gazelle-777 · 11 months
Choices, Choices
I could stuff my face. Make myself a huge serving of fries and a vegan burger. Heck, I could go buy some vegan cheese and make it a double. Top it with some caramelized onions and go to town. Drench the entire thing in a borderline nauseating amount of ketchup, sneak the entire ensemble to my room, and devour it in private.
But then I look down at my thighs. These thighs that are always too big, too thick, too chunky. I look and I notice they are starting to become smaller. They are starting to become almost likeable. And I think to myself, "is it worth it?" Are the burgers and fries worth it? I even have some vegan chicken nuggets in the freezer. But is it worth it? Is it worth shoveling all the food into my mouth and wanting more and more and more, never having enough, never being satisfied? Is it worth watching all my hard work unravel? Is it worth the nonexistent energy levels and depression? Is it worth the rapid weight gain?
Right before I turn 24 in 3 months, will it be worth it when I step on the scale and see that I still weigh just under 160? Will it be worth it when I break down into tears because my birthday is tomorrow and I am still fat? Will it be worth it when I see where I could have been if I had just lost one single, measly pound a week every week for 3 months?
Will it be worth it when it's my birthday party and I'm thumbing through my closet trying to find something to wear? Will it be worth it when I skip past the beautiful dresses and cute crop tops and go for something bland and boring because it's the only thing that fits?
I have another choice.
I could decide the better way to spend my evening hours is to go for a walk with my dog then come back home to boot up my laptop, play the Sims 4, and drink water until it's time for me to go to bed. I could even tidy up my room and put on a cute pajamas set before I settle down to play.
Tomorrow morning, when I wake up, I don't know how much I'll weigh. I don't know how flat my stomach will look. But I'll know it's better than today. I have my estimated calorie count to prove it. I have my steps count to prove it. I have my known water intake to prove it. I can go to bed tonight knowing that no matter how I look tomorrow or what the scale says, I lost weight. Sure, maybe water might throw the scale off and make it seem like no progress was made. But I know that if everyday were to look like today, I will be on track to skinny. The day to day fluctuations will eventually even out and I'll see the progress sooner or later.
After all, true progress is not measured from one day to the next, but over time. Weeks, months, years.
It's during the late fall and early winter season when I'm considering wearing a chunky sweater. Do my legs look small or not?
It's during Christmas season when I'm looking in the mirror after pulling on an oversized sweater and impractically short shorts, checking if my legs look small enough this year for the outfit to be adorable, or if they're too big and I'm going to have to wait to try again the following year.
It's next summer when I'm picking out a swimsuit to wear. Do I automatically reach for a bikini because I've reached my ugw a long time ago and that's the new normal, or do I still have to wear my worn out one piece to cover up as much as possible?
That is true progress, long term success. And that is built during the day to day decisions. That is built by deciding to go for a walk instead of binge. That is built by performing actions on a daily basis, not just hopping on a scale from time to time or checking in the mirror. The truth is, these daily actions are what drives the scale readings and the mirror's image. My success tomorrow is determined by my actions right now, not tomorrow morning during my weigh in.
What will I choose?
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chills-of-lace · 3 years
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I need a smol gf so we can be cute and tiny together
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starvestudywrite · 4 years
my girlfriend doesn’t worry about me, because i’m not sick enough.
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You know...
That guy you like? The famous one? He weighs less than you. You will look like the ugly whale attending the concert and well... Those other fans do look a lot better than you do, right? Maybe if you skipped that one meal you have planned? Or maybe you shouldn't eat those chips? Put them down, honey. Put them down and you're a step closer
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im-into-thin-blog · 7 years
I can't wait till I'm skinny and can wear whatever the fuck I want.
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soft-but-skinny · 7 years
Reason why
So you can wear short skirts with confidence and not fearing your butt being too big so everyone can see your underwear
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
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potential-madness · 5 years
okee doke i need more blogs to follow so reblog this post if one or more of these things apply to you:
-are 16+ *must*
-are around 5’ 3 (where are my short friends at?)
-reblog/post ed memes (i love these lmao
-reblog/post meanspo/sweetspo/other textspos
-post calorie counts each day
-post regular weigh ins
-ugw between 115-90 or less pounds
i do love thinspo but i follow so many already so i’d like to have some diversity! that being said i’m always ok with more thinspo :)
thanks !
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gazelle-777 · 1 year
Summer Beach Trip - pt 1
The morning light peeks through the crack in the blinds, coaxing your eyes to open. You smile. It's a small, nervous thing, basing its continued existence on the scale and morning bodycheck. You reach over and slide your phone off its charger, feeling the skin stretch over your ribcage. So far so good. Opening the blinds to let the morning sunlight filter through, you set up for the bodycheck pose. Consistent posing and angles is important, and you don't want to mess it up. A tap of a button and it's over; you quickly sit up to pore over this latest photo. It's ... perfect.
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You did it. You reached your goal. Your legs are small, your stomach perfectly flat. You can just barely see a hint of hipbone showing through. That'll be more prominent come the end of summer, especially if I stay consistent. The thought comforts you, and for a moment you can feel yourself relaxing, easing into a sensation of completion. And what is going on here? Its 10 past 7 and you're lounging in bed doing ... what, exactly? Get up. You have work to do. You leave in a few hours; just enough time to get in one last sweat sesh before being car bound for hours. As much as you hate to admit it, you're right. Sitting doesn't burn calories. You hurriedly change into workout clothes, choosing your favorite set.
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Cute, but it's a little chilly in the gym. Best to put an extra layer over it. 30 minutes of running. 30 minutes of full body pilates. 15 minutes of abs then 10 minutes of stretching. You go through the routine, straining a bit at the end to finish. Good. That means you're still progressing. It's still effective.
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You get back home to be greeted with chaos. Suitcases scattered on the floor. Your dad scuttling back and forth trying to load the car as quickly as possible. You duck and weave around the madness and dart upstairs to shower and change.
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"Are you wearing that for the trip?" Your sister eyes you up and down, her lip curling in ... disgust? Jealousy? You can't tell so you answer carefully. "Yea, I wanted to be comfortable. It's a long drive and a whole lot of sitting." She rolls her eyes. "Yea, we get it. All you do is workout and refuse to eat. You don't have to rub it in every 5 seconds." So it was jealousy. You shrug and head off to the car while everyone else loads up the bags.
"Hey girls", your mom calls. "We have some time before we head out. You guys should eat something first." You browse the fridge and look for something fresh. You avoid drinking a lot of water on car trips to limit bathroom visits, but need to stay hydrated so fruit would be best. After poking through the fridge, you make your selection. You settle down to eat, the eyes of both sister and mom tracking your bowl. "It's going to be a long drive and we aren't planning on stopping to eat." You smile and nod, "yes, that's ok."
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After polishing off the last bit of watermelon, you toss the can in the recycling bin and rinse your bowl before putting it away. You wash your hands and hop in the car, ready to have the best vacation ever.
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chills-of-lace · 3 years
I took some "before" pictures today
I'm not okay lmaoooo I was not prepared for what I saw 💀💀💀
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gazelle-777 · 8 months
Eat small, or not at all
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chills-of-lace · 3 years
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Some meme account posted this on Instagram and not one person in the comments said anything 💀💀💀
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