#thank u so much for the ask!!
kenonade · 2 months
Achilles de Flandres! 2 (Favorite canon thing about this character?), 10 (Could you be best friends with this character? (assuming he wasn't gonna. y'know. kill you.)), and 14 (Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character) Very serious questions to be answered seriously. For science.
Thank you for giving me the floor to talk about THE Belgian Menace. I love him and (almost) everything about him.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
It’s impossible to pick one thing because practically every canon aspect of him I adore. So, in a list of no particular order: 1. His CHARM. The way he’s unaware of the true nature of his delusions but somehow aware enough to recognize that they’re something he should keep hidden, and the charisma that he exudes in the coverup. 2. The reason why he killed Dr. Vivian. Never has a character been characterized so succinctly and so well. OSC sure can write (sometimes). 3. “There should be more kindness and respect in the world.” AND LOOK WHO’S TALKING. HUH. HE’S INSANE. YOU’RE INSANE. HUH. HUH. HUH. 4. The fringe extremist group he spawned? I just think that’s neat. 5. Opening the door to the plane so he can force Petra to hold his hand; kissing, then killing Poke. His idea of love is fascinating. Something something the enmeshment of passion and pain and what that implies about his undocumented past. 6. Getting judo-flipped by Petra, being extremely collected about it, and then being convinced that it was all to demonstrate how Super Cool he is. Also love the fact that he’s easily judo-flip-able. What a small, frail, and insignificant man…
10. Could you be best friends with this character (provided he won’t kill you)?
If he doesn’t become a serial killer and if he somehow sees me as someone he can work with, then this is a tentative yes. I think we’d have great fun bonding over badmouthing other people. Not to mention, he seems funny. Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t be of the caliber for him spend time on me.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
See, I have an inside joke with 🍬 that Achilles could be a fashion model, and, because of this, I’m often reminded of him when I see photos of androgynous high fashion runways from the 90s and 2000s. Not the type of modern high fashion that’s somewhat incomprehensible; specifically the type where it’s clothes that look REALLY expensive, things that exude luxury without being overtly opulent. It’s either this or grunge punk. Tattered converse and roughed up denim. He should look like he just escaped a movie adaptation of a young adult novel set in a toxic wasteland. Ashen smudges on the face necessary.
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interlvgos · 9 months
17 :))
♡ ask game for fanfic writers ♡
17. what is your favourite line you've ever written?
ooo both of these i love a lot! they're both from my team principal lewis (britcedes) fic:
The nicknames stay. They call him Mr Saturday, and then Mr Sunday, and while they scream his name and wear his number, they never quite forget his failure, either.
Lewis bites his lip, watching the goosebumps rising again on George's skin in response to his fingertips, answering the call of Lewis’ touch on George’s body like a soft, ‘hello again’.
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ancientgreekyuri · 3 months
Can I please ask you 9, 10, and 14 for Nerine?
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
The thing about Miss Neri is that she's kind of an insane woman who doesn't let herself get close to people for a variety of reasons 😭 people also tend to find her intimidating / she unintentionally comes off as rude when trying to make conversation a lot of the time too. So while she does have some Casual friends (Valerie, Olympia, Sycamore, and even Melony over in Galar) I wouldn't say they're close................................. her best friend is her corviknight.
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
I keep picturing AZ having a conversation with Lysandre and off handedly going like "Ah, I would have to ask my fiancee about that." and Lysandre being like. Your What. Anywasys they're both people who enjoy their privacy so it's not something a lot of people know about though.... if you do manage to catch the two of them alone together they get very lovey dovey.
14. what hobbies does your self insert have?
Other than shopping for clothes and getting her nails done, Nerine like collecting cute plushies, collecting rare / obscure music, watching and reviewing movies, and journaling. She also enjoys reading... she's also something of a casual shiny hunter (she likes looking for them but she gets bored very fast)
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
some guy from a class of mine randomly told me if i was an animal i'd be a jellyfish. i think he was intending it to be mean but i found it pretty rad. any baby insight into jellyfishes?? fun facts? does she like them.....i'm curious
(also does she assign sea creatures to her beloveds. i can't remember if she does or if that's just my au of your au)
fucked up if he was saying it as an insult, jellyfish are really really cool!! theyre my favorite aquarium featured player.....baby loves jellyfish!! theyre actually her favorite sea animal to research and learn about since theyre so unique and. well, weird. theyre basically aliens that live underwater. she loves to share facts about all of the different kinds of jellyfish out there, like the giant lions mane jellyfish and the super toxic australian box jellyfish. the wide variety of species just fascinates her and she could happily rattle off a super long list of them if given the chance
and she does!! its not really on the basis of like. appearance or even personality, baby just assigns sea creatures to people that she thinks they would like :) the main trio is of course sea horse, shark, and beluga whale for her, jesse, and demi (immortalized as fridge magnets) but theres also flounder for mason and lionfish for sheila. she believes everyone should have a favorite sea creature
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sandyygast · 7 months
number 16 for the spotify wrapped ask :}
16. This Is Me Getting Over You In Two Chords by Coffee Project
nothin goes hard like a trombone does !!! brass instruments in folk punk songs r a soft spot of mine (:
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stridingwriter · 9 months
Pawpaw: How do you name your characters?
Naming characters (derogatory)
I always find naming characters to be the hardest thing about them in my years of writing. It just does not come naturally to some of them so half of the time it feels like throwing possibilities at a wall until something clicks or sounds about right (it's all vibes and very little consideration for the meaning sometimes). The exception is if there's a big theme I want to explore and even then, the characters have unrelated names. They get whatever name they want or I just wait to see if something comes to me which may take weeks or months depending on who the OC is.
Sometimes their temporary names stick and other times they fall off when I write them. So really it's just picking a vibe and praying that it fits not gonna lie.
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miniimoose · 1 year
I tell you something about my invader Zim oc, you tell yours. GO!
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Her name is Syzy. Not a human nor an Irken, a whole different species called Fróstein. Was one of the many few that managed to escape the Fróstein mothership when they were ambushed by enemy species 5 years before the events of Invader Zim happens.
She found herself on Earth and lived in different countries and hiding. Any other Fróstein would consider Earth to be a backwater planet, but Syzy is a different case. She loves Earth and how it still maintained it’s nature, living in places that has active “paranormal activities” most likely lumber towns…
Until she went out of Earth’s atmosphere for a bit only to return that Earth was not in its orbit (yes, ETF, I’m talking about you)
woah!!!!!! i love them!!! You matched the style really well, even with it being a new species :D Is part of the design based on moths? makes me think of fuzzy moth antennae :)
Heres your fact about Min in return;
Even though Scouts are essential to the Impending Doom missions, irkens who are tasked as Scouts are perceived as Cowards by the masses. Theyre one of the few jobs sent outside the empire that arent trained in combat. Their training is focused on self preservation, which means escape rather than fight. This is fine with Min, since she was originally encoded as more of a scientific Irken than a fighter.
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kingsbride-moved · 1 year
7 & 10 for dia?
7. would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your self insert? Sometimes I think about Zag developing a weird one-sided crush on her, mostly cuz he's the type to crush on Anyone 😭 Also while it's not "canon" sometimes I think about Alecto/Dia... I'm sure everyone would be unsurprised if I said Alecto if my fav girl in the game. May make an OC to ship with Alecto at some point <3 10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship? When it comes to Dia and Asterius, shades are mostly supportive! Something very sweet (and romantic) about the idea of a guy who had been forced into such a terrible situation while he was alive finding love and affection in the arms of someone who only wants to treat him with the tenderness he deserves. He also comes out of his shell a little bit more when he talks about her; there's a clear warmth in his voice. When it comes to Theseus, though... most shades think Dia should dump his ass to be frank 😭 They're like HOW did she end up falling for HIM???, but it's cuz they dont' see Theseus' good qualities in the way Dia sees them! Their union is a very strange one on the surface... the minotaur from crete? the former king of athens (and the minotaur's killer!)? some random nymph? But they all know what it's like to feel out of place in the world, and this allows them to better understand and support one another.
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kindestegg · 1 year
AU question time-
How’d you come up w/ the name Nightingale? :0
oh!!! well thats a funny story actually, originally i was planning to pit that name up against other ideas i had (platinum, perseus and prince were some of them) but the more i thought about "nightingale" it just... felt right. like it had a particular pleasing aesthetic to it that other names just didnt have.
i think it was because it has the word "night" in it relating to colly, it feels very "elegant", it makes me think of knights and to me nightingale IS sort of like a knight figure, working to protect others when it counts. also, nightingales are known for having very beautiful singing, and they are part of many stories and legends related to that, and considering how king has sound based powers, i really thought that could fit. it was also fun to play around with the words "singing", "duet" and such when it came to describing their lines or actions.
also, there is a bit of a personal reason. when i was a kid, i owned a little book that told hans christian andersens "the nightingale" fairy tale, and i remember being so touched by it as a child and rereading it over n over, to this day, nightingales mean a lot to me. they also have a very nice sounding name in brazil which i always thought sounded pretty as well: rouxinol!
its also worth noting the tale of the nightingale i just told you about heavily features the themes of letting something you love be free, so that it may return out of its own accord.
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jekyllnahyena · 1 year
What allergies would your ocs have?
that is. huh.
good fuckin question.
Ok, I know that there's certain things Jackal can't eat because they're on the carnivorous side of things. Same with Margo and Eisen, different digestive system, so of course there's things they won't be able to eat. Or shouldn't at least. I don't see Jackal ever caring about that kinda thing. They're down to eat anything in vicinity.
Saaki has problems with certain foods, but less so for allergies reason and more because they had their jaw ripped out and throat damaged. So, there's that.
Byt doesn't have allergies, but he will fuck u up if u give him orange juice with pulp. He hates pulp in his orange juice and sees it as a personal insult and reason to kick ur ass.
I wanna give Lockup something ridiculous, like potato. He still eats them anyway. It isn't dangerous, but he'll sweat like crazy and his tongue will be weirdly numb. He didn't know that that isn't what potatoes are supposed to do for the longest time.
Upendo now has a shellfish allergy, which she realised when Jackal gave her some while she was still a padawan in training. Happened during week 4. Jackal almost managed to murder their bebe and first Padawan. They learned a lot about both being a master and a parent during that time. She thinks it's hilarious btw. Jackal dies a little every time she tells the story.
Juliette can eat anything, and I mean anything. Part of the solo operator/military experience. And maybe because she's a horrible cook. It's a miracle when she makes fried eggs without burning down the whole apartment. She's the designated clean up person in the kitchen. She and microwaves have an ongoing feud. The only thing she's really good at making is coffe. Nobody knows how that works, but hey. Not like it's a problem.
hmmmmmmmmmmmm those are all the things I know now, might come up with more ideas later on cause these are fun >:D
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safetyrat · 2 years
14 + 24 + 25!
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
honestly, the idea of writing a fic in the form of a recipe blog is something i could have never come up with on my own, so im thanking medusa for that sick ass prompt. plus i wouldnt have been writing anything at all for the pinch hit exchanges if u didnt spontanously get me to join the server, so thank u for that :D
14. favorite fic you read this year
i generally consider the case of the fire inside to be my favourite sbi fic? and i read it s early this year so!
ohhh covet is also so fucking good though i cannot do this without mentioning covet pleasee its amazing
also this is about a stuff bird because yeah. it sure is about a stuffed bird huh
15. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
my instinctual response was datd but im fairly sure that was last year actually sooo
i need people to read lonesome dreams because i need more listener!jimmy content purely for my mental health (also read how to be a human being its very very good)
oh and of course anyone who hasnt read heaven holds lonely with me by this point is on thin fucking ice. you better get to work yall
heres the ask game!!
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abyssin · 8 months
@avaere said: "You're making me wonder if I need to up the level of difficulty in regards to the labor around here," while he rarely chose to engage with inmates, the Duke had come to pick up on the whispers in regards to his special exile. With the evening shift and rounds of fighting had come to an end, wriothesley had chosen to approach the harbinger, shoulder meeting the door to Childe's dorm. "Working hard, playing harder --- you're making it seem like a vacation, and while that bodes well for the meropide, I can't help but to wonder ; are you enjoying it all that well, or are you trying to impress the administrator?" A playful smile popped forth, Wriothesley laughing. "I've heard he is quite hard to impress."
truth be told, he finds himself rather disappointed with fontaine's infamous fortress of exiles. prison isn't the ideal place for a harbinger, and even moreso for a certain 11th who feels these metal walls closing in on him.
as generous as meropide's space is for the many criminals it houses, his tasks are... repetitive, monotonous, humane for his caliber. where he had expected a rowdy ragtag criminals, childe finds men and women with petty crimes under their belts (or at least, tame for what he has seen). even the ring brings him little joy when his contenders are powerless to his own brute strength.
the production zone is the only place where he's truly able to project a fraction of his strength. but there isn't much entertainment to find when this is all he is able to do during his time here. perhaps childe will die first from boredom before anything else. he supposes the company he's made here—three men who do provide some interesting conversation about the hidden rules of fontaine is the closest there is to saving grace.
perhaps he can add a fourth of interest to pique his attention. he stands by his dorm with an aura that childe can tell is intimidating to the inmates of meropide. if not from the implication that he can change the difficulty of meropide's very own systems, childe would have already known that this is a powerful man in his midst. both in authority, both in strength. gods do not just choose anyone to bear visions. childe knows best how being chosen is meant for greatness.
so what is a man watched by the gods doing in meropide?
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"then, i shall be the first to vouch for a more strenuous workforce here in meropide. though i am just a mere prisoner amongst other men. there is little i can do about the monotony of this place." he straightens his back, setting aside the task of straightening his quarters for now. an easy smile grows on his lips. "and i find no interest in either matters. i'm just biding my time as a guest in this lovely stone-walled home." until his escape, really. there is clear acid in his tone with the way he describes the fortress. the whale song in his heart grows louder by the day. "but you're free to inform the administrator of my performance. i yearn for a challenge, if he's sure he can give me one. most of the prisoners are shockingly soft-bellied."
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hiraeix · 10 months
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to hold me like water,
or christ, hold me like a knife
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purplejan · 1 year
hi cece <3 how are you?? i hope you're doing well!! it’s a comfy cozy day for me, so tell me about your ideal comfy cozy day!! when do you wake up? do you change out of your pajamas, or is it a pajama day? do you make food, or do you scrounge around for leftovers/snacks? what activities do you do? go into as much or as little detail as you want !!!
giiii hii 🥰 ayy so glad to know you're having a comfy cozy day!! i imagine it's very needed what with the winter months over there!! hope u got to relax and chill
for my ideal comfy day i'd say waking up at 9-10 am is perfect; you get to sleep in a bit but also don't feel like the morning is wasted as sometimes happens to me when i wake up later than that. my fave thing to do in lazy cozy days is shower and put on a fresh set of pajamas/lounge wear for the day, like the sweet smell of shampoo and lotion are the perfect start for a cozy day to me (i just bought this shampoo that smells like cherries and ginkgo flower and i fully am using at as body wash too cause it smells that good), but it still is technically a pajama type of day cause i refuse to wear uncomfy clothes at home!!
i make food but something simple and quick, in fact, this afternoon was kinda a lazy day for me cause i was a bit destroyed from being way too social this week, so for dinner i made spicy gochujang noodles that were amazing, it took so little to make and the result was amazing!! as for activities, i love to take my time and put on a full face of makeup and take cute videos even if i have my pajamas on hahahaha and of course hang here in tumblr, tonight for example i'm reading a lot of fics i had saved for later (sending a thousand kisses for all the amazing writers here btw <3)
what about u gi?? what do u enjoy doing on cozy days like this??
also here's the recipe i was inspired from to make the noodles, i unfortunately didn't have kimchi but it was still great 💕
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nikosasaki · 1 year
I love the Rin gif set!! You put so much love into all your sets and it really shows!! The new name for her is awesome and it fits really well. I had to watch season one again to watch season two, and all i could think of was how Rin would fit into the story. Can we know more about her? Anything is cool, I'm just really looking forward to her story. Thank you so much for your time!
thank you!! the name was killing me for a while and I'm happy I changed it sdfkg;
in season one Rin is mostly a quiet and observant presence. she figures out a lot of things prematurely just by the nature of who she is, but as a reader you don't learn that until a whole lot later. she's playing the long game, and always has been.
this is why she makes an effort to befriend Danma, Aguni, Kuzuryu, and Mira, which eventually leads to her becoming a board member and learning even more that will be useful for her in later chapters.
during season one, at one of the Beach's game nights, Rin plays a hearts game that really breaks something in her. it causes a long period of time where she basically refuses to communicate with Chishiya and he thinks she's up to something and icing him out. this, in turn, causes him to do what he did to Arisu, which causes Rin to be angry with him and ice him out even more. it's a whole series of misfortunes, the end of season one.
when season two begins, Chishiya and Rin are in a weird place. neither of them really trusts the other but they're also too stupid in love to leave the other alone basically. they're forcefully separated during the first run-in with the king of spades, and Rin finds him again right after the jack of hearts game. it's a bit awkward and a lot sad but really the time apart made them both realize just how much they dislike being apart now. this also weighs heavily into Rin's decision to leave the Borderlands and go back to the real world, together.
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ballad-of-the-lamb · 5 months
What are the Lamb's thoughts as they went through their cult life? How does a day in their cult go? (Love the art so much! Hope you have a lovely day!)
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