i wonā€™t let him put our mission in jeopardy.ā€
soulā€™s thoughts:
soul -> clover
* a sign of hope. maybe theyā€™ll be the one to break free. maybe they will never be trapped in the first place.
soul -> gold
* strange. the dust on them isā€¦ worrying, though. just what did they do?
soul -> flowey
* ā€¦
* soulā€™s finger seems to be glowing with energyā€¦
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lycantooth Ā· 4 months
it is important to remember that miscecanis is NOT inherently sexual or kink related, but shoutout to those miscecanids who find sexuality relevant in their identity!
shoutout to miscecanids who relate it to kink and maybe even paras!
shoutout to objectophile miscecanids!
shoutout to miscecanids who find that the sexual elements of heat/rut/mating cycles are important to their identity!
shoutout to miscecanids who find that their verse is ENTIRELY a biological designation or relating to fertility or genitalia
you are also wonderful. I see some people say ā€œmiscecanis ISNT sex or kink relatedā€ and while thatā€™s true for some it isnā€™t for all!!
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tired-needs-sleep Ā· 4 months
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part 2 of this post
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alola03 Ā· 7 days
if you told me 1 year ago I would be posting my art, my self inserts and my selfship on here I would've been embarrassed but this is so fun!!! Thank you for liking my silly stuff I love you guys <3
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