#tfa spittor
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alicefromwhichplanet · 3 months
Chapter 3 Strika: The General
Finally I finished Strika’s biography. This story is by far a transformers femmes story I spent the most efforts on, and also contains my efforts to write a heterosexual love story I consider natural and true.
I want to write about the life of a contradictory character, a rebellious lower-class worker and a revolutionary, an excellent commander and ruthless warrior, an enthusiast and victim of war, and above all, also a woman. Strika’s character in my version is heavily inspired by Soviet Union women soldiers.
After hanging up, general Strika receives an order from Megatron to escape. Her spaceship is disabled. So the only possible way to do it is rushing out in disguise without her fellow soldiers. She looks around the spaceship where she started her career as a general. She looks around at her remaining subordinates. She recalls the days serving in a mine, chanting songs of complaints and curses, and the day listening to Megatron’s speech for the first time. She recalls her life as a much-feared decepticon general, all the glories she earned and victories she won. To her surprise, she cannot really remember any accurate feelings she had at any time of victory. It seems that to this point, all the past glory of victories became dull, lost in the fading memories of her weary mind. Pain was so enduring, like a Cybersnail’s patient move. Happiness was so brief, like a petro-rabbit’s tail brushing through autumn steppes. She looks back in those moments, trying to catch a glimpse of happiness, but all she can think of are things as small as that dawn by the lake, when the whole world stopped their quarrels, all that remained to her was Lugnut’s gentle touch and heavy breathes.
Two must-listened songs to accompany this story:
1. "А зори здесь тихие" (The Dawns Here Are Quiet), a song from a 1972 Soviet film, featuring women soldiers in WWII.
Lyrics excerpt: (translated by me from Chinese translation)
The dawns here are quiet,
Mists are like bandages entwined,
Lakes reflect rays of blood-like morning glows.
The dawns here are quiet,
Red morning lights flow from the apple trees,
Glorious sun burns like stings of bees.
2. "¡Viva la Gloria!"
Lyrics excerpt:
Gloria, viva la Gloria
You blast your name
In graffiti on the walls
Falling in broken glass and
Slashing through these spirits
I can hear it like a jilted crowd.
Gloria, where are you Gloria?
You found a home
In all your scars and ammunition
You made your bed in salad days
Amongst the ruins
Ashes to ashes of our youth
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mubthemoff · 1 year
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Another team Chaar member
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
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aviatrix-ash · 2 years
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Scans from the Complete Allspark Almanac~ Oil Slick is interviewd of his opinion on Spittor!
Gotta love some of the more monstrous designs TFA gave us, Spittor I love especially cause he captures a weird mix of alien frog and a tank/Starwars machine thing and it’s so awesome!!! 
+ his Beast Wars figure is one of my favorites c:
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technovalkyrie · 4 years
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Human Spittor with his froggies 😊🐸💚
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megamegen · 4 years
Personality? HA,no, more mob team charr headcanons.
Spittor joined the mob after he was fired from the last job around that would still hire him.
Spittor is the second youngest member of team charr, coming in behind blackout.
Blackout would've been an amazing underground fighter if he wasn't painfully, irredeemably stupid.
Team charr strikes fear in most at the club, they aren't there often but word of what they've done gets around.
When they are there they almost always take the time to cheer strika on in a fight.
Spittor and oilslick, mostly Spittor place bets much higher than they really should on her. but there always right and that pisses alot of people off.
Spittor is a nasty Basterd man pretending to be classy.
When the fight rival gangs the corner them with there muscle and beat them up that way.
Cyclonus comes from off buildings if his helps needed and oilslick only fights if he's in direct danger or to splash someone with plauge juce™
Tfa mob au belongs to @pastelpaperplanes these are just headcanons
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I love how everyone gives Blitzwing shit about eating hands and whatnot, but absolutely no one acknowledges the fact that Spittor cannonicly fucking vores autobots on a daily basis and that Oil Slick is a little too excited to talk about it.
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Tfa character review! (8/12)
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He was only on for like two seconds??? But i kinda dig him? Frog boy. I had to look up more of him and he's just a nasty fucker?? Not much to report here tbh.
Verdict:4/10?? Maybe 3? Because he snatched my girl red alert?? Take him home i guess, for like...a pet or something? Hes on this list because he unfortunately fits my criteria.
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Like the rest of team Charr, not much personality was given. Except that he can fuck shit up, and i appreciate that. According to the allspark almanac, he's not social, and when he DOES speak, its about the worlds end. So...me. unfortunately i have to base my review based on the show as MUCH as possible. And in the show, i nutted.
Verdict: 5/10. Hes big, tall, definitely brooding, and id smash. Take him home, but he'll only talk about how the earth is dying. Has to be good in berth though.
Oil slick!!;
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I didn't get to know him TOO much, but i know a few things. One, he has too much hot topic cash to spend and he needs help. Two, he hurt my baby Rodimus. Yes he survived. Not the point. Give him one thing though, hes a SWEET looking bike.
Verdict:3/10. Points for the creativity in the wiki, but deducing a LOT of points for him not portraying it enough in the series.
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We knew him for only a few seconds. But i kinda liked him? Like he comes in, accidentally fucks up the groundbridge, mutters a "Sorry" and fixes it. Idk there was something cute about that. Just? Big dumb?? I stan.
Verdict:5/10. Take him home, but make conversation easy on him. Grimlock is probably smarter than him.
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Lockdown! Oh my god. Oh my god. I loved this guy! He was SUCH a huge role in Ratchets story, and never ceased to get me excited whenever he was on screen. Bounty hunter, loyal to no one but himself and upgrades, was a DAMN good protagonist. I loved how he evolved Prowl, showed us that Sentinel was even more of an ass than we thought, and he wasn't weak in personality. Even if something messed up his plans, he didn't let it phase him. I also loved how his mentality worked. He doesn't recognize bots by names or faces, but by upgrades. And i love that since his motive is so simple, it made him very easy to stretch him amongst the series. Plus...dudes voice is hot as shit. I could jerk it to him. And i have.
Verdict:8/10. He BELONGED in this series. Take him home, he's the guy your folks warned you about. But lets face it, boy fucks you just right.
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tigressaofkanjis · 3 years
Transformers as Pokémon: TFA Edition
TFA Autobots:
Optimus Prime – Fighting/Steel
Bullet Punch, Aura Sphere, Iron Defense, Low Kick
Ratchet – Grass/Electric
Protect, Aromatherapy, Spark, Discharge
Bulkhead – Ground/Rock
Bulldoze, Endure, Rock Slide, Take Down
Bumblebee – Electric
Thunder Shock, Helping Hand, Rising Voltage, Electric Terrain
Prowl – Grass/Psychic
Leaf Blade, Energy Ball, Reflect, Zen Headbutt
Jazz – Fighting/Psychic
Low Sweep, Calm Mind, Psycho Cut, Night Slash
Ultra Magnus – Electric/Steel
Steel Roller, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Body Press
Rodimus Prime- Fire
Fire Spin, Fire Blast, Taunt, Focus Energy
Arcee – Water/Fairy
Draining Kiss, Heal Pulse, Aqua Ring, Hydro Pump
Omega Supreme – Flying/Steel
Swagger, Iron Defense, Brave Bird, Hurricane
Sentinel Prime – Normal
Tri-Attack, Double Edge, Protect, Swords Dance
Ironhide – Steel
Iron Head, High Horsepower, Flash Cannon, Iron Defense
Blurr – Fire/Steel
Will-O-Wisp, Metal Claw, Fire Spin, Extreme Speed
Alpha Trion – Psychic
Psycho Shift, Future Sight, Rest, Psybeam
Elita One – Ghost
Spectral Thief, Disable, Foul Play, Poltergeist
Wasp – Electric/Dark
Aura Wheel, Thunder Wave, Electroweb, Nasty Plot
Wreck-gar – Normal/Psychic
Substitute, Stored Power, Wonder Room, Confusion
Red Alert – Grass/Ice
Ice Shard, Ingrain, Hail, Weather Ball
Hot Shot – Fire/Fighting
Fire Punch, Flare Blitz, Reversal, Will-O-Wisp
Brawn – Fighting
Cross Chop, Seismic Toss, Bulk Up, Strength
Perceptor – Fairy/Psychic
Psybeam, Power Swap, Yawn, Misty Explosion
Longarm Prime – Poison/Fairy
Poison Gas, Play Rough, Assurance, Venoshock
Yoketron – Psychic
Expanding Force, Psychic Fangs, Future Sight, Morning Sun
Jetfire – Flying/Fire
Acrobatics, Fly, Flamethrower, Flame Charge
Jetstorm – Flying/Water
Air Slash, Wing Attack, Aqua Jet, Mirror Move
Safeguard – Flying
Sky Attack, Giga Impact, Hurricane, Dual Wingbeat
Cliffjumper – Fighting/Rock
Power-Up Punch, Detect, Focus Punch, Stone Edge
Grimlock – Fire/Dragon
Blue Flare, Fire Blast, Outrage, Brutal Swing
Snarl – Rock/Ground
Rock Wrecker, Smack Down, Scorching Sands, Stomping Tantrum
Swoop – Flying/Dragon
Tailwind, Screech, Air Slash, Dragon Rush
TFA Decepticons:
Megatron – Fighting/Steel
Sacred Sword, Quick Guard, Metal Burst, Flash Cannon
Lugnut – Dragon/Steel
Doom Desire, Iron Defense, Hyper Beam, Draco Meteor
Blitzwing – Ice/Flying
Ice Beam, Defog, Freeze-Dry, Aerial Ace
Hothead – Fire/Flying
Incinerate, Burn Up, Fly, Sky Attack
Random – Poison/Flying
Sludge Bomb, Air Cutter, Haze, Venom Drench
Starscream – Dark/Flying
Hyper Voice, Foul Play, Overheat, Air Slash
Blackarachnia – Bug/Ghost
Leech Life, Shadow Claw, Spectral Thief, Disable
Swindle – Dark/Poison
Acid Spray, Sucker Punch, Thief, Leer
Lockdown – Dark
Throat Chop, Payback, Smokescreen, Nasty Plot
Blackout – Ground/Flying
Earthquake, Giga Impact, Defog, Sand Tomb
Strika – Fighting/Rock
Torment, Superpower, Stone Edge, Bulk Up
Scrapper – Ground
Smack Down, Drill Run, Round, Roar
Mixmaster – Ground/Steel
Dig, Heavy Slam, Mud Shot, Sandstorm
Shockwave – Poison/Ghost
Corrosive Gas, Venoshock, Night Shade, Phantom Force
Soundwave – Normal
Screech, Metronome, Hyper Voice, Wild Charge
Slipstream – Steel/Flying
Smart Strike, Body Slam, Iron Defense, Acrobatics
Thundercracker – Electric/Flying
Zap Cannon, Drill Peck, Eerie Impulse, Volt Switch
Skywarp – Psychic/Flying
Aeroblast, Reflect, Hypnonsis, Dream Eater
Sunstorm – Fire/Flying
Mystical Fire, Sunny Day, Gust, Fire Spin
Ramjet – Grass/Flying
Giga Drain, Bounce, Synthesis, Substitute
Cyclonus – Psychic/Ice
Icicle Crash, Thrash, Psystrike, Blizzard
Spittor – Poison
Sludge Wave, Acid Armor, Smog, Explosion
Oil Slick – Poison/Dark
Toxic Spikes, Scary Face, Dark Pulse, Poison Jab
Waspinator – Electric/Bug
Bug Buzz, Gastro Acid, Thunder, Rising Voltage
Let me know what your guy's team would be if you had to choose one from these bots.
My team would probably be Elita One, Omega Supreme, Arcee, Soundwave, Wreck-Gar, and Grimlock. I feel like that would be a sturdy force to be reckoned with.
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woolydemon · 3 years
FOR THE CHARACTER ASK THING tfa rodimus and/or sari? whoever u have more thoughts on <3
ok im doing Rodimus since ive already done sari!! (This one is not nearly as long as the other ones, so apologies for that </3)
First impression
Wow! He's cool! (few minutes later) Oh no! hes dying!!!! :[
Impression now
I still think he's cool!! I like his lil backstory in the Almanac talking abt how he was a bit of a punk at first but has since then matured a bit as he became a prime
Wish he was hot pink but I think that about all Rods since I discovered he was originally pink </3
Favorite moment
I think it was rlly cool how he manuevered out of the way of Spittors attacks, he was kicking then he boom he pulls out his bow!! go gay boy go!!
(Sorry he literally shows up for less than 3 minutes I dont got a lot to work with here </3)
Idea for a story
I.. honestly don't have anything for him. The closest I got is my fan cont Rodimus?? He was prodigy like TFA Hot Rod was, but never really matures out of his rowdy punk boy phase. He was roomates with bumblebee and windblade during his academy days and has since then been on a bunch of missions and stuff (and also was promoted to prime that's also a big deal lol)
Also he has Hot Shot as his little brother who rlly looks up to him (but Rodimus doesnt get to hang out with him as much anymore :[ )
Unpopular opinion
i dont rlly care for his voice acting that much, but i guess its better than generic white boy </3
Favorite relationship
oogh this is a toughie
idk ive seen rodiblurr which is p darn cute!! maybe ironhide/Rodimus too?? that one seems like it could be cute too
There also was this one comic ive seen for Rodimus/bee that i think abt time from time,,, ive searched for it but never managed to find it again </3
Favorite headcanon
I enjoy seeing ppl depict him with some of the traits of his MTMTE counterpart, sillay man momemts :]]]
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supernova1us · 4 years
Transformers: Earth Bound
just another of my many transformers series ideas
After the brief but brutal war with the decepticons, the victorious autobots remain in a stagnant military state. In place of the slain  high council, the convoy council, made up of autobot commanders, guide cybertron. Optimus Convoy, feeling distant from his more militaristic peers, chooses to follow a lead on his long missing mentor Kup. Of Elita One, he asks to remain and monitor the situation on cybertron. Optimus leaves with his trusted allies Bumblebee, Ratchet and Road Rage and follows his clue to earth.  
Detecting an unusual cybertronian energy signature, optimus sends the others to investigate while he secretly reveals himself to the human leaders.  Optimus is stunned to discover that the human governments know of his species, many having been in hiding on earth for hundreds of years. The other autobots discover an archaeological dig under attack from transformers Sideways and Nightbird. They proclaim to only be searching for dangerous relics to protect the humans.  From the site bursts a giant robotic raptor, and it takes both groups to eventually subdue it.  The creature then transforms, revealing itself as cybertronian, and the mysterious duo slip away in the confusion.  Other than recognizing himself as a powerful warrior, the aggressive newcomer has no memory of his name or past and is dubbed “dinobot” by bumblebee.
The autobots and dinobot meet up with optimus and find their ship has been disabled and they are attacked by a force of brainwashed, undead transformers under the command of sideways and nightbird.  Destroying the attackers and driving off the duo, the group is resigned to remaining on earth, with the aid of their human companion Mikaela.  Striping their ship to create a base in an abandoned mall, they resolve to investigate the source and purpose of the transformers refugees. It soon becomes clear that the real threat is the alien Quintessons, who covet and secretly prep the earth for their invasion. Under the command of the power hungry Mara-Al-Utha, the alien forces coil the planet in their tentacles for the greater quintesson forces’ eventual arrival.  
The autobots, joined by a reluctant dinobot, set forth in acting as heroes for everyday crisis on earth, as well as tracking kups whereabouts, researching dinobots past and thwarting the quintessons’ schemes.
Optimus Convoy/Prime(fire truck)- idealistic, practical and courageous, he rises to being a true leader by aiding the humans in defense of their world. He does carry some emotional baggage from his role in the war, which he still struggles to work through. 
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(the pics of the main autobots are just close approximations i could find from what i imagine they’d look like. for optimus, he would be mostly just be cybertron/galaxy design, but not have the jetpack/cannons and just a fire ladder on his back)
Ratchet(ambulance)-the old and grouchy but wise and caring medic and second in command. He is also the one most interested in researching Dinobots past.
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(mostly identical to his cyberverse design, just more standarly bulky lowerbody/legs)
Road Rage(corvette)-a skilled and friendly soldier and best at dealing with the humans, due to her politically related past. She also constantly deals with a alt mode related personality disorder.
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(pretty close to her masterpiece design, with a few of the stylized details of her TFA look. would also have a retractable face plate to look like her original figure) 
Bumblebee(sports car)-eager and excitable scout and soldier, despite being the smallest of the team; he’s also the closest of the autobots to Mikaela. He also carries trust issues due to a past relationship.
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(basically his evergreen design but slightly more squat)
Dinobot(raptor)-a powerful and vicious ancient warrior, he has forgotten his past save his pride and honor. While he sees the autobots as inferior, he recognizes their bravery and is willing to stand with them, finding their cause just.
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(wouldn’t have the double jointed legs, would have pointed feet with a spike similar to AOE grimlock. would have a tall, lanky stature and some features similar to TFA lockdown. does have a normal sword and would have the pronounced large claws on hands but not sure how tail would be utilised converted in bot mode)
Kup(pickup truck)-a cold and grizzled war vet and optimus’ former instructor. He secretly guards the matrix of leadership until it senses its next bearer. He left cybertron to hide it but wound up crashing and in stasis on earth.
Elita one-optimus’ second in command and sparkmate, she remained on cybertron but grows suspicious of his prolonged disappearance. When denied by the council to search for him, she manages to get off planet with aid of the wreckers, with only jazz, nautica and bulkhead as backup.
Mikaela-the autobots primary human ally, she is friendly, aloof and street smart, but tries to hide her rough home life. she;s also able to aid ratchet on occasion with her knowledge of mechanics.
Sideways & Nightbird-a mischievous and nefarious pair of bots who act as spies and assassins for the quintessons on earth and often clash with the autobots.
Lockdown-an honor-less and sinister bounty hunter who frequents earth.  
Dinobots-an order of ancient cybertronian warriors who defended prehistoric earth from the quintessons previous attempt to take it. Nearly all the warriors were killed by the meteor the quintessons sent to earth.
Mara Al Utha- a deranged and vengeful scientist class quintesson in charge of the invasion of earth. He seeks to regain his former position as advisor to the judges.  
The Curator - a 3-faced type quintesson, he’s the sycophantic and dramatic advisor and second in command to Mara.
Xeros-the oafish pufferfish-like head medic and technician of the quintessons earth forces.
The Watcher-a transformer-like robot who sits above the earth in the form of a satellite, acting as the eyes and ears of his master.
Gamekeeper-a giant crab-like beast; he is the enforcer and executioner for his quintesson master.
Judges-the 5-faced leaders of the quintesson empire; they desire the natural resources of earth and begin to grow untrusting of mara al utha, forcing them to intervene. While there are many judges, a specific trio primary commands the empire.
Inquirata-head of the quintesson scientists and chief counsel to the ruling judges, as well as a rival to Mara Al Utha.
Tyrannicon-a quintesson/sharkticon hybrid, he acts as the leader of his vicious race and general of the quintesson forces.
Gnaw-a specially upgraded sharkticon, he is the loyal but slow-witted goon of Tyrannicon.
Tigatron & Airazor-beast bot partners who wonder earth, they are close allies of the autobots, often acting as long range scouts for them.  
Terrorsaur-a sinister beast bot who runs a human/transformer crime syndicate. After many confrontations he is defeated and imprisoned before escaping and reluctantly joining the quintessons.  
Slipstream-a renegade decepticon who has retired to earth, acting as a rogue element. She later takes command of spittor and waspinator after they abandon terrorsaur.
Jetfire: an ancient warrior and explorer who laid dormant on earth for a long time. he is now old, rusty and not quite in his right mind.
Gnash-a rogue allicon who once served as body guard to Mara al utha before desiring freedom and going into hiding.
Paddles-the only other survivor of the “dinobots”, she was exiled from her kind for her benevolence and has remained hidden on earth for eons as the truth behind the lock ness monster.
Flip Sides-bumblebee’s former flame, she was imprisoned after being awakened as a decepticon sleeper agent. She has escaped prison and taken refuge on earth with the aid of slipstream.  
Riptide-an aquabot who enjoys being on earth for its water sources. He is aligned with the autobots but also tidal wave and the atlantians.
Skids-an autobot scientist and explorer stationed on earth; he is a friend to both ratchet and kup.
Drift-a former decepticon turned autobot swordsman who remains on earth to hunt his rival, wreckage.
Wreckage-a brutal and cunning decepticon warrior and former comrade to drift.
Tidal wave- a massive and powerful decepticon warrior, he lays semi-dormant under the oceans of earth as the revered guardian of the hidden city of atlantis and its people.
Snowcat-a clownish decepticon who enjoys skiing, causing avalanches and general mischief.
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fairlyqualityanon · 4 years
What is one or more of your favorite movies/tv shows/published books that have GT and or vore?
Not only did I watch all 3 OG seasons, but also the entire Unicron Trilogy. (And got all 3 TFA seasons on DVD for my 21st birthday wooo).
There is a canon pred in TFA (Spittor) and a heavily-implied pred (Blitzwing).
Sooooo many scales of G/t in Transformers. 😍
"Innerspace", a 1987 movie, is G/t endosoma that I liked as a child. Oh and "Honey I Shrunk The Kids" is also good.
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evilsciencebros · 7 years
RP Wishlist
[[Since I’m slowly becoming more active on this blog again, and desperately want more mutuals to interact with, I decided that instead of just posting a series of starter calls, I’d actually write down some potential plots I have wanted to explore for some time now, and would like to find the right person to explore these themes with.
None of these ideas are set in stone, there is plenty of room for growth and re-working, they’re just key themes I’ve always wanted to explore but never could work them into an ongoing plot.
I’m also interested in hearing about your ideas. Roleplaying is a two way street and I’m not asking for someone to dedicate their time effort into my muse’s character arc without helping developing yours in turn. If you have an idea that you think would link together seamlessly with any of these, then do not hesitate in contacting me and telling me about it. Even if it doesn’t quite quite mesh, I may still be interested in it and want to develop a new thread around your idea.]]
[Both/Either Muses]
Elite Squad - Team Chaar and it’s members (Strika, Blackout, Cyclonus, Spittor, Mindswipe, Blot, and Sky-byte.)
This verse would only be open to actual members of Team Chaar. I’m not against the idea of your muse having an au where they are a member of Team Chaar and it’s rotating roster, but I mainly want to see my muses interact with those in their actual canon. To build upon the established dynamic in their single scene and craft some amazing relationships and new headcanons. How was each member introduced, how do they bounce off each other, do they even like each other? Why does Oil Slick find Spittor so disgusting, and how did Scalpel feel about having to repair Mindswipe?
Note: Romance is not necessary for this verse. Actually, I haven’t really considered it since one of the major things that makes a group dynamic so enjoyable to watch is the lack of romance and the empathises on platonic comradery.
Space Bridge 687-030 - Team Athenia and it’s members (Rodimus Prime, Red Alert, Hotshot, Ironhide and Brawn)
Again, another verse that would only be open to muses listed above. Every character needs a good rivalry and I loved seeing Team Athenia step up and take on one of Megatron’s most feared Generals and her personal strike force. I would especially be interested in exploring a possible rivalry with Rodimus Prime, considering the Oil Slick put him out of commission for so long. I bet Rodimus would want some well deserved payback for that cheap stunt.
Note: Can be canon divergent. Relationships are not really necessary for this verse to work, but unlike Elite Squad, I am more open to the idea because I’m a sucker for cross-faction ships (especially if its Red Alert).
[Oil Slick Only]
The Wreckers [au] - Oil Slick searching for Grinder’s murderer.
Grinder was partnered up with Oil Slick during the height of the Great War, before he was killed by the Wreckers under unknown circumstances. Oil Slick, showing actual compassion for someone other than himself, is determined to find the Autobot responsible for his partner’s death and make them pay, slowly.
I am willing to blend elements of the IDW Comic interpretation of the Wreckers into this AU and even help build the foundations for a new Wrecker Team in the TFA universe. Please keep in mind that your muse doesn’t necessarily have to be the one who offlined Grinder, just as long as you identify as a Wrecker, you have Oil Slick’s attention.
If however you did want to take credit for Grinder’s termination, then that would have to be something we discuss in great detail, because Oil Slick is going to be blinded by his emotions and not thinking straight. Your muse would be Oil Slick’s enemy through and through. Someone he doesn’t just want dead, but begging for death.
I would especially love the idea of plotting a thread where Oil Slick develops some kind of relationship with your muse, not knowing what they’ve done, and is eventually confronted by the truth further down the line.
Note: Open to muses (canon or non-canon) who are, or have ever been, part of the Wreckers lineup.
Toxic Deluxe [au] - Based on the Toxic Oil Slick action figure that was never produced
An au where Oil Slick has undergone some horrific modifications (either by his own hand or some freak accident), that has left him unable to take off his outer-armour and glass helmet without infecting any Cybertronian he comes into contact with. This makes him a powerful weapon on the battlefield, but it leaves Oil Slick unable to have any physical contact with another bot. The experience isolates him from everyone, partially because he can never touch anyone again, and also because everyone is afraid to be in the same room as him.
Note: Open to anyone. Possible gore and nsfw material. Romance is not necessary, but possible if there is chemistry between muses.
Human [au] - Exactly what it says on the tin. A human AU
To avoid any confusion I will elaborate right now, I’m not interested in a standard, normal human au that is exactly identical to our own, boring every day existence. If I am going to plot a human au, then there needs to be a niche to it. I love putting humans in different settings and turning that world into a sandbox. Whether it is a sci-fi adventure in space, high fantasy with dragons and witchcraft, post-apocalyptic cyberpunk, or even Victorian era steampunk with vampires! I will write anything that is not the generic, anime slice of life high school setting (although that would be hilarious XD).
Note: I will however plot a modern day earth au if Oil Slick is using his holo avatar
[Scalpel Only]
Tyran Scalpel [au] - Set in the same continuity as the live action Bay movies.
A slight divergent within the main story line where Scalpel is mysteriously absent after his initial introduction in ROTF. Taking bits from the tie-in comics, Scalpel is still alive, acting as medibot for the surviving Decepticons and taking full advantage of his small stature to sneak into military facilities and download any sensitive materials or free captured Decepticons (Seriously, he teams up with Bludgeon helped free all the prisoners. That’s kinda badass)
Note: Open to Tyran muses only
Behind the mask [au] - Scalpel was a normal transformer? Waaa?
Due to the lack of any miniformers in the TFA continuity, I want to explore the idea that Scalpel was not always so tiny. We know he is sentient, has an altmode, and I’m assuming, a spark, but what if he was a regular Autobot before the war? What if something happened to him that ultimately lead to him becoming the irritable mantis-bot he is today?
This au would have to be set with a muse who knew Scalpel before, or during, the Great War on Cybertron. I have a quite a few headcanons as to what Scalpel would be like during this time, how he looked, and even his work at the Ministry of Science with Perceptor and the other scientists, but I want to keep this vague as possible so I can discuss the possible relationship your muse would have with Scalpel, assuming there is one.
Note: This thread in particular would have to be very political, due to the time-frame it is set in, and because TFA is so vague about how Cybertron was run before the revolt. We can move the thread into a future timeline where Scalpel has undergone his change in appearance and reunites with your muse in his new body, but I would like to establish a backstory first before going down that route.
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Relationship advice with Team Charr
Cyclonus, holding a beeping mini-con Tailgate in carefully cupped hands: ...
Spittor: Aw, 's that the lil guy who's hooked on you?
Cyclonus: Mm.
Spittor: 'S cute. I think he likes you.
Cyclonus: ...
Spittor: Y'know, he's small enough that you could just. Shove him in your mouth.
Cyclonus: Why would I do that.
Spittor: I dunno, why wouldn't you?
Cyclonus: That isn't the protocol to use on those that are not our enemies.
Spittor: I dunno, Oil Slick seemed to like it.
Oil Slick, in the distance, covered in some nameless disgusting goo: I HAVE MADE A BREAKTHROUGH! THIS DISEASE WILL DECIMATE OUR ENEMIES!
Spittor: *licks lips* Nice.
Cyclonus: *Lost to the void of regretting his life's decisions*
Tailgate: *TFA mini-con chittering* *attempts to bite Cyclonus' thumb to show his support*
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megamegen · 5 years
Ok as much as I love spittor also being baby he's actually more jack ass dog who pisses on things but you still keep him around and honestly that might just be better
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