#damon ‘red’ herring
damien-mlm · 2 years
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Shock Therapy
Red endured this for 3 years, he still has night terrors about it.
Taglist: @rottent33th @the-pinstriped-hood @slaasherslut @texaschainsawslvt @allthingsblood @angxlslasher @kalid-raven @ajarofpickledtears @coppasulfate @probably-a-plant-thing @mr-trick
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the-pinstriped-hood · 2 years
Momma Percy
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I wanted to post this because I had thought about it. About what my OC Percy stands for. @Slaasherslut and I joke that Percy is Batman with how many orphans she's adopted:
and to some degree:
I've made a note that Percy did babysitting when she was younger and enjoyed it a lot. Sticking up for the younger kids. She didn't know her parents because they died in a car accident making herself technically an Orphan. She was raised by her grandparents who instilled a need for a large family when she was young. What she took away from that was, help the young.
Percy is the oldest OC out of the Slasherverse cast at 32, two years shy of both Bo and Vincent Sinclair at 34.
She knows about what it's like to lose parents. But she also knows what it's like to help those who need love. Who need acceptance. A friend. That's what Percy is. She loves caring for friends and family even when it's not the easiest. She runs her household like a tight ship. She can't heal physical wounds but she can make them hurt less because trauma never fully heals. She's well aware of this fact. Her attention and motherly love is something people crave. Those soft blue eyes often looking up to men large enough to crush her skull, in understanding and compassion.
Tag: @rottent33th @slaasherslut @kalid-raven @cries-in-latino @bluecoolr @probably-a-plant-thing
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angxlslasher · 2 years
“I will not surrender
I never learned to lose a fight
I´m afraid I´ll have to end ya
You better run or else I just might.”
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This edit is dedicated to the slasher OCs that my moots have made! They’re all badass and as tough as nails, but I still wanna scoop ‘em all up and give ‘em a hug🥹💖 also can y’all tell I’m loving making these??? It’s so fun and very satisfying
Music edit under the cut
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Darrell Todd belongs to @coppasulfate
Damon “Red” Herring belongs to @cries-in-latino
Cylas Keir belongs to @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better
Scarlet belongs to @kalid-raven
Art belongs to @cries-in-latino and @kalid-raven
Dividers by: firefly-graphics
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i am so normal about this
what even is the Timeline
Cylas finds Darrell's driving license and contacts him about it
evening/nightly activities on both sides involve (unrelated) murder (Darrell, Cylas)
they meet around lunch (?) the next day? and Darrell leaves for Ambrose
planned length of stay: 5 days
all kinds of stuff is done, Vincent is suspicious and jealous, everyone else loves him, he finds out about the murder stuff and The Storm is coming
Red leaves at 5 am the morning after The Storm starts?
so I'd assume Darrell talks to Percy the day after finding out about the wax business while Red is on his way?
I basically physically need Cylas to be there when Red arrives, like, I won't die without it but.
pls storm your brains with me @bluecoolr @cries-in-latino @the-pinstriped-hood @rottent33th
I even linked the stories, that's basically research right also, I'm thinking about this always I might have an issue
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daily-dose-of-danno · 9 months
TUE future Val?
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Season 2, Episode 5 - The Ultimate Enemy
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bluecoolr · 2 years
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
Darrell arrives in Ambrose. [Part 1/5]
Links to Part 2 3 4 5
Warnings: the girls being teeth-rottingly sweet to newcomer, Lester being an excited rambling cutie, Bo being Bo, and jealous!Vincent
A/N: When I have all the parts ready, I'll be putting links on each post. I'm just really excited and wanted to post this. Also the title has no business being that threatening since I took it from a Byrds song...
Featuring the Sinclairs, Jason Vorhees, RZ Michael Myers and the ocs of @rottent33th (Ellie) @slaasherslut (Ava) @kalid-raven (Alia) @the-pinstriped-hood (Percy) @cries-in-latino (Red) and @angxlslasher (Merry). I hope y'all don't mind!
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Sunlight woke Darrell the next morning. There was a dull pain in his neck where his backpack had been the night before. Stirring, he groaned and opened his eyes.
He was greeted by the sight of a large, dark snout. A moment of panic arrested him, until he remembered where he was. In a field. By the highway. The curious quadruped before him was not a razorback, but a cow. She chewed noisily as she inspected him.
"Down, Bessie." Darrell patted her head. She flicked her floppy ears and grazed on the grass right by him.
Darrell sat up from his makeshift bed. He used a liberal amount of water from his canteen to rinse his mouth and wash his face. Reaching deeper into his pack, he pulled out a scrupulously rationed breakfast of potato chips and a chicken sandwich.
Funny. He tried so hard to shake off the Marine in him, but here he was - acting like one again.
Well, minus the potato chips, he thought.
Bessie snuffled at the little ziploc bag, eager to have a taste. Darrell reached in, crushed a handful of chips, and fed it to her. Once he was done, he bid farewell to his new friend and straddled his bike.
"On my way now," he told his non-cattle friends through text.
Do a wheelie.
Darrell smiled involuntarily and asked Red, "Got bail money? 🤨"
Wheelie you fucking coward.
He did two on the empty highway. Just for fun.
The way to Ambrose was long and winding. Too long, he remarked, eyeing the fuel gauge. He cursed inwardly and, with the same breath, begged heaven to let him have enough to get there.
"Ack! Where's God when you need 'im?" he grumbled as his dirt bike stuttered.
He set the bike on its stand and scratched his head. No soul for miles. No help in sight. Guess he was going to have to push his defeated steed along. He went on for about thirty minutes or so, with the punishing Louisiana sun and the 40-ish pounds on his back bearing down on him.
Panting now, he turned from the Interstate to the byroad Ellie had told him to take. Trees hedged him from either side. The ground was a mixture of silt and dust. It made his throat scratchy.
Darrell became aware of an approaching vehicle from the thrum of an engine and the clatter of tools behind him.
"You need a hand, man?" asked the driver as he let his truck go idle.
Darrell looked through the open driver's side window and regarded the stranger politely. He was grimy and slightly flushed, no doubt from the exertion of a day's early work.
Darrell cleared his throat. "No... I need gas, actually."
The stranger cracked a pleased smile. "Well it's your lucky day! I got some gas right here."
He giddily rummaged about in the cab and retrieved a beat up looking gallon jug. The stranger stepped out and wordlessly urged Darrell to bring his bike forward.
"Please, if it ain't too much. I just need enough to get to Ambrose."
For a moment, the stranger, almost miserly, held back the jug. "Why're ya goin' to Ambrose?" he asked, face cloudy with suspicion.
"Visitin' some friends. M'overdue, s'matter o' fact. Was supposed to get there last night."
Realization twinkled dimly in the stranger's brown eyes. "Say… ya name ain't Darrell by any chance, is it?"
"Yessir, it is."
The stranger eased and flashed him a toothy grin. "Now, ain't it a small world," he cried. "I've heard loads about you from the girls."
Darrell rubbed the nape of his neck. He smiled. "Did ya?"
"Yeah! Boy, you've got everybody standing watch. Tell ya what," said the stranger, "Help me haul your bike into the back. I'll give you a lift."
"Aw, shucks… I-"
The stranger waved him quiet. The gas sloshed in the jug. "No ifs. No buts. No coconuts." He gestured to his truck. "Get."
Darrell stammered thanks and apologies for the trouble. The stranger moved the litter of animal carcasses.They loaded the bike onto the truck, shut the tailgate, and carried on.
"Sorry. What cha say your name was?"
The stranger chuckled. "Lester."
They shook hands as the truck went on its jittery way. Lester was kind to offer Darrell a rag to mop his sweat with. Darrell dragged the cloth over himself and wiped each of his fingers clean.
A strong feeling of liking for the traveler stirred in Lester. That rag was filthy. He had hesitated to hand it over, but Darrell had grabbed it without question.
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"You can get gas at the station in Ambrose. Bo, m'brother, runs it."
Darrell shamefully looked at his boots. "Sorry 'bout the dust."
Lester gave another chuckle, his glance straying to Darrell's feet. "S'alright," he assured him, "Truck's had worse than that, f'ya know what I mean." He jerked his head toward the window behind them.
"Good I picked ya up or else you'd be trudging in that for 15 miles more."
"Preciate it, really." Darrell smiled. He was brushing dust off his pants. "Been walkin' for about half o' that 'fore ya found me."
Darrell was quite remarkable to look at, Lester decided.
His hair was the first thing you'd notice: Teal blue and long. The way it tumbled down his shoulders in wisps reminded him of paint, pulled out by water in bright, rippling clouds when you dip your brush into the glass.
There was a silver ring that pierced his plump, pale pink lower lip, and he seemed to have a habit of nibbling on it. He was also very tall. Taller than Bo or Vincent. Almost as tall as Michael. (Really, he didn't think there was anyone taller than that fella.)
His broad chest stretched the fabric of his shirt. His thighs were doing the same to his jeans.
He was handsome, Lester would give him that.
He was also sporting a knife on his right shoe.
Two kinds of bells rang in Lester's mind; An alarm to beware of this stranger, as he wasn't sure of his intentions, and another that told him to hurry and show him his own knife. After all, he had been polite. Hadn't been mean or fussy.
Lester was itching to pull out the bowie when Darrell cheerfully turned the conversation toward matters that concerned him - How had his day been? His work, the weather, the town, the girls? - things he was glad to talk about.
Before he knew it, he saw the wash-out up ahead.
"Think you'll make it?" inquired Darrell, his hand on the dash.
"Just have to flip the hubs into four-wheel."
He didn't have to ask. Darrell hopped out and got to work on the wheels on his side. The beat up truck rattled over the stones, the men inside shared a laugh. "Felt m'brain rattle in m'skull like a bean in a can!" Lester cried as he tried to shake himself right.
Gravel gave way to asphalt and they entered the town. Lester pointed out the gas station just at the end of Main Street. When Darrell asked for the grocer's, he did some quick thinking and said, "There's Flannery's back where we came, but don't cha go in there. F'Joe Flannery sees ya and gabs, you'd be in there all day. If ya need anythin', I'm sure Ellie would be happy to get it for ya. She's an amazing cook. There's Bo!"
His older brother gave the truck a cursory glance, and, with practiced charm, greeted their guest.
"You shoulda called in," said Bo, obligingly filling the dirt bike's tank with gas from the pump."Would've picked you up myself."
Lester had wandered off and was now coming back with the hose. He was aiming it at the bike. He turned the nozzle and a sudden jet of water blasted out of the end, splashing Bo and Darrell's shoes.
Noticing the scathing glare Bo gave him, Lester lowered the hose and apologized. "I got blood and gunk all over your wheels," he told Darrell.
"No! It's fine. It'll wash off." Turning to Bo, he declared, "Wouldn't have made it without him. He's a lifesaver." He extended one large hand and patted Lester's shoulder.
It prompted Lester to step in and swing his arm over Darrell's shoulders. He was awful pleased with himself. It didn't matter that he had to stand on his tippy-toes.
"Sure." Bo said dismissively. "You came down here all the way from where? Devil's Prick?"
"How's it there? Heard it's haunted."
Darrell laughed. "By hicks like me."
While they spoke, they were blithely unaware of Ava and Percy scuttling from the Sinclair house, down Main Street, to Ellie's house. They had heard Lester's truck and spotted the tall man at the station.
They came running back, now with Ellie in tow, one hand hiking up her dress skirt and the other clutching a lime green frog.
When she screamed "DARRELL!", the three men leapt clean off the ground. Lester's fingers instinctively tightened on Darrell's jacket, and he had to clutch his chest to make sure his heart wasn't going to give.
Ellie shoved the frog into Lester's hands and braced her arms around Darrell's torso. "You made it! I was so worried when you didn't arrive last night!"
"I-I know, Ellie… I'm sorry."
She gave him a light squeeze. "Shh! No! Don't apologize. Now, I want you to meet my sisters."
She passed Darrell around for the girls to fawn over, which they did despite his shyness. "I'm covered in God knows what. I probably smell like a dog in the sun."
"That's two of us, then. I've been out in the garden."
"Alia and Michael are back there too," Percy said. "They'll be delighted to meet you!"
Ava looped her arm with Darrell's and started to lead him to the house Ellie shared with Vincent. "Come on! Jason and Merry are set up not far from there."
All three women began to chatter, making Darrell throw his head from side to side.
"That boy's gonna end up like a bruised fruit by sundown!" Bo chided. His warning fell on deaf ears.
He saw his twin in the distance - shoulders tense and visibly uneasy. Bo knew that look. He was sizing Darrell up, suddenly unhappy about the attention he was getting from Ellie.
Vincent snapped out of it and met Bo's gaze. With a frown, Bo wordlessly told him to be nice. Try to get along for godsake.
Vincent, hunching as if to get away from a whip, buried his hands in his pockets and trailed after the girls.
"Here. Hold this."
Lester was holding out the frog.
"No," Bo said flatly - body poised to bolt.
Lester set the frog down on the ground and trotted after the girls. It stayed put, locked in a standoff with Bo.
He picked up the hose. Aimed and blasted the frog away. Then, he wheeled Darrell's bike into the garage.
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we'll be fine
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slaasherslut · 2 years
Pig to the Slaughter part 1/?
Angels of Ambrose/Black Christmas crossover
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Summary: All of the cast of characters we love so much are put into a new scene. How will they fare with a killer hiding within their little sorority house? Who will live and who will die?
Warnings: Alcohol, excessive cursing, mentions of death
3k words
oc's included in this fic are:
Alia Fowl @kalid-raven, Percy Jones @the-pinstriped-hood, Ellie Mason & Bell Langland @rottent33th, Red @damien-mlm, Darrell Todd @bluecoolr, Skulk @probably-a-plant-thing, Maggie Sinclair @soupbabe
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It was a quiet night in the sorority house. Most of the other girls had already left for their Christmas holidays back home. Girls had been filtering out of the house all week once they were all packed up and finished everything for school. The last being Alia, a very sweet freshman girl who had left only half an hour prior. The only ones that were left were Ava, Percy, Ellie and Bell. The four girls planned on staying around campus for the Christmas break, not that any of them had much they wanted to go home to anyways. They didn't mind staying behind though, they had each other for good company. They would all spend Christmas together and possibly have Bell's new boyfriend come visit and meet the rest of the girls. Plus they liked the idea of having the big old house all to themselves, which was something of a rarity if it happened at all. The girls had decided to have a relaxing night in together, except for Bell who was fast asleep upstairs in her bedroom. The other three girls sat in the living room chatting with mugs of hot cocoa and rum in their hands. The flames from the fireplace gave the surrounding walls a warm blush, heating up the entire house around them in contrast to the cold Canadian winter that lay just beyond the walls. Ava excused herself to the kitchen to check on the snack foods that were cooking for the girls to share.
Percy's rant about her beau was cut short by the phone ringing. Ellie and Percy gave each other startled looks. The sound of the phone ringing became something of a bad omen in this particular house. Not a whole lot of people called the house at all, if it was a partner of one of the girls they usually just came by. Most of the recent calls were coming from a disgusting perv who seemed to like getting his rocks off from calling and scaring them. They dubbed him as “the moaner” since his calls were always a bunch of  grunts and moans.
Both girls had their eyes stuck on the old landline at the bottom of the stairs. They felt as though the phone had eyes trained back on them and they were in a staring match with the hunk of plastic. Ava walked back into the room after the first few rings. She fiddled with her freshly dyed red and green hair uncomfortably in the doorway, staring where the other two girls were.
"Just let it ring." She hushed. 
She wasn't sure why she was so quiet, it was as though the person on the other end of the line would be able to hear her if she spoke too loud. Ava took a few steps closer to the girls. She rested her hands on the back of the couch behind Ellie's head as she waited alongside them. The phone rang for a minute straight before it stopped. The three let out a shaky breath in unison. After a few seconds of silence the girls went back to their previous activities. Ava was only a few steps into the kitchen when the phone started ringing once again.
“Really!?” Ellie said in a high pitched voice, she let out a huge groan. They waited a few seconds before Ava sighed and walked over to the phone. “Ava no!” Ellie spoke again. “What if it's him?” Her voice was laced in worry. 
“Well whoever it is they called twice, it might be important.” Ava said as she took the few remaining steps towards the landline and picked it up.
“Hello?” She answered. 
A deep groan on the other end of the line answered her. She mentally cursed herself. It was him again. She looked towards the other girls and rolled her eyes. They sprung up from their spots on the couch and ran across the room to plant their feet next to her. As much as they hated the calls, a morbid curiosity took over them and as much as they hated to admit it they could be kind of humorous sometimes. The girls all looked at each other as a chorus of wailing screamed loudly through the receiver. They seemed to drift between wails of pain and pleasure. 
“Pretty little piggy slut.” The voice was low and gravely. 
Ava raised an eyebrow as she looked between Percy and Ellie. She covered the receiver. 
“Wow!” she giggled. “Looks like Mr. Moans-a-lot is expanding his act!” Her comment made the other two giggle as it seemed to lighten the mood. In previous calls he wasn't much of a talker, usually just vulgar sounds. Another high pitched moan came through, she could tell it was the same guy but it was so high it almost sounded like a woman.
“Pretty… pink… cunt…let me lick it… lick it, lick it, lick it!” The girls all visibly cringed, this wasn’t funny anymore it was getting pretty gross. 
“Let me lick your pretty little piggy cunt!” What followed was a cacophony of vile oinking sounds and a loud dark laugh. 
Ava gasped. “You fucking creep!” She looked towards the other girls. Ellie had covered her mouth in shock, only moving her hands to whisper a harsh “hang up!” The voice continued to laugh before growling. 
“I'm gonna shove my cock so deep inside your pretty pussy you’ll be screaming for me!” He started moaning again. Percy had to turn away from the phone call as Ava scoffed in disgust.
“Okay gross! Never call back here again or were calling the cops! We're done here!”
“Hang up on me you stupid slut and I'll slaughter you like the little piggy you are!”
The voice on the other end began to cackle, fluctuating between several octaves as if multiple people were in the room, but they could tell it was from one person. Ava panicked as she slammed the phone back down without a second thought. Her heart felt like it was going to stop from how fast it was beating, her chest hurt, she could barely breathe.
"That's new." Ellie whispered, she was shaking, they all were. The three girls looked at each other in a pregnant silence. Percy stepped closer to Ava and wrapped herself around the younger girls arm. 
"Honey, come on, let's go sit back down. Don't let that creep ruin our night huh?" Percy pulled her in the direction of the living room as they wanted to resume the nice evening they were having. Ava nodded, her heartbeat finally started to slow and breath filled her lungs easier than before. They were barely a few steps away from the phone when it started ringing again. The sound startled them, making them all almost jump out of their skin. Ellie let out a small shriek and Percy being the protector she was instantly reached out to grab her hand. Ava was so startled she actually became angry. She felt it bubble up in her stomach and shoot up her spine. She stomped back over to the phone and picked up the receiver. 
"Listen you little-!"
"I'm going to kill you." The voice was deep and monotone before the dial tone hung heavy in the air. Her muscles seemed to freeze in fear. The phone still clenched in her fist. The voice was low enough to where the other girls just barely heard it. They all stood in silence together, shaking and on the verge of tears. This had never happened before. Speaking was a completely new thing for this psychopath, but death threats? They never expected that. Any thoughts of the phone calls being a prank by another sorority or one of the frat houses went out the window. Percy was the first to break the silence.
“Well then...” Her voice was shaky, she was nervous but her protective instincts kicked in and she tried desperately not to show how she was truly feeling. She took the phone out of Ava’s hand and set it onto the table, she didn't even bother hanging it up. No more phone calls. She lightly guided Ava and Ellie into the living room and back onto the couch. The two girls sat directly next to each other, their knees pressed together as a way to help calm each other down. Percy draped herself over the back of the couch, wrapping her arms around Ava’s neck from behind. 
"Should I call one of the guys over? Will that make you feel better?" Percy asked, trying to make them more comfortable. Ava shook her head.
"I don't wanna bug them, I'm pretty sure they're all busy." 
"You wouldn't be bugging them!" Percy gave Ava a little squeeze. "In fact, I think they would be offended if we didn't call them at a time like this." Percy cracked a small smile in an attempt to lighten the mood. Ava hesitated for a moment before nodding.
"Okay, okay, but don't guilt trip them. It's late and I don't want to fuck up their night cause this prick is scaring the shit out of us." Percy kissed her on the head before nodding. 
“Should we wake Bell up?” Ellie squeaked. Percy shook her head.
“No, let her sleep, she was up pretty early this morning.”
She got up and left Ava and Ellie sitting on the couch while she left to call around to see who was available for the night. A sniffle next to Ava made her eyes tilt up to see Ellie with tears in her eyes. She looked like she was trying not to cry as she shook, scared out of her mind. Ava felt bad for worrying the poor girl. She shouldn't have picked up the fucking phone, she felt like an idiot.
"Oh Ellie, it's okay, don't cry!" Ava scooted impossibly closer and rested her hands reassuringly on her thigh. Just saying the words were enough for the dam to break and tears flooded out with a choked sob. Ellie threw her arms around Ava's shoulders and curled up into her. She put her arms around the younger girl and lightly rocked her, telling her through hushed whispers that things were gonna be okay, even if she didn't believe it herself. 
As Ellie's tears started to subside, Percy strode back in the room and sat on the armrest of the couch.
"Okay I just got off the phone with the frat house down the road." She clasped her hands together with a small smile. "Red said he'll be by in a little while and he'll sleep in your room with you tonight. Is that okay?" Ava breathed a sigh of relief as she closed her eyes and leaned back against the couch. Red was a sweetheart and he was one of the few men in that fraternity she trusted. She felt better knowing he would be with her throughout the night and she would feel even better once he got there.
Roughly twenty minutes later a loud knock came at the front door. Ava’s heart began to race until Percy opened the door and the voices of Red and Darrell echoed throughout the foyer. She peaked over the back of the couch trying to hopefully hear them better but she couldn't hear exactly what was being said. They spoke in hushed words for a moment until Red noticed a pair of green eyes on him. They had all been busy lately so it was nice to see them again. Ava smiled once they made eye contact. He beamed back with arms wide open, strutting into the living room.
“I heard that a certain little lady needed some Red tonight!” He laughed as Ava jumped over the back of the couch and into his arms. 
“I missed you!” Ava squealed as his arms wrapped around her and squeezed tight. 
“I missed ya too, Av!” He gripped her by the shoulders and held her at arm's length. Her hair was different since the last time he saw her. She went from bleach blonde to green and red, for Christmas of course. He ran his hand through her hair and lightly gripped a section of red hair before turning around to face Percy and Darrell who were chatting, pressing his temple to Ava’s.
“Look Blue! We match!” Darrell stopped his conversation with the raven haired girl and turned his attention to Red, who was pressed up against Ava with his tongue sticking out. Darrell smiled as a faint blush dusted his cheeks. “You two look real cute.” 
The boys said their ‘hellos’ to all three girls before everyone except for Darrell and Percy converged in the living room. Red went through the girls collection of DVD’s before before getting comfy on the couch.
"You girls gonna be okay?" Darrell asked, turning to look at Percy questioningly. 
The two looked over to where Ellie was curled up in the large armchair with a warm blanket and Ava was cuddled up with Red. His arms wrapped tightly around her as she was nestled in between his legs with her back against his chest as they watched whatever movie he had picked out.
"I think we'll be okay. We're just a bit shaken up is all, especially those two." Percy motioned to the other two girls. "I don't think anything bad is actually gonna happen, probably just a dumb prank." Darrell nodded at her words. They were both worried but they did their best not to show it.
"Wan’ me to stay too?" He asked, using his teeth to fidget with the ring in his lip.
"No!" Percy exclaimed. "I can't ask you to do that! Besides, Skulk is probably waiting for you back home." She gave him a sly smile as he looked down at his feet, a crimson blush crept up his neck. A small smile began to mimic hers. Darrel gave a hushed “well okay then” before stepping towards the door before he paused. 
“Actually, can I grab some coffee or somethin’ for the walk back? It's freezin’ out there.” He chuckled.
“Of course!.” Percy answered as she started walking towards the kitchen, Darrell followed closely behind. “Or we made some spiked hot chocolate if you're interested?” He nodded with a smile.
“Sounds perfect, thank you.”
Darrell leaned against the counter top while Percy rummaged around one of the cabinets for one of her travel mugs, she settled on her matte black one. She raised the bag of mini marshmallows on the counter and gave them a shake as a silent question of want. Darrell nodded.  
“Bo was askin’ aboutcha yknow.” A smirk danced along Darrell's lips. Percy rolled her eyes, she was still waiting for that southern dumb ass to apologize for the fight he started.
“Oh god, what did he say this time?”
“Jus’ that he feels like an idiot.”
“Yeah well he should, he was being a total prick… and if he truly feels that way why hasn't he apologized to me yet?” Darrell shrugged. “Well you know how Bo can be.” Percy shrugged with an eye roll while she poured some rum into the travel mug followed by a hefty ladle of hot chocolate from a pot on the stove. The conversation caught the attention of the three in the living room as they peered over to listen in. Percy caught Bo being a bit flirty with one of the freshmen girls and they were having a huge fight. The guy was real sweet on his lady but still couldn't seem to ditch that typical frat boy attitude.
“An’ don't be alarmed if he shows up here sometime soon.” Darrell said as she put a handful of mini marshmallows in the mug.
“What makes you think he's gonna come here? The tool can't even pick up the phone and call me.”
“I heard him on the phone with Maggie this afternoon.”
Percy rolled her eyes once again with a huff as the two made their way into the living room. She tightly screwed the lid on the travel mug and handed it to him.
“Bo hasn't apologized yet?” Ava piped up. Percy and Darrell hadn't known their conversation was being listened to until now, they both turned their attention towards her. The older woman adjusted her glasses as she stepped towards the couch, leaning down against it.
“Don't you worry about it honey, you've got enough on your plate as it is.” She ruffled Ava’s hair as she walked Darrell to the door. The girls and Red shouted out loving goodbyes before he made his way back home in the thick snow.
While Ellie, Ava and Red were getting settled in, and Percy was making Darrell his hot chocolate to prepare him for his trek home, a stranger silently made his way into the house. Climbing up the lattice Ellie had so lovingly placed for her plants, and crawled through the unlocked attic window. Crawling out of the attic he heard the familiar voice of the little piggy bitch who hung up on him earlier. He crept towards the stairs and looked down, seeing two unfamiliar men with his girls made him seethe with rage. A snore from down the hall quickly diverted his attention. The man slowly tiptoed to the room the snoring was coming from and cracked the door open, peering in. A girl with bright pink hair lay fast asleep in her bed. He couldn't help but giggle at the colour. 
“Pretty piggy.” He thought to himself.
He made his way inside and shut the door behind him. Once his eyes adjusted to the dark he made his way to stand at the end of Bell's bed. Looming over her sleeping figure like a predator sizing up his prey. His hand slowly reached out to grasp a belt that was hanging around the post at the end of her bed frame… The nightmare had begun, and it began with a silent scream.
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light dividers by rainbowkisses31
☾ notes: I thought it would be fun to do something a little bit different with a bunch of oc's that belong to my friends and i. I love all these oc's and their creators so much <333
☾ tag list: @rottent33th @damien-mlm @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @the-pinstriped-hood @allthingsblood @25bohemianmoons @essenceproxima
message me if you want to be added to my tag list!
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kalid-raven · 2 years
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Scarlet with the boys! There’s story relevance in there somewhere, just gotta find it! 😉
@cries-in-latino @bluecoolr​ @probably-a-plant-thing
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Oh sweet boy he's absolutely flabbergasted
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Doesn't know what to do now like the repressed dunce he is.
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Context btw, lmao. Blame @cries-in-latino
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catfuyus · 1 year
we know how vampires are basically impossible to injure or hurt if you’re a human right? well what about vampires that weaken the more they love you. like nothing outside a wooden steak to the heart can wound them, but a little slap from their human lover has their cheek reddened for hours
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mecachrome · 2 months
notes from nicole piastri's interview on red flags pod
oscar started playing monopoly and chess when he was 4-5 but he was too good at chess (relative to nicole) that she boycotted it
nicole opened her twitter account because oscar wasn't replying to her at boarding school and she needed a place to chastise him ("can you not answer... i KNOW you're on your phone") (it worked because he started replying to her there)
instead of unflappable she calls him "conservative"
even during christmas and birthdays he was never super excited, one time they went with a group of 5 mums and 5 kids to a hi-5 concert (popular australian kids' musical group) and while all the kids were "going nuts" oscar just sat there "focused the whole time" and didn't smile or move lmfao. they were like 3 years old
didn't know what she was doing with oscar as a baby because he was her first child and her mothers' group was her only reference and they went "isn't the best part of the day when you wake up and go to their crib and they smile at you?" and she was like ??? because oscar would wake up and just SCREAM every single day needing to be out of there immediately and she thought that was just normal... then she had the girls and went "ahhhh... so that's what they're talking about"
when he was younger than 2 he needed them to read car magazines to him and was already obsessed with all things automotive and while they were driving would just name off and point out car brands by their badges
for a long period of time he behaved like he was a car and would "spin" his wheels and pretend to accelerate and run like a car lol
did a big burnout the first time he was on a bike (it had training wheels but he still learned very early)
as a mum she wishes he'd chosen golf or tennis since it's much safer than f1 and sometimes people tell her that she technically had a say in that when he was a kid and she said "but i didn't! it was just in him!!!"
won an academic award when he was 13 and she was president of the parents' community so she presented it to him, normally these events are super formal and you simply shake hands but she gave him a big kiss and instead of acting embarrassed or spluttering he looked at the crowd, nodded silently, and walked off
came back for the summer a few years ago and they were biking on the beach together when she had to brake hard to avoid a kid and went over, when she recovered and got back on he went "are you all right?" very deadpan but after they got home they checked his heart rate monitor and saw that he was totally steady the whole time except for when she crashed and his heart rate went through the roof, told him "ah so you do have a heart... we just don't see it"
"there's no sibling that can piss him off?" "well he's a boy with three girls so he just doesn't go there because he's never going to win"
met lily in person for the first time when he came home for the melbourne grand prix (was still alpine reserve), at midnight oscar was like "hey mum you know the dts film crew are coming tomorrow morning right?" and she was like WHAT... and he was like yeah it'll be chill they just want to film us having breakfast like a normal family or whatever and she was like Mate you haven't lived here for 5 years now do you know what breakfast looks like. it looks like your sisters storming downstairs and grabbing an inappropriate breakfast and storming out the door giving me the finger!!! and then the next morning lily comes down and nicole is like "oh is oscar up?" and lily is like no... i think he's still in bed... (many such cases) and then mae refused to be in it so she got dressed and ran off to school 2 hours early to escape them. and then the mclaren fiasco happened and the whole thing got cut out of dts anyway
when she said "oh my god you met matt damon!" he was just like (shrugs) "yeah... yeah..."
they communicate by facetiming and he's Always lying in bed. one time in bahrain he was leaning back on an ornate tapestry and she asked what hotel he was staying at and he was like oh i'm at the royal palace i'm like a guest of the crown prince. she freaked out and was like "oh my god!!! get your head off the tapestry!!!" and he just looked back like ? no it's fine it looks pretty old lol
called her to tell her that he signed his f1 contract and when he said mclaren she Realized and was like oh no i love daniel!! and he straight up deadpanned "yeah everyone loves daniel. that's going to be a problem..." and said verbatim "of all the f1 drivers ever daniel is the worst one to be replacing"
one time in f4 chris couldn't go to a race and billy monger had just had his crash so she flew to the uk for the weekend to support him and when she was driving him back to boarding school she was happy because she had 2 hours to spend with him and she wasn't sure when she'd see him again but instead he slept the whole way through and the moment they got back to school he went "ahhhh... home sweet home" and she wanted to slap him lmfao
first day of primary school when he was 5 years old he said he didn't need her to walk him to school and she was like "well i actually do mate" so he forced her to walk behind him the whole way and the moment they got there he turned to her and went "all right i'm here you can go now" 😭
the chinese & italian & yugoslavian is on chris's side of the family while nicole's is scottish & irish ("that's where the pasty skin comes from")
red flags pod sent her a shirt with oscar's face composed of His Tweet and she showed it to him and he immediately said he wanted it
he gave her a small warning before he posted the tweet but it was just like "mum so this is going to happen just don't worry about it. it's all under control. it'll be fine" and was very calm the whole time
"we just had to trust that his personality would come through at some point, because the way he came across was not at all what he's like. people will work out who the real you is so just continue to do what you do" 🥺
all of the kids were obsessed with Cars (2006)
likes his mum's golden syrup dumplings and grandmother's rumballs
AT THE SINGAPORE GP IN 2023 HATTIE DISAPPEARED FOR HOURS TO GO SEE A K-POP CONCERT 😭😭😭😭 i think it was p1h lmfao (nicole was asked for her favorite group and went "i have no idea. five boys") ((it's txt)) meanwhile oscar is only into house music and she thinks everything he plays is the same song
did pilates when he went home but never with her and thinks it's a lot harder than it looks
takes him minimum 24 hours to respond to anything she sends
she had an exact conversation with oscar where she asked who he wanted to be teammates with and he said "well if i go up against lando i don't even have to get close the first year because everyone knows how good he is" 😭
oscar you are so you 🧡
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dhampiravidi · 9 months
you know who it is.
that character who you wanna cuddle & pat & have as a best friend-- but then OTHER times you want them to rail you into next week & marry you bc they'd be the most loving, wonderful SO ever-- but then you remember you ship them SUPER HARD w/another fictional character...
(tag them)
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klausysworld · 1 year
can u write something about damon just being soft and whipped for his girl. just need a damon fluffy fic rn 😩😩
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Everything to him
Damon stood with his arms around his girl’s waist as she finished her makeup in the mirror. His chin on top her head as he watched as she layered the romantic red lipstick onto her soft plump lips. He could only hope to have their prints all over him by later that night as she looked herself over.
“You look perfect” he mumbled when she frowned a little and tilted her head. “There’s absolutely nothing I would change, in fact although the makeup has you looking all this much sexier, even without you wear the face of an angel” he purred seeing her lips lift into a smile and her head turn to look at him.
“I’d say flattery gets you no where but it seems to have gotten you rather far as of now” she lifted her arms over his head and round his neck while batting her lashes as him. He pulled her closer so his lips ghosted hers and his eyes dropped at the feeling of her fingers in his hair.
“I only tell the truth to you” he whispered gravelly and she hummed in reply, scratching at his head slowly knowing how it affected him. His eyes shut and pressed his forehead to hers “god I love you” he muttered and her smile grew
“I love you Damon Salvatore” she grinned and he tilted his head slightly to have his lips against hers. He allowed her to take the lead, moving her mouth against his and Brighton’s her other hand up to cup his face as both his hands slid up her back to hold the tops of her arms.
“You’re going to ruin my hair” he muttered and she laughed lightly against his lips before pulling back to look at him, her fingers running through each lock
“I like it messy” she decided before brushing it through with her hands and positioning it in a way that she found suited him best. His eyes glossed over as he watched her loving smile and felt her gentle touches. Her fingertips dances down the back of his neck and round to the front before she adjusted his leather, pulling it tighter on him and wetting her painted lips. Her palms smoothed down his chest, her deep red nails dragging down his black t-shirt before pulling up the hem only to groan at his display of abs. Her thumb tracing his happy trail and stopping at the top of his low-hanging jeans. Her fingers skimming over his belt in a teasing manner.
“Y/n…” he muttered feeling his body getting aroused by her actions “we have a reservation”he reminded, a breath of air leaving him as her hand cupped his crotch through his trousers “baby…” he whispered “you can almost never get a table there”
She sighed and gave him a light squeeze, listened to him grunt and then fixed his shirt and stepped back admiring him “okay…but after…” she pouted and he nodded eagerly
“After you can do anything you want.”
She bit her bottom lip gently and held her hand out which he quickly took with a lustful smirk in place.
He kept a hand in hers the whole drive there, only breaking the hold for a second as they got out the car before an arm was back round her hips. She smoothed her cherry coloured dress down, adjusting it to rest a little lower on her thighs as it had ridden up in the car. His gaze dropped to her heels which make a distinct ‘click’ with each step she took. His eyes followed back up her gorgeous legs, along her beautiful figure and back to her face. Watching as she spoke to the waiter at the front who was finding their reservation in the system with a bashful blush on his cheeks as she flashed her pearly white teeth. Damon knew how easy it was to get lost in her charm.
He was barely aware of the world around them as he followed her to their table by the window, overlooking the sunset which was already meeting the stary night sky. Menus were slipped into both their hands and wine glasses filled as though the staff just knew what they would order.
She looked to him with admiration in her eyes and his lips curled up “I can’t believe you managed to book us in here” she whispered and he smiled back
“I can’t believe you almost had us miss our time slot, we only just made it”
“I’m sure I would’ve made up for it”
his mouth formed a lip lifted grin in response and he glanced down to his wine glass “I don’t doubt that, not for even a second” he muttered under his breath and she offered him another award winning smile which consequently brought his own upon his lips.
Her foot slipped out of her heel to leisurely brush along his leg as their food came and they engaged in pointless yet meaningful conversation and ate their meals. And for one of those rare moments, he felt like he was human again. He felt no urges, no lust for blood or chaos, he was calm. Happy.
He loved Y/n in ways he had never explored. Ways he wasn’t sure how to but he did them regardless and if he was doing it wrong, she didn’t tell him. She just helped him feel it, she chose him first and loved him and solely him and it was all he had ever wanted. All he had ever needed.
His mind often wondered at times like this, just listening to her voice and watching her lips move, and then the way her eyes would shine under the light and her hair would bounce over her shoulders as she waved her hands around in unnecessary gestures.
He knew he was smiling like a teenage boy with a crush but he couldn’t help it, even when she stopped talking and just grinned back at him knowingly. Her hand finding his and squeezing gently as their desserts were placed before them.
“If you’d like…we could skip dessert” Damon whispered suggestively making her smile
“Oh but then we’d have wasted our reservation” she sighed and leaned back in her seat, digging into her sweet dish and watching his eyes darken over slightly before he looked down to his food and begrudgingly ate the heavenly portion.
By the time they had both finished, paid and gotten to the door, a horrific amount of rain was bouncing off the ground.
Y/n turned her head to him before swiping the car keys from his hand and dashing for car making him let out a laugh and chase after her, completely forgetting his vampire abilities and just managing to get into the car before she locked it. Both of them looked at each other with large smiles on their faces before each bursting into fits of laughed and flicking their hands at one another to throw rain-water on their faces.
Eventually they got home and Damon had he run his arms, spinning in circles and running for the ridiculously big bathtub so they could soak together in the warmth of both the water and each others arms.
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the20thangel · 2 months
The Realm's Jewel
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Another Request! Summary: (like an Au where there was no war) The reader is Rhaenyra’s only daughter and Damon’s daughter. She comes to King's Landing but with Benji, whom she married. BUT Aemond loved the reader and thought that when they married, her life with Benji would be horrible. When they show up, she’s very happy and has two little boys that look exactly like Benji. And maybe a little fight scene?
Word Count: 2510
The whole Red Keep was buzzing with excitement; Princess Daenys was returning to Kingslanding after five years away. King Viserys was overjoyed he missed his sweet granddaughter. She was indeed a beauty, with beautiful, long platinum hair and large doe-like eyes that were a gorgeous purple color. She was the eldest daughter of Princess Regent Rhaenyra and Prince Consort Daemon. Twin sister of Prince Jacaerys, she was the realm’s jewel. Everyone in the realm adored the lovely princess, so they celebrated her return. She spent five years away due to her marriage to the Lord of Raventree Hall. When the two were babes, Lord Benjicot and Princess Daenys were betrothed secretly by Princess Rhaenyra and Lord Samwell. Princess Rhaenyra noted that House Blackwood was not a House Paramount but had a great army and fierce warriors. It was a considerable advantage for her own house, and House Blackwood was honored with a princess. 
Daenys and Benjicot met a few times growing up. Unbeknownst to the rest of the court, the betrothed and Prince Jacaerys bonded by playing pranks on numerous Lords and Ladies who visited Kingslanding. Benjicot and Jace created a bond of brothers and, in turn, would sometimes try to play pranks on the princess. Unfortunately for Jace, all Daenys needed to do was bat her doe-eyes and push a pout to have Benji forget everything and follow her around like a love-sick puppy. Jace would tease Benji for it, but Benjicot couldn't care less. Benjicot and Daeny were due to marry each other on their 18th name day, but when Daenys turned six and ten, something changed. 
Viserys declared his wish to see Daenys and Aemond married. Rhaenyra raged at her father, stating that Daenys was her daughter and her daughter's marriage would not be decided by someone else. Viserys grew angry, declaring that he was the King and Aemond was a Targaryen prince; there was no better match than him. As Aemond walked smugly to the training yard, he taunted Jacaerys and Lucerys before shouting to Daenys that they would soon wed and asking her to reign in her brothers. Daenys blood ran cold hearing the news, and she ran to her mother sobbing. She did not want to marry Aemond; her heart belonged to Benji, and she would rather die than be married to someone else. Rhaenyra knew that the only way Daenys could marry her chosen husband would be how she married Daemon, going off and marrying, not allowing her marriage to be broken. Quietly in the night, Rhaneyra prepared Princess Daenys, writing a letter to Lord Samwell, explaining the situation and hopefully allowing her daughter to marry his son sooner than planned. 
In the cover of the night, Daenys flew out on her dragon Sliverwing to Raventree Hall. When the Red Keep noticed the princes' absence and scouts were sent to find the princess, a raven arrived from the Riverlands—stating the Princess's marriage to the Heir of House Blackwood, with the Septon’s stamp of officiality and a Septa’s account of the couple consummating the marriage. Viserys internally fumed, but he knew he could do nothing, only glaring at Rhaenyra, knowing she was the one who helped Daenys leave the Red Keep. 
Aemond was a whole different story. The Prince raged for three days, beating up anyone in his way, upset that the Heir to Raventree Hall stole his princess. He all but commanded his father to let him travel to Raventree Hall and bring back the traitor's head. This caused Viserys rage, stating that he would not risk a war with the Riverlands by killing an heir. Viserys noted that not only would the whole realm rage, but the seven, Aemond’s gods,  would curse him for killing his niece’s husband. Aemond huffed, leaving, and he would wait; he knew Daenys would soon see she made the wrong decision and come back begging for an annul, and they would marry the way the seven wanted them to be. 
Five years, and finally, the princess was back for the first-year celebration of her mother’s time as a Princess Regent. The whole court was waiting eagerly in the sides and gallery to catch how married life faired for the princess. Everyone quieted down when two Kingsguards slammed their swords to the ground, calling for attention, as a herald shouted—presenting Lord Benjicot Blackwood, of House Blackwood, Lord of Raventree Hall, and his lady wife Crown Princess Daenys Targaryen, with their two sons, their heir Davos Blackwood and his brother Aenar Blackwood. The whole court gasped when they saw the two four-name day-old sons walking between their parents. Davos wore mainly a red doublet with little ravens on his collar, looking like an exact copy of his father saved for the beautiful purple Valyrian eyes. While Aenar wore a black doublet with little red dragons on his collar, one eye was grey and the other purple, showing off the blood of the First Men and Valyrian running through his veins. They grew more in shock, seeing how Princess Daenys matured into a fine jewel. Her hair was raised in braids and then into a bun, letting a few hair strains frame her face. She walked side by side with her family, caressing a medium-sized bump, signaling that she was expecting another child with her husband, who looked smug, walking into the throne room. 
All four stopped infront of the iron throne, bowing to the Princess Regent, who walked down to hug her daughter and greet her grandchildren. 
The two boys grinned at their grandmother, bowing before they said, “Good morrow, your grace. It's nice to meet you.” 
This caused the whole court to swoon, well, all but the Targaryen/Hightower side of the family, especially Aemond, who fumed those sons and future children should have been his children, not some smug lord. He could not believe his Daenys took this long to return. Was she being held captive, and was her regal persona just that, a persona? He knew he needed to help her escape, and after she and he were married, he promised to treat those boys as if they were his, for they had to be more of Daenys in them than of Benjicot. 
As the Blackwood family settled into their suite, Daenys could not help but reminisce about her time in the Red Keep. There were many things she missed at her old home. 
“Wow! Muna, this your old room?! It's bigger than mine and Aenie’s rooms together!” asked Davos as he ran around in circles, causing Benjicot to laugh and pick up his son. 
“Yes, your mother was very spoiled here; she sometimes would act like it too,” taunted Benji as he smirked at his wife, who turned and playfully glared at her husband. 
“You dare lie to our sons, dear husband? Hmm, I will not stand for such lies.” She walks towards her eldest son, kissing him on the crown as she asks the servants to bathe both boys in preparation for the upcoming feast. 
“I only jest, love. You were not that spoiled,” grinned Benji, laughing as Daenys mock gasped, lightly hitting her husband.
“We shall see if I let you sleep in the bed with me at night, then we’ll see who truly is spoiled,” Daenys lightly threatened Benji, the princess grinning as he brought her to his arms and kissed her before the doors opened to bring in the Princes Jacaerys and Lucerys, who then pretended to gag. 
“Ugh, we did not need to see that!” jested Lucerys, jumping on Benjicot’s back, causing the lord to laugh, letting go of his wife as he pretended to wrestle with Luke. Jace shook his head at the two men and walked to his twin, kissing her on the cheek. 
“How was your trip here, dear sister,” asked Jace. 
“Tiresome, with two restless boys and a babe who would not cease kicking every time they felt their father’s hand on my stomach,” stated Daenys, smiling as her husband and younger brother messed around. 
“Then you have two overgrown children here, so what are we to do?” joked Jace, who then shouted, feeling Ben grab him and bring him into the fight. 
“I thought you both came here to warn Daenys not to mess around like children?” questioned Baela walking in with her sister Rhaena, both being betrothed to the Targaryen brothers. 
The men separated breathing heavily as Daenys looked confused, “Warn me? About what?” asked Daenys. 
Luke groaned, “about uncle Aemond, he is still in his ass, thinking that you were stolen from him and that Ben here is a terrible husband to you.” 
Daenys scoffed, “Is he truly into his delusions to think I ever loved him? Anybody with eyes could see how Ben and I acted around each other. There was a reason why House Blackwood was constantly invited to the Red Keep.” 
Jace snorted as the two boys ran into the room, into their uncles’ arms. “Well, not him, so don’t be surprised if he tries to pick a fight with you, Ben.” 
Little Davos smirked uncanny to his father's smirk, “Kepa will just then break his nose, just like he did with the loser Braken when he tried to kiss Muna !” exclaimed Davos, while Aenar cheered. 
The two Targaryen Princes and their future wives gaped, staring at the Lord of Raven Tree Hall, who only grinned. 
“That will be a story to tell when the children are sleeping,” explained Daenys. 
The feast was going well, and everyone was enjoying the food and entertainment brought by Princess Rhaenyra. Well, all but one. Aemond kept glaring at Benjicot any chance he had. His glare only worsened when someone complimented the couple or when Benjicot showed affection to his wife. Aemond could have sworn that he once saw the lord smirk at him as he caressed the Princess’s growing belly. Aegon noticed before snorting into his wine that a storm was brewing, and he was much too sober for it yet. 
As the toasts began, everyone was toasting Princess Rhaenyra’s first year of reign or the welcome back of Princess Daenys. Finally, everyone grew tense when it came to Aemond as the Prince rose, staring straight at Daenys, who scowled, pressing herself to her husband. 
“A toast to Princess Daenys; welcome back, my princess. I have missed your pretty eyes all these years, but you are back where you belong. It is truly a shame your sons look so much like their sire. Nevertheless, they will be loved…” started Aemond, smirking at Benjicot, who was becoming upset with each word coming out of his mouth. 
Davos and Aenar were confused. Why was this man saying that it was a shame they looked like their Kepa? Muna always stated that she loved how they looked like him when they asked the question. Alicent was trying to shut Aemond up, telling him to be quiet and sit down, but Aemond only pushed her away. 
“You both should have pure Valyrian blood, but your father stole your mother from me and, in turn, tainted your blood with that of those barbarians blood of the First Men.” as soon as the words left Aemond’s mouth. 
Benjicot angrily rose from the table, which caused Aemond to start walking around, ready to fight Lord Blackwood. The whole table exploded with chaos, and Rhaenyra, Viserys, and Alicent called for order and peace. Jace and Luke each took one of the boys far from the conflict with Baela and Rhaena. Daemon reached his daughter, leading her away for her husband, as Daenys yelled for Benjicot to return. Heleana covered her ears as she pressed her eyes closed, not wanting to see, with lastly Aegon laughing drunkenly at his brother’s stupidity. Lord Blackwood was not called Bloody Ben for nothing. 
As Aemond ran to Benjicot, he took out his sword, swinging it towards the head. Benjicot, who had seen actual conflict and not just training, quickly ducked as he punched Aemond’s face. This caused Aemond's eyebrow to bleed, and he stumbled back. Angered, he threw himself on Benjicot, who in turn grabbed him as they fell to the ground, punching and kicking each other. 
Alicent began screeching as Rhaenyra called for the kingsguard to separate the two. As the guards ran in, Benji was able to get on top of Aemond, and he wildly punched the Prince’s face repeatedly, Ben’s knuckles becoming a bloody mess; he would have continued if he had not heard Daenys distraught yell. 
“Ben, that’s enough; you’ll kill him!,” shouted Daenys as she broke free from her father, running to her husband. 
As Benjicot smiled widely, he raised away from Prince Aemond and threw one last kick. Daenys reached her husband, grabbing his face into her hands. 
“Come back, Ben. You did enough; I’m here,” she whispered as she kissed Benji, who finally exhaled and pressed a small kiss in return. 
“Guards, seize Lord Blackwood, have him whipped for striking Prince Aemond!” screeched Alicent as she tried ordering, growing angry when no one moved. 
Viserys, although weak from the chaos, walked with the help of Heleana. “That’s enough, Alicent; if anything, Aemond should be punished for insulting Lord Benjicot and Princess Daenys and their children. He caused this violence!” 
Alicent gasped, “He is your son Viserys!” 
“That does not excuse him from insulting guests or trying to kill them; get Prince Ameond a maester for his injuries and the rest back to our rooms. No, Alicent enough! Guards take the queen consort back to her rooms, with a tea to calm her.” ordered Viserys as both his daughters led him away. 
Daenys sighed in relief and quietly apologized. She asked her brothers to take her sons to the nursery and led her husband back to her rooms. Once in her chambers, Daenys cleaned up her husband's wounds, mainly his knuckles. 
“Was that all necessarily Ben?” asked Daenys as she cleaned him up. 
Benjicot sighed, feeling only slightly ashamed. He had not meant to cause stress to his wife. “Yes, he insulted our sons, and I grew tired of him thinking you are his when you are mine, my princess, my love, my wife,” said Ben as he kissed her neck. 
Daenys sighed, “I know, but you know how much I hate seeing you injured; it kills me every time.” stated Daenys, kissing him softly on his lips. 
Benji apologized again to his wife, holding her close to him, kissing her crown as he gently rocked them. Daenys sighed in contentment before a mischievous look crossed her face. 
“Although I grew very excited once I saw you winning the fight. You look radiant, my love,” whispered Daenys, her grin growing as she heard her husband growled. 
Daenys squealed as Benjicot flipped her, him in between her legs. 
“One day, your pretty words will not have such an effect on me, my princess,” growled playful Benji as he nibbled on Daenys lips. 
Daenys giggled, “One day, but that day is not today,” grabbing her husband's shoulders as they continued to kiss.
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bluecoolr · 2 years
And when your fears subside and shadows still remain,
I know that you can love me when there's no one left to blame
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So never mind the darkness, we still can find a way
Nothin' lasts forever, even cold November Rain
@cries-in-latino come cry with me. I love our boys so much 😭😭😭
Please click for better quality!
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