byrachel · 3 years
oh to be seths imprint and attend a wedding and realize how in love we are and dance and have fun and fall in love with life and with each other and sneak away from the wedding and drink champagne and slow dance under the moon at night and look at the sky. I would literally die a happy woman :,(
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word count: 1767
summary: when her duties as maid of honor become a little overwhelming, seth takes his girlfriend to a special place to take a break away from her family
warnings: you might experience extreme loneliness because I sure am
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note: i already posted about it, but this is such a cute request. this is probably one of the cutest requests i’ve ever gotten. i still want to apologize for taking so long to finish this, because I just wasn’t sure how to approach this. i hope you still enjoy this, anon!
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(Y/N) sighed softly, a pained expression replacing the fake smile which had occupied her face the whole day as she finally sat down at her assigned table. She put her hands against her back, softly straightening it to relieve herself from the twisting pain she had from walking around on heels the last few hours. “Should’ve worn flats.” She murmured to herself.
The family members and friends of the bride and groom were surrounding the dance floor of the wedding venue, where they were having their first dance of the night. It was the perfect moment to sneak away, because it was the first moment since the beginning of that stressful wedding day she didn’t have to do anything, but watch her sister and her now husband be happy. 
Even with hurting feet, (Y/N) smiled satisfied as she caught a glimpse of the dancing pair between the figures surrounding them. The soft creme glow of the low hanging lights was reflecting beautifully on her sister’s diamond encrusted dress, just like she had dreamed of. As the maid of honor, (Y/N) made sure she could bring heaven on earth for her sister so she could have her perfect day and seeing her smile, which even gave her butterflies in her stomach, she knew she succeeded. Nothing could ruin her sister’s day.
(Y/N) noticed her almost empty glass of champagne she had left at the edge of the table over three hours ago, showing her how long it had exactly been since she gave her body a rest. It didn’t even look like it had bubbles anymore. She almost wanted to chug the last bit down her throat, too lazy to get herself a new drink. She also wasn’t in the mood to talk to the flirting bartender either. She was slowly going to let her tongue dry out if she had to.
As she finally found a comfortable position to sit in, a pair of familiar hands suddenly found their way to her shoulders, rubbing their thumbs between her shoulder blades. “Hey, pretty lady.” Her boyfriend whispered into her ear, shivers going down her spine as his warm breath gently brushed along her neck. 
“Hey, baby.” Her lips curled up into a soft, relieved smile when she finally felt the one person she was waiting to spend her time with all day. Just like her, he was helping to make sure everything was perfect by being dragged along by her mother. Here and there, she would see him carry things behind the bar or make sure all the equipment was in the right place, secretly craving to be by his side and enjoy this beautiful moment with him. “I missed you today.” 
Although he probably saw her sit down, she felt like Seth didn’t only know when, but also how she needed him. On days she was emotionally drained and just avoided social interaction, he was the only person she could stand being around. He didn’t expect anything from her and just lied silently next to her, rubbing figures into her belly while they cuddled. 
“I would’ve loved to stay with you, but your mom wasn’t letting me out of her sight.” Seth chuckled, letting go of his girlfriend and sitting down on the chair next to her. “She even asked me to dance with her later.” 
(Y/N) cringed, aware of how overbearing her mom could be at times. “I told her to tone it down. I’ll talk--” 
“No, don’t. It’s fine.” Seth laughed, shaking his head. “Let’s just be civil for today, your sister deserves one day without an outburst from her. And it means she likes me, which is a good thing.”
Rolling her eyes at his statement knowing he was right, she quickly nodded in agreement. The last thing they needed was her mom to ruin the last few hours when everything went great so far. 
“But now we’ve both got a few minutes to spare, can I show you something?” Seth held his hand out to his girlfriend which she hesitantly accepted.
With a raised eyebrow, she tilted her head. “Where are you taking me?” 
Instead of telling her, he smiled from ear to ear as he promised her they would be back in time before anyone needed either of them again. Without trying to draw any attention by leaving through a random side door of the venue, (Y/N) looked over her shoulder one last time before they managed to slip away unnoticed. Holding onto her boyfriend’s arm she was able to ignore the pain in the heels of her feet, feeling a slight rush of adrenaline flow through her veins. 
It suddenly felt like they were teenagers again. It brought back a memory of when Seth convinced her to jump out of her window, promising her he would get her back into bed before anyone noticed. Thinking back she asked herself why that was her biggest concern when she was going to risk her limbs by trusting a guy to catch her as she jumped from the second floor. But she did it without a second thought and before she knew two strong arms stopped her from, what could’ve been, a nasty fall and she never doubted him again. 
“Wow.” Was the first thing escaping (Y/N)’s mouth when they ended up at a dock stretched out over a body of water. The full moon shone brightly, hitting the silent streams just right. It looked like tiny diamonds were appearing and disappearing at a rapid pace. She had seen a lot in her years, but she couldn’t have imagined something so simple would take her breath away. 
“I know, right?” Seth agreed calmly, having seen it before as he observed his girlfriend walk to the edge of the dock to get closer to take in the magnificent view. “I found it when I was helping out outside earlier.” 
“It’s beautiful.” She whispered, briefly looking back at him as his arms wrapped around her waist. He rested his chin on top of her shoulder, taking the view in with her as she intertwined her fingers with his on her belly.
Even before they started the day he knew there would be a point her family would start to drive her insane, her mom’s complaining, her sister’s requests, her aunts’ bickering about things not being to their liking. He didn’t know how she kept it together so well, but he could see it was tiring her out. She needed a break and that was exactly what he was trying to give her. He was convinced her family could survive five minutes without her.
But even with that short lived break, he already could tell she wasn’t going to pick up her phone for at least a week once they got home. He already heard himself ask her ‘what’s the excuse this time’ as they came up with something on the spot for when he picked up the phone for her. He didn’t mind though, he would do anything for her. And she knew that. 
As far away as they were, the faded music of her sister’s wedding could be heard. The new melody of the upcoming song caught Seth’s attention and made him pull away from his girlfriend. Left unprepared for the cool summer breeze brushing along her exposed skin, (Y/N) looked back at him to see what he was doing. 
Once again he held his hand out towards her, a soft smile plastered across his face. “Dance with me?” 
Her gaze softened as that same pained smile from before appeared on her face. “I would love to, but my feet feel like they’re going to fall off.” 
Seth rolled his eyes playfully and tilted his head, signaling her to come to him. “C’mere.” 
As much as (Y/N) wanted to reject his offer, she couldn’t say no to those eyes. She did as she was told, approaching her boyfriend who grabbed her hands and gently pressed his smiling lips against her knuckles - earning a giggle from her - before he placed her cold hands around his neck. He pulled her closer to him, their chests touching as he did. 
“Stand on my shoes.” He grinned.
“Okay.” She breathed, finally understanding his plan as she used the balls of your feet to stand on top of his feet. They laughed in unison when it appeared she was even taller than on her heels alone, bringing her face closer to his. 
“Hey.” Seth smiled back, lowering his hands down to her lower back. 
Even with his girlfriend standing on top of him he managed to gently sway them to the melody of the music playing in the distance. (Y/N) leaned into his touch, placing her head against his shoulder while she felt Seth’s head resting against hers. Her eyes fluttered closed to take in his warmth and scent of his cologne. She would truly stay in his arms forever if she could. 
“Did I already tell you how beautiful you look today?” Seth broke the comfortable silence between them, his voice much lower than before.
Blood rushed to (Y/N)’s cheeks, the butterflies in her stomach reminding her of their first date. How he managed to make her feel like that every time he was a little too close was still a mystery, but she would never get enough of the feeling. 
“You haven’t actually.” She answered, grinning as her head still rested against his shoulder.
“You, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). . .” His movements were starting to slow down, one of his hands pulling away from her lower back to grab her by the chin. He pushed her face up to meet his gaze and he leaned in slightly leaving a slim space between them. A shaky breath hit his face as he left his girlfriend completely flustered by his actions. “are absolutely gorgeous.” 
Closing the gap between them, Seth gently pressed his lips against hers as both of their eyes closed shut. He did not care about her lipstick rubbing off on him. He was hers after all and he wasn’t afraid to show others that. (Y/N) moved her hand up the back of his head, intertwining her fingers with his long dark locks and pushed him closer to deepen their kiss. 
This wasn’t that kind of love you would have to lose before you realized you had it, it was the kind you felt and realized in the moment. And standing there on that dock with the moon shining down at them, was the moment they realized they would have this love the rest of their lives.
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masterlist | not edited
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byrachel · 4 years
Jealous Wolfpack preferences?
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characters: jacob black, paul lahote, quil ateara, embry call
warnings: none
note: i hope you like it, anon!
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J A C O B  B L A C K 
When it came to your relationship Jacob wasn’t a very jealous guy, but there was one person who just ticked him off whenever he saw you together with him, your best friend. He never really did anything too obvious, but he just made him uncomfortable whenever he was next to you constantly wanting to touch you for whatever reason. Your hands, arms, waist, Jake even caught his hands a little too low on your lower back. To keep the peace between the two of you, he never acted out like he wanted to and just walked away whenever things were getting too much for him, saving this topic for when you were alone. He knew how to bring it up and you listened carefully to his concerns, now keeping an eye out for what you weren’t seeing before.
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P A U L  L A H O T E 
Unlike Jacob, Paul definitely acted on his feelings right away when he saw something happening he didn’t like. At parties you weren’t always attached to the hip, going off with your own friends while occasionally sending each other reassuring glances to make sure everything was alright. When Paul looked for you again, expecting you to enjoy yourself with one of your friends, he found you at a table talking to one of the guys he recognized from school laughing a little too hard at whatever he was telling you. Interrupting one of his own friends in the middle of their story, he walked up to the two of you before grabbing your face and pulling you up into an open-mouthed kiss, showing the guy you only had eyes for him. 
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Q U I L  A T E A R A 
Honestly at first it wasn’t a big deal, but the more stories Quil heard from your best friend about the crazy things you had done together the more he felt like he didn’t know you as well as he thought he did. Was it something worth to be jealous over? No, but he couldn’t really help the way he felt about it. Not only did he start to come up with the craziest things to do on dates, but he asked you a lot of questions in an attempt to get to know you better. When you finally noticed what he was doing you didn’t tell him you were onto him, because you thought it was cute and quite harmless. You had a lot of fun in the end.
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E M B R Y  C A L L 
It was frustrating to Embry how clueless you were sometimes. Guys would openly flirt with you, but whenever he talked to you about it you dismissed his concerns, telling him they were just being nice. He didn’t mind your response that much because he knew you genuinely thought they were just trying to stir up an conversation with you, while they were actually just trying to get into your pants. So following your conversation whenever you got approached Embry made sure to let them know you already had someone. Just casually interrupting the conversation, wrapping his arms around you from behind and kissing your cheek, slipping a ‘hey babe’ in there too before leaving again, leaving the guys with a nasty taste in their mouth. They were definitely leaving you alone after that. 
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masterlist | part two [cs] | not edited
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byrachel · 4 years
can I get a Jacob x reader where she’s Jacobs childhood best friend/ imprint but she doesn’t know yet and she’s spending the night at his house cause there’s a possible new vamp around and she would be safer. And like they end up sleeping in the same bed and it’s just really fluffy (I’m not asking for smut don’t worry lol) but yeah also could you make a line of dialogue “you look cute in my shirt” from Jacob?
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word count: 914
summary: a new vampire threat is keeping Jacob on his toes so when his best friend stays the night she makes sure he gets the rest he needs
warnings: none
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note: i should really work on my fluff skills. sorry it took so long for me to finish this, but I hope you like anon :)
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“Thanks for your shi—” (Y/N) stopped in the middle of her sentence as she stepped into Jacob’s living room from his bedroom. She had just changed into the shirt Jacob gave her, but apparently it was too long for him. He was slouched on the couch, his head thrown back as soft snores were coming from his slightly parted lips. The television was watching him, instead of the other way around. 
A smile made its way onto her face as she walked over to him. “I was gone for five minutes.” She chuckled to herself, sitting down at the other end of the couch. The sudden weight shift in the couch cushion, jerked Jacob awake. He lifted his head, bringing his hand up to his forehead. His head turned in (Y/N)´s direction, who couldn’t hold her laughs back at his confused expression and his messy hair. “So much for a sleepover.” 
“Yeah, sorry.” His voice was low and his words were slightly slurred from exhaustion. He dragged his hands along his face, sitting up straight. “What time is it?” 
“Something past nine, I think.” She answered him.
“Well, it’s still kind of early.” Jacob tried to sound lively, but the bags under his eyes were saying the opposite. “What would you like to do?” 
It sounded more he was forced to entertain her, but (Y/N) completely understood. He was constantly on the run, going to school early in the morning, making sure she got safe home, making homework together until it was time for him to patrol. She admired his passion to protect people and his will to finish school, but she could see how it was tiring him out. Every time he sat still for more than a minute, he immediately passed out. He needed sleep.
“Jake, when was the last time you slept 8 hours?” She asked, raising her eyebrows skeptically, knowing he was probably going to lie. He didn’t want her to worry, but he was failing at it. 
“I don’t know.” He sheepishly snickered at her question, still trying to keep his act going. He rested his head on top of his hand which was resting on the armrest of the couch. “Probably a few days ago.”
“That was probably spread over 3 days.” She said humorously, but with a worrisome undertone. She shifted in her place so her back was facing the armrest and her legs were on the couch. She opened her arms and wiggled with her fingers, gesturing him to come to her. 
He furrowed his brows in confusion, sligthly lifting his head from his hand. “What are you doing?” 
“You asked what I would like to do and I would like for you to sleep.” She said, using his own words against him. Normally, Jacob was the one trying to get (Y/N) to sleep, because just like him she didn’t know when it was enough. He was the only one who could get her to take a break. In that moment she felt like it was her turn to show him when it was enough. 
A soft smile tugged on the corner of his lips. Too tired to argue with his best friend, something (Y/N) was definitely expecting, he slowly dragged his body over to her side of the couch, crawling on top of her. He gently lied his head on top of her chest, loosely wrapping his warm arms around her waist as he tried to get more comfortable. He definitely didn’t mind the change of scenery. 
(Y/N) smiled to herself, proud she actually got him to listen for once. Looking down at him she could feel his body relax. If his eyes weren’t slightly open, she could’ve sworn he was already asleep. “How’s that?”
“Pretty comfortable.” He hummed, melting into her embrace. “Would’ve been nicer if you didn’t smell like me tho.”
“I think you smell pretty nice.” She brushed her hand through his hair.
“It’s not that, your scent is just calming.” His voice was getting lower by the second as he slowly started slipping into unconsciousness. “At least you look cute in my shirt.” 
(Y/N) wasn’t sure if it was him or the exhaustion talking, because the Jacob she knew was never really the one to compliment people. The blood rushed to cheeks and ears as an uncontrollable smile creeped up onto her face. “You must be exhausted.” 
“That doesn’t make you look less cute.” He argued back.
“I’ll just take that compliment then.” She said nonchalantly, trying not to show how flustered she actually was by his words. 
It fell quiet between them, a comfortable silence taking over while Jacob’s breathing became much calmer and softer. (Y/N) focused her attention from him to the movie that was almost inaudibly playing on the television. Her fingers were gently massaging his scalp and playing with the strands of his hair. Him being nurtured by his best friend’s euphoric touch worked calming on, not only his body, but also his mind. Being so close to her he finally realized what he missed and he didn’t want it to end. 
“I don’t think anyone has done this to me before.” His voice low and breathy as he spoke. 
“Being taken care of every now and then isn’t bad, right?” 
“It feels nice.” He managed to whisper before he ultimately fell asleep, leaving his best friend with a satisfied smile on her face.
“Goodnight, Jake.” She whispered back to him, gently placing a kiss against his hair. 
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masterlist | edited 
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byrachel · 4 years
fluffy preferences for Jacob and Seth (or the whole pack if you want!) about how maybe they would comfort their s/o being sad?
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characters: jacob black, seth clearwater
warnings: slight angst if you squint
note: i decided to just do Jacob and Seth for now, but I might add the others later on. thank you for your request :)
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J A C O B  B L A C K
Before you were actually upset Jacob would already sense something was off , keeping a close eye on you throughout the whole week. He would start with asking if everything was okay and if you needed anything, but he also knew you would never like to admit anything was wrong so it would take a while before you’d start to break. He would just wait patiently for you to come to him.
There was always one small thing that set you off, an empty pen, your laptop not doing what you wanted it to do or just simply mistyping a word one too many times. The moment Jacob heard your signature frustrated sigh he knew it was time to step up. He would immediately be by your side, asking what was wrong and let you rant for as long as you needed. His worried gaze never left your face, carefully listening to how you were sure the entire universe was working against you. 
It was only a matter of time before the tears started rolling and your sobs were interrupting your words. Then it was his turn to talk, holding you against his chest, not even caring his shirt would be totally wet by the time you calmed down. Comforting you was more about finding a solution to your problem than anything else, because he knew that was the only thing that would help. 
After your talk he would tell you to just continue with whatever you’re doing the next day so he could make sure you’re relaxing. His special made tea would be waiting for you after he sent you to take a shower to wash off all the negativity. The rest of the day you would be spending being cuddled up against him and being taken care of in any way you needed.
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S E T H  C L E A R W A T E R 
Seth was a little more clueless than the others, not because he wouldn’t pick up on the clues, but because his bubbly personality always rubbed off on you in any situation. Seeing his smile at the end of a shitty day was enough to make you forget about what you were upset about in the first place. Even if he asked how your day was you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him, because you didn’t want to ruin his mood (although he always told you he cared more about you than anything else). 
When he did catch you crying, the first thing he always said was, “why didn’t you say anything?” wiping your tears away while he thought of ways to comfort you. He didn’t like to admit it, but he wasn’t always the best with his words so the way to calm you down was through touch. He would cover you in kisses until you were laughing and giggling, telling him to stop. 
“There’s my favorite smile again.” He softly grinned, holding your hands in his before asking you what was going on. Just like Jacob he was a great listener, never interrupting you while you spoke. He was more hesitant with telling his thoughts, because he never knew what the right thing to say exactly was. You didn’t care though, the fact he tried was enough for you. It showed he cared and was always prepared to help even if he didn’t always know how. 
You would end up on the couch or in bed, watching you favorite show while eating ice cream together. You would whisper a quick thank you to your boyfriend, who would respond with a kiss to your forehead as he softly tightened his arm around you for comfort. 
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masterlist | not edited 
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byrachel · 4 years
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word count: 741
summary: Paul can’t get his classmate out of his head and when he sees her for the first time after he shifted he finally gets why
warnings: none
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note: I don’t really like this one, but I hope you guys do :)
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(Y/N) (Y/L/N) occasionally popped up in Paul’s head. She was the nice girl who was seated next to him every English class, always cheerfully telling him ‘goodmorning’ when he sat down at the beginning of every class. She always whispered him the answers when he was called on and didn’t know the answer or when he simply wasn’t paying attention. 
His gaze would always fall on her whenever she walked through the cafeteria to get to the same lunch table her friends and her always sat at, laughing and chuckling loudly. Sometimes their eyes would meet, but Paul would look away hoping she didn’t think he was staring at her. 
He would always ask himself why he was so fixated on her even when he was alone or with his friends. He found himself questioning what she could be doing besides studying hard enough to answer every question their English teacher would throw at him. He wanted to know what she liked, but felt weird asking about it when they weren’t even friends.
It wasn’t long until he had more important things on his mind. With the first time shifting and learning how to keep his cool, (Y/N) soon became nothing more than an afterthought he was trying to control whenever he was in his wolf form. He didn’t want the intruders in his mind questioning his little crush, pushing any trace of her in his head so far down he had even forgotten about it.
After Sam made sure he had the shifting under control it was time to go back to school, although he felt more at home out there spending endless hours running through the green paradise. Feeling the cool air brush through his fur but never getting cold was like heaven to him. It was like he was one with his surroundings. It was the best feeling ever. 
Until he saw her.
Paul knew he was going to have some trouble with catching up to the homework he had missed. On his first day back he already felt like giving up. 
He was leaned over his wooden desk with his head looking down as he waited for his classmates to fill the room. His heightened senses made it easy for him to hear all of them, their personal conversations sounding like they were happening right next to him. 
He was getting so caught up in one of the conversations he didn’t even hear (Y/N) approach her seat. 
“Goodmorning.” Her cheerful sweet voice greeted him as she sat down next to him.
Surprised by her voice, Paul picked up his head from the table and turned to the girl he hadn’t thought about the last two months, realizing how much he actually missed her presence. “Hey.”
She was turned away from him, gathering the books she needed from her bag, which was placed next to her on the floor. “How are you feeling?” She focused her attention back on him as she opened her books without looking at them.
As their eyes met Paul’s mind fell blank. All his senses were focused on her like there was no one else in the room. It was just her. He felt his heart in his throat and his body was tingling all over, silently longing for her. It was like he found the only one who really mattered to him.
He swallowed the sudden lump in his throat created by the anxiety away as he remembered her question. He noticed he was probably taking an abnormal long time to answer her question as she had a curious look on her face.
“Sorry, what did you say?” He tried to play it off, softly shaking his head.
“I asked how you were feeling. Jared told me you were sick and it must’ve been pretty serious, because you were gone for a while.” Her voice sounded like he was experiencing music for the first time and he never wanted to stop listening again.
“Yeah, but I’m doing much better now.” He nodded as a smile formed around his lips. If Jared told her about him, it meant she asked about him. That was a good sign, right?
“That’s great.” She smiled. “Just tell me if you need the notes from the classes you missed.”
“Thanks.” Was all he could say before their English teacher started their class. 
For the first time he understood why he couldn’t get her of his mind. It was her, she was his imprint.
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masterlist | edited | request
729 notes · View notes
byrachel · 3 years
What about the reader deciding that the supernatural life is too much for her to handle? Maybe set during one of the battles, or something dramatic happens, and she decides it's best for her to go. Any of the pack would be great for this, but you know I'm a Quil stan lol. But of course it's your decision, and I hope this helps! Lots of love, Clearwater-hoe.
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note: thank you so much for your idea @clearwater-hoe! it’s a little shorter than i wanted it to be, but it’s something i guess 😭
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“You weren’t going to tell me.” Quil’s voice was barely audible as he blocked the doorway of your shared bedroom with his broad frame. If you were looking up at him, you could see the realization seep into his tear filled eyes, but you couldn’t bear to face him in that moment. After your countless conversations about the violent vampire sightings clearing up, he thought it was enough to keep your nerves at bay. But right then and there he figured out your calmness was nothing more than an act you were holding up to him. 
How could he have missed this?
“I’m so sorry.” Your voice cracked as you spoke, your head hanging low between your shoulders as you shamefully hid your face in the palms of your hands. 
His eyes were fixed on the two overfilled bags on the bed. The bags which were supposed to be in the backseat of your car as you were on your way out of La Push. You knew you were held up by your overthinking, but you didn’t expect it would lead to this absolute train wreck for a confrontation. It was exactly the one thing you were trying to avoid, because you couldn’t look Quil in his eyes and tell him you were going to leave him for good.
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106 notes · View notes
byrachel · 4 years
Can you imagine Paul with a insecure chubby reader but he doesnt have a clue because she never talks about it? they are supposed to go on a date and she wears something thats completely out of her comfort zone. Paul would be already at her house but because shes taking too long he goes to check up on her and when he sees her in her dress he is just speechless because she looks amazing. 🥺
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word count: 244
warnings: body image issues 
note: THIS IS SO CUTE AAHHH! OKAY ILL MAKE TIME FOR THIS QUICK DRABBLE. If anyone has scenarios like this on their mind I definitely don’t mind you putting them in my inbox to make some drabbles I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS 🥺
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Paul continuously checks his watch looking at the time, seeing they will have to leave soon for their date. When he thinks he has waited enough, he jogs up the stairs and from the hallway he can see her stand in front of the mirror in her room. He doesn’t notice the worried look on her face as she is actively deciding to put something else on, not liking the dress she was completely in love with just a few days ago. Just the thought of someone thinking something negative was enough to make her change her mind.
She doesn’t notice Paul staring at her from the hallway, admiring every curve he hadn’t seen in anything she wore before. His eyes slightly widen as his legs finally drag him down to her room.
“Wow.” He manages to choke out as he stands in her doorway, trying to keep himself from ripping the dress off her body.
She finally notices him and shakes her head, turning away from him in embarrassment. “Yeah, I know. I was going to put something else on, just give me--”
“What?” He loudly speaks as he approaches her, placing his hands on her waist pulling her back into his chest. His lips find her neck, tracing multiple kisses down to her shoulder. “You look amazing.” He whispers into her ear and she can feel the blood rise to her cheeks, making her even warmer than Paul’s body made her feel.
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masterlist | not edited
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byrachel · 4 years
Can we have some fluff headcanons with Leah and her imprint? That last imagine you did with her was so good!
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warnings: none
note: i’m so glad you liked that imagine 🥺💗! i hope you like these headcanons as well, because they were a lot of fun to write :)
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Leah is known to be pretty serious all the time, but when she is with you it’s completely different 
She feels like she can be herself around you so you see a side most people don’t know
Cooking together is the most fun thing ever, because you two can’t take anything seriously 
At the end both of you are totally covered in food from head to toe, which is a pain to clean but it still happens every time you cook 
After everything is clean, you guys always shower together 
You love washing her hair, because Leah completely relaxes when you massage her scalp with conditioner 
When Leah goes shopping, she sometimes buys two of the same shirts because you have a habit of stealing her clothes 
She will wear the shirt before giving it you, because she knows how much you love her scent
A lot of late night phone calls when you haven’t seen each other in awhile
“I made your favorite meal today”
“Are you trying to get me to come over?”
“Maybe. . .?”  
“Well, it’s working”
Falling asleep on the phone and waking up with dead phones
When you go out, Leah always holds you close her by holding your hand 
Or a lingering arm around your waist, pulling you into her warm body
She tries to never lose you out of sight because you tend to get lost when you’re distracted
But when she does lose you she immediately calls you
“You got distracted, didn’t you?” 
“What? No!” 
“Then where am I?” 
“Where I. . . last saw you?” 
“Babe, turn around”
“See I told you I didn’t lose you” 
Leah doesn’t get flustered easily, but when you give her compliment she never knows how to act
“You look really cute when you’re concentrating”
“Don’t do that to me”
Early in your relationship she found out her voice really relaxes you so whenever you’re stressed or unable to sleep she reads or tells you stories until you fall asleep in her arms 
Because of Leah’s body temperature you never need a blanket, but whenever she has to leave in the middle of the night she makes sure to cover you up
the back scratches are so immaculate you fall asleep almost every time she does it 
“Did you seriously fall asleep again?”
“No, I was just resting my eyes”
“You were snoring!”
Leah doesn’t like to talk when she’s upset, but you can always tell when she is
“Just talk to me when you’re ready” you always say to her when you catch her staring into a void when she is unusually quiet 
She will just give you a weak smile, but you being there is all the support she needs until she’s ready to talk about whatever is bothering her 
Cuddling and watching your favorite shows together
Yelling together at the screen when your favorite character does something stupid 
Intense discussions about character arcs 
The two of you are planning on moving into a cute apartment together when the time is right and you’re already looking at some furniture you would like
You don’t know it yet, but Leah is already secretly buying the things you say you like 
And she doesn’t know you’re secretly buying the things she says she likes 
That’s going to be one full apartment 
You showing up at her job and just annoying her while she tries her hardest to be polite
“Does this product contain dairy?”
“It’s yoghurt”
“Okay, so does it?”
“ᴵ'ᵐ ᵍᵒⁿⁿᵃ ᵏᶦˡˡ ʸᵒᵘ”
Leah uses her warm hands to relieve you of your cramps when you´re on your period 
You would climb in her lap, wrap your hands and lay your head in the crook of her neck as she places her hands on your back
“How’s that?” 
“Much better”
Joining the family dinners when Sue cooks
Seth telling you embarrassing stories about Leah when she was younger 
Sue joining him by showing you pictures
Leah absolutely hating every minute of it and threatening her family she won’t bring you around them anymore 
Helping Seth with his homework when he has a hard time keeping up with it 
Cooking with Sue when Leah isn’t home 
Leah coming home and giving you a weird look when she sees you chilling with her mom
“What are you doing in my house?”
“Your mom asked me to come over”
“She has your number?”
You chilling at Leah’s house when she’s not around becoming normal after the fourth time
Leah not liking it, because she knows Sue and you are talking shit about her behind her back 
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masterlist | not edited
201 notes · View notes
byrachel · 4 years
Embry Call finding his imprint headcanons?
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warnings: none
note: thank you so much for your suggestion anon!
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It was a total coincidence that Embry met his imprint the way he did, because during his hike through the woods he got hungry and decided to find the nearest store to get something to eat
He found a small supermarket at the side of the road and didn’t even think twice before entering the store
When he pushed through the door he was greeted by a girl his age who was stocking the shelves
Without actually acknowledging her besides a quick ‘hi’ Embry was immediately off to find something to calm his rumbling stomach
He quickly found some snacks which could hold him until he arrived him at home where his mother would definitely be waiting for him with an actual meal
He went to the empty register, before the girl who was stocking the shelves jogged behind the counter 
“I’m so sorry for the wait.” 
They locked eyes for just a moment, but that was enough to make Embry’s heart drop into his stomach as the world around him shifted and focused on just her
“It’s- it’s fine.” He quickly managed to pull himself out of the visions he was having about them, trying not to creep her out
She gave him a sweet smile, making his hands clammy and his heart jump out of his chest
He tried not to smile too uncontrollably and quickly left the store after paying
‘Did I just imprint on her?’ would 100% be the first thing on his mind and the days after he would not be able to get her off his mind
“Just go back to talk to her” 
Quil and Jacob would encourage him every moment they had the chance, because Embry was just too nervous to go back 
When he finally went back she immediately recognized him, because there weren’t many people who came by there store
“It’s you again.” She excitedly greeted him when he came by for the second time
After that every few days Embry would come by to get something small from the store, almost going broke by how often he bought the ridiculously expensive chips 
But he didn’t care, he just wanted to see her
They would have some small talk every time he came by as she was obviously very bored being all alone every day she was running the store 
It didn’t take long before it became normal for Embry to stop by without having to buy anything as an excuse to see her 
He would help her stock the shelves and wait for her to finish her shift, walking her home at night 
Finding his imprint would fill something in him that no one else could
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masterlist | edited
248 notes · View notes
byrachel · 4 years
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word count: 2001
summary: after exposing (y/n) to his secret, quil pays her another visit to talk.
warnings: None
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note: depression and writing’s block are bitches, but i’m back with not the best imagine, but i promise they will get better from now on :)
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It had been a few days after (Y/N) found out what was really going on with her friends, but because she had to go to school right after, they barely had any time to seriously talk about Quil shifting into the biggest animal she had seen up close. She only had time to briefly freak out about it and ramble, not giving him enough time to answer any of her questions. 
For the first time ever, (Y/N) could say that she truly didn’t see something coming. This was the most illogical explanation ever, but she finally understood why he had to show her. She would definitely accuse him of being insensitive, thinking he was trying to make her laugh with one of his stupid jokes. 
Her feelings were entangled. She felt relieved, but guilty at the same time. She couldn’t have known her friends were going through such a big change, but the guilt was starting to eat at her conscience because she was judging them before even knowing what was going on. She felt such resentment towards them for abandoning her, but she never stopped to think something could’ve been really wrong. 
In their decade of friendship they never gave her a reason to question their friendship and when something changed, she never reached out to them like she should have. Every time something was wrong with her at least one of them was always there to check up on her. They made sure she knew she always could talk to them even when she completely shut them out.
She softly sighed in response to her intrusive thoughts which made her think about how much more she could’ve done. She knew Quil was probably just happy she had forgiven him for something he didn’t have any control over. She hoped talking to him would help her feel less guilty about the whole situation.
At Quil’s request she left her window open so it was easier for him to sneak into her house, without him having to get her attention beforehand. Although she was supposed to be doing her homework the thought of him coming into her room at any given moment made her gaze fall onto her window every time she heard the softest of sounds. 
“Focus.” She whispered to herself as she turn her back to her window. She put her headphones on top of her head, covering both ears so she wouldn’t be distracted by anything anymore. She would notice if Quil finally decided to show up.
She looked down at her math homework, reading the exercises and solving them with ease as her hands were writing it down in her notebook. She was softly humming and bouncing along with the music as she finally felt like she was getting some work done while the sounds around her were blocked out. 
She was so focused on her homework she totally forgot her best friend was coming to visit her so when she felt a hand on her shoulder, a scream almost left her mouth but was quickly covered by Quil’s hand. “Shh, it’s me!” He whisper-yelled to keep her parents from barging into her room. 
(Y/N) quickly got her headphones off her head and put her hand on her chest, feeling her raising heartbeat as she got up from her desk. “Oh my God, Quil!”
“You knew I was coming.” He defended himself in a high squeaky voice as his voice cracked as he still tried to keep his voice as quiet as possible.
She looked at her alarm on her night stand. 11:05 p.m. He wasn’t wrong. He did tell her he was coming at 11. She moved her hand from her chest and exhaled, calming down from the brief commotion they had created. “I wasn’t paying attention to the time. I thought it was still like 10.”
Just then had she noticed the height difference. Just a few weeks ago she was able to put her head on top of his shoulder, but right then the top of her head reached his chest. If she didn’t know him she would’ve been intimidated just by walking past him on the street, especially with the his new sets of muscles he had as well. 
Quil laughed and shook his head. “Clearly.” He sat down on her bed and lied back, yawning as he rubbed his eyes. 
“You really shouldn’t come into my room like that though, I could’ve been naked, you know.” She teased him as she sat down next to him, looking down at him.
“Yeah, that definitely sounds like something I don’t want to see, right?” He sarcastically remarked as he grinned her way.
“Don’t say that.” She quietly laughed as she nudged him in his side. For a second time he rubbed his eyes and (Y/N) immediately noticed the bags under his eyes. It looked like he hadn’t slept in a while. “Shouldn’t you be home to sleep right now? You look awful.”
“I promised you you’d see me today, can’t break 2 promises in a row.” He answered before his smile dropped from his face. “And I kind of been avoiding my mother so I go home when she’s asleep.”
(Y/N)’s eyes widened. “Your mom doesn’t know?”
He looked at her bedroom ceiling trying to avoid eye contact. He knew his mother was hurt by his absence and weird behavior, but he did it to protect her from the worry she would have if she knew about it. “It’s better she doesn’t.”
Her smile dropped as she remembered how it felt for her to be left in the dark so she couldn’t imagine what it was like for Joy. Ever since she lost her husband she pretty much only had Quil. From the moment (Y/N) knew her she could see she would do anything for the people she loved, Quil being at the top of that list. She felt such pity for the woman she saw as her second mom, knowing her only son was avoiding her. 
She turned away from him as Quil was still staring at the ceiling. He was nervously playing with his fingers resting on his stomach, not knowing what she was going to respond to what he just said, assuming it was probably still a touchy subject. “I get it if you’re not okay with it.”
He was right, (Y/N) wasn’t okay with it but she didn’t feel like it was her place to judge his decision. “I know you probably have a good reason why you’re not telling her, but I feel bad for her.”
“I wish I could tell her, I really do.” He softly bit his lip as he could feel his heart ache. “But I just can’t.” He said in a trembling low voice. He deeply resented himself for hurting his loved ones, but he really didn’t have a choice. It was better if the people who didn’t have to know were kept out of it and Joy was one of those people. 
She turned her body to him and his gaze finally fell on her again as she stared right back at him. There was one thing that didn’t quite make sense to her. “Why did you tell me then?” She sternly asked him. 
Quil tensed up, but kept quiet for a moment. He didn’t think he didn’t want to answer that question that soon. It would complicate things which didn’t have to be complicated, but he knew he had to tell her. “Promise you won’t freak out.”
“You saying that, already makes me feel freaked out.”
Quil sat up straight and sighed. “Promise me.” He repeated just as stern as she was before. 
(Y/N) bit her lip in hesitation, but nodded her head. Whatever he was about to tell her couldn’t be any more weird than what she had seen. “I promise.”
He looked down at his lap and anxiously played with his fingers. “I’m not even sure how to tell you this.”
“You don’t have to be nervous.” She placed her hand on his and gave him a reassuring smile. She snickered softly. “You already made me promise I can’t freak out so you don’t have anything to be worried about.”
He couldn’t help but crack a smile at her silly comment. He didn’t feel totally reassured, but it was something. “After I started to be more in control of shifting I came to see you a few times, but every time I was here I didn’t know what to say. I would just stand somewhere at a safe distance until I had to leave.” he started.
He cleared his throat as a sudden lump was forming from the nerves taking over is body. (Y/N) still had a kind smile on her face as she intertwined her fingers with his. He could feel his heart raise, not expecting her to do that but having her do that felt comforting in a way. “One time you were outside when I was here and it was like you knew someone was there and we made eye contact for just a second. . . I have never felt something so intense than in that moment.”
(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows and cocked her head. “What did you feel?”
“It’s hard to imagine when you’ve never experienced it. . . But it kind of felt like I found my safe place. My home.” He was aimlessly staring ahead of him, trying to find the right words but felt like he was failing miserably. He chuckled in embarrassment, surprised at his own word choice which sounded much more intimate than he wanted it to. “That sounds so corny.” He pulled his hand away, but (Y/N) didn’t let him, firmly holding onto it.
“No, it doesn’t.” (Y/N) lips curled up into a smile as she softly squeezed his hand. “You always have felt like home to me, too so I’m glad it helped you with finding your way back to me.”
Not expecting that answer from his best friend, Quil got flustered and could feel his cheeks getting warmer the longer he stared back at her. He scratched the back of his head with his free hand, a nervous laugh passing his lips. “Yeah, me too.” 
(Y/N) let go of his hand, bringing her hand to her mouth while she yawned. Her eyes were watering softly as they started to feel heavy from exhaustion.
“I guess that’s my cue to go.” He said looking at the alarm on her nightstand. 11:34. He couldn’t believe half an hour had already passed since he was there. Before he got up he straightened his back, stretching his arms as well. “You should really go to sleep.”
(Y/N) got up with him, knowing it would probably be a while until she would see him again and subconsciously wanting to stop him from leaving. She didn’t get why she could feel her heart drop, like he was going to break her heart just by leaving. “When will I see you again?”
“I don’t know yet, but I’ll try not to keep you waiting for long.” 
She gave him a sad smile. “Promise?”
“Promise.” Quil said, opening his arms to her. 
She walked into his embrace, placing her head against his warm chest. She wrapped her arms around his waist as he embraced her small frame, leaning into her hair. He couldn’t believe how much he missed her Argan Oil conditioner scent until he smelled it again. 
“If you break that promise, I’ll fight you.” She joked, trying her hardest not to get used to his lingering warmth as they both pulled away.
“I won’t.” He chuckled as they walked over to her open window. Grabbing the wooden window frame, he let on leg hang outside. “But it’s not like you would win anyway.”
“One day we’ll see.” (Y/N) sassed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Sure, we will.” 
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masterlist | part one | not edited
tagged: @midnightcoldrain
156 notes · View notes
byrachel · 4 years
Jared Cameron and his imprint who also buys gifts and trinkets for her s/o?🥺👉🏼👈🏼
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warnings: none
note: not me having to look up what trinkets are lmaooo. i wasn’t sure if i totally understood what you meant so I kind of freestyled on this one. this is also not as cute (imo) and long as my other headcanons so if you want something else feel free to request something else once my requests open up for another round. i hope you still like it, anon!
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At the beginning of your relationship everything he was eating you were eating as well, because he made sure to pack two of everything 
You never asked him to and were even quite surprised the first time he offered you a muffin and you declined until he showed he had one for himself as well
When you went out of town with your friends you were looking all over the place to find something Jared liked, but you only came back with a keychain
You were so hesitant about giving it to him, because it was just so small and didn’t compare to any of the things he had done or given you
Before you could even downplay your gift, Jared already had the brightest smile on his face, taking it from you and putting it together with his other keys 
“You actually like it?” 
“Are you kidding? I love it!”
Every time he missed you or had an awful day he would just look at it, a small smile forming around his lips 
For your first anniversary you gave him a notebook full of memories
Of every date you had been on the last 9 months you kept the receipts and took a polaroid to put into it
You wrote it full of how the night went, little things you noticed about Jared and how you fell in love with him more and more every day 
Of course he didn’t have time to read all of it at once, but the first few pages were enough for him to realize how much you understood him and how much he had fallen in love with you as well
As your anniversary gift you thought Jared had given you a normal silver chain, but it wasn’t until he pointed out to read what was on it that you took a closer look
‘I like you too much’ was engraved into it, taking you back to the day he was trying to tell you he loved you
It was on your birthday he was trying to tell you how he really felt about you, but his nerves were making him rattle on about how you didn’t have to say anything back if you didn’t feel the same way and that it wouldn’t change anything because he could wait an eternity to hear you say it 
When you finally asked him what he was trying to say he said “I think I like you too much” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at his silly choice of words, placing your hands at the sides of his face
“If you’re trying to tell me you love me, you don’t have to worry about me not saying it back, because I love you too.” 
“That was not as bad as I thought it would be”
“I’m actually kind of offended you think I would have a bad reaction to that” 
Jared was always really big on gifts, always getting you exactly what you loved without ever having to ask you anything, he just knew you well enough
You were having a harder time looking for gifts, but it didn’t matter what you gave him, anything you gave him was perfect because he got it from you
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masterlist | not edited
108 notes · View notes
byrachel · 4 years
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word count: 1475
summary: after (y/n) was abandoned by all three of her friends, quil tries to win his best friend back by showing her the truth 
warnings: some angst??
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note: I know this was totally not what you wanted so I will make it up by making a fluffy part two and work on the other requested imagine! Thank you for being so patient!
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Once Quil was in her room, she asked herself why she let him in. He cut his hair, got a tattoo and was walking around without his shirt like Sam’s gang, like he would call them. She laughed ironically as she remembered how distraught he was when Embry and Jacob had left them to join him as well. He became exactly what he hated. 
She let herself fall onto her bed, trying to comprehend what happened to the boy she used to call her best friend. Quil watched her hopelessly and decided to keep silent, not yet knowing what to tell her. He knew it wasn’t likely she would welcome him with open arms, he was lucky he let her in at all. 
As tears blurred her vision, she took the glasses resting on the bridge of nose off her face. She tried to hold up the cold-hearted act, but it only took seconds for it to break, tears burning into her skin as she silently cried. She hid her face in her hands, hoping she would wake up from the awful nightmare she was having.
With an aching heart and a pained expression on his face, Quil slowly walked up to (Y/N). He kneeled down in front of her, getting to her eye level. “I’m sorry.” Were his first words to her in months, whispering in the most apologetic tone. “I’m really sorry, (Y/N).”
“I just don’t get what happened.” She said through her sobs, pulling her hands away from her face. “Why would you do this to yourself?”
“I didn’t have a choice.” He explained meeting her red, puffy eyes. It took everything in him to not wrap his arms around her to comfort her. He hated he was the reason for the pain she was experiencing. “I wish it was different, but I can’t walk away from this.”
The sadness in her eyes shifted to anger in a split second. He chose to be with Sam and his friends over her and their friendship of over a decade. “You can’t walk away from Sam, but you can walk away from me?”
“No, (Y/N), that’s not it at all.” He sighed, regretting the way he chose to word what he was actually trying to say. He was doing more harm than good. “I know it sounds like I’m probably just making excuses, but it was for your safety.”
“That’s your explanation for disappearing for almost two months?” She furrowed her eyebrows angrily at the most cliché excuse she had ever heard, sniffling between her words. “You could’ve called and told me you just needed some space or something.”
“I should’ve called and I can’t tell you enough how much regret not doing that.” He spoke softly. “Just let me make it up to you. I’ll do anything.”
“What could make this okay, Quil?” She sniffled once again, looking down at the floor. “First Embry, then Jacob and now you. You guys are the only friends I had and you dropped me like I was nothing. Do you know how worthless that made me feel?”
By then Quil knew nothing else could fix how she felt, except the truth. He had to tell her what had not only happened to him, but the others as well. He knew that sooner or later he had to tell her, because of their bond but he didn’t want it to be this soon. He had no idea how she would react. Just telling her would make him seem crazy and that was exactly how he felt when he shifted for the first time. It was like a crazy fever dream.
“If I told you that what I’m about to show you will explain everything, will you come with me?” He asked her. 
It fell quiet between them for a moment. (Y/N) was trying to figure out what it could be, because she didn’t want to waste her time on his lies any longer. “What is it?” 
“I have to show you, otherwise you won’t believe me.” He explained. “But you need to come with me.”
“I can’t just leave right now. It’s bad enough I let you sneak in.” She dried her tears with her sleeve, sighing annoyed at his stupid idea. He knew how strict her parents were. The only reason they were allowed to be friends was because her dad always went fishing with Billy and Quil’s grandad. 
“What about tomorrow morning before school?” He suggested with a hopeful voice, because she was clearly considering it.
She bit her lip briefly, but thinking about it she knew she really had nothing to lose. It was either losing him again or him showing a legitimate reason. She had already gotten used to her life without the boys, despite being hurt it wasn’t like she couldn’t continue with her life. It was just dull without them. 
She softly shrugged her shoulders, agreeing to meet up with him. “What time?”
“Six thirty.” He smiled softly. He could feel his heart raise from excitement. This was the chance to win his best friend back. She wasn’t fond of giving second chances, but her giving him one meant there was still hope.
The following morning (Y/N) was up much earlier than usual. She was so curious to find out what Quil wanted to show her, but no logical explanation popped up into her head and it had kept her up all night. Yawns passed her lips as she put on her clothes and keeping her eyes open felt like a chore, but just like she had promised she was standing outside of her house at 6:30.
Quil was already on her front porch with a nervous smile. (Y/N) walked up to him as she closed her coat, feeling the cold morning wind stroke against her skin. She was kind of amazed how he was walking around like he couldn’t catch a pneumonia without proper clothing on, but she decided not to comment on it. 
“So what did you want to show me?” 
“Just come with me.”
She followed him into the forest, the scenery reminding her of every horror movie about teenagers camping in the woods and getting killed one by one. She could feel shivers go down her spine and suddenly regretted thinking about it, not knowing what she was getting herself into. 
Quil stopped in his tracks, turning around to her. (Y/N) was looking around her to find anything that stood out as she stopped walking herself, but didn’t see anything. “Is this the part where you kill me?” She sarcastically commented, her eyes shifting between the tall trees and greenery around her.
Quil snickered and shook his head. “No, but I need you to turn around.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, but wasn’t in the mood to argue, just doing what he said. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on or are just gonna stay vague about it?”
Keeping her eyes on the horizon which was barely visible through the leaves, she waited patiently while listening to what Quil was doing behind her. She could hear some shifting and zipper going down, almost turning around to see what he was doing. She stopped herself, blood immediately rushing to her cheeks as she tried to cover up her actions by shifting her weight from one leg to the other. Is he undressing himself? She thought to herself. 
“Remember the legends my dad used to tell us? Some ancestors of the Quileute tribe were able to shape shift and protected their people from the cold ones?” She could hear his shorts fall to the ground, but was more focused on what he was telling her than whatever he was doing. She heard him backing up even further away from her. “They aren’t just legends, but I knew you wouldn’t believe me if I just told you so I’m going to show you.”
“Show me?” (Y/N) raised her eyebrows in confusion. 
Aggressive cracking and shifting filled her ears, making eyes widen and move further away from Quil before she quickly turned around to see what was happening. Her shaking legs were barely enough to keep her standing as she looked up into the eyes dark grey furred wolf. 
She fell back onto her back, a high pitched squeal leaving her lips as she held her arms in front of her to shield herself from the big creature towering over her. Her heart was in her throat as she was bracing herself to be eaten alive. When nothing happened she carefully lowered her arm down to see what it was doing.
He had lied down in front of her, not doing anything but breathing heavily and staring back at her. Those familiar dark brown eyes were staring back at her. 
(Y/N)’s eyes widened once again as she leaned towards him. “Quil?”
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masterlist | part two | edited
tagged: requested by @midnightcoldrain
208 notes · View notes
byrachel · 4 years
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warnings: none
note: so this is the first time i’m writing headcanons, i’ve read a ton but never really wrote any so if I’m not doing it right i sincerely apologize :)
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Seth would be the first one to meet her and is immediately welcoming her into the family
He would totally see her as his new sister, annoying Leah because she wants to spend time with her girlfriend without constantly being interrupted
They would spend time together cooking and baking his favorites, making him love her even more
When the pack gets a first glimpse of Leah’s imprint through their mind link they’re surprised she imprinted on a girl, because she was obviously attracted to men as well
They don’t think it’s a big deal though
She would be hesitant to meet Sam and Emily knowing their history to Leah
Leah would have to reassure her she’s over the situation especially now she has her
It would be very nerve wrecking because she wouldn’t know what to expect from a group of shapeshifters — what could she bring?
Seth helps her with baking a lot of cookies he knew his friends would like and reassures her they would love her just as much as he did
When she finally meets them she couldn’t help but notice how tall and how much they would walk around without any shirts on
She needs to get used to being around so many half naked boys, but after a few hours she barely notices it anymore
She would be a little distant towards Sam and Emily at first, but click very well with Embry
Through Embry she immediately sparks a conversation with Quil and Jacob about cars and motorcycles
Jacob promises he will let her drive his motorcycle he build with the help of one of his other best friends, because she was never allowed to drive a motorcycle of her parents
Paul and Jared will tease Leah about how hot her girlfriend is, but Leah just shrugs it off because she knows it’s true
After a while she will warm up Sam and Emily, helping her from time to time with getting the pack lunches and baked goods, because she will have a reason to bake her favorite things without everything going to waste
She would click with the other imprintees as well
She would talk about college and future ambitions with Rachel
She would also offer Kim help with her physics homework after she hears she struggles with keeping her grades up
The pack immediately accepts her as one of their own and soon she would be treated like a bigger sister by the younger pack members and imprintees
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masterlist | not edited
tagged: @alwayschic38
215 notes · View notes
byrachel · 4 years
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word count: 2652
summary: (y/n) decides to walk home after work through the forest, but when she comes across a red eyed woman she wishes she would’ve waited on her dad to pick her up
warnings: angst, suffocation
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From a young age (Y/N) was determined to go to college. She wanted to be in charge of her own destiny instead of taking over her family owned coffee shop like her parents wanted her to. When she told them about her plans they weren’t pleased in the slightest, but understood her choice of wanting more than to stay in their small town they grew up in. They decided to save up money, while (Y/N) worked in a store. 
Every day after school she worked several hours and after her shift ended one of her parents would pick her up, because they weren’t comfortable with her going home alone at night. So every night at exactly 10 p.m. (Y/N) would be standing in the almost empty parking lot which could fit just about 20 cars. And on a particular Friday night she was waiting for her dad to pick her up.
(Y/N) was softly bouncing on her legs, trying to keep her them warm in her khaki work pants while her arms were folded over her chest with her hands tucked in her armpits. She sighed in annoyance. The days her dad was supposed to pick her up were her least favorite days, because he was never on time or forgot he was supposed to pick her up until she called him.
She turned around when she heard footsteps coming her way. Richard, her manager walked up to her. “Hey, do you need a ride?” He asked her, jingling his car keys in his hand. 
“No.” She declined with a kind smile. “My dad’s almost here.”
She lied because she would rather walk home than get a ride from him. He never really did anything really inappropriate, but he just gave her the creeps. He was too touchy for her liking and being such a tiny space would make her even more uncomfortable.
He shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I’ll just see you Monday then.” 
“Yeah, see you Monday.” She greeted him as she watched him walk to his car. As soon as he turned around she dropped her smile and fished her phone out of her pocket. 
10:17 p.m.
It wasn’t unusual for her dad to be this late, but in the cold she wasn’t as patient as she usually was. She dialed his number and held her phone to her ear. She expected it to ring, but it went straight to voicemail. She groaned softly. 
“Maybe I should’ve taken that free ride.” She mumbled to herself watching Richard pulling out of the parking lot, following his car as he drove away. She decided to call her mom and put her phone to her ear again. It rang loudly, but after the five beeps she got send to voicemail again. 
What could they be doing? She asked to herself. She tried calling them once again, but she got sent to their voicemails. 
10:34 p.m 
(Y/N) cursed to herself as she saw the time. It was getting colder and colder the later it got and she started to lose hope that her dad was going to pick up before midnight. In the half hour she waited for him she could’ve been home already. She didn’t like the thought of having to walk through the woods, but it felt like she didn’t have a choice.
Her parents probably wouldn’t be happy with her walking home, because in the last weeks there had been sightings of bears which were going around killing people on hikes. She walked to the side of the store which was right beside the woods. There weren’t any trails, because no one ever really walked around there.
The moonlight could barely get through the leafs of the trees, making it even harder to see for any potential dangers deeper into the woods. She inhaled deeply, trying to encourage herself, telling herself nothing would happen. It is a fifteen minute walk, what could go wrong?
She started walking without giving it a second thought, knowing she would probably rethink her decision. She manoeuvred through the tall trees, trying not to trip over any roots she could barely see. (Y/N) constantly looked around her, trying to be aware of her surroundings as her eyes adjusted to the dark. She was holding her hands out, preventing the plants from getting in her face and hair. As she walked deeper into the woods the sounds of the insects and other animals kept her senses alert and jumpy.
The thought of a wild animal lurking at her, perparing itself to attack, kill her and eat her alive was racing through her mind. Her chest was rapidly going up and down. Her lungs weren’t able to keep up with her legs, but she kept going until she needed to catch her breath.
She hunched over, her hands resting on her upper thighs as she inhaled deeply. There was a trail of sweat on her forehead, dripping to the ground. Her heartbeat was in her throat as her lungs slightly burned from the cold air making its way in.
The sound of a branch breaking made her jump. She turned to the left where the sound came from and stepped backwards. There was a figure in the distance and the silhouette was too human like for it to be anything else in (Y/N)’s eyes. 
“Who’s there?” She called out in their direction, completely panicked.
A gust of wind blew her hair into her face and when her eyes fell to the figure again, it was gone. It was too fast and quiet for it to be human. (Y/N) sighed relieved as a weight was lifted from her shoulders. Her eyes were just playing tricks on her mind. 
As she turned back to the direction she needed to go, her heart raised once again when she saw a woman standing just a few steps away from her. The moonlight shone on her pale face and reflected off her skin like diamonds, almost blinding (Y/N) as she looked in her direction. She would be amazed by her red curls if her blood red eyes weren’t so terrifyingly distracting. The woman just stared at her with a wide grin on her face.
(Y/N) wanted to run, because there was no way two complete strangers would be in the exact same place in the woods at this time of day. She was followed there and she feared she wasn’t alone. She wanted to ask what she wanted, but she simply couldn’t get herself to open her mouth and the fear locked her in her place. There were endless scenarios going through her mind, but every single ended the same.
With her dead.
When the situation finally sunk in, (Y/N) dared to make a move. She put a step backwards, but in a blink of eye the red eyed woman was standing in front of her. (Y/N) yelled hard enough for her voice to echo through the trees and with a loud thud she fell on her back. Her eyes were instantly filled with tears while she desperately tried to crawl away from the red head towering over her.
“Help! Please someone help!” (Y/N) screeched at the top of her lungs.
“You are truly all the same.” The woman chuckled. “This line is getting old. ‘Help’, ‘Please someone, anyone’. Don’t you have anything better?”
As (Y/N) tried to get to her knees, the red head kicked her against her side landing her on her back. She placed her foot on her chest, applying enough pressure to make it difficult to breathe, but not enough to break her ribs, yet. (Y/N)’s lungs were burning and it was getting harder and harder for her to inhale any oxygen. 
“Please stop.” The helpless girl managed to choke out. Her hands were on the woman’s ankle trying to push her off, but she didn’t even budge one bit. She was abnormally strong. The only thing the struggling was doing was making it even harder to breathe to the point her breaths were becoming wheezy.
The woman just laughed while (Y/N) slowly started to lose consciousness. Her ears were ringing loudly and stars were taking over her sight. Fighting was pointless. 
Her hands let go off the red eyed woman’s foot and fell to her side. (Y/N) knew she didn’t have long before she stopped breathing. She never imagined being murdered in her teenage years, there was so much she still wanted to do. She thought of her parents and her friends, how mortified they would be if they found out she was murdered. How her dad would blame himself for not picking her up on time, although she believed it was her fault. She should’ve waited. If she waited she would’ve been safe.
Before she could slip into unconsciousness the weight lifted from her chest, making her burst out in coughs as her lungs were making room for oxygen again. Her hands shot up to her neck as she hunched over, tears streaming down her face. 
Just as fast as the woman got to (Y/N) she was gone again, like she was never there. Her absence was followed by the shaking ground underneath her and loud growling which passed her almost as fast as dangerous red head. She felt a strong wind pass her body like something huge ran just along side her.
In disbelief her eyes were stuck in the direction they went in, but she didn’t have time to collect her thoughts. She heard heavy breathing near by and her head shot into direction of the animalistic sound. She carefully sat up and saw a sandy brown wolf staring down at her. There was no time for her to react when her blood pressure dropped immediately at the sight of the huge animal and made her body drop right back to the ground. This time she really passed out.
When (Y/N) woke up she was in the hospital with a crying mother holding her right hand and her dad at the other side, repeatedly apologizing for not remembering to pick her up. Her parents told her she was brought to the hospital by a classmate she had never really interacted with, Embry Call. He told them he was jogging when he heard her calling for help and he found her unconscious in the middle of the woods. The only thing (Y/N) wondered about was why that the giant wolf had left her alone only for Embry to find her untouched by it. 
The adrenaline of the attack made sure that (Y/N) couldn’t feel her broken ribs, until she woke up in the hospital but that was far better than feeling it break in the moment. She only spend one day in the hospital and in that day she was being interviewed by Chief Swan, because she was the only person so far to survive one of these mysterious attacks. She made sure to leave out some major details that would make sure that she would end up in a mental hospital. 
In the upcoming weeks after the attack Embry Call came to her house a couple times at request of her parents to thank him for saving their daughter from the giant wolf. Surprisingly (Y/N) and him became close right away. Surprising to her he completely wasn’t like the rumors made him and his friends out to be.
He was a nice, funny and pretty caring guy. After she started working again he started walking her home so her parents wouldn’t have to get her everyday and she would feel safer to walk in the woods again. Exactly one month after the accident (Y/N) couldn’t help but think about the woman again and all her inhumanly features.
Embry knew there was something off about her when she gave one worded answers to anything she was saying, she seemed distracted. 
When they reached her front door, he placed his hand on her shoulder stopping her from getting inside. “Are you okay? You’ve been really quiet today.”
She gave him a weak smile and nodded. “Just tired.”
Embry crossed his arms over his chest and raised his eyebrows. “You’re really gonna hit me with the most cliche line of every not okay doing person ever?”
She genuinely chuckled at his dorkiness, but soon after that her smile faded. Embry’s expression immediately changed as well as it seemed much more serious than he thought. He already had an idea that the attack had been bothering her, because he knew she hadn’t confessed about what she really saw that night.
“You know you can talk to me, right?” He said.
“I know, but this will probably just sound stupid.” She sighed looking away from him. 
“Try me.” 
(Y/N) bit her lip. She wasn’t sure if it was smart to say anything, but she didn’t have anyone else to talk about it with. What was the worst that he could say? ‘That sounds ridiculous’, but they would just laugh it off after and not talk about it again. 
“The night I got attacked, it wasn’t the wolf that attacked me.” She started off. She rubbed her neck. “There was a woman there, but she was just. . . almost not human like. She was unbelievable strong, fast. I blinked and it was like she put 5 steps without me noticing.”
Embry could feel a lump in his throat. He knew exactly who she was talking about and only the thought of that leech touching his imprint and him not being there in time made his blood boil. He was definitely blaming himself. Ever since he imprinted on her he was too afraid to make a move, because he wanted her to have a normal life and he knew that wasn’t possible if he was in her life. He regretted making that decision more than ever, because he wasn’t able to protect her like he was supposed.
“It’s stupid forget I said anything.” (Y/N) rattled as he was being too quiet for her liking. She hurried over to her front door, but Embry grabbed her hand stopping her once again.
“No.” He sternly said. “I believe you. I’m just sorry I wasn’t there sooner.”
Her eyes widened and she shook her head. How could he think it was his fault? “It isn’t your fault, Em. You safed me. Without you who knows what would’ve happened to me. If there’s someone to blame, it is me. I shouldn’t have been so impatient and just waited for my dad. Who walks home through the woods at night?”
Embry chuckled and nodded. “Yeah okay, that was pretty stupid.”
“Hey, only I get to say I’m stupid.” She joked and they laughed unison. When their laughs died down they smiled at each other for a moment.
“I should probably go inside before my parents go crazy again.” She told him as her gaze fell on their hands. She could feel her face getting flushed as she noticed how they had been holding hands and slowly pulled away after. 
Embry couldn’t help but smile at her reddening. “You probably should, yes. Tell them I said ‘hi’.”
“I will. Goodnight, Embry.” 
(Y/N) watched him as he walked away, but something popped up in her head. “Em, wait!” She called out after him. 
He turned around and saw her jogging up to him. He raised his eyebrows. “What is—”
Before he could finish his sentence she placed her hands on his shoulders and tiptoed to plant a kiss on his cheek. “I never thanked you for saving my life.���
He froze in his place not expecting that from her. She giggled at his reaction and walked to her front door, leaving him alone to comprehend what just happened.
After that kiss he would gladly safe her again.
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masterlist | not edited | requested
tagged: @embrycallgirlss
225 notes · View notes
byrachel · 4 years
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word count: 1224
summary: leah is tired of not receiving any attention from her girlfriend so when she tries to catch her attention in another way it ends in a confession
warnings: none
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Leah didn’t have a lot of time to spend outside of her wolf duties, but when she did she loved to spend it with her imprint, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). They mostly spend time at her tiny apartment, because it was where she was safe of Seth trying to intrude their time. She loved her brother, but sometimes his enthusiasm didn’t know any boundaries. Of course she was glad he liked her girlfriend so much, because both Sue’s and his opinion mattered the most but she loved the alone time because she barely saw her imprint.
Leah’s head was poking into the tiny fridge (Y/N) had in her apartment, looking for something to eat but could only find some unopened yoghurt and some soda drinks. She sighed softly and turned to her girlfriend. “You know you can’t only live off yoghurt, right?”
The imprintee who was sitting on the floor right in front of her couch was concentrated on her notebook, holding her pencil as she sketched something her girlfriend wasn’t allowed to see yet. She didn’t even hear Leah talking, making her chuckled. (Y/N) was awful at multitasking at times, once she was concentrated on something it was like she blocked out any outside distractions. 
Leah decided to grab the yoghurt out of the fridge and closed it behind her. She grabbed a spoon on the counter from the clean dishes, before making her way to the couch. She sat down next to her girlfriend, who finally looked up at her.
“Hey, that was my last yoghurt.” She said, pouting at Leah. 
“We can go to the store later and you some real food.” Leah chuckled, opening the yoghurt. 
“No, I’m good.” (Y/N) said as she looked down at her notebook again. “I eat when I’m at work. They always give free food in the breaks.”
“You still need some food in your fridge, you don’t work everyday.” 
“That’s why I had the yoghurt you’re eating now.” (Y/N) looked at the container she was eating from. 
Leah gave her a guilty, cheeky smile. “Sorry, I was hungry.”
Her girlfriend chuckled as she started sketching again. “It’s fine. At least I have a reason to go to the store now. Wanna go with me tonight after I come back from work?”
“I can’t tonight, I have a family thing.” Leah quickly made up. “But I can go for you when you’re at work.”
It wasn’t that she wanted to lie, but she felt like it was the best decision. She didn’t want her wrapped up in the supernatural world, but most importantly she didn’t want (Y/N) to feel like she was forced to love just because of the imprinting. She wanted her to love her for who she was, not because of a forced bond between them. 
“That’s fine, just tell me how much you’re getting back.”
Leah mumbled a ‘okay’ as her gaze fell on the sketch, but (Y/N) tilted it so she couldn’t see it. “Oh come on, you’ve been drawing for half an hour. Just let me see it.”
The (Y/HC) haired girl smiled as she shook her head. “It’s a surprise, just be patient.”
Leah rolled her eyes and decided she didn’t want to wait any longer. “How come a sketch is getting more attention than me right now?” She said as she leaned over to her imprintee and quickly reached for the notebook. 
(Y/N) reacted quickly and pulled it away before she could grab it. She closed it with one hand and held it up above her head so Leah couldn’t reach it. “It isn’t, you’re just impatient.” She giggled. 
“You think I can’t grab it when it’s up there?” Leah laughed, putting the yoghurt down on the table and tried to sit on her knees so she could easily steal it from her girlfriend.
(Y/N) was much faster and immediately got up from the ground, laughing loudly while she ran behind the couch. “You’re gonna have to wait even longer now, stupid.” 
“Oh, yeah?” Leah asked her as she got up. She jumped over the couch, but (Y/N) was at the other side of the tiny space before her feet could even hid the ground. She kept chasing after her until they eventually landed on the ground.
Leah was sitting on top of (Y/N), pinning her hands above her head with just one hand. Her girlfriend was struggling to get out of her grip, because of the strong hold she was holding her in. “Aw, you look so helpless.” She mockingly cooed.
“How are you this strong?” (Y/N) said, squirming underneath stil desperately trying to get her off her. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Leah chuckled. With her free hand she grabbed the notebook (Y/N) dropped right above where her hands were being held. She placed it on her imprintee’s chest and opened it as the girl beneath her rolled her eyes, playing off the smile she was trying to repress.
As Leah looked at the sketch her hands were slowly loosening her grip from (Y/N)’s wrists. She could finally use her hands again and used her elbows to support her upper body. She wasn’t quite sure if her girlfriend’s speechlessness was a good reaction. “Do you like it?”
Leah was looking at a grey pencil drawing of herself. It didn’t have any color, but that was she liked about it. The words underneath the drawing was what definitely caught her attention. 
I love you
That was (Y/N)’s plan all along, because she knew how impatient Leah could be at times. It was just a matter of time until she would want to see what she was doing. She knew there was a possibility she wouldn’t feel the same way yet, but she was completely fine with that. She just wanted to show her how much she meant to her. 
“You don’t have to say it back if you’re not ready.” (Y/N) reassured her when she still hadn’t said anything.
“Oh, you’re serious?” Leah asked her, clearly shocked and making the girl lying underneath her laugh.
“Why would I joke about that?” She snickered.
Leah smiled nervously, looking up into her eyes. “I don’t know, I just didn’t think you did.” 
“How can’t I?” (Y/N) looked at her in awe. “The last few months have been one of the best in my whole. I never thought living on my own would be so lonely, but you changed that. Even when you’re not here, looking forward to the next time I’ll be seeing you again is enough.”
Touched by her words, Leah could feel not only her heart raise but also felt hot tears filling her eyes. She looked down at the drawing for a moment and nodded. “I love you, too.”
“Thank god, I thought you were never going to recover after seeing that look on your face.” (Y/N) dramatically sighed. She sat up right and brought her hand to her girlfriend’s cheek, drying her tears with her thumb. 
“Oh shut up.” The girl on top sniffled as she wrapped her arms around her neck. She nuzzled her nose in the nape of her girlfriend’s neck as she embraced her as well. 
Nothing could ruin their day.
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masterlist | not edited
tagged: @alwayschic38
141 notes · View notes
byrachel · 4 years
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Word count: 367
Summary: right before the big battle (Y/N) gets nervous about the possibility of Quil getting hurt, luckily he knows how to calm her down
Warnings: slight angst
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“You could die, you realize that, right?” (Y/N)‘s voice was low as she spoke. Her eyes were shimmering from the tears as her hands were balled into fists by her side as she looked down at her boyfriend who sitting on her bed.
She didn’t want to make a big deal of Quil protecting not only the reservation, but possibly the whole state if they succeeded with killing the vampire army. To her it didn’t feel like they were prepared enough to take them on, but how could they be? This would be the first time they were going to do this.
Quil chuckled, tilting his head in amused manner. “You really think I’m that weak?”
“This is not funny, Quil.” She softly spoke through her tears as her shoulders were starting to shake from the sobs coming from her lips. She hid her face behind her hands.
His smile quickly vanished from his face, noticing that taking the humorous route wasn’t going to reassure her this time. “No, no, don’t cry.” He got up from her bed and gently grabbed her by her wrists, slowing moving them away from her face. Even looking away from him, he could see how red her eyes were.
“I guess I’m not taking this as seriously as I should.” He admitted. He cupped her face with his warm hands, using his thumbs to dry her tears.
“How aren’t you scared?” She asked as she looked up at him, more tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
“When you have someone to come back to, you’ll always fight twice as hard to make sure you’ll see them again.” She could basically feel herself melt into his arms as he pulled her into his embrace. If he wasn´t worried, she didn´t have a reason to be either. “As long as I have you, I’ll always have a reason to come back.”
Not only his word, but also his smile exuded the calmness and confidence (Y/N) needed to get a hold of herself. She placed her head against his chest as felt a wave of reassurance and comfort flush over her. She softly nodded as she closed her eyes. “You’re always so cheesy.” 
“You love it.” His chest vibrated against her face as he snickered.
“I do.”
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masterlist | edited 
tagged: @embrycallgirlss
96 notes · View notes