#thai massage in bangkok
stsbkk · 2 months
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sirtechs · 7 months
Discovering the Serenity of Thai Massage: The Ultimate Guide to the Best Thai Massage Experience
The world of wellness and relaxation is vast, but there's one ancient healing practice that has stood the test of time and continues to offer profound benefits to those seeking balance and harmony for their mind, body, and soul - Thai massage. This ancient art of healing, rooted in the cultural and spiritual traditions of Thailand, has gained international acclaim for its unique approach to holistic well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Thai massage, exploring its history, techniques, benefits, and the best places to experience this transformative therapy.
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The History and Philosophy of Thai Massage
Thai massage, known as "Nuad Boran" in Thai, is more than just a physical practice; it's a deeply spiritual and philosophical tradition that dates back over 2,500 years. Rooted in the teachings of Buddhism, Thai massage combines influences from Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, and yoga to create a holistic approach to healing and well-being.
Origins of Thai Massage
The origins of Thai massage are traced back to Shivago Komarpaj, a revered physician and contemporary of Gautama Buddha. Legend has it that Komarpaj, the "Father Doctor," developed this therapeutic practice as a way to alleviate the physical discomforts experienced by monks during their long hours of meditation.
Principles and Philosophy
Thai massage is based on the belief that energy flows through the body along specific pathways called "sen." When these energy pathways become blocked, it can lead to physical and emotional discomfort. Thai massage aims to release these blockages, restoring the body's natural flow of energy and promoting overall health and vitality.
The Art of Thai Massage: Techniques and Benefits
Thai massage is a unique blend of acupressure, yoga-like stretching, and muscle manipulation. The therapist uses their hands, thumbs, elbows, and even their feet to apply pressure on specific points along the sen lines, while guiding the recipient through a series of passive stretches and movements.
- Acupressure: Pressure is applied to specific points on the body to release tension and promote relaxation.
- Stretching: The therapist guides the recipient through a series of yoga-like stretches to improve flexibility and mobility.
- Muscle Manipulation: Kneading and pressing techniques are used to relieve muscle tension and pain.
Benefits of Thai Massage
The holistic approach of Thai massage offers a wide range of benefits, including:
- Pain relief: It can alleviate chronic pain conditions, such as back pain, headaches, and muscle soreness.
- Improved flexibility: The stretching and yoga-like movements can enhance joint mobility.
- Stress reduction: Thai massage helps to relax the body and mind, reducing stress and anxiety.
- Enhanced circulation: The therapy promotes better blood flow, which can improve overall health.
- Boosted energy levels: By clearing energy blockages, Thai massage revitalizes the body and increases energy levels.
- Emotional balance: Thai massage can lead to a deep sense of relaxation and emotional well-being.
Finding the Best Thai Massage Experience
With the growing popularity of Thai massage, finding the right place to experience this therapeutic art form is essential. Here are some key factors to consider when seeking the best Thai massage experience:
To truly experience the essence of Thai massage, look for practitioners who have received formal training in Thailand. Authentic Thai massage therapists have an in-depth understanding of the sen lines and traditional techniques.
Reputation and Reviews
Research online reviews and ask for recommendations from friends and locals to find well-established and reputable Thai massage centers. Customer feedback can provide valuable insights into the quality of service and customer satisfaction.
Cleanliness and Ambiance
A clean and tranquil environment is crucial for relaxation. The ambiance of the massage center should transport you to a serene and peaceful space where you can fully unwind.
Therapist Qualifications
Qualified and experienced therapists are essential for a safe and effective Thai massage. Look for centers that employ trained professionals with a deep understanding of the practice.
Before the session begins, discuss your specific needs and preferences with the therapist. Clear communication ensures that the treatment is tailored to your individual requirements.
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Best Thai Massage Destinations Worldwide
Thailand is undoubtedly the epicenter of authentic Thai massage, but you can experience this ancient healing practice in various corners of the globe. Here are some of the best Thai massage destinations outside of Thailand:
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Chiang Mai, known as the "Rose of the North," is famous for its traditional Thai massage. The city is teeming with reputable massage centers and schools where you can experience the art of Thai massage in its homeland.
Bali, Indonesia
Bali, the Island of the Gods, offers a wide range of wellness retreats and resorts that provide authentic Thai massage experiences in a lush tropical setting.
Sydney, Australia
Australia boasts a diverse and multicultural population, resulting in an array of authentic Thai massage centers. Sydney, in particular, offers a variety of options for those seeking a traditional Thai massage experience.
New York City, USA
The bustling metropolis of New York City is home to a diverse array of wellness centers, making it a hub for authentic Thai massage experiences. You can find skilled therapists who offer traditional Thai massage in the heart of the city.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, offers a unique blend of Cambodian and Thai massage traditions. Here, you can experience a fusion of these two ancient healing practices.
The Future of Thai Massage
As the world becomes more health-conscious and seeks holistic approaches to well-being, Thai massage is gaining recognition and popularity. With the integration of modern wellness practices and technology, Thai massage is evolving to meet the changing needs of its clientele.
Integration with Technology
Many Thai massage centers are adopting online booking systems, digital customer profiles, and apps to enhance the overall customer experience. These advancements streamline the process of scheduling appointments and tracking one's wellness journey.
Fusion with Other Holistic Practices
The integration of Thai massage with other wellness practices, such as aromatherapy, meditation, and herbal medicine, offers a more comprehensive approach to health and relaxation.
Research and Innovation
Ongoing research into the therapeutic benefits of Thai massage is uncovering new potential applications, including its role in managing chronic pain, mental health conditions, and physical rehabilitation.
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Thai massage is not just a physical therapy; it's a journey of self-discovery, relaxation, and healing. With its rich history, unique techniques, and a wide range of benefits, Thai massage continues to captivate and rejuvenate people worldwide. Whether you're seeking a traditional Thai massage in the heart of Thailand or experiencing it in an international destination, the transformative power of this ancient practice will leave you feeling refreshed, reenergized, and deeply connected to your inner self. As you explore the world of Thai massage, remember to choose a reputable and authentic establishment to ensure the most enriching and authentic experience. Embrace the healing traditions of Thailand and discover the serenity that Thai massage has to offer, enriching your body, mind, and soul.
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bangkokmassage8585 · 8 months
Unveiling Bliss: The Art of Couples Massage in Bangkok
Bangkok, often referred to as the "City of Angels," is a place where ancient traditions and modern luxuries harmoniously coexist. This bustling metropolis is not only famous for its vibrant street life, delectable street food, and ornate temples, but it's also renowned for its world-class spa experiences. Among the plethora of rejuvenating options available, couples massage stands out as a deeply intimate and soothing way for partners to unwind and reconnect. In this article, we'll explore the magic of couples massage in Bangkok , delving into its benefits, the most exquisite spas offering this service, and why it's an unmissable experience in the City of Angels.
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The Benefits of Couples Massage
Couples massage is more than just a relaxing spa treatment; it's a bonding experience that fosters communication, trust, and intimacy between partners. Here are some of the key benefits:
1. Shared Relaxation: Bangkok's bustling streets can be overwhelming, and couples often find solace in the serenity of a couples massage. Sharing this experience allows couples to relax and unwind together, creating a deep sense of togetherness.
2. Bonding and Connection: A couples massage offers an opportunity for partners to spend quality time together, away from the distractions of everyday life. This shared experience can help strengthen emotional bonds and deepen the connection between partners.
3. Stress Reduction: The skilled therapists in Bangkok's spas use various techniques to release tension and alleviate stress, leaving couples feeling rejuvenated and less burdened by the challenges of daily life.
4. Improved Communication: During the massage, couples can communicate their preferences and needs to the therapists, enhancing their ability to communicate openly and honestly with each other outside the spa.
5. Increased Intimacy: The soothing atmosphere, coupled with the intimacy of the shared experience, can kindle romance and rekindle the flame in a relationship.
Where to Experience Couples Massage in Bangkok
Bangkok is home to a plethora of luxury spas that offer couples massage. These spas are renowned for their opulent settings, expert therapists, and a range of massage techniques that cater to all preferences. Here are some of the most acclaimed spa options in the city:
1. Heaven Massage : Nestled in the heart of the city, Heaven Massage is known for its rooftop open-air garden spa. Their "Sense of Love" package is tailored for couples and includes a luxurious massage in a private garden pavilion, a floral bath, and a refreshing refreshment.
2. Oriental Spa at Mandarin Oriental: This legendary hotel offers a serene and tranquil spa experience by the Chao Phraya River. The "Couples Connect" treatment includes a private steam room session, a relaxing massage, and a choice of body scrub or facial treatment.
3. The Okura Prestige Bangkok: The award-winning Okura Spa is located on the 25th floor, offering stunning views of the city. Their "Couples Journey" includes a harmonious massage for two, followed by a soak in the Jacuzzi with a glass of champagne.
4. The Peninsula Spa: Situated on the west bank of the Chao Phraya River, this spa is famous for its therapeutic treatments. The "Peninsula Pleasures" couples package includes a signature aroma massage and a warm herbal bath.
5. Divana Nurture Spa: Tucked away in a quiet neighborhood, Divana Nurture Spa offers a tranquil escape from the city's hustle and bustle. Their "Romantic Time for 2" includes an aromatherapy massage, a floral bath, and a steam room session.
Why Couples Massage in Bangkok is Unmissable
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1. Traditional Thai Techniques: Bangkok is the birthplace of traditional Thai massage, and many spas incorporate these techniques into their couples massages. This gives you a chance to experience the authentic art of Thai massage with your partner, which is both therapeutic and deeply relaxing.
2. Exquisite Ambiance:The luxurious and tranquil settings in Bangkok's top spas create a perfect atmosphere for a romantic escape. From rooftop gardens to riverside views, the ambiance alone is worth the visit.
3. Highly Skilled Therapists: The therapists in Bangkok are known for their skill and professionalism. They're trained to cater to your unique needs and preferences, ensuring a deeply personalized experience.
4. Affordable Luxury: While luxury spas in other parts of the world can be extremely costly, Bangkok offers an opportunity to indulge in high-quality couples massages without breaking the bank. The value for money is exceptional.
5. A Cultural Experience: In Bangkok, you're not just getting a massage; you're also immersing yourself in Thai culture and traditions. The attention to detail and commitment to excellence are woven into the fabric of the spa experience.
Beyond the tangible benefits of couples massage in Bangkok, it's also important to understand the intangible rewards of this experience. When you and your partner decide to embark on this journey, you're creating memories that will linger long after you've left the spa.
6. Memorable Moments: The moments spent in a tranquil oasis, sharing a massage with your loved one, are unforgettable. The shared laughter, relaxation, and bonding become cherished memories that you can revisit whenever you need a reminder of your deep connection.
7. A Break from the Daily Grind:Life can be chaotic, especially in a bustling city like Bangkok. A couples massage offers a welcome respite from your daily routine and stresses, allowing you to reset and return to your lives with a fresh perspective.
8. Strengthened Relationship: Building a strong and lasting relationship takes time and effort. A couples massage, with its focus on communication, relaxation, and togetherness, contributes to the growth of your relationship The skills you learn during this experience can be applied to everyday life.
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9. Enhanced Well-being: The physical benefits of a massage are numerous. It can improve circulation, relieve muscle tension, and reduce stress and anxiety. When you and your partner prioritize your well-being together, you're investing in a healthier, happier future.
10. Connection to Thai Culture:Thailand is known for its rich culture and traditions, and a couples massage in Bangkok allows you to immerse yourself in this culture. From the choice of essential oils to the techniques employed by therapists, you'll have a taste of Thailand's centuries-old healing arts.
In conclusion, couples massage in Bangkok is not just a luxury; it's an investment in your relationship, well-being, and the creation of cherished memories. This magical experience is an essential addition to any itinerary in the City of Angels. As you and your partner lay side by side, being pampered in the heart of this vibrant metropolis, you'll discover that the art of couples massage in Bangkok is a symphony of serenity, connection, and love. So, when you find yourself in this enchanting city, don't hesitate to indulge in this extraordinary journey of togetherness and rejuvenation.
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jahomvenge · 2 years
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chicademartinica · 5 months
2023 Favorites
Come play favorites with me.
Favorite Korean BL: The Eighth Sense. / Runner up: Our dating Sim
Favorite Thai BL: Never let me go / Runner up: Moonlight Chicken
Favorite Japanese BL: The end of the world with you / Runner up: My Beautiful man eternal (Show +Movie)
Favorite Taiwanese BL: Kiseki Dear to me / Runner up: Stay by my side.
Best director(s): Inu Baek & Werner du Plessis for The Eighth Sense (Korea and Germany) EX AEQUO with Jojo Tichakorn Phukhaothong (Thailand) for FIVE SHOWS (BL or not everything Jojo does is QUEER): Never let me go / Never let me go Our Skyy 2/ The Warp effect / Only Friends / Dirty Laundry. To be noted and congratulated: OG Thai BL director Tee Sintanaparadee with his best work to date: I feel you linger in the air.
Best cinematography: Never let me go by Rat Rungruang (Thailand) / Runner Up: Moonlight Chicken ALSO by Rat Rungruang EX AEQUO Never let me go Our skyy 2 ALSO by Rat Rungruang.
Best use of color theory : The eighth sense GREEN.
Best score /musical moment (instrumental): “Save you from the Death” by Ruiqi Zhao. This song is so good it was used in two shows, airing at the same time, produced by the same man, on the same channel. We first hear it in Never let me go (episode 05) as Palm ravenously kisses Nueng (for a long long long long time) for the first time. AND THEN it’s back in Moonlight Chicken (episode 01) as Uncle Jim and Wen do everything but kiss under the moonlight. Aof and Jojo really said we both using it to be desperate and erotic and what of it. 10/10 no notes.
Runner up: “Refined enlightenment” by Howard Harper-Barnes in I feel you linger in the air (episode 07): The soaring strings that perfectly follows Jom’s arousal as he masturbates to the memory of the most erotic oil massage ever. Refined INDEED. // “Bleeding Signs” by Chris Shards in Never let me go (episode 05): Dark and moody indie rock rumbles as Nueng reels from his brutal outing, homophobia, and Ben’s betrayal before collapsing in Palm’s arms in the yellow of Bangkok polluted twilight.
Best score/ musical moment (with lyrics): “I can’t lose it all” by Ben Goldstein in The Eight Sense (episode 06) The singer belting “I’m losing my mind (…) I can’t lose it all” are the only words we hear for the last minutes of a great, hazy fugue of an episode. (Last spoken line: “To give you trauma” before the lovers start kissing.) Jae Won and Ji Hyun make love and when the song stops, I was left with greys waves, panic, and a burning “JAE WON WERE YOU OR WERE YOU NOT HIGH OUT OF YOUR MIND FOR ALL OF THIS? Was that song a call back to “Where is my mind” of Fight Club fame just to play with our nerves? Good times. //Runner up: “Monsoons” by Johannes Bornlöf and Le June in Never let me go. This song plays for two minutes straight as Palm sways drunkenly in his lover’s arms as he reels from his mother’s violent death. “Monsoon rain and chest pains”, blurry lens and sloppy, tear-soaked kissing. Peak lakorn.
Favorite couple: PalmNueng in Never let me go. // Runner up : KingUea in Bed Friend.
Favorite chemistry: PondPhuwin as Palmnueng, GMMtv true hidden gem. Runner up: Nat Chen and Jiang Dian as Chen Yi and Ai Di in Kiseki Dear to me.
Favorite individual performance: Film Thanapat in Laws of Attraction// Runner up: Mix Sahaphap in Moonlight Chicken.
Most beloved actor this year: Mark Pakin.
Favorite Ensemble: Moonlight Chicken // Runner up: The Warp Effect
Favorite mother figure: Grandma in Laws of Attraction. Amazing actress, well written (Grieving!) character. // Runner up: Ji Hyun’s boss in The eighth sense.
Favorite friendship: Pat and Chot in Step by Step! Pat’s whole friend group! // Runner up: Alex and Army in The Warp Effect.
Favorite siblings: The Gu siblings in Stay by my side. // Jeng and Jaab in Step by Step.
My hatred for you knows no bounds: Uea’s "mother" in Bed Friend. // Runner up: Phupha in The Promise EX AEQUO Tae Hyung in The eighth sense.
Most beloved character: Palm! My sweet boy! // Runner up: King! MY King!
Favorite “I love you”: “I LOVE YOU UNCLE JIM” Li Ming in Moonlight Chicken.
Favorite proposal: Charn being a lawyer and a marriage equality advocate while Tinn is just trying to marry the nutjob in Laws of Attraction.
Favorite wedding: TinnCharn and the baby’s doll on the chair (Tears!). Runner up: Palmnueng marrying by proxy while being guests at a gay wedding.
The category is “Boohoo snot bubble I’m dazed and crying”: The eighth Sense. Runner up: Moonlight Chicken.
The category is “I’ve watched this scene without breathing.”: Ji Hyun’s reaching for Jae Won’s hand in The eighth sense ep 09 // Runner up: Ki Tae confronting Lee Wan in episode 04 of Our dating Sim.
The category is “My cheeks are hurting I’m smiling so much”: Our dating Sim // Runner up: Love tractor.
Punchline: “Have you been well? Without me?”  Ki Tae to Lee Wan Our dating Sim / “I miss you so much. I miss you so much” Fan Ze Rui to Bai Zong Yi Kiseki Dear to me.
Funny punchline: “You only love me when you do me.” Cher to Boss in A boss and a babe. // Runner up: “We can continue as a throuple” Rando in Laws of attraction.
Erotic honorific: “Call me Hia Win. Hia Win.” In Between Us. // “Can you tell Nong Cher what your present is Phi Gun” or “Phi Jeng” for “The kinkification of Phi” in A boss and a Babe and Step by Step.
The category is ‘What is this?!! A 90’s Yaoi Manga ?!!”: Kim Jong Chan’s (Korean actor Kwon Hyuk) Yaoi hands holding his lover’s whole head in his palm as they kiss in The New employee. // Runner up: Cho Jun’s ( Ki Hyun Woo) in a an all-black suit in Jun & Jun.
The category is "Whew why was this so hot ?" : Charn obscenely rubbing Tinn's arm up and down while Tinn is trying to punch him in Laws of Attraction// Runner up : Jae Won manhandling Baby Mouse by the straps of his backpack in The eighth sense.
Best smile: First Kanaphan as Sand in Only Friends // Nat Chen and his dimple as Chen Yi in Kiseki Dear to me.
Unfathomable eyes: Pond Naravit and his under-eye mole in Never let me go EX AEQUO Net Siraphop in Bed Friend.
Favorite dream sequence: Baby Ye Chan’s first erotic dream in Love Tractor.
Favorite kiss (on the lips): Palmnueng last kiss on the beach in episode 12 of NLMG. It’s soft and super erotic, there’s a bit of tongue, a bit of teeth and they are both shivering like crazy. Pondphuwin killed it and the magnificent Thai scenery finished it// Runner up: Bostonnick against the wall at the back of the store. Surprisingly Nick was the aggressor but was still moaning loud as hell. Neomark punched me in the face with their chemistry and hunger. Give them a good show and let them kiss. A lot.
Favorite kiss (not on the lips). Nueng burying his face between Palm’s shoulder blades to kiss his tattoo in the finale of NLMG. // Ze Rui rubbing and kissing Zong Yi’s beauty mark every chance he gets in Kiseki dear to me.
Favorite sniff kiss (special Thailand): Uncle Jim inhaling Wen’s face in Moonlight Chicken. Possibly the most erotic sniff kiss I have ever seen, shout out to Earth. // Runner up: Winteam having a HEAVY ratio of sniff kisses in their make-outs in Between Us.
Favorite neck kiss: Bed Friend’s King is the BL best neck kisser, licker, biter ever. Net being shorter than James made this even more enjoyable. // Ray being obsessed with Sand’s neck in Only Friends.
Favorite make out: JengPat car make out in Step by Step. Whew. // Runner up: WinTeam locker room make out. Whew.
Favorite erotic moment: Win seducing Team and making sure he is sober, single, and horny while fogging up the room in Between Us. // Runner up: I feel you linger in the air oil massage than orgasm to the memories of said oil massage.
Favorite O scene: Songkhram and Ai making love in Destiny Seeker. Who knew 69ing could be so cute? // Runner up: Ritsu and Masumi, I quote “going at it like monkeys” in The end of the world with you. Ritsu was a fuckboy from space but also like, a Japanese sex God.
Favorite cuddles: Winteam. In bed. Every single scene in Between Us // King clinging to Uea, dead asleep in the crook of his neck in Bed Friend.
Favorite hug: Li Ming hugging a sobbing Heart in Moonlight Chicken.
Favorite tears: WinTeam devastating sobs after Win saves his boo from drowning.
Favorite lift off: Ai Di spending one third of the show being carried by Chen Yi. // Runner up: Joke carrying Zo like he is not also 6ft1 in Hidden Agenda.
Favorite food : Love Mate's orgasmic post sex burgers and fries in episode 04.
That's my too long list of 2023 favorites. Hope you enjoy. @absolutebl and all of you booes are welcome to use the categories you like, please tag me in your lists. To a very bisexual (AND VAMPIRIC) 2024 together.
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Songkran, Water, and KingUea
Was talking about my Bed Friend Reflection post with @respectthepetty and more specifically she was referencing the observation I made about how strongly water ties into King and Uea’s relationship and it got me thinking. What, if any, possible meaning could be gleamed from this theme?
And well, Songkran happened recently and I really just decided it was time to go overboard in the parallels I drew between the use of water and the defining moments of King and Uea’s relationship. For those of you who (like me until I looked it up just now) do not know, the original myth of Songkran states Indra the king of devas looked upon a city and was sad to see high levels of corruption, thus until they strayed back from sin there would be no rains, minimal food and water, and extreme drought. The people prayed to mother Earth (Siri) and Siri told the people the causes of their misfortune and gave them fertile lands, divine seeds, songs for rain, and pots of powder to cool their skin. 
Songkran is the Thai New Year which is particularly well known, in Bangkok at least, for its water fights. (There are other rituals such as cleaning the home, making merit, elephant processionals, etc based on region) 
Songkran stems from the Sanskrit word “saṃkrānti” or “saṅkrānti” which (according to Wikipedia) means “transformation” or “movement” 
So let’s explore this theme a bit more in relation to Uea and King’s relationship shall we?
The first time King and Uea have sex, Uea wakes up, panics, and returns home where he then enters the bathtub: 
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Thus dousing himself in water, water which, in a Songkran transformation sense, should cleanse him of his sin, in this case, engaging in “slutty” behavior, something he was severely punished for as a child by his mother. 
Then, we hit a dry spell for an episode and a half while King and Uea navigate the beginning of their FWB relationship, things seems to be going pretty well. King is, and I cannot stress how much I mean this in a non-sexual way, planting the seeds for a prosperous harvest, and he is doing so when he shoots the I Love You sign to Uea, when he massages Uea, when he goes out with Gun and spends the whole night communicates with Uea, and it is clear by that point that Uea is starting to having Feelings about King. Then King accidentally triggers him, they hit a bit of a dry spell, until Uea finally accepts King’s apologies and re-starts their sexual relationship. At which point, we get the rain:
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With a rain-streaked window overlaying them, King asks Uea “Will you let me be a good thing in your life?” and while Uea tries to brush the question off, we know his answer is yes. King has washed away the sins he has committed against Uea (accidentally triggering him) and they are moving into the next phase of their relationship to one another, where Uea starts seeing King as a good thing in his life. 
Third instance of water comes after Uea’s encounter with his family on his birthday. He calls King seeking comfort, and King recognizes Uea’s anxiety and makes him take a bath instead of continuing their sexual encounter while Uea is emotionally compromised. King brings Uea a birthday cake, and while I have not read the novel, I remember there was a post floating around comparing the book and the show that mentioned that Uea is surprised or touched or something to discover that King cares more about Uea than his mother does because he actually gives Uea a celebration for his birthday.
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Uea is once again cleansing himself, this time of the sins of his family, and enters another phase of his relationship to King where he trusts that King cares for him. 
And we get secondary movement in the King/Uea department with them sitting together in the pool:
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While King has been witness to some of Uea’s present traumas and trauma reactions, Uea has not otherwise been forthcoming with information about his life. He’s mentioned when his mother texts him, or he makes vague and off-handed comments about things not going right for him in life, but he has not told King any actual information about himself and his life…until the pool, where he talks about happy memories living in Lampang with his cousins. Uea is planting seeds and watering them in the hopes of a bountiful harvest. They openly flirt with each other and discuss visiting Lampang together, fully abandoning the behavior of Friends With Benefits even as they continue to define themselves as such. 
Episode 5 marks our next rain-streaked windows event where the power goes out, Uea has a panic attack, and King calms him down.
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Uea is able to sleep, in darkness, through the night which is a huge step for him. Over a cover of rain, Uea is cleansing his fears, and it is showing us that the seeds King has been planting to ensure Uea can trust him are beginning to bear fruit. King has become such an honest, stable presence in his life that Uea is able to find safety and security from the sins committed against him. 
We get another drought in Episode 6 with King promising Uea a beach trip (hello water) but having to cancel due to the arranged match. No water, no movement, no growth, their relationship begins to break down and Uea begins to regress, latching on to the ‘Bed Friend’ title between them as a way to convince himself that he and King have not been going through the motions of a romantic relationship for the past few months/episodes. 
Besides the waterworks (King and Uea’s tears) the only instance of rain we get in Episode 7 is actually reserved exclusively for Uea after he stands up to his mother and his step father. 
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Under a cover of rain, Uea is cleansing himself of filial obligation and is finally fighting back after years of biting his tongue. He is cleaning house, getting rid of the people who have sullied his life for so long. This marks a personal transformation for Uea, another songkran. 
Now, if you have read my posts about the use of reflections in this show, then you will know I operate under the assumption that the reflections we are given are indicative of the character’s internal emotional states.
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So if you combine the reflections as emotions and the water as transformation, you can imagine the weight of King and Uea being reflected off the water when they confess their feelings for each other. King admits he likes Uea, he gets Uea to admit that he likes King, and while being reflected off the water they are able to cleanse themselves of their transgressions against each other (even though I personally think Uea did nothing wrong) and progress their relationship from the ‘friends with benefits’ phase to the ‘seeing each other’ phase. 
One aspect I have not fully mentioned of the ritual of water pouring in relation to Songkran is not only does pouring water wash away your sins, but it can wash away bad luck as well. Uea is a person who believes himself to be unlucky, and he has said as much in the show. But with this admission from King, and with them being now openly on the same page, and with Krit and the arranged match complications resolved, King and Uea (Uea especially) are able to wash away the bad luck keeping them apart. 
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And we know from here on out King and Uea are going to be a tight, cohesive unit because they are frequently surrounded by water for the rest of this show. They have removed their sins, removed their bad luck, and are now granted a glorious relationship. (Of note additional rituals as a part of Songkran include washing the feet of your elders and serving delicious food. While they are not washing each other’s feet we are still getting imagery of them with their feet in water and eating food)
Episode 9, we get four minutes straight of rain, from the scene immediately after King introduces Uea to his parents as his boyfriend until King wakes up sick from the rain. 
First, we have our parallel to Uea’s rainy car ride, with King being the one to stand up to his family, say that he loves Uea and he will not be joining his parent’s company. 
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He has cleansed himself of his own filial obligations, and he has Uea there to comfort him and try to break him out of the moody headspace he has gotten himself in to. The tire goes flat and King exits in to the rain to figure out what happened, and Uea brings him an umbrella, but King is already drenched.
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This is a blessed rain, a rain from Siri, a rain that heals the burnt flesh from drought and allows the crops to grow. A rain that allows for the cultivation of fertile land. In this case, the growth and cultivation of King and Uea’s relationship to one another, and to themselves as individuals as well.
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Very Important Side Note:  Episode 9 of Bed Friend aired the same weekend that Thailand was having their Songkran festival. 
Now, forgive me if I get any of this next part wrong, I do not understand zodiacs very well, but apparently Songkran is meant to celebrate the movement of the sun in to Aries. Now, my knowledge of zodiac is limited but I am pretty certain Aries season begins around March 20 or 21st and goes through about April 20th. King and Uea go on their Sea Trip in Episode 10 on March 25th, during Aries season. 
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And uh, it might not rain in Episode 10 but…
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That does not mean our boys aren’t getting absolutely covered in water at every opportunity. I mean, as evidenced above we have them fully submerged in the ocean, snorkeling.
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And in the bathtub where the wine drunk boyfriends are not only being horny on main, but we have a little bit of verse action happening. This is the final water we get in the show before we get Uea’s first attempt at intentionally turning the lights off and we move towards King and Uea’s engagement. 
We get the perfect circle, Episode 1 starts the relationship between King and Uea with Uea alone in a bathtub trying to wash the memory of the evening away and ends in Episode 10 with King and Uea together in a bathtub, feasting from the bountiful harvest they have sowed throughout the show.
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pharawee · 1 year
It took me a while but I found a Vietnamese translation of Art Adore En and I'm currently trying to make sense of the auto-translated English (it's a lot better than auto-translated Thai because at least it keeps the names and doesn't turn them into nouns).
And since some of you were curious, here's a few (and then a few more) details and plot points from the novel.
Also, this will probably come in several parts because things escalated and tumblr told me to stop. Oops.
All of these characters either already came up in Chains of Heart or will come up in Art Adore En and Love Puzzle - and they're almost all played by different actors.
There's a couple of more books and stories all set in the same universe but they haven't been announced as series yet (which they should - esp the supernatural stuff!)
Just a quick note before I start: TJ Tommys' novels are available in Thai on MEB and tunwalai.
Art Adore En is set nine years before Chains of Heart when Hin is 18.
Hin's family lives in Uttaradit which is in Northern Thailand, about 500km from Bangkok.
Hin studies Visual Arts (hence the name of the novel: Art adores Engineering - which Phayu is studying).
Pleng (one of the main characters in Love Puzzle - played by Noh Phouluang) is Hin's best friend. He's also from Uttaradit. He studies computer engineering.
When they first come to Bangkok to study, they do so on their motorcycles. Hin's motorcycle is a red Honda he calls "red ant". The drive takes them twice as long as planned because it's incredibly hot that day. They immediately have to attend freshmen interviews and they make it just in time.
Hin's name is Kantika Ngandi (/ng/ is pronounced like the ng in 'singing'). He doesn't like his name.
Ken is also studying Fine Arts, he's one year older than Hin and described as tall.
Basically, Hin is the prettiest. When they do dress-up for freshie week, Hin has to dress up as a girl and everyone is dazzled. Ken chooses him as the freshie star even though he's supposed to choose a girl. He kisses him on the cheek. Ken, I am shocked.
Hin and Phayu first meet at a urinal - while Hin is still dressed up as a girl and wearing the freshie star sash.
Aaand Ken is chasing after Hin, along with about 34 other seniors. Ken, I am shocked.
During everyone's first night out at a bar Phayu kisses Hin completely out of the blue because he still owes him a kiss from freshie week (this is also the night where Pleng and Phrai begin their secret relationship).
Hin used to help out at his parents' massage parlour so he knows how to give a good massage. He decides to work at another massage parlour in Bangkok part-time for some income. He also cleans his 4-person dorm room, including doing everyone's laundry (and as he's also roomies with Pleng, Pleng's mum pays him for it). When Phayu realises this, he gets him to clean his room too. Hin doesn't really seem to mind.
Hin doesn't participate in the moon & star contest but since his friends Pleng and Safe (the only other boy in Hin's faculty and year) are, he helps out by taking photos. As last year's moons, Phayu and Ken help out too. During a bathroom break Hin overhears two other freshie stars gossiping about him and plotting to badmouth him. They're also overheard by Phayu who wants to exclude them from the contest. When Hin chooses to forgive them instead, Phayu is angry.
Hin's father's name is Somnuk.
Later, Hin is heartbroken because of his childhood crush on a boy named Yu. When he finally resurfaces, he decides to go sightseeing on his trusty motorcycle. It's hot and he's wearing a leather jacket which draws the attention of the seniors because when he takes it off his shirt underneath is soaked and semi see-through. This gets Phayu so jealous that he immediately cancels all of his plans and spends the morning with a somewhat unwilling Hin. Later in the day, Hin is supposed to meet up with Pleng and Safe at a Japanese style hot spring but because Phayu got wind of it, he arranged for the whole freshie contest group to book out the onsen. Everyone is (as good as) naked. Hin is very shy but he gets to spend semi-naked quality time with Phayu. He even gives him a back massage. Meanwhile, Phayu is a horndog and keeps thinking naughty thoughts.
Not (remember? the guy who can see the future and touch people to see their past) is Hin's code senior. He and Guy/Kai were a couple but suddenly Not forgot all about him and travelled to the Netherlands. They're destined to be together and you can tell by their peculiarly beautiful eyes. Everyone's sad that Not left. Bun/Boon (one of Phayu's friends in Chains of Heart who is a police detective) had to step in as Hin's code senior. Guy is also Bun's older brother.
Ken is the president of the Rugby club. Bun is the president of the detective club.
Hin really, really likes peanut butter. Nobody knows but him, his closest friends Pleng and Safe, and Yu - the person Hin has been crushing on forever (unfortunately Yu is MIA). When Pleng announces that Hin will get with the person who makes him his favourite food, someone comes forward anonymously. Someone who Hin believes must be Yu.
Hin later joins the Western Dessert club because everything there is made with peanut butter. The club only has three members, including Phayu. The club also doesn't even accept new members... unless their name is Kantika.
Phayu (and Phrai) study biomedical engineering. As does Pokpong/Pong (who will be played by Poppy in Love Puzzle) apparently. Pong has learned martial arts from an early age and lives in hiding from his father who is some kind of hotel tycoon.
Now Phayu is trying to find Hin but Hin is avoiding him and has apparently enlisted the help of all of the other seniors. Phayu decides to tag him in a fb post with the uni's hashtag, and a cat and mouse game ensues with Hin trying to run away and Phayu following the hints of the commenters.
Hin is helped by Ken, Bun and others. They dress Hin up to look like Mai Davika so he can escape. Their plan almost works but just as Hin walks past Phayu, Phayu calls him and recognises his ringtone. He barely escapes. People are now betting on the outcome. Hin realises that he's actually already fallen for Phayu but he doesn't want to let down his seniors so he proceeds with their plan of using several body doubles. Meanwhile, Phayu is already one step ahead and waits for Hin in the ambulance that was supposed to take him off campus (everyone is involved now and the ambulance belongs to the Faculty of Medicine). Phayu confesses to Hin that he only wanted to see him one more time before the freshie contest comes up and he'll be too busy to meet. Hin takes the initiative (because Bun reminded him earlier that his name "Kantika" means attacker/fighter) and kisses Phayu.
Safe wins the Moon contest (with Pleng as the first runner-up) and Safe and Pleng both win the popularity contest with the exact same amount of votes. Phayu won last year's Moon contest.
After the contest there's a surprise concert by a group called Full Moon - a band who all wear masks and already announced that this is going to be their last gig. As Hin watches they play a song from his childhood that means a lot to him (it's an indie song from when his mum was young). Later, the band unmasks and the leadsinger is Phayu (Ken, Yuji, Ae and Maengpong are also in the band). Hin bails.
And so much for part 1 of my Art Adore En notes. I have two more pages of notes ready to go and a handful of chapters and specials still to read.
Also, if there's ever going to be an official English translation of this I'm going to buy it so fast. Currently, none of TJ Tommys novels are translated and that's a shame since there's so many interesting characters and stories.
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stsbkk · 2 months
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anotherblblog · 8 months
Fan Meets and irl BL adventures
I still wanna go through pictures and videos of the fanmeets and such for bl and bl adjacent events and places I've been able to attend thus far but talking and thinking even more about Utsukare and my trip this spring to watch the movie and such and also the fact, I'm very much procrastinating on some work right now has me in the mood to at least list out all the events and bl actors I've seen.
Last Twilight in the Park - BKPP and ITSAY cast
KaownahTurbo Mini Fan Meet - Kaownah, Turbo, Mild, Bhudi
Phuket Trip - ITSAY filming sites (the school, Teh and Oh's houses, Promthep Cape, Skyline MV Beach, Dibuk Restaurant)
IdolFan Fest - Wabi Sabi actors, Kaownah, Mild, Bhudi, most of the KinnPorsche cast, the Love at 9 Cast, many many many many others
GMMTV Building
Nadao Bangkok Building
Last Cafe on the Right
Manila trip - getting my hat and Gameboys filming sites (Ortigas Ave, Pasig Park)
Love Out Loud Fan Fest 2022 - Gun, Tay, Singto, and friends
KinnPorsche filming site (Rosewood Hotel)
Chang Mai Trip* (I went because Manner of Death was filmed there but the actual filming sites were hella far and I didn't arrange transporation, so I went to an elephant sanctuary)
Bangkok meet up with @liyazaki and @meteorjam
Idol Exchange - KaownahTurbo
Phuket meet up with @liyazaki and @meteorjam
Blue Room screening at Cinemalaya - Elijah Canlas
EliKoy meet up
Casio event - KaownahTurbo
GMMTV Fanday in Osaka - Gun, Mix, and friends
Lit & Glitter - PP Krit
Utsukare Season 1 Special Edit Version
My School President Prom Night Live - MSP cast
GMMTV Building
Dp Dance Studio Charity Showcase- KaownahTurbo
Phuket Trip
Taipei Trip (on my radar because of Your Name Engraved Herein)
MarkFord video call - Mark, Ford, Gemini
Utsukare Eternal (I saw it 6 or 7 times)
Utsukare filming sites (the shrine, Hira's house)
About Us But Not About Us screening - Elijah Canlas
Love in the Air Manila Fan Meet - LitA cast
Utsukare AniMate Cafe event
Love Story SantaEarth Fan Meet in Vietnam - SantaEarth
Nature Thai Massage Parlor - Tul's massage place and one of them has a big picture of Tul above it, second closest I've been to him
Where is the Lie screening - Royce Cabrera
ok that's kind of a long list lmao
blurbs and takeaways:
all of these international trips started because I won a hat from Kokoy in a Gameboys' fan raffle, which I later got but it wasn't the hat I was told I won but ended up being a more meaningful hat anyway
Kaownah is the actor I've seen the most
Elijah is the actor I've spent the most face time with and had the longest conversations with
Elijah got on the mic told a FULL ass auditorium of his family and fans that I was the biggest Cairo hater in the world (which is true actually)
most everyone I've met and had any sort of face time with has been really nice and excited to talk with an interfan
I won a video call with MarkFord for the MSP concert and their excitement at seeing me again made Gemini who was in the room come over to see what was happening and he was also very excited to see me again
most of them tend to be shorter than I imagined but I'm also 6'1 and also a lot of them wear platform heels or very chunky shoes lmao
fans and staff at events tend to be hella nice and curious about me and assist with translations or directions and sharing gifts and tips
I "saw" Tul Pakorn at NYC Pride 2023 but didn't register it was him because I was 5-10ft behind him and thought "that's a nice white mesh shirt" and later to my eternal chagrin saw him on IG wearing that very same 'nice mesh shirt.' I had to laugh to not cry.
I entered a raffle to meet Yusei and didn't win and so I didn't go back to Japan and later read on twitter he was meeting fans there anyway
fan meets/concerts and goodbye sessions are truly LONG AF!!! Some of them could easily be 10+ hours onsite.
@bengiyo I have told you and @liyazaki the most about my travels - I've already added a few missed memories but lemme know if y'all remember any omissions lmao
at some point, I'm going to need to buy a shelf or two for all the bl merch and pictures I have
next up for me:
Khaotung and First in Sao Paolo
Kaownah (lmao) and Mild in Manila
Gun, Tay, and friends in Manila
I have an eye out for announcements about Be On Cloud's NYE party but no details has been revealed or ticketed yet
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thebrownsinasia · 20 days
First stop Thailand
Dear reader.... yes you,
Let me start by telling our story, the start of what lead us to embarking on this new journey. As we watched the last few years zooming by we felt like we could almost see how the next 10 years would go. Both of us lucky enough to have loving families and friends, a house, life was happy but we craved something more. We wanted to show Finn and Leo how to problem solve life, distance them from social media pressures, learn about the world around them and to spend as much time with them as we could.  So we decided to be brave, trust in ourselves and make this a reality. Life is short, go after it, take a risk and watch the beauty unfold. 
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We had made it, successfully sold our belongings, said our sad goodbyes,  squeezed all our things into 2 suitcases and set off to Thailand. We had a long 12 hour flight to Bangkok and when we landed we all were well and truly ready for our beds. We loved our airbnb apartment and appreciated the pool in this heat!
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Leo especially loved walking across the road to the food market to get his morning fruit and the whole hustle and bustle of a big city. Lots of interesting smells, taste's and so much to see and do. While we were there we checked out a swimming park on the top level of a shopping mall, Caturday ( a cat cafe) weekend market, carp restaurant and the Big Buddha. The boys experienced their first Thai massage, Leo's new favourite activity, a foot massage. 
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After 5 days in Bangkok it was time to make our way to Koh Pha-ngan to meet our friends on Bottle Beach. We had to fly to Surrat Thani - 1.5 hour bus ride to ferry terminal - 2 hour ferry to Koh Phang nan then a bumpy 40 min drive in a 4x4 off road truck to Bottle Beach. 
Arriving back to bottle beach after 11 years was such a special moment, it still looked the same, the sound of the jungle humming in the background reminded me just how remote you are there. We followed the path up to our bungalow and were greeted by our friend Geoff. It was so good to see him after all this time and to be introducing the boys to him. Our bungalow itself was very basic, cold showers and mosquito nets with holes in them, nothing a good bit of duck tape cant fix, but it felt like home, being back to our happy place of what we call paradise. Over the next 4 weeks we had lots of different friends arriving from who we meet on this beach 12 years ago, it was like time hadn't passed. Backgammon is a game played a lot at Smile bungalows and Leo enjoyed challenging Geoff to his daily battles. Ben helped the boys with their Chess skills and lots of card games were played. Days spent swimming, playing with other kids visiting the bay, hanging out at Geoffs coffee bar and eating! Bottle beach is such a magical place, we aim to meet everybody back their next year.
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We caught the ferry over to Koh Samui and stayed in a 2 bedroom apartment. While nice inside the late night barking of street dogs was too much! We hang out in Lamai for 2 weeks and the boys trained Jiu jitsu at Koh Fight under Coach Leonardo. We enjoyed swimming in our shared pool during the day, the 711 iced coffees and eating at the local night markets. Fruit shakes, coconut ice cream with mango, massaman curries and pad thai's. The local restaurant with kittens, Oreo and Kitkat became our regular place to go for dinner. During our time on Samui we saw an amazing cobra show, did outdoor fishing, snorkelling day out to Pig island and enjoyed driving around on a scooter, even managed to fit 4 of us on one! Three weeks was spent on Samui before we headed to Krabi for 4 days before our flight. 
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Krabi we stayed out from the main town and were surrounded by big beautiful mountains. I had a private scooter lessons and we spent our time there just chilling by the pool.
We had spent the last 2 months in Thailand and it was time to leave, we were all feeling a little sad but excited to arrive to our next destination.... Malaysia.
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mariacallous · 1 year
PATTAYA, Thailand—The neon-lit red light district screams of sex.
In an apartment near Pattaya’s infamous Walking Street, Auchanaporn Pilasata studies her reflection in the mirror, applies another layer of plum-shade lipstick, and touches up her black eyeliner. In the corner of her mirror are two photographs: one from when she looked like a scrawny 15-year-old boy, and another, post-transition, as the stunning woman she is today.
The 37-year-old, who goes by Anna, has been a transgender sex worker for 17 years. While transitioning, she left a low-paying job in a cosmetics packaging factory on the outskirts of Bangkok to become a cabaret dancer in nearby Pattaya, a beach town with a reputation for wild nightlife. She took a temporary job at a “special” massage parlor to earn some cash. Her very first client propositioned her for sex.
“He said, ‘I give you 3,000 baht [$85]. One hour,’” Anna recalled. “[When] I worked in factory, [I made] 6,000 baht in one month. This is the beginning [of] my story [as a] sex worker.”
Thailand has long been one of the world’s major sex tourism destinations. Estimates of sex work’s contribution to GDP vary widely because the industry operates almost entirely underground. But in 2015, the black market research company Havocscope valued it at $6.4 billion per year—about 1.5 percent of the country’s GDP that year.
Despite earning billions annually, the industry is effectively illegal, controversial among Thais, and highly stigmatized. Now, the debate over sex work is spilling into public forums, with a progressive lawmaker introducing a bill in parliament to legalize it. Its proponents argue that criminalization has deprived sex workers of basic labor rights and protections enjoyed by other workers, making them more vulnerable to health risks, harassment, exploitation, and violence—while making sex work itself no less visible.
Visiting Thailand and not noticing any sex workers? It’s like going to “KFC and you never see fried chicken,” Anna said.
The majority of sex workers in the world are women, and a 2017 projection by the Thai Department of Disease Control conservatively estimated that 129,000 of 144,000 sex workers in the country were female. But it’s men who make the decisions about what they can do with their bodies.
Women held 16 percent of Thailand’s parliamentary seats in 2021, the same figure as 10 years ago. By comparison, women made up 20 percent of Saudi Arabia’s governing assembly and 28 percent of the U.S. Congress that year.
The fight for legalization is an uphill battle. Conservative factions within the country and global anti-trafficking organizations remain strongly opposed to sex work. The U.S. Agency for International Development calls Thailand a “source, transit, and destination country” for trafficking, and opponents of the bill say the sex industry enables widespread abuse of women and children across the country and in neighboring Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar.
Historical reports of sex work existing in Thailand date back to the 1300s. The modern sex industry in Thailand boomed while serving a wave of Chinese immigrants in the early 1900s, Japanese soldiers during World War II, and U.S. soldiers during the Vietnam War. But many Thais grew resentful of its visibility and notoriety. The country adopted the Suppression of Prostitution Act in 1960, followed by the 1996 Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act, which outlawed almost all of the activities associated with sex work and income earned from it.
The push against prostitution was further bolstered in the 2000s, when the U.S. government, the religious right, and abolitionist feminists came together in an unlikely alliance. Their goal was to eliminate prostitution. The U.S. movement gained traction globally as those forces traveled to campaign against sex work in countries abroad, including Thailand.
Within Thailand, officials often downplay the prevalence of prostitution in order to present a more positive view of the country to the outside world and appease constituents opposed to sex work. After a Jan. 14 inspection, police said they were “satisfied” after finding no “illegal prostitutes” working in Pattaya, much to the amusement of social media commentators.
“Why don’t they ask all the girl [sic] standing all around if they have seen some sexworkers,” one Facebook user posted.
In practice, the revenues from sex work sustain a robust illicit economy and can be an important lifeline for women whose backgrounds range from educated college graduates to poor rural farmers. Many believe that some form of legal recognition, either decriminalization or legalization, would help to reduce violence against sex workers and give them rights and benefits that would help them, particularly during difficult financial times.
In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a standstill and global tourism dried up, around 91 percent of Thai sex workers lost their jobs due to lockdowns, border closures, and social-distancing measures, according to the World Health Organization. As illegal workers, they did not qualify for government relief benefits during the pandemic.
“A lot of [sex workers] could not pay the rent and they had to sleep on the street,” said Supachai Sukthongsa, the Pattaya manager of Service Workers in Group (SWING), a services and support group. “They worked and cleaned up at the bar in exchange for small money and food, just enough to survive day by day.”
The pandemic also reduced access to health care services. Whether they get their business through dating apps, pimps, or on the street, sex workers face numerous risks to their health and safety. The Sex Workers Project, an advocacy organization based in New York, found that sex workers globally face a 45 percent to 75 percent chance of experiencing violence on the job. Transgender women such as Anna face an added layer of danger from clients who turn violent after discovering their identities.
“When I go to the police station,” Anna said, they don’t “help me because [of] my job, because I work illegal work here in Thailand.”
Sex workers frequently accuse Thai police of extorting or ignoring them. Researchers such as Ronald Weitzer, a sociologist and professor with expertise in sex work in Thailand, also accuse police of being heavily involved in sex tourism and profiting off of the industry.
“The authorities, especially the police, have a vested interest in keeping prostitution illegal,” Weitzer said. “They get payoffs.”
Gen. Surachate Hakparn, deputy commissioner-general of the Royal Thai Police, said he believes legalizing sex work could cut down on such activities.
“I admit that there is corruption going on, but it’s only a fraction of police officers doing that,” he said. “From a law enforcement perspective, if it is legalized, it’s good for the police. We don’t need to keep disciplining our subordinates about corruption. And we can put the resources and time into something else.”
Globally, the legal status of sex work is divided into three broad categories: criminalization, legalization, and decriminalization.
The legalization model regulates the registration, health care, and welfare of sex workers. In contrast, the decriminalization model simply removes penalties for pursuing the activity.
There are also hybrid models, such as the Nordic model in countries such as Sweden and Norway, which blend elements of legalization and decriminalization.
It’s the criminalization model that’s employed by about half the world, including most of the United States. It involves the criminalization of every party: the seller, the buyer, and third parties such as pimps or traffickers.
According to the 2018 Global Slavery Index, published by an Australian human rights organization, Thailand is home to about 610,000 human trafficking victims. Although the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime says most of these victims are trafficked for manual labor, some women and girls are forced into sex work.
While the U.S. government says the Thai government is doing an increasingly good job fighting against trafficking, hard-line anti-traffickers remain vehemently against legalization.
“It’s consumption with nothing in return,” said Sanphasit Koompraphant, the chairperson of Thailand’s Anti-Trafficking Alliance. “It’s sexual exploitation.”
But the criminalization model most anti-traffickers support has come increasingly under attack from sex work activists.
A growing body of research shows that criminalization forces sex workers to operate under more dangerous conditions, increasing risks of sexually transmitted infections, physical abuse, and exploitation—including by police. Aside from stigmatizing the work, bans also mean that many sex workers will end up with a criminal record if caught soliciting, making it harder for them to get other jobs and pushing them deeper into the sex industry.
Weitzer argues that criminalizing sex work has not succeeded in stopping its proliferation and has strong parallels to the U.S. war on drugs.
“The evidence is clear that it’s a complete failure,” he said.
In June 2022, Tunyawaj Kamolwongwat, a progressive parliamentarian with the upstart Move Forward Party, drafted a bill that would establish designated zones for legal sex work. To ensure compliance with its proposed regulations, he said the bill calls for random checks to be carried out to verify licenses, the age of the sex workers, and whether illegal drugs are present.
He said the bill also outlines how the industry will be taxed and specifies locations where it can’t be practiced or advertised, such as near temples and schools.
“It has to [be] away from the children,” Tunyawaj said.
But some sex workers also oppose legalization. Juno Mac, a prominent sex worker and activist, said legalization can create a “two-tiered system” in which wealthier establishments can afford to comply with regulations, while marginalized sex workers operating independently cannot.
Rather than the special regulation and taxation that comes with legalization, Mac prefers decriminalization, which treats sex work like any other work.
Weitzer noted that decriminalization also has limitations, with the lack of regulations allowing existing bad actors—rampant throughout the industry—to continue exploiting workers.
But its supporters say the decriminalization model is more likely to help sex workers better integrate into mainstream society.
“If [we have] legalization, that means that we have the specific law to say this kind of job [is] legal. But we don’t want to have a specific law,” said Surang Janyam, the founder and director of SWING. “If we have specific laws for sex workers, we should have specific laws with every occupation. Decriminalize will [make us] equal as other people.”
Whether through legalization or decriminalization, Weitzer said the odds are stacked against changing the legal status of sex work.
“The majority of legislators are opposed to it, and every time it’s been proposed in the past, I don’t think it’s even gotten out of committee,” Weitzer said.
The last major push was in 2003, when proposed legislation was debated but failed to pass.
Tunyawaj’s June 2022 bill was not reviewed by the board of the parliamentary committee for youth, women, and other vulnerable groups until November 2022. At that point, the committee recommended transferring it to Thailand’s Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. The draft bill will be reviewed again in the next term of the government, and Tunyawaj hopes that having the backing of the Ministry will improve its chances. The fate of the bill now rests in the hands the new government, which will be elected in May.
If reelected, Tunyawaj promises to “keep pushing this bill.”
His coalition is growing. Surachate said the main thing missing is political will.
“The government can solve this matter, if they take it seriously,” he said.
Navaon Siradapuvadol contributed reporting to this article.
This story was supported by the United Nations Foundation. 
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Massages, Malls, Michelin stars, and more!
Jet lag hit us pretty hard today, but still having fun ! Thai breakfast at the hotel is awesome, you get a complimentary choice of Thai or “American” breakfast, which is more like an English breakfast. We both chose Thai, which comes with unlimited espresso drinks, Thai tea, juice, fresh fruit, etc. but the big hit for Allison was the coconut soup for breakfast..!
After breakfast we walked to a nearby mall, that was a recommended stop by the gal we met on the plane. Allison got some Birkenstocks, sunglasses, and clothes; Lex got some meatballs at IKEA. Ideal shopping experience for us both.
After the mall we went for a swim on the rooftop pool at our hotel, which we had all to ourselves, before a couples massage at the spa down the street. I gritted my teeth through the deepest deep tissue massage of my life, Allison asked for a reasonable pressure, and again an ideal situation for us both.
At night we took the train and went to Siam in search of dinner, and ended up in the largest center of continuous shopping malls either of us has ever experienced. We went in to the first food court we saw, got in the biggest line, and happened upon a Michelin star restaurant: inside a mall food court. Got some chrysanthemum and Roselle fruit drinks from another stand, and washed it down with a maple bacon donut from duck donuts. We’re both convinced Bangkok is some combination of New York City and Las Vegas, and thankful for our little boutique hotel oasis off the beaten path!
Tomorrow is Temple Exploration Tuesday, our final full day in Bangkok!
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liyazaki · 2 years
Hi Mor,
I hope you don’t mind me asking this and apologies if you’ve answered this already, but for Thailand travel advice: could you suggest a rough estimate of how much cash I would need for a two week trip?
I’m not planning to drink/go clubbing. I’ll be mostly eating, visiting attractions and maybe the odd tour/boat trip. I’ll be in Bangkok and Phuket.
Even a rough rough estimate will help :).
I don’t mind at all- ask away. you’re going to have an amazing time!
we paid for all our hotels ahead of time, so the cash we brought was for pretty much exactly what you’re talking about.
I started with around 17,500 baht ($500 USD) & ended up getting out another $300-$400 USD equivalent later on. that might sound like a lot, but that covered all my food, transportation, multiple spa trips, new luggage, extra baggage fees while flying in country, a couple gifts for people back home, shopping for myself and experiences for 2 weeks. I didn’t really deny myself anything, so for me, it was a bargain. we did pay for the KP boat tour & Promthep Cape sunset yacht tour ahead of time. I had about $100ish USD left over at the end, so I spent about $700-$800 (can’t recall) in cash total.
if you can afford to take out extra, do it early to avoid ATM fees down the line. you can easily exchange whatever you don’t spend at the airport. if you want to get real nerdy about it like I did, make a spreadsheet of all your projected expenses & try to bring 15% or more than you expect you’ll need.
pick pocketing doesn’t seem to be much of an issue in Thailand, but I highly recommend not carrying it all on you once you get to where you’re going, just to be safe. cash still seems to be the preferred (sometimes only) method of payment in most places, so don’t count on being able to fall back on debit cards, credit cards, etc.
if you don’t have them already, some airline-approved luggage locks should give you some peace of mind if you leave cash in your room. I snagged a pair on Amazon that open with keycards you can keep in your wallet so you never have to remember a code.
that was more advice than you asked for, but I hope it helps!
p.s. I can’t remember the name of the spa right now, but if you’re interested in getting a Thai massage or just hitting up a spa, the best one we went to by far was in Phuket (it was incredible & very reasonable)! just comment or send me a message & I’ll track down the name for you.
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southeastasiadiary · 8 months
Day Twenty-Eight: All Good Things Must Come to an End; Final Thoughts
The itinerary for this last day was to include a visit to the Jim Thompson House and then my transfer to the airport for the flight home. But since I’d already visited the Jim Thompson House on the day I arrived in Bangkok, I had the entire day to myself.
So, I decided to divide it (like Caesar's Gaul) into three parts. First thing in the morning, while it was still cool (or more accurately, when it was only blazingly hot but not to the point where it would cause you to combust spontaneously), I decided to take a stroll around Bangkok’s Chinatown because my hotel was right in the middle of it.
Here is about one minute of a three-minute stroll through the morning market:
If you want to see the full three-minute clip, you’ll need to go to shared photo album. I’m delighted to bring you the sights and sounds out this market, but not (fortunately or not) the aromas.
Of course, what Chinatown would be complete without a Mister Hotdog directly across the street from a Texas Suki and a shop selling “Authentic Chinese Cuisine”?
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And it’s always nice to be reminded that “We are a part of your delicious.”
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In my walk, I chanced upon a small neighborhood shrine
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that was complete with gifts, which had just been brought there by people on their way to work that morning.
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Then, a bit later, I saw this lovely statue of Confucius
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and a singularly elegant spirit house with a prang on top.
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The non-random part of my walk was my one pre-determined destination: the Wat Traimit,
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Temple of the Golden Buddha.
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Now perhaps, if you’ve been keeping up with this blog, this must be a temple of a golden Buddha since you've already seem more than your fair share of golden Buddhas. Ah, but here’s the difference. All the other golden Buddhas were made of other materials and then covered with gold leaf. This particular Buddha is solid gold, 15’9” high and 12’5” wide, weighing 5.5 tons … of solid gold. In times of invasion, the statue was covered with plaster so that it would look less valuable than it was.
In time, since the statue looked as though it was merely made of plaster, people forgot what was inside. Only in 1955, when there were plans to move the statue from another site to here at the Wat Traimit, did some of the plaster fall off, and it became clear that underneath a shallow façade was a virtual mountain of gold.
And today, if you like, you can buy a pre-packaged bottle of holy water at the temple for only twenty baht.
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After visiting the Golden Buddha, I returned to the hotel for breakfast, a shower, and a brief rest before checking out.
The second part of the day has not yet occurred, but I need to post this entry now while I have access to the Internet. Since I’ve yet to experience Thai massage or, for that matter, any massage in Southeast Asia, I've booked a few hours in a spa this afternoon between my check-out time and my departure for the airport. Thai massage is one of the things that people often talk about after visiting Bangkok, and I have a few empty hours on my hands, so …
When booking the appointment I told them that my spa visit would occur shortly before a thirty-hour flight back home, so I wanted to feel “clean and refreshed but also relaxed.” They assured me they have “just the thing.” (When do businesses not have “just the thing” when you make an inquiry?) I'll be in for a body cleanse and scrub, followed by a gentle aromatherapy massage.
We’ll see how that goes. If you truly want to know, ask me in person sometime.
Now, the third part of my day will be to engage in a bit of post-trip reflection. And I've already given that topic a lot of thought during my walkabout this morning. So, here goes.
This experience in Southeast Asia was one of my long-term goals. You might even say it was a life goal. At least, it was something I'd talked about for years and felt I absolutely needed to do. So, life goal accomplished!
But here's the funny thing about life goals. Once you achieve them, you have mixed feelings. On the one hand, there's a major sense of accomplishment. On the other, it feels as though a milestone in life has now past, and you wonder whether there will ever be other goals that you’ll long for quite that much. Not to exaggerate, but it feels as though a part of your life is now over and that you’ve passed one more signpost on the road toward mortality.
I remind myself that I’d had similar feelings before. When I was very young, my life goal had been to get a Ph.D. and become a college professor. (Seriously. I remember telling people this as early as fifth grade.) Then, when I was 26 and had achieved that goal, I thought, “Well, now what?”
Other goals came along, of course. There was a period when, if people asked whether I had a “bucket list,” I’d say, “I want to do three things. See the pyramids in Egypt, visit Kyoto, and attend the Wagner festival at Bayreuth.” Then, by a strange turn of fate, I did all three of those things within the same six-month period and again thought, “Now what?”
But there was always that Southeast Asia trip left for me to plan. So, now it's over. Okay, now what?
The honest answer is “I don’t know” but also “I’m sure I’ll think of something. I always have.”
As this trip comes to an end, I find myself reminded of that article I mentioned on Day Nine: “The Case Against Travel.” The author’s argument was that people always say they travel because travel changes them, but everyone returns from a trip no different from the person they were before setting out.
So, am I the same person I was before this trip?
But I don’t really think that’s the point. Certainly, there can be zen-like, blinding flashes of insight during a trip, like a flash of gold appearing from beneath a thin façade of plaster. I already mentioned once being in Rome and realizing, “Oh! That’s what Horace meant in his poetry!” and never seeing his works in the same way again. But those experiences are rare.
More often, travel changes you slowly over time. You don’t see those changes in a single day, a single week, or even a single year. Rather it’s like the slow polishing of a stone into a statue. It takes time. It happens almost imperceptibly. And eventually you realize that you actually aren’t the same person you were before. You’ve broadened your perspective, left behind a few assumptions, and made connections between ideas you never would've made before.
That’s a good thing.
No. I'm wrong.
That’s a great thing.
In fact, as far as I’m concerned, it’s one of the best things a person can do.
And I wonder where I’ll go next and how that experience might change me.
I can't wait.
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annafshr · 1 year
Reasons why Bangkok should be in your top destination list for vacation
Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand, is a vibrant and bustling city that offers visitors a unique experience of Thai culture and modern city life. Here are some reasons why you should visit Bangkok:
1. Cultural Landmarks and Temples: Bangkok is home to some of the most beautiful temples and cultural landmarks in Thailand, such as the Grand Palace, Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha), and Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn). These sites offer visitors a glimpse into Thailand's rich cultural history and architectural traditions.
2. Shopping and Markets: Bangkok is a shopper's paradise, with everything from high-end designer stores to bustling street markets. Some of the most famous markets include Chatuchak Weekend Market, known for its endless array of products, and Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, where vendors sell their goods from boats on the river.
3. Food and Nightlife: Bangkok is famous for its delicious street food, with stalls selling everything from spicy curries to sweet desserts. The city is also known for its vibrant nightlife, with plenty of bars, nightclubs, and live music venues to keep you entertained.
4. Modern City Life: Bangkok is a modern and cosmopolitan city, with towering skyscrapers, luxury hotels, and world-class restaurants. Visitors can enjoy the comforts and amenities of a modern city while still experiencing the unique culture and traditions of Thailand.
5. Relaxation and Wellness: Bangkok also offers visitors the chance to relax and rejuvenate, with plenty of spas and wellness centers offering traditional Thai massage, yoga classes, and other treatments.
Overall, Bangkok is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Thailand. Whether you're interested in culture, shopping, food, nightlife, or relaxation, Bangkok has something for everyone.
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seatravelone · 1 year
Start in Bangkok and end in Phuket! With the Explorer tour Thai Experience, you have a 13 days tour package taking you through Bangkok, Thailand and 4 other destinations in Thailand.
Thai Experience includes accommodation in a hotel as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more.
Thai Experience is our premium 13 day group tour. With epic upgraded accommodation and lots of amazing inclusions, it’s perfect for those wanting to see the best of Thailand in style.
You’ll discover Bangkok by boat and Tuk Tuk, visit ancient temples, learn to cook delicious Thai food, sleep on floating bungalows, stay in a tree house in the middle of the rainforest, explore tropical islands, snorkel in crystal clear water, learn the art of Muay Thai boxing, cruise the famous Phi Phi Islands, visit an Elephant Sanctuary, have a Thai massage, party on the beach and more!
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