heysoulsistahh · 2 months
Tgfw (thank goodness for women) 🥰🤤
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cosmicbrownieblog · 10 months
tgfw (thank god for weed)
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sapphic-giraffic · 7 years
tgfw (that gay feeling when)
tgfw she thinks you're sexy, too
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gnostic-heretic · 7 years
Hope u don’t mind me saying but I’m a lesbian and Jesus Christ accurate?? I get super uncomfortable with it too and with the weird attitude prevalent in this fandom that it’s ‘acceptable’ (not) pushback for the amount of gay ships? feel free to rant to me anytime about this. I feel your pain dear 💖💖💖
GFDHGFHDFGDGF THAT GAY FEEL WHEN!!! BUT NO FOR REAL, people complain SO MUCH about hetalia straight ships being “rare” or “overlooked” to the point where people consider turning a gay ship straight to be .... some sort of equalizer, but it’s not lol? actually it’s shitty and i wish people would... stop treating str8 hetalia ships (canon or nyo) like a novelty or a rare precious jewel or whatever,
and also when the nyos are assigned based on homophobic crap (i.e. this boy is a bottom, that makes me uncomfortable, let’s just make him a girl that’ll make the ship better) AND it’s used as a way to overlook the canon female characters esp since there are so few... like... why do you gotta be like this
again i guess people can have other reasons for liking it, but, tgfw (that gay feel when)
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bustermachine19 · 3 years
tgfw (that Gamer feeling when)
when i draw my fursona a lot i feel guilty that im not drawing other characters
when i draw other characters a lot i feel guilty that im not drawing my sona
thank u brain very cool
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dirt-gremlin-ideas · 5 years
tgfw you see a frog and the feral part of your brain is activated with such appreciation of the small green boy that deserves every of the love
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uchihasass · 3 years
hi babyyyyyy!!! for the asks, 4, 10 & 18! ✨✨💚
hellooooooo lovely 💙🥰😘
4) favorite character you’ve written
it's a tie between sasuke and sakura.
for sasuke, it's extremely liberating to just be able to get into his head for the obvious reason that he is a man of very few words.
and for sakura, i find the dichotomy of her vulnerability and her strength endlessly fascinating. a lot of people insist she can only be one or the other, but i staunchly believe she is both. magnificently, so.
10) write in silence or with background noise? with people or alone?
silence is preferred (not including music in this), but i also gotten a lot of writing done in coffee shops before the pandemic. it used to depend on the day. if i'm already in the zone, then writing from the silence and comfort of my bed is unbeatable. coffee shops are good bc you physically put yourself in the "zone" so to say, by leaving home for the sole purpose of writing.
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
yes, definitely. so many of them. two writers immediately come to mind.
SilverShine, the queen herself. she is widely known across the fandom. i adore her all of her stories, but the two that left the biggest impression on me were The Girl From Whirlpool and House of Crows. to say this author writes stories is not enough—she builds ENTIRE worlds and weaves impossible plot threads to create complex, fully realized tapestries for characters we know and love. it's bc of these works that i know fanfiction can be majestic in scope and ambition, that where imagination is concerned, there is no limit! there is a chapter in TGFW that follows minato as he creates his most famous jutsu, the hiraishin. the way that is detailed and how the hiraishin made him an incredible force to be reckoned with is just some of the best action/fantasy writing i've ever seen across all media, not just fanfiction, or even books. to me, that arc in TGFW is the gold standard in writing action and fantasy and writing in general. i don't think a light that never goes out or hope is but a heartache would have ever seen the light of day if not for TGFW.
drawingspaces is a writer no one here is going to be familiar with. they write taekook (taehyung & jungkook from bts). i am not exaggerating when i say their story, real worlds can be manic too, literally changed my life. truth be told, romance is really fucking hard to write. it's ironic bc the genre is commonly seen as an inferior literary pursuit, but a good romance is as much about the self as it is about the person they are inevitably going to be tangled with. it is about two people coming together, yes, but the emotional reflection and labor that that requires often creates force enough to move mountains or split the sky open. metaphorically speaking, ofc. this is so extraordinarily demonstrated in RWCBMT. the author's exploration of the main character's psyche is beautiful, haunting, and uplifting. i hope to one day dissect and put the characters i write back together in a similar manner.
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TGFW (that goth feeling when)
You start cleaning your room to make it more aesthetically pleasing, but you get halfway through and realize "No amount of dusting and organization will get rid of the ugly in here," so instead you grab some shitty black acrylic paint and start slathering every surface you can make an excuse for
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tgfw* you don’t know if you’re crushing on the person or you just want their aesthetic, brought to you by this picture of Michael Sheen
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*that gay feeling when
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jeanstin-jackelroy · 6 years
Tgfw(that gay feel when) you go to see Deadpool just for teenage negasoic warhead and her gf yukio
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dirt-gremlin-ideas · 5 years
tgfw (that goblin feel when) 
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elektrisktmonster · 7 years
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filmnoirsbian · 7 years
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@jaxxgarcia #tgfw (that gay feel when)
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