#thank all the gods above and below that Darrell appeared
damien-mlm · 1 year
Dead Man Walking (Angst, Dark!Red)
WARNING: PURE ANGST, BLEAK AND HOPELESS ALMOST ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Alcohol poisoning. Suicide attempt. Hallucinations, or perhaps not.
this happens immediately after Mama, and during Darrell's visit to Scarlet.
Darrell belongs to @bluecoolr, Skulk is @probably-a-plant-thing's, and Scarlet is by @kalid-raven
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Once he was sure that Darrell was asleep, he stepped out of the bed once again.
He had managed to push the ideation away for so long, so many years.
He couldn't do it anymore. He was weak again. 
She never left his mind, she was always there, calling for him.
Singing sweet lullabies when he felt so, so alone.
She had abandoned him too soon. But she never really left.
She was there, standing beside him as he cried, her casket being lowered into the ground.
She was there, looking from over his father's shoulder as he administered his bi-daily sessions of shock therapy.
She was there, encouraging him to keep stabbing, to burn it all down on the night of the hurricane.
"Come home…"
She was there.
She's still here, and she's calling for him.
Calling him back into her arms.
What about Blue? I can't just leave him… what will he do?
"My boy… he doesn't need you. He's got Skulk, remember? And Skulk's got him. They still have each other…"
They still have each other…
"They don't need you… I do."
They don't need me… Nobody here does…
"Come home, my son."
"Darlin', you alright there?" Darrell's sweet voice brought him back to reality. He had been sitting in the dark cold of his living room 'til the sun started to shine. Darrell wrapped a warm comforter around his shoulders.
What would I do without you? 
"Yeah, sorry…" he took Darrell's hand and pressed his lips against it softly. 
God, I'm such a fool.
He made a cup of coffee and heated up a cornbread muffin for Darrell in the toaster oven.
"You're not gonna eat?" 
"Not hungry, hun" he said as he opened the door and sat on the porch, lighting up a cigarette for himself.
He didn't notice the way Darrell was looking at him.
He looked into nothingness as his cigarette burned. His mind felt foggy and clouded.
"You've changed since the last time I saw you."
I know, mama. I'm more like myself now.
"But you had such pretty hair before..."
I like red...
"Do you, really?"
I... I don't know... It just stuck with me, I guess...
Red was all he could see, always. Red, blinding and all-consuming.
I can't forget about it, mama. I can't.
Why did you have to go? Why did you leave me with him?
But there was no answer.
He tried to take a drag of his cig, only to realize it had burned entirely.
His face felt cold and numb.
Darrell's hand on his shoulder startled him more than it should've, he gasped and jumped slightly at the touch.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare ya" he said softly, his chest stinging at the fact he made Red, of all people, jump in fear.
"That's fine, sugar. I was too deep in thought..." Red trailed off as he saw Darrell was already fully dressed and had his keychain in his left hand "You're going to see her?"
"Yes Sir, I know she can help us, we need to hide, lie low for a while... Are you sure you'll be alright by yourself?" Darrell asked, stroking Red's sunken and cold cheek with his free hand.
'Don't worry about me, I'll be okay" he answered as he leaned into Darrell's warm, gentle touch.
He doesn't need more problems, not now.
Once Darrell was gone on his way to Scarlet, Red decided to take a small trip to town.
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He didn't bother looking into Germaine's eyes, or even her face, as he waited for her to ring the black hair dye, the pair of scissors and the shaving razor blade spare replacement.
"Ya going back to the natural look?" she asked curiously.
"Oh, it's just, I can see your roots" she said sheepishly as she pointed at her own scalp.
"Ah... Yeah. Red's worn out, I guess" he answered as he handed her a 100 bill, much to her shock.
"Oh, I don't think-"
"Keep the change for yourself, hun. I won't be needin' it" he said before snatching the items he had bought, throwing them in his backpack and storming out.
The bar was next, Neil's eyes went the size of dinner plates when Red slammed the money on the counter.
"I'm paying my tab off, and I'm taking two bottles of your strongest bourbon" he said without looking up.
"My boy, you know damn well this will cover all that and more, twice over..." the old bar owner trailed off as he grabbed two bottles from the top shelf, then placed them between them, without letting go of them. Red was just about to grab the bottles when Neil pulled them back just a smidge, calling for his attention, "What are you gonna do, Damon?" 
Red's eyes shot up and met Neil's at the mention of his true name. The old man's stare was unwavering, yet full of worry.
"I'm fine, Neil. You'll hear of me again soon." he promised, giving the old man a faint smile as he gently placed the pair of bottles inside his backpack.
Neil watched him exit the bar with his head down, hunched over.
Red's last stop around town was the diner, his boss had told him to take the day off, since he was so out of it that almost caused a grease fire the last time he clocked in.
He entered through the front and greeted the server kindly, she smiled at him and he handed her a small note, intended for the owner. 
That's the last of them.
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He haphazardly chopped the longer parts of his hair off before dying it all black, he was sitting on the closed lid of the toilet, anxiously chipping away at his nail polish til his nails were clean, waiting for the dye to do its work.
Red was almost on autopilot, he soon ran out of polish to scrape away at, his sight was blurry and dazed. Almost as if he was looking at his point of view from a screen. Not his own eyes. Everything was out of focus, distant. Fake even, it all felt like plastic, like a big set full of props.
"It looks awfully similar, doesn't it?"
The red chips of polish contrasted with the white tiled floor, and under his unfocused sight they looked liquid.
Liquid red staining the white tiled floors again.
He nearly jumped out of his skin
I can't get the image out of my mind…
"I know, my child. But once you are with me, you won't have to remember it ever again. I promise"
I'm scared, mama. What if dad is there?
A pause.
"He can't get to you, my child. Come to me, I'll protect you."
No, mama. I'll protect you.
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"Now you look more like the last time I saw you. I missed this look on you"
Once his hair was clean he stared at the mirror, for how long, it's unclear
Last time he had his hair black and this short was back before…
He closed his eyes, thinking of that beautiful night, the night they were back home from Ambrose.
It feels strange to me… I know it's my natural color, but it doesn't feel like me entirely…
Now that I think of it, I don't remember the last time I truly felt like myself.
That was it, that was my peak.
It all seemed to go downhill from there, rolling down violently. Hitting rocks and being scratched by thorny bushes on his way. 
At the end of the hill, there wasn't land. There was a chasm. An infinite fall into darkness, and he was rapidly approaching the edge.
He never had the chance to mourn, to let it out, to let himself just be. He had been stuck in survival mode for as long as he could remember, and the moment he let his guard down, the moment he first felt peace, it all came down on him at once.
"Come into my arms, my love. I'll never let you hurt again"
It seemed like the perfect solution. No more pain, no more nightmares, no more…
"He'll be fine. He doesn't need you."
Skulk can take care of him, they can care for each other… I don't want to abandon them, though…
"It'll be a weight off their shoulders."
"Skulk can take care of himself, he's agile and good at hiding. Darrell has enough trouble in his hands right now. None of them have the time for you."
"None of them have the energy to care for a deteriorating alcoholic."
And as if to give her reason, he sat down on the toilet again and took a long swing of the bourbon he had bought.
Damn it, Neil. Shouldn't have wasted your best tasting shit on me…
Several gulps per swing, 4 swings and the first bottle was empty. Heat traveled down his esophagus and into his stomach. The first thing that has gone in there since last night's single cornbread muffin.
I can't just leave without a word…
He stood rapidly, and whiplash hit him like a truck. His head spinning, his hands reaching for the sink in order not to fall. 
I guess liquor hits faster when you're in a rush to leave.
He stumbled his way out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, opened his bedside table drawer and ripped a page out of his small notepad.
What do I even say?
He felt awful to leave them like this. 
Darrell, my fallen angel
Skulk, my sweet guardian 
See you on the other side
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry…
I had to go
All that was mine is now yours
I love you both
Take care of each other please
He grabbed that old silver letter opener. Used it as a stake to adhere the note on the outside of the bathroom door. A silver nail on a white coffin.
Originally, his plan was to burn it all down, and himself with it. Wipe it all away, just like back then.
He would have to instead drink both bottles and hope that, if blood loss didn't take him, alcohol poisoning would.
But it wouldn't be fair for them.
There is no closure to be found in a pile of ash and a charred corpse.
He was sitting on the bathroom floor and almost entirely through the second bottle when he dug into his wrists with the razor blades. Both of them now have a vertical opening.
Red, warm, slick and slippery. 
A little too slippery, perhaps, he was already weak, but now the slick didn't let him hold onto the bottle no more.
He lied back, too tired and drowsy to sit up straight. Red pooling around him, pouring from his wrists.
Mama, I'm on my way.
But mama wasn't there.
He was, looming and towering over him. Looking down with a crooked smile.
Damon's breath got caught in his throat, his eyes burning with hot tears. Pure, unadulterated fear coming over him.
Everything around them was on fire, even Dr. Herring himself. 
Damon couldn't move, he could do nothing but watch and silently weep as the sinister burning man grabbed him by the ankles, setting them on fire. 
"You don't know how long I've waited for this moment. Now you'll burn with me, forever."
He was being dragged to hell.
And he could do nothing but beg silently.
Help me, please.
He felt his father's nails dig into the flesh of his ankles.
I'm sorry, I take it back! I don't wanna go, please!
He could hear the screaming and wailing of tortured souls, lost to the flames forever.
Help me!
"You're mine"
The door swung open with such force, a being bathed in blinding golden light coming through it.
Everything was white and gold. Suddenly soft and warm.
An angel kneeling over him.
His angel.
He felt tears fall on his cheeks, raining down on him from above.
Even in such pain, he was beautiful.
Peace washed over him, and he let himself go.
Darrell's distant voice and visage fading to black.
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A/N: here I go, just pouring a bucket of gasoline on the dumpster fire that is our boys' poor lives
Taglist: @rottent33th @slaasherslut @the-pinstriped-hood @texaschainsawslvt @angxlslasher @allthingsblood @ajarofpickledtears @mr-trick
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keenerkey · 2 years
Top 5 fanworks of 2021
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2021. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagged by: @playboyphilanthro-pissed (thanks :))
In no particular order tbh
1) I Am Yours:
Osner // 42.7k // Harley is Tony’s bio son, ex comes to town, Goblin // T
Harley is now publicly Tony Stark's son, and life seems to be getting better after the whole 'Darrell Incident'. He is the rising heir to Stark Industries, Harry and him are solid, and he is finally free from the guilt and drama of his first few months in New York. However, when Harry gets busy with some government deal at Oscorp, Harley's ex Tj moves to New York, and the avengers have to deal with a new threat from some underground drug-dealing ring, everything starts to go downhill...again
This was honestly such a fun one to make. It is the sequel to I Am Your Son, which was the first fic I ever made, which I would’ve put in this list but I decided not to since a lot of it was written in 2020. I had a few ideas of what I wanted, such as a Goblin appearance and more Abby but it changed a lot from the first draft lol. It was fun to write!
2)soon you’ll get better:
Abbie&Harley // 3.3k // cancer, grief, death, songfic // T
The same sickness that killed their mother is back for more. Harley deals with the grief of losing his sister, through first discovering the sickness till the end. or Abbie Keener has cancer. Harley Keener doesn't know if he'll survive losing someone else. based on "soon you'll get better" by Taylor Swift
This oneee. Honestly probably the most depressing one I’ve written and I love writing angst lol. It is based off Taylor’s song, mentioned above. The song never fails to make me cry and I- the idea immediately came. I based each scene off of each section of lines and it just worked. Definitely one of my favorites by far. I added a little paragraph at the end a few years in the future because honestly? I thought it needed that. I’ve lost people and I wanted to show some kinda healing from everything in the story.
3)Spideydevil drawing:
Um, yeah. Didn’t think it was gonna be in this lineup since I primarily write fics but I am just so proud of this drawing. I draw as a hobby but I don’t do it often nor do I post it, so yeah. It’s fun. This was requested of me when I asked if anybody wanted something and I’m glad they said something cause it was a treat to draw.
4) Whiskey Glasses and (Un)Wanted Attention:
Tony&Harley // 4.3k // Grief, Trauma, Mentioned Rape/Non-Con, Harley feeling ignored // M
Harley is at another party at Avengers Tower, sitting alone, watching Tony brag about Peter and introduce him to all the business associates. It has become very clear who Tony will hand the company to, and Harley can't even deny he's jealous.—But the worst part is that Tony barely pays attention to him anymore. He so badly needs attention.—So when one of Tony's business partners shows him attention at the party, Harley grabs onto it with fervor. It felt good to be wanted, to be appreciated. —God was it a mistake.
Ohh this one. My baby. Honestly probably my favorite. This one was a product of what I had been feeling about Harley for a while. Ignored, overlooked. The story told itself. I’m a sucker for angst and hurt/comfort and this gave it all too me. I’m really proud of how I wrote the little details, the metaphors. Wasn’t sure I was gonna add comfort until people asked me too haha. Glad I did tho because the comfort chapter is my favorite part.
5) Abbie Keener, A Fashion Icon:
Abbie&Harley // 1.3k // keener siblings exploration, Abbie is a fashion designer, kids ig they are young // G
Abbie Keener loves making fashion and clothing, and Harley models her designs for her. However, Abbie is going through a goth phase, and Harley isn't to ecstatic about it.
This one!! Bro literally just a one shot but my first and I’m a proud mamma. I think this is one of my favorite fics about the keener siblings not to get egotistical or anything lol. Idk I wanted to include it :)
Tags: @dead-inside-pt2 @prosperdemeter2 and @ anyone else who sees this and wants to :) (no pressure at all!!)
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President Trump’s New White House Painting Is Hiding a Surprising ‘Feminist Message’
Andy Thomas
President Donald Trump has added a new painting of himself to the White House Oval Office, and just … wow. We’d always considered his home decor choices a bit over the top (gold drapes, gold rugs, gold everything), but his taste in artwork is, well, just take a look.
The painting, which was spotted in the background during the president’s recent “60 Minutes” interview, shows a slimmed-down Trump having a drink with past Republican presidents, including Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush.
Titled “The Republican Club,” the painting was created by Andy Thomas and given to Trump by U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa.
Issa, a Republican from California, is a fan of Thomas’ work. But Thomas’ talents aren’t reserved for the GOP—he also painted “Democratic Presidents Playing Pool,” artwork featuring former Presidents Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and others.
President Donald Trump displayed a painting titled “The Republican Club” in the White House Oval Office.
Andy Thomas
The painting’s surprising debut on “60 Minutes” inspired a slew of scathing commentary, from “Oh my god, it’s in the White House” to “Is it on a black velvet background?” It’s been called  “kitschy,” “tacky,” and even reminiscent of the painting “Dogs Playing Poker,” by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge. See any resemblance below?
“Dogs Playing Poker,” by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge
Cassius Marcellus Coolidge / Sotheby's
Although art aficionados might wince when gazing at the White House’s newest wall decor, there’s more going on in this painting than meets the eye at first glance. Here are a few more shockers.
Trump is drinking a Coke
Although most of the presidents in this picture appear to be boozing it up, not so Trump, who’s drinking a Diet Coke. How do we know it’s diet? Because he drinks 12 cans of it a day, duh.
Trump was hard to paint
According to the Daily Beast, Thomas admitted that Trump was “hard to paint” due to his skin tone and smile. Nonetheless, Trump was pleased by the results, and even called the artist to thank him.
“He made a comment that he’d seen a lot of paintings of himself and he rarely liked them,” Thomas said.
And, hey, if you like this painting, you can have your very own! You can order a print of “The Republican Club” for as little as $155; the artist even sells his work as coffee mugs or puzzles.
It contains a hidden feminist message
Most shocking of all is that although the painting oozes “old boys’ club” vibes, Thomas points out that it also contains a “subtle feminist message.” Can you spot it? Give up?
Here goes: Up above Reagan, a woman looms in the background. (A similarly shadowy female figure haunts the background of “Democratic Presidents Playing Pool.”)
As Thomas explained to Time, “That will be the first Republican female president and the first Democratic female president. … As I was doing the painting, I was thinking that these guys are kind of intimidating in a way. That’s the kind of woman that will be our first woman president; she’ll walk right up to that table.”
Here’s to hoping he’s right—and that Trump would offer her a Diet Coke.
The post President Trump’s New White House Painting Is Hiding a Surprising ‘Feminist Message’ appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/president-trump-white-house-painting-feminist-message/
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davidoespailla · 6 years
President Trump’s New White House Painting Is Hiding a Surprising ‘Feminist Message’
Andy Thomas
President Donald Trump has added a new painting of himself to the White House Oval Office, and just … wow. We’d always considered his home decor choices a bit over the top (gold drapes, gold rugs, gold everything), but his taste in artwork is, well, just take a look.
The painting, which was spotted in the background during the president’s recent “60 Minutes” interview, shows a slimmed-down Trump having a drink with past Republican presidents, including Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush.
Titled “The Republican Club,” the painting was created by Andy Thomas and given to Trump by U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa.
Issa, a Republican from California, is a fan of Thomas’ work. But Thomas’ talents aren’t reserved for the GOP—he also painted “Democratic Presidents Playing Pool,” artwork featuring former Presidents Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and others.
President Donald Trump displayed a painting titled “The Republican Club” in the White House Oval Office.
Andy Thomas
The painting’s surprising debut on “60 Minutes” inspired a slew of scathing commentary, from “Oh my god, it’s in the White House” to “Is it on a black velvet background?” It’s been called  “kitschy,” “tacky,” and even reminiscent of the painting “Dogs Playing Poker,” by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge. See any resemblance below?
“Dogs Playing Poker,” by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge
Cassius Marcellus Coolidge / Sotheby's
Although art aficionados might wince when gazing at the White House’s newest wall decor, there’s more going on in this painting than meets the eye at first glance. Here are a few more shockers.
Trump is drinking a Coke
Although most of the presidents in this picture appear to be boozing it up, not so Trump, who’s drinking a Diet Coke. How do we know it’s diet? Because he drinks 12 cans of it a day, duh.
Trump was hard to paint
According to the Daily Beast, Thomas admitted that Trump was “hard to paint” due to his skin tone and smile. Nonetheless, Trump was pleased by the results, and even called the artist to thank him.
“He made a comment that he’d seen a lot of paintings of himself and he rarely liked them,” Thomas said.
And, hey, if you like this painting, you can have your very own! You can order a print of “The Republican Club” for as little as $155; the artist even sells his work as coffee mugs or puzzles.
It contains a hidden feminist message
Most shocking of all is that although the painting oozes “old boys’ club” vibes, Thomas points out that it also contains a “subtle feminist message.” Can you spot it? Give up?
Here goes: Up above Reagan, a woman looms in the background. (A similarly shadowy female figure haunts the background of “Democratic Presidents Playing Pool.”)
As Thomas explained to Time, “That will be the first Republican female president and the first Democratic female president. … As I was doing the painting, I was thinking that these guys are kind of intimidating in a way. That’s the kind of woman that will be our first woman president; she’ll walk right up to that table.”
Here’s to hoping he’s right—and that Trump would offer her a Diet Coke.
The post President Trump’s New White House Painting Is Hiding a Surprising ‘Feminist Message’ appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
President Trump’s New White House Painting Is Hiding a Surprising ‘Feminist Message’
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