#tgoe au
ghostbox-nostalgia · 4 months
Old Faith courting and favour
I decided to write out some of the old faith courting rituals since I'm art blocked at the moment and I have Ideas. A lot of these will be based off of the sorta Victorian era way of flirting since I enjoy all of the little secret languages they had.
First off fan language. I like to think this predates the bishops, and they learned how to do it from their predecessors. There's a lot of issues with followers claiming favoritism and dissenting if one of the gods is seen flirting in the open, so they devised a way to communicate with their favored without judgement. i imagine this is the one that Narinder tends to favor since theres a few signals in the real life one that can convey if someone is listening in or following you, and I imagine that the practicality of it made that on more appealing, Also pretty boy with a pretty fan. obviously
Flower language. What god wouldn't give their favored a gift afterall? Flower language is the same as it is in real life, with the added layer of combining flowers to covey particular messages to the recipient. i imagine that the container in which it is given also plays a factor but not that much. i imagine to some degree all of the bishops used this way at least once, whether it was for flirting or not (death threats in the form of nightshade on your doorstep)
Gems and Jewelry. Different gems carry different meanings, the metal tells intent, and the type of jewelry shows who you received it from (so necklace for hekets cult, earrings for kallamars, etc.) Gold is usually given with the intent to marry (romance doesn't matter) and silver is given to those you consider close, whether it be family or friend. gems usually contain the qualities you admire within someone, So and example would be if you admired someone for eloquence and had intent to marry, you would give them a gold and emerald ring. Obviously Kallamar favors this method the most, and cares very little if people see that he favors someone above the rest. He typically gives pearl jewelry to people with specific colours depending the person. Also the jewelry type thing being cult related is a very loose rule, its just a fun thing the cultists decided on their own.
Fruit! its fig incident time (kinda). so you know how figs are typically associated with fertility? Well in old faith terms, offering someone a fig implied an invitation to bed and eating a fig out of someone's hand was akin to telling them to take you then and there. Hekets preferred method of courting, right up their with lavish feasts and specially cooked meals. i personally feel like shes too blunt a person for a proper courting phase so she just tends to get to the point rather quick. (theres a narilamb fig scene I have planned that I can't figure out how to explain but now yall have a basis to go off of so feel free to imagine)
Anyway thats all the ideas I had so far. Hope you guys like them! I'll always take suggestions though so don't be afraid to shoot me an ask :]
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djevelbl · 14 days
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As a relatively new inhabitant of Whiteside, there's not a lot Bendy has heard about people in high positions of powers such as Cuphead Dish, but from the little things he's picked up around him - and trust me, he knows how to pick up a thing or two - what he knows is a few things: he's the second highest authority just behind the Head Angel and Head Demon in these lands, he's unrelenting in pursuit, and you do not wanna be in his radar - in training or otherwise. Especially otherwise; in training at least they fucking pay you for that.
Here he is! My blorbo, the skrimblo - the silly!! I love his updated design, it looks like it's actually something he would use, even if it's just a uniform he's making his by refusing to tie that fucking tie (are we pretending he's not doing it only bc he's a rebel, but also bc he can't tie a tie to save his life? We are? Cool)
Anyway below the cut y'all can find the full character ref sheet + some of the things I've changed between the original design and now! (HEAVY rambling ahead y'all! I went on PARAGRAPH about this idiot <3)
Before I forget - reblog! It helps artists in here! If you liked my drawing, please reblog it too! <33
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Click to be able to read some of the shit in there + better quality lmao but yeah! TGG!Cup! He's finally here!
In the original design he had this weird vest/coat thing on top of a dark shirt and dark grey pants + boots, all in a similar color scheme to the one he has now! The biggest change has to be the hairstyle, the coat and the pants! Though the shoes are also different - really, the only thing that stayed the same was the shirt lol. I decided to keep both the hair and the shoes I used for his design in the illustration I made for chapter 334 of Inky Mystery so it wasn't that jarring of a change, let me know if y'all like it! You can't see it really well due to the coat, but his belt buckle is supposed to be a big, golden feather! Y'know, because he's an angel ;)
Oh, and there's that! He's an angel here! Ofc he's still a Dish, we wouldn't have him any other way (except when we do lmao) but in this case it's less of a distinct thing from other toons than how it is in Inky Mystery! Some things are different, of course, but Toons and Dishes are more or less the same here - the only real difference is whether they're Angels or Demons!
In terms of which characters his design is based off of, they are Wodahs and Ater/Arbus! To be fair, Ater and Arbus only differ in pattern of speech and personal physical attributes from each other - in terms of clothes they're pretty much the same; I chose these characters because in the world of The Garden of Eden au he's gonna be playing their roles (if losely): for Wodahs, he's the Head of Military (Wodahs is the Head Angel in the game) and for Ater/Arbus, he's gonna be a spy for the Head Demon that helps rule over Whiteside! (Ater/Arbus both are twin cat spies for Kcalb, the Devil that helps rule The Gray Garden) - this is how I'm gonna be basing the designs for all Inky Mystery characters for the au!
Now specifically about the intro card: these are images shown whenever a new, important character the protagonist - Yosafire for TGG, Bendy for TGoE (The Garden of Eden au) - knows so the player can get to know a little better! Here I changed the intro card more than just adding in the new TGoE!Cup design; as I said in the text box for the intro card: he's the Head of Military! Whereas in the previous design he was the Head of Security - they're intrinsically related roles int The Garden of Eden due to the paficist nature of Whiteside, but there are differences between them; whenever I get around to Mugs' design y'all will see what I mean - I'll probably get more into their roles there. I also changed the name of the castle! From the original (BlancBlack) which I'd left in probably bc I didn't think of anything better lol I've now changed it to Griseo: gray in latin! Which is basically what BlancBlack is trying way too hard to do lmaoo
Lastly, I changed the last line in the intro card: the original said "Hm. I wonder where his wings are...?" and I've changed it to say "Aren't angels supposed to have wings...?" Because - and it'll be elaborated more later on - Bendy isn't from Whiteside! And where he's from there's no angels, so he has no idea.
Anyways lol ramble over - thanks for coming to my extensive af tedtalk 🙏🙏
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Mal's ramblings/sources for TGOE Ch 5
Not much research for this chapter, but I do have an interesting rabbit hole on SOAP!
Did you know soap was not a thing in Mycenae? I just wanted to know what ingredients might have been used to make soap then (did they have creamy soaps, like we do?) and found that, no, soap didn't exist for them. Just like with papyrus, it missed them.
My first source was wishy washy on the subject (get it??), but only because tablet evidence is lacking.
From Olive Oil and Other Sorts of Oil in the Mycenaean Tablets [PDF] by José L. Melena:
"... we have still no evidence on soda in the Mycenaean tablets, but Crete was full of alkali plants, which might produce soap when treated with oil. The importance of the Knossos textile industry requires the existence of detergents and soap to be employed in the final stage of textile processing; the occurrence of an oil amount associated with garments (we-a(v2)-no-i) in a Mycenae document might be explained not as intended for perfuming them, but for their cleaning."
One of the sources cited for the above paragraph (supposedly) says…
"But in the absence of soap the ancient world made much use of olive oil for the toilet, and it was a normal practice to anoint the body with oil after exercise." (Cf. J. Chadwick, The Mycenaean World, p. 122) (emphasis added my me)
But then another one says… this complicated mess of citations:
Cf. M. Levey, "The Early History of Detergent Substances", Journal of Chemical Education 31, 1954, pp. 521-524. "In Crete soap plant Saponaria officinalis L. grows in wet spots, cf. I. E. Chabáki, Φυτά καί Βοτάνια της Κρήτης, ρ. 312, s.u. Τσουένι; and a further source of alkali is Salsola carpatha L. and S. aegeaea L., cf. O. Rackham, op. cit., p. 297. See for parallels H. de Genouillac, "Le blanchissage au savon à l'époque des rois d'Ur", Revue d'Assyriologie 7, 1909, pp. 113 f.
And what I got from that mess (because I didn't follow up on these) is that Crete has a soap plant that may have enough alkali to be used for soap. But, like, maybe not enough to share I guess?
But I just… I didn't want that to be the answer. So I checked another source and found this line from Bathing at the Mycenaean Palace of Tiryns by Joseph W. Shaw that quotes another source:
Concerning perfumed oil, Shelmerdine writes that it "was a common offering to the gods, and was also used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. It was particularly valued in a world without soap." (emphasis added by me)
Shelmerdine is one Cynthia Wright Shelmerdine, who wrote a book called "The perfume industry of Mycenaean Pylos."
Long story short, Patroclus and his contemporaries never used soap. Oops. Well… I guess I'll try to remember for future fics. For now, getting lewd with the sewds. Suds. Whatever.
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xillionart · 7 years
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Finally decided to hurl my sketches here since last year ...
p1: TGOE, the first snow. Still one of my favorite scenes featuring Janus. So delicious, this premonition of fiasco ^q^
p2: a very implicit Ionkovo/Maurisk (you guys could unfollow me right now ;3;), sometimes I forget the Shade is officially a priest; a quick sketch of Faro & Maurisk; Abby (who is a joy to draw!); my preliminary design of Jen; Jane in TPOV; modern Raes & Maurisk highlighting my astoundingly absurd wishes for their ooc camaraderie (I don't ship them. but it's been so long since the last time I got lured into another boy/girl non-romantic relationship ... the rivalry! is! the gist!!!)
p3: a Cyte without looking up for canon description; a try on the mysterious lady Mya; male!Jen & female!Ionkovo for aesthetic purpose; more Janus; more Ionkovo; a semi-1930s-China racebent AU of Marcus & Janus. As for the slashed capsule in the middle ... well ...
p4: Bobby, TGOE
p5: It's dangerous to do any Mya's fanart right now. In case she's Janus' pet scorpion or something. But I'm jumping anyway ...
Only after sorting out these pieces from my Procreate did I realize I have never done a (relatively) proper Winter in B&W. Not once. I feel so guilty; I am going to confess to Father Ionkovo like right now.
Planned to update more but I'm so sleepy right now so ... maybe later zzzzzzz
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dreamsatdusk · 8 years
Janus for the character meme!
What I like about them
Eccentric strategic geniuses are so very much my thing.  I love his planning, his playing his cards close to his chest, his poise, and even how he can go from being cool, calm, and collected to near nuclear meltdown when something pisses him off.
Also: summer lightning smiles. 
What I dislike about them
Cannot think of anything at the moment.  I do wish he’d been more concerned about Raesinia’s efforts to recruit Marcus, though I can’t recall how much of an opportunity he had to really notice that. 
Favourite moment
There are a lot of them.  But one that was very amusing was when he showed up late to the attempted peace summit at the start of TGoE and then proceeded to throw everyone else’s plans to the wind and tell how things better be.  Of course, people got pissy as is unsurprising.  But I laughed.
Least favourite moment
So far, the end of TGoE:| 
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
His past and motivations - what is driving him so hard?  What happened?
An interesting AU for this character
There were a few opportunities for him to retain control of the army of Vordan.  I would have liked to see what happened if he had.
A crossover
Janus in the world of the Traitor Son Cycle (ha, and we thought TSC had a small fandom.  At least there IS one.)  They could use all the help they can get.  Also, conversations between he and Gabriel might be a riot.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
I don’t actually have one for him at this point.  But I am curious to learn more about the, ah, person referenced in TGoE and find out whether it was someone he was in love with, a family member, or what.
Other ships?
See above.
Janus and Winter.  It’s not quite there in the books yet, but with the experience Winter’s gained and how excellent she’s doing as a military commander, well, I think there’s potential.   Good opportunities for them to play off of each others strengths and help shore up weaknesses, etc.  Winter, for one, has a better grasp of people than Janus does and she’s very pragmatic.
Also, I love that Janus gave Winter the opportunities he did throughout the series.  Where we have so many people being variously agog or disgusted or so on about women being soldiers, Janus saw potential and encouraged it.  It served is ends as well of course, but nevertheless, I appreciate his attitude.
Janus/Marcus.  I can see why there are folks who like it, but for me, the personality dynamic is not the sort that speaks to me.  Marcus is oblivious enough (and gullible enough) that it began grating on me a ways into the series.  I don’t see that being alluring to Janus. 
An assortment of headcanons!
That neither the mildness nor the temper we see are false fronts, he’s just simply actually like that. 
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 7 months
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Got a request for leshy. Might spiff up the gloves in post.
He has wooden prosthetic legs! I tried to make them look ball jointed but I'm not sure how successful I was
Gotta draw his cat buddy from that short :]
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 7 months
Hi, I finished the first of my cotl designs.
Hope you guys like them! If there's a detail you'd like to know about please let me know and I'll probably have an answer :]
Working on Bishops next, not going well, kallamars kicking my ass. Does anyone have any tips on how to draw him?
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 5 months
So my narilamb is autistic but I can't figure out what their special interests are. I kinda want Edens to be fruit tree cultivation (for a multitude of reasons) but I'm coming up short on narinder. I don't wanna cop out and just say it's murder but I can't think of what else I could do.
I sort of like the thought of it being origami. It's a very intricate and meditative process, which I feel suits how I see him very well.
I also love when people are super into origami and you just see every surface in their home covered in these little paper cranes and flowers. I think that visual would be lovely in nari's house :]
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 4 months
Ok so I have roughly 4 modern au ideas, and I'll make separate posts for the details of them.
#1: a super fluffy childhood friends who are separated after high school and meet again in adulthood story. Toothrotting in its sweetness, little bit of angst from the separation, a well balanced meal really.
#2: my own youtuber au where 35 year old Narinder feels absolutely abysmal in his law career and, having more than enough money at that point to care for him and his kids, decides to pull a complete 180 and starts doing youtube. Eden is a variety channel and streamer, Narinder tends to stick to mortuary video essays but dabbles in ghost hunter type stuff (I think it'd be funny if he didn't believe in ghosts so it's just him going to these haunted looking places and not giving two shits. Very buzzfeed unsolved type energy). They meet because a haunted manor they both wanted to check out booked them at the same time by accident so they decide to go together for the hell of it. Edens like 27-28ish in this au
#3: jazz band player/singer by day, hitman at night Eden with debt collection agency Narinder. I like this one because I had the idea that Eden could hide their weapons in a cello case in a hidden compartment. I chose for Narinder to be the head of like a loan place because it felt like a cop out to just say he's a mafia boss, although that is closer to how he acts. Inspired by the Beginners Guide to Faking Your Death album by Jhariah. Actually goated music for real
#4: Eden as a getaway driver and street racer, Narinder is one of rich patrons who bets on the races hires them to occasionally help with like heists and shit. I don't really know what job nari would have other than Guy With A Lot Of Money but i'll figure that out. Inspired by my brother playing need for speed while I was at his house
I'm sure I'll think of more but that's what I have for now. If you guys want more thought out modern aus, might I suggest the White Collar Au by @bleeding-seraphic ? It's on ao3 and I'm So Very Normal about it. Or the Kitchen Sink au by @xmajordumps . That one doesn't have a fic yet but the arts scrumptious so enjoy :]
Yeah that's it from me for now. Very eep, goodnight o/
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 4 months
Guys help I made a cotl follower that was just supposed to be filler if it was ever needed but now I'm too attached and also I think I've made narilamb a throuple by accident
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 5 months
Howdy hey, it's design day! This absolute monstrosity is 70+ layers and took over 3 weeks to complete but I did it. For context I do my art on ibispaint on my phone so the fact that it didn't explode or crash once is a god-given miracle.
Anyway I give you Eden V2 (slight nudity warning)
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Some details I forgot to mention:
-the mantle of the 17-20 outfit was made by Mamer but finished by Florian (refer to the disciple post (if it posted correctly that is))
-the little bell earring was a gift from Narinder
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Some details here:
-the shittens WILL be canon in my au, I am far too attached to my designs for them not to be. They will get posted sooner or later
-biggen lost the piercing they gained in outfit four dye to their kid having a habit of tugging them. They're too attached to get rid of both though.
-Eden is afab. Sheepfolk don't really give a shit about gender so they figured out pretty early on that being a women wasn't for them. They do still like to be feminine sometimes but not always. That biggen outfit has a pants version I haven't drawn yet
I can't fit the full lineup here so that post will come immediately after. Have a pleasant day/night o/
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 4 months
When Narinder was defeated, he couldn't reform fully from his skeletal state. He formed as a mass of bone and loose organs on the ground after defeat
He still has the autopsy scar from the lamb having to painstakingly put his organs back in place.
His mercy was given to him from a hospital bed rather than unhallowed ground
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 4 months
Oaugh....thinking about old faith flirting and courting
Narinder my favorite geriatric, can't handle this new age flirting
Anyway I WILL draw the fig incident because I refuse to explain (read. I can't explain in a way that comes across properly)
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 6 months
Actually fuck it, baby eden before bed
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They're just......so small......holding them fr..
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 6 months
I've got fun facts about Eden and Narinder (plusacoupleothers), wanna hear them? No? Too bad here you go
-Eden was 14 when they became a vessel and was 20 when they defeated TOWW. They spent the first year figuring out how to be a cult leader and the next 5 for defeating every bishop and their domain. For the year it took to get to TOWW, most of that was spent trying to get enough followers and devotion. The actual fight only took about a week of persistence before he was defeated.
-neither of them fell in love till well into the 200th year of the new faith due to nari being VERY demi-aroace and also learning how to live again and the lamb being too busy with the whole purgatory business to think too deeply about it. It took until year 400 before either did anything about it
-The lamb and heket get along surprisingly well once she calms down and settles. Second to that is kallamar. It's because both have fantastic gossip
-the lambs able to contort their body. Like bend completely in half in both directions. It scares the fuck out of narinder for some reason. The lamb finds that hilarious
-Narinder knows how to do magic tricks with cards. He's a little too good at them
-the lamb steals the opponents dice in knucklebones when they aren't looking. Mostly klunko. The rest of the gang helps. Other than that they're a fair and good player
-speaking of theft, both the lamb and nari know slight of hand from their stints as mortals. Lambs better at getting away with it but doesn't usually snag anything too good whereas narinders the opposite. He's not the best at getting away without someone noticing an items missing but can usually snag high value items.
- in the early days,Narinder used to break into the lambs house to try and kill them but was so appalled at the mess that he'd just clean and leave without doing anything. The lamb was fully convinced they were haunted by the cleanest ghost before nari fessed up during an argument.
-Nari makes the best tea but Shamura makes the best coffee. Kallamars learning how to make alcohol. it's pretty good but apparently the first couple batches of wine were a little too fermented
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 7 months
Marriage Rites next! Only reason I thought of it was because of exactly one stray thought of nari proposing and being sappy but of course because I'm Autistic and Insane I had to make a culture specific proposal and marriage rites and all that jazz.
Regardless enjoy :]
It all begins with bells
Bell shape is important to sheep. It denotes how far in life you are so to speak.
The round bell that the lamb sports is meant for anyone of premarital status and is passed down from the maternal side of the family at birth to the eldest. If there isn't a parent or grandparents then your siblings make one for you and if you have no family then whoever is your primary caregiver will make one for you. The round shape and smaller size makes a higher pitched ring that's said to be reminiscent of a child's laughter.
(Bells aren't gender specific. The paternal bells are given to the second child and anyone born after that is made a bell from their siblings)
Marital bells are shaped like church bells, with a slightly deeper ring to symbolize growth. These bells are handmade by the one who wishes to propose and are incredibly ornate, as opposed to childhood bells which are quite plain looking by comparison. While childhood bells may be made out of any metal, marital bells tend to be exclusively gold that only have inlays of of other metals. These bells are usually buried with the holder but once the sheep slaughter began they couldn't afford to give their positions by making new bells so they took the bells of their families with them. Bells during this time were kept without the clapper for safety. The lamb put theirs back in at the beginning of their crusades
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