#the garden of eden au
ghostbox-nostalgia · 4 months
Old Faith courting and favour
I decided to write out some of the old faith courting rituals since I'm art blocked at the moment and I have Ideas. A lot of these will be based off of the sorta Victorian era way of flirting since I enjoy all of the little secret languages they had.
First off fan language. I like to think this predates the bishops, and they learned how to do it from their predecessors. There's a lot of issues with followers claiming favoritism and dissenting if one of the gods is seen flirting in the open, so they devised a way to communicate with their favored without judgement. i imagine this is the one that Narinder tends to favor since theres a few signals in the real life one that can convey if someone is listening in or following you, and I imagine that the practicality of it made that on more appealing, Also pretty boy with a pretty fan. obviously
Flower language. What god wouldn't give their favored a gift afterall? Flower language is the same as it is in real life, with the added layer of combining flowers to covey particular messages to the recipient. i imagine that the container in which it is given also plays a factor but not that much. i imagine to some degree all of the bishops used this way at least once, whether it was for flirting or not (death threats in the form of nightshade on your doorstep)
Gems and Jewelry. Different gems carry different meanings, the metal tells intent, and the type of jewelry shows who you received it from (so necklace for hekets cult, earrings for kallamars, etc.) Gold is usually given with the intent to marry (romance doesn't matter) and silver is given to those you consider close, whether it be family or friend. gems usually contain the qualities you admire within someone, So and example would be if you admired someone for eloquence and had intent to marry, you would give them a gold and emerald ring. Obviously Kallamar favors this method the most, and cares very little if people see that he favors someone above the rest. He typically gives pearl jewelry to people with specific colours depending the person. Also the jewelry type thing being cult related is a very loose rule, its just a fun thing the cultists decided on their own.
Fruit! its fig incident time (kinda). so you know how figs are typically associated with fertility? Well in old faith terms, offering someone a fig implied an invitation to bed and eating a fig out of someone's hand was akin to telling them to take you then and there. Hekets preferred method of courting, right up their with lavish feasts and specially cooked meals. i personally feel like shes too blunt a person for a proper courting phase so she just tends to get to the point rather quick. (theres a narilamb fig scene I have planned that I can't figure out how to explain but now yall have a basis to go off of so feel free to imagine)
Anyway thats all the ideas I had so far. Hope you guys like them! I'll always take suggestions though so don't be afraid to shoot me an ask :]
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djevelbl · 13 days
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As a relatively new inhabitant of Whiteside, there's not a lot Bendy has heard about people in high positions of powers such as Cuphead Dish, but from the little things he's picked up around him - and trust me, he knows how to pick up a thing or two - what he knows is a few things: he's the second highest authority just behind the Head Angel and Head Demon in these lands, he's unrelenting in pursuit, and you do not wanna be in his radar - in training or otherwise. Especially otherwise; in training at least they fucking pay you for that.
Here he is! My blorbo, the skrimblo - the silly!! I love his updated design, it looks like it's actually something he would use, even if it's just a uniform he's making his by refusing to tie that fucking tie (are we pretending he's not doing it only bc he's a rebel, but also bc he can't tie a tie to save his life? We are? Cool)
Anyway below the cut y'all can find the full character ref sheet + some of the things I've changed between the original design and now! (HEAVY rambling ahead y'all! I went on PARAGRAPH about this idiot <3)
Before I forget - reblog! It helps artists in here! If you liked my drawing, please reblog it too! <33
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Click to be able to read some of the shit in there + better quality lmao but yeah! TGG!Cup! He's finally here!
In the original design he had this weird vest/coat thing on top of a dark shirt and dark grey pants + boots, all in a similar color scheme to the one he has now! The biggest change has to be the hairstyle, the coat and the pants! Though the shoes are also different - really, the only thing that stayed the same was the shirt lol. I decided to keep both the hair and the shoes I used for his design in the illustration I made for chapter 334 of Inky Mystery so it wasn't that jarring of a change, let me know if y'all like it! You can't see it really well due to the coat, but his belt buckle is supposed to be a big, golden feather! Y'know, because he's an angel ;)
Oh, and there's that! He's an angel here! Ofc he's still a Dish, we wouldn't have him any other way (except when we do lmao) but in this case it's less of a distinct thing from other toons than how it is in Inky Mystery! Some things are different, of course, but Toons and Dishes are more or less the same here - the only real difference is whether they're Angels or Demons!
In terms of which characters his design is based off of, they are Wodahs and Ater/Arbus! To be fair, Ater and Arbus only differ in pattern of speech and personal physical attributes from each other - in terms of clothes they're pretty much the same; I chose these characters because in the world of The Garden of Eden au he's gonna be playing their roles (if losely): for Wodahs, he's the Head of Military (Wodahs is the Head Angel in the game) and for Ater/Arbus, he's gonna be a spy for the Head Demon that helps rule over Whiteside! (Ater/Arbus both are twin cat spies for Kcalb, the Devil that helps rule The Gray Garden) - this is how I'm gonna be basing the designs for all Inky Mystery characters for the au!
Now specifically about the intro card: these are images shown whenever a new, important character the protagonist - Yosafire for TGG, Bendy for TGoE (The Garden of Eden au) - knows so the player can get to know a little better! Here I changed the intro card more than just adding in the new TGoE!Cup design; as I said in the text box for the intro card: he's the Head of Military! Whereas in the previous design he was the Head of Security - they're intrinsically related roles int The Garden of Eden due to the paficist nature of Whiteside, but there are differences between them; whenever I get around to Mugs' design y'all will see what I mean - I'll probably get more into their roles there. I also changed the name of the castle! From the original (BlancBlack) which I'd left in probably bc I didn't think of anything better lol I've now changed it to Griseo: gray in latin! Which is basically what BlancBlack is trying way too hard to do lmaoo
Lastly, I changed the last line in the intro card: the original said "Hm. I wonder where his wings are...?" and I've changed it to say "Aren't angels supposed to have wings...?" Because - and it'll be elaborated more later on - Bendy isn't from Whiteside! And where he's from there's no angels, so he has no idea.
Anyways lol ramble over - thanks for coming to my extensive af tedtalk 🙏🙏
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Live footage of me playing Eden's Promise raid questline
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magicalbunbun · 7 months
Wouldn't you like? - EPIC the musical
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toiletpudding · 29 days
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Y’all thought Adam would drop the baby, no he caught the baby 🤌😎
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nomel-artz · 1 month
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MORE CHIBIZ......TEHE (@kodabarker @0hopelessprince0)
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Drawing Lucifer and Lilith during Eden again because I love them this much.
Anyway here’s my Lucifer,Lilith,Adam and Eve redesign!
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divine0rdainment · 3 months
Adamsapple Week!!!
Day 1: Wings and Forbidden Fruit
A/N: I will say this is my first time doing something like this so please be kind. I'm not so much a book writer as much as a Script writer. I have not yet had the chance to edit, and plan to do so later, i just dont have time today. So please don't comment on the grammar or spelling for now, I will fix it when I'm free.
 Taking What Is Forbidden 
Eden was always cold to Adam. Beautiful, safe, and wonderful, but cold. At least it was when he first came to exist and had to wander the garden alone. Naming animals, plants, and exploring. Learning everything by himself. He never understood the cold feeling because the sun was warm, the breeze was soft and brought warmth to his skin. But the cold didn't come from the air or wind or night sky. It came from his chest. He knew something was missing from him the moment he was brought from clay and dirt. But he didn't know what it was. 
Not till about the 13th moon rise, when he heard a noise he hasn't before in the garden. Melodic, soft, and…almost mesmerizing. He followed it like a man possessed, searching for its source. And low and behold, there, Infront of him, sat large white wings, sitting Infront of one of the many lakes in the garden. The noise came from the extended white wings that seemed to glow in the moon’s delecat light. 
Adam watched the wings as they locationally flicked and shifted as the sound continued, the man had seen many birds, named every one he had seen, from elegent Dove to the fierce Hawk to the fleeting humming birds. But none of them had wings this beautiful, gigantic, and smooth. And never has he seen a being with 6 wings either! So he couldn't help himself but to reach out and touch, his finger grazing a single feather till the sound stopped and the wings pulled away. And there, sat before him was no bird. But a face like his own…well almost? It didn't have a nose like his, and the skin was white, pale dove white, like the wings. And the hair on the beings head was like color of soft sunshine. And on its cheeks, instead of freckles or a blush was two large circle patterns, much like the parakeet, but a softer pink instead of the bold red. And the eyes…the eyes were the soft color of the sky. 
Adam stood there enraptured by this being, having seen nothing like it, except when he looked in the river at his own reflection. The beauty was indescribable to a man who was still only 13 days old.  Adam saw panic in those beautiful eyes, and a part of him thought it just made this beast more pretty. And after a moment Adam spoke. “Um…hello…I…I need to name you right?” 
The being blinked then slowly it seemed to look less terrified and more amused, and then it laughed. Oh that noise was just as pretty as the earlier one! If only Adam had a name for it, but he was too distracted to come up with one.
"No, no I uh, I have a name…b-be not afraid Adam…” the being stood and Adam got an even better look at the new creature. It had a white…something? Covering its body, like wool on a sheep but more tame and covered in patterns of blue and gold. As it stood, Adam is also able to notice a golden ring over its head, with a star-like shape in the center. It stayed even with his head with every move he made, like it was attached to him, but it seemed to just be floating. 
“My name is Lucifer, I am an angel of the Lord! I am sorry to have disturbed your night, but I was coming to…check on something i had created.” They said, a soft dust of gold coming to his face. It made Adam even more warm. Wait…warm. He touched his chest and he realized, he didn't feel that cold feeling inside him when he stood with this angel of the Lord. This…Lucifer. 
Lucifer then turns from him, his eyes landing on the lake where Adam sees white birds with orange beaks that were flat. He likes to call these birds ‘Ducks’. He didn't know why, but the name felt right. And the small yellow ones beside it, which he learned were younger ducks that come from Eggs, where Ducklings. He thought that was a cute name. 
“You created the ducks my angel?” Adam inquired stepping forward to be beside Lucifer. The angel nodded and turned to Adam. “Yes, they are one of the only things the other angels approved of…” he said sheepishly. "Many of my other creations where…rather dangerous according to Michael-" 
“Whats a Michael?" Adam asked confused. He hadn't named anything Michael had he? But he was greeted with that laugh again, and it made Adam feel like there was a twist in his stomach, but in a good way?
“No, Michael is my brother. An Angel like me. There are many angels." He explained. Adam listened intently, smiling wide at the angel as he did. “A brother? That is when you share..the same parents?" He asked to make sure. Adam himself didn't have parents, or siblings, so it was still a rather foreign concept to him, but he remembered the words. He didn't know why, they were just there when he first came to exist. 
The angel nodded “Exactly! My you are so very smart Adam!" He said pleased and it made Adams face grow warm. He didn't understand why this angel made his body feel weird, but he didn't want it to stop. Slowly he reached out again and touched the angel, this time on his arm. " My angel…" he started. “What is this on your body?" 
Lucifer turned to look and smiled “it is Robes, or Clothes…you will have some one day, when you are ready.” They informed the other. And Adam nodded looking down at himself and imagined himself in clothes like Lucifers. It made him giggle because it looked silly. 
“Clothes huh…” he shifted and slowly his hand moved down Lucifers arm to his hand, which he gently took and brought closer to himself, examining. "...you are like me…the animals aren't like me at all but…you are…” he smiles softly "I like that your like me." And he leans down, nuzzling Lucifer's hand, making the angel blushing that soft golden color again. Adam’s amber eyes look up at Lucifer and he smiles softly once more as he speaks. “Will you stay here now that I've found you?" 
Lucifers smile fell and the angel looked down. "I…I don't think I can Adam, I'm sorry…" he slowly pulls hos hand away from Adam. “You weren't supposed to see me. I was a fool and…I broke the rules.” 
Adam tilts his head, his stomach feels tight in a bad way now. And he didn't like it. He reached out and touched the angels face, pulling the shorter being to look up at him. “...can you come back then? When no one is watching. I…I want to see you again. I want to feel your warmth…” he said with pleading eyes. “Please My angel Lucifer. You make the garden warmer!" 
Lucifer opens and closed his mouth, looking unsure what to say, but slowly, Lucifer nodded. “Ok, but I can't do it every day, only when I know no one will see. Does that seem…fair?” 
Adam didn't know what ‘fair’ means but he liked that Lucifer would return. So the human nodded. "Yes!" 
It has been 100 days since that first night, and Adam happy and warm every time he saw Lucifer, it made him excited to tell Lucifer about all the animals he named and all the flowers he found, how he learned how to swim all on his own and how he learned to get fruit off a tree with a new tool he created, a ‘rope’ as he called it. 
But Adam also learned things from Lucifer. Like the noise Lucifer made that night was called “Singing" and Adam could do it too with some practice. And practice Adam did. Every day. He wanted to sing like his angel. He learned notes and songs and melodies, anything Lucifer was willing to teach. He even learned more about the other angels. He now knew there was a Gabriel, who was funny, a Raphael who was very stricken, a Ariel and Uriel who were “Twins" and a Michael who was…boring. Adam didn't quite know what that meant but he memorized everything he was told anyway. 
As Lucifer said, he didn't come every night fall, but he came often enough for Adam to grow attacked. And every time the angel came back, the more he NEEDED to see him again. He didn't know what it was but Lucifer made him feel WHOLE. He never explained it to Lucifer, not wanting to make the other confused, Because Adam didn't understand it either. But that didn't matter, what mattered was, every second he spent with Lucifer was a blessing and a joy. And he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. 
But sadly, that joy wasn't to last. As one night, Lucifer came with great news. The two were sitting in a flower field, Adam makeing a flower crown with the help of Lucifers instructions, gently guiding his hands through the prossess, the flowers were blues and whites and yellow, all Adams favorite colors Becuse they reminded him of Lucifer. And soon, he finished and smiles, putting the flower crown on Lucifers Top hat. Smiling bright “there!" He said happily. 
Lucifer blinked than giggled. “Oh Adam it's lovely. Thank you for this gift. I will treasure it…” he said a soft golden glow on his cheeks, something Adam always worked hard to see. Adam sat back in the flowers, watching as Lucifer ran his soft fingers over the petals and giggled to himself. 
After a moment, Lucifer spoke. " Oh, I have news Adam! Wonderful wonderful news!” He exclaimed and reached for Adams cheeks to make sure the other was looking at him and had his full attention. It was funny to Adam that Lucifer would do this. Didn't he know he already always had Adam’s full attention at every moment they shared?
“We are almost done with your wife Adam!" He said, very pleased, "And she is beautiful! Tall, long hair, beautiful green eyes, she is perfect for you Adam! You will no longer be alone. And you won't only have me and the animals for company!" 
Adams' smile slowly falls. “Wife?" He sits up fully and looked at Lucifer. “What…what is that?” 
Lucifer blinked. “Well..you know how some birds mate for life? Well humans are supposed to do the same! She is your mate! She will be by your side and make you happy and comfortable, and one day, when you are truly bonded, you will have children! Like the ducks have ducklings and the wolves have cubs!" 
Adam blinked. He…he didn't like that. He didn't know why but he didn't WANT this Lilith. Who even was she? Couldn't someone Adam knows he his mate? Someone like…like Lucifer. 
Lucifer sees his hesitation and pouts. “Does that not excite you?" He asked “you will have more people to talk to. You can teach her about the animals and music…” 
“No…” Adam pulled away. "I was having fun with you. I don't need her. Can't you be my wife? I know you! I don't know her!” Adam shook his head defiantly and Lucifer blinked in shock as Adam stood and crossed his arms. Anger boiling inside him. “I like spending time with you! I don't need a Lilith! I don't need this new wife!" He sounded like a child. A child throwing a tantrum. Lucifer had seen many younger angels do the same. 
Lucifer sighs and slowly stands, taking Adams hand. “I can not be your wife. I am not human, and I am not a women. Remember how most animals have a Male and a female? She will be female! That is how you will create more humans. I promise you will love her once you see her! You just have to give her a chance! She is beautiful just like you. And she will be your Equal, I am not your equal. I am an angel. I am in heaven…we could never be together like you will be with her. 
Adam felt tears in his eyes but held them back. He knew it made Lucifer upset when he cried. “...fine. but I won't like it. I'll marry Lilith and make children. But you will still be my favorite!" 
Lucifer smiles “All I ask is you give her a chance. A real chance. Get to know her, see what there is to like about her. Then decide if you do not want her as a wife…”
Adam agreed. But he didn't mean a word of it. Lilith would NEVER be his mate. 
As Adam has suspected, he did NOT like Lilith. She was beautiful, yes, even he could admit that, but she was different from him. She was Bossy, she didn't like to listen when he told her things. She wanted to wander off on her own, which, honestly, was fine with Adam. He didn't want her around. She only ever came back at night with fruits and then would try to be friendly and talk to him. But Adam didn't give her the time of day. Night time was for him and Lucifer to bond! Not him and Lilith! If she didn't wanna be around him during the day, he didn't want her around at all! 
Another thing about Lilith is that she figured things out faster than him, when he was wondering, he saw Lilith using vines to catch fruit from the tree like he did! And it has only been a day! And she was already learning to sing from the birds! Unlike him who had to be shown by Lucifer. She learned to swim faster. She learned to befriend the lions and birds faster. She learned to get Milk from cows and how to ride on horses. Every time he found her she was off doing something that took him longer to do, or worse, things he hadn't even learned to do yet. She was BETTER than him. And he hated it.
So at night, he would leave her, not caring how she felt about it. It was her choice to avoid him when the sun was up! So he'd spend his nights looking for Lucifer or going to the pond to watch Lucifer's ducks. Chuckling as they swam or slept on the grass beside him. They went days and days like this. Lilith wandering in the day, Adam wandering at night. A routine that ment they never had to interact. But Lucifer didn't come for a few days, Mostlikly busy. Or he thought so till one day, he came back to Liliths area and heard giggling from her…and another giggle. When he goes closer he spots…Lucifer. HIS Lucifer, sitting by Lilith on the grass, holding her hands and talking to her. 
“It's ok Lilith. I'm sure if you just try and bond with him, he will come to like you. You are his wife." He explained. “I know Adam. He is kind and sweet and a bit silly, but I derneith it all, he's GOOD. Just like you." And he takes a flower, and placed it in Lilith's hair. 
Adam felt warm again, his chest was warm…no..no that wasn't the right word. His chest was BURNING. Anger filtered through his body and his mind clouded with thoughts of hurting Lilith with rocks and sticks. Of chasing her away from HIS angel. LUCIFER WAS HIS ANGEL! How dare she talk to him?! Touch him?! Get flowers from him?! Those were ADAMS to have! His moments! His nights! Not hers!
 But he didn't come out. He sat and let his Anger grow. Why…why did he like Lilith too? Did he like her better? Was it because she was prettier? Smarter?! 
He felt a sudden pain in his hands and looked down to see his nails had dug in to his palm so much he started to bleed…huh…he hasnt evwe bled before… He held his hand up to his eyes and frowned, then slowly, turned to leave. He needed time to think. 
Soon Lucifer did come to see him. A few days later tho, meaning he spent a whole night with that woman. Adam pretended not to know. Pretended he hadn't seen, and made excuses when Lucifer asked why he was avoiding Lilith. Saying “she was avoiding me so I thought she didn't like me, so I left her be." Or “if she wants to talk to me she could come find me herself." 
Not helpful statements but true ones in Adams opinion. If she wanted him, she'd come get him. She hadn't, so clearly she didn't need him around…he didn't need her either. 
Lucifer let it go. For a bit at least, and just talked with Adam on the hill as usual, talking about a new instrument he had invented called the violin. He summoned it and showed Adam how he played it with a bow made of hair on metal based strings. Playing for his human happily. His human. That's how Adam saw himself. And after Lilith he realized just how DEEP the ownership inside them was. He owned Lucifer, and Lucifer owned him. He'd do anything for Lucifer. He'd put himself through utter pain and suffering for Lucifer's smile. He'd watch the garden burn if it made Lucifer giggle. And some small part of him knew it wasn't healthy, but he wasn't sure he cared…all he wanted was his lucifer to be fully his. Not Liliths…he would have to find a way to keep her away from his angel. And as they talk that's all Adam could imagine. 
Adam had a few ideas.including getting her to go away by telling her a new flower was in specific areas, or by telling her about a new animal she should go see. She always listened, running off to find the animal in question, seeming pleased that, maybe, Adam was starting to warm up to her, and the bad start could be mended. She even asked him to come with her some nights to go see what he had described, but he refused. Or at least…at first. Other ideas came to his head and he smiles as one night, he tells her about a new fish he found by the river that was super shiny. And this time, he offered to show her himself. 
So he led her through the forest, taking her hand, until they head to the river bank, right before nightfall, and Adam and her kneel by the side, looking over the quick moving water that led in to a waterfall. Adam had been told by Lucifer once to be carful by the river, that he could get hurt…well a hirt Lilith shouldn't be able to be around his angel, so this was a good way to keep her away. 
He points to the middle of the river and smiles “see! Right there! The salmon I was telling you about," he said proudly, Lilith looked and frowned, not being in the best spot to see it as the sun sets and shines light right on the water, nearly blinding her. 
“Adam, it's too bright.." she said closing her eyes and rubbing them as they start to water. Then, she felt so thing bump in to her from behind, and gravity pushed her forth, sending her in to the water. Lilith screamed but it was cut off by the sound of water filling her mouth, sending her rolling through the river. Hitting rocks and fish on the way, the rocks were too slick to stand on, and the river was too fast for her to swim against or even try to get to the edges. She got to the top of the water and screamed, begging for help. 
But Adam just stood there, watching her flow away from him. And as she looked at him, she could swear she saw a smile. But she didn't see if for long as she suddenly went over the side of the waterfall, screaming as she is pulled by gravity and the force of the water twords rocks below…or she would be, if a pair of arms didn't wrap around her and hold her close. She looked up to see Lucifer there, eyes widened as other angels appear at hearing the screams on the garden, all of them in shock and horror at the near loss of the first woman. Michael and Sera fly to lucifer, seeing the bruises forming on the woman's arms and hands. The tears and panic in her eyes as she cling to Lucifer. 
“How did this happen!?" Sera said “they were to stay away from the river!" 
Lucifer shooshed the woman. "She is upset. Let's help heal her and calm her down and we can ask. She has been through enough…”
Adam felt the rage again at seeing Lilith in his arms. That's his place! Not hers! How dare he! Didn't he know he was Adams?! Lilith could have another angel but not his! Adam turned, storming off in to the woods, too angry to think straight. He wandered deeper and deeper, going to an area he hadn't seen before. His eyes wided. As he sees how dark it is…how long has he been walking? Where was he? He…he needs to head back…but what if Lucifer is mad at him…
Adam groaned and pinched a tree, his knuckles bleeding after, but he ignores it in favor of  sitting down by the tree in question, holding his hand to his chest. Tears start to form. He didn't understand why this was happening. He was happy with Lucifer. Lucifer was a good angel. He was funny and smart and kind. He treated Adam like he was special. Lilith had no reason to exist. None! Yet here she was! Taking his angel! Singing songs and being smart! Adam can be smart too! Adam was very smart! He just takes longer! That doesn't make him not smart!!!
He held his head. “...I wanna be smart too…” he mumbled in to the air, then, he heard the sound of something dropping to the dirt with a thud. 
He opens his eyes and sees a bruised red apple. A glowing red apple. Huh…” he reached out and took it, and then a voice in his head he had forgotten yelled " DO NOT EAT THE FRUIT OF LIFE OF THE FRUIT OF KNOWLEGE! FOR DOING SO WILL LEAD TO YOUR DOOM!” 
Doom…he didn't know what that meant but…he did know what knowledgement! Knowledge! It makes you smarter! He looked up at the tree he was sitting at and gasped. “The tree of knowledge!" He stood up holding the apple in his hand. It was bruised and old, clearly not meant to be eaten by him. He noticed there were no animals here. No sounds of bugs buzzing or birds chirping, just his breath and the wind. So even the animals knew to stay away…but…
He looked down at the apple. It was so shiny and beautiful compared to regular apples. Almost unreal. He saw his reflection in the apple even. That's how clean and pure it was. He thought for a second. “If I was smarter…if I tried harder…could I learn how to make Lilith go away and keep Lucifer…could knowledge be t
The key to my loving angel? Could it make it so Lucifer wasn't made about the river? Could…could he have Lucifer if he did this? 
He guled, and after a long long moment, he closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and he took a bite. 
(Tell me what ya think? I may do a part two later if I have the inspiration and energy, but yeah. I wrote something! UvU Its unedited and If I do a part two I may put it on Ao3, but for now I'll keep it here! Please tell me if you like it. And again, it's unedited so please don't correct the grammar rn, I only had so much time after work and sadly did not have much time to clean up.)
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markerofthemidnight · 3 months
Putting some of my comfort characters’ names in Incorrect Quote Generator so I can come up with some of the most insane crossover lore ever, wish me luck
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cccc-aus · 4 months
So I've got my first ever cccc au (far from my first au in general tho lol) and I'm calling it my Summer Solstice au! And I'm very open to asking questions or giving your thoughts on how I could take it, I love getting input!
The premise is "what if Heart killed himself in the pit (around Just Apathy)?" and the resulting Issues.
In the immediate aftermath, Soul panics. Without all 3 of them, they can't merge back into Whole! Losing one of them didn't end it, so maybe if they all die? They'll merge? It's the only idea he can think of and he wants so desperately for them to be Whole, so he'll do it! But if Heart dying didn't kill them, there's no guarantee his death will kill Mind, so he has to kill Mind before he can die and try to fix things. Mind thinks that hinges way too heavily upon "maybe it'll fix things" so he's not exactly lying down and accepting it.
Soul grabs Heart's abandoned shotgun and Mind gets the heck out of dodge because a trident and shotgun are going to win against his chainsaw if it turns into a fight. From there, it becomes a matter of endurance. Soul can track Mind semi-easily, but Mind prepared better when he realized the sun wasn't setting (the moon's dead, after all). It's just the two of them wandering an ever-heating world, trying to stay alive until the other's dead.
I don't have a ton other nailed down yet but Mind does pick up a parasol during his wanderings :3
…Holy fuck. This fandom really likes to make Mind suffer, huh?
Yeah, that certainly sounds like something Soul would do. What a cool concept! (ALSO CHAINSAW MIND MENTION CHAINSAW MIND MENTION CHAINSAW MIND MENTION)
If you’re here for my thoughts on how you could take it… well, it literally just turned 6am over here and I haven’t even been up 15 minutes, so my brain still needs a little while to start working correctly.
But, I will say that I just can’t see Mind surviving long in this situation. If the world is constantly getting warmer and warmer due to never having any breaks from the sunlight, well… robots and heat don’t really tend to mix. It’s only a matter of time before he overheats- and Soul’s plan probably hinges on that. Good thing he found that parasol.
(Hell, even if he’s not a robot in this context, he’s also associated with the cold as well as the sun, and they rather famously don’t mix either. The poor boy’s gonna melt if he’s out in that for too long.)
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 7 months
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Got a request for leshy. Might spiff up the gloves in post.
He has wooden prosthetic legs! I tried to make them look ball jointed but I'm not sure how successful I was
Gotta draw his cat buddy from that short :]
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djevelbl · 17 days
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Let's GOOO
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tsukikokm · 4 months
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Lute with long hair👀💛🖤
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toiletpudding · 2 months
AU where both Lilith and Eve stayed with Adam and the whole eating fruit thing never happened?
I gotchu anon, just give me like, two GOES updates and then I'll reblog this with some spicy au art just for you 🫵
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nomel-artz · 1 month
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achaotichuman · 6 days
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The prequel to A Witch A Warrior And A Reckoning, the story of Dahlia Fairburn and how the next generation of A Court of Thorns and Roses tore down the most powerful tyrant of history.
This prequel will be updated alongside the main story, though the main fic does not need to be read to enjoy this one. (Link for AO3 at the bottom of the post)
Dahlia Fairburn
Elain Archeron
Azriel Shadowsinger/Vanserra
Nyx Archeron
(Main) Relationships
Azriel x Eris Vanserra
Nesta Archeron x Cassian
Dahlia Fairburn x Eve Almila
Years after the killing of the Deathless, Koschei, the Lords and Ladies of the Courts of Prythian have settled down, and their children freely roam the land, preparing for the day they may take on the Crown.
Dahlia Fairburn, the daughter of Tamlin Fairburn, the wildcard of her father's household, unpredictable with the same shimmer of gold her father has. Her wants are to serve her people, and hone her natural predatory skills in the dance of battle. And perhaps if she can score an invitation to work under the new King of Vallahan, she might get her chance she's looking for.
Azriel is trying to move past the feuds with Rhysand that drove them apart, settling into his life in the Autumn Court alongside Eris Vanserra. Still the ghost of what happened haunts him, and he sees in the now dull eyes of Nesta Archeron. The heaviness of his past weighs down, and he can only hope to shield his daughters from what had happened to him.
Elain Archeron has seen visions, visions she doesn't understand, but knows they are dark. The future is undecided, but all she does know, is one day this mask will come crumbling down. And when it does, it might be helpful to have the most powerful in history under her thumb.
Tags (Tagging the same people from the tag list of A Witch A Warrior And A Reckoning, let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list) :
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