#thank u webtoon for giving me new characters to play around with
wovenstarlight · 3 years
It isn't a thud so much so as a rush of mana in the air that alerts him. Taewon looks up with a frown, waiting.
"SORRY!" comes a holler, and a moment later Yumi is in the doorway, worriedly glancing towards the bed. "That didn't wake him, did it?"
"No, he's fine. What happened?"
"Phew!" Yumi fans herself with one slim hand, features relaxing. "Just some papers the little guy left on the kitchen table. I caught them wrong when I was going to check out the cat thing."
"The Horned Flame Lion?"
They nod to each other in acknowledgement. Taewon resumes watching the bed, while Yumi takes up her post by the doorway.
"...Um, so Migyeong ahjumma's taken Seokwoo ahjussi to go to visit their families," Yumi starts, only to pause and frown. "Jeez, what's his problem?"
"Yoojin can't hear us," Taewon obligingly informs the room at large, receiving only stony silence in response. He glances back at Yumi. "You can continue, if you want."
She's still frowning at the bed. "No," she mumbles. "I don't think I will, actually. You've got him?" Taewon nods. "Right. I think I'll go check on Baby."
Taewon nods again, then considers the inhabitants of the room. "Tell Taemin he can take tomorrow morning off," he decides. "I can handle this alone."
"You're sure? Ranks don't mean much anymore, you know."
"Which is exactly why I'll be fine." He likes it better like this. "I'll see you tomorrow, Yumi-ssi."
"Take care," she responds politely, before fading into thin air. Taewon watches the spot she just vacated for a few seconds before turning his attention back to the bed, and this time, to the silent shadow looming at the head of it.
"You know we're here to watch over him."
Han Yoohyun gives him a distant glance before going back to watching his brother. Taewon resists the urge to pinch his nose; now that he no longer breathes, he's lucky he doesn't have the air for a sigh.
"If you're intent on doing the same, then we should work together. The others and I have organized a system—"
"He isn't."
"...Pardon me?"
Han Yoohyun doesn't look away from Yoojin, sprawled ungracefully on the couch. "He isn't fine."
—Ah, right, when he was talking to Yumi. "If this is about watching you die—"
Han Yoohyun shakes his head. "He was going to let the Lauchtas kill him," he murmurs faintly. Almost dizzily. "He just.... stood there."
Ah. Well. Perhaps it is more of a surprise when you haven't been watching him cross roads without looking both ways for months now. He mulls over how to respond for a moment, but Han Yoohyun speaks again before he gets a chance.
"Was he... How long have you been watching him?"
"Me, specifically? Approximately 2 years now. Choi Yumi and Ki Migyeong have been watching since the start, and the others are interspersed in between."
"...Was he always like this?"
Taewon watches Han Yoohyun in silence for a moment, long enough that he looks over at him in irritation. "Not quite," he starts, and shakes his head slightly when Yoohyun seems to brighten up. "Not this severely, is what I mean. It comes and goes. Some days are easier. Some days are like this one."
Some days are never worse (fortunately?), because even if he stayed in bed all day staring blankly at the ceiling with them clustered around wishing he could notice how not-alone he was, he never actually attempted to go through with anything permanent. Some days are never worse, because he wasn't blindsided by a fight he could never in a million years hope to win, even with Last Compensation and all his compensators by his side, and expected to fight anyway. Some days are never worse, because at least he didn't have the one person he loved beyond reason and compare telling him he was useless for anything but causing trouble.
He doesn't need to explain any of this to Han Yoohyun, though, thankfully, because he's smart enough to put the pieces together. His face crumples. "It's my fault," he mutters.
Taewon is still too professional and still too dead to sigh, but would if he could. "I rather think the Lauchtas played a significant role as well," he says dryly. "And those contractors of yours, no doubt."
Han Yoohyun's eyes widen and his gaze snaps up to meet Taewon's. "You know about him?"
"I've met someone like him, I believe." Had a hands-on personal experience with one of his kind, even.
"He said he'd protect hyung. He said..."
"If I'm not wrong, and my experience with their kind would say otherwise, then he was most likely the one who sent the Lauchtas. They're excellent at manipulation." He considers adding and we're only human, but the lone person in the room who'd believe that can't even hear it, anyway. "At any rate, it's far too late to worry about that now. I advise focusing on what you can do for him now."
Han Yoohyun blinks at him. "I can help him now," he realizes. "I can— I can really help him."
"Within reason. Awakening, and everything that comes with it, isn't something that applies to existences like us. No skills, no stats." He wonders if that'll actually stop Han Yoohyun; heaven knows that he's never been fully human to begin with. "But yes. You can do whatever you'd like to help him."
Taewon waits as he seems to ponder that. "Thank you," he eventually offers, gruff and abrupt and awkward, and Taewon blinks in surprise. "For helping him. All this time."
"...You're welcome," he answers slowly, and doesn't say That's the first time I've ever heard you sound genuine.
He doesn't say anything, actually, and they end up sitting in silence until the morning comes and sunlight filters over the living room from the large windows. Han Yoohyun gets up, and with a little focus (and a touch of Yoojin's mana, once Taewon explains it to him), draws the curtains to keep the light off his brother's face. Yoojin mumbles something in his sleep and rolls over, face mashed into the back of the couch, and Taewon watches Han Yoohyun's face soften into a fond smile as he drifts over to the back of the couch, resuming his silent watch.
He's never seen that expression on this face, but that doesn't mean it isn't familiar. After all, he's sure he looks much the same.
Then there's a crack of a door, somewhere, and Han Yoohyun (the younger) pads out softly on slippered feet, calling "Hyung? Are you awake? I heard the—"
He goes dead quiet when he rounds the couch and finds Yoojin snoring softly, on his back and with a throw pillow over each ear, braced against the back of the couch and Taewon's careful hand. "Oh," he murmurs, face soft with that same gentle look as his counterpart. "Really, hyung..." He glances around and frowns slightly when he finds the remote for the TV placed carefully on the table, lined up next to Yoojin's phone. The frown deepens when he looks over his shoulder to the half-drawn curtains, and his feet shuffle apart in a wider stance that anyone else might miss.
Taewon sighs and knocks twice, sharply, on the coffee table. "Hey," Yoohyun hisses, alarmed, and a second later his younger self has a blade through Taewon's head.
Taewon blinks and leans slightly to the left so that his vision in one eye isn't split in two. Cross-sections of things get old quickly.
Han Yoohyun the younger has moved to stand defensively between the couch and the table, looking around warily. Taewon glances at the other Yoohyun, who works his jaw for a second before leaning over, patting the couch with a soft thwup. When the other him looks over in alarm, shifting his blade in that direction and angling it carefully away from Yoojin himself, all he does is tug Yoojin's blanket slightly higher over his shoulders.
Han Yoohyun watches with confusion that gradually fades to calculation. "A skill...?" he questions eventually, and Taewon knocks lightly on the table.
Han Yoohyun only twitches, this time. He looks back down at the table suspiciously, then back at his hyung. "Knock once for no, twice for yes," he suggests slowly, and Taewon obligingly knocks twice. "You're... one of hyung's skills?" Two knocks. "You're sentient. Or have some awareness, at least." Two knocks. "You respond to people other than hyung?"
That one's difficult. Taewon knocks twice even as Yoohyun the elder pats the couch once, and Yoohyun the elder says "What?" at the same time as his younger self. The elder follows it up with "Ah," though, while Han Yoohyun the younger furrows his brows.
"You... can talk to people other than hyung." Two knocks. "You listen to people other than hyung." Three knocks. "You do things for people other than hyung." One knock. Taewon smiles slightly, and both Yoohyuns look satisfied, before the younger continues. "There's more than one of you, whatever you are." Taewon and the elder Yoohyun knock twice in unison.
On the next question, Han Yoohyun's voice takes on a wary tinge. "You're here to help hyung." A pair of two knocks again, and Han Yoohyun says "Good," firmly—
Just a little too loud, though, because Yoojin stirs. "Yoohhhhaaaoowwwwww," he mumbles, groans, turns his head, groans again into the pillow he finds there, and turns to face back upwards, blinking blearily until his eyes adjust to the light and he finds Han Yoohyun standing over him. "Yoohyun-ah?" he murmurs, voice going from dazed to relieved.
"Hyung." Han Yoohyun the younger kneels next to the couch as Yoojin struggles up to a half-upright position, resting his weight on one elbow, and reaches out for him. He submits to the clumsy examination Yoojin subjects him to, then, patting all over his face as if checking him over. It ends with one firm pat to his cheek and a gentle ruffle of his hair, which Han Yoohyun smiles at before leaning away. "Good morning."
"Morning," Yoojin says, a fractional tension having left his body during the examination. "What time is it?"
"Nine-ish," Han Yoohyun answers. "You fell asleep out here?"
"Ahh..." Yoojin laughs, the sound still sleep-thick. "I was watching TV and the couch was so comfortable, and I barely realized it was getting late..." He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, sitting up properly. "Thanks for turning the TV off."
Han Yoohyun opens his mouth, frowning, but Taewon snaps to attention and raps his knuckles sharply against the table. Han Yoohyun jolts at the unexpected sound, twisting to look at the table. "What was—"
Yoohyun the elder, catching on, smacks the couch loudly. His younger self looks back again, visibly startled and confused, only to find Yoojin staring at him, equally confused. "What was what?"
Han Yoohyun stares at him. "You didn't...."
Taewon and the older Yoohyun knock again, gentler this time. Yoojin doesn't so much as twitch, frowning as he looks his little brother over worriedly. Han Yoohyun the younger blinks, realization dawning in his eyes.
"Oh," he whispers. "That's...." He looks disturbed, briefly, glancing around, then turning that worried look on his brother.
Then his older self reaches out and smooths down a clump of hair standing on end when Yoojin's slept on it wrong.
Han Yoohyun the younger watches, then looks at Yoojin, who's reaching out for him anxiously with a question on the tip of his tongue. Han Yoohyun grabs his hand before he can make contact, though, and brings it to his cheek in what seems to be an impulsive gesture. "I'm alright, hyung," he assures, even as he glances up to Yoojin's hair with a thoughtful look. (Taewon is startled by the abrupt realization of how easy he becomes to read, in front of Yoojin.) "Never mind. I just thought I heard something fall. Are you hungry? I could get started on breakfast. I have... eggs—"
Taewon taps the table twice, lightly.
"— that I could do up over easy," Han Yoohyun continues, not missing a beat. He offers Yoojin a smile. "It's been a while since we had breakfast together."
"That sounds... pretty good," Yoojin admits, "but are you sure everything's—?"
"It's fine." Han Yoohyun hesitates, clutching Yoojin's hand a little tighter, before letting it go and getting to his feet. "I'll get started on that, then. Why don't you go wash up?"
"I can help," Yoojin protests, following suit and standing up, but Taewon's already begun stepping on his toes and poking at his ribs in practiced patterns. Even though his actions go seemingly unnoticed on the surface, Yoojin unconsciously starts shuffling to the side, feet taking him towards the room that was prepared for him yesterday, as Han Yoohyun watches with slightly narrowed eyes. "I should..."
"You should get ready," both Yoohyuns say in unison, one grumbled and one lightly, and the older comes to Taewon's side and helps him gently herd Yoojin away. Behind them, the younger says, "The earlier you're ready, the sooner you can go register as Awakened and be back home." Where Han Yoohyun will be waiting for him with a freed up schedule, if the dark muttering of his older self by Taewon's side is anything to go by.
(Taewon wonders about the validity of holding another version of oneself up to standards that you yourself failed to meet, but then Yoojin used to scold him for something almost exactly like that sans the multiple selves aspect, so he decides in the end to keep his thoughts to himself. He didn't get this far by running his mouth, at any rate. No, that's a habit better suited to someone else with the personality to back it up.)
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faeriejukyung · 4 years
Dr. Romantic, Teacher Kim 2 Review
media type: kdrama
genre: medical drama, melodrama, romance
duration: 16 episodes, 70 minutes each
available on: viki (for free!)
faeriejukyung rating: 9.5/10 🍇
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I know that I’m very late to this, but please bear with me. this drama came out back in January, and at that time it didn’t pique my interest, since I’m not a huge medical drama watcher. as a matter of fact, this is the first medical drama that I’ve watched! I saw one of my close friends gush about the chemistry between Lee Sung Kyung and Ahn Hyo Seop (the actors playing the lead couple in DRTK 2) on her instagram story, so I decided to give it a watch. And to say that I was pleasantly surprised is an understatement. 
This is genuinely the best kdrama I have watched ALL year. Everything about it so amazing. I was initially a bit worried because I haven’t yet watched the first season of Dr. Romantic, so I thought I’d have trouble following the storyline. But that was not the case at all! I could understand pretty much everything perfectly, and even though there were a few references to older characters, overall I wasn’t confused at all. And I’m not gonna lie, this kdrama kind of made me reconsider my future career options LMAOOO I high-key wanted to become a surgeon after watching this,, idk man, might fuck around and do medicine after I graduate high school. (my mom would die to hear me say these words)
The story revolves around the extremely talented doctor with a passion for helping and saving people, Bu Yong Ju, or Kim Sa Bu (played by Han Suk Kyu), as he’s referred to in the drama, the extremely intelligent, hardworking and sincere, but anxious doctor Cha Eun Jae (played by Lee Sung Kyung), and the talented lonewolf Seo Woo Jin (played by Ahn Hyo Seop), who’s struggling with debt. Kim Sa Bu recruits Cha Eun Jae and Seo Woo Jin to help run the chaotic Doldam Hospital, which is situated at a countryside, the place where rest of the story takes place. 
All the characters in this kdrama are so well written, and all of them have reasons for doing the things that they do. All the side characters are so so so likeable (I particularly liked the Head Nurse’s Tigress mom-like character!) -- There is not one character that I can say is poorly written. Even the dude I hated the most (Dr. Yang Ho Joon) is a well written character
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The storyline in this kdrama is by far one of the most interesting ones. I literally could not stop myself from binge watching the whole thing in less than a week lmao. That's the only complain I have -- I could not put my phone down. Every time I would finish an episode, I’d practically be dying to know what happens in the next one. Every episode brings a new medical case, and I would feel my blood pressure heighten up during each and every emergency treatment. The tension that our characters feel during a surgery seems very much palatable through the screen. Like you can tell, that this is a life and death situation. And every sigh of relief that you’d take after the patient is saved would feel earned.
I REALLY REALLY REALLY adored the camaraderie and the sense of community the staff at Doldam Hospital shared. Honestly, I can talk about their loving relationship with each other for hours. These people are very much a family. These are the characters you get really emotionally attached to. And I particularly love them because found family is my favorite tv/movie/book trope :”) They are literally what I want my ideal work environment to be like! if our relationship is not like the staff at Doldam Hospital, I don’t want it. 🙄👎
My favorite character, most definitely would be the Romantic Doctor himself, Kim Sa Bu. Honestly, everyone deserves a mentor like Kim Sa Bu in their life. His wise teachings, his eye for talent, his way of teaching people and helping them overcome their flaws is literally all I want in life. He has this way of reassuring people, that it’ll be okay as long as he’s there. In the end of the kdrama, he tells us to always be in touch with our idealistic side and to never let go of the romanticism inside of us. People might call him a madman, crazy, impractical, but Kim Sa Bu always puts values and ideals like empathy, doing the right thing, selflessness at the top. He’s a character that I’ll remember for a really long time.
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And of course, I can’t forget Woo Jin and Eun Jae. These two are literally my babies. We see them grow as individuals, and as a duo/couple throughout the drama. They are legit one of my favorite slow burn couples ever. And their relationship is so beautiful, you can tell how much they care about each other. While Eun Jae teaches Woo Jin to be more open about his feelings, to sometimes rely on others, Woo Jin teaches Eun Jae to be more confident with her surgery skills. (CAN I TAKE A MOMENT TO JUST TALK ABOUT EUN JAE’S CHARACTER ARC? LIKE . OMG. I’m absolutely in love!! her character glow up is like the one I want. she went from being an insecure people pleaser with a good girl complex to a self assured and extremely skilled surgeon!! God I really want to have a character arc like her, because I really relate to how Eun Jae initially was lol) Anyway, I literally cANNOT stop fangirling over them. They’re always there for each other emotionally, every time one of them is going through something. Their emotional connection is just *chef’s kiss*. They’re in my “dream relationships” list. Also this is a quick disclaimer that you might feel like they’re a bit slow, but that’s because the story isn’t completely centered around their romance. That being said, I WOULD DIE TO SEE MORE OF THEM :(( like I literally go on youtube and re-watch all my favorite WooJae scenes. (I’m lonely can u tell)
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Overall, this kdrama is literally perfection for me (it’s my emotional support kdrama now ahaha). I recommend it to people who like frenemies-to-lovers trope, found family trope, along with some good adrenaline rush (lol)
Also quick viewer discretion: This show contains themes of violence, death and r@pe/s3xual assault. it also contains  A LOT of blood. Like, A LOT. I know this stuff triggers a lot of people, I advise those people to not watch it. please take care :( I love u <33
Thank you if you read through the whole thing, it means a lot! :D My name is Mahima, I’m 15 years old and I mostly geek out about kdramas, webtoon, at;la, and LOTR here, with occasional stuff about harry potter, pjo, and pokemon. hmu if u wanna be friends and talk about my stupid hyper fixations AHAH 
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knjredwluv · 5 years
Red. [1]
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Red (n.)
Red could signify the color of love, passion, determination, and strength. Red could also signify blood, fire, war, desire and energy. Red is an emotionally intense color.
Title: Red
Words: 4.7k
AU: Yandere/Obssessive relationship 
Characters: Jungkook x Reader. Hoseok x Reader. OT7.
Warnings: 17+ explicit language, angst!angst!angst!, slight implications of smut, some fluff and soft moments (super fucking sappy), noona kink (if you squint reaaaaally hard), yandere/obsessive relationship (this isnt a healthy relationship and i dont promote any of this), mentions of killing, hallucinations, has very descriptive angst!!
Summary: “After the things that happened, you decided to start anew. Everything was how you thought it would be; it was simple but perfect–until you saw your name on a black envelope. Out of curiosity, you opened it; and now, you wish you didn’t.”
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You held your phone to your ear using your shoulder. You huffed as you tried to multi-task being on the phone, walking to class and carrying a shoulder bag, laptop, books and a cup of coffee in your arms. “Can you please just do it? I have to head back to Jimin’s because he left his wallet.”
“____, as much as I love you, I will not go to your brother’s house without you. You know the look he gives me for being with you already– and you want me to go there to drop off your boxes for you.” You chuckled as he rambled and emphasized on the task you requested him to do.
“Babe, that’s just how he looks at everyone, okay? And plus, you’re bigger than him. I remember having a man for a boyfriend not a baby.” you giggle as you teased him.
“For fucks sake, ____, Your brother is a fucking cop. He looks like he hates me and he is a licensed official who can put me behind bars for, I don’t know, laughing at you when you do some stupid shit” You laugh at this because you know you’re one hell of a klutz.
“I’ll give you a blowjob if you do it” You whispered into the phone, nonchalantly. As expected, there is a small pause until you heard a groan.
“Fine, I’ll do it. You owe me big time, baby girl.”
You ended the call and texted your brother saying that Jungkook is heading over to drop off your things for your parents.
[12:34] Y/N: yoon
[12:34] Y/N: Jk is heading over there to bring my stuff
[12:35] Y/N: u home right?
[12:37] Bro: Nah
[12:37] Bro: not home work called but Mina is home she shuld be awake
[12:38] Y/N: Mkay ill tell him
[12:40] Bro: 👍🏻
[12:45] Y/N: Hes not home but Mina is
[12:47] Jeon♡: Ok yessssss
[12:47] Jeon♡: but im still expecting something 👀
[12:47] Y/N: fck outta here jeon and do what u gotta do
[12:47] Jeon♡: Damn ok live u
[12:47] Jeon♡: love*** ♥️♥️
[12:48] Y/N: 🥰 love you 2
You shoved your phone in your bag and walked to the library. The weather was really nice. it complimented how you were dressed up for today.
Thank God, it was just for today.
Your Art Club meeting is really gonna screw you up. You really hope you ace this meeting since you stayed up all night making the power point. You’re also drowning yourself in caffeine and hoping it doesn’t spill on your new blouse. The branded shirt costed you more than your monthly grocery; and it’s not like you find it a hassle to be stylish but it’s definitely something different. It’s way different than the go-to vans and a pair of jeans with the Uni’s hoodie. Oh how you wished that’s what you were wearing right now.
After the meeting, you walked up the steps and opened the door to the University’s library. You were greeted by Namjoon, who was on his way out.
“Hey, ____. What brings you here? It isn’t Thursday today, is it?” He asked you casually while checking his Gold Casio watch. Namjoon is used to your frequent visits to the library. After working in the library for 4 out of 5 years of his Uni life, he’s accustomed to seeing you on the same desk, at the second floor, by the window. Sometimes, you’re caught doing homework, checking out Literature books or books of Art History, or probably just reading a comic book or webtoon that Jungkook told you about.
“Oh no, It’s Tuesday but I just needed to catch up with some work” accidentally bumping your elbow to the door causing you to almost drop your books but luckily, Namjoon’s instincts were fast. You quietly thanked him. “I got math to do”
“Well then,” He turned and waved “Ms. Ryu is expecting me. Good luck with math”
“Alrightie, see ya”
You walked to your usual spot and placed your laptop on the desk. You opened it and typed in the password. You grinned at the screensaver.
Oh god, it never fails to make you smile.
It was a screenshotted picture of Jungkook with ice cream of his face on your second date. It was a funny memory if you recall what happened.
“Stopppp, you’re going too hard. I might fly up” You said giggling and holding on the seesaw like it meant your life depended on it. Technically, it kind of did.
“Okay okay, i’m sorry” he said laughing at how you looked.
Both of you continued using the seesaw while casually talking about nonsense like what if aliens came and decided to rule Earth or if there was a zombie apocalypse, what you would do.
“Now that I think about it, I would find it weird that there’s two grown adults using a seesaw and eating ice cream– BUT CUTE” saying it with emphasis.
“Your right, it’s not something you see everyday” He shrugged and laughed and went back to lick his ice cream.
“Yeah, you don’t see muscle pig tatted good looking e-boy eating ice cream while using a seesaw, everyday” You teasingly said.
“What was that?” He said looking at you. You knew that he heard because his ears were starting to turn red but it didn’t stop his lips altering to a smile hearing the compliment. It was probably even boosting his ego hearing that the girl he likes called him good looking. He knew that and he always, mentally, thanked his parents and the Man above for mixing his genes well.
“Huh?” biting your lip, smiling and trying not to laugh “Oh nothing” shaking your head. You took out your phone to take a snapchat video of him holding onto the seesaw with his ice cream cone on the other hand.
He urged you to repeat it, not because of what you said, but because of how the blush crept up your face as you said it. He noticed how red your cheeks has gotten and how you adorable it is to see you this flustered.
“Say it” he whined, exaggerating the act knowing that he was being recorded. He bounced a little hard on the seesaw which caused you to jump a little. He smirked at your shocked look.
“Hmm, You wanna play that game huh?” Still taking a video, you playfully copied what he did to you which caused him to jump a little forward and the ice cream on his hand, now on the ground. His chin and mouth covered in with the dessert and his black shirt having evidence of the incident.  
“Awwww Jungkook, I’m sorry” You cooed and pouting at him. You couldn’t help but giggle at the sight in front of you as you walked towards him, zooming into his face. He had a fake pout and a slight smile. Putting your phone at the back of your pocket, you took the napkin from around your cone and started to wipe his chin.
“I’m so sowwyyy”
He stared at you mischievously. You glanced into his eyes and continued to wipe his chin. He pulled your wrist down and held the sides of your face and gave you a peck on the lips. You gasp at the sudden kiss but also the feeling of the sticky sugar treat around your mouth.
“It’s okay, now we’re even” He said laughing at you, with the little pout on your face.
You smile at the memory. It reminds you how lucky you got when meeting Jungkook because not only is he caring, smart and loving, he can also be a dickhead who doesn’t take people’s shit. The duality, right? But hey, with the exception of your brother, Yoongi. He kind of isn’t ashamed to admit to you that your brother is quite intimidating and, sometimes, scare him. You’re pretty sure your brother also enjoys seeing Jungkook shit his pants whenever he sees him. His career choice, of being a police officer just adds up to the thrill of it. Although, Jungkook could be a bit younger than you, it doesn’t stop Yoongi from being protective of you. But that’s only if he is judging based on façade. Besides, he’s known Jungkook for long enough to know that he’s a keeper.
The loud sound of a book falling by the computer area brought you back to reality. You sighed and took out your math handout and begin on working out the problems.
“Now back to this shit.” You muttered. You didn’t mind doing your assignments and homework but what really irked you is that your professor never collects it. It was just the usual. He gives out assignments, expects you to do them and then pop quiz at the end of the month.
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Taking a break, you leaned back into the chair and took a sip of the ice coffee you brought. You looked around while stretching and cracked your joints. It sent you a wave of relief throughout your body after solving, for God knows how long, algebra equations. You checked your phone and realized you’ve been sitting down, doing your work for 47 mins.
You stared out the window enjoying the scenery of the field and the school’s garden. What caught your eye is a group walking to the parking lot, but in this group you saw someone who thought would be familiar. You tilted your head trying to identify this person. It made you move closer to the window and you sat there with your chin on your hand, squinting your eyes for better focus. It was as if you were burning holes into this person’s back. Ironically, It was like he felt the heat behind him and he turned around. He turned around to face who could be his friends. Seeing his face, it sent chills down your spine. Blinking and shaking your head, thinking that you could be hallucinating or day-dreaming. You looked up again and couldn’t make out who they were because their friends were blocking the one who you wanted to see. Your mind became blank once again and you looked at your ice coffee.
“I really shouldn’t be drinking you, you’re starting to make me see things” you thought.
You thought that it could be the coffee. It’s already your 4th cup for the day. Although, at this rate, you don’t know if your body is immune to it because you still feel sluggish as you did this morning. You hold your head with both hands, elbows on the table, feeling a slight headache. It’s like feeling all your brain cells dying because of the caffeine overdose. You decided to shake it off and continue doing your work.
You were startled when the chair in front of you and beside you was pulled open and there sat Jimin and Taehyung. Your hands placed on your chest, you swore you that you just let out a loud shriek causing people to look at your direction.
“What the fu– don’t just randomly do that you shitheads” You whisper-yelled. You try to recover from the sudden appearance of the playful couple.
“We saw you here, hope you don’t mind we come and join you on your little study sesh”
“Not at all” You said “Oh yeah, here,” You searched in your bag for the thick leather wallet and handed it to him “Good thing you came”
"Thought you would be in class?” You asked while he shoves his wallet at the back of his pocket
“Well we finished early, Mr. Xing said he’s gonna call off for the day”
“Yeah, Poor man, been coughing all day and couldn’t sound out a syllable”
“What’s up, ____. Looking like you were shitting bricks before we gave you reason to shit bricks. What is that?” He came closer to check the assignment I was doing and to his dismay, it was math.
“Oou, well, that explains, but you good?”
“Yeah, head hurts and was thinking ‘bout some things” you mumbled.
“Well, you gotta stop overthinking, it gives you wrinkles. ‘N you know what they say about wrinkles~ they’re a sign of old age~”
“Wow, Thanks Tae” You rolled your eyes, chuckling at the two. You stayed in the library with Jimin and Taehyung talking and doing assignments and projects.
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Now, you are found in Jimin’s car, releasing stress by singing your souls out to 2000s R&B. You insisted that you walk but, of course, he didn’t take no for an answer.
You were born in Daegu but your family moved to Seoul when you and Yoongi were very young. A few years ago, you decided to move in with your brother and his wife. Despite being born in the area, you felt out of place until you met Jimin and Taehyung. They were your the first set of friends that you met when you moved to Daegu. It was an easy friendship because not only that they attended DAU, Daegu Arts University, you three have the same Art History class. You’re not gonna lie but you might have had the slightest crush on Jimin during first year of Uni–that was until you find out the two were together. Hey, it didn’t hurt though, the two were like soulmates.
Checking your phone, you saw time was only 4:27 PM. You sighed realizing that you’ll have the apartment to yourself until Jungkook comes home, from his shift at the tattoo parlour, later tonight.
He was already working there when you met him. He moved away from Busan to pursue his dream in music. He asked his parents if he could move to Daegu and attend DAU. Of course, it took a toll on his parents but they let him do what he wanted. The best thing they could do was support their son on his dream; He aced a job at a tattoo parlour and he has little shows at the bars downtown, all while he was studying. He realized that it gave him satisfaction and he, secretly, took a break from school–which now, it led to him being a full-time worker at the well-known tattoo parlour. He finds that it’s nothing different if he would have finished; seeing that he didn’t need to be a college graduate to get his job. Despite those circumstances, his creativity and love for Art and Music gets him paid; and that’s what matters to him and you–that he’s happy.
“Alright,” You shut the door and tapped on the trunk “thanks boys, see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, bye, _____. Sleep well tonight, You look too sleep deprived”
“I will, drive safe, text me when you’re home”
You walked up the stairs and reached your apartment. You entered the code of the door’s lock and the door makes sound, signaling you that the doors open. You entered, taking off your shoes and hanging your coat on the coat rack. Walking towards the living room, you put your bag on the ground next to the counter which separates the living room and kitchen. Plopping down on the couch, you sighed in relief of the feeling being home and laying at the soft surface. You focused on listening to the humming of the air conditioner and then you felt your eyelids becoming heavy with every tick of the clock.  
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You were awoken by the smell of food and it made you realize how hungry you were; smelling the food definitely made your stomach growl that you felt the strong vibrations. You sat up and looked around and adjusted your vision to the light. You turned around and saw Jungkook’s back. You stood up and quickly stretched and walked towards him. As you approached him, he turned around and noticed your sleepy figure about to engulf him, which was intended to be a back hug.
“Hi sleepy” He says. He placed the spoon and tupperware on the counter, hugged you back in return and left a kiss on your temple. You hummed and just hugged him tighter. Inhaling his scent of body soap and aftershave.
“Mina gave me some food when I went over there; She said you should try it and gave us a lot of it” You hummed in response.
“What is it?” Your voice husky from sleeping
“It’s a chicken stew. C’mon, get ready we’ll have dinner in a few, I’m already making rice”
“I wanna stay like this still” Your hold became tighter and he just rubbed your back. Your hunger was replaced by the feeling of ease and comfort in his embrace. You moved your face from his chest and faced him with your eyes closed and smiled at him.
“Don’t forget your little promise, baby.” He said while placing kisses all over your face. His hands sliding up and down your back and moved to grope your ass, giving it a little slap. Your eyes opened and fake disappointment washed over you.
“I really thought it was going to be a sweet moment, Jeon. You really had-” He cut you with a peck on the lips.“-to say that.” He chuckled.
“C’mon, Noona, I can be really sweet.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“Oh my god, you’re really fucking lucky I’m a sub or else, i would have-” You cut yourself off and you smirked at him.
“Hm, feisty now, isn’t she?” You remove yourself from him and grab a cup to drink a glass of water.
“I’m sorry, JK. I’m exhausted today. I promise, on date night, okay?”
“Something happened today? I saw how busted you look on the couch when I came home– didn’t wanna wake you until I finished heating up the food” Now it was his turn to hug you first. He sat on the stool and pulled you by your shirt and wrapped his arms around your waist. He stared at you with his doe eyes until you finished drinking and placing the glass on the counter.
“Just a club meeting but I didn’t sleep last night. I had to finish the powerpoint and afterwards, I went to the library to finish off somethin’. Jimin and Tae was with me though, no worries. They dropped me home too so.” You sighed and look at him.
“That was the meeting you were talking about right? How was it? How’d it go?” He asked
“Remember the man I told you about?” He hummed in response “Well, he seemed really impressed with my presentation and the art display we made and he spoke about visiting again,” You began playing with the long strands of his fluffy, wavy hair “He said that he’ll think about doing a workshop, all expenses paid, for learning art techniques and maybe even visiting the national museum”
“I’m proud of you, ____. I know you worked hard for that. You know, being the Co-President of the Art Club.” He gushes as he rubbed circle with his thumb on your waist.
“Oh my– stop, let me get changed” You tapped his chest and leaned forward to peck his nose. 
You walked out the kitchen and headed to the bedroom and stripped to your underwear. You grabbed a towel heading to the bathroom for a quick shower. You gargled with some mouthwash and change into some boy shorts and Jungkook’s oversized sweatshirt.  
“____, the table’s ready!”
“Coming, coming!”
You skipped to the kitchen and sat on the high stool opposite of Jungkook’s. You both ate dinner and shoving the last chunk of carrot into your mouth, you stacked the dishes and placed them in the sink.
“Are you scheduled to play tonight?” You asked turned your head to him as you washed the utensils.
“Yeah, Hyung said to meet at the subway. I’ll probably head out at around 30 35 mins from now?” He said questioningly, turning to look at the wall clock. It was currently 7:50 PM.
“Yup, in 30 mins or so– oh and please don’t wait up for me again. Am not sure when I’m coming but I’ll come home before it hits 1, okay?” He informs you while he removes his top and heads to the bathroom.
A little story of Jungkook and Seokjin’s relationship, Seokjin is Jungkook’s good friend who helped him move to Daegu. Jungkook and Seokjin were pretty much like roommates before you came into the picture. Besides being roommates, the pair were performers at the local bar.
That’s also how you met Jungkook. You saw him and Seokjin performing a ballad when you were with your group of friends. Eunbi, your close friend and also Seokjin’s girlfriend, introduced you to them that same night. You thought he was very attractive–like duh, who wouldn’t? You both talked and got to know some things about each other and it led to both of you exchanging numbers, texting often, meeting up for coffee or lunch. Several months later, that’s when he decided to ask you to make it official. You would visit their apartment often; it can be whenever they practiced ballads and their self-composed songs or you guys decide to have a movie night with Seokjin and Eunbi. For others, it may sound like the relationship was rushed for deciding to live together 1 year and 3 months into the relationship. It didn’t feel wrong though–as cliche as it sounds. You felt that this new start was something just like you imagined it would be.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Jungkook bent down to grab his bag that was next to you and to kiss your forehead.
“I’m heading out.” He slings the big black backpack on and walked towards the door. He stood by the front of the door struggling to put on his sneakers. “Sleep early my love” he sang stretching out each syllable. You giggled at the soft curse he did when he nearly stumbled over the slippers behind him.
“Take care,” You turned your head to look at him and to surprise you noticed his outfit.  “Oh my.. Please tell me you have a light shirt in your bag. You really gotta stop wearing all black. It’s too dark outside kook. Trust me, I’ll really buy you some twinkle toes” You said worriedly, remembering the incident that almost happened a few days ago. Stupid driver + Late night + Boyfriend in dark clothing + Walking = Not a good combination.
“Don’t worry, _____. Look, I got the shoes with the light reflectors. It’s not twinkle toes but it’s something” He smugly said with hands on his hips. You couldn’t help but laugh at him.
“Okay, love you, text me if anything. Go sleep early for real, it’s an order”
“Love you too” You said sending him a flying kiss, to which he pretended to catch and smack on his cheek before he closed the door.
You decided to get ready for bed. You turned off the lights in the living room, kitchen and the mini hallway. You walked in the bathroom to do your skin care and brush your teeth. You walked in the bedroom while using your phone, checking for updates on your social media. Peeling the covers open, you laid down and tucked yourself in. You set an early alarm for the next day and put your phone down. You stared at the wall, deep in thought. You were reminded of the familiar face you saw when you were at the library. Yes, it’s been almost roughly 5 years but sometimes you can’t help but remember the painful memories. It was still vivid to you. You rubbed your face with your hands.
“I can’t believe you would do something like that. Do you not trust me?”
“___, What the fuck are you talking about? I trust you! Why are yo-” You scoffed.
“What do you mean, what the fuck I’m talking about, you know damn well what the fuck I’m talking about.” You turned to face him.
“____.” He calmly looks at you and held your arm but you pulled away.
“Why the fuck would you send threats to my classmate? I told you we were just doing a project and it’s not like we were alone… I don’t even know him that well for you to accuse me of something”
“I didn’t even accuse you of anything, ___. Stop saying shit right now.” He rolled his eyes and turned away from you. You looked at him is disbelief.
“So texting someone like ‘hey, im ___’s boyfriend, and i need you to back tf away from her. I see the way you look at her’ blah blah blah and ‘if not, i know where you live and i swear ill torture tf outta you’ is not a threat? You’re already accusing me and someone else for doing something we didn’t do” He noticed your rage and turned around and walked towards you.
“___, It’s not like that, i prom-” You cut him off
“And you pulled a knife on him…” You say softly.
“W-what? H-how… What are you saying right now, ___. You sound stupid” There was a pregnant pause until you couldn’t hold back a hiccup. Your tears running down your face.
“I saw you. In the parking lot. After you dropped me off, I was gonna run after you when I saw that I left my bottle behind and there you were…” You looked up at him with glossy eyes
“There was my fucking boyfriend with a knife on my classma–” You jokingly said, with enthusiasm, as you turned around waving your arms towards your boyfriend as if you were talking to an audience. You nervously chuckled at the situation. You were in disbelief that you couldn’t even finish your sentence. You choked back the sob.  
That night was when you realized your boyfriend was fucking crazy. He was out of his mind. It was just like what those movies would talk about when the lead character has a girlfriend and she’s literally crazy; doing anything to get his attention. Except it was the opposite, it was him and definitely not you. What scares you the most is that, it happened, not twice, but more than 5 times. It’s not like how the movie depicts it to be anymore. It’s reality and much more scarier than that. He doesn’t know but you know he’s the one who stares at you from across the room of where you sat. You know, that he’s the reason why some people don’t talk to you the way they used to. It was all because of him your life started to feel like a living hell.
You shook the memories away. You checked your phone. 9:39 PM.
“That’s the past” You muttered to yourself.
“That’s way in the past, ___. You’re here now, Almost 5 years. You’re just hallucinating this again” You sighed. You reached to the nightstand and drank some water. You opened the voice recording app on your phone and clicked on the file that Jungkook made.
He knows about your story. He knows about everything. He knows why you moved and why you decided to change your life; and you loved how supportive he was of it. You can’t stress enough how thankful you are to be with someone like Jungkook.
File: a_lullaby_for_my_someone.mp3
“Hi, _____” His clear voice filling the quiet room “,I know you aren’t sleeping right now–and that explains why you turned to this recording, Ha. Anyways, That’s why I made this very special lullaby for you. Here’s my rendition to our song…”
And that’s when he started strumming the guitar.
Put your head on my shoulder
Hold me in your arms, baby
You placed your phone on his side of the bed and hugged a pillow. Finally adjusting your sleeping position, you closed your eyes and your previous thoughts were pushed aside as you focus on your boyfriend’s singing
Squeeze me oh so tight
Show me that you love me too
Your breathing becoming slower and free from panic
Put your lips next to mine, dear
Won’t you kiss me once, baby
Just a kiss goodnight, maybe
You and I will fall in love
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