#tf proteus
cartoonslovers · 1 year
These four on a team trying to defeat Tfp Megarton or something would be something else.
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He looks so happy talking about his obsessions 🥺 ^
Shockwave using his political power almost entirely for passion projects will never not be funny to me.
Like, “Yes I am a Senator. No, I will not be giving up my scientific endeavors. Wanna hear about my newest project?” :D
Proteus: You go here now. My game. My rules.
Shockwave: Oh, there’s a game? I’m so sorry. Let me just ignore you and play by myself then.
Proteus: …Off with his head.
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durandal-1707 · 6 months
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tonikkyn · 1 month
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cherrytimemachine · 1 year
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Tidbits of Cybertron and the culture.
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da-ray · 21 days
What if tfa sentinel prime met idw proteus? (Idk I do not read idw just thought y'all be curious)
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transingthoseformers · 5 months
IDWSG Isekai: SG Proteus has a sparkling who he adores, who transforms into a laser pointer
Oh awww yes
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amorphous-binary · 7 months
I’ve been trying to figure out how Iacon in “Habitual Affair” operates politically, because I admittedly didn't think much of it at first.
I may refine this later, or perhaps even just ... not talk about it at all in the fic lmao, but here is what I have:
The Tale as Old as Time: The Rich Control Everything
➭ The wealthy, landowning families and associations ("Houses") have always occupied political positions.
➭ The Old Hierarchy ran thus: The Council → The Senate → The Prime, with the Council holding the most power and the Prime being a figurehead. The Senate is in the middle, naturally.
➭ The rules surrounding the Old Hierarchy ensured that only mecha of the kilo could fulfil those roles:
➭ To sit in the Council, one needed to have served on the Senate. To serve in the Senate, one needed to be from a House. To be a Prime one needed to have a backer from a reputable enough House and be voted in by the Senate.
➭ The Council was dissolved due to certain circumstances (*cough* Senate wanting to consolidate its power *cough*), with the Office of the Prime only surviving another century or so longer.
➭ Though the title of ‘Prime’ still exists as a military title, the last ‘Prime’ as it is commonly defined (i.e. the head honcho of the government / figurehead) was Nominus.
On Primes
➭ Though Primes are limited re: their actual legal power, they retain the "control" the Senate.
➭ That includes dissolving the Senate, acting as the Mediator during senatorial debates, and other such associated duties. Primes also hold some influence over what topics the Senate is allowed to debate.
➭ This last power was meant to ensure that the Senate spent some of its time doing actual good, but it usually didn't work out that way.
➭ Still, Nominus made clever use of that power to loosen the restrictions on who could hold a Senate seat. (The Office of Prime was swiftly done away with, after, but his changes remained in effect.)
Nominus’ Changes
➭ He sliced the number of sitting senators from 300 to 150, encouraging Senators who represented districts that were historically or geographically linked to form coalitions.
➭ He removed the requirement that all Senators must attend every senatorial meeting; those disinterested in politics could fuck off, rather than play the role of "neutral" backbenchers and being swayed by the more powerful Senators.
➭ This was meant to prevent family fueds from making their way into the Senate — with everyone in the kilo being loosely related to each other, senate-coalitions were often based on familial relations and advantageous connections.
➭ Due to the above, of the 150 senators, only about 50% (75) are active participants.
➭ He refined the Hereditary and Elected Seat System.
➭ Hereditary Seats are inherited, with the oldest kilo Houses (and a few, choice Associations and positions) maintaining a guaranteed seat in the Senate.
➭ Elected Seats are exactly what they sound like: you have to be elected by the people to have one of these seats.
➭ To satisfy the kilo Houses, the # of Elected Seats is always lower than that of the Hereditary ones. The split is usually 45% Elected Seats to 55% Hereditary Seats.
Proteus and Shockwave
➭ They both have Hereditary Seats in the Senate.
➭ Senator Proteus has inherited House Proteus’ seat (assuming the name ‘Proteus’ alongside it).
➭ Senator Shockwave’s seat is tied to whoever holds the position of Chancellor of the Academy of Science.
➭ Shockwave may have led an upper-middle class life, but his family doesn't have kilo blood.
➭ If he loses his position of Chancellor, he loses his seat. If he steps down as Chancellor, he loses his seat. If the position of 'Chancellor' ceases to exist and is replaced by another title, Shockwave loses his seat — even if that new title has the same, exact duties of that of the Chancellor.
➭ Reason being, the legislation which grants this seat specifically names the ‘Chancellor of the Academy of Science' as its inheritor.
➭ Certain factions within the Senate have actually removed competition by exploiting this rule: one senator, serving as a High Priest, lost his seat when that position was dissolved when the Senate shifted away from Functionism as the state religion.
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quetzalpapalotl · 2 years
☕ (I don't really know what topic to give you XD I just want to hear your thoughts)
Well, okay, them I'm just gonna ramble about my Proteus and Nominus fics Your carefully laid plans and In Name Only, which may not be a good idea since they're so short spilling everything about them can ruin the point of letting them say what they want to say, but honestly, I think everyone who would read them and would say something about them has already done so.
(well this ended a longer-than-intended analysis)
I should put them in a series or something because I think they work so nice as companion fics and both are made under the same logic. I wanted to give depth to Proteus and Nominus, but not in the sense of giving them redeemable traits or complex motivations. They are bad people, but they're still people, so they have people-like reasonings and feelings, not just evil brain impulses (no disrespect to Sunbow Megs, we stan). And honestly, I'm proud of how they came out.
Originally, Proteus fic was going to be about how fun it would be if he had actually romantic feelings for Sentinel "romance is for the mentally deranged" Prime. That's still there in the fic, but you have to squint really really hard. It felt like Proteus derailed what this was about and I couldn't convey it properly because Proteus would never admit to something like that in his own head, not that it matters how Sentinel feels because either way he belongs to him. It's a pitty Proteus died without discovering Sentinel's true alligances dtasjgdh
Instead this became about how Proteus is so fucking full of himself dfsaghdsa. Well, I think he's interesting (pre-war politics, my beloved), he's not quite an hypocrite like the Functionist Council are because he doesn't really have an alliegance, he changes his public stance on the Decepticons and Functionism and whatever depending on what's useful to him, very realistic politician. But in my experience, these kind of people still feel entitled to what they have for one reason or another. Proteus deserves his place because he can get it.
And you know, canon makes it clear the Council was the one really calling the shots for most of Nominus reign, it wasn't until the trail end of it that the Senate started gaining more power. And given that Proteus is always scheming and pulling strings and Sentinel is explicitly called his puppet Prime, I really do think it was thanks to Proteus that the shift in power happened. But you know, you have to run as hard as you can to stay in the same place. Proteus must always be scheming, must always be sure that he's hanging onto that power.
It's implied in canon that Proteus used the anti-functionism sentiment to gain power over the Council, but allowing that to grow is going to be his downfall and he does not yet realize that. He's not dumb enough to think he doesn't have to keep an eye on it, but he still thinks he can control it. I like the sense of irony on the whole fic.
And with all that in mind, we get to Nominus who is... well, okay, he's lame. He has no speaking lines and everything we know about him in canon points to a lack of agency you wouldn't expect from the Prime. He's caught in the middle of the Council and the Senate's power struggle, he's just a figurehead. The Council has been the real power all this time, either Proteus and co. take over and kill him to put a Prime that better suits their needs, or the Council destroys the Senate and also kills him while they're at it. He has no power, no allies and not even a real matrix.
He has to be aware of his own impotence and it must get to him. Especially when he's succeding a figure as shining as Nova, the hero of the Civil War, he who united Cybertron. How can he compare to that? He's just a phony. But is because of that that I think he's able to accept his death with grace. After so long, he's used to his own powerlesness, unlike Proteus, and at least now he can stop pretending and struggling to hold to an empty title.
But he has been holding onto it, so he must have learned something. He knows how these power games work, so he's able to figure out Proteus.
The fic makes reference to a person Nominus used to be close to. This is as off-shoot of me figuring the backstory for The One Most Worthy, because to be able to add a Lord Protector to IDW1 while the rest stays the same Nominus must have had a LP, he's not really important to TOMW's plot, but he must have existed and his choosing sets the precedent for how Optimus' candidates are selected, since Nova just made the title to placate Galvatron and Sentinel didn't have one because he's gay an homophobic.
So I gave Nominus a Lord Protector with whom he shared a vision (bigoted beliefs) and genuine affection. And it would tie nicely if the reason Nominus had so little power at the end was because was little he had, he lost while he was busy mourning his conjux while the schemers kept scheming, and now without his main ally, there's nothing for him.
Of course, Your Name Only is meant to be canon compliant, so Nominus didn't have a Lord Protector, but I liked the idea of Nominus still having a similar figure in his life. Again this is about the bad people looking like people. And fiction sometimes makes it seem like bad people can't genuinely love other people or is used as a tool to make them seems redeemable or have them do something heroic. But no, bad people still have loved ones, bad people still mourn.
I honestly really like how Nominus came across, he's actually pretty relatable to me and I love that, I love that people in the comments also found him relatable.
So there's a beautiful symmetry to these two fics. Proteus who is highly active losing it because he struggles to hold to his power, while Nominus who is quite passive accepts his end with dignity. Proteus disliking Nominus came as natural result of how I write him, someone who takes pride in all his hard work has no respect for Nominus who from his perspective, does nothing and doesn't deserve his title.
Anyway, I'm really happy with these fics, if nothing else because they do feel like something no one else but me would have done.
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doobydoobydoowau · 11 months
aristaeus: can I have some more bees bro
proteus: no bitch??? you literally attacked a girl and got her killed by a snake
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aecholapis · 1 year
Wanna talk a little bit about your favourite little guy?
Always! :-D
This is Helios, the world's most pathetic guy:
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A summary of his lore is under the cut.
He has no luck and is cursed with being my favorite OC ...which means I put him through The Horrors™ all the time. He is a small helicopter built for reconnaissance and his Earth alt mode would be an Airbus H135 (formerly known as the Eurocopter EC135).
There are two versions of him (actually, it's three but the first one has become irrelevant): one is the main character of my original Brave (Yuusha) story and the other is a side character in my little TF fan continuity, but he gets treated like a main character by pretty much everyone who knows about him.
His Brave version works for the Space Police Organization and it's his job to capture his former coworker Ironwing who has stolen secret files. After his brother died, he buried himself in his work to forget about the loneliness and misery if even for a while. Helios was given a new mission and a ragtag team of misfits to command. They had to hunt down Ironwing and his team, but that would prove a challenge.
In TF, he was Ambulon once. Then he crossed paths with Proteus and angered him on accident. As it turns out, the senator was so furious that he ordered him to be reframed. With his memories erased and spark planted into a new body, Helios of Polyhex was forced to work for Proteus as his in-house executioner, assassin, guard - if it sounds edgy: you name it, he has done it - and most importantly, Helios was his personal scapegoat.
When he first left the assembly line, he was told that Aegis was his brother (but they are not spark-related) and that if he didn't adhere to his employer's wishes, Aegis would have to suffer for it. However, Aegis was murdered and this made Helios realize that they were not related in any way, and yet he did not seize the opportunity to rid Cybertron of Proteus, nor did he flee.
If he had left, they would have found another poor mech to do his job and they would have ruined their life too.
And so he stayed.
Then the war broke out and Proteus and his subordinates left the planet before the situation escalated and they roamed the universe until one day Helios was sent down to a planet's surface to search for possible Energon substitution. While he was away, Decepticons attacked their ship and killed everyone on board, leaving him stranded on the alien planet which just happens to be Earth. A human rescue team found him and let him stay with them in exchange for his service as a rescue helicopter.
The thing is, he can't fly.
His original contract had a pointless "no flying during working hours" rule that prevented him from ever taking off (because he was always on duty). Due to underuse, the moving parts in his rotor hub become stuck and corrode which damages it beyond repair. No one has the necessary parts for a replacement and while Earth technology is advanced enough to replicate his hub, they are unable to connect it to his systems.
He helped them out in root mode instead.
One day, a neutral ship, the Stellar Observatory, landed nearby and its crew picked up Helios' signal, following it to the hangar he called his home and offered him to join them on their way back to Cybertron - where the war had just ended.
As their new pilot he finally has the chance to experience what it feels like to be respected and loved. And I ship him with Nightjet (the ship's head of security) and Ironwing (one of the Cybertronians who worked as enforcers for the Galactic Council). The three of them make a nice polycule. So soft. *sighs*
I think that's it for now.
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cartoonslovers · 1 year
I think I just created the worst and most chaotic transformers continuity ever.
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(I haven't actually read Mtmte I just heard that Version of Rodimus isn't exactly the best)
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elfdragon12 · 1 year
Welcome to my blog!
There are some different Transformers related things that happen here!
Humanformers AU This is an AU story that plays into @artsy-hobbitses AU world, Ties That Bind. However, I'm playing with a separate set of characters with their own arcs.
Autobots list
Decepticons list
"hf meta talk" tag (for general information from plain posts or from asks)
"scenario talk" tag (for hypothetical scenarios)
Inbox AU stories Back in October 2022, someone sent a message about what would happen in a Shattered Glass version of what I wrote and it snowballed into multiple AU storylines.
Anon SG fanfic emporium (Astoria, Raoul, and Jazz get stuck in the SG universe storyline, madness ensues. This has two versions, the regular TF version and humanformers. Gets dark at times.)
Actor AU (The anon SG fanfic is a TV show and this is about the actors behind the show.)
Normalverse (Just scenarios that could hypothetically happen in the regular universe)
Tragedy switcheroo AU (Jazz, Chromia, Courtney/Cover Girl, and Drift die instead of their partners from the '86 movie)
Crossing the streams (storylines collide, tragedy switcheroo and normalverse)
Wheeljack science shenanigans (we currently have the 'sparkling arc', 'lovestruck arc', "fairy tale arc", and "time travel arc")
Bathtime for kitty (Steeljaw does not want a bath. Ravage doesn't really want one either.)
Rewind's rom com AU (Instead of going along with Chromedome after the uncomfortable situation of being giving the dead version of him's stuff, Rewind chooses to separate fully and has new romantic adventures.)
Crime Thriller AU (Nightbeat is tasked with solving Proteus Prime's murder.)
Megatron vs Soundwave AU (Soundwave falls in love with Optimus Prime and challenges Megatron's unresolved feelings towards him.)
Ratchet MED (Focus on Ratchet running medical, also he did a DNA test and he and Astoria Carlton-Ritz turn out to be related.)
Daycare AU (Optimus Prime and Kup run a daycare, along with Megatron as well as Optimus Primal.)
Shattered Glass x2 (SG universe ramped up.)
Spike's Mom Has Got It Going On (Spike's parents are divorced and his mother named Lillian catches the eye of the Stunticons but she certainly doesn't mind.)
Star Crossed AU (Windblade gets sparked by Starscream and the two's relationship comes to light.)
TFA AU (Optimus is left behind on the spider planet instead of Elita-1 and Rodimus was unintentionally made leader of the Earth crew.)
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badgraph1csghost · 1 year
@ all the people who think the proteus/2 oboe sounds like 90s shit
why tf do you think i use it lmao
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amaltheeia · 4 years
Another writing warmup, because Proteus gives me the creeps and I’m projecting that onto Shockwave.
warnings for: stalking, threats of violence (implied), just proteus
His first mistake is taking the balcony exit.
For those with aerial alt-modes, it provides a quicker escape from the noise that is the interim conference centre. Meetings here are rare--usually only for the select few that occupy what he’s started calling the inner circle--but the Senate building is under modification. Something to do with Sentinel and the guard introducing tighter security measures. Cameras, audio equipment, the whole brigade. 
He’s not one to lay down on these things, but Proteus has him beat. Argue against them, and you’re apathetic to the safety of the general public. As he’s pushed out of the fold, he’s had to learn some hard truths about what the future is going to be like. A lot of giving, not so much taking.
But speak of the undertaker: there Proteus is. He can’t be missed, not with his gold trim that reflects every ray of light that crosses him. He’s glowing like some kind of deity. To many, he is: he’s become a symbol of malfeasance, the protector of the corrupt.
He hopes to sidestep him and be on his way. Unluckily for him, Proteus turns just as Shockwave exits, and waves away the mech he’d been talking to, mid-speech.
“Senator Shockwave,” he calls out. It’s loud enough for everyone in the general vicinity to hear. “Come join me.”
He knows what he’s doing. To ignore him would make Shockwave look rude. Proper social etiquette leashes him, dragging him over to Proteus.
He walks close enough to be heard, and then spits out the first excuse that comes to mind. “I have work at the Academy, I’m afraid.” He forces a smile onto his face. “Another time, maybe, so I can fully appreciate what you have to say.”
“Oh shush. Spare a click, come here.” His voice hardens, as if to push Shockwave into believing it’s an order. As if to make matters more humiliating, he points down at the ground to where he wants Shockwave to be.
Shockwave tests the weight on his pedes, then walks over. He eyes Proteus with suspicion, keeping a reasonable, but far, distance between them. 
Proteus takes note with a soft grunt that pushes hot air out of his vents. The exhaust fans over Shockwave, a brief pause in the cool night air.
“I’m sure you don’t scoff and moan as much when you’re asked to speak to Dai Atlas.”
“Because Dai Atlas and I are friends.”
“Ouch,” Proteus says, smiling. “No time like the present, however.”
Shockwave can’t tell if he’s joking. To play it safe, he doesn’t chuckle. Proteus doesn’t like being made into a humorous subject.
(He’d hate hearing about the jokes the outliers make. They get pretty creative.)
He hopes the pursuing silence will convince Proteus this is a waste of time, but for the second time that night, he doesn’t get lucky. Proteus is still circling his kill.
Proteus eyes him thoroughly. “What colours are you thinking of next?”
“You scratch at the finish on your fins when you’re thinking of a colour change.”
It stabs at something deep inside of Shockwave, a fear he didn’t realize he could have until the words left Proteus’ mouth. The other Senator wastes no time elaborating on it either.
“What’ll be this time--oh, let me think,” he raises a hand to his temples, “what colour haven’t you done in a while? It’s getting hard to remember, with how often you change it.”
Shockwave pauses. It’s an odd question, one he’s not sure is asked with complete innocence.
No point in lying though. “Blue and red, if you must know.”
“Blue and red,” Proteus repeats. His mouth curls. “It’ll be hard to tell us apart.” As if it’s supposed to be a compliment to him.
“Not your shade. Something lighter,” says Shockwave, almost overlapping Proteus before he can finish.
A dark shadow passes over Proteus’ face, taking the humour along with it. The Proteus he knows from the closed Senate sessions comes out, and gone is the benevolent persona he wears for his constituents.
“I don’t see why you’re so,” he grits his denta, “hostile to me. You do all this work to counter us and always leave with nothing to show for it.” 
“You wouldn’t understand why I do it.”
“I don’t. You turn on the very system that gives you what you have now.”
Shockwave shrugs. “I’m afraid we were never meant to compromise. You see what you’re doing as justified, as I do my own ambitions. That won’t change. Respect our differences, and there shouldn’t be any trouble.”
“That’s what you choose to believe. We all have a choice.”
“Not when it’s concerning what’s right.”
Proteus’ face twists. “Cut the slag,” he snarls. “We don’t exist in a binary. It’s not good and evil, it’s just better or worse. Good mechs do horrible things all the time, but it’s for the greater good. You just never learned that.”
“Or maybe you just can’t see it, because it wouldn’t fit your vision.”
On cue, Proteus looks up at his sky spies, no doubt with a few lenses pointed at them. “You do right by the criminals and leakers that come to you for help, instead of what’s best for everyone. That’s why our visions are different. If you had your way, the whole of the Senate would collapse.”
Shockwave flexes his fingers, saying nothing.
“Speaking of criminals: that cop of yours, Orion Pax, was out by the Ark-1 Monument a cycle ago. He seemed happy to see you. How about that?” says Proteus, with only a hint of glee. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s back from the dead.”
Shockwave flinches, though he keeps his faceplates clear. “Were you spying on me?”
“It’s not spying if it’s in public, and you’re a very distinctive mech.”
Proteus has the added size to intimidate him with. Shockwave takes a step back from the balustrade.
“What I do outside of the Senate is none of your business.”
He can’t move much farther back without drawing the attention of others, which is exactly what Proteus wants. An audience only ever benefits him.
“Not when you’re a Senator.” Proteus’ voice has turned deep. “What’s the concern? If you’re not doing anything wrong...”
“It’s an invasion of my privacy! You have no right.”
“We’re living amid the Clampdown.” The words spatter like acid. “No one has the right to privacy. Since you’re always so up our afterburners about practicing what we preach, I thought you’d be pleased.”
“Pleased? Forgive me for not finding the thought of you hanging over my shoulder reassuring.”
“Oh, don’t be like that. I’m protecting you.”
Shockwave tenses up. The urge to shout profanities is off the scale, but he knows it will only give Proteus ammo.
Proteus takes over: “Call them what you will--I think Decepticons has become the universal term. Someone like you--high profile--is at risk.”
“Well, call it luck that I befriended a police chief then.”
Shockwave looks over his shoulder, trying to discern whether it’d be a good idea to depart from the conversation now.
Proteus advances on him, forcing himself into Shockwave’s line of sight. The look of satisfaction on his faceplates Shockwave’s tanks churn.
“Orion Pax cannot protect you. It would be wise to reassess where you have put your allies.”
“I don’t need the protection of anyone, thank you.”
“Really? In times like this, you need more than a police chief to be sure that those conspiring against you aren’t about to get the upper hand.”
“Meaning you?”
It tames the other mech’s expression. “Oh, come now. As I said, it’s not too late to give up this pursuit of yours.”
“I’ll take my chances.”
Proteus takes him by the arm before he can step away. Shockwave pulls, but Proteus won’t release him.
“Don’t test my patience. I’m giving you a chance here.” He leans in close. “If you know what’s best for you, you’ll darken that shade of blue, Shockwave, and accept my offer.”
“I don’t need handouts, especially not from you,” he growls, taking his arm back.
He prides his ability to keep his voice stable, considering it’s Proteus he’s talking to. There’s something larger than them that’s being propositioned here. Accepting anything he says, even something minor, will spin into some big conflict, he’s sure.
He quits while he’s ahead, turning his back on Proteus in a way he’s sure will be bruising to the ego. Leave Proteus without the last word and he combusts on the spot. 
Which he does.
“You fancy him!” Proteus shouts, as if an accusation. The words singe his backstruts. It makes Shockwave turn, out of fear someone else will hear and speculate if Proteus continues.
Proteus’ grin is not kind. He shortens the distance between them once more. “You always did have a thing for dissenters. A shame; power should be kept in the Senate.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“He’s an Autobot, yes?” Without waiting for an answer, he proceeds. “Self-proclaimed, and all. Mechs like him, they won’t last long. He’s going to keep speaking up, and it’ll be the death of him.”
The thought of Orion and death in the same sentence makes his spark ache. Anger quickly replaces it, surging up and out of his voice box before he can hold it back.
“You don’t touch him.” He shakes with fury.
“Always so emotional.” Proteus smirks. “How about I make you a deal: I don’t touch him, and in return--“
Shockwave points a finger at him. “There’s no ‘in return,’ you don’t touch him.”
Proteus grabs his hand and takes it in his own. His grip threatens to disfigure the joints. Trying to provoke him, no doubt. Or at least, that’s what he chooses to believe. The other option is a lot less pleasant. 
“You don’t call the shots here,” he hums. “So you should probably think about being nicer to me. For both his sake and yours.”
Shockwave doesn’t humour him with another word. He’s down the winding steps and headed Primus knows where before Proteus can say any more. Consequences be damned, he won’t subject himself to another minute of that nonsense.
His first thought is to go to his sanctuary, his School, but armed with the knowledge that Proteus has been following him, it isn’t a risk he’s wanting to take. Those ice-cold optics pierce him long after he’s gone, following him into the next cycle and then on.
He doesn’t know the extent of Proteus’ envy. His anger, he’s familiar with. It's made to look restrained, but can easily be minded if you know him personally. 
Envy? Oh, it makes bigger mechs devolve into an entire moral upheaval. And Proteus never had morals to begin with. He loathes to think about what he’ll do to Orion, and how he’ll justify it when the dust has settled. All in the name of a conquest.
Suffice it to say, he’s more worried about Orion than he is himself. That’s his second mistake.
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cherrytimemachine · 1 year
I’m bored, so I’m gonna drop some senate headcanons before I go to bed.
- Sentinel is an avid hunter in his free time
- Ratbat is what Sentinel calls a “tamed beast”, referring to evolved beastformers that have lost most of their animalistic qualities and have even developed vehicle alt modes
- Proteus is a water alt, paying homage to the Greek God Proteus, the first son of Poseidon
- In addition to his water based alt mode, Proteus also lives in a culture of sirens and singing as widespread communication
- Ratbat and Soundwave were originally conjunxed and raised the cassettes together, but Ratbat sided with his political allies and voted out Soundwave during the Rust Plague when he raised concerns about the senate’s lack of action
- Ratbat and Hellbat are cousins, and Ratbat can also do the hypnotism trick that Hellbat can do, though Ratbat is much more advanced at using his ability
- Proteus is rumored to be able to “foretell the future” because of his accurate “predictions” of certain events and consequences, though this “ability” is thanks to his web of control he exudes to ensure his will is carried out
- Proteus engages in a hobby of going out wearing different kibble to spend some nights away from his position, another reference to the God Proteus, who could shape shift to avoid people seeking him out for his prophetic ability
- Proteus has a younger brother named Triton, who serves as the Emirate and ruler of their homeland
- Shockwave and Soundwave are brothers, Shockwave being the much more open and extroverted, while Soundwave was quiet and mostly kept to himself
If you want some more, I’ll post them as a reblog or something. ✌️
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