#tf 716
rabbitsrants · 7 months
Could you tell me what's your opinion about kogoro,like you always appear like you hate kogoro that's why I wanted to know (whenever you mention him you tell that unbothered fuckin father) wanna know your opinion please answer my ask
fun question!
with that being said, i have a very nuanced opinion on him
do i think he's a good detective, husband or father? NO, absolutely not. i don't even think he's a good guardian in regards to conan lol
kogoro can be very self-absorbed, impatient and superficial. his alcoholism and gambling addiction strain every aspect of his life, but kogoro doesn't seem to care enough to change
a few examples:
chapter 1
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chapter 370
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initially, i blamed his attitude on his lack of success as a detective. but he shows signs of being irresponsible in his youth as well, despite working for the police:
chapter 572
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even after shinichi saves kogoro's career and introduces him to a lot of fame, kogoro shows no willingness to change. he's chronically self-indulgent:
chapter 853
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on top of that, the rare times that ran asks him to do something for her, he acts like it's a complete burden:
chapter 528
ran asks him to watch eri's cat while she's in school and kogoro tries to pass the responsibility on to conan
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speaking of conan, kogoro repeatedly gets violent with him when he's investigating alongside him
chapter 12
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the reason why it appears like i hate him is because my posts are mainly about shinran and interestingly enough, gosho decided to write kogoro as shinichi's polar opposite in a lot of ways. which he even admits in his own writing:
chapter 163
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it's evidently a writing choice that gosho decided to go for on purpose. and i think that's fucking brilliant. think about it: ran growing up with an irresponsible, unreliable dad who often prioritizes drinking and gambling over his own daughter? and that same girl falling in love with a guy who's incredibly dependable, attentive, selfless and everything her father is not? IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE
so whenever i analyze certain shinran moments, it becomes glaringly obvious to me that shinichi often acts like an anti-kogoro, so to speak.
examples i already mentioned in my acts of service post: kogoro refusing to help ran - shinichi stepping up as a result in chapter 457 and 716.
additional examples:
chapter 192
kogoro drops off ran at this weird, isolated mansion for a meeting that sonoko arranged with a bunch of strangers online and he feels off about the whole thing and i'm like YES LOVE THAT, SHOWING GREAT PARENTAL INSTINCTS
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he even warns one of the guys and i'm like YEAH YOU'RE BEING A GOOD DAD, LETS GO KOGORO
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naturally, shinichi feels weird about the situation as well, so he insists on staying with his girl, even though it's already been discussed that he's too sick:
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so, despite the fact that a) kogoro feels like something is odd about the meeting, b) he warns the guy to leave ran tf alone... HE STILL LEAVES HER AT THE MANSION UNPROTECTED
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and i'm like... WHY????? and gosho immediately answers my question:
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LIKE????????????????????? talk about bad parenting lol
anyway, turns out something about the meeting was indeed off and ran is potentially in danger. both shin and kogoro lose their shit:
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but there's a key difference between kogoro and shinichi and i feel like gosho wrote this difference on purpose - nothing, and i mean absolutely NOTHING will ever stop shinichi from trying to keep ran safe:
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chapter 347-349
the case barely even begins and shinichi immediately observes that ran isn't feeling well:
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he even tries to convince her to ditch dinner and go back home:
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when shit starts hitting the fan and ran is getting incredibly dizzy, kogoro doesn't even notice:
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again, maybe i'm reading too much into it, but i think the fact that gosho depicts kogoro's ignorance in this situation is 100% by design and as a result shinichi gets to be the anti-kogoro again:
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throughout the whole case shinichi worries about ran and tries to take care of her. which is very impressive considering that ran constantly tries to downplay her symptoms:
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examples like this occur way too often for me to write them off as a coincidence. we're clearly dealing with a pattern. how could i not point that out in my analysis? especially when shinichi's unwavering loyalty towards ran is something that she gushes about constantly?
with all that being said, just because i regurarly point out kogoro's flaws as a dad, doesn't mean i hate him. it's just that i aim to reach a full, comprehensive conclusion with every analysis i write and that entails important details like the glaring differences between shinichi and kogoro regarding their treatment of ran.
i still adore kogoro. cause like i said, there's nuance. i feel like there's a lot of hidden depth behind kogoro's character that i wish gosho explored more:
he's smarter than people think
chapter 11
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chapter 165
to everyone's suprise, kogoro deducts that eri lost her wedding ring and he goes out of his way to find it for her:
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there are more examples of him showing decent detective skills during certain cases but this post is already long enough lol so i'm not getting into that
he can be very idealistic
chapter 86
him holding an old and dear friend accountable for murdering someone:
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chapter 376
him doing the same again with a childhood friend:
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chapter 266
I LOVE IT when kogoro shows his vulnerable side, i find it so heartwarming:
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chapter 986
OR HIS BADASS SIDE (this is him protecting eri from a guy who's about to sexually assault her)
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and even though i shit on his parenting a lot he can be very endearing at times! examples:
chapter 207
his reaction to ran dreaming about the one time that shinichi asked her to give him her bra (it was for a case lol)
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chapter 254
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it's a small but incredibly touching gesture and i love him so much for moments like this
chapter 255
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chapter 765
even though i criticized him for his treatment of conan earlier, shinichi and kogoro have their moments as well. the ramen case is one of my favorite moments between them, it's just so wholesome!
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this case is giving dad and son-in-law eneregy!
to sum up my very long response: kogoro is an overall shitty person but he can be very smart, idealistic and sweet and i wish gosho explored those aspects of his character more, cause i feel like he gets sidelined a lot. he often uses kogoro for comedic relief which is fair to a certain extent cause kogoro is HILARIOUS and makes me laugh all the time but gosho keeps giving the bigger and more meaningful plotlines to characters that I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT (looking at you amuro) and i think that's a fucking shame cause kogoro has a lot of potential
hope that answers your question! :)
visit the shinran library for more
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backtothestart02 · 3 years
Breaking Point - 1/1(?) | westallen fanfiction
A/N: Based off the twitter reaction to Barry time-traveling w/o telling Iris ahead of time in 7x16. This fic is Iris’ reaction once he tells her, and it’s maybe a bit extreme? You’ll have to decide for yourself. I was feelings angsty when I wrote it and when I initially thought it up, so there’s that. If there’s a demand for more of this fic, I’ll gladly write more, but if not, the ending is open to interpretation what could happen next. Oh! And Iris is not blipping in and out of timelines and Godspeed clones didn’t prevent Barry from making it to the future. Enjoy! =P
Synopsis:  7x16 - Canon Divergent - Time-Travel has its consequences.
When Barry returned from 2049, he was brimming with energy. Lightning was still crackling all around him when he came to a stop back in STAR Labs. Chester and Caitlin looked at him, intrigued. When he didn’t say anything, only grinned, Chester couldn’t hold himself back any longer.
“Well, how is everything? Did it all go okay?”
He rocked back and forth from his toes to his heels, Barry’s enthusiasm contagious.
“Yeah,” Caitlin added, also curious but more amused than anything by the two of them. “We thought for a second that something went wrong, because-”
“No, no, nothing went wrong. Everything is great!” Barry sighed contently.
Caitlin laughed and shared a look with Chester.
“So, you found Nora,” she concluded.
“Not just Nora.”
But just as he was about to spill the beans, it occurred to Barry that maybe future details should be kept where they belonged. In the future.
Except with Iris. He could tell her. In fact, right now there was nothing more that he wanted to do was tend to her and assure her Nora was all right – and she wasn’t alone.
“Yeah, I gotta go.”
He pushed past the two of them and headed towards the end of the tunnel.
“W-wait, Barry!”
Reluctantly, he stopped.
“What about Godspeed?”
“Yeah,” Chester chimed in. “If it’s bad here, it must be really bad in 2049 where he’s from.”
“Oh.” Barry forced himself to sober up. “Yeah, it is. What I mean to say is…Nora, she’s…she’s got thing’s handled, working hard.” He started smiling again. “And she has help!” Chester and Caitlin’s intrigued looks told him he had to sputter some nonsense fast. “From me! Future me, I mean. I’m still the Flash. In 23 years, I’m still…” He trailed off, daydreaming briefly about the things he’d just seen and experienced.
Sensing more questions from the two individuals in front of him however, he forced himself to snap out of it.
“Well, I gotta go! Text me when the Godspeeds return.”
“Wait, where are y-”
But it was no use. Barry had flashed away. There was no calling out to him with the expectation of him hearing and returning unless, as he’d said, the Godspeed clones returned and he was needed to attempt to defeat them.
“Let him be,” Chester said, brushing whatever questions they’d had aside. “He’s clearly happy. It’s been a while since we’ve seen him like that, what with everything going on. In fact, the last time I saw him that happy was-”
Caitlin studied him as he fell silent and avoided eye contact.
“What? When?” she asked.
“N-Nothing. Nevermind.” He powerwalked out into the hallway. “See you upstairs, Caitlin!”
She eyed his disappearing form with suspicion but decided not to push on that either. After a few more moments of contemplation, she followed the path Chester had taken back to the cortex upstairs.
When Barry reached the loft shortly thereafter, he was greeted by darkness and silence. It wasn’t alarming enough to dim his buzz though. He was too excited to talk to Iris. He had to remind himself that she wasn’t feeling well and to lower his voice when he talked to her, as well as maybe bring her something to eat and drink. She hadn’t vomited in a couple days, but she was still feeling under the weather. He had to contain his excitement enough to be a devoted, caring husband tending to her in her sickness.
He could do that, definitely.
As quietly as he could manage, he whipped together some chicken noodle soup and crackers and put them on a tray. Walking as stealthily as he could towards the staircase, he made it step by step without spilling the entrée.
Proud of himself for that, he gently kicked their bedroom door open with his foot.
“Iris, I brought you something.”
When he looked up, he was greeted to the sight of her reading in bed. She attempted a small smile when she saw what he was carrying and set her book to the side.
“Hey, Bear,” she said warmly, albeit with a croak to her voice. “What’s all this?”
His heart sank just a little at the sound of her, but it couldn’t quelch all the enthusiasm he had buried just beneath the surface.
He approached the bed, making sure to keep the tray even.
“The Godspeeds are currently not in Central City, at least in our time, so I thought I’d come home and dote on my wife a little.”
“Aww, you’re so sweet.”
She gripped the tray as he set it on her lap.
“And also to tell you that everything with Nora is alright.”
She froze, her hand halfway to the spoon, her other gripping the far side of the tray.
“What do you mean, alright?”
“Well…you know how I had that dream about Nora that made me think…” he trailed off, embarrassed now and not wanting to emotionally wound her like he’d done before.
“Barry,” she said softly.
“Well, I had another one, and it was…Nora was in danger, everything was wrong, I couldn’t breathe…” He shook his head, trying to shake himself of that dream. He had such a wonderful reality to replace it with now, but it was still hard to talk about.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, gently reaching for his hand.
Slowly, he sat on the side of the bed.
“I didn’t want to worry you,” he admitted. “Plus, I didn’t know if you’d think I was ridiculous for getting upset by it given the last time I dreamed of Nora…well, it came to mean nothing, didn’t it?” He frowned.
Iris closed her eyes and shook her head.
“A nightmare is a nightmare, Barry. They’re upsetting to anyone whether they mean something or not. Remember when Psych infected the whole city with nightmares? Everyone was frightened, and with good reason.”
He nodded.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry. I should have told you.”
“It’s okay.” She offered a small smile. “You’re okay now it looks like.”
“Oh, yeah,” he assured her, his good mood quickly returning. “Better than okay.”
She managed a small, raspy laugh.
“And why is that?” She scooped up some broth on her spoon and blew on it.
“Well, because I went to the fu…ture.”
Belatedly, he realized that she might not like this bit of news. Especially given their two-seconds-ago talk that he should communicate things to her right away.
He gulped as he watched her lay down her spoon on the side of the bowl and set the tray on his side of the bed. He wondered if he’d still be sleeping there tonight.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Her voice was low and even, but her eyes were wild. She was not happy.
“Okay, look, I know I should’ve probably talked to you first.” He sprang up to his feet. “But Dig told me-”
“Dig was here?” she blanched.
His hand went behind his head where he awkwardly scratched.
“Yeah, he showed up with some new tech to use to help in the Godspeed war.”
She looked at him in disbelief.
“We caught one of the Godspeeds, but then he broke out and the tech broke, and I yelled at Chester, and all of this because, well…” He sat back down again. “I couldn’t stop thinking about Nora in those dreams. I was so worried about her, what all of this meant for her time. If there’s so much chaos and destruction right now in Central City, imagine in her time where they’re from. All I wanted to do was go check on her, make sure she was alright.”
“So, that’s what you did, I assume,” Iris said bitterly.
“After Dig talked me into it, yeah.”
“And who else did you tell about your grand adventure?”
Feeling uneasy now, he stood up again.
“I uh…told Cecile.”
He swallowed. “And Chester and Caitlin.”
“So, everybody.” Angrily, Iris flung back the covers and forced herself out of bed, heading for the exit as fast as she could get there. “Everybody but me.”
“Iris, wait, please-”
He followed her at normal speed, not wanting to upset her further by jumping ahead of her in under a second.
She stopped suddenly once they got to the first floor.
“Did it ever occur to you, Barry, that this might be a bad idea?”
His eyes widened.
“Of course! It’s why I needed to be talked into it. Dig convinced me that making family my number one priority was the most important thing, more important than being here for when the Godspeeds returned again.”
“I suppose he neglected to mention how it shouldn’t be a decision you make on your own in the end, that you should discuss it with your wife, who I don’t know, maybe would die of happiness seeing her daughter again?” Her voice broke.
Barry’s heart crumbled.
“Iris, you were sick. You’re still sick. Traveling at super speed would’ve made you even more sick. Even if…even if you’re not…”
“Spit it out, Barry. If I’m not what? If I’m not pregnant?”
His eyes dipped down to the floor.
“Maybe it’s a good thing I’m not.”
His eyes flashed to hers.
“What do you mean?”
She closed some of the distance between them, no-nonsense in her tone when she spoke.
“How many times, Barry? How many times are you going to make life-changing decisions without talking to me first? Decisions that involve our children? That could change life as we know it? As they know it? Given your very happy mood when you showed up, I assume all was well in 2049?”
He gulped and nodded.
“Well, suppose it won’t be after your little visit? And even if it is, Barry…you have to talk to me. It’s important that we’re a team. That’s what I signed up for when I married you, that we would communicate and be a unit in everything we did. I thought you had gotten past doing things rashly, based entirely on your emotions, but-”
“But I didn’t do it based on my emotions! I had to be talked into it, don’t you see? It was Dig that-”
“Oh, shut up about Dig!”
That silenced him.
“You used his advice as an excuse to go ahead and do what you know in your heart you were going to do anyway.”
“No.” She shook her head and turned away, then stopped and looked back at him. “I thought you were ready. I thought we were ready. And I was excited when you called me a week ago claiming you knew that I was pregnant, only for it to just be based on some wishful thinking dream you had.”
He swallowed hard.
“You’re not ready, Barry. And I don’t know if you ever will be.”
Tears welled in her eyes.
Cautiously, he approached her.
“What are you saying, Iris?”
She took a breath and licked her lips.
“I’m saying I don’t want to try for Nora anymore. Not now, not for a while, maybe not… Maybe not ever.”
His jaw dropped. He couldn’t speak.
She closed her eyes and tears seeped out.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her breath hitching. “But right now, I don’t think you’d make a good father.”
Shell-shocked, he took one step back and then froze. Everything inside him came to a standstill. It even felt like his heart had stopped. Memories of meeting adult Nora again and…and her brother, who was apparently such a mama’s boy. To think they might not even exist in the future all because of this conversation right here.
He thought Iris would want to know all about their future children, but now…
“I’m going back upstairs,” she informed him, her tone clipped in the deafening silence of their living room. “Please don’t follow me.”
“Iri-” he tried, but she held up a hand to silence him.
Feeling helpless, he let her go up the stairs alone.
The sound of their bedroom door closing was so final that it seemed to echo off all the walls around him. Sensing a collapse was near, he entered the living room further and sat down on the couch, immediately putting his head in his hands and rocking slightly.
One thought clear as day drummed through his mind above all the others.
What have I done?
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terrythemack · 3 years
Watch "purple popsicle 💜💨" on YouTube
#716 stand tf up.
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desus-trash · 7 years
What are tptb doing?
I will say I'm not entirely sure what tptb are doing when it comes to Jesus and Daryl, but it's impossible to ignore the fact that they keep putting them on screen together even if Jesus is just standing in the background of all these shots with Daryl. And they're starting to make them team up like in 708 and 715. Or even if it's not direct it's still connected, like (s8 trailer spoilers) Jesus setting up the gas bombs for Daryl to blow up. And just...why is it the addition of Daryl of all people that causes Gregory to threaten Jesus? Enid could've been one too many people in the trailer but no it's gotta be Daryl for whatever reason. And why is Jesus the one whose reaction we see in 709 when Negan calls Daryl a dumb animal? And seriously why do we see him standing in the background watching the TF hugs? HE DOES NOT NEED TO BE IN THOSE SHOTS! It's the same with the prison scene with Dwight in 716. We get dual shots of desus and richonne, then Rick and Daryl, then Jesus and Michonne, then Michonne, Jesus, and Rick, then Rick, Jesus, and Daryl. The four of them shot together in multiple combinations over and over again. They keep pushing Daryl into Jesus moments like in 707 and 714 and pushing Jesus into Daryl moments like in 708, 709, 716. And once again I want to ask: why is Jesus the one that goes to sanctuary? It would make a lot more sense for it to be pretty much anyone from TF who show up looking for Carl or whatever. Instead no they decide for Jesus to go. On top of that, they decide to make it clear that Jesus stays specifically for Daryl. Like he's literally on a truck on his way out of there and he stays there for Daryl and Daryl alone. He's got a crush on Daryl yes, he clearly finds him attractive yes, I think that's obvious from 715 at the very least. But he's been shown to care more deeply than just that. This weird protectiveness Jesus has for Daryl specifically... I can't think of any other character who has treated Daryl in that way. Other characters have made it clear that Daryl matters and that he means something to those who love him (Rick, Carol, Beth, Maggie etc have all done that). But what other character have we seen really be naturally protective over Daryl? Not even Merle has done that really, or done it well at least. Yet Jesus, this little shit, is fiercely protective over him and treats him like he's something precious. I genuinely don't think Daryl knows what to do with that because it's not something he's ever experienced in his entire life. That speech when he's yelling at Beth and he says "I've never relied on anyone for protection before. Hell, I don't think I ever relied on anyone for anything!" Yet Jesus saves Daryl from a walker the first time they meet. And continues to be protective. Jesus takes him back to the Hilltop and gives him clothes, a shower, a place to stay, and food. Daryl is relying on Jesus, and it's not even something that needs to be talked about. It just is what it is. Hopefully my thoughts are cohesive right now, I just find it to be a really big deal because it's not something we've seen from Daryl, ever.
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gnomecc9 · 5 years
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Was macht eigentlich Rosa? 90-jährige Öchsle-Lok wird überholt
Was macht eigentlich Rosa? 90-jährige Öchsle-Lok wird überholt
KREIS #BIBERACH (tf) – Was macht eigentlich die #Öchsle-Lok #99 716 "#Rosa"? Zuletzt dampfte sie im Dezember 2011 durch Oberschwaben und fiel danach wegen abgelaufener Zulassungsfristen im Ochsenhauser Lokschuppen in einen Dornröschenschlaf. Nun, zum 90sten Geburtstag der Lok, haben im Lokschuppen Warthausen die Arbeiten für ihre #Hauptuntersuchung und erneute #Zulassung begonnen.
Die Radsätze…
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tumimmtxpapers · 7 years
Humanization of JAA-F11, a Highly Specific Anti-Thomsen-Friedenreich Pancarcinoma Antibody and InVitro Efficacy Analysis.
Humanization of JAA-F11, a Highly Specific Anti-Thomsen-Friedenreich Pancarcinoma Antibody and InVitro Efficacy Analysis. Neoplasia. 2017 Aug 19;19(9):716-733 Authors: Tati S, Fisk JC, Abdullah J, Karacosta L, Chrisikos T, Philbin P, Morey S, Ghazal D, Zazala F, Jessee J, Quataert S, Koury S, Moreno D, Eng JY, Glinsky VV, Glinskii OV, Sesay M, Gebhard AW, Birthare K, Olson JR, Rittenhouse-Olson K Abstract JAA-F11 is a highly specific mouse monoclonal to the Thomsen-Friedenreich Antigen (TF-Ag) which is an alpha-O-linked disaccharide antigen on the surface of ~80% of human carcinomas, including breast, lung, colon, bladder, ovarian, and prostate cancers, and is cryptic on normal cells. JAA-F11 has potential, when humanized, for cancer immunotherapy for multiple cancer types. Humanization of JAA-F11, was performed utilizing complementarity determining regions grafting on a homology framework. The objective herein is to test the specificity, affinity and biology efficacy of the humanized JAA-F11 (hJAA-F11). Using a 609 target glycan array, 2 hJAA-F11 constructs were shown to have excellent chemical specificity, binding only to TF-Ag alpha-linked structures and not to TF-Ag beta-linked structures. The relative affinity of these hJAA-F11 constructs for TF-Ag was improved over the mouse antibody, while T20 scoring predicted low clinical immunogenicity. The hJAA-F11 constructs produced antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity in breast and lung tumor lines shown to express TF-Ag by flow cytometry. Internalization of hJAA-F11 into cancer cells was also shown using a surface binding ELISA and confirmed by immunofluorescence microscopy. Both the naked hJAA-F11 and a maytansine-conjugated antibody (hJAA-F11-DM1) suppressed in vivo tumor progression in a human breast cancer xenograft model in SCID mice. Together, our results support the conclusion that the humanized antibody to the TF-Ag has potential as an adjunct therapy, either directly or as part of an antibody drug conjugate, to treat breast cancer, including triple negative breast cancer which currently has no targeted therapy, as well as lung cancer. PMID: 28830009 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] http://dlvr.it/Ph1KKx
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devostm · 7 years
Camera hành trình Full HD 1080
Camera hành trình Full HD 1080
Camera hành trình Full HD 1080 Sản phẩm phổ thông sử dụng để quay phim, chụp hình trên xe hơi đạt độ phân giải Full HD 1080. Thông số kỹ thuật: Kích thước màn hình 2.4 Inch độ phân giải cao Video Full HD (1280 * 720) Định dạng video AVI Máy ảnh 5Mp (2592 8 1944) Định dạng ảnh JPG Loại thẻ nhớ TF 4Gb đến 32Gb Hỗ trợ quay đêm Có Micro/Speaker Tích hợp Nguồn 5V DC / 1A Pin Tích hợp Chế độ bảo hành:…
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