jay7543 · 3 months
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You and V hide in a safe house after a gig gone wrong pt1
TF4M/m4m?/m4f? I don’t fucking know, just in case
Put down the pitchforks and torches!!! I know it’s not a cod one but I’ve been on a cyberpunk kick recently so I wanted to make some. I’ll probably have another ghost one tomorrow or the next day, i literally have a journal page where I write ideas for these lol and most are ghost
The v in the photo is my v in game, I guess she’s technically trans since it’s a woman, with a penis, (don’t ask, I just like to make characters like that in games that let me, it’s the same in baldurs gate).
This might be a bit silly mainly because of the slang that cyberpunk uses i.e choom, preem, nova, and gonk. I will use those in this so prep for a chuckle while you’re aroused lol. It’ll probably have a fair bit of plot, at least more than I usually have so it will probably be longer as well, the sexual stuff will be towards the end. I will also make a second part so it isn’t insanely long.
You’ve been pretty desperate for eddies, you’ve went to every fixer you know and none had any gigs, none that wouldn’t kill you anyway. That was, until you met V, she wasn’t a fixer but she was a merc who needed help and was willing to pay handsomely for it. She hit you up on your holo and made an offer you literally couldn’t refuse, you needed eddies and were willing to get them in almost any way, and 15k for a simple snatch and grab job? Fucking preem. You decided to meet her at the afterlife, a pretty fancy bar as far as you were concerned, all the best fixers in the city hang out there, and now you’re gonna go.
You walk in and look around, you spot her, V, she’s sitting at the bar in a tattered plaid crop top, barely covering her chest in any way, some nice, tight black jeans, and some long, what seem to be combat boots, exo jacks, you don’t see many people wear them, but she fucking rocks them. You also notice her tats on her upper arm, shoulders, neck, and even one on her chest, dead center, it’s fucking hot. After you finish gawking you walk up and sit next to her at the bar, stealing a glance at her chest every chance you get.
Reader-“V? I’m the one you talked to on holo”
She puts down her drink and adjusts the pink aviators you didn’t even know she was wearing. She looks you up and down, taking note of your chubby and tall stature. She chuckles
V-“so you’re the gonk who accepted my job huh? If I were you I wouldn’t have. that much pay, for that little work? Would’ve never trusted it if I were you, most people would run the other way. Guess that’s why no one took it up till you”
She picks her drink back up and takes a sip, then brushed her hair behind her right ear, letting you see the piercings she has. She talk again.
V-“don’t worry, it’s real, I’m not here to pull one over on you, I need help, and I assume you need eddies, but the job will be a bit more dangerous than i described on holo”
She smirks at you, looking you up and down again, noticing your lack of chrome, only rocking the most basic implants
Reader-“well, I had the thought that but, you’re right, I needed eddies, I couldn’t say no. So, what’s the job”
V downs the rest of her drink and puts on a very serious expression
V-“well, it is a smash and grab like I described, but it’s dangerous, we’re breaking into a militech warehouse”
She pauses, almost waiting for your outrage. You’re taken aback, you almost don’t believe it
Reader-“militech? Fucking militech! Are you serious? I may be a gonk for accepting the job but I’d be fucking insane to go against them”
You run your hand over your face to try and calm yourself down, taking a few deep breaths in the process.
Reader-“I barely even have any iron, I got a pistol a few generations behind the current stuff, and a handful of rounds, I don’t even have the ability to go against them”
V-“well, if it goes well, that shouldn’t matter, I don’t plan on shooting, this is a stealth op, I just needed someone to watch my back and help me carry some of the goods out”
You relax a bit at her words, at least she’s not completely insane enough to take on militech head on.
V-“I’ll sweeten the pot a bit too, I’ll give you something extra for helping me, call it a gift for being gonk enough to help me. You’ll get it when the jobs done”
She chuckles at her comment, smiling and showing off her purple lips, which makes you flash a quick smile as well, she has a certain air about her, you feel calm around her, and honestly, for the first time in a while, happy. You’re definitely still scared but, you’re ready.
Reader-“so, when are we doing this”
V-“few days, got a few things to straighten before hand. Guess that makes us chooms till the foreseeable future”
She smiles and reaches out her hand for a shake, which lets you see the lines all over her arms, more chrome, from the type of stuff you’ve seen, it seems like she has mantis blades. Those are far from cheap, and damn effective to, maybe everything will be good after all. You reach out and shake her hand, making her sizable breasts bounce as you shake hands, and you swear, for a split second you see one of her nipples, puffy, pink, big areola, you’re for sure jerking off to the thought of it later. You both stand and walk your separate ways, one of you sporting a full erection.
A few days later, you’re sitting around in your apartment thinking about V when you get a call, it’s her!!! You answer
V-“hey choom, it’s ready, meet me at the afterlife”
She hangs up, not even letting you get a word in, you make your way to the afterlife. When you get there you see V waiting outside, the same outfit she had on before, somehow looking even hotter.
Reader-“hey V, how you been?”
You ask with a smile on your face
V-“you know how it is, getting shot at, shooting back, night city baby”
She laughs and bites her tongue and looks back at you
V-“it’s all set up, giving you one more chance to back out, it’s dangerous, I get it if you don’t want to”
She says with a serious and almost worried tone.
Reader-“no, not backing out, I trust you”
You smile reassuringly, V gives a sigh of relief
V-“good, let’s go then, car’s over here”
She points and starts walking, expecting you to follow, you of course do. When you get to the car you both get in. V slaps the steering wheel a few times to psyche her self up before starting the engine and going
V-“so, when we get there, you stay behind me, follow my moves, everything goes well, we won’t even have to waste our bullets. It’ll be fucking nova if that happens”
You nod, she nods, and keeps driving. After a few minutes of silent, nervous driving, you arrive, a large warehouse, no outside guards, looks like you’re lucky day. V pulls up to a hole in the fence that surrounds the building that presumably she cut. She gets out of the car quietly and you follow suit. You guys walk in and she stops abruptly, you almost bumping into her, not that you’d mind coping a feel (respectfully of course). She presumably scans the area before turning to you.
V-“it’s clear, let’s go”
You follow her to a side door and make your way in, you two make your way to a back room filled with some preem stuff, guns, armor, and even some implants, top shelf shit. V notices your intrigue
V-“you can grab some stuff, not too much though, we’re looking for some specific shit”
You nod and pick up an armored vest that seems to fit with you style, as well as a new pistol. She notices and chuckles before she keeps walking. She gets to a few boxes near the corner of the room.
Reader-“what’s that shit?”
V-“what we’re here for”
She opens one of the boxes to reveal more implants, even better shit than what you saw before, experimental stuff.
V-“this is the shit my fixer what’s, some new tech, I don’t even know what it does, but hell is it expensive, grab a box”
You both pick up a box and start to leave, after just a handful of steps you hear an alarm
V-“fuck, dammit”
Reader-“what’s happening?”
V-“I don’t know, we tripped an alarm or some bullshit, run!”
You both start to run out of the building, the once barren building now filled with guards, you guys dodge them as best you can but then you come to an impasse, the only hallway out and it’s blocked by militech guards, you two take cover behind some metal crates and they open fire.
V-“fuck! Just fucking perfect”
She sighs and grunts before handing you her box.
V-“take this, and stay down till I say, got it?”
She asks sternly
You say nervously as you stack the boxes and hold them, she gives you a nod and stretches her arms, after a second you see her arms open up, her forearms now open revealing some very shiny, well kept chrome, then the blades pop out from just above her wrists, mantis blades! You’ve never seen them in action before, thank god she’s on your side.
She backs up a bit to get a running start to jump over the crates you two are hiding behind, when she does she sticks on of the blades into the wall and hangs there for a second, the guards all stare at her in shock till, in the blink of an eye, she pushes off the wall and lands on one of the guards, tearing him to shreds, another guard screams and shoots at her, she block’s every bullets with the blades,putting him down as well. You see another guard behind her that she didn’t notice, he aims at her as she flings her head around, you throw down the boxes and pull out the pistol you grabbed and fire at him, taking his head clean off, as you stand there in shock, staring at your pistol, surprised that off all things, that’s what it did, you get a bullet to the shoulder from the second guard that’s on the ground, V noticed
She screams as she lunges towards him and cuts his head off with the blades, she flings them down to get the blood off them then she retracts them and runs over to you and picks you up.
Reader-“I-I’m good, hit my shoulder”
You say, breathless from shock and pain. She pulls a bounce back out of her pocket and jabs it into your chest, causing you too take a deep breath and instantly fill with energy
V-“yeah, don’t mention it”
She rips a piece of one of the dead guards shirts and wraps it around your wound. She stands you up and hands you a box, she grabs the other one.
V-“let’s go, I have a safe house nearby”
You nod and follow her back to her car. You two drive to the safe house and take the boxes inside. She plops down on the bed as you sit in a chair.
Reader-“that was…a lot”
V nods and chuckles
V-“yeah, it was. We’ll be stuck here a few days while shit cools down”
You nod and lean back in your chair.
Reader-“you were amazing, I’ve never seen those things in action before”
She smiles
V-“yeah, they costed a pretty penny but they’re worth it”
She smirks and stands to walk over to you.
V-“well, since we’re stuck here, I’ll give you that reward I was talking about”
She takes off the tattered crop top, finally letting you see those perfect tits you only got an accidental glimpse of the other day
Reader-“what-what are you-“
She covers your mouth with her hand
V-“we’re chooms now right? And I’ve noticed the way you look at me, since that first day in the afterlife, you really thought that nip slip was an accident?”
She laughs and sits on your lap, putting her lips only inches away from yours
Reader-“well, yeah, I-I really liked how you look, I mean, with that outfit what did you expect, I-“
She cuts you off again but with her lips this time, she takes you in a deep kiss forcing her tongue into your mouth and fighting your tongue for dominance, hers is winning, she nibbles on your lips as she kissed you as hard as she can. After about a minute of two of that, she pull away and stands.
V-“now for the real fun”
She takes off her boots to show her perfect feet, so smooth, her nails perfectly taken care of, then she takes off her jeans, revealing a pair of nice black panties, that seem to be a bit more…filled than they should be. When she takes them off you see it, her cock, pretty and pink, and circumcised.
Reader-“you’re-you’re a guy?!”
You say surprised but not exactly turned off. V chuckles and starts to pull of your pants as well.
V-“no, I’m trans, I’m a girl, but I grew…a bit attached to my cock, so I decided to keep it”
She laughs as she pulls your pants and underwear off, revealing your surprisingly thick and long cock. Her eyes widen, mouth slightly agape
V-“damn man, this is a fucking nova cock, what implant you got?”
She ask, genuinely certain it’s not real, you laugh the hardest you have in a while.
Reader-“no, it’s real, all me baby, can’t afford chrome anyway”
She smiles and kisses your tip a few times, leaving her purple lipstick on it as it gets hard.
V-“with this thing you could’ve been a doll, or a xbd star, like damn”
You chuckle again, it was true, you had the cock of a pornstar, but that’s not the life you wanted. She then sits on your lap again, your cocks now pressed together, she takes them in her hand and starts to stroke.
Reader-“fuck, you feel so good pressed against me”
You moan as your tips rub together, her fingers running up and down over both of you.
She chuckles and takes your hand and puts it on her tits.
V-“go ahead, touch them, my nipples are my weak spot”
She licks her lips and you start fondling her tits and pinching her nipples, making her moan and wriggle a bit under your touch.
V-“fuck yeah, preem”
She moans and leans against you, still stroking the both of you, your pre cum now mixing with hers. You pull her in for a kiss, now you’re in control as you taste her mouth and tongue as much as possible. You both moan and grunt into each others mouths as you both approach orgasm.
V-“fuck I-I’m close”
Reader-“yeah, me too V, l-let’s cum together”
She lets out a chuckle through her moans and pants as she now starts exclusively stroking your and her tips. Both of your throbbing tips are weeping from pleasure, almost begging to cover each other with cum. V moans loud and grunts
She yells as she lets out her load all over your chest and cock, you follow suit and do the same to her, some even reaching her tits. You both lean back a bit and wind down from the pleasure, she smiles and leans down to lick her cum off your chest, and wiping yours all over herself
V-“fuck yes, this is gonna be an amazing night”
She gets up off your lap and walks over to the bed leaning over it to present her perfect asshole too you.
V-“now, you gonna fuck me or just sit over there, you fucking gonk”
She laughs and shakes her ass, causing her cock and balls to shake as she invites you into her ass. You stand up and walk over
Reader-“fuck yes”
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linda-service · 7 years
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
Repost http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiF-b3-Tf4M ** Desamark ** http://www.desamark.com/
Source/Repost=> https://desamarkbilbao.wordpress.com/2017/03/02/___-helps-you-group-an-audience-together-based-on-specific-criteria-from-a-large-list-of-people-3/ **Linda D. Service / LindaDService / LindaService **DesaMark** https://desamarkbilbao.wordpress.com/
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stefenbauer · 7 years
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
Repost http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiF-b3-Tf4M ** Desamark ** http://www.desamark.com/
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Source/Repost=> http://desamark.tumblr.com/post/157882613606 **Stefen Bauer / StefenBauer **DesaMark** http://desamark.tumblr.com/
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desamark · 7 years
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
Repost http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiF-b3-Tf4M ** Desamark ** http://www.desamark.com/
View On WordPress
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desamarkseo · 7 years
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
Source/Repost=> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiF-b3-Tf4M DesaMark https://www.desamark.com
0 notes
jay7543 · 3 months
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You and V hide in a safe house after a gig gone wrong pt2
This is the second part to my previous one, here
I’m very proud of it so please read if it seems interesting.
This one will be mostly sex with little plot, all the plot is in the first one. I hope more people see this one lol. I’ll have more cod ones soon, so check my profile
Summary: you needed eddies and took up a gig from V, shit went sideways, now you’re in a safe house for the next few days.
You walk over to the bed, V bent over presenting her perfect asshole, cock and balls hanging beautifully underneath, a little cherry on top(or under lol). You look down at your still hard cock, covered in your and V’s cum. You spread it all around to use as lube when you go inside her. Before that, you kneel behind her and burry your face in her ass, prodding her hole with your tongue, she moans.
V-“someone’s hungry huh?”
She chuckles and pushes her ass into your face, you shove your tongue deeper in before giving her balls a gentle tug, causing her to jolt
V-“woah, god your good”
She moans and whimpers as you eat her ass and tug her balls. After a few minutes you pull away, leaving a visible strand of spit connecting her hole and your mouth. You smile and stand.
Reader-“you tasted fucking preem, I wish we would’ve became chooms sooner”
She laughs and pushes her ass against you, sandwiching you cock between her asscheeks
V-“hell, me to. Better late then never though right? Now fuck me”
You laugh and line up your cock with her hole
Reader-“yes ma’am”
You thrust into her, sliding your way in surprisingly easily, nice and lubed from your spit and the cum already on your cock. She lets out a yell of pleasure as you enter her, all the way to the base. She reaches down to stroke her cock as you thrust, moaning every time. Your cock goes in and out, her hole sticking to you every time you pull back, and how greedily it sucks you back in every time, stimulating you more than any pussy or cheap bd ever could.
V-“you can go harder, I’m a big girl, make me fucking scream”
She says through her moans and whimpers. You can’t help but smile at her request as you thrust in as hard as you can, making her scream like she wanted, you push her down from her bent over position, now flat on the bed you fuck her into the mattress as hard as you possibly can, going balls deep every time, your balls hitting hers with every thrust, causing even more stimulation. You start to get cocky
Reader-“you like that bitch, your ass is so fucking greedy, I’ll give it exactly what it wants, a real cock”
You get even more feral as you pound her, slapping your hips into her ass making loud slapping sounds every time you make contact. If militech happened to be in the area looking for you two, they’d just have to follow the screams of pleasure and sounds of flesh making contact over and over.
V-“your cock feels so-so good, fuck I-I need it every day, we’re more than just chooms now, we’re fucking every day, you can move in with me if you want, I-i don’t fucking care”
You chuckle as you hear her pleas, you lean down, now on her back and whispering in her ear as you fuck her senseless
Reader-“I’d fucking love that”
You say as you grunt and pound her more. You move you hand down to her cock and realize that she’s already cum, at least twice by now, the sheets under her covered in cum. You laugh as you feel your own orgasm approaching, she notices.
V-“don’t you dare pull out, fill me the fuck up, fill my fucking ass”
She yells as you slam your cock inot her one more time and dump your seed deep inside her, grunting and growling with every spurt, she shakes under you, going almost crazy from the pleasure, so crazy in fact, her mantis blades malfunction and activate, spearing into the bed, getting a loud laugh from you. You pull out of her, your seed spilling out of her gaping asshole, you lay on top of her
Reader-“I fucked you so hard your chrome fucked up, preem”
You chuckle again as she stops shaking and retracts the blades
V-“y-yeah, you-you did”
She says, her face still buried into the sheets as she tries her best to not pass out.
Reader-“well, we got a few more days stuck here right? I’ll give you a bit then we can go again”
You smirk as she lays there motionless and breathing heavy, she can’t even respond, just making noises. This is gonna be a great couple days
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jay7543 · 3 months
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Professor Riley and the troubled student
In this, you are a student who always draws attention to himself. A tough guy who always tries his best to seem cool, and tries to hide the fact he’s gay, especially for his professor, Simon Riley. There are so many rumors that go around him, one that he’s gay, another that he has the hots for one of his students, and another that he spends his summers as a S.A.S operator that wears a skull mask and goes by ghost, ha! Yeah right.
Both characters are adults, the reader is collage age, so probably 20s, ghost is a professor so probably late 30s
And just in case you didn’t see, I made a cyberpunk story too (also smut, of course), I’ve been playing a lot lately and made one, I’m really proud of it, so if that sounds interesting, press the link, if not, enjoy this one.
You walk into class, professor Riley shoots you a glare, knowing you’re gonna cause some trouble in class. He’s a really nice teacher, very patient and understanding, albeit a bit quiet, he’s everyone’s favorite, he’s even like that with you, but you just insist on pushing his buttons, every man has his breaking point. You go to your seat and talk to your friends nearby.
Reader-“what bullshit do you think he’s gonna talk about today? I swear he doesn’t shut his mouth”
You and your friends laugh, Riley heard every word, and he’s sick of it. You continue like this throughout the class, ignoring the lecturer and talking to your friends and playing on your phone. Late in the class one of your friends asks you
Friend-“do you think Riley’s hot?”
They smile and gesture towards him. You look over at him, his stature, around 6 foot 5, his dirty blonde hair, his muscles almost bulging out of his button up shirt, his rectangle framed glasses, making his blue eyes more prominent, and the aura of dominance he has at any given moment. You shake your head and push all those thought deep down.
Reader-“gross, fuck no”
You say loudly with a big blush on your face, your breath heavy. Riley heard, this was the last straw. He looks over and shouts, something he rarely does.
Riley-“I’m sick of your attitude, see me after class!”
He and everyone else in the class keep there eyes glued to you, you try to play it cool. You scoff and lean back in your seat, crossing your arms
You sit there quietly for a few more minutes till the end of class, you think of him the whole time. When the bell rings, everyone starts to shuffle out of the class, except you and professor Riley
Riley-“come here”
He says firmly, sitting behind his desk. You stand with a sigh and walk in front of his desk. He takes off his glasses and glares at you, which makes him even hotter.
Riley-“what’s with your bloody attitude? I do my best to accommodate all my students, even you. Yet you seem to not care, you don’t do your work, you’re failing, and you constantly disrupt my teaching”
He says in a deep gravely tone, serenading you with his accent.
Reader-“I-i don’t give a shit, that’s why”
You pull yourself together and put your bad boy front back on, he stands and points at you
Riley-“you watch your mouth while your in my classroom”
He says angrily, which does scare you a bit, he’s very intimidating, yet still very hot. He sighs and takes a deep breath before sitting back down. He pinches the bridge of his nose out of frustration
Riley-“I don’t know what to do with you. Believe it or not, I don’t want you to fail, but you just don’t care, what’s the issue?”
How are you supposed to answer that, he’s the issue, him! He’s just too hot, damn him for making you feel this way about a man, you’re straight….right?
Reader-“I-i don’t know, I just don’t see the point in trying”
Riley sighs, just barely noticing the small blush appearing on your cheeks. He chuckles softly.
Riley-“I know you wanna look cool in front of your mates, trust me, even I was a collage student once.”
He laughs, genuinely smiling, his anger now completely faded, he sees right through you
Reader-“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
You say defiantly, but he knows better.
Riley-“I get it, can’t drop the cool guy act right? Trying to impress the girls?”
He chuckles, teasing you. You blush even more. Everything he’s saying is making you like him even more, he knows you, almost more than you know you.
Reader-“all-all the girls already love me”
You cross your arms and look away, with what can only be described as a pout on your face. He finds it very cute
Riley-“you know, when you’re not trying to disrupt my class you’re a lot better to talk too. And from what I’ve seen, no girls are swooning over you”
He laughs again, making you a bit angry, though he is right, none of the girls are on you, but, you don’t mind that, you really don’t want them. You want…him
Reader-“I fuck plenty of girls”
You say, trying to convince yourself more than him, you’re still trying to deny the fact you want him, though it’s becoming increasingly difficult to do so. Ghost chuckles again, his laughs sound so manly to your ears now, was it always like that?
Riley-“if I didn’t know any better, I’d say your gay”
He says, trying to probe you for a reaction, and he for sure gets one. You blush even more than before, your act completely breaking as you struggle to defend yourself against this, this lie! No, the truth.
Reader-“I-i-no, I-I’m not gay, of course I’m not”
You say, now breathing heavy, you don’t even believe it at this point, and he knows it
Reader-“professor Riley i-“
He cuts you off
Simon-“Simon, call me Simon”
God, Simon is such a hot name, especially since it’s his. He walks out from behind his desk and sits on the edge of it in front of you.
Simon-“you don’t need to lie to me, this is a safe space”
He says reassuringly, he really is amazing
Reader-“I-I’m gay”
Simon smiles and hug you, comforting you, as he knows how hard that is to do
Simon-“good job, I’m proud you did it. So am I”
He says as he pulls away from the hug with a smile. He’s gay! The rumors were true! Now you actually have a chance.
Reader-“r-really? So the rumors were true?”
He sighs
Simon-“yeah, I haven’t told any students, or staff, but I guess someone had a lucky guess, and everyone believed it”
He shakes his head and chuckles
Reader-“well I uh-I like you, you’re the reason I can’t pay attention in class, I-I’m always looking at you, just not listening”
You say nervously as your face reddens again as you confess. He smiles at you and gets off his desk to take a step closer
Simon-“I know, I figured, I see the glances, and today, when one of your friends asked you if you thought I was hot. You stared at me for a while, then blushed, then yelled gross. I know you were lying”
He says with a bit more of a seductive tone, which turns you on a lot as your cock stiffens in your pants. Simon notices the building bulge and smirks, taking another step closer, now face to face with you (him leaning down of course, since he’s so damn tall)
Simon-“I know I shouldn’t be with a student but… I want you, to be with you, right here. Do you want that too?
Your breath gets caught in your throat as you hear his words. He wants it too! This is it
Reader-“y-yeah, I do”
As soon as you say yes he kisses you. It’s the best you’ve ever been kissed, he clearly has experience with this, and it’s making your head go all fuzzy. He pushes his tongue past your lips and into your mouth, swirling it around yours, mixing your spit into one, delicious concoction. After a few minutes, he pulls away.
Simon-“like it? I sure as hell did love”
He called you love! Oh god, this is the best day ever. You can’t even respond, only incoherent babble domes out, your mind too fuzzy and hazy with lust to even respond, he laughs when he sees
Simon-“I take that as a yes”
He spins you around and gently lays you down into his desk, he grips the hem of your jeans
Simon-“can I?”
You nod as fast as you can, you want this more than anything else you’ve ever wanted. He smiles and pull down your pants, revealing your dark blue boxers, you have a full tent pitched by now, and an obvious wet mark on your boxers from your precum, he chuckles and pull them down and lets your cock spring out, he grips it and strokes it gently, it feels so much different than when you, or any of the girls you’ve been with have done it. His hands are so experienced, so gentle, you can’t help but buck your hips a bit, into his hand. He sighs with content
Simon-“someone’s excited”
He lets go, leaving your cock a twitching, weeping mess, you whine slightly as he pulls away. He smiles when he hears it, he loves that he’s already made you his. He reaches to his own waist and pulls down his pants, he’s not wearing any underwear? His cock springs out and you’re in awe. It’s so big, the only one other than yours you’ve seen in person but still, the biggest
You say nervously, he lifts your legs so your ass is hanging off the desk, your asshole perfectly on display.
Simon-“don’t worry, I’ll be gentle, I assume it’s your first time with another guy after all”
He lines up his cock with your hole and prods it a bit, teasing you, before putting his hand up to his mouth and spitting on it a few times, then he moves his spit covered hand down to your hole, wipes it all around, and gently puts a finger inside you.
Reader-“of fuck”
You moan as his finger enters you, you’ve played with yourself before but this is way better, his finger so much thicker than yours.
Simon-“I’ll make you nice and ready”
He says as he prods your insides even more, stirring them up ever so gently as he stretches out your hole for his cock, causing your own cock to twitch even more, the hardest it’s ever been. After a few minutes, he spits on his hand again and this time, wipes it on his cock, then lines it up with your hole
Simon-“it might hurt a bit at first, but I promise it’ll feel really good soon”
Before you can replay he starts shoving his cock into you, making you grunt and squirm, it does hurt a bit, even drawing a few tears, but, it feels more weird than anything.
Reader-“is-is it in?”
You ask, already panting, he leans over you and chuckles
Simon-“half way love”
Half! What the fuck, you already feel so full, how can there be more, yet there is, after slowly moving his hips forward, he finally gets his full length inside you. He nestles his cock deep inside and looks at you
Simon-“I’m gonna start moving now”
He warns, you nod and he starts to pull out, your asshole gripping onto his shaft as tight as it can, and just before it feels like it’s going to pop out, he starts to move forward again, gently, lovingly. This is the most pleasurable experience of your life, you’ve never felt this good. You moan and moan. Ghost groans as he feels your tight hole gripping him, begging him to not leave, ever. He picks up the pace a bit, causing you to gasp.
Reader-“I-i don’t know what I’m feeling, this-this is fucking crazy”
You whimper as you feel your head go fuzzy again. Just as you thought this couldn’t get better, he grabs your cock, that until now has been flopping around as he thrusts in and out, he strokes gently, causing you to moan even louder
Simon-“you fucking love that don’t you”
He says as he runs his thumb over your glans, he’s overstimulating you and you love it so much, you can’t even feel your legs anymore as he speeds up yet again, now moving at a pretty good pace, now dirty talking into your ear
Simon-“you fucking love my cock don’t you, your first one and you’re already addicted right? Your just a butt slut now, my butt slut”
He growls into your ear, he’s a bit forceful and degrading with his dirty talk but you love it so much, it just makes you squirm and leak even more, you agree with everything he says but don’t have the strength to even talk.
Simon-“from now on, you’re mine, my boyfriend, my slut, my fucking boy wife, whatever the fuck you want”
He groans again, you love that idea, you want to be his so bad, you’ve wanted it for a while and now are finally getting it, while he pounds your ass and strokes you cock. All you can do is nod. He laughs and pounds a bit harder, making sure not to go too hard, still not wanting to hurt you.
Simon-“don’t worry about your grades, I’ll make sure you pass, just show up and don’t talk back”
That sounds almost like a command, one you’ll follow for the rest of time(or at least till the end of collage) He stars to grunt more as you can feel him get harder inside you as he says
Simon-“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna pull out and cum all over your shirt, mark you as mine”
He grunts, you nod, not caring how much he soils your clothes, you feel yourself hitting the edge as well, his constant stroking and pounding doing wonders on you. With a yell from you and a loud grunt from him, you cum, shooting it all over his chest and your stomach. He pulls out of you and takes a step forward, pushing his hips forward as much as possible, before shooting thick, pure white ropes of cum all over your shirt, shot after shot, him grabbing your ass every time. After you both finish, him standing there panting, and you laying on the desk almost passed out, he stares at your gaping asshole and chuckles before pulling your past us back up. Pulling his up as well.
Simon-“here, take this”
He hands you his coat
Simon-“to cover your mess on your shirt till you get home”
You sit up and take the jacket, still panting
Reader-“that was amazing, I-i agree to everything you said by the way, I want all of it”
He smiles
Simon-“I figured, see you tomorrow in class”
You nod and stumble out of the classroom, your asshole feeling really weird, but you’re extremely happy with what’s to come.
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linda-service · 7 years
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
Repost http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiF-b3-Tf4M ** Desamark ** http://www.desamark.com/
Source/Repost=> https://desamarkbilbao.wordpress.com/2017/03/02/___-helps-you-group-an-audience-together-based-on-specific-criteria-from-a-large-list-of-people/ **Linda D. Service / LindaDService / LindaService **DesaMark** https://desamarkbilbao.wordpress.com/
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linda-service · 7 years
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
Repost http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiF-b3-Tf4M ** Desamark ** http://www.desamark.com/
Source/Repost=> https://desamarkbilbao.wordpress.com/2017/03/02/___-helps-you-group-an-audience-together-based-on-specific-criteria-from-a-large-list-of-people-3/ **Linda D. Service / LindaDService / LindaService **DesaMark** https://desamarkbilbao.wordpress.com/
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linda-service · 7 years
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
Repost http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiF-b3-Tf4M ** Desamark ** http://www.desamark.com/
Source/Repost=> https://desamarkbilbao.wordpress.com/2017/03/02/___-helps-you-group-an-audience-together-based-on-specific-criteria-from-a-large-list-of-people/ **Linda D. Service / LindaDService / LindaService **DesaMark** https://desamarkbilbao.wordpress.com/
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linda-service · 7 years
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
Repost http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiF-b3-Tf4M ** Desamark ** http://www.desamark.com/
Source/Repost=> https://desamarkbilbao.wordpress.com/2017/03/02/___-helps-you-group-an-audience-together-based-on-specific-criteria-from-a-large-list-of-people-2/ **Linda D. Service / LindaDService / LindaService **DesaMark** https://desamarkbilbao.wordpress.com/
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stefenbauer · 7 years
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
Repost http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiF-b3-Tf4M ** Desamark ** http://www.desamark.com/
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Source/Repost=> http://desamark.tumblr.com/post/157882451606 **Stefen Bauer / StefenBauer **DesaMark** http://desamark.tumblr.com/
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stefenbauer · 7 years
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
Repost http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiF-b3-Tf4M ** Desamark ** http://www.desamark.com/
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Source/Repost=> http://desamark.tumblr.com/post/157882332346 **Stefen Bauer / StefenBauer **DesaMark** http://desamark.tumblr.com/
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linda-service · 7 years
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
Repost http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiF-b3-Tf4M ** Desamark ** http://www.desamark.com/
Source/Repost=> https://desamarkbilbao.wordpress.com/2017/03/02/___-helps-you-group-an-audience-together-based-on-specific-criteria-from-a-large-list-of-people/ **Linda D. Service / LindaDService / LindaService **DesaMark** https://desamarkbilbao.wordpress.com/
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desamark · 7 years
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
Repost http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiF-b3-Tf4M ** Desamark ** http://www.desamark.com/
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desamark · 7 years
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
___ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.
Repost http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiF-b3-Tf4M ** Desamark ** http://www.desamark.com/
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