#tf2 project doppelganger
What's up besties, I've got more LORE, AAAA!!!
TW. Uncanny, unreality mild flashing and eyestrain.
Based off of my Job Switcheroo AU, more specifically Project Doppelganger and "The Collapse" research paper.
You probably won't understand much if you haven't read the files :')
This is a fake audio recording that I made about my Jobswitched Scout (who is a Medic) conducting a research on the mysterious "illness" plaguing the BLUs, which will much later escalate into something much bigger... But shh, he doesn't know that yet >:)
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crxssedpxths-blog · 5 years
Tag Dump: Fandoms and Characters
Will be edited as I finalize this blog
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Hey y'all :D It's finally time for the public to learn the truth about Project Doppelganger and Mann.co's dark history concerning the mass collapse of the clone industry.
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Here is a link to a shared Google Drive file containing the document for Project Doppelganger :0
For a more immersive funky experience, you can use the link below and enter the password: 1111 which will grant you access to the [TOP SECRET]-CLASSIFIED MANN FILES like a true spy. The link doesn't work very well on mobile, so I suggest you use a PC for this method if you can.
Congratulations for those who guessed the riddle right and managed to find the password and access the files on their own! Hugs and kisses to you all, thank you for your support and have a fun time discovering the lore :)
feel free to ask any questions about the lore!! I crave attention
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This is very niche but I was re-reading Project Doppelganger and found some of my fav lines from the scientist's rant
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Do you like fanmade TF2 AUs? Do you like mysteries? Do you like deep DEEP lore? Are you good at solving riddles?
If your answer is yes to all of those, then yay!! And buckle up.
We're going to play a little game. When you click on the link right above the :readmore: all the way down there, you will find yourself at a blank webpage that looks a bit like this:
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This webpage will ask you for a specific password for you to enter. If you get the password correct, you will be granted access to the [TOP SECRET]-CLASSIFIED MANN FILES. If you get the password wrong, you will not be granted access to the files.
The password is a four digit number. I will be giving you a riddle to help you find out what this password could be. You might need to use a bit of google for this one:
A little girl with the last name Won goes to an arcade in Korea.
At the arcade, she wins a pinball game.
That was yesterday.
But the pinball machine was cheap, old and rusty.
So all she got was a single coin from it. It was the lowest currency one could get in Korea.
What did the little girl win yesterday?
I know this looks hard, but I promise, you do not have to be Korean to know the answer to this. All you need to know is that, currency in Korea is won (원). I can't give you more information since it may spoil the game, but if you are not sure about anything, you can easily search it up and it'll pop up first thing
If you really find yourself struggling with the answer, I suggest you try reading the riddle out loud ;)
You will be given 24 hours to find the password and get it correct before I reveal the answer for everyone. The timer starts the moment this post is published onto my blog.
There are only 3 rules you should know:
1. If you find the password before everyone else, please don't make it public!! Don't post about it, or tell everyone else. You can tell your friend if they ask for it, sure, but don't ruin the fun for those who still want to try and solve the password!
2. You can not ask for more clues, sorry, but that tiny riddle was the most thinking my brain could take for the week, and I can't make more mysterious clues and riddle :(
3. If the 24 hour timer goes off and the majority of you still haven't managed to find the password, don’t worry, you can always ask for more time. If I get more than 5 non-anon asks in my inbox asking for more time, I will extend the timer.
Anyways, best of lucks finding the password, and have fun :)
(EDIT: hello all! So it seems that the links on this post are causing some problems for a lot of you guys, and the whole password part seems to work just fine but for some reason if won't show the files properly once you guessed it. So if you managed to get the password right but the webpage you were redirected to only shows you blank pages, please pop me a quick message through either inbox or DM so I can get you set right up with a shared google doc file which actually works. Thank you so much for your patience and so sorry for the inconvenience and this technical error kind of ruining the whole vibe :'(
P.S. if you can, the link works a bunch times better when on PC!)
Now that all that jazz is out of the way, here are all of my rambles!
A brief summary for those who are new:
This post is part of a big lore-drop for an AU of mine called Job Switcheroo Mercs, which is basically an AU where all the TF2 mercs have their jobs and classes switched around. If you want to learn more about the AU, you can go check out my #job switcheroo tag on my blog. You might need it for the context.
For those who already know the basic gist of the AU, but just forgot the what the heck this AU is even about, here's a little reminder.
Of course, big hugs and kisses to all my lovely Job Switcheroo AU fans out there. We were a pretty niche group but you guys gave me so much love and support all throughout it and I appreciate it so so so much. THANK YOU <3
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Howdy! Can I make a AU kinda inspired from your Job Switcheroo AU + a "What if?" I had with the "Clone-ifacation" process?
Uhh, yeah sure! If it's like, your own new entire AU with just the idea of cloning as your base, then it's totally fine by me. Although, if it's just a deviation of my AU with still most of the initial lore being intact, or if you're taking a BIG inspiration of my AU, then it would be nice of you to at least credit please :)
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I HAVE QUESTIONS!!! okay excuse me if im COMPLETELY out in left field about this, but is your job switch team the ROGUE C-326 one mentioned? and if so, does that mean medi-scouts soldier head is the same soldier that said he wanted to grow his hair out? if so that’s DEVASTATING (in a good way)
if this is COMPLETELY wrong, may i ask what happened to your job switch team’s BLU team? is your team AWOL/MIA or are they still kicking it with their BLU team
thank you for your time u_u
YOU'RE RIGHT ON THE MONEY ANON!!! Wow you're so perceptive, I didn't think you guys could figure it out this fast but I guess I should know better than to underestimate y'all. I don't want to spoil anything too big, so I'll only answer some of your questions, sorry :(
ROGUE RED Team Beta C-326 (a mouthful of a name, ik) is in fact our lovely Job Switcheroo mercs :)
The team went completely off radar right before Project Doppelganger was shut down, and was officially declared AWOL until proven otherwise. They're still alive tho, no worries! It's just that Admin and the higher ups can't moniter them anymore and have no idea where or what they are up to.
As for our Job Switch mercs' BLU team (Team Beta B-294) they were unfortunately completely wiped out by The Collapse during THE INCIDENT. Our Job Switcheroo team and their BLU team have quite the history, but I will not spoil everything for now and tell you more in a future lore drop >:)
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a humble question. does merasmus know about the clones???
Oh wow that's something I never really thought about, good question! Hmm. He probably does?
I imagine he's been to a lot of places all around the world so he probably accidentally bumped into one or two of them before. He freaks out in the beginning but after the 5th or so team he meets he just accepts it as a thing. Nothing else, just a thing that happens to exists. He does prefer some versions of the clones better than the Originals.
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asljkdg this is so cool. u planned this out so far in advance!!! i was *not* expectin "cloning error leads to mass extinction of the BLU teams around the world" but i am vibing for it!!! you got the vibe of cold war era classified documents down too!!!
Aww, thank you! I'm actually so relieved to hear that I managed to get the classified document vibe down. I used references but I wasn't sure if it was accurate. Good to know it is :D
The cloning error part had to go through a lot of changes lmao, at first it was respawn failure but then I realized: "wait, how would that work, they don't have respawn??" So yeah
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the mentioned illness in the lore dump sounds kinda like a prion disease. is that on purpose? itd be cool if it was
Oh that's so cool! I never noticed that before, it does sound similar to prion disease now that you mention it. The illness is a bit of an underdeveloped part in the lore as of yet, so unfortunately this wasn't on purpose at all and more of a coincidence, but it's so cool that you managed to find meaning behind it! The readers always know better than the author and whatnot
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For the doppelganger project, it still just shows blank pages, even with the pasted link, but I Did get the password, so, you win some, you lose some, I guess?
Great job on finding the password! As for the blank pages, it looks like the link is a bit broken and a lot of others (including myself) have gotten the blank pages as well. I'll try sending you a different link though DMs and hopefully this one works a bit better :)
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everything worked well on my end! managed to find the code and read all 14 pages. all the while gushing to my friends about it bhBHA THANK YOU FOR THE LORE DROP very immersive and interesting !!
I'm so glad everything worked out properly for you!! Technology has been biting my ass alot today with all these broken links, so it's relieving to hear that my poor attempt at making things immersive seems to have worked with someone. I'm happy to hear that you (and your friends :) enjoyed it. Thank YOU very much for reading, sending tons and tons and tons of kisses through the screen, LOVE YOU<333
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Hello I have a question about the secrets thing, what happens when time runs out?
Oh, you mean for the 24h timer thing? For the riddle? Well I forgot to take into account time zones, but I posted that riddle today (July 11th) at 1:49PM, and the timer runs out tomorrow (June 12th) at 1:49PM. Now I don't know where you live but I live in France, so maybe you could calculate the approximate time of when 1:49PM for me is in your timezone with an online calculator??
Anyways, when the timer runs out at 1:49PM tomorrow I'm going to post a "final warning" of sorts asking if anyone would like a bit more time to solve the riddle and find the password. I'll leave that post up for the rest of the afternoon until 5PM so that people can get the chance to see it. If I get more than 5 sepreate non-anon asks in my inbox requesting more time, I'll extend the timer for a few more hours. If there is no response, I will be revealing the answer to the riddle to everyone and let you guys have fun with the lore drop.
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i got into the thing but uh, is it supposed to only be one page ? it wont let me see anything else :p
Hmm, that's strange? The document is supposed to have about 14 pages, but it seems that technology is being fickle with me today. I'll send you a link through DMs and we'll see if that one works! So sorry for the inconvenience :(
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