#tfp redesigns
sleepysaltuna · 1 year
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have I ever mentioned that the side characters were also my comfort characters? because they are and I currently am fixated on them hehehehe
so here’s a lil redesign of the side characters!! check under the cut for some comparisons and headcanons I have for them!
Sierra Watson ❤️
- girlie is AWFUL when it comes to crushes and romance. she cannot for the life of her figure out her feelings nor can she tell when someone likes her. she’s also a terrible wingman so please don’t ask for her help because she WILL end up just blurting out “oh [name] has a crush on you!!” to your crush
- she likes dressing to the nines for no reason. clearly.
- gossip is her middle name. she loves talking trash about the other cheerleaders but the feeling is mutual because they usually trash talk her behind her back
- wears a facade 24/7 because she’s scared of not being accepted for who she is. Vince and Tomoko get to see the real her more often than her other friends and family do though
- her hidden talent is writing! put a book or computer in front of her and suddenly she becomes a modern day Shakespeare. if you somehow do find her wattpad account you’d better be prepared to sign an nda because she does not want ANYONE to find her cringe. not even her best friends know it exists and she plans to keep it that way.
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Tomoko Tanaka 💙
(credit to @/lizwuzthere on AO3 for her first name!!)
- she has all of the tea. somehow knows almost everyone’s secrets and is able to tell you who has beef with who, who likes who, etc. she runs an anonymous blog where she talks about all of the drama going on between her classmates. only Raf knows she’s the one running it, but the two came to an agreement that he won’t tell anyone so long as she never talks about his friends or family
- a kogal! her natural hair color is black, but she bleached and dyed it to the color she has now due to wanting a less gloomy color for her hair. she has a collection of clip in extensions which are dyed in various colors to match her the main color of her outfits. this is the same case with her eyes! they are brown, but she has a collection of colorful contact lenses that match the color of her extensions and her clothes. right now, she’s really into blue
- she used to be a cheerleader but quit because she couldn’t stand some of the other girls. she does continue to attend the practices just so she can watch and support Sierra
- she’s half Japanese and half American, but because she lives with her father instead of her mother, she uses her Japanese name more. her full name is Tomoko Allison Lee Tanaka. in all honesty, she likes being called Tomoko more than Allison and will no longer respond if someone does call her Allison.
- this girl is immune to the desert heat. or is she? no one really knows but with the way she dresses, it’s amazing how she isn’t melting like a popsicle left too in the sun. however, she’s never seen without a cold drink in hand
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Vince Lancaster 🧡
(credit to @/williamtrasheater for inspiring me to make him a lil more punk-ish fashion-wise!!)
- the bodyguard of the group. will punch you if you so much as look at his friends wrong. he towers over most of his classmates and even some of the teachers too and he’s not afraid to use his height to his advantage. he’s also strong but he holds back in a fight because he genuinely does not want to fatally hurt anyone.
- speaking of which, he’s a big softy under the asshole facade he hides himself behind. unfortunately his current situation does not allow for him to show off that softer side often - his “friends” have created a monster out of him and expect him to fit that mold or else. right now, Sierra and Tomoko are the only people who get to see softy Vince
- he knows cars. very well. he fixes his own car whenever it breaks down. currently, he’s a receptionist at the local auto repair shop but he spends more time helping the mechanics than answering phones
- he smokes. it’s a nasty habit he was (pressured) to pick up by his “friends”. he has enough self control not to smoke around Sierra and Tomoko and he also refuses to smoke in his car because they frequent it often
- he used to be Jack’s closest friend way back when they were kids but unfortunately, due to peer pressure, he made a mistake that costed him his friendship with Jack. it’s a mistake he deeply regrets now but again, due to his situation with his “friends”, he has no choice but to do nothing and let his guilt eat away at him. he can’t even be nice to Jack because they’re always watching.
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lynxmov · 1 month
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I couldn't decide between the versions with and without glasses
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artsy-imogen · 19 days
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✩ playing around with designs 💙✨
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salmonpiffy · 1 month
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Optimus 2.0 but less chonky
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chownkiies · 3 months
These damn kids
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alienszarecool · 2 months
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some redesigns for funsies
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chainsaw-dick · 6 months
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Couple designs for a TFP au, specifically a season 3+4 rewrite.
Had a lot of fun with these designs, especially putting together a new look for Optimus 2.0. The official design has always bothered me a bit, so I aimed to make this one more of an expansion/evolution of the s1-2 look.
As for Elita-1, Jazz and Kup, I might change a few minor details but I'm happy with the overall looks.
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@newmatrix Here you go! sorry for the wait!!
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baronazazel · 22 days
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My Starscream design as I feel like tfp one needs some meat on his bones
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cukerka32 · 11 months
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This is mine design for tfa Megatron if he was in Prime series
I've made a little mistake by drawing this first instead of the "bible" (that's what they call a concept art right?)
But that is not a problem! I already started working on it
Also I've been told he looks like a blueberry
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mgarmagedon · 11 days
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And sketch of him as human, because of yes :)
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I mainly got inspired by his alt mode from bayverse mixed with his tfp alt mode
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and because he is kinda rock dad I chosen to give him stickers all over.
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majachee · 10 months
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Omg its Stygian's adoptive brother and sister...
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lynxmov · 19 days
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And here is another redesign, the next in line is someone from the Decepticons
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ratpinkpunk · 2 months
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Ok I’ll post smth old 🪑
The big 4 as owls from that one movie I was hyper fixated on for a rlly long time when I was younger
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salmonpiffy · 2 months
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Joining TFP kids redesign train
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jaysdoodlehell · 2 months
The last ask from @margoshrmargoshing about OC's actually convinced me to pile up my small collection of art pieces with my characters. I trust in you Tumblr, that I won't regret the decision to share them with y'all XD
I'll start with Shadowground. An OC I actually made in 2012, and did a total overhaul for, last year. He's the one I have covered the best, tho I still can't decide about the final design as this boy stores in him some serious sentimental value ;v; (hence so many visual differences, and that's also the reason why I have the most art with him)
Btw please excuse my small "theft" of cyberverse bg for this XD
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And here we have Wafflewing. A funny little OC I designed because I got this bootleg figurine of a Seeker XD Somehow he got a story and a lil bit of personality. He's called like this cause the plastic packaging behind his wings looked like a waffle XD
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And lastly maybe not an OC, but since he technically isn't in TFP, here's Shrapnel I made in TFP style. He's also changed to fit more with Prime universe both character, and story wise.
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Aaaand that's all for now regarding the OC department XD Anyway, hope you enjoyed my two and a half characters, and thank y'all for stopping by >w<
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