#thank u Casey
radioactivedelorean · 2 years
I am putting a toy story themed valentine with a blowpop on your desk
🥺👉👈 is for me?
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ijustdontlikepeople · 5 months
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wanderingpeonies · 1 year
i just finished a 2 week long assignment in 2 days and it’s due at midnight. everyone applaud for me
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yrsonpurpose · 4 months
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To you, specifically, I say: I see you. I am one of you.
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tomboyyyaoi · 1 year
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noble steed
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leverage-ot3 · 6 months
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shmokeymoe · 3 months
Of course some raphcass from the whiteboard as well cause *nasty crying*
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hasello · 9 months
I’m not sure if it has been said or not, but could I get everyone’s pronouns?
You are so real for asking this and I feel lowkey stupid for not thinking of adding them when I revealed the names, it was a perfect opportunity 👽 Also I will be honest, I am not the best at doing such headcanons (so I don’t mind you guys giving them your own headcanons!), cause I’m basic af and usually just go with the pronouns the characters use in their series 😭 but here are the vibes I get:
Lee (he/him) he’s the most girlypop he/him known to a man tho
Raphie (he/him)
Don (he/him)
Mike (he/him)
April (she/her)
(Casey) Jones (he/him)
Leo (he/she) she’s my babygirl!!
Raph (he/him)
Donnie (he/him)
Mikey (he/him)
Apes (they/she)
Casey (he/him) trans icon
Blue (he/him)
Red (he/she) hey, another girlie! (we need a duo name for the sisters!!)
Purple (he/him)
Orange (he/him)
Riri (she/her)
(Casey) Junior (he/him)
Cass (she/her)
The dads use (he/him).
Here’s the names chart
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realpersonfacts · 2 years
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amndmirk · 1 year
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@tapakah0 narrative parallels amirite
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they miss him. i- the animatics. the music for them . the last three animatics. they destroyed me. i loved it anyway, moving onto the sillies:
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anyway. this is the most hilarious and heart-breaking community i have ever been a part of. wow
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wiihtigo · 7 months
hello every time i see casey i think his design looks so good and silly and fun to draw!
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fluffypandabun · 10 months
First of all I am absolutely in love with your writing style! I love your fics so much and wanted to request something if your free? What about Switch Casey and Switch Mikey? I picture them to have a good relationship that’s silly and fun. Maybe they could be gaming or be giving the other a massage which leads to tickles? Tysm and have a wonderful day!
Awww tysm im so glad you enjoy my writting! Also Sure Sure!!!! Mikey and Casey are an underated duo imo and I really need to write for them more, I hope you enjoy this very silly fluff<3
There were a lot of things Casey had to learn about now that he would be spending the rest of his days in a non apocalyptic timeline. It was admittedly a rather big adjustment to go from living in a world tinted red where food and was scarce and everyday was a fight for survival, to a world filled with bright colors and clean air with a well protected lair to sleep in (Donnie made sure of that) and plenty of food to eat (Mikey made sure of that one). 
It could be overwhelming, and on days when it was really bad Casey would find himself curled up with his back to the wall, eyes squeezed shut, and he was able to pretend for just a little bit Leo, HIS Leo would be the one to knock on his door to ask him if he was alright. As much as Casey appreciated and cared for the younger turtles, who had taken him in as one of them and gave him his own place to stay in this familiar unfamiliar world, he still found himself missing his family from the future. And as bad as that future had been, being with his family had made it worth it. 
Thats where Casey found himself today, hidden under the bed Raph and Donnie had “found” and put together for him in a spare train car they had fixed up. He admittedly felt a bit childish, hiding under the bed like this. But it felt…safe in a way he couldn't describe. His back was pressed firmly against a wall and he had a clear view of the entrance of the room, covered by a green curtain to give him privacy. Casey would have preferred a door but he was grateful for some sort of cover from the outside. 
He sighed softly, fiddling with the sleeve of his hoodie. The material softer than anything he was used to, a stark contrast to the rough scratchy feeling of the fabric of his battle suit. As nice as hoodie felt on his body, he found himself missing the familiarity of his battle suit and he was half tempted to crawl out from under the bed to try and find it (He knew where it was, folded neatly on top of the small table that acted as his bedside dresser, easy to grab incase he ever needed it in a pinch) when there was a knock on the side of the train car and the entrance curtain shifted as Mikey poked his head in.
“Case my dude! What do you want for dinner…” The box turtle trailed off with a frown, brow raising as he looked around the room. “Casey..?”
“Down here.” Casey called muffled from under the bed, he poked his head out looking sheepish and feeling more than a bit embarrassed. Mikey looked at him and beamed, walking over and plopping himself down.
“There you are!” He cocked his head to the side. “What are you doing under there?”
Casey squirmed until he had pulled himself out from under the bed, sitting crossed legged beside Mikey who was still patiently waiting for an answer. Casey tried to think of one but found he couldn't piece together the words, so he just shrugged. 
“I….don't know…” He sighed. “Hiding…? I guess..?’
Mikey frowned; “Hiding? From what?”
Casey grimaced, voice unsure. “...Everything? Kinda? I mean…” he trailed off and when Mikey gave him an encouraging look he took a deep breath and continued. 
“A lot of things here are still new to me, you know? And sometimes…sometimes there's too much new stuff and it can get kinda just..”
“Overwhelming?” Mikey offered, Casey nodding. 
“Yeah! Overwhelming.” 
Mikey nodded sagely for a moment before he spoke. 
“Why didn't you come to one of us?”
The teen rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “I uh…didn't want to bother you…?”
He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth at the look Mikey shot him, the box turtle crossing his arms over his chest. “Casey, you know you can always come to us for anything right?”
The way he said it definitely left no room for debate, not that Casey ever would debate him, he knew just as well as the others how Mikey could be, he nodded quickly, hands held out in front of him.
“I know I know! Im…just still used hiding being my first option, old habits die hard yeah?”
The box turtle's gaze immediately softened and he scooted himself closer to the teen to rest a hand on his knee. Casey was surprised at how much the touch helped ground him and he felt the tension he hadn't realized he’d been holding in his shoulders leave. 
“Are you feeling better now?” he asked and Casey took the time to think on his answer before he slowly nodded. 
“Yeah I think so…everythings still a bit…floaty, but I’m okay.” He shot the turtle teen a genuine but still shaky smile to show he meant it. Mikey took his hand away from his knee, much to Casey's dismay at the lack of contact, to rub at his chin. 
He hummed to himself in thought for a moment before his eyes lit up and he snapped his fingers. “I got it!” the turtle quickly stood, pointing at Casey. 
“Wait right here I’ll be right back.!”
Casey could only get out a nod before the turtle had ran out of the room, he didn't even have the time to fully process what the turtle could even be doing before Mikey reappeared, dramatically thrusting out his hand to hold up a handful of washable markers.
“Behold! I have returned with a solution!” 
Casey blinked a few times, knees held to his chest. “You…want to draw..?” 
“Correction my friend.” Mikey chirped, plopping back down next to the human. “I want to draw on you.”
Casey raised a brow “....Me…?”
“Yeah!” Mikey grinned, bouncing up and down on the spot. 
“Whenever Leo gets all Spacey and stuff he lets me draw on him to help ground him and stuff! Plus, these are washable markers so you don't have to worry about them staining your skin or anything!”
The turtle's excitement was contagious and it cause a slight grin to tug on Caseys lips as he chuckled. “Alright sure, I’ll give it a try…as long as you promise not to draw anything dumb on me”
Mikey sent him a truly innocent smile, “I would never, now, gimmie!”
He made a reach for Caseys arm and after a second of hesitation, he rolled up the sleeve of his hoodie to reveal tanned arms littered with scars. Mikey moved to sit up against the bed beside him pressed up close to the human's side, grabbing his now sleeveless arm and tugging it across his lap. 
“Right, now you can tell me to stop at any time if you don't like it alright?” 
Casey nodded, and after a moment of hesitation, he shifted his body slightly so he could comfortably rest his head on the shorter turtle's shoulder. Mikey paused for a moment, before letting out a pleased sort of noise as he uncapped one of the markers and drew a line on the top side of Casey's hand. 
Casey flinched slightly, “Feels weird” he muttered, though he made no move to pull his hand away, and after a second Mikey continued to draw across his hand, rambling about some cooking show Casey had never heard of. 
It was…nice…very nice actually, the soft sensation of the marker across the top of his hand and the sound of Mikey's animated voice made Casey feel warm. He eyes grew heavy and he gave up trying to keep up with what Mikey was saying as his eyes started to slip shut, he was nearly about to fall asleep when Mikey suddenly flipped his hand over and started drawing on his palm. 
Caseys eyes snapped open and it took every ounce of self control he had to not yank his hand away right then and there, soft tingly sensations spread across his palm and up to the tip of his fingers as Mikey lazily drew lines and circles across his palm, coloring in old scars and going on a tangent about pie crusts. 
Casey bit down on his lip, screwing his eyes shut he fought to not let a peep escape him, but it was getting harder by the second and Casey could only hope that Mikey moved on to drawing on a different spot before he just about burst from all the giggles building up in his chest. 
Luckily, Casey got his wish, not so luckily the spot Mikey decided to move on to was his wrists, and if the sensation was bad on his palms it got about ten times worse there. 
Unable to fight back any longer, giggles began to spill from Casey's lips, hunching up his shoulders as he tugged at his hand desperate to get away from the tickly feeling. 
Mikey, mid rant about the importance of a good non soggy pie crust, stopped in his tracks, he turned to the giggling teen and cocked his head to the side, bemusement on his face.
“Uhh I didnt think pie crusts were that funny to you Case...” 
The human shook his head, still tugging at his wrists, even thought Mikey had stopped drawing the phantom feelings were still there and it left him giddy with laughter. 
“IIhihihihit t-tihihihihickles!” 
Mikey blinked a few times, looking down at the marker in his hand and then back up at Casey a few times before his eyes lit up and his face split into a beaming smile. 
“Awwwww Casey!” He laughed. “You have ticklish hands? That's adorable!” 
Before Casey could protest Mikey quickly began drawing on his palms again, this time not caring to make anything other than quick scribbles and slow circles, whatever made Casey laugh more. 
And laugh he did, with a squeal Casey all but flailed about, face flushed and nose wrinkled as he giggled, occasionally squeaking in between bouts of laughter.
“N-Noohoho! Mikey!” 
“Yeeees Casey?” Mikey hummed, tracing the lines in the human's palms to make him squeak. “Is there something you need? I know I need you to stop squirming, im trying to draw here you know! Your gonna mess me up!” 
If Casey could glare at the turtle he would. “Y-Yoohohohour just drawing s-scrhihihibles!”
Mikey let out an offended gasp, doubling down on his scribbling down Casey's wrist. “Hey! It's called abstract art.”
Casey started giggling even harder, and Mikey giggled right alongside him. Happy to see the normally quiet and melancholy teen practically glowing with laughter. 
It was at this moment Casey's mind suddenly remembered the fact he had a hand free, which so far had just been flailing about uselessly at his side. Uncoordinated and lost in laughter, he grasped frantically around on his bed with his free hand before he found what he was looking for. 
Holding on tight to the pillow he whipped it around and smacked Mikey straight in the face with it, the turtle let out a surprised ‘Oof!’ and fell back,letting go of Casey's hand who immediately brought it back to hold against his chest while giggling. 
Mikey lay sprawled on his back for a moment, silent from shock before he burst into laughter, sitting up on his elbows and grinning playfully at Casey, still laughing. 
“Duhuhude! Did you just smack me in the face with a pillow!?”
Casey giggled softly looking just a little bit apologetic. “Sorry! Sorrhehehy! I had to defend myself somehow!”
Mikey's smile turned more mischievous as he sat up, “Oh yeah? Well should have made sure I stayed down, Jones!”  
With a war cry the smaller turtle threw himself at the human, who cried out in surprise as he was knocked back to the floor, for a split second Casey's instincts told him he was actually being attacked, but the feeling soon passed and his panic turned to giddy playfulness and he was back to laughing, trying to grab at the turtle and push him off, the two of them fighting for the upper hand as they tussled on the floor.
Casey had his own apocalyptic training behind him, but Mikey was still a trained ninja, and a mutant one with super strength at that. And the turtle's fingers finding themselves buried in between the spots on his ribs certainly didn't help either. 
Casey let out a rather embarrassing snort, half grappling with the turtle and half flailing as his laughter got a bit more frantic. 
“aHA! M-Mihihihkey! T-TahaAHTS! Y-Your cheaATIHIHIHING!” 
Mikey cackled evilly. “Always use your enemies' weakness against them! Didn't your sensei teach you that~?” 
“Sh-Shuhuhuhut uuhuhuP!”
“Hm, clearly your sensei didn't teach you manners huh?” Mikey tsked disapprovingly, and if Casey had another pillow within reach he would have smacked him with it again. 
Well fine, if he wanted to be like that then two could play at that game. 
Reaching up, Casey used his free hands to slip under the turtle's arms, wiggling his fingers in the same way he’d seen the others do before. With a loud shriek Mikey clapped his arms down, trapping Casey's fingers and sealing his own fate as the human teen gained the upper hand. 
“Actually” Casey spoke over Mikey's loud cackles. “My Sensei did teach me to use my enemies' weakness against them, good thing we share the same weakness huh?” 
Mikey shrieked with bright happy laughter as he squirmed back and forth underneath the now triumphant Casey, frantically kicking out his legs as he pushed at the humans arms. 
“W-Wahihihihit! Cahahase I-Im sohohohoHOHOHORY!” 
“Never start a fight you can't finish, didn't your sensei teach you that?” Casey teased, Mikey snorted.
“Ihihihim g-gonna tell ehehehveryone a-about youhohor tihihicklish haHAHANDS!” 
Casey felt his face flush, he already knew Leo would have a field day with that one, he moved his hands down to poke at the box turtles sides. “You wouldn't dare!” 
“Wahahatch me!” Mikey cried, reaching up to grab onto the humans' sides causing him to squeak and falter, once again giving Mikey the upperhand. 
The two teens continued to tussle on the floor, neither keeping the upper hand for long as their laughter filled the room, the question of what would be made for dinner long put on the back burner. 
There were a lot of things Casey still had left to learn, but maybe learning how to be a kid again was a pretty good start. 
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katierosefun · 8 months
my cancelled-able trait from the queer community would be that i really apparently love messy endings. i love u happy endings and i also love u such sad, messy, ambiguous endings . . . i love u endings where u have this weird pit in the bottom of your stomach because you know that there's love here but u have no idea what to do with it and u just have to deal with the fact that someone is profoundly affecting your life and you're not gonna get closure from it anytime soon . . . i love u queer love stories where it's really just "u don't always get to see the sunshine and rainbows at the end of it . . . sometimes all that's left is just one big question mark and the quiet hope that they get their shit together" . . .
#caroline talks#don't get me wrong. i love u happy endings. esp when it comes to queer love stories#but i also just. love endings where it's just like. well. u DON'T know for certain whether the characters#are truly going to ride off into the sunset together.#the only thing u know for certain is that they love each other and that they're going to have to grapple with that forever.#maybe it's also just bc like. idk. i took too many film classes and so my head's forever stuck#on this one essay about how some really happy endings feel lifeless.#like how in some ending shots. the characters look like they've had their happy ending. but there's also some weird unease and confusion#and it's like. well yeah. because for every happy moment u get in life. u are still already thinking 'well what's next. what now.'#which is fascinating to me. but also me @ me: god maybe u can just be happy and it's not that deep.#but also. i do love the wonderful ambiguity of just. 'there is so much more to live. so much more to do.'#and i guess it's not just for queer love stories. i think a lot about the ending of my mister.#with lee ji an and park dong hoon walking away from each other but they're happy. u have no idea how their relationship will pan out but u#do know that they love each other.#or like. columbus. with jin and casey. they hug each other and thank each other for being in the other's lives.#and jin says goodbye to casey and casey says goodbye to jin and u have no idea if they'll see each other again. but u know they love each#other so very much. even if they'd only known each other for a second.#or like. beginners. anna and oliver love each other so much and u get this sense that. they're still a little bit uneasy/nervous about how#the rest of their lives are going to go. but they'll try.#or. god. the swearing jar.#the last shot. i think about it a lot.#there is love!!! but u don't always know how the rest of it is going to pan out!!! u just know that it'll pan out somehow!
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yrsonpurpose · 11 months
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@rwrbmovie & @rwrbsource’s rwrbweek day 7 | favourite location / set ❣ in each other's arms
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batsplat · 4 days
maybe you know that before pecco first met casey, he said the thing he wanted to know most was how casey felt about vale! do you think they actually talked about it, and how do you think they discussed it with each other?
I didn't have the possibility already to meet Casey, but I know he was in my garage speaking with [Pecco's current and Casey's former crew chief] Gabarrini, but I think I will meet him after the conference. And I will ask him many things because when I was young - it's the first time that I meet him, and when I was young I was looking, him and Vale fighting. And I would like to know what he's thinking about Vale.
well, pecco. probably not anything particularly polite at any given moment, but it's worth a shot
so I did see this at the time but it had completely slipped my mind, cheers anon!! very endearing, pecco truly living my dream (not the being a motorcycle racer bit or winning championships bit, but hunting down gossip on rivalries straight from the source). wants to ask casey MANY THINGS, this man is prepared. a true scholar!! it does make it even funnier how this was their first meeting... pecco really was already fantasising about asking casey about his number one feud before even saying hello. he's just like me fr. I support him in his fact-finding quest
anyhow - yeah it is fun because pecco ofc was enough of a ducati fan that he was supporting BOTH valentino and casey as a kid, which is like... extremely valid of him, he's so me... also, as has been previously discussed on this blog, he does have some credentials in zeroing in on the most interesting bits of his mentor's career, cf him making the enlightened choice at valencia 2021 to pay tribute to valentino with a 'che spettacolo' helmet. just unambiguously the most compelling choice he specifically could have made, I want to sit him down and have him walk me through his thinking (chronic overthinker so you know he did put in the mental miles) AND how he feels about that specific season. this is a man with a healthy interest in feuds I reckon. bringing this up mainly just as an excuse to revisit the photo with his cute sister
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helmet only somewhat ruined by those ugly ass logos
some more key pecco background info is that he wants to visit some famous circuits motogp no longer visits one day, including suzuka AND - crucially - laguna seca. he also says he likes reading sports autobiographies... which, apart from the one from his literal mentor, you kinda have to assume the casey one would be basically at the top of the list? so I'm just gonna go ahead and assume pecco has read that thing. basically all of this is to say that if you gave pecco a free run at this, you can trust him to know his lore pretty well I reckon. he'd have some decent questions to ask
so we've established motive and ability, let's move on to opportunity. do I think they did actually talk about it... maybe! the way pecco talks about it in the presser, it kinda sounds like he wants to have a proper sit down with casey at the very first time of asking to grill him about the valentino feud, which to me sounds like quite a ballsy approach... but you never know, maybe he did manage to have a proper conversation with casey about it in the middle of a race weekend. (incidentally, pecco won that race, so he did manage to take the spoils on both his 'meeting casey' weekend and 'valentino retiring' weekend, fair play.) in the following year casey clearly did take on a reasonably active role in the team, so they had a decent amount of contact race weekend to race weekend. to quickly go through the archives:
from portimao 2021 (suggesting a PAY CUT to get casey lol)
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silverstone 2022 (really is co-parenting, very sweet)
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austria 2022 (poor fabio)
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and phillip island 2022 (feat. the track walk)
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given all that... I mean, idk, you have to hope that pecco with his obvious interest took his shot when he had it. like,, this was a bit of a one and done type deal, pecco had a year to properly exploit this situation... you've got to take that chance, right? I'm not sure I entirely trust pecco to work this organically into a conversation, but you don't have to let that stop you. you gotta get casey's thoughts on... riding a ducati... while fighting other riders wheel-to-wheel... when you're title rivals... and then hope casey doesn't try to start talking about the two times him and jorge overtook each other in the 2011 season, yeah
the way pecco makes it sound in the presser, maybe he did just flat out ask casey about the feud lol. like a real go-getter. I hope he phrased his opening question in the exact same way as he did in the presser quote, like yes please do ask casey what he's "thinking about vale". as for casey's response... my guess is that he probably keeps it cute, stays reasonably professional. there's a few general themes that tend to crop up pretty frequently when casey discusses fighting valentino, but he does mix it up depending on the occasion and the audience - he's capable of modulating the tone. you'll note that around the time of valentino's retirement, casey is considerably more polite about valentino while he's actually attending the race at portimao (where he also first met pecco, yes) than a few weeks later when he's shit talking on his own time. contrary to popular belief, casey can do diplomacy - he just often doesn't want to. in this particular situation, casey would probably opt to start out with all the diplomatic stuff he was actually saying in portimao anyway: about what a strong opponent valentino was, about how his career achievements had been validated through fighting valentino, about how there were some good points and some bad points but casey learned a heck of a lot etc etc etc
once you get that stuff out of the way... as discussed in more depth in this post, when casey's not outright insulting valentino, he does tend to focus on valentino's intelligence as an opponent - clever, cunning savvy, all that - which, yes, was often about all the off-track media shit, but also described valentino's on-track approach. depending on how casey frames it, there may obviously be more negative connotations to valentino's 'cunning', suggestions of the dirty and the untoward and the downright unfair - and there's typically something quite loaded about how casey talks about everything he learned from valentino. but emphasising valentino's cleverness is still probably the most likely starting point for casey when describing that rivalry to one of valentino's direct disciples - it's the compliment casey has long been the most prepared to pay valentino. beyond that... I tend to think that casey wouldn't be inclined to go into massive amounts of detail about the ins and outs of that rivalry with pecco. maybe if pecco catches him on the right day, he can get a little more - it's not out of the question for casey to delve somewhat into how tricky it is to fight against an evil lunatic quite an aggressive rider who is willing to make your life hell out on the track. maybe some talk about the actual nitty-gritty of fighting valentino that I do not have the technical expertise to imagine in any more detail. or maybe give pecco a spiel about how important it is to focus on yourself, just ignore what the other guy is doing, and so on - that'd probably strike a chord with pecco given the similarities between the pair of them in that regard. one of the reasons why casey was such a tricky opponent for valentino at the beginning of their rivalry was how immune casey was to the typical valentino tactic of just harassing rivals from behind. you'd probably want to focus on that aspect if you're casey, something about how it's important not to let your rivals get in your head. casey did say in early 2023 that pecco had needed to "calm a couple of things down" lol, so maybe he feels that's some advice that needs giving
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what I will say is that I reckon casey would probably confine his anecdotes mostly to what valentino was up to on the track. at most a teensy bit about how tricky it can be to face an opponent skilled at putting pressure on you by using the media, but no lengthy diatribes about how valentino wasn't as nice to him anymore when they became rivals or any of that. in general, yeah, hard to see him being all that interested in giving pecco much to work with. casey's mellowed somewhat since retiring, but you probably don't want to push it too much. he's there to give riding advice, after all - not to satisfy the personal curiosity of valentino's prized protege. still, hopefully pecco got something fun out of him. I have to believe he's at least grilled valentino about his side of the rivalry at some point over the years... like I said, living the dream
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hursheys · 11 days
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