The siege and lack of nutrition in Gaza are destroying the bodies of our children, Muhammad and Sham
Especially after the tightening of the siege and the closure of the crossings
Our children suffer from malnutrition and a health disaster
All aspects of life have become difficult for them, especially education, as they are at the most important stage in their lives in terms of establishing a foundation in learning.
And Joseph was born in a tent and in difficult and harsh circumstances
His mother moves from one place to another during the last months of pregnancy
Youssef was born, and relief has not yet come to Gaza, as they are still suffering from lack of nutrition and all the necessities of life
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What's the best fight in Undead Unluck?
Hello Undead Unluck Fans! Trying to get more into the community and also possibly trying to do an Undead Unluck post in the future. In the meantime what do you think is the best fight in the anime or manga?
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What's the best fight in Undead Unluck?
Hello Undead Unluck Fans! Trying to get more into the community and also possibly trying to do an Undead Unluck post in the future. In the meantime what do you think is the best fight in the anime or manga?
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What's the best fight in Undead Unluck?
Hello Undead Unluck Fans! Trying to get more into the community and also possibly trying to do an Undead Unluck post in the future. In the meantime what do you think is the best fight in the anime or manga?
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Hey guys!! I know it's been a while but I'm reopening and restructing the Comission Center! I'm back in buisness and hope to do it with you soon enough!
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Mori Jin (19 Yeouiju) vs Goku (Wrath of Dragon)
Few people from any universe can claim to have a life as exciting as Son Goku. After all, it seems ever since he found a young girl in the forest, his entire life has been an adventure. An epic that has brought him against the world's greatest armies, deadly mercenaries, and even the universe's greatest monsters; yet this one man, out of all others, has reignited an excitement that was dormant for years.
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His newly revived body felt genuinely alive, nerves racing across his frame like fireworks. Nevertheless, Goku managed to calm his nerves, doing basic stretches to get out the nervous energy. With that, the Z fighter finally put on his signature gi, collecting himself properly for what may be the most formidable challenge he could get.
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"Welp, I guess it's time to go. I would hate to keep him waiting," Goku said playfully.
Goku exited his waiting area, rallying behind the massive crowd gathered in the Other World Stadium. The Sayain never attended to have such a crowd, but I guess this event did serve as a good reunion for all the great rivals he's made these past seven years. Either way, it gave him a massive amount of comfortable nostalgia as he finally faced the man responsible for this event.
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He arrived at Goku's house three days ago, covered in bloody scars and wounds from what looked like a beast. At first, Goku thought he was simply a regular guy that got lost in the forest. But all it took was looking at his yellow eyes shining with predatory hunger to realize the man was far from ordinary. The fact he was in walking shape by day one proved it.This meant that the second one was spent bonding, eventually learning the story of Mori Jin, the Monkey King. His past as a malicious mythical monarch, the teenager that fought against the villainous Nox, and the current remnant with only vengeance to claim. A remnant sent to this universe to seek greater strength had one request for the "Legendary Super Sayain."
"Please, Goku, fight against me with everything you've got. Give me strength to stand against Mubong!"
Despite the seriousness of Mori's pleas, Goku accepted his request. After all, it's not like the Sayian needed a reason to fight before. Especially against an opponent that was already strong. After his battles with Majin Buu and Hirdugan, he had feared he saw all this universe had to offer.
However, Mori's very essence disproved that. Behind his triumphant smiles and genuine camaraderie laid a torrential stream constricted from a massive ocean. A stream that could overwhelm him if he let it. Similar to Goku, Mori Jin, now clad in a robe and iconic clothes, looked toward his opponent. Displaying complete confidence while still trapped in his shorter, blue-haired Mori Dan persona.
Still, that never did stop the martial artists from exchanging pleasantries. A respectable bow took place between the two before morphing towards their Turtle School and Retawkendo stances. As their immense auras reached their peak, last words got shared.
"Let's make this a good clean fight, Mori," Goku said respectfully.
"I wouldn't have it any other way," Mori said while gearing up.
Instantly the crowd's voices grew silent, centering the fighter's focus as their fists met in an almighty clash! The sheer power caused a massive gust, cracking the arena slightly. However, in this battle of strength, Goku won out, as his punch forced Mori back. The Z fighter consecutively winded up another punch with double the power, straight towards Mori's head. Automatically Mori's mind got peppered by various alarms, his many weapons begging to defend their master despite his refusal.
"No, if I can't handle this much, I've got no chance against Mubong or anyone else. So instead of relying on power," Mori thought through slowed perceptions, "I'll bet on technique."
Pinpoint grace followed Mori's next action, leaning back enough to look like the punch had fallen him. Only to spring himself up to unleash a backspin kick to Goku's head! A lesser opponent would've crumpled, but Mori didn't come to face one. Meaning Goku's other hand blocked the attack just in time.
"Getting the first hit won't be that easy," Goku said competitively.
Mori grew more determined, seamlessly moving towards a low sweep that grinds itself into the stadium. Goku jumped up to avoid it, which created valuable distance as Mori unleashed a small hellfire of air bullets from his fists. Instinctively Goku deflected them in mid-air, which was the plan as Mori rushed in with a flying knee! A timely block prevented the blow from landing. Still, the attempted counterattack after is what sealed Goku's fate as before execution Mori twisted into a leg lock that left him vulnerable.
Tendons harder than titanium cable flexed, preparing for a full salvo worth of punches. Not wanting to be outdone, Goku "gave up," relying on his ki. Goku immediately spun Mori off using flight, forcing him to back away before getting body-slammed into the arena. He kept his offense up, though, closing in for a jump backspin kick. It never connected, though, as the Sayain vanished in an afterimage. Realizing the trick, Goku appeared right behind him in the iconic pose of the solar flare. Answering his bluff, Mori decided to ramp things up.
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"Recoilless Kick."
Unparalleled talent, insurmountable technique, and tempered experience combined for the peak of martial arts. Mori bent the space around him without a single wasted motion with a kick, sending out a rippling distortion of space across the entire stadium. Instantly the posed Goku vanished, leaving Mori with this to say.
"Tricks like that aren't going to work on me," Mori said as he looked behind him to see the real Goku, now too shaken to move.
"Sorry, I can't help it. You remind me so much of my years with Master Roshi. So if you don't mind indulging me," he said as his hair turned golden, "can you deal with my tricks just a little longer?"
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Mori made his answer known with a fighting pose. Both did nothing, though, as Mori got a Super Saiyan roundhouse to the face before he knew it! Another deadening shockwave blindsided Jin with blood trickling from his mouth. This didn't dare down his resolve, though, instead, the former god moved ever forward. Noticing his footwork, Mori tried to use the momentum of Goku's attack to unleash a spin kick of his own.
Yet this didn't matter to the speed of a Saiyan, which is exactly what Jin counted on. Jin shifted the trajectory towards Goku's left foot at the last possible second, snapping like a rubber band! With his body now parallel in mid-air, Jin revved up another recoilless attack through a palm strike. Unfortunately for him, Goku's adaptability was second only to himself, blocking the attack with a golden energy ball.
A huge explosion forced both fighters back desperately as they held onto the broken stage. The sheer hype from the bleachers made it seem like it was anyone's guess, but as Mori looked at his searing right hand, he realized he had lost this "round."
"He used the distortion caused by recoilless to set off his energy ball like a bomb. No one's ever done that before. Looks like Mori Dan is done for," Mori thought as Goky flew straight towards him.
Collecting himself, Dan unleashed an axe kick towards the arena, annihilating it while sending a thunderous wave of stone towards Goku. The debris got vaporized amid Goku's aura. Though it did cover his line of sight, leaving him defenseless against three words that have shivered enemies' souls. Feeling a chill, Goku, in nanoseconds, transformed into Super Saiyan 2 before saying.
"Renewal Taekwondo: Hwechook."
Goku got struck by a nearby asteroid like a bolt of lighting, almost shattering on impact. The Z fighter's eyes glazed over, only refocusing on a boot in his face. The crater beneath them started to deepen further, all while his head rang like a bell. Before another attack could go off, Goku immediately used Instant Transmission, teleporting away to greet his new opponent. Dramatically Mori's height, hair, composure, and power had changed. Still, it felt very "true" to Mori.  Goku steadied himself while saying.
"Looks like I'm not the only one who can transform. What do you call this?"
"Let's call it my true power for now. And your defeat," Mori said resolutely.
"Hmph, we'll see."
Goku immediately morphed towards the solar flare, this time being successful in blinding all that surrounded him—leading to a sharp elbow towards Mori's gut. Upon contact, he realized he didn't hit the skin, though, instead striking Jecheondaeseong's greatest defense: the dragon armor suits. The suits morphed across Mori's body like a blanket, responding to his will as he gave them new orders.
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"Speed mode."
The combatants' entire surroundings started to warp around them as Goku got sent hurtling into multiple asteroids, exploding them like fireworks. Mori blitzed past him upon crashing through his tenth one, unleashing enough split-second hits to tear into Goku's gi.  He didn't finish, though, for if Goku had the flying nimbus, then Mori Jin had.
"Gendowun: Thunderbolt."
A continent-size storm unleashed heavenly lighting on the warrior in the middle of space, lighting him up like dynamite. Briefly, Mori collected himself, wondering if he'd won the day. Quickly those thoughts got put to rest, as he soon realized that the surrounding lightning was not his own.
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Like a generator, the sheer power of the surrounding area circled a well of golden light. And instead of the roar of thunder, he only heard an almighty scream. One that got revealed to see Goku's peak: Super Saiyan 3. The mood switched widely, darkening the battle's mood. Without prompting, Goku decided to unleash his signature technique. Through his cupped hands, the entire area lit up as if watching the birth of a sapphire star.
The Monkey King braved a blast that tore through the entire Other World, shaking it to its core. However, he stayed undeterred. After all, Mori was never alone. Legend says that Sun Wukong held a staff that could peek through the heavens, but Mori needed an edge to raze them. So he decided to repeat his legend 19 times over.
With his signature Yeoui at the center, eighteen other mystical staffs of numerous shapes and sizes supported it, morphing them into a shield that braved through the attack. But not without evident distress, through sizzling smoke, lied an exhausted Mori, minutes away from transforming back. Noticing his opponent's weariness, the two decided to take a short retreat on a small rocky platform. Both breathed heavily, mere minutes away from losing steam, yet still never losing their politeness through huffed breaths.
"Why aren't you attacking," Mori said while collecting himself.
"Because I only want to fight an opponent at its best. It's no fun if you're weakened or hurt," he said.
It was such an offhanded statement, but it resonated heavily with Mori. Millenia's worth of memories came flooding in, desperately scrounging the depths of his consciousness to answer a question.
"When was the last time I was truly happy? When was the last time I had fun without worry? Or even felt strong enough to do whatever I pleased? It feels so long ago," he said bittersweetly.
At that moment, Jin started to tremble uncontrollably, now having time to truly accept that the fight after this may be his last. He might not make it in time. He may not be able to save Earth. He may not ever regain what he's lost. He may not even win. So in this space, where no one else could truly understand or see him, he didn't have to worry about anything. Mori gave a genuine, entirely carefree smile, deciding to soak up this very moment with ease. He raised himself with his staff Yeoui.
"Well, that's good because I'm about to have far more fun!"
Goku gave a compassionate smile as he raised his fist once again. The crowds could be heard loud and clear this time as the battle reached its final point. Goku and Mori engaged in CQC beyond light speeds, each dodging their respective blows in dozens of split-second afterimages. This dance of flickering bodies lasted for nearly a full minute, keeping the audience on their toes before both unleashed a definitive slug on each other's heads. However, the blinding pain of such attacks got eclipsed by their massive respect.
"Calloused hands and dynamic movements," Mori said.
"Countless scars and perfect equilibrium," Goku said.
"I wonder, what did it take for him to reach this level?" they said while preparing their next attack.
The two fighters flashed back for a small instant throughout their lives, morphing through different stages, with their most important opponents there to match them. From greedy gods, alien conquerors, and peaked rivals, every experience they had brought them here. Still, they advanced, separating themselves through a blast of force.
The rising distance forced them into their long-range attacks, decorating the sky in speeding dragon staffs and ki blasts respectfully. Both opponents dodged them all expertly, upping their techniques respectfully. A flick of the wrist was all it took to send five rampant Destructo discs gunning straight for Mori's body.
Which forced Mori to take more desperate measures, calling upon the mystical powers of several staffs. Mori called upon elemental mayhem as an extension of his body, calling upon numerous tornadoes of fire, ice, and lightning. The two attacks violently met, caking the space-like area into a one-of-a-kind light show that destroyed the platform completely.
Goku surveyed the area, wondering where his opponents had departed in the carnage—only for Mori Jin, sailing on his last Yeoui, readying his last kick. The image of a dragon charging behind him with his devilish grin. Knowing this was the end, Goku answered the call. His golden aura starting to condense in his right hand.
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"Mori Jin Original: Rail gun plus Kick of The Blue Dragon!"
"Dragon Fist!"
Awe peppered itself through the audience as the image of two humongous astral dragons soared towards each other. They clawed, headbutted, and even bit into each other, transcending in height and power, eventually, ending in a single stroke. An amazed crowd at that point remained speechless as in the distance. They saw the dual icons fall from the sky like shooting stars. Everything before this would've already made this a battle worth recording for ages, but the beaming smirk from an exhausted Goku as he congratulated his new, fully prepared friend and rival; made the fight priceless
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Kirito (Aincrad) vs Tanjiro (S2): Fight
This is part of a two part commission. If you want info on the characters then please you the link below. If you like this commission and want your own story done by me then please let me know. 
Floating above the lush earth lays the mythical castle Aincrad. From an outsider's perspective, one would find it a peaceful asylum from earthly troubles, a place of wonder. However, it was nothing more than a prison for the poor souls inside, a hellish test made by Akihiko Kayaba for an unknown purpose. A challenge more pressing than any other as over ten thousand souls do everything in their power to survive.
That goes no different than our current "player" Kazuto Kiritgiya, better known as Kirito to many. In just a couple of days, he got set to fight in what may be his last battle with the Knights of the Blood Oath. While he knew the battle would cause casualties, that didn't stop him from trying everything in his power to avoid him. The infamous Beater has been using every piece of data, rumor, and knowledge he could find as an edge. Which eventually led him to a somewhat familiar sight.
He almost thought he would never have to hear the Gleam Eyes again, but players have been reporting that a mysterious new boss had taken its place. This one is arguably far more formidable than the original, but with EXP and potential loot too great to pass up. He was already one of the strongest players in SAO, so if he could only grasp it, maybe he could protect his "family" a little longer.
After a long trek, the Black Swordsman finally arrived at the boss room, still as fearsome as before. Before entering, Kirito had a brief moment of hesitation, briefly regretting having Asuna, not by his side. Yet that very same reason is why he decided to keep going with his sword Elucidator.
"She's doing her part in organizing the raid. I need to mine."
With that, the young boy steeled himself as he entered the room. Instantly his surroundings changed, the light blue flames of the room dancing around his Blackwyrm coat. The various pillars gave the space a new ominous aura, making him feel boxed in. Which only made Kirito more confused, at the "opponent" that was waiting for him. The rumors talked as if he was facing a monster twice the size of the Gleam Eyes with as many heads. However, what was before him was a boy not much older than him. Decorated in a green checkered jacket and a black sword. Kirito felt a sense of unknown familiarity from the boy.
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"Why do I feel like I've seen him before," Kirito quietly thought to himself.
More curious than distressed, Kirito tried to reach towards him. However, before their hands met, the "boss" sprung to life, instantly backing away in clear distress.
"Who are you? Where am I? What were you doing?" he said, panicky.
Confusion seemed to overtake the two boys, gauging whether or not the other was a threat. While Kirito wondered at the familiar and almost human boss: Tanjiro Kamado, the other was seeing a very different site. Whether it had been through a dreaded blood demon art or Kayaba's programming, Tanjiro didn't see a player but a demon who stood amongst a crowd of corpses.
"Did you do this?"
Dozens of questions flooded Kirito's mind, so close to an answer but still failing. So instead, he started to ready his Elucidator sword. He may be "docile," but he was still a boss who could lead towards his death or forever trap him.
"I don't know what you are talking about, but my name is Kirito. With growing resolve, you're in a boss room, and I'm your opponent," he said.
However, most of the words fell on death ears for Tanjiro who only heard venomous threats through demonic tongue. One who, in his eyes, had slain dozens. So with his bloodstained hands still unclear to him, Tanjiro raised his sword. Amongst the crackling of blue flames, Kirito's menu started to flare up, revealing the name and stats of his opponent. From there, Kirito finally figured out the puzzle.
While the achievements of the Demon Slayers are still mostly lost to history, instead mostly placed themselves as myth or legend passed my tongue. Most famous was that of the warrior with the sun earrings, who supposedly, As a beta tester, always heard about SAO's fascination with mythology, but seeing something so lifelike was awe-inducing.
However, that same feeling nearly killed him immediately as Tanjiro closed the distance between them in the blink of an eye. Sheer shock completely unbalanced Kirito as panicky deflected several quick slashes while getting some small cuts. Upon the umpteenth slash, though, Kirito started holding ground, using his strength stat to unleash a parry that buckled Tanjiro. Or so he thought as Tanjiro simply used the strike to get momentum for his next strike.
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Water trails started to curl around the young boy, eventually forming a powerful stream focused through his sword, intent on beheading Kirito. Instinctively he grew desperate, grasping onto his Dark Repulser blade and unsheathing it just enough to block the blow from being fatal. Still, the sheer power was mounting, throwing him into a nearby pillar. However, his mind was more shaken than his body as Kirito spiraled with strategies.
"This speed and technique, unlike anything I've ever seen before a boss. He doesn't even have obvious attack patterns with those water-like movements. So think Kirito- if he doesn't have a weakness-," he said tactically.
His trail of thoughts got interrupted by a descending Tanjiro, with more whipping water as he started to swirl like a buzzsaw. Kirito managed to roll away from the pillar-destroying slash, unfurling his second sword, and immediately blocking Tanjiro's next cut in the nick of time. As if answering his call, Kirito's dual blades started to glow with intense light, signifying a change in battle when he thought.
"Then I'll just make one!" he thinks while giving a passionate war cry.
Once again, the difference in strength was made as Kirito slammed into Tanjiro's Nichirin blade so hard his momentum stopped. Thus leaving him wide open to barely dodge a wide upper slash that morphed into a low sweep. With his balance messed up, the demon slayer tried to jump back, only to be greeted by the Black Swordsman's sonic leap.
Kirito lunged at Tanjiro with killing intent at speeds surpassing sound, forcing him to block instinctively. However, he had no leverage in midair, as he got launched straight into the stonewall in front of him. A small crater formed off the impact alone, creating a thick smokescreen. Any normal man would've crumpled from the shock, but Tanjiro was never the type to give up.
"Worry about the pain later. Think about the opponent's monstrous strength later. All I need to do is win right here and now!"
Tanjiro pulled out another attack from his Water Breathing arsenal with mounting spirit. Like raindrops on a peaceful day, his footsteps started to pepper the walls giving Tanjiro increasing speed. Using his detection skill, though, Kirito kept up while preparing his attack. He decisively stabbed his swords into the ground, using his monstrous strength to lift a stone slab. Along the way, Kirito was performing massive calculations.
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"Don't lose track of him for even a second. I need to anticipate his next move, calculate the trajectory, and then execute," he said coldly.
Now with "ammunition," Kirto got to work hacking into pieces until all that remained were medium-sized stones, which all got great usage as he sent them all throttling towards the Demon slayer. A long-range attack meant nothing to Tanjiro, combining his charge with a spinning motion to cut and dodge the projectiles with ease. In the back of his mind, he said.
"Still not good enough. I need to be even quicker," he said adamantly.
From Kirito's perspective, a set of whirlpools similar to a dam's started to swirl along the wall, turning Tanjiro into a near-incomprehensible blur. However, he still tracked him, adjusting his stance accordingly while his opponent stacked up to another technique.
"Just a little more, this has to be perfect,' both prodigies stated as soon enough, the battle shifted again.
Like a rumbling tidal wave, Tanjiro's swirling motions started to concentrate together into a giant torrential dragon, signifying the peak of Tanjiro's water breathing. Kirito gave out a subtle gulp, bracing himself for an attack that felt like a force of nature. An attack that came all too soon like a rocked Tanjiro; jumped off the wall with enough force to crack it, sending the dragon flying towards him.
At that point, it was a battle between man vs nature as Kirito braved the torrential blast. Several slashes instantly ripped through the ground upon impact alone as Kirito's swords started to waver. He tried to fight it back, unleash a counter,  anything that could work. But how can a person fight something that not even the mountains could defeat? So like everything else water touches, Kirito got swept away, instantly crashing into a nearby pillar so hard it nearly shattered to pieces.
Even with the pain setting and block, volumes of red light started to sprout from his body, forcing him to get stunned. Yet Kirito didn't dare despair. Everything was going according to plan after all. Once the smoke cleared, his predictions came to fruition. Earlier in the battle, Tanjiro had gone for the "beater's" neck, almost as if it was instinct for him, something he took into account. With the aid of both his sword and the leverage of the wall, Tanjiro's blade got stuck in stone before he could carry it through.
Leaving him utterly defenseless as Aincrad's greatest player in one solid motion, he unequipped his Elucidator to free it from stone binding, requip it and slash straight into Tanjiro's abdomen. Even with his superhuman reflexes and speed, the hit was excruciating, forcing even more light red pixels to appear as the demon slayer kneeled while clutching his stomach.
His near-perfect Water Breathing immediately got disrupted, sapping Tanjiro's strength even more as Kirito freed himself fully while drinking a health potion. Now that Kirito had the upper hand again, he didn't dare waste any time as he dealt out one last dual-handed overhead swipe.
Unfortunately for Kirito, his hastiness made him forget a principal rule to combat. If you cage an animal, you should prepare yourself when it shows its true fangs.
In a puff of orange flame, Tanjiro vanished. For a few seconds, Kririto was at a loss. Though not for long when he heard a sword pulled from the stone. When he turned around, Tanjiro wore a different expression. The kind village boy was long gone, replaced by the seasoned warrior that held a centuries-long legacy. The surrounding blue fire turned a bright orange, giving the battlefield a hellish hue. Burning wills overtook immensely weary frames as the grip of both opponent's swords became tight enough to whiten knuckles.
In this moment, separated from friends and foe, there wasn't caution, or even ration thought. Only the overpowering will of young prodigies to survive in a world where men die young. Using every fiber of their being, the two opponents' blades started to glow orange and blue, respectively, painting the boss room in their respective auras. And when tension became unbreakable, the two boys gave out their last words.
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"Hinokami Kagura: Dance"
"Starburst Stream."  
With the speed of a bullet train, both fighters clashed violently, creating a shockwave louder than thunder. Dozens of slashes painted the boss room in seconds, causing flames and sparks to fly in a grand flurry. The shear friction alone was enough to have their lungs screaming and bones quaking. Yet every limit was still surpassed as they kept going even further, shredding into their bodies. Still, they only got more intense and heated until every drop of stamina got burnt through. Leading towards one last desperate rally.
"Faster, I have to go even faster!" Tanjiro said.
"More, just need to go a little farther," Kirito said.
"I GOT TO PROTECT THOSE I HAVE LEFT," they both stated as the fire started to form on the faces of their dead comrades and family, respectively, knowing that there were about to join them.
From there, three cracked blades met with the force of the sun. The warriors met to look at their faces, portraying survival instinct unparalleled. Unfortunately, though only one could make it out alive, Kirito didn't account for anything. Realizing he was reaching the end, Tanjiro closed the distance, unleashing a powerful headbutt that interrupted the Black swordsman enough to land the final blow!
Tanjiro managed to break both of Kirito's swords, leaving the player with a sliced neck. He tried to push on, gain strength and gain strength. Yet he fell on his back.
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And with his life fading right in front of him with no one around him. The hero of Aincrad turned back into the scared sixteen-year-old boy, the genius embracing his final moments far too soon. Each second felt like an eternity as Kirito's blood forced him into desperate calls for air.  Fearful tears started to well up in his eyes as he tried to reach out to anyone to help or calm him. Fortunately for him, someone did answer his call, as Tanjiro's hand started to clasp around his.
Because despite their heated battle to the death, somehow, there was no hatred between the two. Only compassion as warm as the sun. Kirito saw Tanjiro's kind smile through his final breaths, filled with tears and remorse after realizing what he's done while saying.
"I'm sorry."
From anyone else, the line would've been humiliating or insincere. Yet it was more than enough for Kirito, this he gave his superior a genuine smile. With both somewhat reassured,  Kirito vanished into the ether.
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Kirito (Aincrad) vs Tanjiro (S2): Info
This is a two part commission if you want to see a fight a link will be down below. If you want a story done by me then please contact me directly. 
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Kazuto Kirigaya
Better known through his gamer tag "Kirito," he is the main protagonist of Sword Art Online. Through his intelligence and fascination with computers, Kirito was the first of a thousand testers to try out the first Virtual Reality MMORPG: Sword Art Online.
However, when he got the full game, fun became the least of his concerns as the creator revealed to the ten thousand players that they got trapped in the game. And that if they died in the game, they'd die in real life. Using his intellect and knowledge of the game, Kirito quickly rose through the ranks, eventually becoming the hero of Aincrad and finishing the game for everyone.
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Due to his loner personality and superior gaming skills, Kirito is not the most social person, often teasing others unintentionally or having an air of overconfidence. Either way, Kirito is often calm, cool, and collected, rarely ever getting too emotional, usually being able to think rationally even in dangerous situations. After the deaths of his first guild, Kirito's antisocialism and stoicism became all the more rampant, a trauma that often pushes him to help anyone in his way—portraying a kindness underneath his stammering.
Tactically Kirito is a highly adaptable opponent, often being able to predict and take charge in fights. After unlocking the dual wield ability and facing stronger opponents, Kirito started to gain a larger focus on offense, using his superior speed and strength to overwhelm his opponents up close. He's willing to take massive grave injuries even in the midst of his offense if it means taking the win.
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As both a player and beta tester of Sword Art Online, Kirito gained a variety of gear throughout his two years. Overall though, as one of the highest leveled players, Kirto establishes superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina, and durability. As his level grew, Kirito displayed multiple high-level detection skills to help track people. Being a player, Kirito also accesses a massive inventory and heads up display for his allies and opponents' help.
In terms of sheer ability, Kirito's experience in SAO made him a highly effective but unorthodox combatant and swordsman. He is also immensely gifted in terms of intellect, able to easily remember and pick up on his opponents' small details. Kirito also has a natural interest in computers and mathematics, leading him to be a skilled programmer and hacker.
Starburst Stream: A devastating 16-hit Sword Skill wielded with two swords.
By the end of Aincrad, Kirito featured his iconic Blackwyrm cloak, numerous healing potions, and teleporting crystals (can't be used in battle, though). Most importantly, though, Kirito uses two swords, the Elucidator and later the Dark Repulser, in tandem with one another.
Due to using the Dual Blade ability Kirito has the fastest reaction speed in SAO.
With the help of Dual Blade ability, Kirito was capable of defeating the 74th-floor boss, the Gleam Eyes, nearly by himself.
Kirito was capable of beating Heathcliff, who initially served as SAO's strongest player and secret 100th boss, in a one-on-one.
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Tanjiro Kamado
Tanjiro Kamado is the main protagonist of Demon Slayer. Initially, he was just an ordinary boy living with his large family in the mountains. However, on a snowy night, Tanjrio returned home to see his family slaughtered with his sister Nezuko turning into a demon. With his life forever changed, Tanjiro decides to become a Demon Slayer, warriors tasked with slaying the nocturnal creatures. All so he could cure his sister and find his family's killer.
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Tanjiro is all around a kind and honest yet naive soul. He is willing to help anyone in need and takes their word at face value. His determination is also unparalleled as he tirelessly will train and work if it means achieving his goals. His ability to empathize with others is so strong that Tanjiro feels sorry for the demons he slays and wishes to give them peaceful deaths. However, there is a limit to his kindness. When he gets pushed too far, Tanjiro's rage is terrifying. This displays a far more strict and cruel side towards enemies. However, this same rage can lead him to become a little reckless.
Due to the demon's regenerative powers, Tanjiro often uses his nose to track their most significant weak point: the head. Combined with the water-breathing swordsmanship style, Tanjiro is a highly maneuverable defensive fighter who quickly closes the distance. The style's innate flexibility combined with Tanjiro's mind usually gives him the tools to brave through his opponent's techniques till he figures them out.
After unlocking the higher power and more draining, Hinokami Kagura Tanjiro started to regularly phase those techniques in and out to disrupt and deal out more damage either by switching or combining breathing styles. Tanjiro will also use his hardhead to stun opponents as a last resort.
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Like most Demon Slayers, Tanjiro is proficient in using the Breathing styles, martial arts designed to increase the flow of oxygen in the body to increase all physical and mental performance a hundredfold.  Advanced users like Tanjiro can even permanently and unconsciously do this. In his fight with the Upper Moon Demon Gyutaro, Tanjiro also accessed (albeit briefly) the demon slayer mark, which increases a Slayer's power even more.
Before learning this, he already had a tough head, impeccable sense of smell, and will that could make him brave through immense pain and injuries.
Tanjiro is a natural-born fighter. His keen mind can quickly deduce the mystical powers of his demonic opponents and make appropriate countermeasures. This also goes towards training. He has notable skill in unarmed combat.
As a practitioner of two breathing styles, Tanjiro is near unparalleled in swordsmanship, with an accuracy to match. With the power of Water Breathing, Tanjiro can mimic the elements' winding, fast footwork, and dynamic movements to maneuver at almost any angle while picking up speed smoothly. Sun Breathing is far more powerful though capable of dramatic swings and faster movements to disrupt the opponent.
Tanjiro carries a Nichrin Blade, a weapon made from a specific metal that counterattacks.
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Despite being a novice, Tanjiro, through his Sun Breathing alone, was capable of overpowering the Upper Moon Six Demon Daki by himself. A feat that not even Hashira, the top fighters in the Demon Slayer Corps, could do.
With help from his fellow demon slayer, Insouke Tanjiro was capable of slaying Enmu, the top of the lower Moon level Demons. A feat that nearly puts him on the level of Hashira.
To overcome the weaknesses of both Water and Sun breathing, respectively, Tanjiro on the fly was shown to combine both styles, something never before seen by any Demon Slayer.
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SAO: 74th floor Boss Room
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Goh Fanfic: A King and His Queen Part 10
Note: This is part of a ten chapter story. If you want easy access to the full chapter list then please follow the link below.
Chapter zero
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Dawei POV
With more might and desperation than I've ever commanded before, I punched through Xiaochen's damn barrier almost robotically, desperately commanding her to let it down at once. But she didn't dare listen to me, instead fighting Mira violently. Watching them from the sidelines as they tore into each other like rabid animals made me think about Mori Jin. Is this how he felt during Ragnorak?
Feeling so close to the people you love that you can taste it, wanting to protect them knowing you can make a difference while they die screaming for your name? If so, it was almost no wonder why he decided to give it all up at the end, especially when he had a front-row seat like me.
Similar to fire amongst a harsh blizzard, joyful memories with Xiaochen flashed before me, times that helped me through loneliness that consumed half my life. However, now that I'm seeing the women I love get cut piece by piece, that same fire made me feel even worse. As if I would rather have never experienced it in the first place. Which naturally made waves of regret spread through me like a virus while peppering my thoughts insistently.
"Why couldn't I stop Mira? Why the hell is she stopping me? Why can't I just save both of them? Why can't !-,"
My string of thoughts got interrupted quickly as my world instantly fell apart in one distressing image. After expending most of her energy, Xiaochen returned partially to her human form before saying.
"Please don't look Dae-"
Mira didn't even let her finish her sentence, as she killed her ruthlessly using a chilling combination of the National Treasure, one hundred and eight agonies, plus the Blade of Tagahata. Xiaochen's bloodied and proliferated corpse in an instant with her sobbing head detached from her body. The horrifying image quickly turned rising panic into a freezing numbness.
History seemed to repeat itself right in front of my eyes as flashes of Mori Hui and Woo Seungtae mixed in with those of Xiaochen. These three spent all of their last moments protecting me to the very end as if my life meant more than theirs, thus leaving me with nothing then one brutal question.
Why can't I ever be strong enough to protect those that I love?"
However, unlike the other questions, I finally managed to get an answer that made way too much sense.
"It's because you're incomplete," an elderly voice said.
From the back of my left ear, I recognized the voice almost instinctively as in seconds, it started to morph into the astral form of the King. The ancient god looked at me with an almost nostalgically devilish smile and stated with his arcane red eyes.
"All this time, you have been a King who's willingly decided to live like a peasant. You've limited yourself from the very beginning," he said firmly.
On my right side, a second figure emerged, solidifying even further until the man became so real that I swear I could touch him. That man, in particular, being the wildcard of Ragnarok: Commissioner R. With those same red eyes, the former ally and enemy looked towards me and said.
"He's right, you know. The reason why Mira is above you is simple. You both have half the King's powers, and you both fight to protect, but you have never sacrificed as much as she has. You don't have her hunger and greed," he said as his eyes started going black.
Bit by bit, my surroundings started to fade into a black ether. Xiaochen's mystical barrier changed into oppressive chains with King and R saying together.
"Take the body. Become complete. Devour the girl and become even stronger. Then, surpass me and take your place as the reborn King of Humans!!!"
Phrases of that nature stormed my mind until they blurred together, only leaving me with the chains that restricted my every movement. I look back at all my life has given me by following the path I've always had—the one where I prioritized power, purpose, and responsibility above even my own life. And as I saw nothing but the bodies of old friends littered around me, I made my choice.
In one fell swoop, I broke through every chain in front of me, abandoning all compassion, promise, and love. The barrier shattered like fragile glass at once, revealing my new form to the world above. Strands of red hair managed to fringe in front of me as the Robe of the Sage became an entirely different item. I had developed it as defensive armor all this time, never realizing it could also be a deadly weapon.
Before Mira could even react, I hit her in the gut with blinding speed and primal ferocity. The force alone made the entire country quake. Mira coughed up loads of spit and blood, completely buckling under the weight of my fist. Nevertheless, she persisted in using the Wolfgang step technique to try and outflank me. However, I already predicted it using the Dance of the White Tiger while applying inertia and repulsive forces to counter her counter.
Try as she might Mira tried to defend against my offensive onslaught but every deflection and parry still sent enough force that shook her perfect stance. Meaning that in this vital moment I used gravity once again using gravity to manipulate friction just a little. For the King's body the blow meant nothing but at this leverage, combined with my limited control over the Blade of Tagatha to slip it out of her hands and equip it.
That vital moment was all I needed to finally finish seventeen years of struggle, tragedy, and stalemating. Without even missing a beat Mira tried to use the one hundred and eight agonies to try and stop me, but the relics of Hallyang Seo meant nothing to my new armament, breaking them all to smithereens. Still, it gave Mira enough time to summon her final weapon, the one that we share the most history with: Bongseon.
Our two blades gave out a titanical clash, one that split a large crevasse across all of New Korea. And in it I was the clear victor, breaking through the sword and leaving her utterly defenseless. I thought at this moment I would have had a small hint of mercy, looking at what used to be one of the two friends I had in this world.
But I didn't see her anymore. Maybe she was already gone, or a mad dog that would've wanted to get put down long ago. So using a combination of weak force and the Blade, I twist off Mira's right arm, using that as the catalyst to absorb the powerful King's body. And as I felt my body change and mutate even further, morphing myself into something that I didn't recognize. With the fatigue of the battle taking its toll, I laid beneath my two loves corpses. Wondering what was even the point of all this fighting, if I had no one else to come back to now.
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Goh Fanfic: A King and His Queen Part 9
Note: This is part of a ten chapter story. If you want easy access to the full chapter list then please follow the link below.
Chapter zero
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Xiaochen POV
Three hundred fifty-eight days was all the time it took for me to come to a euphoric realization. I lived more of a life in these few short months with Dawei than I ever had in my time with the King. It's almost ironic how it was his death that, in turn, gave me the life of a queen. Knowing the trials we would face out there Daewi, and I enjoyed each other's company for as long as humanly possible.
Between missions, we would try to sneak away from Nox to have fun at the local carnival, explore the deepest parts of this once ravaged world, and try new recipes to keep our troops happy, courtesy of my darling Daewi. However, our nights started to get a bit colder once the impossible finally happened.
With Mori Jin, the Monkey King, finally back on our side, we had finally obtained the tipping point needed to get revenge against all our traitorous enemies. We managed to strike back hard from out of the shadows, defeating the World Government at every turn while also reclaiming New Korea. Combined with the ousting of that worthless wormy bastard Mubong Park as the world President, I thought we won.
However, that wasn't the case, as another factor came to play, one that could change everything. It doesn't' even matter who gets the hands on the Supreme God's power, Neo Nox or Mubong Park's Generation X., Because even a fraction of that power could threaten the entire world and, more importantly, the people who I love in it. And as I promised myself seventeen years ago, I would do everything in my power to prevent that from happening.
That's a promise it looks like I have to keep as I currently stare down my "rival," the witch of the west from Neo Nox, Mira Yu. Before this final battle started, Daewi forced me to promise her that we would be nonlethal with her. She practically begged me to try to save her one more time in this pinnacle moment. He explained how he had to make good on a promise he could never keep during the original god of high school Tournament.
And as much as I understood his reasoning, as much as I cherished that stubbornly good heart of his. One good look was enough to tell me that I would have to break a promise to keep another one. When I had faced the mad god Zeus, the difference between us was similar to an ant and human. However, compared to Mira, that feeling was often, worse, even with training that nearly tore my body in half.
Said training almost felt utterly worthless. For If Zeus was simply a mad god that completely underestimated us to the very end, a mistake that she won't repeat. Being near was enough to see that Mira with the King's body was nothing more than a hungry predator now, one that cut down and devoured any resistance in its way without mercy. Even if I was a tiny drop in the spance of her seemingly endless ocean, I know she won't let me leave this place alive.
Yet, even with knowing all of this, I didn't care. All I could do was think about the man I love, fighting so hard to keep his sanity in this world so mad. The Robe of the Sage could only do so much against the Blade of Tagatha, barely holding his bloody broken body together.
Still, Daewi's will was always stronger than any item or power he has access to, as he managed to try and pick himself up. His eyes wavered wildly compared to the witch, trying so hard to pick between his past and future. And on my soul, I decided to make that choice with him. In the split second of peace before the final war, I became a little selfish. Looking at Daewi, I gave him one last passionate kiss while whispering in front of him.
"I'm so sorry, Daewi. Just don't look, and please don't get sad. I am doing this because I love you. Know that?"
Expert concentration instantly becomes distressed confusion, as Daewi simply stated.
"What do you mean by that?"
Before he could react to my borrowed power, Kabbalah activates around Daewi." An oriental light barrier with intricate designs formed around a still befuddled Daewi. Almost instinctively he tried breaking out of it to no avail while energy like vines started to creep into Daewi, using my very lifeforce as a way to heal his deep wounds. Under my breath, I thank the former key Suijin Lee for giving me this one last chance.
With nothing more left to truly ponder or say, I finally faced my opponent head-on. At first, Mira didn't even acknowledge my presence, instead unleashing the full might of Tagatha's blade. Buildings got cut cleaner than any knife as I could feel the slashes leave scars across all of New Korea. However, my love and borrowed power remained strong even amongst my bloodied body. Still I kept my goal in mind as I got forced to unleash a power sealed off years ago.
An outdated and vastly dangerous method for sure, but the risks more than matched the reward as my body started to pulse with divine energy. My body became nothing more than a vessel, painfully morphing and changing itself to something unseen. I could already feel the toll on my body, the pain, and the struggle, but I persisted. Combined with the power of imitation, I became a being unlike any other in this world, fully intent on finishing this fight. But before I did, I looked back at what I cherished so intensely and tried to give him the reassurance "he" couldn't give me.
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Goh Fanfic: A King and His Queen Part 8
Note: This is part of a ten chapter story. If you want easy access to the full chapter list then please follow the link below.
Chapter zero
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Dawei POV
Even after all this time, the actual weight of my position of King has evaded. Honestly, I've simply used them as a tool for most of this time. A way to simply get back everything I had lost. It wasn't to say that I was as heartless as Mubong. I took the people he screwed him over and gave them a home and shelter beyond what Neo Nox, the World Government, and Balhea couldn't offer.
But more so, if it were to ever come down to it, I would stop at any sacrifice to save my friends. After all, it's not like I asked to be the King of Humans or Sage of the East. I'm just me at the end of the day, no matter what anyone says. However, since these talks with Xiaochen, I have become a lot less sacrificial and genuinely notice my teammates. Which is why I can tell something was wrong.
Tonight I was supposed to meet up with Xiaochen for our date, an undercover stroll throughout New Korea, but I haven't seen her all day. I hadn't seen most of the Nox agents I'm used to, which is rather strange given my "popularity." Luckily, my lousy feeling got rewarded as Peach coincidentally ran into my path.
It's good to see you Of course, thisKing. You're the only one who can stop Xiaochen. She's going to blow us all to smithereens if you don't. She's in the dining hall.
Taking total measures, I rocked it into the dining hall to see something that would be in my nightmares forever. Hundreds of Nox agents were at work, carrying crates full of flammable materials, heavy machinery, exquisite food, and other party decorations.
However, they didn't get about the development. They were all dead tired with sunken faces. Then, of course, at the epicenter of said madness was the Bishop that I was supposed to be meeting tonight, leading the charge with a crazed expression and her hair tied up into a bun with a baton. All while raving incessantly.
"Mush, faster all of you, not a thing must be out of place! It's only a matter of time before our King Daewi comes and -," she said, interrupted by my staredown.
"Oh hi, Daewi, are you ready for our date?"
After an hour of cleaning up, restoration, and formal apologies, I finally managed to properly leave things orderly enough to have a private talk with the woman who's had so much trouble this past week. Then, with the grimace of an angry parent, I decided to use my room as a kitchen for a makeshift stew.
While I let the brew stir, the two of us sat at a nearby table exchanging judgemental and guilty looks, respectively. However, even if I were mad, looking at her solemn face was worth any potential apology. So I looked back on our years of history, picking apart the purpose of this planned party.
For better or worse, though, she was always trying to do things in my best interest, no matter the intention. An angelic trait that I appreciate more by the day. So with these bubbly emotions rising like a geyser, I forgave her in the form of a solemn hug while saying the things she needed to hear. Xiaochen's body started to get hotter by the second.
"Look, I get why you may be nervous. I am too, I've never had anything like this before. All I know is that I don't want to let whatever we had to go. And that you don't need to please me with parties or gifts. I just need you," I said solemnly.
Words failed both of us at that point. Meaning that we let our actions speak for us. Little by little, our sense of the world and time faded away, leaving only us. In the starry night sky, Xiaochen looked so beautiful that I couldn't help myself. Before I knew it, both of our lips, signifying the second kiss I've had in my entire life.
A feat that was quickly followed by more as we peppered each other with more. Once that reached its peak, though, I found myself taking off my shirt. A trend that she seemed to partake in as well. Once we had gone fully bareback, I led her to my bedroom, hands held with enough pressure to make a diamond.
From there, we finally embraced each other fully all night, exploring the new selves we've made with each other. By the following day, I got drained in more ways than one. I doubt I could even stand up if I genuinely tried. Though that didn't matter, all that did was the partner who had seemed to stow away.
Xiaochen managed to rustle from the covers underneath the covers, looking embarrassed. At first, I wondered why she was scurrying cause she certainly didn't mind me seeing her naked body before. However, once I picked up the reason, I simply reassuringly said.
"You don't need to hide from me, Xiaochen. I want you to feel comfortable around me. It doesn't matter what you look like," I said compassionately.
The covers then started to rustle up even more, revealing only her light blue eyes while saying.
"Are you sure, ever since I used my Primeval borrowed power, my body hasn't looked the best," she said sheepishly?
I then proceeded to grab her submerged hand and say.
"Let me decide that for myself, okay?"
The quote was all Xioachen needed to make her way to the brave new world. The harsh sunlight turned most of her body into silhouette but left her face exposed enough to see her face. I've heard the effects of the Original Borrowed Power had, but in this case, I didn't care. Beneath the wrinkles, she was still the woman I chose to be with, the woman I love. So I promptly made my answer as I kissed her on the lips once again. I could feel Xiaochen's heart practically burst out of its chest when I said.
"Your beautiful Xiaochen, in every way," I said promptly.
Those six words were enough to melt away her fear as we both sank back to bed. We enjoyed this moment as long as humanly possible before it could get ripped away from us. Like it always does, like what happened not even a year later.
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Goh Fanfic: A King and His Queen Part 7
Note: This is part of a ten chapter story. If you want easy access to the full chapter list then please follow the link below.
Chapter zero
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Xiaochen Pov
Across my many battles against many dangerous foes and lived to tell the tail. I've braved through attacks that would destroy cities through sheer will and power alone in said fights. I managed to triumph over the hellish heat from dozens of dragons breaths, that damn Joker's descendant Q's devilish Pantomime. And I even tanked strikes from that bitch Ox Queen Uma and powerful punches from the Greek God Zeus whilst living to tell the tale. So why in the hell is this "attack" more deadly than everyone I've received combined.
First, he forces me, the purest school maiden in Nox Peixes Tac Tung Xiaochen to patch up his wounds alone in his private room. Then he precedes to use the innocent apostle Peach as a mere pawn to try and corner me. Made me feel like a complete fucking piece of shit for chasing me to the ends of New North Korea like an absolute freaking psycho while nearly exposing Nox to the World Government. All while manipulating me to cry like a baby to reveal my beautiful face without make-up.
He lastly forced me to throw a gigantic party in a vain attempt to restore Nox's morale. And now he makes me blush, grin, second guess, and cry like an idiot for ten whole days while he lives rent-free in my head, only to now ask me a date out of the blue? I swear this man wants me to perish with how much he's playing with my heart.
Yet, despite all of the things I have just recounted. The harsh emotion, suffocating anxiety, bitter forgiveness, and life-changing truths. I have felt more alive in these past few days than I have in god knows how long.
There's this supreme weight inside my heart, a new happiness in my soul, a devotion that felt far different from my time with the King. A welling up new and overwhelming emotion that I refuse to ignore anymore. So I chose to battle against decades of absolutes and embrace this new development that may vanish any day now. So without putting on a frilly act, I breathed out solemnly while clutching my hand and saying.
"Yes, I would like that very much," I said with a jubilant smile.
Daewi answered the joyful expression with a subtle smile of his own. I honestly didn't hear his next sentence if he said something after that. The time, location and content didn't matter to me. All that mattered I was on a date with Daewi Han. The sheer magnitude of such a feat alone was enough to send my mood higher than the first heavenly realm. This electric feeling was so great that I remained standing for a solid thirty minutes, still processing what happened even after Dawei's mysterious.
I quickly reentered my room with a thunderous door slam when the excitement got too much. From there, I unleashed a plethora of wide-ranging emotions. Mindless giggling, frantic kicking, and heavy hopping, I got all my excitement out in a performance worthy of an Oscar. I probably would've sailed on this cloud nine for hours more until I'd figured out a pivotal moment that made me change my entire tone.
In my amazed fangirling, I had entirely forgotten that despite my voluptuous and curvaceous figure, I was still a pure maiden in more ways than one. Not only have I've never done "that," but  I also have never been on a date. Of course, even before Daewi's taking over Nox, I had plenty of potential male admirers and suitors both in and out of the organization. However, in my unchallenged devotion to the King, I made me swear them off or use my charm to make willing followers of the King.
At that moment, my mind flashed back to years of self-accolades, praise, compliments, and exaggeration completely got trashed. Instantly my ego and self-esteem went from the first heavenly realm to the depths of hell as I retched against a lifetime of missed opportunities. I was supposed to go on a date with one of the greatest, kindest and most inflexible man in the world without having a single ounce of dating knowledge. All while being a couple of deca- I mean more 'mature" than him.
All at once, waves of panic managed to consume me, wondering over how disastrous this opportunity could become if I were to mess it up. This means I had to use everything in my power to make sure everything turns out fine! So instead of sleeping, I got to working, using the space around as the canvas for the greatest date this Post Ragonrak world had ever seen. It will be a spectacle that Daewi won't soon forget.
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A King and His Queen Part 6
Note: This is part of a ten chapter story. If you want easy access to the full chapter list then please follow the link below.
Chapter zero
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Daewi POV
In this Post Ragnorak world, I've become known to the world as a combat veteran. A terrorist from a bygone era where martial arts and genuine fighters were on the top of the food chain. Combine that with my unique combination of borrowed and godly powers, and I'm threatening only second to the "demon" Mori Jin and the Witch of the West. However, all that rigorous daily practice came at a cost that I didn't ever expect to experience.
And that is a lack of experience when it comes to women. Even with Seungtae Woo's influence back in high school, I got primarily seen as a horrifying delinquent with a "mean mug." Some girls would even run away from me upon locking eyes. Getting labeled the better half of the infamous Mad Cows didn't help things either.
As such, my encounters with the other sex weren't exactly common. Even when I did get those interactions, they never came at the right time (Ma Bora comes to mind). And unfortunately, Mira and I were never truly able to figure out the true depths of our relationship. A depressing fact that I'll probably spend my entire life wondering in my most private moments.
These past sixteen years have also proven so arduous that I never even had time to discuss any matter of the heart. Of course, I could ask my sister, but we haven't maintained close connections for a long time. Long story short, I had no friends or allies that could help me articulate how I felt about a certain woman in my life.
It's been about a week and a half now since Xioachen's destructive departure from our Nox base. A part of me was worried her outburst would make her unpopular with the other Nox members. However, all it took was an energetically ditzy apology from her to not only get forgiven entirely but lead to creating a gigantic uproar which spiraled into a party.
The resulting event was so grand that it left us no chance to talk to each other at all or process what happened earlier that day. Every day since then has pretty much left us in an emotional stalemate. Xiaochen's duties and the recovery of my wounds, plus strategizing on the next move, left us with our hands full.
Every time we saw each other, it was nothing but brief encounters full of simplified conversations and darted eyes. A dynamic I don't think I can keep up with anymore. After the talk we had in the forest, Xiaochen has been on my mind all the more now, and I can tell she feels the same way. It was clear that the dynamic we had had sixteen years prior wasn't going to work anymore, for better or worse.
So, right before I have to go back into the world as the Jade Emperor, Mad Cow, and Sage of the East, I intend to get to the bottom of this directly. Past trials have taught me that if I wait on these feelings any longer, I might leave something unsaid, and something bad might happen. Even with being the world's arguable strongest, my fights with both Mira and the gods of the heavenly realm have taught me that try as I might, my safety is far from guaranteed.
That goes double for my allies. And while I am not afraid to die, that doesn't mean that I don't want to waste my second chance idly, which is why I should probably take my advice and spend it doing the things that I love. Which, for me, is spending time with the people I care about, and Xiaochen more than any other friend has earned that emotion.
After searching aimlessly on the Internet for a couple of minutes, I started to realize that the world wide web wasn't going to help me. But, then again I was never known for my tricky tactics anyway. So I forwent virtually any form of subtly and decided to answer these mysterious feelings head-on.
To that end, I even decided to surprise her by wearing the outfit I was in when we met, my old school uniform, which was simply a white button collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up along with black pants and shoes. I also did away with the bandage since I didn't really need it and didn't want to feel restricted in any aspect.
So in the middle of the night, I trudged along the empty hallways of the Nox base. This time though, I wanted to get seen as I made my way towards Xiaochen's door and gave it a fateful knock. For a tense few seconds, I thought that Xiaochen was asleep. However, the rather loud off-tune and incoherent rambling from the other end beg to differ.
Even without this mystical eye of mine, I can now see little things about Xioachen that I didn't see before. Like how I could already see her enter her usual routine due to recent events. First, she was freaking out internally while still wondering who could possibly be at the other end of the door at this hour. Then another cavalcade of thunderous sounds took place as she unleashed her hundreds of luxury makeup kits that she thought I didn't know about.
From there, the air started to swish around violently, applying them all ideally to match the current occasion, carefully trying her best to look her best for the people that need her. The act alone reminded me of her thoughtfulness and kindness, aspects I have been taking advantage of far too often over dozens of months.
After half a minute of sounds on par with an enraged bull in an old china shop, my lovely Bishop made her "fabulous" appearance. She was keeping to the schoolgirl obsession she's had since her infiltration mission. She kept a formal school-like uniform dressed in Nox colors, addressing me with heavy makeup that made her look decades younger. I guess even with our talk, something never changes. However, instead of finding the usual trend cumbersome, a part of me found it very charming.
"Hello Daewi, what can I do for you tonight," she said in an awkward mix of forwardness and shyness.
A small blush almost escaped my face, though I was still able to remain strong. In fact, if anything, the "attack" only fueled me to return in kind. So I decided to give Xiaochen my outstretched right hand and asked solemnly.
"I know that we've both been busy lately but, if you would like, would you like to join me on a date?"
From there time seemed to stand still I was waited for Xiaochen's answer. I mean the worst she could say was no, right?
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A King and His Queen Part 5
Note: This is part of a ten chapter story. If you want easy access to the full chapter list then please follow the link below.
Chapter zero
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Xiaochen Pov
You'd think after leading a chase that has sent me thousands of miles away from home and braving through gravity over a hundred times that of the former planet Jupiter would leave me tired. Especially after spending all night worrying and trying to avoid this moment. Yet now that we are falling on each other again after that night, something has changed.
For decades I've served my purpose at the King's side with Romario Triavola, loyally and dutifully. Ever since he saved me, I promised to carry out his every wish to pay off the debt I owed. I simply thought that my earlier allegiance would still hold true with his passing of the torch. However, whenever I see that unchanging face, that pigheaded inflexibility, and utter humanity clash with everything I've ever known, I can't help but think that I'm.
"I'm sorry, my King. I forced you to use your power despite your grave injuries. I also nearly destroyed our Nox base, put hundreds of lives at risk, and potentially exposed your presence over New Korea. All because I got flustered at nearly forgetting your title. I truly am an atrocious right hand, aren't I? So if you wish to demote me or unleash punishment, then I will happily take it, for I have sinned," I said while bowing down to hide my tears.
Time slowed down to an agonizing crawl as I waited for the King's holy judgment. Yet instead of a raised fist, the same one that slain countless monsters and humans as possible, I got met with an open hand. Even without touching or talking I could feel his gentleness flowing through as heavenly power regenerated the ravaged field at a steady pace. Shortly after the miraculous feat, he placed his right hand on my head lovingly while the Sage of the west talked to me on an "equal" footing through kneeling. The next words that he chose were both careful and decisive.
"Don't talk like that; You've been the only thing holding both Nox and me together. There's frankly no one else I can count on who's on your level. Also, considering that I don't see Mubong's forces or any casualties from Nox, I think that we are good. Finally, I'm glad that you almost used my real name for the record. I wish you did it more frankly. So stop apologizing for things that you didn't do wrong or things out of your control. Do you hear me?" he said emotionally, almost as if he wasn't talking about himself anymore.
That sentence almost made me lose it right then and there. But, instead, the tears only started to stream down my face even harder, pelting the ground like rain. Embarrassment, sorrow, and happiness mixed into a powerful cocktail that completely overwhelmed me. For the first time in seventeen years, I finally had to face the music.
Ever since he saved me my day, I thought that I could pay Ohkwang back by serving at his side in debt. So after Ragnorak, when I had finally had time to absorb his death, I thought I could cope by serving his true host.
That never made the pain go away, though if anything, the method only ate away at me slowly. Not a night went by where I didn't replay those events in my head over and over again. I know the other members of Nox didn't dare say it directly, but they didn't need to. I swear I could hear their backhanded comments.
"Why weren't you strong enough, Xioachen?"
"Why weren't you fast enough, Xioachen?"
"Why weren't you smart enough, Xioachen?"
"Why couldn't you protect our King Xioachen?"
"Why didn't you die alongside him, Xioachen?"
Each of those comments engraved themselves on their heart, forcing me to work harder and keep all my feelings inside for the greater good. Yet, whether it be indirectly or directly, this stubborn man saw through it all and gave me the forgiveness I couldn't give to myself. After that realization, happiness managed to flood through me more than anything.
Eventually, I reimagined a more dignified approach, wiping away my tears and makeup to address "him" with my true face. Finally, after using the primeval borrowed power, I tried to hide the scars and imperfections.
"I hear you loud and clear, Daewi," I said to a person I now see in a whole new light.
A mix of surprise and content took over his face, as Dawei gave me a smile I'll treasure forever while saying.
"That's great to hear," he said as the sunlight showed on what might as well be a brand new day.
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A King and His Queen Part 4
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Note: This is part of a ten chapter story. If you want easy access to the full chapter list then please follow the link below.
Chapter zero 
Daewi Pov
Xioachen has always been a strange person. Even before I joined the Six, there was always massive propaganda across the World Government about her past sins. Sometimes it even feels like she's from a different world, sometimes with her grand gestures.
Yet I don't think running away from the person she swore her life to was a part of her normal behavior. Usually, I would simply ignore it, but I couldn't get her off my mind after that night. So if she was going to play this cat and mouse game, I intend to win. Removing my bandages around my eyes, the power of the King's wisdom flared into a red glow, thus forcing one of the four fundamental forces to fall to my command. Today, I chose gravity, quickly levitating and gearing up for flight before saying to Peach.
"Place the egg on the bed, Peach, and have a nice day. I'll get here to eat it before it gets cold," I said before zooming off at blurring speed.
While her borrowed power was sealed by Suijin Lee a while back, Xioachen still has remained my Bishop for a reason. Her physical strength still made her a formidable opponent as she blitzed past the large corridors of the Nox base with enough speed to cause hurricanes. Which told me one thing, she was far from being sick. Still, I had remained faster, rapidly gaining pace with her until we were face to face.
"Can you stop, please? I want to talk to you about last night," I said in a deadpan tone.
Instead of following my command, though, Xioachen got even more heated, increasing her speed further while employing Kyoshin Karate. Finally, the Kick of the Red Phoenix Xiaochen made the entire building shake and bend from the sheer force. So much so I had to use gravity once again to divert the energy, which is probably precisely what Xiaochen wanted as she launched herself out of the building in my distraction.
Dozens of pounds of concrete, glass, wood, and insulation got thrown to the wayside, forcing me to unleash my borrowed power to protect the people in the way. One that has quickly become the shining mascot of Nox, the holy animal of Orgeauk: Haetea. The small blue dog-like dragon appeared by my side, excitedly awaiting orders with a simple thought.
There was a time where I thought I'd never see him again, but the Sage's Wisdom has its perks. I didn't even need to say a word for him to respond, though. All at once, the rubble got caught by large bubbles of water. With that, I activated gravity once again to almost telekinetically repair the damage. Still, the action cost me a lot of time as I had lost track of her. Though that didn't matter as Haetea and Xioachen had a close relationship.
Meaning he could freely sniff out her location, quickly pointing towards the sky above. Realizing that, I cranked up the speed further, forcing me to cast Inertia on myself combined with repulsive forces. Multiple sound barriers instantly got broken, sailing me through the air until I was high above the clouds where Xioachen was. Realizing that she was sailing with the momentum of an f15 fighter jet, I tried my best to be gentle, slowing her course using gradual Gravitokinesis. Eventually, I captured her in a small water bubble when she slowed enough. When I finally caught up with her, I decided to have a conversation with her fifty thousand feet in the air on top of a grown Hatea.
"Do you finally want to talk now," I said calmly?
Combined with the strong air this high up and the bubble's thickness, all I saw were glimmers of muffled conversation. That combined with her obvious panicked movements, it was clear this would get us nowhere. Realizing this, I decided to enter the bubble with her. Something strange happened when I did, though.
Once again, by sheer accident, it seems that we had entered our private world where we didn't have to think about anyone else.  I only found a feeling with Xioachen, which I couldn't help but get drawn towards. So without even getting wet, I entered the bubble to see a now patient, Xioachen. However, before I could restate my offer, she finally answered.
"No," she said frankly.
In one triumphant motion, she unfurled my own Kyoshin Karate right at my face, striking the bubble with a ground-level fist of the black turtle. Then, another powerful shockwave took place,  ripping the bubble part while forcing her into a powerful descent. My casual nature grew actual concern at that point, realizing the fall could do some damage. However, those thoughts quickly vanished when I realized what we were above.
At first, it was a small blur, but closer inspection made it a large city, meaning we were probably on the outskirts of a New Korean city. Hoping to make this a small incident, I repeated the same process, again trying to capture her in Hatea's mystical bubbles. She countered back through sheer physical strength using either Kick of Red Phoniex or Fist of the Black Turtle.  Since she time her strikes specifically so said bubbles would
Nevertheless, this dance of ours created a slow in descent, giving her all the time she needed to leap off of the surrounding skyscrapers. Thus granting her enough momentum to once again sail towards the city outskirts; now that we were in a more lush forest-like area, I could exercise my powers a little more carefully. Seeing as the gentle approach didn't work, I got more creative, and it was a little harsher.
"Gravity times ten," I said with my right eye blazing and my wounds starting to ache.
Instantly Xiaochen dropped like a stone, still executing a graceful roll into the trees. Knowing this was a half measure at best, as I increased the pressure ever so slightly.
"Times twenty, thirty, fourth, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred," I said with increasing intensity.
For the sky god of the Greek Pantheon Zeus, increasing gravity a thousand times couldn't fall him when he got serious. For the Bishop that's been working hard every single day to surpass him, her limit still wasn't on that level yet. Thus I found that two hundred and fifty times Earth's normal gravity. Frankly, the sight was abjectly terrifying. For our struggle was like an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object.
Trees shattered under their added weight, blades of grass got utterly crushed into clumps, and medium-sized rocks instantly got pulverized into dust. The air around started to feel denser than ozone as multiple animals scurried in fear on sight. Soon enough, even the ground couldn't handle the sheer density creating a steep crater of dirt several feet deep. Yet despite this literal godly might, the defiant Xioachen still managed to persist, albeit slowly.
Her movements had now slowed to a snail's crawl, making it seem as though she was doing a full-on spring in slow motion. I swear I could feel her muscles ache harder than my injured ones for a while as sweat ran down her face. Then, finally, I casually slid down the giant crater and walked towards the servant that's given me so much trouble.
"Xioachen, please let's just talk," I said sincerely while sitting right next to her shaking body,
Up close, I could see how deep her determination ran through body language alone, which only made me dig in my resolve all the more. Our iron wills irritated off each other, vehemently clashing harder than any fist we could make. The staredown lasted for what seemed like forever. The winner was made. Whether it be through finally giving up or following my orders, Xioachen finally relented. Thus with no one else around, the two of us escaped the fringes of Nox and talked without any barriers or labels to tie us down.
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A King And His Queen Part 3 (GOH Fanfic)
Note: This is part of a ten chapter story. If you want easy access to the full chapter list then please follow the link below. 
Chapter zero 
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Xiaochen Pov
My name is Peixes Tac Tung Xiaochen. Across the decades of service, my unbeatable power has granted me other illustrious titles. The Saint of War, Dragon Slayer, the prettiest woman in Nox, and most alluded of all the King's Right Arm, all titles that have shaken fear in the hearts of many men. But, when it comes to death, I've never even once considered it if it meant the safety of The King.
So why am I so scared to walk out of my room on Gaia's green earth? Why haven't I got even a wink of sleep since last night? And why is it that every time I think about Dae- I mean the Jade Emperor my mouth gets dry, my face turns red, and my body gets clammy? Either way, whatever the reason, I can't bear to escape my room.
It's probably even better this way. I mean, I'm sure someone as great as The King can bear without the presence of my presence for one day, right? As soon as I finished that thought, a soft knocking was on my door. Sheepishly I tried to ignore it until I heard the female voice that came with it.
"Um, Ms. Xiaochen, this is Peach. Are you feeling okay?" she said earnestly.
Instantly I recognized the voice. I would often help teach Kyoshin Karate on the weekends and give sermons to lower-ranked Nox members. In particular, I had taken quite a liking to Peach, who has massive potential for possibly infiltrating the World Government in the future. Combine that with her dedication, and I've taken quite a liking to her. So in a friendly tone, I simply state.
"I'm fine, Peach. Just feeling a little sick is all," I say with faux joy.
"Well, if that is the case, then you are in luck. I've got some great steamed egg here. I'm not hungry right now, so I'll let you have it's, guaranteed to make you feel better," she said with infectious positivity.
That offer was pretty much enough to convince me, stringing together my scattered thoughts together and rebooting. Last night was nothing but an insignificant fluke. I'm still just the beautiful blonde bombshell Bishop of the Jade Emperor.
The same man I've served since the day he saved me from death by stoning. My role hasn't changed in decades, so why would it now? My usual demeanor returned to greet my darling apostle with my established and realigned role.
"Coming Peach, just give me a couple of minutes to freshen up," I said excitedly.
I've always been an expert when it comes to looking your best, so much so I can pretty much get ready in no time at all. But, at speeds nearing subliminal, my room got stretched to the limits of its durability on my one-woman rampage. First, using the precision of an expert surgeon, I picked the optimal pieces out of hundreds of expensive makeup kits. Then, through sheer speed, my hands almost caught fire, applying the proper eyeliner, lipstick mascara, and so much more.
Without even looking at a mirror to give my sexy self a sweet kiss, I accounted for the terrible bags and crust in the eyes. A final flick of the wrist was all I needed to equip my classic Nox suit, which was all I needed to walk out feeling on top of the world. But, unfortunately, my confidence went from one hundred to zero in seconds. Because as soon as I opened my door, I got greeted by a smiling Peach behind an interested Jade Emperor. Continuing her earlier string of sentences, Peach fully finished her earlier statement.
"Especially after you get a heaping helping of healing from the Jade Emperor," she said with the biggest grin in the world.
Any other words that came from her mouth fell on deaf ears. Since all it took was one look from the King to have my earlier embarrassment. Next thing I know, I'm starting the morning off with a thousand one hundred and eleven dash away from the King.
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A King And His Queen Part 2 (GOH Fanfic)
Note: This is part of a ten chapter story. If you want easy access to the full chapter list then please follow the link below.
Chapter zero
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Dawei POV
"I don't really dislike you. From now on, you are the King of Humans."
It's been approximately over five thousand eight hundred forty days since I've heard that statement. A dying acknowledgment that from a man who used to be my enemy. At the time, I didn't think of the comment. All I cared about was that I had the power to protect my friends. Yet even with the power King's wisdom, Robe of the Sage, and a direct contract with Haetea, it might as well have amounted to nothing.
I couldn't save Mori Jin in his time of need, nor could I even find him. I failed to save Mori Hui and Woo Seung-Tae even when they were dying within arm's reach. And worst of all, I couldn't even keep my promise to the person I loved the most. Since then, I've tried countless times to make things right, to bring back what I've lost. But as more time passes, as more scars are collected, I don't know if something can ever go back to how they were.
It's been a couple of days since I've last arrived at Nox. This is mainly due to my one-person mission of infiltrating the World Government's latest theories on Mori Jin's whereabouts. Unfortunately, I encountered our "rival" Neo Nox attacking a nearby recon team through this. Which naturally led to me meeting "her" again. Though I guess that's not surprising, we are now bound in more ways than one.
Out of our dozens of fights, I rank this one of the hardest ones yet. Come snow or summer; I never skipped a day of training all this time. Yet it seems no matter how hard I keep at it or how much I advance, Mira seems to be only one step behind. These bleeding wounds make that more than apparent. Nevertheless, I didn't dare let the pain show.
I've got too many people to protect now, and I won't let them worry about what's essentially my mess, especially since no one in the world can stop her but me as far as I know. So in the dead of night, I kept a low profile, slowly limping my way towards my room. I thought I could've been successful, but my deep thoughts and bandaged eyes let "someone" pass by me.
"My King."
I recognized the voice before even raising my head, realizing I gazed upon an anxious Xiaochen. Then, almost subconsciously, I started to shift myself up while keeping a straight face.
"Hello Xioachen, how have you've been?"
Xiaochen then unleashed a militant salute while excitedly saying through an overactive smile.
"Great, my liege, I've managed to manage to complete my daily mission successfully. Right now, our intel-gathering on the World Government has increased a total of-."
"That's not what I mean," I said casually.
Xioachen then grew a confused expression before finally asking.
"What do you mean, sire?"
"I mean, how are you feeling?" I said with a more deliberate tone.
Xioachen took a massive double-take as if it was her first time hearing such a question. Then, a few seconds later, she finally had a somewhat awkward answer.
"I'm doing fine, my majesty. I'm just about to head to bed," she said uncomfortably.
"I'm about to do that myself, have a nice night," I said, preparing to walk away.
"To you as well, my majesty," Xioachen said as she kneeled with a reassuring smile that made me feel better before walking away.
Eventually, I made it back into my room, holding on to that pleasant conversation as long as possible before getting back to business. My many fights with Mira have made it easier to patch myself up for better or worse. However, it didn't make the process any less painful. The King's wisdom gives me the power to heal, but I had already reached my limit on it. Meaning I had to do it the old fashion way.
Agonizing pain shot through my entire body as I bloodied several sheets through malformed stitches and sloppily put together bandages. The cuts on my chest were easy enough to tend to, but the large gash on my back was brutal to reach. When I finally let out a defiant hiss, I realized that I had an audience.
"You are a terrible liar, my king."
From out of the shadows, a concern Xioachen emerged. But, still trying to keep things under control, I state.
"Yeah, I guess I am?"
I didn't know if it was because of my physical and mental exhaustion or maybe because I felt lonely, but I decided to relent finally. Soon enough, the two of us sat in the comically oversized bed as he painlessly tended to my injuries. Minutes ticked by aimlessly as Xioachen remained the most silent I've seen her entirely focused on the task ahead. However, that, of course, didn't last long.
" I swear when I get my hands on that crazy bitch I swear I'll pay her back for every scar," she said with growing aggression.
"Please don't, once knowing Mira once I save her, anything you do will not make her feel any worse," I say apologetically.
Even without seeing her, I could feel a storm of unkept words that only got a passing hesitation before spilling out.
"But what if you can't save her, my King," she said in a growing concern.
Noticing that, I firmly stood my ground by counterattacking, even if it was shaky.
"That doesn't matter because I will do it. I have to," I said in an exhausted tone.
From there, the stitching started to get tenser. So much so the wound began to burn like I had put salt in it. Along with it, Xioachen grew an even more aggressive tone.
"You and I both know that this dance of yours ends in only one way. So what will you do if you can't," she said in a distressed tone.
The question struck a personal chord with me. Ever since I joined the God of Highschool Tournament sixteen years ago, or hell even before that, questions of a similar nature cropped up. Yet, I've always managed to beat back the "odd," never once worrying about failure, doubt, or even death. It's not that I didn't think those factors existed, more so that I never paid them any mind with my friends on the line.
But I haven't had "friends" for a long time, and as much as I want them back, that goal seems farther than ever. And I don't think any amount of power, "royal" titles, or servants were going to fill that place. For a flash, I could've sworn the shadows started to converge on me, leaving me with a rickety, broken, and bloody path.So in response to Xioachen's question, I answered in the gravest and blunt tone of my entire life.
"Then I guess I'll die trying," I said depressingly.
From there, Xioachen's rage peaked, turning me around while grabbing my head.
"How can you say that!? You can't throw your life away like it's waste for the Trash bin! Not when you have so many who count, believe, and adore you! Fuck can you even see how much I like you, Dae-," she ranted.
Before she could say my name, she caught herself. Burning passion immediately became crushing embarrassment so bad that Xioachen turned beet red at the drop of a hat. Combine that with her well of raw emotion, and I got introduced to a mighty slap.
Instinctively I tried to activate one of the fundamental forces, but it immediately failed. Which meant I was too late to start or summon the Robe of the Sage, meaning I had to take it on fully. So  I got embedded in the wall while she ran through the opposite wall the next thing I knew.
Taking account of my various injuries, I might as well have made the stone my bed for the night. Yet despite my screaming muscles or aching bones, I was smiling. Probably the most real one I had in years. Because it seemed for a single moment, the heavy chains of "royalty" were lifted, if only by a tiny bit. Almost as if another path was laid bare for me. Like I had been transported to a simpler time. So with that in mind, I fell into the depths of slumber, more relaxed than ever before.
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