#is this a long post... this is like a medium length post.......
orathearsonman · 4 months
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anyway so i’m rereading Villain With a Crush / Pure Villain and noticing some parallels between Han Doryeong (pictured left) and Tesilid (pictured right). hear me out for the next (checks watch) uhhhhh,
so both of them could be considered the face of their institution (doryeong more so since he’s practically a celebrity, tesilid on account of him being the Wielder of the Holy Sword)
both were taught and conditioned (?) from a young age— doryeong got his abilities as a newborn and was IMMEDIATELY on the special police radar because he was super strong. tesilid was taken in as one of the sacred sheep as a little orphan child and branded with the stigmata.
both of their powers exceed those around them (doryeong: woah, TWO POWERS?? tesilid: seven deadly sins and heavenly virtues let him power up)
ultimately, they are both somehow victims of their institution. doryeong’s been the best special officer practically since he was old enough to walk. he’s always been the hero, always been the people’s bastion of hope. for the longest time, he’s been burdened with the knowledge that if he ever falters or shows weakness, the people around him will lose their faith in the special police force. he has to win every battle / save every person / etc / etc. all the while, he’s haunted by the question: if he’s ever in danger, who will come to save him? now objectively tesilid has it worse; his childhood was stolen by the vatican treating him like a weapon and a tool to their own ideals. his hands were stained red with the blood of people that the vatican branded as heretics, inhuman, people that weren’t people at all but evil things meant to be purged. his morality struggled against the path he was forced into (it only gets worse during his regressions, of course).
both of them put on façades. for one reason or another, they have to act like pure, upstanding people (who are NOT undergoing a single mental health crisis, thank you very much). doryeong because he can’t let the public down despite his own fears (see above), tesilid because he feels he can’t risk showing that side of himself to ailette (because of that #sweet fear of rejection)
and both of them eventually meet a person (rosa, ai) who sees them as they are (debatable but it’s about the effect not the intention) and is powerful enough to protect them. when doryeong is in danger, who will protect him? rosa, who shatters an entire building headed straight for his face. tesilid forever wishes for a healer? no worries, ailette was studying a decade specifically for this. after forever being the hero now it’s THEIR turn to get deus ex machina’d. they don’t have to be the strongest person in the room or a smiling cutout. they have a chance to experience new things! smile genuinely! perhaps even… be a little bit jealous for once?? damn i never knew they had it in em.
doryeong and tesilid are different characters with different experiences and vibes. they’re not even set in remotely similar worlds. still, it’s difficult for me to not spot the similarities when they encompass so many tropes/archetypes i love (e.g. guy experiences genuine compassion for the first time, 10 dead, 27 injured)
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"was anyone at lackadaisy aggrieving Mordecai with the style and variety that the Savoys bring" idk nobody tried to carve him (they probably valued their lives more) but Mitzi and Rocky sure did seem to have their fun, at least out of the main story lol
Oh and the rat that gave him a cracker
it's sure something how like, mordecai's autistic swag is what seems to override how people interact with him rather than that everyone's just intimidated by his [but he's just so good at it] Kills You job lol
and of course it's like, tone & style, the murdering going on isn't like getting the focus for like realistic(tm) [The Horrors], and in the world of bonus / outside canon material, there's a lot of variety / A Range from "could be canon" / canonesque style & tone, to Clearly Couldn't Be, and usually a yet lighter tone / more centered around humor for the Standalone idea therein....
the Just Run With It [what if] jokes of rocky & mordecai interacting completely in earnest / embracing that premise is a lot of fun lol, with the obvious juxtaposition but also the potential flexibility when you're both particularly seen as [Guy Who I Guess Won't Just Be More Normal] and, in turn, are used to having to roll with everyone else just being some kind of way at you. i.e. less likely to mind "this guy is weird???" like, well what else is new when you're an especial odd one out even amongst a lot of idiosyncrasy, thank god. the potential refreshment of any exchange that goes beyond "the best you can get from this person is their 'humoring' you"
on that note, maybe mitzi & mordecai's dynamic is less promising lol....again like, can't take bonus material quite as [Consider It Canon], and it's nothing new for it to be like, aw maybe these two don't get along lol, like, even In Canon, how many pairs of [any two given people] are on heartwarmingly perfect terms right now....but it's sure like, maybe here is a case of "At Best: [this person "at best: this person 'humors' you" lol in the style of mitzi having to roll with any lackadaisy associate's Whole Deal. and, speaking of "people who have to roll with anyone's whole deal," that potential like.......entire Dynamic Type of "someone whose Peculiarity is resented / taken as an imposition / taken as hostility" vs "someone who isn't able to access [outright aggression] as a mode of social power & has to finesse things, especially with more deniability about in fact actively steering towards any goals" wherein it's like. someone (autistically): just standing here. someone (allistically): so it's like that, huh? two can play at that game (cocks gun). like i do wanna see a mordecai & mitzi shopping trip montage set to an anachronistic bop. mordecai Was just minding his own business, then annoyed at an interruption to take 90 pics while going What's Up Nerd, then it's like [having the social savvy to actually take any notice of how someone specific operates? you Could use this to Not torment them on purpose. Orrrr....] like. he was just sitting here lol. nobody's having a good time....interpreting someone's "impersonable" demeanor as like, a deliberate act of passive aggressive hostility, and Getting Revenge on them for either doing nothing, perhaps even trying to be friendly (this applied more generally than, like, this particular character lol), perhaps god forbid indeed ever being in a bad mood or reacting negatively to something....
truly though their limited canon Lore is straightforwardly more fun to me in its entirety....mitzi's "why do you always have to do things the creepy way" is like, the most she says that expresses an implicit more overall / preexisting negative judgment, and naturally this just after he's startled her by lurking in the back of a car for a spontaneous secret tête-à-tête, so. and him shrugging off her smacking him upside the head for as much; off to a relatively okay start, really. and besides that, they have their surprisingly Totally Okay conversation, even if it sours a bit in the end. it's beautiful to me that they have their Murder Mystery Secret, and chat around it, and i am still so intrigued and rotating it intently, What's Going On In Here....in canon, i do think this Shared Emotional Connection to atlas is what Mostly defines their relationship for the both of them, even beyond some more strictly practical "well, we both share the Interest of knowing, and wanting to keep, this secret," and certainly beyond how they might feel about each other independently of this....and we also get instances of their both talking About the other, without that other's presence, where they could go off about any Contempt or Dislike they have, but don't: mitzi talking to atlas('s portrait) about that wayward golden boy of yours; mordecai talking to gracie about having "very little interest in defending" mitzi, no she didn't take up with him instead, but: his understanding that she didn't shoot anyone & wasn't even living with [atlas] at the time....there seems to be Enough patience for each other, and a lot less genuine animosity than would be expected if they were simply now [professional rivals who also hated each other when they weren't even that], and if anything, mordecai's probably less hostile than mitzi thinks, and i would be Unsurprised if [whatever the "reassurance that it's still my fault" refers to] is less her fault than either of them think
it's also sure like, even when people Are intimidated they won't stop razzing him. there's asa going "you're terrifying" while mordecai is Literally Just Sitting There probably somewhat displeased about being dragged to brunch regarding lackadaisy business. there's bobby arbogast and the "softspoken and positively machiavellian. it was a no holds barred situation when he had viktor and the other one along. :c" apparent [you're terrifying] assessment of mordecai....extending to how he doesn't seem to find it at all surprising that at one point people wanted to kill mordecai, and that lack of surprise is based on knowing Mordecai's Personality lol rather than like. theories about anything he particularly Did, rather than [surely had everyone around him come to Dislike him]. my god the Autistic Character alert going off at "it wouldn't surprise me to learn that, left to his own agencies, he'd brought his troubles on himself. for all his qualifications with books and odds and percentages and what...he'd always been about as personable as a bespectacled barbed wire post, and likely tallied up more enemies than friends." like truly i can toss out some [They Wanted Him Dead b/c embezzling??] theory but it's also like, truly he might've done everything right, literally on paper, and gotten caught up in like, someone's just annoyed with him, someone needs a fall guy and it's like well i hate that one kid. that now this one guy is like "yeah he's unlikable so i don't need to know anything else to just go 'sounds about right' at him being beat up & fleeing for his life"
followed up by some Incredibly Noted remarks re: some historical perspectives on the idea of disability....like bobby where are you hearing rumors about "Why's Mordecai Like That(tm): imagined origin stories" lol but like. i don't know a ton here but i think at that time it could be like "oh yeah some physical damage to the brain will make people Personality Weird & Bad, sooo" like just Speculating about him being shot or something or other, when nothing much otherwise indicates there's actually any truth to mordecai having a "wonky streak" because of some particular injurious event. this also being like, perhaps the one case that maybe someone Is too intimidated to give mordecai shit lol, though yknow, maybe that's also personality + mordecai is Only Around the arbogasts when it's No Holds Barred situations....that is, bobby saying "i never had the gall to ask him myself if that was true." while it's also probably indeed just extra difficult to go up to someone and ask them like "hey i've heard there's some head trauma in your past that explains what's so wrong with you. is that true" like. that can only go badly
there was also certainly no language like "autistic," and it sure might be the case that [piece of cranial metal that's not supposed to be there???] is like, adjacent to "i'm pathologizing it btw: this person is not neurotypical"....uncomfortably looked up the history of lobotomies, that would exist within the decade & was based on [doing surgery on the brain for Psychology Reasons(tm)] already around 1890, so....certainly a current context for [trauma to the brain. accidental or inflicted] as per "creating" or "fixing" someone just vaguely taken as like, well they are crazy(tm) then. tooth and nail creating Language around non pathologized perspectives & understandings re: disability even Now, so, yknow, nigh a hundred years ago, can presume some rando isn't bringing the most nuanced, respectful perspective, but this sure is like....a comment that is framing an understanding of mordecai as Disabled. though it's then also like "and that's why he's so good at killing people, i guess" but, again, it's a pathologizing, [so of course people would want him dead] kind of perspective in the first place
and then fascinating to have that Segue into talking about viktor, in a "i guess they're both kind of weird in a disabled way" type of comment, touching on Shell Shocked as like, what's pointed out to be sort of a vintage Formal Diagnosis for what would evolve into the formal diagnosis of ptsd, and indeed still like [seeing Combat in the Military] as like, understood as what's "real," definitive ptsd....sure not being in wwi & Not being affected, we can presume....these two being thrown together like "okay now go in there & kill everyone & try not to get killed yourselves, boys" like, very chill, after getting hold of both these people because they just found themselves in a hell of a life and death situation, and atlas pulled them out of the dire results....wherein you end up with a duo that can deal just fine with the other party being "weird" and they're out here ultimately operating on this life and death (making sure neither of them die) basis. mordecai Reasoning with viktor to retire before he left....
anyways i'm really just going on a tangent. rocky and mordecai's canon interaction is also great....reminds me of going through all the extra material for possible murder mystery clues and going like, ah, proto panel that did get used but also changed a bit
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the tragedy....like you Know that, generally, rocky might be hyped to get comments on his fancy tie like, :( did No one notice my monogrammed accessories....and mordecai from across the room like "i noticed." pause, then exits.
and then there's mitzi like aware of rocky entirely (or. mostly) inadvertently having people punching and shooting and rampaging and etc like, no please don't go try to bother mordecai on purpose....lose/lose/lose for everyone for sure. but it's also a funny idea, and mordecai would probably Not really bother to kill anyone about rocky's own brand of "hmm why can't this guy Just Be Normal(tm)" or anything.
which, also, of course also have to shout out that immediately preceding [R is for Ridiculous] moment where rocky and mordecai apparently know Of each other lol. truly like guess they wouldn't have much cause to have interacted previously, especially as "surely Actually Being In The Speakeasy was one of the least relevant arenas for mordecai's bookkeeping or killing work for lackadaisy" and it being all the less relevant to anything mordecai would seek out like, personally / recreationally. and if he Is around there, when's he liable to be chatting with any/all band members....meanwhile what Stories about mordecai is rocky hearing? a) probably ones where he does hear mordecai's name, the choice to up and call him Ol Serious Face as a greeting is probably not immediately endearing, classic [rocky] style, and b) also probably just ones where people talk about how he's weird & that's funny or resented, maybe. maybe it's telling tales about his exploits (violent. probably) with viktor....but those goings on probably more discreet and removed from [stuff actually happening at the speakeasy]. and all this coming back around like aha perfect conclusion to tl;dr, mordecai may be on his 9000th intimidatingly efficient murder of the day, but everyone's like "his personality & everyday behavior & bearing are really weird. i want him dead" and just giving him shit about That based on That feeling. lol.
the savoys seeming at all Intrigued in an [actively engaging with him and not just giving him shit] may not really be different Enough, but. anything's possible lol, this triumvirate over here of all them of wild cards and elevated and "you know how it is. just doing your damn thing"....one might have hope that this could mean transcending "temporarily / begrudgingly humor this person At Best, sometimes"....they're already like "yeah i know gender isn't real" like great candidates for knowing neurotypicality isn't real also, or any other constructs of the Normality(tm) genre
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what are some ways to describe people other than eye and hair color
I am assuming you are looking for physical descriptors. Here are some examples. I may just make a different post on psychological descriptors.
Arms: Long, Muscular, Pudgy, Short, Skinny, Thin
Back: Bent, Hunched, Ramrod Straight, Rounded
Build: Anorexic, Athletic, Beefy, Brawny, Burly, Chubby, Coltish, Compact, Fat, Gangly, Gaunt, Gawky, Haggard, Heavy-set, Herculean, Husky, Lanky, Lithe, Muscular, Obese, Overweight, Petite, Rangy, Reed-like, Scrawny, Skinny, Slender, Slight, Solid, Spindly, Statuesque, Stocky, Strapping, Sylphlike, Taut, Thickset, Thin, Trim, Underweight, Voluptuous, Well-built, Willowy, Withered
Cheeks: Blushing, Bold, Curved, Dimpled, Bold, Curved, Dimpled, Disturbed, Glorious, Glowing, Hairless, High (cheekbones), Hollow, Honey, Livid, Pale, Pallid, Pink, Plump, Puffy, Radiant, Reddened, Rosy, Rounded, Ruddy, Shining, Smooth, Soft, Sun-burnt, Sun-bronzed, Sunken, Sun-tanned, Tanned, Tearful, White
Chin: Angular, Bony, Bumpy, Chiseled, Defined, Doughy, Firm, Protruding, Round, Smooth, Soft, Square, Strong
Ears: Jug-like, Large, Protruding, Tiny
Eyebrows: Arching, Bushy, Emphasized, Near, Spaced, Thick, Thin
Eyelashes: Artificial, Beaded, Beautiful, Blinking, Dark, Dark-fringed, Dense, Dusky, Heavily-fringed, Long, Mascaraed, Sandy, Sooty, Sopping, Tear-drenched, Thick, Uplifted
Eyes: Almond-shaped, Bright, Bulging, Expressive, Frightened, Gentle, Languishing, Little, Luminous, Made-up, Round, Shining, Shortsighted, Smart, Stunned, Thin, Wide, Woeful
Face: Baby, Blood-stained, Bold, Chiseled, Contorted, Dead, Expressionless, Fair, Familiar, Fierce, Flat, Frightened, Furrowed, Honest, Indifferent, Little, Pale, Poker, Pretty, Radiant, Rough, Ruddy, Sallow, Square, Stained, Swollen, Trim, Weather-beaten, Wry
Feet: Athlete's, Big, Flat, Pigeon-toed, Small, Sore, Stinky, Stubby, Swollen
Fingers: Gnarled, Long, Short, Stubby
Finger Nails: Bitten, Broken, Claw-like, Dirty, Hooked, Long, Painted, Sharp, Talon-like
Hair: Afro, Bald, Beehive, Braided, Bristles, Bun, Chignon, Coiffure, Combed, Corkscrew, Corn rows, Cowlicked, Crew cut, Curly, Disarrayed, Disheveled, Dreadlocks, Dry, Flattop, Flecked, French braid, French twist, Fringe, Greasy, Grizzled, Knotted, Layered, Locks, Matted, Messed up, Mohawk, Mussy, Muttonchops, Neat, Oily, Page boy, Perm, Pigtails, Plait, Pompadour, Ponytail, Ragged, Receding, Ringlets, Ruffled, Shaggy, Shorn, Shoulder-length, Skinhead, Spiky, Split-ended, Straight, Tangled, Thick, Thinning, Tidy, Topknot, Tousled, Twisted, Uncombed, Unshorn, Untidy, Wavy, Wiry, Wisps
Hand: Big, Elegant, Small
Height: Big, Knee-high, Medium, Short, Shoulder-high, Sky-high, Small, Tall, Towering, Waist-high
Legs: Amputated, Bandy, Bony, Bowed, Brawny, Bulging, Fluted, Gartered, Gouty, Graceful, Hacked, Hairy, Jagged, Knotted, Leaden, Long, Lower, Muscular, Pitiful, Rickety, Shapely, Shivering, Short, Sinewy, Slender, Slim, Spindle, Stockinged, Sturdy, Thin, Thread-like, Tinder, Tiny, Toothsome, Tree trunks
Lips: Blue, Cracked, Cupid's Bow, Downturned, Dry, Fat, Full, Grim, Large, Luscious, Parched, Parted, Red, Ruby, Small, Smiling, Thin, Wet
Mouth: Arch, Ascetic, Baby, Cavernous, Churning, Compressed, Cooing, Coral, Cracked, Cruel, Delicate, Dumpled, Distended, Dry, Fine, Firm, Frothy, Full, Funnel-shaped, Gaping, Grim, Handsome, Hungry, Insistent, Irritable, Large, Luscious, Munching, Musty, Perilous, Puckered, Querulous, Relaxed, Resolute, Sardonic, Sensuous, Serious, Slobbering, Small, Sulky, Sweet, Tender, Thin, Wide, Winsome, Wrinkled, Yawning
Neck: Bullnecked, Elegant, Long, Short, Swan-like, Thick
Palm: Broad, Oval, Rectangular, Square
Skin: Acned, Alabaster, Albino, Apricot, Black, Blemished, Blistered, Blooming, Blotchy, Blushing, Bronzed, Cadaverous, Calloused, Caramel, Clear, Craggy, Cream, Ebony, Fair, Flush, Freckled, Glowing, Greasy, Ivory, Jaundiced, Leathery, Lily-white, Lined, Milky, Mottled, Nut-brown, Olive, Pale, Pallid, Pasty, Peeling, Pimpled, Pink, Pitted, Pockmarked, Red, Rosy, Rough, Ruddy, Russet, Sallow, Scabby, Scarred, Smooth, Splotchy, Spotty, Sun-burnt, Tan, Wan, Waxen, White, Wrinkled, Yellow
Stomach: Bulging, Distended, Empty, Firm, Flabby, Flat, Heroic, Hollow, Lean, Paunchy, Protruding, Unbounded
Teeth: Artificial, Black, Blunted, Buck, Canine, Chattering, Clenched, Clinched, Compressed, Crooked, Dagger-like, Dazzling, Decayed, Deciduous, Extracted, False teeth, Feeble, Ferocious, Filed, Flashing, Fluoridated, Foam-laced, Fractured, Gap-toothed, Gleaming, Glistening, Glittering, Gnashing, Goofy, Grinding, Hooked, Horrid, Ivory, Jagged, Lacquered, Large, Milky, Mottled, Neglected, Pearly, Perfect, Pretty, Protruding, Razor-like, Sharp, Shining, Short, Small, Snowy, Sore, Spaced, Straight, Sweet tooth, Tender, Tiny, Toothless, Toothy, Ugly, Unrelenting, White, Wisdom, Wolfish, Yellow
Hope this helps! If it does, do tag me or send me a link to your writing. I'd love to read your work.
More: On Character Development
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ms-demeanor · 3 months
So you know absolutely positively nothing about photography
Cellphone cameras are fucking great. I love them. I love the ability to take photos whenever and wherever at basically zero cost.
Point-and-shoot cameras have always been awesome and accessible devices.
This is not a post shit-talking "basic" cameras. This is a post for people who have only ever used basic cameras who want to know at least slightly more about photography.
Because, the thing is, a remarkable amount of photography is math. And if you don't know it's math, it looks like a mystery. And you may be standing there snapping a photo with your phone that looks pretty good, but your friend with a DSLR looked at the sky, twisted a dial, and took three steps to the left and they took a photo of the same subject that looks like it belongs on a magazine cover.
How did they do that?
Probably math.
If you've come into possession of a DSLR camera and are disappointed that the photos you're taking aren't looking like the photos you thought came from DSLRs, I'm here to tell you about the math you may not know about.
What is a photograph?
At its most basic, a photograph is the result of light on a sensor. Let's consider a pinhole camera for a moment. A pinhole camera is a lightproof box with a piece of photographic paper on one side and a tiny hole in the other.
When you create a photo with a pinhole camera, you're using pretty much all of the math you would in a big fancy camera, just in a cruder form they are:
The sensitivity of the paper, film, or camera sensor to light (this is your "ISO" if you're using a digital camera or film). Light sensitivity can be easily changed on a digital camera, but on chemical-treated paper or film the sensitivity is predetermined and cannot be changed. If you want to change the ISO on an analog camera, you need to change the medium that's being exposed.
An opening to let light in - your F-stop, or aperture. The F-stop of a photo is how wide open the lens is to let light onto your film or sensor. In a pinhole camera, you have something that is theoretically a very very large F-stop because you have a very, very tiny opening to let light through (F-stops run in reverse - the bigger the number, the smaller the opening).
Exposure - your exposure is the amount of time you leave your sensor open to the light. The majority of photos you see in the world have exposure times that are measured in tiny fractions of a second, sometimes in thousandths of a second. If you're using photo paper in your pinhole camera, you may have an exposure time of minutes rather than tiny portions of a second, but your photo exposure will still depend on how long you want to leave your "lens" open.
Focal length - your focal length is a description of the relationship of the distance between the light source and the light sensor. You can manipulate this in a pinhole camera by making the camera longer or shorter. A larger focal length means a narrower field of view - it zooms in on the subject.
A pinhole camera is the simplest camera that lets you, the photographer, control all of the elements of a photo. This is, functionally, fully manual photography.
So what's the difference between all that and a cellphone camera?
Point-and-shoot cameras like those on cellphones give the user more limited control over these settings. For instance, think of a disposable camera. On a disposable camera, the photographer has control over one setting - the ISO of the film, which they can select at purchase. They can't control how wide the lens opens or how long it stays open, and the only way they can compensate for lighting that is a poor match to the ISO is flash.
Cellphone cameras are very much like a standard point-and-shoot. By default, users point their cameras, then shoot a photo. Many cellphones have a "pro" mode that will allow the user to emulate different ISOs or f-stops, but the sensors in cellphone cameras aren't as good as the ones in camera-cameras, and the lenses are very limited as well. Some cellphone cameras and point-and-shoot digital cameras WILL allow users to set longer exposures, and many cellphone cameras have multiple lenses which does allow for some lens effects, but they don't give a huge amount of control to the user.
Okay so let's say I've got my new shiny camera, what do I need to know?
For best results, you want your ISO to match the light you're shooting in. Low ISO is for bright light, high ISO is for low light. If you wanted to take snapshots of your family outdoors at disneyland in the summer, you'd buy 100 ISO film. When I used to shoot football games at night in oddly lit stadiums, I'd use 1600 ISO film. If you have a DSLR camera, there's a setting somewhere in there that tells you how to set the ISO. If you are shooting in relatively low light and the photos are turning out darker than you'd like *but* things are moving too quickly to use a longer exposure, you can bump up your ISO for brighter, sharper images but they will be more noisy and grainy than ones shot at a lower ISO. If you want clean, smooth, crisp images, your goal should be to shoot with the lowest ISO possible.
The Aperture of your camera lens determines your F-Stop. This acts like the pupils of your eyes. When it's really really bright out, your pupils shrink down to let in less light. When it's darker out, your pupils get bigger to let in more light. If you are shooting in low light, you want a low F-Stop, which means that your camera's lens is open really wide. If you are shooting in a bright environment, you want a higher F-Stop, which will mean the opening is very small. Since your F-stop interacts with the focal length of your lens, you will find that zooming in with the lens often makes images darker. To shoot clear images from far away, you need to be very conscious of your F-stop, your ISO, and ambient lighting conditions.
Exposure describes the length of time you set the camera to leave the aperture open. In many DSLRs this can span from 1/3200th of a second to infinitely long (the "bulb" setting means "aperture is open until you close it.") If you want sharp images of frozen motion, you want the fastest speed that you can get. Sports photography and photography of things like insects or milk crowns often use extremely short exposures to get sharp images. If you want blurry images you want slower speeds. If you want to take a photo in a low-light environment and capture motion within that environment - for instance, taking photos of cars on a freeway at night - you want slower speeds (if you want to do this in a brighter environment, like taking photos of a stream in the daytime, you want slower speeds and a specific kind of lens filter called a neutral density filter). When exposures are set to be longer than about 1/60th of a second, images with motion start to look blurry.
Focal Length determines the field of view of your subject. If you have a lens with variable focal lengths, this is called a zoom lens. A longer focal length zooms you in and a shorter focal length zooms you out. Lenses with fixed focal lengths are called prime lenses, and can't zoom in or out.
Depth of Field - your depth of field is a combination of the interaction of your focal length, your distance from your subject, and your F-stop. The depth of field describes the relative amount of space in a photograph that is in focus. A long depth of field means that much of the image plane is in focus. A short depth of field means that a narrow portion of the image plane is in focus. A low F-stop produces a narrow depth of field. A long focal length produces a narrow depth of field.
You can think of your camera as a tool that measures time and space. Your ISO and Exposures are measurements of time (how quickly the sensor senses the light, how long the sensor is exposed to the light), the F-Stop and the focal length are measurements of space (how wide the aperture of the camera is, how far the lens is from the sensor).
The pre-set modes on your camera, the ones on the dial that show a person running, flower, or a cloud, or a lady with a hat - these are generic settings that combine an ISO, exposure time, and f-stop that are likely to work well for outdoor action shots, landscape photography, cloudy light, and portraits. When you're using those pre-set modes, you control the focal length and not much else.
When you understand that the running person/action mode means low-ish ISO combined with high shutter speeds, you can start just setting your own ISO and shutter speed when you're shooting sports. When you know that portrait mode sets you up for low-ish f-stops, relatively quick shutter speeds, and mid-range ISOs, you can just start setting those things on your own so you can have more control.
"What about light metering?"
Since your camera is a machine that records light, light metering is pretty important. The light meter of your camera will tell you if your settings are "correct" for the amount of that the light sensor senses. In most modern cameras there is a light metering display on the bottom edge of the viewfinder that goes from negative to positive; if the meter shows that you are in the negative it means that your photo will be under-exposed (too little light will get to the sensor and the image will appear dark), if the meter shows that you are in the positive it means that your photo will be over-exposed (too much light will get to the sensor and the image will appear too bright - "blown out"). The way to correct for under or over exposure is to change the length of the exposure, making it longer for underexposed images and shorter for overexposed images.
What the light meter is doing is thinking about all of your settings and the lighting for you. It looks at the ISO, focal length, f-stop, light hitting the sensor, and planned exposure time and tells you what that combination of settings is likely to produce - something too bright, or something too dark.
When you are more experienced with photography, you get good at juggling these things on the fly and messing around with them more, which is how you can do the magic of looking at the sky, twisting a dial, taking three steps to the left, and knocking it out of the park with a picture.
It only looks like magic because you're doing a ton of math under the hood that is extremely non-obvious to people who are new to photography.
Anyway, here is a good guide to depth of field and what goes into it.
Here is a basic photography textbook that explains the principles that I've gone over here in a lot more detail with a lot better explanations. It's a film photography textbook, but one of the cool things about photography is that a lot of stuff from the analog era is still relevant in the digital area, and the basics haven't changed.
However all of that is about the *technical* aspects of photography. Photography isn't just a record of exposure time and focal length, so here's a basic photo composition textbook that talks about the artistic principles of photography.
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tragedyslut · 3 months
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“ the rumours, are terrible and cruel but honey most of them are true. “
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𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒 : you had had an only fans since you turned 18. it was an easy way to make money! creepy men paying for your pics, blissfully unaware that you're a raging dyke who'd never even dream of getting with someone like them. you never used your real name, or showed your face, only your body. so everything was fine.
𝑚𝑒𝑛 𝑑𝑛𝑖, 𝑏𝑖𝑚𝑏𝑜!𝑓𝑒𝑚 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟, 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑟!𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑠, 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛!𝑠𝑢𝑏 𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒, 𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑚𝑎𝑜, 𝑓𝑖𝑔𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 <3
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ellie was tediously scrolling through various websites, some porn, some just normal shit. she ended up stumbling across an Instagram account, which had an OF account attached. she was morbidly curious, since the girl behind the account was drop dead gorgeous. she couldn't see her face, or any defining features other than a heart tattoo on her shoulder. it was a light pink, with wings. it looked distinctive, and adorable. but she ended up scrolling through some of the posts. there were only a few free, most of them were behind the paywall. (much to ellies dismay)
she was fully captivated by the girl. she was so fucking gorgeous, and her cunt was pooling just at the sight of the limited photos (most of which showed barely anything). she had to fully talk herself out of buying a subscription, telling herself over and over again that it wasn't worth it. it was just some girl that she didn't even know, for all she knew, it could be some creepy man behind the account, who was just scamming people with pics of a hot girl. yeah, that was it.
in the morning, her horny ass was still thinking about that girl. she got ready for her classes, not being able to focus so hard that she put her shirt on back to front twice.
she just barley made it out the door in time for classes, stumbling her way along. she ended up taking the long roure, just wandering around campus a bit to try and clear her head of the horrendously sexualized thoughts she had about the random internet stranger. she thought to herself many times that she was insane, and to be fair she might be. she really hadn't ever been with any girl, so she was just a tad bit desperate.
when she wandered her way to class, she first caught eyes with a girl. she was pretty, just as pretty, if not prettier than the girl she'd been foaming over last night. she ended up choosing the seat right next to her. maybe the girl would talk to her!
you were quietly sitting in class, waiting for it to start when a girl with medium length hair perched herself next to you. she looked like a nervous wreck. she was staring through your soul. you just minded your own business, trying not to look over at her because she scared you a bit. that was until, she tapped you on the shoulder.
when ellie finally got the confidence to tap you on the shoulder to ask for a pen, she was practically vibrating out of her seat with pure fear.
" c-can.. can i borrow a pen? " she whispered, as if god would strike her down for merely talking to you.
" ..yea, sure. " you said, a bit freaked out but just passing her a pen and going back to working. you slipped off your jacket, since it was hot as hell in the damn classroom, adjusting your tank top.
ellie looked up from her work, only to be met with the sight of the light pink heart tattoo on your shoulder..with wings.
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taglist hotties!!
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luna-azzurra · 1 year
Some tips to help you improve your writing style:
1. Read widely: Reading a variety of genres and authors exposes you to different writing styles and helps you develop a broader vocabulary and an understanding of various sentence structures. For example, if you want to improve your descriptive writing, read books by authors known for their vivid imagery like J.R.R. Tolkien or Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
2. Write regularly: Like any skill, writing improves with practice. Set aside dedicated time for writing, whether it's a journal entry, a short story, or an essay. Consistency is key. By writing regularly, you'll become more comfortable expressing your ideas and develop your unique voice.
3. Be mindful of your audience: Tailor your writing style to suit your target audience. Consider their level of familiarity with the subject matter, their interests, and their expectations. For instance, if you're writing a scientific paper for experts in the field, use technical language and provide in-depth analysis. On the other hand, if you're writing a blog post for a general audience, use accessible language and relatable examples.
4. Use active voice and strong verbs: Active voice makes your writing more direct and engaging. It emphasizes the subject performing the action rather than the action itself. For example, instead of saying "The ball was thrown by John," use "John threw the ball." Strong verbs also add clarity and power to your writing. Compare "He walked slowly" with "He sauntered" or "He ambled."
5. Vary sentence structure: Experiment with different sentence lengths and structures to maintain reader interest. A mix of short, medium, and long sentences can create rhythm and flow. For example, a series of short, punchy sentences can build tension or convey urgency, while longer sentences can provide detailed explanations or set a contemplative tone.
6. Use precise and vivid language: Choose words that convey your meaning precisely and evoke vivid imagery. Instead of saying "The flower looked pretty," you could say "The delicate blossom bloomed in vibrant shades of crimson and gold." Specific and descriptive language brings your writing to life and engages the reader's senses.
7. Edit and revise: Good writing often requires multiple rounds of editing. After you finish a draft, take the time to review and revise your work. Look for clarity, coherence, and grammar errors. Consider whether each sentence contributes to the overall message and whether the organization of your ideas flows logically. Don't be afraid to make significant changes if they improve your writing.
8. Seek feedback: Share your work with trusted friends, colleagues, or writing groups. Constructive feedback can help you identify blind spots and areas for improvement. Consider their suggestions while maintaining your unique voice and style.
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gotham-daydreams · 2 months
Planned Fics [For Batfam]
Will be listing both Romantic and Platonic fics that I not only have planned, but will be trying to prioritize! This is not the full list of what I have in mind, but kind of what I'd like to show first at the moment! Oneshots and smaller ideas are not included, and everything here is going to be multiple parts long.
'Bite-sized' are smaller fics like the Not [ ] Series, 'Long' fics are.... well, long, and I consider them to be more on par with full-length fics people post on other sites and such. With 'Medium' being somewhere in between 'bite-sized' and long fics. They don't really determine the actual set length of a fic, but moreso how long I think they'll be in the long run- so its more of a general idea then anything else!
'Mixed' fics are also a, well, mix of both platonic and romantic yanderes - or have yanderes that I feel cannot be defined as solely romantic or platonic. Though for simplicity I have placed them under romantic or platonic, and will specify which ones I consider a 'mixed fic'. Romantic and Platonic fics are also fics that predominantly has romantic or platonic yanderes - which basically means that one or two of they may be different.
I will also keep the descriptions of each fic short as... well, if I don't, I think this post will be waaayy longer than it has to be.
With that out of the way, let's get onto the lists!
Flick of the Wrist (temp title) [Villian! Artist! Reader] {Medium (?)}
Destroying the city your father seemed to love so much turns much more personal when you realize that your entire family is composed of costume wearing freaks. At least your trying to spice things up, geez. Though, for a bunch of detectives.. they can be fucking idiots for not realizing who you are. Guess being ignored really did give you a leg up in that department, so, really, you can't be too mad about that.
One Chance (temp title) [Kidnapped! Reader] {Long}
They thought you didn't know. That you'd be too young to remember what they did that night, that you didn't know how they treated your parents. Though, over the years, you didn't really help clear that idea... if anything, you fed into it. You play their little game, just so that they all could fall into the very palm of your hands. No matter what they try to do, no matter how much power they think they have... they will never know that you're still waiting. Waiting and making sure that when the time comes, you'll finally seize your opportunity- but you have to do it right the first time. You know that there won't be a second, especially at this point. One chance is all you're getting, and you'll be damned if you don't make sure it counts.
Ghost [Heavily Neglected! Reader] {Bite-sized}
You were the ghost in Wayne Manor. That's what everyone called you. That's what even the media saw you as, and at this point, it was all by design. They gave you a role to play, and you've done everything you could over the years to see it through. But, what happens when you finally want to leave, and go haunt some other place? What happens when your family finally decides to do a little 'Ghost Hunting' after all the rumors?
Prodigy [Prodigy! Reader] {Bite-sized (?)}
Born from an affair, and after your mother's unfortunate passing, you are given to Bruce Wayne - possibly the richest man alive and with a booming buisness. Yet, having been born and raised in this industry, you were practically made to take over the buisness. You've proven time and time again that you're more than capable of it, along with keeping your family's secret. Buisness and work is all you know. It's how you've lived, and you saw no reason to explore or look into things outside of it - along with the money it brought. So why is you family so insistent about 'spending more time' with you? Don't you give them enough free time already?
Bond [Reader who is obsessively looked after] {Bite-sized - Medium}
You keep them together. You keep them sane. You are their family. They need you more then you will ever know, and nothing will ever take you away from them.
Even a Worm Will Turn [Spider-Man! Venom! Reader] {Long} [Also known as 'Waiting Reader'] [Sort of mixed?]
You were so young when everything went down. You didn't know any better, not with how you grew up before your adoption - and not with what followed after. It wasn't your fault, or was it? You didn't think so, you were still in highschool for crying out loud. You were still just a kid... but, it's no wonder you grew up hating them. It's no wonder that, when given an out - when actually getting a taste of what they had robbed you of, did you finally see past the barriers that your parents had put up and that they reinforced unknowingly. Yet, when you finally seemed tired of waiting, they came crawling right back. Though, this time, unlike before- you weren't alone.
Husband! Reader [Technically I have two ideas for this concept so.... no title or length- how I go about it is going to be a little weird so just trust the process on this one, folks!] (Married to Bruce... obviously..)
It was peaceful for a while, or- well, as peaceful as it could get in Gotham. With you just caring for your insane family, and your doting yet equally insane husband. Though, just being apart of this family... maybe you should've expected things to go sideways.
(The more Batfam focused idea is focused on the reader basically being flung into a different dimension that is essentially the reversed Batfam AU (so Damian is the oldest, Dick is the youngest and such). The other idea is more JL focused so I won't go into it here.)
Darkest Night, Brightest Day (temp title) [Batman! Reader] {Medium - Long (?)}
It's a wonder how you've come this far. From being the newest addition into the family, to now the only one who's left to dawn the mantle. The world needs Batman, after all, and though many have argued that you've likeness is too much like Bruce's, you just see that as a sign that your efforts are paying off. After all, you have sacrificed your mind, body, and soul to keep up with the original... especially with all that's happened. Especially when everyone else is dead. Yet, it seems life really does love tormenting you, and one day, people that look like your deceased family come stumbling into your world, and would you look at that?
Their Bat is alive, and more human then you've ever been in a long, long time... maybe it's about time you ask how the hell he does this job without having to do half of whay you've done just to keep up. Maybe then, you'll feel like you aren't disrespecting those that came before you.
Letters [Fan! Reader] {Medium - Long (?)}
Ever since you were young, you've always been a fan of the unusual family that was Batman and every bird and bat he seemed to take under his wing. So to show your appreciation, you wrote letters to each and every one of them... that you ended up being too shy to send. As you grew up, your appreciation and admiration seemed to grow with you - but it also did extend to the Wayne family, who, in your opinion, really did seem to be boing just as much good as the Bats when it came to Gotham. You loved the Bats so much you even trained and became a vigilante yourself... but, now that you work beside them.. you can't help but keep your letters closer to yourself. With them becoming more personal as you lost hope in ever being able to send a single one.
Though... maybe now you have an opportunity? Especially when they've taken notice of you too, and don't seem to realize that their admiration is matched.
Clover [Reader taken from a diff universe] {Medium - Long(?)} [Sort of mixed. Platonic -> Romantic for some.]
They took you away from a life you didn't know you missed, and tried to play it off as if the life you lived before was all a dream... as if it never happened. You believed them at first, and yet, it seemed that just as you were becoming the very thing they were trying to shape you into, they began to change gears. No longer did some of them want you to pose as a family member that had long since passed - but rather, you were supposed to be something more.
Brotherhood and Co. (temp title?) [Dilf! Reader] {Medium(?)} [Mixed]
You trusted him. You trusted him with your life- he was like your god damn brother- and yet, he stabbed you in the back. Betrayed you like no other, and they both knew for years. Years of your life wasted away loving that woman, just like that.
So it's no surprise that you took the kids and left. Left and tried to do what you could to provide them with the life you knew they deserved, and provide the stability you knew they needed. Yet, it seems that your dear 'friend' isn't quite done with you yet, and nor is his godforsaken family. You really should've known not to trust them from the start, but hell, it was your big heart that got you in this mess, isn't it?
Intruder [Isekai! Reader] {Medium(?)} [Mixed.] [Also has a JL ver. though, again, just focusing on Batfam/Gotham for this post.]
Who knew that a crazed fan like you would end up in this situation? What are the odds that you of all people wind up being an unexpected artifact of some insane villian who could open portals across dimensions, space, and time? Granted, you aren't the only one- but you managed to slip under the radar. With you being able to use your knowledge of the universe you've plopped into to survive, and make sure to not catch any unwanted or unwarranted attention. It'd be horrifying and embarrassing as hell to meet Batman, only for him to be able to easily see that you're a complete fucking loser..
Yet, even when they do find you, you manage to catch their attention too well. And now... well, let's just say that while it was their job to bring everyone home, it wouldn't hurt to let you stay, right? After all, you seem to be adjusting so well... it'd be a shame to let you go now, wouldn't it?
Never-Ever After [Friend! Reader] {Medium - Long (?)}
Being a friend if the Wayne's wasn't all too bad, especially when you're basically friends with everyone. So when they ask for your help, and also for tickets to concerts of a particular idol duo you're also friends with- you don't think anything of it. It slips your mind when they ask for you to introduce them to your idol friends, but it becomes a little odd when they begin to ask for more... personal information on them, and sure, you answer their harmless questions - but not much else. Even if you do know the answers, that's weird and an invasion of their privacy! Not to mention your friends' trust in you!
Then the threats start coming... and suddenly the Wayne kids aren't so friendly with you anymore... and you can't help but notice how obsessed they seem with your idol friends... and yet, when you try to cut them off and avoid them, its like you can't. Like they won't allow you to anymore.
It's only when your life starts taking a horrible turn for the worst do you even consider the idea that maybe... just maybe.. did their obsession turn to you instead?
Gotham's Finest (temp title) [Insane! Villian! Reader] {Bite-sized - Medium (?)}
With the villians, rouges, and thugs of Gotham as your main infulence in life, it's no wonder that you became a villian yourself - and not only that, but aspired to be just as good as the people who really brought terror to the streets of Gotham. You were one of the best, 'trained' yourself to be as such. So is it any real surprise that you catch the attention of the infamous Bat and his family once you finally take your crime to the next level, and begin to become active at night?
Maybe not, but the real kicker is how much they seem to love how you drive them absolutely insane.
Birds of a Feather (temp title) [Winged! (Metahuman?) Reader] {Bite-sized - Medium (?)} [Mixed.]
You hate them. You'd do anything to get rid of them. And you're friends- they promised that they'd help you find a way to get rid of them forver. They did- they... they said they would, and you trust them, of course you do! You'd do anything, anything to rid yourself of these cursed wings. But, you just couldn't wait. It was taking too long. So... you took matters into your own hands just a little, and had a solution! A cure! So why... why are your friends and their family looking at you like that?
These lists may or may not be updated- especially as they get posted and people ask questions. Again, these are moreso the stories I'll be trying to focus on after the Not [ ] Series. Though, to be fair, some things may be a bit different after that series in general, but no need to think about that just yet! Author here is just trying to think of how to go about certain things and organize some stuff, especially since I'll dabble a bit into JL and Superfam stuff down the line- but that's not important right now!
If your curious about anything, don't be afraid to send in an ask! Or even if you want to hear more about an idea, and so on and so forth.
Also, as I'm sure you can tell... naming things isn't exactly my strong suit 😅 I'm more of a plot guy, y'know? Love me a good, dark, horror-esc story!
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Kinktober Day 1: Lestat X reader
Marking, Blindfold and FaceFuck
!18 plus! Minors do not interact!
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Hi, guys sorry I haven’t written in so long 😓 been busy with life and haven’t had the time to write but I’m hoping I can write more now that I’m in a better position lol this also goes along with a request from @sunshine-be thank you for requesting 🥰
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Overview: Lestat ties you to the bed and teases you whilst out on a feed
Warnings: pet play, use of toys, dirty talk, throat fucking, marking, cream pie, blindfold and tying up to a bed post, explicit language
You whimpered as the cool air from the barren room moved over your searing body. Sweat rolled over your bare skin, an ache roaring deep within you as the toy inside buzzed away insistently at a slow pace.
Golden silk ribbon kept your wrists bound to the intricate bed post, eyes hidden by a black cloth. It felt like hours since lestat had tied you to the bed opting to tease you tonight before he finally decided to play with you.
He said he had wanted to make you ripe when he fucked you into the mattress.
Suddenly the toy inside your dripping pussy shot up to medium strength, a moan ripping from your throat as you felt your orgasm climb to its peak once more.
“Please…oh fuck Lestat please!” You begged into the empty room
Your legs shook as the tip of your orgasm grew closer and closer and then… the buzzer ceased all together.
A cry of anguish left your lips as tears rolled down your cheeks, you wished he would come back from his feed and have his way with you already. Your poor body aching for him to touch you, to kiss you, to run his fangs over your body.
As you thought of the ways he would have you the door creaked open, lestat standing in the doorway.
He smirked looking at the site before him, you quivering, sweating, dripping.
Licking his lips he walked over to the mattresses edge a cold hand reaching up and placing itself upon your ankle. A tiny gasp left your lips at the feeling of his hand slowly caressing over your silky skin.
“Master?” You faintly called out
He lets out a hum sound “Yes, I’m home,pet.”
Your body shivered at the nickname
“I-I’ve been good…” you start when he cuts you off
“I’ll be the judge of that. Now hush, I never gave you permission to speak.”
You instantly shut your mouth, knowing the lengths Lestat would go to for punishment. Lestat looked over your curves, golden eyes wandering down your voluminous breasts down your stomach to the wet patch between your legs, left there by your poor swollen pussy.
“My poor little pet, look at the mess you’ve made.” He swiped up your juices, barely touching your swollen lips.
A smirk formed as he looked from hooded eyes up at you “I’m sure good girls don’t make messes, now do they?”
You have no retort making a growl rumble in his chest. Ripping his hand from you he quickly moved up your body wrapping his skilled hands around your throat.
“Answer me when I am talking to you!” He shouted
“No sir! Good girls don’t make messes!”
A chuckle came from Lestat “good girl, you do know how to listen.”
Leaning in close you felt his breathe ghost over your cheek sending shockwaves down your spine as he slowly made his was further down towards your neck. Soft lips pressed against your sensitive flesh, tongue lapping over you as he kissed your neck, sharp fangs scratching against it, not enough to break the skin but enough to make you whimper in pleasure.
“You are so beautiful.”
He kept devouring you, lips latching onto every patch of skin he could find until both hands cupped your breasts. Finally pulling away he looked in awe at the way your breasts moved in his palms, the way he massaged them made his cock twitch.
With pert nipples at attention lestat latched his mouth around the left side, rolling it between his teeth gently before flicking it with his tongue. His right hand rolled the other between two fingers forcing a moan to come from you.
A gasp leaving your lips as you mindlessly let out a soft whisper of ‘Lestat’
“You are a very noisy girl today my love.”
Confused you furrow your brows wanting to see what he was doing as you felt weight of his body leave the bed. You felt deft hands skillfully untie your own from the bed post, still tied together but finally off the bed frame.
Lestat tugged you off the mattress positioning you onto your knees.
“Since you can’t learn to obey my rules and not make a single peep.” He scolded taking his hardened cock from his pants
“Then I’ll have to re-teach you how to be an obedient puppy.”
Grabbing your jaw he forced your mouth open pushing the tip of his leaking cock inside. You moaned around his cock letting your tongue circle around the shaft up to the tip as he pushed further in.
His hands carded through your hair moaning out at the sensation of your hot wet cavern taking him all the way in, The tip hitting the back of your throat forcing you to gag.
“Good, take it all you slut.” He growled pulling out to shove back in.
Placing the other hand upon your hair he couldn’t help by smirk at the way you looked so helpless underneath him with his cock down your throat.
Beginning a bruising place you obeyed letting him use your mouth as his personal toy, the tip of his cock brushing the back of your throat with each thrust of his hips. Skillfully you kept licking around his shaft with every thrust hoping to give him the utmost pleasure, which in turn gave you such delightful noises from the vampire before you.
“You’re being so good for me, my sweet angel. Letting me use your throat-ngh gah!- you’ll let me cum down that pretty throat of yours won’t you pet?”
You nodded the best you could with his cock still down your throat.
“Good girl.”
He praised gripping your hair tighter as his thrusts became more erratic and forceful.
He cursed clenching his eyes shut as he pushed your head back and forth down his throbbing member.
“I’m going to cum princess, take it all!”
He moaned out shoving your face all the way down as a flood of his seed poured down your throat, making your best efforts to swallow all of it.
Pulling out of your throat lestat looked down at you with heavy lust filled eyes, a hand coming up to caress your cheek moving up until it found the blindfold. Ripping off the black material, you blinked a couple times trying to get your vision back.
Looking up at him you waited for his next command, leaning down lestat grabbed you by the upper arms hoisting you up and onto the bed, face down.
“You’ve done very well my dear.”
He praised moving his hands over your ass, both legs straddling your thighs.
“Do you think you deserve a reward?”
You whimpered shaking your head yes, lestat hummed placing his cock between your ass, slowly thrusting up and down between your cheeks.
“I think you do too.”
Pulling his cock away he maneuvered himself to where your legs spread and his own settled in between them. Taking his fingers he could feel your fluids oozing out over your pussy lips, absolutely drenching your thighs in the process.
“So wet for me my love.”
Lestat cooed pressing two long fingers inside your pussy making you mewl out in pleasure, licking his lips he curled his fingers around the small toy that had been torturing you for hours only to slowly pull it out of you. Tossing it to the side his fingers delved into his mouth cleaning off your liquids as his other hand pressed his throbbing cock to your entrance.
With a low moan around his digits Lestat started to press into your slick heat, your own hands clenching around the pillow your face had been buried in.
Taking his fingers from his mouth Lestat grabbed at the fat of your ass, growling deep in his chest as he pressed further into you.
“Fuck, Lestat, please.” You begged into the pillow
A swift slap echoed across the large room, your ass feeling the sharp pain making you jolt from the suddenness of it. Gripping your hair lestat pulled you up to where your back pressed against his cold chest.
“What have I told you to call me pet?” He hissed out into your ear
The soft breathe of his chuckle ghosted over your skin “Good girl, now take your masters cock like a good girl.”
Pulling out to the tip lestat shoved back in knocking the breathe right out of you, starting off at a punishing pace Lestat’s hand repositioned from your hair to your throat. You moaned loudly hearing your juices squelch every time his thick cock pushed inside of you.
“Fuck master, feels so good!” You moaned out
Lestat’s hand gripped tighter around your throat making your pussy clench around him.
“My little fucking whore, ready to take whatever I give her whenever I want.”
Thrusts becoming faster you could hear lestat hiss and deeply groan, feeling it rumble in his chest as he got closer to cumming deep inside you.
“I’m so close love, fuck, do you want me to touch that pretty clit of yours?”
You nodded frantically eyes pleading for some sort of attention to your throbbing clit.
“Very well pet, since you’ve been so good with my punishment tonight.”
His other hand left your hip circling around to your swollen clit, two fingers pressing against it firmly as he slowly moved in a circular motion.
Eyes rolling back you desperately moved your hips into his fingers then back against his cock that rammed into you.
A chuckle echoed from Lestat’s lips “that’s it pet, chase your pleasure like a needy slut, go on fuck me like you mean it.”
Mouth hanging open you felt your orgasm approaching, lestat noting how your pussy kept fluttering around him. Kissing under your ear he whispered
“Cum, pet.”
Loosening his grip around your throat, a tidal wave of pleasure washed over you gripping his cock as you gushed over him, down your legs and over his thighs.
Feeling you gush around him clenching him like a vice his cum spurted out inside of you filling your womb with his seed.
Lestat’s thrusts slowed to a halt as he tried to regain his breath, gently laying you down his hands held himself up above you, blonde locks cascading over your face as he tried to regain composure.
Eyes slowly opening back up he looked down upon you, an absolute fucked out mess, a chuckle left his lips wiping hair from your face.
“Fucked you till you passed out did I?” He asked himself quietly, caressing his hand over your warm cheeks
Pulling himself back he untied your wrists rubbing the raw wrists gently to relieve some of the redness around it. Slowly pulling out of your full hole with a hiss he got himself up out of bed, picking you up into his arms.
“Let me clean you up love.” He said to himself as he walked the two of you to the bathroom.
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murfeelee · 1 month
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inZOI - Madzie & Max Lightwood-Bane (Shadowhunters)
After making Magnus Bane, I decided to make his kids to try out the kids for the demo.
IIRC, the TS4 CAS demo didn't let us make kids (did they even effing HAVE kids as a lifestate back then, or was it just zero toddlers & bassinet babies?). So we're already off to a better start than effing EA.
I'm sad that Krafton didn't let us have access to any sliders to really customize kids in the demo. The presets are ok enough, though some of them look like mini adults or something--the eye bags are too much (at least 3 poor kids looked like they'd been huffing a pack of cigarettes a day since the effing womb).
Kids have no nails & accessories, which is bogus. They get all the adult hats--fedora included--which is...interesting. We need some clips & barrettes & scrunchies etc--real 90s Throwback At Claire's.
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Even TS3 gave kids earrings & bracelets & watches etc, so Krafton needs to step their game up, this is unacceptable that kids barely have EFF ALL.
The kids' clothes are also woefully low--no SKIRTS or DRESSES?! Just one set of PJs for outfits, why? They're all basically the same choices for adults & kids, which is kinda cool but kinda lazy? Give kids their own unique sense of style & identity--Asia has the cutest stuff, come on, don't be generic like this. U_U More kawaii, less Baby Gap. 4/10.
But it made me realize that I like the shoes options on the kids waaaaay more than I do on the adults. The adults need better shoes; that was my least favorite part; TS4's demo had much better shoes.
Two things I realized I'd overlooked on the adult zois:
EYES & TEETH: we need to be able to recolor the eye sclera, and the teeth. Both are just way too yellow for my liking, which I noticed as soon as I made Blueberry, and the blue made his eyes & teeth look like he had jaundice.
CUSTOM PATTERNS/TEXTURES: This is so frikkin cool! It's basically a lightweight version of TSRW's Pattern Tool (without the recolorability, sadly); allowing you to directly import DIY textures onto clothes. You can change the tiling & X/Y axis position, it's great!
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I added the constellations & skeleton on Blueberry's tops. We need more GOTH fashion representation, Krafton! \m / (^0^) \m/
One of my favorite features is the hair that you can cut. Max's hair is gorgeous--you can make it really long, or really short. I went with medium-ish. And I LOVE the highlights options, iirc it had like 4 or 5 parts. Again: ALL hairs need AT LEAST the highlight function, if the length feature can't be universally implemented for whatever reason.
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(I'm posting links to this & my first "review" on inZOI's Discord, so hopefully someone over there gets this feedback. I bloody doubt it, but yolo.)
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mooooonnnzz · 1 year
How do I do this? // Miguel O’Hara x daughter!reader
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i come out of my hibernation to post a lil dad daughter fanfic of miguel trying to tie up your hair <33
۵ i kept seeing people wanting more miguel w a kid reader so I HAD TO WRITE ITTT
۵ fem reader w long/medium hair length!!
۵ short sweet n simple <33 i wrote it w a teen reader in mind but u can imagine younger too
۵ there is some spanish! although, my spanish is very rough so if i made a mistake please kindly correct me!
Miguel’s teeth clamped down on his lower lip as he thought. The gears slowly turned in his head as he stares at your untamed hair. “Okay, so what do I do again?” He looks at you through the mirror and smirks at your annoyed expression.
“Papi, I can do this myself. You know that right?” You said, eyes glancing at his hand that held the scrunchie. He was stretching it, playing with it as if it was a toy, if he’d stretch it anymore he’d snap it in half. “Don’t mess with the scrunchie like that.” Your hand reached out to snatch it away from him but he jerked his hand away. “Let me learn how to tie your hair.” Miguel frowned, using his other hand to collect your hair.
“I’m letting you, just don’t stretch it like that.” You tell him, feeling a little silly to be the one to reprimand him for his actions. How the tables have turned.
“So many instructions,” Miguel muttered, exaggeratedly rolling his eyes. “So dramatic.” You say through a chuckle.
“So I put your hair through the thing?” Miguel squints his eyes in confusion. A slight smile pulls on your lips at how clueless he looked.
“Yes, and if you need any help—“
“—I don’t need any help. I got this.”
Miguel’s eyes darted between the scrunchie that was looped around his fingers and to your hair that he had in an awkward hold. He was trying to imagine how he would put your hair through the hair band, and with each scenario, he’d go through in his head, he would come out more clueless. A small laugh slipped past your lips at his expression.
Miguel looked at you through the mirror, raising a brow. “¿Te estás riendo de mí?”
“No! No. Never.” The large smile that was threatening to shine through was getting harder and harder to conceal. The look of pure confusion on Miguel’s face was impossible to not laugh at.
“No te rias.” Miguel attempted to put on a stern voice, but it was futile. He couldn’t pretend to be mad at you, not when he’s hearing you laugh and seeing you smile. Those two things are one of the many things he loves about you.
“Do you want me to show you how to do it one more time?” Your voice was thick with amusement.
Miguel let out a defeated sigh and nodded his head. He let go of your hair and handed the band over to you. You thanked him and with quick and easy steps, you collected your hair and put it up into a ponytail. Undoing your hair, you looked at Miguel through the mirror. “Do you understand?”
Miguel’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “Hacerlo otra vez.” He instructed.
“Papi? En serio?” You put your back up again for Miguel to understand, yet he couldn’t wrap his head around the magic of you tying up your hair. “It’s not that hard, Pa.”
“To me, yes, it is hard.” Miguel grabs the scrunchie from you and tries once more to tie your hair up.
“You’re not going to get it.”
The band splits into two with the sheer force of him stretching it out the moment he finally loops your hair into it.
There’s a small moment of silence where Miguel is grieving over his failure while you’re trying your hardest not to laugh.
“Me voy. Ya no quiero hacer esto.” He slumped forward in defeat as he walks out of the bathroom. You barrel over in laughter, tears pricking at the edge of your eyes. “Te lo dije!”
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if anybody has anymore ideas for dad miguel pls send bc i’m willing to write them we need more platonic miguel fanfics 😭
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devilevlls · 5 months
⋆。‧°ʚ Masterlist ɞ°‧。⋆
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Reblogs are appreciated. Comments are appreciated. Suggestions are appreciated. Classifications:
💔 - for angst 💓 - for fluff 💋 - for suggestive 🔥 - for smut (explicit content) Length indicators: 📗 - for short (1 to 400 words) 📘 - for medium (401 to 800 words) 📙 - for medium-long (801 to 1300 words) 📕 - for long (1301 or +)
ㅤㅤRandom thoughts - Short posts about my thoughts.
⭑Lucifer thirst 📗💋 ⭑Cherishing Lucifer 📗💓 ⭑MC being jealous of Lucifer with Solomon 📗 ⭑Taking revenge on Belphie 📗 💔 ⭑Resting with Lucifer 📗💓
ㅤㅤDrabbles - Short pieces of stories
Diavolo ⋆.˚
⭑Secret garden 📘💓 ⭑Wanna watch the stars with me? 📘💓
Barbatos ⋆.˚ ⭑Over-Dramatic 📘💓 ⭑Please tell me, this is not why you woke me up 📘💓 ⭑This could either save us or ruin everything 📘💔
Lucifer ⋆.˚
⭑Why won't you let me help you? 📙💓 ⭑Jealousy 📗💓
Mammon ⋆.˚ ⭑ Under the sheets 📘💋 ⭑ Why is there glitter everywhere? 📗💓
Leviathan ⋆.˚ ⭑ Why are you wearing my skirt? 📘💓
Beelzebub ⋆.˚ ⭑ How long were you standing there? 📗💓
Satan ⋆.˚
⭑ Don’t touch that, it’s supposed to be cursed 📘💓 ⭑ Well, this was awkward 📘💋 Solomon ⋆.˚ ⭑ Magic tricks on the pool table 📘💋
ㅤㅤSpecial scenarios - my general writings
⭑Let's skip class - Mammon - 📙💋 ⭑Friends with benefits - Leviathan - 📙🔥 ⭑Lucifer's day off - Lucifer 📘💓
⭑P*gging - Belphegor - 📗🔥 ⭑MC who has the appetite like Big Mom - Beelzebub 📗 ⭑ Lucifer's lewd habits - Lucifer 📘🔥 ⭑ Diavolo's lewd habits - Diavolo 📗🔥
⭑ Being silly with the brothers: Nibbling on Lucifer 📗💓 Nibbling on Asmodeus 📗💓 MC who bumps their forehead against them 📗💓 Mammon with an MC who collects plushies! 📗💓 MC who likes to play with their hair!📗💓
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Check my Creepy AU masterlist for more content! Drabble prompts - you can use in your requests! WIP list - where you can see which works are in progress.
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mikkaeus · 1 year
house md hilson fic rec - medium to long fics (10k+)
Other house rec lists: short fics | episode tags | postcanon | infidelity trope (all of these are mutually exclusive apart from the infidelity one) // Edit: I added the longer postcanon fics to this reclist as well because this one got the most traction!
These are all House/Wilson unless otherwise stated. Before we get into the fics, here are some of my fave authors that have written several house fics.
fourteencandles: im literally in love with them . 10/10 writing no notes. also long fics?? hello???
ictus: this author has the range! from emotional to fluff to funny. very smooth writing. all of their fics have different vibes which was fun to read. they’re all very good. 
Transformatron: fics that are transcendent and porny, all featuring a d/s undertone or theme (wilson as the dom)
Namaste (livejournal / ff.net): Some short fics, some much longer ones. Mostly gen focussing on H&W friendship, with some fics on canon pairings. Interesting character studies and discerning prose.
In order of length. *faves, ***underrated faves
*Brain Damage by fourteencandles (8k) (Ok I know this isn’t over 10k but I wanted all of their fics on one post and it’s close enough so.) This was brilliant. Like a real episode of House, with Wilson as the unfortunate patient-of-the-week, with bonus House/Wilson. Characterisation was bang on, and the plot was original and engaging and had a satisfying conclusion. Love to see House taking care of Wilson.
Down to the Water + Bound for Home by blackmare (~10k) Aftermath of season 4. House and Wilson go on a road trip. Quiet and sad and fragile, with excellent writing. This fic appears to have been fairly well known in lj days but I don't think a lot of newer people know about it.
*A Smaller World by fourteencandles (10k) The thing between them works, if Wilson doesn't push for more. God I’m so soft. I have so many feelings!!! In love with this established relationship hilson, still a little precarious, but with Wilson adapting, and House willing to put in effort.
*What's Past by fourteencandles (10k) The guy who used to have Wilson's job comes back for a visit, and it turns out they have more in common than Wilson ever knew.
*Touch Therapy by nomad (10k) It's not that House needs the human contact. It's just that when you're sharing an apartment, these things happen sometimes. Light hearted and funny, canon divergence from when Wilson’s staying on House's couch in s2. This is pretty much the homosexual waters have started flowing in House's direction post. Excellent dialogue.
***not another medical drama series (10k) by captainharkness Retelling of season 1 with House and Wilson as an established relationship. Great slice of life stories! Ongoing. The first is H/W POV, the second is Cameron, and the third is Chase. My favourite is definitely the second one (someone else’s story). I adore seeing H/W through the ducklings’ eyes. 
Synchronicity by copperbadge (10k) Dead patients, car wrecks, drug overdoses, journalists, Comatose Charlie, and orange chicken. Must be love.
systemic by ictus (10k) Ever since Wilson moved in, House has presented with some inexplicable symptoms. Fortunately, he has a team of talented doctors to aid him with his diagnosis. Season 2 fic! This one is funny and sweet and overall a great read.
Rush Down Darkness by Starlingthefool (10k) House MD/World War Z crossover. Told mainly through interview dialogue from house’s pov. Engaging story. House/Wilson definitely takes a backseat to the plot — there’s no grand getting together or anything. That's not to say it's not about them though, because there were still lots of good moments (good in the sense that my heart hurts). More succinctly, it has the vibes of an established relationship fic., although it isn't technically one.
Defensive Strategies by Milkshake Butterfly (~10k) (lj) In which Wilson is tired of being asked out by women when he's not ready to date again, and naturally House proposes a simple solution: pretend to be together. An enjoyable read.
******Commonplace and True by celestialskiff (11k) It would be a simple story--House and Wilson meet at a medical conference, have sex, and enjoy each other's company--but nothing is ever easy, or simple. Explores Wilson's relationship with House, with women, and with himself. House and Wilson throughout the years — with the version of canon where Wilson has cheated on every wife and girlfriend with House. When I tell you I am FROTHING!!! Pining while fucking?? The way it’s never the right time?? The greed of wanting to have your cake and eat it too? (That one’s specifically for Wilson, our beloved three-wives guy.) The vibes are immaculate. The prose is elegant verging on poetic. I’m eating this fic whole and it will be on my mind always. It is THE hilson fic for me. It is criminal that this fic has been up since 2012 and it only has 200 kudos. Go read it immediately & give the author some love.
***Declarations of Independence by Namaste (ff.net, also on livejournal) (11k) House and winter, throughout the years. I really enjoyed this. Excellent writing. Copy pasting a part of a comment by bedawyn which articulates why this fic is unique better than I can: “So far, I've seen a lot of focus in the fanfic (and the eps) on the pain and the Vicodin, but very little awareness of the practical aspects of limited mobility and the emotional impact of those even apart from the pain. So this was a very nice change.”
***Rule of Three by Transformatron (11k) (House/Wilson/Foreman) Foreman sees something he shouldn't have. And, maybe, wants something he shouldn't have, too. This was well written and super hot, with fun dialogue and descriptions that do justice to the excellent writing of the show itself. Foreman is faithfully characterised in a way that made me sympathetic. Also H/W outsider perspective as a third is such a treat to read. Lower me into my grave!!!!
*Warning Signs by out_there (12k) Excerpt: House looked to the left, staring down at the open box. Wilson knew that expression on his face: House was torn between denying it all and gleefully acknowledging his schemes. Normally, his ego won out and, like a comic super villain, he'd explain all. Wilson just needed to stay quiet and wait. This fic was fantastic. I am disgustingly fond. Superb characterisation. Light hearted and funny.
The Oncologist Trap by zulu (13k) (2007) House subtly seduces Wilson. Somehow.
The Line of Thought by tevinterimperium (13k) House and Wilson pretend to be together to play a prank on the ducklings, which is an extremely plausible scenario. From the perspective of the ducklings. Set sometime after 3x15: Half-Wit.
hail mary by ictus (13k) A post-canon fix it! In the weeks since finishing the show and reading this fic there are times I forgot that this wasn’t canon. It’s such a believable (and well-researched) alternate ending that feels like an actual episode.
Son of Mine by simoneallen (14k) Sherlock is House’s long-lost kid. Usually I’m not a fan of cross-over fics but I enjoyed this one. Established relationship on the johnlock side, getting together on the hilson side.
***hearts turn red by ictus (14k) In my head this is the counterpoint to Commonplace and True. When I found it after reading that one it really was a holy shit two fucking cakes?? moment. The delicious infidelity vibes are similar, but the vibes of the writing are pretty different -- whereas the above fic has a more quiet, subdued atmosphere, this one has more snappy prose and it’s more light-hearted with funny moments as well as emotional ones. It’s not just the infidelity theme that makes me crazy about both of them though; it’s how they play on the great tragedy of House and Wilson. In the author’s own words: In a way they do feel a little bit doomed to never quite be on the same page with each other until the very end of the series and by then it's too late. Of course, in these fics, they’re rescued earlier than the end, but the wretched vibes remain. Also, I’m obsessed with this line: By Wilson’s read, House is somehow simultaneously joking and sincere: Schrödinger’s sexual advance. That is the entire fucking show.
An Inconvenient Truth by annathaema (15k) Wilson helps out Cuddy and reveals something about himself in the process. House freaks out accordingly. Also features banana-colored babies, the men's room, and Skee-Ball.
*at the rind by ShanaStoryteller (19k) An AU where Wilson experiences all the near death moments House has in the show as a series of nightmares. Set between 1.19 and 2.05, but spoilers for the whole show. Protective Wilson!! We love to see it. I also like Wilson’s characterisation here - you can very much see how not-normal he is. We love unhealthy co-dependency.
***Esopus Creek by shaycat (24k) An eighty-year-old widower by the name of Eugene Skinner ventures out one September day in upstate New York for his usual morning activity - fly fishing. His leisurely hobby is interrupted by a bickering pair nearby in the river. That chance encounter with Greg House and James Wilson changes the course of his life. Told from the perspective of the last friend the boys make on their final road trip. This was the perfect post season 8, Wilson-still-dies fic. A sad fic but not a depressing one. It’s quiet and heartwarming, in a bittersweet way. Highly recommend. It has great use of outsider POV — I’m always a sucker for it but it worked particularly well in this case to have the angst but not be drowning in it. Also I just really liked the OC.
***Howler Tone by baffledbear (25k) The calls always happen late at night, and they're extremely sporadic, with weeks, sometimes months bridging between them. They talk on the phone otherwise, of course; about patients, or dinner plans, or carpooling. Typical stuff. But the calls that always end a certain way always start a certain way. Wilson is so repressed but so attracted to House. House is taking as much as he can get while still remaining in relative safety. Together they push a platonic relationship to the absolute limits of plausible deniability. Overall totally realistic within the canon of the show — the natural step up from the gay chicken already depicted. It’s just such a perfect scenario for them! That combined with silky smooth prose, faithful characterisation and accurate dialogue makes this fic is a definite hilson favourite and also a hilson-thesis fic.
*The Open Road by Pun (25k) A fandom classic. Road trip fic set in the earlier seasons. It's good; read it.
*He Won't Tell You That He Loves You by hellshandbasket (25k) [In which Nolan pulls at the Wilson thread, and House can't stop it all from unraveling. Repression is a hell of a drug.] Early s6. Another fandom classic that is worth its salt.
no need to worry (making up your mind) by scribespirare (25k) House makes the mistake of telling his mother he can't join her for Christmas because of his new boyfriend. Somehow, this becomes Wilson's problem. Cute and fun. I put off reading fake-dating fics because I was worried about them being OOC but this one definitely wasn’t!
***Sticks and Stones by Transformatron (25k) (WIP) House has an innovative new idea for managing his chronic pain. Wilson’s not sure he approves - but when has House ever asked for permission? This is such a great concept I am climbing the walls!!! D/s with House as the sub. The story is currently still at pre-relationship stage, with House experimenting with BDSM and Wilson being unhappy with the proceedings (for some unknown reason /s). Also the writing is nice and snappy with some great figurative language that manages to incorporate medical themes impressively well. 
Fresh Feeling by justkeeptrekkin (30k) House is tricked into going on a team-building trip with his colleagues. He does far more bonding with Wilson than anyone else. Funny and well written. The team interactions are very cute.
***Tracking Time by Namaste (37k) (ff.net) A look at House and Wilson's friendship over the years and how it has changed from their meeting through the end of the first season. I don’t usually read long genfics but this one was exceptional. I like Namaste’s take on House and Wilson’s characters. And they are a very good storyteller — one thing that you don’t tend to see as much of in fanfiction is the old adage of ‘show not tell’. The writing in this fic is careful and subtle, and lets you read between the lines, making it so that no part of the 37k words is a drag to read.
*The Body Found by fourteencandles (46k) Wilson's missing. When I tell you I cried... Premium angst & hurt/comfort. Excellent dialogue with some alternating POV (House mainly, but you also get the three ducklings & Cuddy).
You Already Know How This Will End by fourteencandles (46k) What if House had gone to rehab right after/around "Merry Little Christmas"? (3.10) This fic was interesting. It’s told in a series of short vignettes with a variety of different perspectives. It’s not really a hilson fic (or a fic for any ship). It just explores the characters. I did wish for more hilson but it’s a good read (I mean, it’s fourteencandles). The one hilson scene near the end where they hire a hooker in Atlantic City lives in my head rent free. Warning that the ending is rather abrupt and I didn’t find it satisfying, but I think it works for this kind of story, in a way. Messy people and their complicated relationships, with a lot of loose ends left untied, because that’s just what life is. 
***For Every Closed Door by starlingthefool (around 50k?) (lj) Overview of the chapters (14 with 4 interludes and an epilogue) is on the author’s lj (scroll down).  House MD/Dead Like Me crossover.  I love this fic a lot! It’s canon divergence from Season 3. House gets killed in a freak accident and becomes a reaper, remaining in the mortal world to harvest souls, able to interact with people but not be recognisable to those that know him. As the author says, this is an Afterlife!Fic and therefore a deathfic. They also said it’s not depressing — which is true, because it’s more plotty than an angstfest, and there are lots of light-hearted parts, but it is definitely heartbreaking at points. I literally cried all the way through the last chapter. Happy ending though!!! Don’t worry about the cross-over aspects. I haven’t seen Dead Like Me, and as far as I can tell, it just takes the premise of the show. I’m glad I found this fic whilst trawling 2000s livejournal because it’s really a hidden gem. Great plot, dialogue, compelling OCs — the whole package! I got so emotionally invested in the story. I think there were maybe a few parts that were a little unpolished but just keep reading. It’s really worth it. 
*A Modest Proposal and Involuntary Commitment series by ignaz (98k) The one where House and Wilson get married so Wilson can’t testify against House in the Tritter arc.  I have an unfortunate habit of downloading fics and then forgetting to bookmark & comment once I’m done, so I don’t have anything detailed to say about this one, but it’s a classic and a favourite of mine.
Twenty Years of Stealing My Food by hwshipper (100k) A backstory taking place over twenty years, from how House and Wilson met all the way to canon. A reimagining of their fucked up, magnetic relationship, with a straightforward writing style. They get together nearly as soon as they meet and maintain a steady open relationship whilst cheating on their various girlfriends and wives throughout the years. 
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triviallytrue · 3 months
I know webnovels are kind of irrelevant compared to... everything else, but do you have any recommendations in the vein of those you've talked about/posted before?
I'm currently caught up on Pale Lights and TWI, and I'm trying to fill out my schedule to one new chapter a week without resorting to catching up on wildbow's work, or rereading Practical Guide until aforementioned have a backlog. Completed works are fine as well.
Here's my full webserial opinions list, with the general caveat that webserials are, on average, longer, more poorly paced, and less polished than print novels, and if you aren't hooked pretty early on you should probably drop it:
Finished or currently caught up:
A Practical Guide to Evil
The gold standard of the medium imo, definitely my favorite. It has its flaws like any other, but I feel more comfortable recommending it than most.
Pale Lights
PGTE's author's new work. Still in progress, imo has even more going for it than PGTE does. The setting is more original and the shape of the plot plays to the author's strengths more. Very fun first book, maybe my first recommendation.
The experience of reading Worm is not very good, but the experience of having read Worm is great. Incredibly compelling story with shitty execution. Is it worth it? I dunno.
The 2% of people who won't find HPMOR too insufferable to read have already read it. Everyone else, steer clear.
Both short and polished by web serial standards. Weird, irreverent, mostly gets better as it goes. Some people will be put off by it, but if you like the first few chapters I think it's excellent.
Did not finish:
The sequel to Worm. Ward has all of the same issues as Worm with none of the redeeming qualities. Even if you really liked Worm, you still probably shouldn't read Ward.
By the same author as Worm and Ward, and (I think?) generally considered to be his best work (or best since Worm). I liked it but ended up petering out partway through - it's long even by webserial standards. Will probably pick it up again someday.
The Wandering Inn
I think the longest work of fiction in the English language? Or maybe any language? In a medium full of prolific authors, pirateaba puts them all to shame. Surprisingly decent, but nowhere near good enough to justify its length.
Almost Nowhere
Deeply weird, incredibly compelling, dense enough that I got stuck when I was trying to power through it. Will return to it sooner or later.
Are there more? There's definitely more. But this is off the top of my head, and most of the rest is schlock that is not worth mentioning.
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pet-cemetery-emotes · 8 months
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Nuzzle Bases!
Fluffy with pointed ears, short fur with pointed ears
Fluffy with long ears, fluffy with long ears alt., short fur with long ears
Fluffy with floppy ears, short fur with floppy ears
Feel free to edit and use wherever! If you post your edits on tumblr, feel free to @ me so I can see :D
You can also send me an ask to request edits! I can color the dogs, and mix and match features. I would like to make additional bases with medium fur length, and cocked ears as well. Open to making fox edits as well!
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justlillythinking · 2 years
saw your request post and hehe may i request nsfw alphabets for aged up! neteyam? thank you in advance, sweetie <3
neteyam nsfw alphabet
warnings- obv nsfw, older! neteyam so a little ooc?
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
very sweet and caring, will hold you with an arm around your shoulder while you curl into his chest for a little, then kiss you on the head and get up to get you both some water + snacks.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his favorite body part is his arms/ hands, he loves using them on you to hold you and finger you.
his favorite body part on you is definitely back and thighs, he loves seeing how your back muscles flex when you go to shoot something with your bow, or how your thighs flex as you ride your ikran.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
likes to cum on your back, on your stomach or in you.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
low key wants you to be in (a little) danger so he can swoop in and save you with a whole “how can i repay you” moment
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
i’d say he’s mildly experienced, has figured out pretty good ways to please you but still needs some direction ex; “harder”, pulling on his hair when he eats you out. he’s a quick learner though
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
standing shower sex or lazy doggy style.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
i think that you two could laugh abt something small or laugh at weird noises but mostly loving and sensual sex.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
balls are hairless and a straight medium length triangleish shape above his cock
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
definitely more of a loving partner than a very sexual/rough, but wants to spice stuff up sometimes w choking and bruising; you would both do it more often but he says he feels bad hurting you even though you tell him he’s not.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
definitely does it when he’s busy/ away from you, but knows if you’re there you want to please him.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
bruising your hips/ waist bc he was gripping too hard.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
at home or at the beach.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
the noises you make, feeling you rake your fingers down his toned back and gripping on his hair.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
a threesome would be a no bc he wants you to feel like the spotlight is always on you and you alone.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
loves both receiving and giving, but would rather give because he loves the noises you have and how you tug on his locs.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
probably in the middle, but his strokes are powerful and well placed.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
likes doing quickies in the morning, before going to dinner, or whenever he is feeling especially pent up but would rather have long loving sex.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
would maybe do a public quickie, would definitely go skinny dipping with you
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
probably 2 rounds but can last for up to 20 minutes, and gives you head multiple times.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
a vibrator for you when he is gone, and a cock ring for him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
likes to act like a huge tease but will give in pretty fast and overstimulate you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
grunts and sighs, sings praises and the occasional moan. 7/10- vocal but not the most
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
will pin you against a tree or the ground by your wrists and leave hickies all over you breasts and neck, then when he goes to eat you out the nips at your thighs w his fangs
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
i mean he’s 8’2 so it’s prob 10 inches, a slightly lighter blue than the rest of his body but he’s darker toward the tip. thick at the base but gets a little thinner toward the top, but his tip is the same width as base.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
wants to have some sort of interaction(receiving or giving oral or hand) everyday but doesn’t need sex sex every day.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
waits until you fall asleep, then wraps a blanket around the both of you and snuggles closer.
format from multi-fandom-imagine
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When the twisted wonderland anime comes out what are the things you hope they do better then what they could do in the game?
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To quickly clarify a few things (so new readers and anyone stumbling across this post doesn't get the wrong idea): firstly, we do not yet have any confirmation on what the Twisted Wonderland anime will be about. Secondly, I have previously expressed that I would prefer the TWST anime to be random slice of life rather than another main story adaptation. If we assume that the anime will be another adaptation of the main story, I don't think the anime staff has a ton of liberty in the alterations they can make to the source material. Book 2 is widely known to be the greatest example of Bad Writing in TWST, and it cannot exactly be swept under the rug since it's in the main story. I doubt anyone would be allowed to make massive rewrites to the script or to the series of events; the biggest changes we get are slightly compacted scenes in the manga and the light novel. For example:
Skipping lines that appear in the game. (Ex: in the Book of Heartslabyul, Ace does not joke about sharing a room with Yuuken.)
Combining scenes to save on time. (Ex: In the light novel, Yuuya and Deuce meet Leona for the first time not in the Botanical Garden, which is the case in the game. Instead, the mob student that broke the eggs meant for Ace's apology chestnut tart is a Savanaclaw kid that Leona shows up to reprimand.)
Adding slight details to fill in logical gaps. (Ex: Yuuya in the light novel is granted a NRC uniform by Crowley; the uniform is described to us, the readers. Yuu getting a uniform is never mentioned in the game.)
Continuing from the last point, new details can also serve to flesh out character motivations, backstories, and lore. (Ex: the Heartslabyul light novel informs us that Riddle faces social repercussions for his OB and almost got expelled from school; the Savanaclaw light novel sheds new light on Leona's motivations, and the same can be said of Riddle.)
So basically, the story (again, if the anime does end up following the plot of the main story) would be the same. What would make the anime different from the manga, game, and light novel is largely the medium in which it is presented. I have talked about this at length in a number of older posts, but here is one example of how the manga, uses visual storytelling (as it is primarily a visual medium). A manga chapter is usually limited in length due to it being physically printed and shared in a magazine alongside other manga; there is therefore a constraint on how long-winded it can be, and its limited pages must be used effectively. We need to think about the strengths and the weaknesses of each individual medium and how those strengths and weaknesses affect how it might slightly change how TWST I presented.
An anime is able to incorporate animation with sound in a 20ish minute time slot to tell a tale. It gets the same benefits of the game, but far more freedom of movement. There is, however, also a time constraint to be considered. One complaint TWST often gets is that despite half of its core gameplay (I'm not going to count reading as gameplay) being rhythm games, the music the game has is NOT memorable. While the anime most likely won't have a ton of original songs, I hope that it can at least creatively incorporate some of TWST's scores as background tracks to fun scenes and make them more enjoyable that way. The anime will also be able to... well, be animated!! We won't get just a static screen where a maximum of three characters are crammed onto the screen at once staring back at you. It's okay to have in the game to save on time and budget, but you have to admit it does get boring to look at after a while. But with an anime production, we can get exciting lighting and camera angles that result in cool animation! I hope that this will really help the TWST characters' stories come to life on the screen ^^ One scene in particular that I hope the anime will adapt well is the VDC/SDC performances of RSA and NRC. The game tells us that RSA's performance is clumsy and amateurish, but it still managed to capture people's hearts. The game also tells us that NRC was not able to perform at their maximum capacity because they were already physically worn down from dealing with OB Vil. I want to see these descriptions actually be realized on screen (the Rhythmic/Twistune alone isn't enough), as it could help us better judge and have an enhanced understanding of the situation. I know a lot of fans who, to this very day, still feel that NRC was cheated of the win and shouldn't have lost to such a lackluster performance from RSA, so I'm hoping that a fully animated version might give us more perspective.
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