#tga clips
servants-hall · 1 year
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First Look at The Gilded Age S2!
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crisp-art · 7 months
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hi again just overcame my art block
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star, lawrence, mary and leslie... the galatical adventurers.
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mysticfyres · 6 months
And Geoff would still tell me to “Please Wrap It Up” LOL
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cldjendis66 · 3 months
Bringin' back this classic
Song: Every Time We Touch by Cascada
Clips from Official Release Trailer - "Interstellar Journey" | Honkai: Star Rail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMSHG_LCzak
Clips from TGA Candidacy Video: A Story That Never Grows Dull | Honkai: Star Rail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jwoFdVsTmY
Tbh this started off as me wanting to make a new follower notification for my Twitch channel, so it was supposed to be a silly short edit. However, upon completing that task, I went back and got lost perfecting it. My friends Ando and Cin can attest to this *Wheezes*
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cliji · 7 months
hiiiii if tga reveals one of the dlc trailers, which is very likely, i’m gonna start posting on my warfield media archive account @/andthesectary!
everything warfield related (be it game or media outside of it) will be posted in a timely manner since i haven’t actually finished my 3rd playthrough, which is an extreme exaggeration because i haven’t made it to the second time-skip LMAO. but i already have 70 clips in my g-drive which is kinda insane and i’m fearing that it’ll hit 300 by the time i’m done…and i need the storage for rebirth ohhhh.
so yeah! i hope to see you guys there as the first wf archive acc (i hope so???) on planet earth!
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whartonists · 6 months
The TV series “The Gilded Age” offers a challenge to the idea that authentic is intrinsically better. This delightful confection is fairly described, given its creation by Julian Fellowes, as “Downton Abbey” in 1880s New York City. It has all the expected obsessive accuracy in terms of clothing, sets, food, etc., but one thing the show gets wrong is how people spoke. The characters speak as their modern equivalents would — and this is as it should be. Upper-crust white New Yorkers in the 19th century and well into the 20th had the grand old accent often called mid-Atlantic, which sounded a lot like British English. R’s at the end of syllables tended to melt away: “Quarter” was a “kaw-tuh.” In 1880s New York, this r-lessness came off as normal. People grew up talking that way.
I thought this was a very interesting article on the way people talk in The Gilded Age, which I know has been a topic of conversation in TGA fandom circles recently. (He also includes some interesting examples of 19th century upper-class American dialects, including this clip of FDR's mother.)
Probably unsurprisingly, I disagree with the author's conclusion that this inaccuracy is for the best--most of the examples he cites of how artificial and emotionless this accent sounds don't read that way to me at all. (I do wonder if there is a perception divide here based on how many Old Hollywood films you have watched in your life.)
But I think his points about 19th century Black Americans' accents are especially fascinating, and I thought it was an informative article worth a read for TGA fans.
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adamsvanrhijn · 1 year
if TGA doesn't get renewed for S3 i will go insane.
HBO quite frankly sucks at promoting shows they dont care about, like we should've gotten at least some spoilers or news about S2 rn, like we are literally 2 months away and it's been nothing other than a few small clips.
we don't even know if it's definitely 2 months away 😭😭😭
it's crazy because this show costs them SO much... you'd think they would promote the heck out of it ... gets me concerned they've written it off as sunk cost 😔
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servants-hall · 1 year
A few new seconds of footage from The Gilded Age S2!
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
Interest On The National Debt Poised To Rise At An Alarming Rate
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Via SchiffGold.com,
Since the end of the fake debt ceiling fight on June 2, the Treasury has borrowed an additional $700 billion pushing the national debt over $32 trillion. Looking at the interest rates on this new debt, it becomes clear that the US government has a big problem.
The surge in borrowing in the wake of the debt ceiling deal was expected. The Treasury is playing catch-up after nearly six months up against its borrowing limit. But even after the Treasury replenishes the federal government’s checking account (called the Treasury General Account or TGA at the New York Federal Reserve Bank), borrowing won’t suddenly stop.
The debt ceiling deal supposedly cut spending, but we know actual spending will continue to rise. Given that the Biden administration is blowing through an average of $500 billion each month and running massive deficits month after month, it’s clear the misnamed  “Fiscal Responsibility Act” did nothing to address the root problem.
The problem isn’t purely a function of more debt. The bigger issue is that this new debt comes with a much steeper price tag. Interest on the national debt is rising at an alarming clip.
The trailing 12-month (TTM) interest on the debt clocked in at just under $600 billion in May. This was up from $350 billion at the start of 2022, less than 18 months ago. The government has added an extra $250 billion in expenses per year on just debt service.
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COVID-19 vaccine injured doctors are finally starting to speak up…and they are shocked that the medical establishment abandons them.
by Dr. William Makis MD
Video Clip: Laura Ingraham with California Dr.Michael Huang
‘I apologize on behalf of my profession for refusing to listen to patients with vax injuries’ – Dr.Michael Huang, physician who treated 4000 COVID patients says he’s seen hundreds of COVID-19 vaccine injuries, cancer, pregnancy loss, etc.
Vaccine injured physicians are starting to speak out…
Dr. Melissa Halvorson Smith MD
Dr.Smith has been shocked by the horrible treatment she has received from her physician colleagues as a COVID-19 vaccine injured patient.
Dr. Shmuel Shapira MD
Dr.Shmuel Shapira MD MPH (Col) led Israel’s effort to develop a coronavirus vaccine and was the Head of the Department of Military Medicine of Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine and IDF Medical Corps (read more here):
“Professor Shmuel Shapira might be the most senior ranking medical-scientist in the world to openly criticize the COVID vaccines.”
On May 13, 2022, Dr.Shapira said: “I received 3 vaccinations (Pfizer), I was physically injured in a very significant way as many others were injured”
Dr. Kerryn Phelps MD
Dr.Kerryn Phelps is the former President of the Australian Medical Association (AMA). She and her partner were COVID-19 vaccine injured. She is the highest ranking Australian medical doctor to admit to being COVID-19 vaccine injured (read more here):
“This is an issue that I have witnessed first-hand with my wife who suffered a severe neurological reaction to her first Pfizer vaccine within minutes, including burning face and gums, paraesethesiae, and numb hands and feet”
“I continue to observe the devastating effects a year-and-a-half later with the addition of fatigue and additional neurological symptoms including nerve pains, altered sense of smell, visual disturbance and musculoskeletal inflammation. The diagnosis and causation has been confirmed by several specialists who have told me that they have seen ‘a lot’ of patients in a similar situation.”
“Dr. Phelps revealed she was also diagnosed with a vaccine injury from her second dose of Pfizer in July 2021, “with the diagnosis and causation confirmed by specialist colleagues”.
“In my case the injury resulted in dysautonomia with intermittent fevers and cardiovascular implications including breathlessness, inappropriate sinus tachycardia and blood pressure fluctuations.”
“Dr. Phelps said both reactions were reported to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) “but never followed up”.
“She revealed she had spoken with other doctors “who have themselves experienced a serious and persistent adverse event” but that “vaccine injury is a subject that few in the medical profession have wanted to talk about”.
Dr. Danice Hertz MD
“Dr.Hertz, a gastroenterologist who retired in October, got her first and only dose of Pfizer’s vaccine on Dec. 23, 2020”
“Within 30 minutes, I started experiencing adverse effects”
“Hertz said within 24 hours she developed neurological symptoms, including severe paresthesias in her face, tongue, scalp, chest wall and limbs, as well as tremors, twitching, weakness, headaches, tinnitus and imbalance.”
“I saw six neurologists, five allergists, three rheumatologists, and no one had a clue,” Hertz said.”
“Dr. Danice Hertz said people like her who have been seriously injured by COVID vaccines are being dismissed or ignored, and because health officials won’t research their injuries and potential treatments, they have nowhere to turn.”
“After taking the Pfizer injection Danice got neuropathy, mast cell activation, pericarditis and many other symptoms. She has now seen 22 different doctors and still hasn’t recovered.” (click here)
Dr. Stephen Wright MD
Dr.Stephen Wright (UK) died at age 32, from blood clots caused by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.
Mark Steyn conducted several interviews with the family:
My Take…
It is crucial for doctors who have been COVID-19 vaccine injured to speak up and let the world know what has happened to them and how they have been treated by their colleagues and the medical establishment in general, once they became COVID-19 vaccine injured patients.
Read the full article at Dr. William Makis MD
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cldjendis66 · 3 months
I made another one because I can >:3  
Song: Every Time We Touch by Cascada  
Clips from Official Release Trailer - "Interstellar Journey" | Honkai: Star Rail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMSHG_LCzak  
Clips from TGA Candidacy Video: A Story That Never Grows Dull | Honkai: Star Rail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jwoFdVsTmY
This was also for my Twitch channel before I went back and got lost perfecting it as well *Wheezes* 
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whartonists · 10 months
This is gonna be a lot but how do you feel about these confirmed facts about s2 of TGA? 1. George will be in trouble because of a worker's strike 2. Peggy will meet her son 3. There will be more tennis 4. Agnes and Ada leave the house 5. There will be churches 6. Larry is already doing architecture 7. Oscar will bleed and still doesn't dress like a normal person 8. Turner will return
SO many things are going to happen this season, my gosh.
Very excited about the strike/labor unrest plotline; I am a little concerned it is going to be a single-episode one and done because it is, at heart, not what this show cares about. But there's a lot there to mine, and I hope they do.
As far as I know we do not know this for sure, though I do think it is a reasonable assumption. It is going to be totally heartbreaking and I'm excited to see how they play it; also when Denée Benton cries I cry, so that's going to be a lot.
Forever here for more tennis, the true backbone of this show.
They're going to leave the house so much! At my count they have to go to church at least twice and of course the opera; I presume they will be in multiple opera scenes. It's going to be great to see them in more eveningwear and also HATS.
Three whole churches! I think it's a really great way to talk about and show the social and racial distinctions of New York, and I can't wait to see how they go about it. But I think it's a really clever frame and a great way to start off the season.
Larry! He's moving so quickly. I do wonder if he is officially doing architecture yet or if Laura Benanti's character offers him the job to keep him around; very excited about her eating him alive (I presume).
I mean, Oscar dresses very much like a normal man living in 1880s America; in fact the rest of the men are notably drab, which I think is an interesting costuming choice. (I'm not sure if I've made a post about this, but I think about it frequently.) I am on absolute tenterhooks about what is going on in that clip, it is so out of left field and I desperately want to know what happened and what its purpose is going to be in the story.
TURNER. When she comes swanning in with her fancy clothes and her rich husband I am going to scream so loud. So, so loud.
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joinclubuniversity · 1 year
An Audit Training Course Is a Great Way to Strengthen Your Knowledge of the Audit Process
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An audit training course provides an excellent opportunity to strengthen your knowledge of the audit process. Whether you are new to the profession or a seasoned auditor, this course can provide you with the necessary skills to successfully conduct your own audits.
The course will cover topics such as how to evaluate data reliability and developing an effective audit program. Participants will also learn about the different types of evidence and their strengths and weaknesses. They will also learn how to develop researchable audit questions and how to analyze trade-offs. Lastly, participants will be able to determine how to effectively communicate findings and recommendations to the management of a business.
Auditors need to be able to use judgment and apply critical thinking when conducting an audit. The course will cover some of the common cognitive biases and logical fallacies that might occur in an audit. It will also help auditors to avoid the traps and pitfalls that can hinder their work.
Courses offered by CAE are designed to be interactive and use a combination of approaches to teach the necessary skills for auditors. Each course features lecture, video clips and hands-on group activities. The instructors have extensive experience in financial management, international affairs and procurement, as well as a wide range of other subjects. Check out this website at http://edition.cnn.com/EDUCATION/archive/ for more info about education.
In addition to the standard coursework, students can take advantage of free CodeCamp courses to enhance their knowledge of various audit topics. For seasoned professionals, an Advanced Stream is available, which combines four modules into two. This program also offers a narrower focus for experienced professionals. Be sure to view here!
Auditing offers a great opportunity to enhance your professional development, build your business skills and stay on top of the latest developments. The job outlook for auditing positions is expected to increase 11 percent by 2024. No matter what industry you are involved with, auditing is a skill that will benefit you in the long run.
A highly interactive 12-hour course is available to teach the necessary tools and techniques for leading audits. These include guiding the planning and reviewing process, reporting results, and managing high-performing teams. Additionally, the course discusses the role of sampling in the auditing process.
A 4-hour course is also available for new or seasoned auditors who are looking for a refresher. The class will discuss how to recognize and prevent cognitive biases and logical fallacies in an audit. It will also cover the importance of indexing and referencing.
There are more external auditing training courses available. These are designed to help audit managers improve the value of their audits by understanding the requirements of government auditing standards. Some of these standards include the Yellow Book. Other regulations may include ISO, TGA or FDA regulatory auditors.
As the world continues to change, individuals and teams will need to operate at their maximum effectiveness. Learning from auditing experts can help you gain the necessary skills to overcome challenges in a variety of industries. Furthermore, auditing is a great way to rekindle old skills or refresh forgotten knowledge.
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blake-ritson-love · 3 months
Blake looked real snazzy at SAG, but does he also look overwhelmed by the photo call or is that just me? I guess I’ve grown used to the more kinetic DVD cast press tours from ten years ago and am constantly surprised he’s not as energetic on every outing.
Maybe so; I must say that I've always felt that red carpet type of situations are a bit strange, even just to look at (though it's fab to receive new pics). Fe. In the little video clips from the SAG's you can hear the photographers shouting at the actors crazy loud.
The DVD cast were super close, and they did so much promo together during those years, so I can imagine all the publicity feeling way more natural somehow. That's my own hunch about it. Gotta add that some of the TGA cast have also called Blake energetic and funny as a person, and someone's that's particularly fun to work with.
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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