#thank god it’s on utube
nessa007 · 1 year
ppl who said Ryan was "too old" are about to be proved wrong by that box office $$$$$ he's about to rake in. he's hilarious and perfect for this role. and also gorgeous??? A TRUE BEAUTY KEN. "I saw a ken face down in the mud and texted Greta a pic with I must tell this man's tale" xD also there's never a person (until RECENTLY) saying the female actors aren't cast old enough (I'm not taking about Margo). The viral moment a little while ago was when Emmy Rossum was cast as Tom Holland's mom (and it's only because it's Tom hype it was noticed, I love him but still this has been happening since cinema has existed) she's only ten years older than him. That just happened in a Jessica Chastain movie like two years ago and no one said anything. My neices were watching a utube soap and I kid you not the "mom" was the SAME AGE. It's every movie; every show. I'm so happy Halle was cast as Ariel - appropriate age!!! I understand productions cast older teens/young adults rather than kids because then they can cut corners with union rights/demands like kids needing more breaks and parents on sets and like... basic human decency. also shows like R!verdale have teens sleeping together every weeek and sexy shots yada yada that actual teens WOULD NOT be permitted to do in filming (thank god they have intimacy coordinators now FINALLY). I forget who pointed it out, but you never see a news woman with grey hair. On a man it's distinguished on a woman it's ugly or she's a crone. I'll watch movies where they cast a 30 something woman and make her 50 by graying her hair. Like wtf? Anytime I'm watching a high school scene with a friend I say "none of those people are high schoolers". I'm an actor who's repeatedly told I AM LUCKY MY FACE LOOKS YOUNGER THAN I AM. This is going to last me about what 3 years? 2? I was just basically let go from a gig because FB feedback on photos were I looked "too old" for a character and it was because our boss was casting TEENAGERS illegally so yeah, of course I'm going to look about 80 years old (at 31) next to a 13 year old. She said "we're going to cast you as older roles" yeah we NEVER get requests for those. I wonder why. Okay, sorry for the rant... These reasons are why I'm so happy for Ryan. Prove the haters wrong and hopefully more light is shed on this too old/too young/ageism issue as a whole. Perfect moments and the movie hasn't even come out: THE JUST KEN SONG I DIDN'T KNOW WOULD HAPPEN JUST DROPPED?!
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He thought of the KEN underwear!!
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he's not afraid to poke fun at himself, wear pink a whole movie and funny outfits and dye his hair - so many "action movie" macho men actors would NEVER. this is the same guy from Blade Runner, Drive, The Gray Man (lol for their shoutout to his Ken)
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the tassel shaking, "I'll need clicky pen", the changing scenery and outfits montage, rock paper scissors, crossing his fingers when he asks barbie if he can come over xD EVERY MOMENT IS PERFECT.
yeah, sadly ageism is always gonna be a thing with hollywood and especially for women.
i don’t care how old ryan is, he is PERFECT in this role and that’s just judging from the few clips and trailers released. i love seeing all the early reviews saying this will be the role he is remembered for and he steals every scene he’s in 👏👏👏 i’m so excited to see the movie, especially for ryan !!!
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krayonsblog · 3 months
There are quite a lot of Celtic Thunder photos and songs on UTube. There are photos from when they first began, and the original group, and some from later days when there were changes in the personnel, but many songs from the early days.
I recommend Whiskey in the Jar by Keith and Neil; Caledonia by the original group; a salute for George; All God's Creatures Have a Place in the Choir; Halleluja with Ryan, Keith, and Neil; George with 500 miles; Keith with some 60s surfing songs; and lots more, some with the older members and the newer members.
carol stepp, aka dragonstepp
Thank you xo
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akastrologyzone · 9 months
Get Solution For Your Career Problem
I want to brief myself by giving my self introduction through this page. Myself Mr Amit Kapoor I belong to a business class family. get solutions for career problem As my fore fathers and father are into business from last 40 years. I got an opportunity to do my mechanical engineering where I was taught how to play with the tools, but somehow my interest was not too much into it.
Since my childhood, I was so curious to know about the planets how planets are revolving around us or how we are revolving around the planets? And what impact planets give on our personal birth chart. At this point i realised the journey of playing with planets is much interesting than playing with the tools . So i started reading birth charts. By the grace of God.
I came across so many people who approached me for their personal problems. They started believing in my astrology because the remedies which i guided them played a magic in there life through which i got lot of popularity. By gods grace its almost more than 25 years i have been practicing astrology and I realised one thing that planets are watching us regularly and how well they are placed in our birth chart which actually effects our KARMAS. So till now i am learning each day from everyones experience. Now i have created my own platform like Utube, Instagram and facebook from where i am connected with people all over the world. In last i must say that astrology ROCKS and has the power to change our bad times to good times. Thanks a ton to all my veiwers and my well wishers.
Ammit Kapur
World famous Astrologer
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The Natal Chart or Birth Chart is also referred to as Janma Kundali or Janam Kundali in India. There are distinctive types of Birth chart readings like - mental - spiritual increase readings beneficial for non secular people, folks who meditate, are initiated into a religious order or are otherwise on a religious adventure; and secondly future predictions with time line which can be just predictive in nature for folks that just want "the statistics." And, there's also the 0.33 opportunity of a mixture of a spiritual boom and destiny prediction analyzing that is the exceptional of all. Read all approximately Birth Charts.
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nataliesnews · 2 years
Talking to Glenn, my great nephew, about the death the Queen….and reading so many  comments about their extreme wealth and the terrible effects of colonization……but I still say thank God for the Royal family. Had Edward not abdicated few of us would be here to tell the tale. I believe there is something on utube about Edward the traitor.
 I was in the bus the other day when the driver really started acting weird. To tell you the truth I thought he had gone crazy. He sits in this closed compartment and suddenly he kept looking around as if he were looking for someone and then he got up and began swatting around on the floor. He said that he thought he had seen a mouse in his compartment. He had the door to the driver's compartment half open and it didn't look too safe. But then a woman getting out of the bus said she had just seen it herself. I keep asking myself how the devil a mouse could get into the bus and especially into the closed compartment. But at least now I know he was sane. Maybe the bus wanted to get somewhere in a hurry.
 Thursday was a long day. Arthur (my nephew) phoned to say that he and Sheryl were on a flying visit to Israel , guests of Google and another company and they had a window of a few hours. I had been going to Acre with Women make Peace but that was in the afternoon and the hours they were free suited me well. So I went down and we had breakfast or rather brunch on the beach and caught up on family gossip and then I went off to the train station.
 It is the beginning of a number of events calling on the government or what passes for one now to make peace. How effectual I do not know but then nothing of what we are doing now seems to be very effectual. Maybe we are just massaging our own pain. But at least we will not be one of those who will say….we did not know and we did not see. This took place on the lawns in front of the fortifications of Acre.
 There were a few hundred women there I think and of course no press coverage of any sort. It was not a great event but when someone asked me how I felt about it, I said that the next morning when I got up and read the newspaper in despair I would think of it was an evening with a feeling of pleasure. As you can see from the photo our colleagues, the Arab and Palestinian women whose organization is called Women of the Sun were together in calling for peace. The Palestinians have to be really courageous to do what they do as , I think that they are really in danger in their villages and in their homes. Though I imagine that those who do join us do so with the cooperation of their families.
          There was a long and full program and ended about 21.00 but then our problems started. It turned out that there had been an accident and the entrance to Acre was closed. We had no idea of when we could get home and it was about two hours later that the bus arrived and Sarah Sherman, who had brought a shofar with her and used it during the program, drew it out again and gave us a long blast.
   We got home at 2 am….and were so pleased that we had not had to spend the night on the grass of Acre. I do not understand how a town can only have one entrance.
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koutawoo · 4 years
Hi! I saw your post about Haikyuu day and thought I might explain if that is okay. It’s because of the way that the numbers can be pronounced/read so 8 (ハ) 1 (イ) 9 (キュー). I hope you don’t mind me explaining!
omg that’s what i thought (tell me i’m big brain >:3) but the イ is random because it is literally just /i/ rather than /ichi/ LOL (unless there’s smth i don’t know about イ then uhhh)
thanks for explaining!! i have been enlightened
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violet-amet · 3 years
sorry im like an anxious tea kettle that cant stop screaming. i blame how im feeling today. anyway.
i wonder how i can rig some of these 3d models i have ripped from the game. i mostly want to use them for personal use, but i think that, even tho im proud of myself finally getting them, i have not thought about how difficult the process of rigging was going to be. im sure ill figure it out, but again, didnt think id get this far, so i kept the models sitting in my files for future use.
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floralbfs · 3 years
nsbdnsbdjd one of my friends bought undertale and i started geeking out about it for like half an hour in the group zoom
#LISTEN UNDERTALE IS LIKE OBJECTIVELY THE BEST GAME EVER IT'S SO THOUGHT OUT AND EVERYTHING U DO HAS CONSEQUENCES AND THE CONSEQUENCES ARENT#MAGICALLY ERASED BY A NEW SAVE FILE AND AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AND EVERYTHING IS SO PERFECTLY MADE OK????#and i hadnt thought abt it for a while and i got EXCITED and it all went downhill from there sjjdjsbsjsjd#sometimes i do think i shld make like utube vids but then i remember how inconsistent i am w everything and how my motivation and#self-esteem fluctuates wildly every two seconds especially if i announce that im going to do something y se me quita#it wld b so fun :((((( i wld b able to rant abt topics im passionate abt w/o worrying abt annoying people (bc like idc abt views but also if#someone watches my video then it's their own fault and if they think im talking too much then they can just click out of my video thank u#very much) and hONESTLY im interesting and smart and fun and luz says im good at speaking abt stuff and i make thinks sound cool and#interesting and i make people learn stuff and WANT to learn stuff and things like that#but shes my best friend so idk if she just says that out of love but also i trust & believe her so it must b true <3#and also i have SO MANY WORDS inside of me it wld be so fun just getting it all out!!!!!!#but then id also accidentally make like. hour-long videos.......#and god knows i can barely watch half-hour long videos w/o losing interest in like. LIFE. so i dont rly want to subject ppl to that lmao#BUT ANYWAYS i started talking abt undertale and every aspect of it and before i gave too many critical spoilers i agreed to shut up but#goddddd i cld have talked for three more hours i SWEAR#jshfjdjdj this is why i love talking w david bc he's just as much of a chatty nerd as me sometimes so we can talk abt stuff for a good while#and hes so easy to talk to aaaaaaaaa i wish we cld see each other irl again#but also i wldnt want to bother him so sjbfdnfbdnfn idk idk#okie dokie im getting the bouncie kind of overthinking so i will go now <3#honey talk#ask to tag#i guess???????
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k1spiegel · 6 years
hello friends and followers that also love following the law and having money, does anyone happen to have Any Idea where a person like me could grab Ad*be Flash (any ver) for No Money
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kmgoogiemin · 2 years
Hi Georgia! Thank god all those tkkrs and antis come to your blog, they opened my eyes, I was so wrong about life but they fixed my misconseptions!
1. Turns out, IG is the only proof of life, at least since 02Dec.2021. As I don't post shit there my personal life in particular is a mysery and in general I'm dead, hello from the other side! That's obviously the only reason jm posts sth once in a while too as much as he don't like it, just to let the world know he's still alive.
2. Celebrities get into relationships based on opinions of internet anons who ship them. I bet that's how tomdaya got together, their agents told them they're being shipped. I can totally see that convo bw jk and tae:
jk: hey, tae, many shippers believe we look good together, so lets have sex and get married!
tae: great news, jk, I feel like I already am pssionately in love with u! Wait, what if I'm not gay?
jk: well u are if ppl say so, hurry up and take ur pants off, ppl on twt say IG selcas mean we f*cked!
3. Twitter trends obviously also prove which ships are real. Like, the more ppl want sb to be together, the bigger the chance those 2 will be together cuz 1) see par.2 and 2) the sheer power of thought, if ur wish is strong enough it comes true, especially if you keep repeating it like a prayer. Jikook trending doesn't count though cuz apparently fanservice, duh.
4. Jikook is definitely a fanservice cuz all we know abt them happened ON cameras, that's how we know anything at all and so their relationship is all fake. Tkk is real cuz all their meaningful moments happen OFF cameras and no one has literally zero proof those moments happened which means they definitely happened, thank god there are smart shippers who could figure that out of thin air. In general this should mean everything all ships do on cameras is fake tkk including and I'm confused but that's probably just cuz I'm not smart enough to understand that.
5. Everybody hates jm, how could I not realise that?! Like, I thought I loved him but that big warm feeling I have towards him must be, in fact, hate (thanks to your anons I know now)! So what if he's been trending on Twitter almost daily for years with thousands of 'jm we love u, u'r amazing thank god u exist' posts, it's simply impossible someone could love him for real! I bet it's all his own manipulations, that's why he barely comes online, he's too f*cking busy juggling multiple accounts writing posts abt himself, he overdone it so much he got his own name muted but that cunning little ass still manages to trend daily with half a dozen other names! Thank god Yoongy his bf sleeps all the time he's off work otherwise their relationship wouldn't last cuz jm barely has time for anything else. Srsly, let this poor guy go already, all those men and women all over the world falling for him don't exist, it's all a big fat lie! And that model who screamed 'jm marry me!' was totally paid by jm.
6. South Korea is apparently a gay paradise with fairies and unicorns, just like in those BL webtoons one can find online where every man is hot and gay and women only exist if they're gay too, I mean, Korean artists drew that so they must be telling the truth, right? Homophobia doesn't exist there, that's why BH covers the real gay couple with the fake gay couple, the only reason celebs don't rush to come out is cuz their nasty companies want them to play straight to milk all those naive female fans who dream of marrying them one day or believe celebs are all saints who gave chastity vows. Actually, homophobia doesn't exist anywhere, so taekook (proven couple cuz see par.2-4) will definitely officially come out very soon (again cuz they took a habit of coming out every week since they got IG, ahh the power of that SM!) you just wait and see. And other ships will follow suit cuz BTS is obviously one big gay circus, see utube edits and wattpad/ao3 ffcs for proof, they're obviously all documentaries.
Phew, I'm sure I missed sth, I mean I'm going through fundamental changes in my head u know so it's easy to forget sth but I'm looking fwd to the new revelations, my life will not be the same!
seeing it all written there kinda is just crazy
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toshio · 2 years
Omg yes i saw ur utube video about how ur broke n $60 nintendo games r expensive. I 110% agree!! I remember in the good ol' days when 3ds games were $30. I probably buy a $60 switch game once a year now. Thank god nintendo let more 3rd party developers on the switch. My library has soo much cheap, but good, games 😍😍
i have sooo many video games but i don't even play them to completion lmfao. and i think that's normal but i seriously get overwhelmed by so many new releases, when i get rich i think collecting video games would be unpractical even
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jrueships · 3 years
ok consider…. artist kawhi.
I'm gonna be honest anon... I tried. I TRIED drawing a whole punch of pg sketches in different angles... and being like 'oh kawhi drew this LOL' but then they all came out like crap and I was like 'kawhi would never draw this.' so... the best I can give u is this deranged pilot p sketch I made bcus I couldn't draw pg any other fuckin way. Kawhi DIDNT draw this. He would NEVER. I just felt bad for not making this answer as epic as I wanted it 2 be 😭
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BUT ANYWAYS.... Y E S. ARTIST KAWHI PLSSSSS YEAH!!! I personally am not like.. BIG into art??? I just doodle sometimes when I feel like it and do no research so I can't like... describe kawhi artist all that great 😭 BUT!!! I feel like kawhi would be like!!! A BIG scenery artist!!!! He's the kind of artist who'll go outside without even wanting to draw, find a beautiful tree standing in the middle of the forest, pull out a journal and just sketch the absolute FUCK outta that thing!!!! Like UHH like this!!
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I didn't draw this btw duh KANDJA pinterest
And he's really slow and methodical with his art. Every line has a purpose!!!! Everything that gets put down onto paper gets turned into something beautiful! He's like one of those artists on utube where they start off a drawing and it looks insane and crazy but then u skip to the end and it's MONA LISA BABY!!!and it's like wtf happened????
ALSO I think he'd like to draw animals A LOT!!
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Mainly he'll just draw whatever little creature he sees! Like mainly birds sitting on wires! Because he finds them so fascinating with their hollow bones and how they can sit on things that don't make sense!!!@! Sometimes he draws a more exotic animal just for fun tho!!! Like the elephant !!!! But YEAH I think he'd be a very detailed and realistic artist!!! Uh.... REALISM I think that's what's its called.... ANYWAYS yEah he's a God at shading and understands light and how there needs to be a bounce light and stuff??? But like... at the same time... he doesn't. Like he's just SO pulled into his own drawing he doesn't even realize what he's skilled at because he just doesn't care!!! He just likes to draw because it makes him feel happy!!! Somebody will look at his drawing and be like "oh that's really good insert technical complex art term here!!!' And kawhi would just be like "that's a stick. Yeah. Thanks."
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LOTSA WATER CUZ LA HAS LOTSA WATER I THINK????? ROCKS!! LOTSA ROCKS!!!! I think he'd just be a natural artist so when he's standing at a location painting some specific scenery, he doesn't like... tilt his head and strain himself to picture the perfect angle. He just plops himself down by the isle and gets to work!!!!
But with drawing objects and people I think kawhi gets VERY meticulous.... very VERY careful. I think he draws Cars a lot, especially as a kid.. wants to put the perfect frame on display in the drawing. Make it look shiny and spruced up!!!
And with people... I think he's very secretive with drawing people KANXJA he has the basil where he thinks he puts too much of himself in drawing people. He puts too much thought into what personality trait the drawing should exemplify and what features should be showcased more and its all very !!!! Dear to him! It's embarrassing and very telling if others see into what he thinks of them!!!!!
Especially paul george... I think kawhi has a lot of drawings of pg... not only because he may secretly like pg but also because pg DOES have a very interesting figure to draw!!!!! The facial features are very unique!!! The eyes are small yet different and detailed. Even his stupid line up is different!!! It's all very fascinating and drawing pg probably takes kawhi the longest!! He probably draws him in different angles and poses to see how the features appear from different sights and such. IDK!!!!
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infinite-hearts-333 · 4 years
Broken pack, Broken wolf
Sander sides, Analogical (Eventually), Logan Angst, Werewolf AU
WARNING: really bad writing, angsty, lack of sleep and starvation, swearing I'll add to this
Part 5- Welp, the cat- um, dog’s out of the bag?
Virgil woke cold, alone and very, very scared. He blinked once, twice, confused at where the soft warm thing he was cuddling before had gone to. He slightly pouted at the lost, and shifted, curling up more in hope of gaining more warmth. A few minutes past and Virgil was still awake, and huffed, swinging his legs out of bed and sitting up. He wouldn't be sleeping any time soon, or well... not here. He picked up his phone, turning it on. He hissed as its bright light scorched his eyeballs, and he fumbled with it for a few minutes, desperate to turn down the brightness.
One thirty. Virgil huffed, rubbing his head. The nightmare- that's what he believed had woken him up, was a shattered memory, only noises and colours were the only thing that came to mind when he tried to recall it. Virgil shuffled, and then stood. Maybe someone was awake? It was unlikely.... But... Virgil didn't wanna be alone. He missed bathing in the soft warmth from the movie marathon, and Virgil assaulted his brain in trying to remember what it was. White and blue, glasses, and a firm but undeniable soft grip. Logan? Virgil felt his cheeks flush. It made sense, the only person near him was Logan at the time.
Maybe he wouldn't mind? Virgil shifted, his brain arguing about whether to go find Logan so late at night. Virgil stubbornly got up, paced around before storming (Quietly mind you-) out of his room. He twisted down the halls, before turning and going the longer way to Logan's room out of pure spite. Finally he found himself in front of Logan's door. This was dumb he shouldn't be here, all he was going to do is annoy him, and then he'll hate him oh god he should just go back to his room shouldn't he-? Virgil was cut out of his thoughts by the muffled sound of a laptop closing, a sigh and a sniffle.
Virgil froze. Logan was awake at this ungodly hour? And.... was he.. crying? Virgil inhaled, gathering all his strength and knocked on the door before slightly opening it and peeking his head around the corner. Logan was very much awake, and by the looks of it, very much shocked and.... scared? Virgil's eyes widened, and his mouth was left ajar as he stared. Logan had a tail. And wolf ears. A fucking tail and wolf ears. Logan's eyes were just as wide, and it was only then that Virgil noticed his shoulders were shaking as he took a scared step back, ears folding down and tail tucking itself in between his legs. "I-i-it isn't w-wwhat you t-t-think Virgil." Logan got out, and Virgil barely picked up on the soft whine that came from the other.
"You're a werewolf." Virgil breathed, shock turning into awe. Logan had backed up into a wall, and whined again, much louder than before. Virgil walked into the room completely, shutting the door behind him as he walked over to Logan. Logan whimpered, and began to look around frantically, pushing up against the wall. Without thinking Virgil reached to touch one of Logan's ears to see if it was real, but Logan flinched hard, throwing his hands up over his head. "P-p-please d-dont h-hurt m-me!!" Logan choked out, trembling. Virgil blinked, and lowered his hand, now confused and slightly horrified. "I'm not going to hurt you Lo." he said softly. "I would never hurt you. You being a werewolf changes nothing." Logan peeked through his fingers, also confused. "W-what?"
Virgil did his best to mimic the reassuring smile Logan always gave him when he was nervous. "I'm not going to hurt you Lo, and I won't let the others hurt you either, if they go to do so." This whole scenario had sent a pang of pain into Virgil's heart. It hurt that Logan believed that his species would mean the others would hurt him. Logan slowly moved his hands from his head, one ear folding forward while the other remained flat. Logan blinked, and shuffled slightly, but didn't speak. Virgil smiled again, and went to reach out again, much slower than before.
Logan watched Virgil, curling in on himself even more as the hand neared his face and then moved to lightly stroke Logan's perked ear. The ear was soft, like silk, and incredibly fluffy. Logan froze, blinking, and then all the tenseness in his shoulders released, and he leaned a little into the hand with a content smile. Virgil fought back a 'awww' and smiled, gently taking one of Logan's hands and started to lead him away from the wall. Now that Virgil's attention was away from the fact that Logan was a werewolf- well sort of- Virgil looked around. The room seemed normal, aside from the weird looking pillow fort, primarily made of a massive mattress and firm walls with a blanket thrown over the top, making it like a tent.
There was a desk, a dresser, and unsurprisingly a massive bookshelf. The roof was painted with a picture of the night sky and the floor was covered in thick grey carpet. Virgil came to the conclusion the weird mattress thing was a bed, and led Logan over to it. "Why are you up so late?" Virgil asked, ensuring to continue the steady rubbing of Logan's ear, which seemed to lull the other into a calmer state. "I could say the same about you." Mumbled logan, voice thick with bliss. "Touche. But I wasn't awake before, I was sleeping and woke up." Virgil said with a shrug. Logan hummed, his eyes fluttering shut. "I was working. I guess i..i .." Logan cut himself off with a large yawn, revealing massive long fangs. "I didn't notice the time... why are you here?"
Virgil blushed a bit. "I couldn't sleep... I wanted to see you." Logan hummed softly, and nearly walked into Virgil once he stopped moving. Virgil blushed more, letting Logan's hand go to softly stroke both of Logan's ears. Logan's content sleepy smile grew, and he leaned closer, nearly falling forward. Virgil chuckled. "Let's get you to bed, you need sleep." Virgil let go to Logan's ears, taking his hands again. Logan pouted slightly, but quickly stopped, and followed Virgil down into a squatting position to crawl into the pillow fort. Virgil didn't mention the adorableness of Logan's pouting, nor the weirdness of having a pillow fort instead of a bed. Virgil guessed the pillow fort was a werewolf thing, which he made a mental note to harass all the info Logan had about werewolves out of him in the morning.
Once Logan was curled up in a bundle of pillows with a couple stuffed wolves, Virgil turned to leave. He came here for a reason, but he didn't wanna bother Logan any longer, given he would probably want to have some space. However, Virgil was stopped by a warm hand firmly, but softly grabbing a hold of his wrist, followed by a soft whine.
Virgil looked back to see Logan pouting slightly, ears folded down. "S-stay? Please? I don't wanna be alone again....." he stuttered quietly. Virgil felt his heart melt, and smiled slightly feeling his cheeks heat up. "Of course." He said softly, turning back around and crawling over to Logan. Logan smiled in a way that Virgil had never seen before, and his heart melted more. He would die happily to get to see Logan smile like that again. Virgil laid down right next to Logan, trying to ignore his blush that had rapidly grown. Logan shamelessly snuggled up to Virgil, tucking his head under Virgil's chin and tangling their legs together. Virgil blush went a vibrant red that reached his ears, and Logan let out a small happy dog-like growl. Logan's ears were perked forward, brushing against Virgil cheeks and neck and Logan's bushy silky black tail was draped over virgil.
"Thank you...." Mumbled Logan, relaxing as Virgil hesitantly wrapped his arms around Logan's waist. Virgil scoffed, pretending it wasn't a big deal that he was cuddling the hottest side in the mind palace, and that he definitely didn't have a crush on him. "No problem teach...." mumbled Virgil, resting his head on top of Logan's directly in between the two fluffy wolf ears, which continued to brush Virgil's cheeks. Virgil stayed awake for a bit, shifting one hand to reach up and began to stroke Logan's silky soft ears again. Logan was barely awake, nuzzling and nestling closer, his eyes slowly sliding shut. Virgil smiled as he watched the logical one fall asleep, before he too, closed his eyes, feeling much safer now that he was with someone. And the two uneasy sleepers were out like lights.
Virgil kinda wished he could stay asleep forever. His bed seemed softer, comfier, like he was sinking into it. There was warmth everywhere, wrapped around him and weighing him down a bit- which was probably a weighted blanket of some sort. (Maybe Patton had given it to him-?) But the biggest heat source was pressed neatly against Virgil's chest, fitting there perfectly as if they were two puzzle pieces that fitted together. Virgil clung to it, holding it close, and by the way it snuggled closer with a small content purr-like-growl, Virgil guessed that it didn't wanna move either.
Wait. Growl? Virgil forced his eyes open in panic, only to relax once more as the sight of Logan came into view. Ah, that's right. The resident nerd was a wolfy boi. Virgil softly huffed, and blinked groggily, sluggishly lifting his hand from being curled around Logan's lower back to lightly thread through Logan's hair. Logan's soft growling got louder, and he nestled even closer, nuzzling away at Virgils chest.Virgil softly smiled, recalling everything he could about werewolves. In Virgil's past life, he had a UTube channel on Cryptids and spirits and all the spoopy stuff. Werewolves were pack creatures right?
Virgil looked down at the small stuffed wolves that sat around him, and picked one up. Could these be Logan's past pack mates? He probably missed them a lot. Virgil softly frowned, and looked down at the Logical side that was desperately clinging to Virgil. Wolves.... Wolves were social creatures, normally bonded very close to their pack mates. Virgil looked down pitifully at Logan, softly rubbing circles to one of Logan's ears. Without the touch of his pack... Virgil wouldn't be surprised if Logan had some form of touch starvation.
Logan let out another soft happy rumble, and Virgil could feel Logan's tail slightly wagging form under the blanket. Virgil shifted lightly, and peeked under the covers to look at the tail. It was sleek and black, draped possessively across Virgil's form. It was then that the small, near unnoticeable facts about Logan arose to Virgil. His shirt seemed far too big for him. Virgil blinked, and frowned some more. He then blushed, hesitant to check, but for the sake of his anxieties, carefully lifted up a bit of Logan's shirt. Virgil froze with shock, staring wide eyed at Logan's stomach. He could count Logan's ribs; he was that skinny. "Oh logan...." Whispered Virgil. He looked at Logan with a worried look, and lowered Logan's shirt now focusing on Logan's face.
There was something flaking under Logan's eyes. Virgil, very carefully, wiped his finger under Logan's eye, revealing a dark purple colour. Virgil held in a gasp, and wiped more of what appeared to be founation away, until Logan's bags were visible. Not even Virgil had bags that bad. Virgil bit his lip to hold in a sob. Had anyone else noticed? Or cared? Tears welled up in his eyes, and he held Logan closer, hiding his face in Logan's hair. Logan let out a soothing happy rumble, wrapping his arms more around Virgil's chest and back, nuzzling against Virgil's neck.
Virgil shamelessly nuzzled Logan's hair and ears, however he fought back the want to plant kisses all along Logan's ears. Virgil was rewarded with a happy almost trill like noise from Logan. "I'm gonna help you now Logan." Virgil whispered the logan, tucking a loose strand of hair out of Logan's face. Logan shifted his head to nuzzle Virgil's hand, a content happy smile on his lips. "I promise."
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togglepawz-moved · 4 years
god just imagine a playthru of oneshot n @ the end of the video the utubers just like “alright thanks 4 watching tune in next time 4 part 2 byeeeeeee”
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madhoembody · 4 years
To one of my unbiological sis
Bek, I swear to God this is my first time writing letter to a friend.
7 years ago, when we were on 10th grade, we weren’t in good terms, but as time goes by, we become closer than ever. Thank you for being in my teenage years. We really share a lot of memories together.
Now, we’re 22, and won’t have much time to spend on. We’ve been facing the reality, the hard times. Despite you’re being cheerful and goofy, I kinda know deep inside, you struggle. We struggle. Those sleepless nights, your babbling about suicidal tendencies, are the proofs that you’re still human, cause sometimes I was wondering how could I never see you cry or sad over yourself (movies, animals, peeps are exceptional). C’mon, show some emotions rather than just laughing or crying over a movie.
I kinda miss you sleepover at my place, our trashy chit-chats, or just watching some random ustadz on utube- throwing hateful words-. Thank you (again) for making some of my nights less lonely. Fairly, I wanna make your lonesome nights be more stuffed by knowing how’s your day and tell you everything’s gonna be okay.
Maybe now we won’t be as close as we used to be, having lunch together or just watching hentai in your class asdfdfghjk
But Bek, I’ll still be here, still lend you my ears, don’t hesitate to talk to me.
You’ll have me on your wholeway <3
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lamentis-a-blog · 7 years
i found a version of counting stars without those godawful squeak noises in the background, there is happiness in this world after all
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evilrry · 2 years
someone uploaded house of sky and breath audio to y*utube thank you god
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