#tf deadend
cutekittenlady · 4 months
KOBD idea that I haven't written but have had as an idea for awhile.
Years before Breakdown left the Stunticons due to a falling out with the others. This caused the group to fall apart and go their seperate ways.
In the intermittent time Breakdown changed a lot, got some therapy, met and teamed up with Knock Out, fell in love with him, etc.
Eventually Motormaster reemerges and start trying to get the stuntions back together to become Menasor again. They approach Breakdown but he refuses to rejoin the group.
Welp with that refusal they just give up and move on with their lives...
hahah nah they corner and kidnap Knock Out to try and strong arm Breakdown into rejoining the group.
Unfortunately for motomaster, in classic action movie fashion, Breakdown has become, like, a total badass in the intervening years and has allies now. And while initially he had issues with beating his old team into scrap, motormaster has just thrown all those doubts out the window by taking knockout. So Breakdown gets his buddies together to storm their base and save knockout who, on his end, is sowing discord between the stunticons while trying to find an opening to escape.
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yandere-wishes · 1 year
I wanna be Deadend's crybaby!! Like just be super emotional and sensitive! He'd just tell me to stop crying and that everything is pointless anyway.
Bonus points if it's Cyberverse Deadend! He'd just say something like,
"Oh, I hate this.."
Or you know what would be even cooler! Crybaby Darling teaming up with Astrotrain to bully Deadend. Now he has two idiots to deal with!
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giantenemyrobot · 9 months
I love how mean they are
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sinblurnshockblurr · 3 months
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ppnuggie · 2 years
      STUNTICONS x gn human reader
    『 motormaster ,, dragstrip ,, deadend ,, ,, gender neutral human reader    』
  -> domestic hcs / relationship hcs
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — some more <33 bc i love motormaster n the stunticons
- motormaster
• most days he just wants to be with you ,, and other days hes too overworked to think of anything ,, he gets exhausted easily after traveling along the road and dealing w/ his stunticons shenanigans ,, but he loves to come to his habsuite and cuddle you against his chassis
• he sometimes leaves kisses on your head in private ,, or strokes your cheeks gently with his digits ,, he enjoys these soft moments and wishes to cherish them for as long as he can
• when hes not too busy for the day ,, he'll drive you out along the roads ,, especially during those summer nights where the air is warm and windows are down ,, maybe if hes feeling generous he'll play whatevers on the radio
- drag strip
• hes a buncha fun and also a pain to be around ,, because hes so hyper and ready to go 24/7 that it can be overwhelming at times ,, but he tries to tone it down for you
• hold his face ,, he loves it ,, he loves to lay his helm in your lap and have you pet him ,, it's comforting and calms him down most days when hes extra charged up
• he'll take you to races ,, and sometimes he joins in just to show off how easily he can beat the others ,, like yes !! cheer for him !! he can easily beat these guys ,, and definitely gives you the trophy afterwards ,, maybe
- dead end
• hes more chill than the other stunticons ,, yet sometimes he can be a bit boring as he doesnt want to do a lot ,, but he'll be happy to snuggle up with you and watch a show with you
• or he'll take you around the backroads ,, just the two of you chillin n listening to music
• he would stargaze with you ,, just to hear you talk <33 he loves to listen to whatever you're passionate about most
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Finding reference images for Dead End is so hard.
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mgarmagedon · 2 years
Fall before the Pharmercyend propaganda!!!
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Commission I made for @ny000mdraws
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uselessmicrowave · 2 years
Cyberverse deadend and astrotrain, some denial and degrading and being told to be quiet?
“Deadend, the hanger walls aren’t soundproof, be quiet.” Astrotrain’s warning seems to be ignored, so he slows his pace. “Deadend.” This seems to have the opposite effect of what Astrotrain wanted, Deadend whines in complaint. He only has one digit pressed against the smaller bot’s array, but he’s just so loud.
“Astro- please! M- mmph! Make me overload!” Deadend tries to keep Astrotrain’s servo over him, attempting to guide his digit up and down his array. “Astrotrain…” His whiney moaning is noisier than he would expect. The bigger bot goes back to rubbing Deadend’s anterior node.
“Be quiet you intolerable piece of scrap, maybe then you’ll be allowed an overload.” He doesn’t mean it, Astrotrain just wants him to shut up before they get caught. To his surprise, Deadend muffles himself by biting his servo, his olfactory sensor and optic ridge scrunched up in an effort to please Astrotrain. He smirks, giving Deadend exactly what he wants.
Astrotrain slowly pushes his digit into the moaning mess of Deadend, stretching him out farther than he can probably handle. “Fr- aa- AG!” Deadend’s vocalizer cracks and fills with static, giving out as he overloads.
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elfelt-valentine · 1 year
I have a horrible face blindness with stunticons i recognize them by colors only
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rawmeknockout · 2 years
Cyberverse Deadend comforting a very insecure chubby g/n human s/o?
He’s a rough sort of guy, Dead End. You know he’s not exactly the emotional type, always trying to weasel his way out of any difficult situation if he can help it. Never putting in effort, even if it's something he's invested in, unless the orders come from Megatron. He'd rather brush something off, something he truly cares about, than admit it affects him.
Still, despite his nature, Dead End comes to you when you need him. He puts aside his discomfort, his tactless approach to emotions, and holds you when you need him. His voice is rough and raspy, tone just a touch too terse, when he shushes your insecure rambling. His chest is warm and sturdy, the perfect place to lay your weary, overworked head. He'll huff later about how he's no good with caring for others, but his large arms will remain around you for the entire night.
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cutekittenlady · 4 months
Trains, Planes, and Autobots
Summary Fic Part 10
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(decided to stop stringing you guys along. So have the confrontation with DeadEnd. As a treat.)
Megatron comes down and Dorothy disembarks. Atlantic City is just visible in the distance. Optimus pulls up not too far from their landing spot and Twitch, with much relief and stretching emerges from his trailer.
Dorothy looks speculatively up at the gates of a scrapyard and wonders why a robot would take up residence where machines are destroyed. Megatron simply replied that it's the sort of place Deadend would go as he "has a lot of thoughts about life and the universe and places like this prove him right".
Dorothy mutters that he's not painting a pretty picture.
Optimus tells the group they'll likely have to split up to canvas the scrapyard and find Deadend. He tells them to leave their comms open and remain in communication as they search.
They split into two groups; Dorothy and Megatron, and Twtich and Optimus, and head into opposite directions.
Dorothy asks Megatron for more information about DeadEnd. Megatron asks her to be more specific and she says she just wants to know if hes going to have any "nasty surprises" for them like shooting lasers from his eyes or something.
Megatron laughs at the idea, but quickly recovers and tells her that no. Deadend is just a regular cybertronian. Unless he has had some sort of special upgrades and he can't imagine Deadend bothering with that without being convinced.
However he does tell her not to let down her guard. Deadend might not have any special powers to speak of, but he could be clever. And while he had a nihilistic defeatist mindset, once properly motivated he could be fierce and clever.
Meanwhile Twitch is hovering around the junkyard and trying to spot cybertronians but is quickly becoming frustrated. She points out that the junkyard has a TON of cars that Deadend could be hiding out as. She asks Optimus if he has a energon detector. He answers negatively, and is about to talk out a strategy when he quickly hushes her. Twitch lowers her voice and asks what it is. Optimus tells her to listen.
After a moment, Twitch realizes she can hear a voice.
They peek around a trash pile and quickly realize that their caution might be misplaced.
Deadend is leaning on a junk pile that hes fashioned into a sorta chair watching a car crusher do its work. He's surrounded by odd junk sculptures and is currently trying to vocally write some cheesy edgy poetry. Said poetry is terrible. Oh and theres music playing.
((I can't decide what sorta music Deadend would listen to. Screamo or classical music. Note in the replies what sorta music you think Deadend would listen to while making junk scultures, writing bad poetry, and watching cars get crushed.))
Twitch asks if thats Deadend and once Optimus confirms she decides to fly over and try and "read him his rights" or whatever her idea of that is. Optimus tries to stop her, but its too late.
Deadend doesn't really react to Twitch's voice as his music is so loud. Twitch tries to raise her voice above the noise, but can't manage it. She eventually get frustrated and shoots an EMP at the device playing the music FINALLY getting Deadends attention.
However Deadend isn't really intimidated by Twitch. Literally snatching her out of the air and wondering what she is. At first he thinks shes an autobot drone until she transforms back into robot mode.
He winds up dropping her on the ground hard in surprise and vocally wonders if shes an autobot only to fail to see an autobot insignia on her.
Twitch is about ready to launch at him only for Deadend to pull a gun on her. He conversationally asks what shes doing there.
Twitch hesitantly tries to answer with something that wont get her shot only for Deadend to cut her off and say that it doesnt matter anyway. Obviously shes either an autobot spy there to arrest him, a decepticon thats come looking to collect on some kind of bounty or else trying to take over "his" junkyard, or else an unaffilated bot tryin to do one of the former. Regardless he should probably just shoot her and-
Thats when Optimus is on the scene and successfully manages to get the jump on Deadend kicking off a fight that attracts Megatron and Dorothys attention.
Deadend largely plays evasion as he moves to retrieve his firearm (which he dropped when Optimus attacked before) and focuses on firing at Optimus from a distance. Twitch manages to get his attention and draw his fire while Optimus transforms into truck mode and nearly rams into Deadend who just barely manages to transform himself and speeds off.
Megatron and Dorothy appear overhead tracking after Deadend from overhead. Dorothy radios Optimus telling him they have their sights on the Con. Optimus radios back that he and Twitch are in pursuit on the ground.
Dorothy watches Deadend racing along the road and consults her GPS. She tells Optimus that he seems to be heading for the interstate. Megatron tells OP to cut him off before he can reach the interstate.
Twitch wonders why. If he tries to hit the interstate the traffic would slow him down wouldn't it?
Megatron darkly says that he doubts Deadend intends to drive responsibly.
Hes proven correct when they fail to cut Deadend off from the interstate and he very deliberately enters the opposite exit and barrels down the interstate in the wrong direction. Cars swerving out of his way, endangering the drivers.
Optimus growls that he'll need to leave pursuing Deadend to the others as his truck mode giving chase will likely only endanger more lives. So he directs Twitch to follow after Megatron while he follows on foot trying to keep an eye out for any crashed cars.
Megs and the others follow his direction and chase after Deadend, who swerves expertly between oncoming cars. Occassionally coming dangerously close to some of the cars.
((Won't lie I struggle to come up with how this chase ends or how they catch up with Deadend. What I DO have is that they eventually catch up to Deadend and manage to capture him.))
Deadend doesnt really argue against his capture. He ran, they chased, they caught up, he was captured. It was inevitable.
This irritates Twitch who demands to know why, if he thought getting captured was 'inevitable', he drove through the freeway and endangered all those people.
Deadend can only give the incredibly unsatisfactory answer of, "I dunno. Instinct?"
His callous attitude irritates Dorothy and Megatron as well with Megatron arguing that its just this careless attitude that has given their people such a hard time on the planet.
Deadend, once again, just shrugs and treats the concept of humans hating cybertronians like some inevitability.
However, Deadend tells them to relax as hes not intending to run anymore. He's tired of hiding out anyway. Pessimistically he wonders is Megatron will leave him to rot in prison or put him into stasis like he did with Motormaster.
Megatron takes the opportunity to say that they'd actually come to talk to Deadend about the stunticons. Asking him when he last saw the members.
Deadend asks why Megatron wants to know something like that, but doesnt wait for an answer before deciding its not worth asking. He then says that he hasn't seen any of the others since the end of the world. He himself has largely been waiting for GHOST and the autobots to come find him. Moving from scrapyard to scrapyard, stealing energy from gas stations and power plants, listening to music, making his statues, and watching "the inevitable fate of all cybertronians" which he describes as "a useless pile of junk only good for crushing and smelting down".
Strangely enough this behavior actually kept him largely under the radar. Something that Megatron doesn't miss. Internally speculating if Deadend would have continued wandering quietly if they hadn't shown up.
Optimus then shows up carrying his trailer behind him. Clearly out of breath, and tells the group that, thankfully, none of the drivers on the interstate were harmed.
To this news Deadend just shrugs.
Optimus ignores him for his own sanity, and asks Megatron if he's learned anything new from Deadend to which Megatron responds negatively.
The sudden interest in the stunticons peaking his interest, Deadend asks why they're asking him about the others. Twtich tells him that they're looking for the others before Dorothy can shush her.
Deadend suddenly becomes VERY interested and asks if any of the other stunticons have escaped from jail.
Megatron sighs and tells him they believe Motormaster may be reforming the group.
This clearly seems to shock Deadend and he begins to mutter to himself. Asking himself if he should run. Then wondering if its possible to hide. Finally he says "its all pointless" and "he" will find him no matter what.
With that he willingly walks into Optimus' trailer and asks them to "get it over with".
After closing the doors Dorothy wonders if they should be concerned with how easy that was after that chase.
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electricchaser · 2 years
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I was bored In class and wanted to see if I could draw him from memory because he’s my fave Cyberverse character so have this dump of Deadend
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levityleviathan · 2 years
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Massive art/lore dump! Aftermath TF Characters! Okay! starting at the top!
Shockwave is a former scientist for the Senate, who was booted out, empurataed, and shadowplayed for his delving into clone technology. When the war reared its head, he went to Megatron to continue his career, albeit not working in clone technology directly, but rather in the replication of the legendary combiner process. He got his signature Hyperflux Multitool during a particularly nasty raid on an Autobot encampment, where he tore the prototype from Hoist’s arm, taking it with him while sparing the engineer out of a lack of interest. The exact maker of the HFM happens to trace back to the RND employee Huffer. Shockwave later innovated upon the design, utilizing its natural energy replenishing to better use it as a weapon should the need arise. In the final years of the war, Hoist took a kind of revenge, as while a recovery team stormed the nemesis in search of Bumblebee’s body, Hoist took an alternative route, seeking to settle his grudge towards Shockwave. Hoist immediently beached the workshop, and opened fire on Shockwave with his shotgun, blowing the Decepticon Scientist’s body apart in the posses. Before firing two further shots into his body, ensuring his death. unbeknownst to anyone at the time, Shockwave had perfected a side project known as the GT System, allowing him to inhabit multiple bodies at once. unluckily for Shockwave, his secondary form was left in a stasis pod elsewhere on the planet, leaving him trapped for the time being.
Now we get back onto the Stunticon stuff that i neglected to post until now
A bruiser from the back-end of Iacon, can we give a warm welcome to BREAKKK DOWWWNNN! Back before the war set in, Breakdown worked in the entertainment industry as a professional boxer gaining great success as a result of his devastating blows. Unknown to even Breakdown at the time, his punches were aided by an Outlier ability that allowed him to impart horrible migraines after physical contact. His career seemed promising till he ended up on the wrong end of the Stunticon Syndicate. Having refused to take a fall for them, Breakdown was beaten within an inch of his life and told that he belonged to them till he worked off his debt. Begrudgingly, he accepted, becoming the muscle of Motormaster’s security detail. The knowledge of any pickup resulting in his death caused great paranoia in him, something he continues to struggle with well into the war.
The Night-Walker! Corpse-Talker! Shell-Stalker! TERROR. Deadend isn’t exactly the kind of person you want to take a drink from. With a former career in splicing, Deadend is known to take empties from the slums and sell their organs for parts on the black market. A truely devilish man, he preaches the idea of Planned Obsolescence, that Primus made them all weak, flawed and doomed to death. He came into cahoots with the syndicate by paying for their protection in exchange for some of his better finds.
Wildrider, aka the "Staniz Slasher" is a brutal serial killer known for leaving his victims gutted and hanging from hooks. Eventually, he was employed by Motormaster following a faked death in SCPD custody, and now serves as the assassin tasked with handling any of the Syndicate's business rivals, as well as its detractors.
Forged after the great war, Ferret found himself idolizing one of the 57 Autobots to return home from Earth; Bumblebee. He saw the Scout’s ascendance from a mere soldier to Goldfire, second in command of the Autobots, as an inspiring tale, and one to look up to. Unfortunately for Ferret, he wasn’t exactly fit for duty in the Maxcops. No, instead, Ferret found  himself incredibly skilled at crawling around in small places, as well as technical work. This inspired him to work as a Techie in the Array (a facility made post war to help rebuild society) where he, Twincast and Skyhigh aided in the creation of the Nexus, a new internet of sorts used for planet wide communication. A latter addition to their little team came in the form of a prodigy named Glyph.
Red Alert and Inferno
A relationship as old as the war itself. Red Alert was a security and safety director for Translucentica Heights, a high end apartment complex for the social elite, living out of his office on the first floor. Inferno meanwhile was the Fire Chief for North Iacon. The two originally met when Red Alert made a call about an explosion on the upper levels, which turned out to have been a member of the Intellectual class enacting unsanctioned experimentation with Thiotmoline and Fool’s Energon, resulting in an unintentional IED.
As the years passed, even into the war, the two became increasingly close, to the extent of becoming Conjunx Endura. As the war rached its final years, both Inferno and Red Alert enlisted to the Ark alongside their mutual friend Lift Ticket, and would be marooned on Earth along side 209 other Autobots. Unfortunatly, as is common with war, people die. Lift Ticket was gunned down by a Human organization known as Diaclone, and Red would later meet his end in a chemical explosion along side the EOD specialist, Tailgate. Inferno meanwhile would live to see the end of the war.
okay, im done now, time to post this stuff, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-
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devilishmango · 12 days
what ifs wips are you most excited to drop a demo? i think we need more shoutouts to the authors instead of always whining and hating in their inboxes about taking too long and making them reconsider whether it was a good idea to start an if at all.
True, I've noticed there has been an increased amount of negativity in a lot of IF author's inboxes. 🤔 I remember following a few blogs that ended up being deleted because of the hate they were receiving- before they even uploaded a demo or anything!!
Anyway, here are some IF I found without demos that I think are really neat.
Wanted Game @wanted-game-if I'm so freaking excited for a western fantasy... with a lovecraftian twist, are you kidding me??? awesome.
Red Wood Point Park @campredwood-if UHM a IF where you play as a camp counselor?? AND IT'S COSMIC HORROR?? sign me tf up please.
Dead End @deadend-if an IF where I can romance a reaper? yes please!!
The Blood Curse Cycle @bloodcursecycle-if on hiatus atm, but I am very excited for this one. Love a good curse that runs in the family. 💅
Keepers @keepersif this looks like an interesting premise- being made/trained to be something like a killing machine. Just my kind of story. 😈
That's all for now, but I am always looking for more IF authors/stories to follow and whatnot. I have a pretty decent sized audience so I'm always happy to share blogs/posts of other IF to get them more attention.
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starpros-sunshine · 1 month
Eichi gives away the mask so easily because it was never meant to be an "engagement ring" like you delulu wataeis imagined it to be lmao. It was wataru saying that he will continue playing tsumugi clown role in fine and won't leave it for hokuto's mother troupe after graduation. Do you dumb fucks even read the stories? Eichi didn't even understand tf that mask meant when wataru gave it to him and wataru referenced fucking tsumugi in his "proporsal". I dunno why the f you think it's ok to lie about "! EnDiNG wItH wAtAeI EnGaGeMEnT" when the chapter it happened wasn't even close to the end of ep:link. Cope
PS: how do you live with the fact that Eichi clearly admitted to never being in love in his life and Wataru said that even though Eichi likes him, he still can easily discard him for the sake of his objectives?
I love you anon thank you for giving me a nice reason to ramble again beautiful ask 10/10 I'm sorry this is probably not how you hoped this would go but this is such a funny block of text delightful really thank you for the enrichment please marry me
But okay yes now to get down to the actual ask just to disclaim I am solely relying on translations seeing as I do not speak japanese well enough to understant the original text so if anyone has anything to add to this or to correct me on please feel free to do so.
Now to get started I'm not sure if one could say Eichi gave away the mask "So easily" seeing as he claimed that it was "a hard choice to make"? Which, as one might know, implies unease with an idea and pondering and debating and a general amount of thinking behind a decision so? I know this isn't really the main focus of this ask but I'm just a tad miffed with the semantics of it is all. And in either case giving the mask back to Wataru while expecting it back still shows a certain degree of trust in their relationship it wouldn't have been such a big deal for him (as it apparently was) if the mask didn't have a lot of sentimental value to him (the both of them really if we look at the whole exchange).
Now to the claim that the mask was "only" Watarus promise to stay with fine and "continue playing Tsumugis clown role". This is not entirely incorrect. Regarding the acting troupe and staying with fine bit at least.
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I'm assuming this bit in EP:Link Deadend/7 is what you are referencing, and I see where you're coming from. But the bluebird line
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from literally three dialogue lines further down, which references this line of dialogue (notorious Eichi line everyone should be familiar with)
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kind of somewhat really recontextualises that? Because you see this is a reference to a fairytale about a pair of siblings and they get sent out by a nice fairy to find the bluebird of happiness for her sad daughter to make her happy again so they both go on an adventure and travel far and search and search but they can not find the bluebird of happiness and then when they return home again, disappointed because they couldn't find the blue bird, they realise only one night has actually passed and the journey was probably just a dream. But then their eyes fall upon their pet dove in it's cage which appears blue all of a sudden and so they gift it to the fairies sad daughter which becomes happy again and sets the bird free. The real bluebird of happiness is a dove. At least in the version of the story I'm familiar with but I mean everyone sees the symbolism right? It's. very hard to miss.
And then dropping this?
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I'm not sure how to say this properly but in the overall context this makes it pretty clear that Tsumugi has nothing to do with this anymore this is Fully between Wataru and Eichi. And I am the last person to dismiss Tsumugis significance in the course of Wataeis relationship as characters I will be among the first to protest when someone dismisses the importance of Tsumugis and Eichis relationship in favour of some image they have of Wataei but he has nothing to do with this one.
Yes Tsumugi gets namedropped but - again - I don't really see how that would lessen the sentiment Wataru is triying to convey here? Because. Yes. Why wouldn't he mention Tsumugi?
The entire conversation pretty much boils down to "Yes I was initially only in this because I thought I could replace Tsumugis role in your life and then I wanted to leave but we have spent so much time together that I realised that that is definitely not working out because I really do love you. I love you as a teammate; I love you as a friend; I love you as a person and I am very angry at myself for not managing to get that into your head. So please allow me to stay with you for as long as you'll have me." And then also Eichi not understanding because he has the emotional self awareness of a very emotionally unaware loaf of bread and also because he hates himself that is a very big thing about his character huge part of his character arc actually that he. you know? Hates himself? And feels guitly for his actions during the war? And doesn't think he deserves love and companionship? Which is why Wataru wanting to stay with him for him and not for some twisted form of revenge is such an alien concept to him? Because he is projecting his insecurities onto Wataru? As one is wont to do when they hate themself? "EiChi Didn'T eVen UnDErStanD WhAt tf ThAT Mask MEAnt" Yeah. That's. That's the point? So he can think about it and come to that conclusion himself which works as a keymoment in his characters journey from hating life and himself to enjoying being alive and wanting to live on because of the people he's surrounded with? He literally explains why he didn't immediately understand the mask during the EP:Link Epilogue/4
And to get back to the "I dunno why the f you think it's ok to lie about "! EnDiNG wItH wAtAeI EnGaGeMEnT" about which I have two things to say:
"Lying" implies further intent and an effort. Neither of which exist in this case.
He literally went down on one knee while making a big proclamation of offering himself to Eichi with a very personal item that works as a symbol for their commitment to each other on a starlit rooftop. The comparison writes itself.
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3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joke
And then I expected there to be a proper reason given and instead you proceed to follow that up with "when the chapter it happened wasn't even close to the end of ep:link". I know the shame is on me for expecting something sensical from an ask which has been near constant in it's lack of correct statements but such is human nature I suppose. And you are not wrong. Deadend/7 isn't very close to the end of EP:Link. That is true.
But do you know what Is very close to the end of EP:Link? The Epilogue Chapters 3-5.
Do you know what the content of those chapters is? I do. Very well actually :)
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(Eichi literally explains why he didn't get it)
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So if this answers your "Do you dumb fucks even read the stories?" questions, Yes. And I think I'm a lot better at it than you. So I'd say I'm coping quite well over here :p
PS: Regarding your PS, I take the "I've never been in love before so I wouldn't know" comment with a lot of humour actually as an aroace person who's emotional self awareness also ends at "good" and "Not good" I think it's very funny all things considered especially because he mentioned the loving Wataru thing several times before that and I'm generally of the belief that actions speak louder than words and also am in a happy long term relationship with the concept of "Reading Subtext". So please excuse me for not breaking down in tears everytime someone reminds me of that one singuar line of text in one of my favourite all time enstars stories that came out three years ago which also brought us the single best card set in the entire game
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as well as absolute banger dialogue such as
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Among others <33
And there are soooooo many other examples of wataei dialogue that simply make me swoon but I have already had to take out so many of the one's I wish I could put here so this wouldn't get "Do you love the colour of the sky" long
And also, regarding your "Wataru said that even though Eichi likes him, he still can easily discard him for the sake of his objectives" I'll just say that no he absolutely could not. I mean he'd say that and if pull comes to shove and he has no other option then he might seriously consider it but may I mention that Wataru was gone for a few days at most but really not that long of a time during Sanctuary and Eichi stopped considering being a normal rational person that doesn't leave helpless 17 year olds in the midst of a construction site. Very different situation but I feel like it's worth mentioninh here. Another example is Eichis almost not being able to go through with the war because of Wataru. Wataru had to actively come and tell Eichi to go through with it. Wataru isn't the reason Eichi started the war, that is wrong, but he is the reason Eichi almost didn't finish it. and during the war era that was his Main objective. Again I'm part of the fraction "actions speak louder than words" Show don't tell and all that, but even the words are pushing it.
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And that concludes my essay :)
#I so won this#there were so many pictures and quotes I wanted to include but the limit..... :'(#if any of you were wondering I am still as insane about them as I ever was#thank you anon really genuinely and fully this has been a blast#if anyone reads the whole thing....mwah let's run off into the ocean together#or something like that idk but it is appreciated#they are my everything they really are#I'm very enamoured with the ''Cope''#Cope with what? I have nothing to cope with? well nothing wataei related at least#or the ''How do you live with the fact'' yadda yadda#How am I supposed to live with it it's funny i think it's very funny#You really trust what enstars characters say and take it at face value without examining the subtext further? amateur mistake#it's so passionate too anon i admire you#imagine disliking something so intensely you sent a very wordy ask to someone because of a silly post they made#I wish I had that much vigor in me#I mean i'd be too polite to even if I did but still it has somehting admireable to it#thanks to you i got to reread some of my favourite wataei interactions so now I think the last three hours were three hours well spent :)#genuinely thank you for the enrichment#I hope youll have a nice day we might not see eye to eye on this and I'm also objectively better at reading these stories and understanding#the characters but I still hope you'll have a nice day#as good karma or something#I'm currently still on that dopamine high from writing this i think it's obvious#best mood I've been in in ages I love talking about wataei#okay good I'll conclude the tags I've already stretched this post out so far i might as well spare the poor tag reader#but then again if you have read the post this far what's a few more tags to you#I really like the fact that the real bluebird is a dove it's soooooooo#it's good it's really good in the overall context#wataei#eichi tenshouin#hibiki wataru
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I so bad want to draw My Rarepairs..like Jazzwheel..Padsaber..Megaoptitarn..
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