#thank you Nike for getting me up to speed <3
fairyrcts · 8 days
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nikes , c.s. • track 1
by fairyrcts contents - cursing , drug use , 3rd person (an) - i know nothing abt drugs so bare w me
"serenity!" her professor called her as she was about walk out the door.
"yes, sir?"
he did a motion with his hand, telling her to come over there.
serenity stood in front if his desk, fiddling with the sleeves of her cardigan.
"i just wanted to compliment your poem. i mean, to be able to say so much by saying so little, really, it's a raw talent. but i'm not necessarily seeing how this goes along with the prompt i assigned. maybe look it over and try realigning in some places." his words were gentle, but god were they harsh.
"uh, yeah, of course. thank you." she gave him a tight-lipped smile and a nod, turning around and walking out of the room.
seriously? realign? it was already perfectly aligned.
she wasn't very great at constructive criticism, but she knew there was nothing she could do about it.
as a journalism student, she had to take multiple types of literature classes. her poetry class was her least favorite. her poetry spoke to her and that's all that was needed in her mind.
serenity made her way out the cramped halls and outside of the large boston college building.
she enjoyed walking around the campus. it was very peaceful.
her nikes walked across the green grass and out the college campus onto the concrete of the sidewalk.
her headphones played frank ocean in her ears while she walked to her apartment building just a block away from campus.
most of the college students lived there, so she was blessed to even be able to have an apartment there.
of course, to keep cost down, she had a roomate. izzy was.. unique, to put it lightly. she was one of those crystal girls who believed that mercury's orbit speed is what's causing her life to go to shambles, when it's really just the amount of pot screwing up her head.
serenity opened the glass door to the complex and waved at one of the neighbors.
"hey, kelly. how's the kids?" she spoke kindly to the middle-aged woman walking down the stairs.
"hi, serenity. they're fresh, as usual. maybe you could watch em' for me sometime soon. i need a break." she chuckled as she spoke.
"yes ma'am. you know where to find me." serenity smiled back while she walked up the stairs, ending their conversation.
unfortunately, she lived on the eleventh floor and the elevator's been down for 3 days, so she's got her workout done for the day.
after around 7 exhausting minutes, she finally reach the door to her apartment. she unlocked her door and fell onto her couch instantly.
izzy walked out of her dimly lit room and greeted serenity back home.
"you seem tired. you okay?" the ginger girl in front of her asked.
"i just walked up like a bazillion stairs, of course i'm not okay." serenity panted.
izzy gave her a look, as if telling her to calm down.
"hey, i was bouta call my dealer, chris, tell him to come over. getting like a quarter pound of weed. want some?"
serenity usually would say no without hesitation, but she was thinking about it. she'd never done anything like that before. so maybe just once wouldn't be so bad?
"uh, yeah, call him." izzy definitely didn't expect that for an answer, but she did as asked.
she sat across from serenity and dialed a few numbers on her phone and held it up to her ear. around the 4th ring, he answered.
"what'sup?" he groggily spoke into the phone.
"yo, come over. me and ren need weed." serenity narrowed her eyes at her. ren? they weren't that close, but okay.
"you and who? y'know, i don't wanna know. i'll be there in ten." chris grumbled and hung up the phone.
before interrupted, chris was napping. he'd just gotten back from doing deals all day and he fell asleep on the couch of his shared home.
he moved himself to go grab his stash that lied under his bed. he stuffed the ziplock bag into his hoodie pocket and made his way to his car.
while waiting, the two girls ordered chinese from some local place down the street. a knock in sets of threes indicated that christopher was here.
"can ya get it?" izzy didn't bother to look up, making serenity roll her eyes. she stood up and opened the door to chris. she'd never met him before, so she just assumed the boy in front of him was her dealer.
chris's eyes looked her up and down unashamedly. he gave her a small smile. "ren, i'm guessing."
"serenity, but if that's what you'd like, ren's fine to." serenity reciprocated the smile and opened the door to him.
"nah, i'll come up with a better nickname within time. like your nikes by the way." chris walked in and gave one of those boyish greeting nods to izzy.
he sat on the couch that serenity was laying on before. she felt sorta awkward sitting next to him so she sat on the floor in front of the coffee table.
her roomate scrolled through things on the tv while chris took out the small bags from his pocket.
"so, you ever done marijuana?" he looked towards serenity.
"uhm, no. i hit a vape once in seventh grade." she spoke with a small smile but her words caused chris to laugh loudly.
when he saw that she wasn't laughing with him, he became confused. "wait, you're serious?"
"uh, yeah."
chris let out a tsk noise from his mouth and shook his head.
"can't let you get a joint then. you've got low tolerance, you'll literally green out within minutes."
serenity's cheeks turned a light shade of pink now that he was looking at her. she felt embarrassed. she'd never really felt embarrassed about not doing drugs, so it was weird in this instance.
"you can get a few hits from mine? but i don't want ya takin' in too much, y'know?" he could see that she felt out of place around them, so he only offered to make her feel better.
"yeah, no, i get that. whatever's okay with you, i mean." serenity gave him a small nod.
izzy was already smoking her blunt and looked buzzed from just onw hit, but to be fair, she always looked buzzed.
chris began rolling it in a tan rolling paper while some random video played on the tv.
serenity just sat contently, her body lightly rocking in her criss cross position.
chris kept glancing at her from the corner of his eye.
she was oddly intriguing to him. she seemed so polite and innocent. too polite and innocent to be doing drugs, but hey, he definitely wasn't one to judge.
he took out his lighter and lit his joint in between his two fingers. he scooted to the edge of the couch and put it in front of her mouth.
"here, just inhale it, then exhale the smoke out."
she took it from him and placed it between her pointer and middle finger and took a hit from it.
it wasn't as scary as serenity had imagined.
when she exhaled, chris gave her a wide smile and izzy clapped dramatically.
"not so bad, ay?" he chuckled lightly and took it from her hands.
-- --
the three were now high out of their minds. serenity was so new to the feeling, she just never stopped laughing.
"oh my god, dude, is that chinese ever gonna get here?" izzy was clearly too buzzed to remember that she never even placed the order.
"uh, i dunno. maybe we should go to the place or sumthin." serenity now sat on the couch next to chris, her head resting on the cushion behind it.
"yeah, alright, i'll go. don't do anything stupid." her words really didn't mean anything since doing drugs with a stranger was stupid in general, but chris and serenity nodded.
izzy walked out with her car keys, leaving the two alone.
"so." chris took another drag from the blunt, eventually letting it burn out.
"so?" she giggled.
"i don't really know anything about you. might as well kmow a bit if this becomes a regular occurance." he sat up to talk to her more properly.
"what do ya wanna know?"
serenity always like the idea of talking about herself. not in a selfish way, but she liked being able to share her passions with people and just having them listen.
"just, tell me sum shit, i dunno." he shrugged.
"uh, okay i'm 19, i go to college at boston university, i like the color brown and i'm really high right now." her voice was soft and gentle as she spoke.
her tone caused chris to listen attentively. it was weird how much her voice kept doing that to hi. it just made him want to hear more.
"god, you're voice is just so soothing. it's like, precious." sure, chris was high, but he meant what he said.
"precious?" serenity's face turned a shade of light pink once more as she gave him a bright smile.
"mhm. hey, i told ya i'd think of another name to call ya!" he laughed humorlessly with serenity.
"you're corny."
"whatever you say."
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murderofsomeone · 2 years
Seeing people talk about the old removed console/mobile bosses as if they're ancient cryptids—only known by sprites from a bygone era—when I've fought all of them FIRSTHAND makes me feel SOOO old.
It's kind of sad to see all that fun stuff go, but I can kind of see why they decided to make things consistent across all versions.
...But they seriously need to return the petri dish (blue slime) and the cabbage (guinea pig), those pets were the BOMB.
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stripper-patrick · 3 years
Heaven 🇫🇷Florian Munteanu
|part 1: Get You| |part 2: Heaven| |part 3: Hell|
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Warnings: language, smut, nsfw
Song- Streets: Doja Cat
Tags: @rebellious-desires @mrsbanreswillseeyou @eclecticblkgirl @designerwriterchic @bvssmob
Relationship: Florian Munteanu x black plus sized reader
My alarm goes off and I happily get up getting ready for our trip to Paris. I go to the bathroom wetting my face with warm water seeing as cold water just makes me mad. I exfoliate my face and lips before moving on to brush my teeth and swish some mouthwash.
I hop in the shower scrubbing, shaving, and exfoliating my body with my warm vanilla sugar scented soap from bath and body works. I rinse off the soap and step out applying coconut oil to my damp body then applying the matching warm vanilla sugar lotion to lock in the moisture. I’m black we gotta stay hydrated and mind out business.
I put on some deodorant and face moisturizer grabbing a black bra and some burgundy rhinestone Brazilian panties. I grab the outfit laid on my nearby chair and my Nike air 270’s. I sit at my vanity doing a light makeup look and adding some Vaseline for that shine affect on my lips. I decide to tie up my long braids in a cute little bun and I see my phone buzz. I swipe right and answer Florian’s call “good morning” I smile
“Good morning” my breath physically catches in my throat at his deep raspy morning voice. “Are you ready?”
“Yes I am”
“Oh and be sure to have something nice we’re going to brunch with my family”
“Oh ok” I nod. I did pack some fancy outfits because it’s Paris who wouldn’t but I know China hasn’t met his family yet. “So do you fight tonight?”
“No tomorrow. And we’ll be staying with my parents at their house”
“We’re not staying in a hotel?”
“No” he chuckles
“Ok then”
I park my car on a vacant lot seeing a singular airplane and Florian sitting on the steps. I get out and my jaw is dropped to the core of the earth.
“Hey baby girl” he jogs over hugging me and I’m too in shock to even acknowledge the nickname. I pop the trunk and grab my suitcase before he takes it from me “I could’ve got it”
“For what I’m here. You look good”
“Thank you” I smile “so you own this plane?”
“Kinda me and my brother went half on it. You’ll get to meet him later” he winks. Flo takes my luggage to the flight attendants and holds my hand leading me into the spacious red leather interior of the plane.
“This is dope Flo” I say
“Thank you” we sit across from each other and the flight attendant brings us champagne in a glass.
I take a sip and I can taste how expensive it is.
“So how long will this flight be?”
“About 12 hours” I sigh as we take off.
“Well how do we pass time?” He cocks up his eyebrow Suggestively and I smile.
“Ok how old were you when you lost your virginity?” I ask looking over. We’ve now moved next to each other giggling from the champagne.
“15” he answers. We’re playing a game of truth or strip. It’s simple. If you don’t wanna answer your truth you have to strip. Better than truth or dare. He has taken off his socks, shirt and watch and I took off my biker shorts and socks.
“Oh” I nod “if you had to choose between me and Brad Pitt to have sex with who would it be”
“Can I choose both?” I laugh
“Ok I would choose you” I laugh “I don’t know Brad like that or how good he is”
“How do you know I’m good in bed?” he leans getting closer.
“Aside from the details China tells me I can tell you know how to use what you got”
“What do you mean?” He smiles.
“You know what I mean” I laugh. Deep down I want him to prove me right but that would be completely outta line.
“I need an example” all of a sudden I’m shy but not to shy to bite my tongue.
“Like your tongue you look like you know how to use it in the best way” He doesn’t say anything he just stares at me. I feel myself leaning in. He’s leaning too. Our lips attach and it was like a flame was set off in my body. I’m frozen but my lips are still moving in sync with his.
Flo’s large hand caresses thigh then bring them in my underwear rubbing slowly at my clit. I moan in his mouth and he speeds up. Out of instinct I try to close my thighs arching my back but he keeps a good grip. He slips a finger in and starts kissing my neck. I moan out but the flash of my best friends face crosses my mind and I place my hands on his shoulders and stop all movements.
“You’re with China” I say breathing heavily. He nods looking down and my clit is throbbing and so badly I want so much more but I know I’d feel the worse whether China found out or not.
“You’re right I’m sorry” he nods taking his hand out of my underwear. His fingertip is wet with my juices and I let out a puff of air holding my head in my hands. I grab my pants and we redress ourselves before sitting back down. I sigh closing my eyes getting comfortable. All I can think about is his head between my legs and him being dominant and absolutely man-handling me. I open my eyes again looking out the window at the dark night sky.
‘Something takes over me and I straddle Flo and grab his arms wrapping them around me. I grab his face kissing him and he grinds me against his hard on. He’s quick to pull off my underwear and shimmy down his pants just a little bit. The tip inserts through my walls and I-‘
“Y/N you should probably get some rest” I snap out of my thoughts and he’s just staring at me.
“Yea you’re right” he stands to grabbing two blankets from the closet. He hands me one and I give off a small smile and a thank you. I pull the heavy soft blanket over my body up to my chin before taking a deep breath that transitions me into a deep sleep.
I wake up just at sunrise to see Florian asleep. He looks peaceful when he’s asleep. I look out the window watching the beautiful sky. It’s painted a mix of pink purple and yellow in the cleanest way.
I smile and stand up stretching my legs and back. There’s a big window at the back of the plane and I walk back there folding my arms just looking.
I feel arms around my waist and Florian’s hand slides up my neck to my jaw bringing my lips to his. I can’t help but kiss back now. This is so wrong but it feels so right.
I turn my body taking in his embrace and his hands go down to my butt giving it a light squeeze. He stops kissing me and walks away back to his seat. I watch his eyes close and I go sitting next to him. I lay my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me and I lay on his chest drifting to sleep once again.
We are just getting off the plane in the warm climate of France. Considering it’s spring there’s a slight chill in the air making me put on a light jacket. Flo grabs our bags taking it to the car and the driver gets out. He looks like Flo honestly. Not as tall but still over 6 feet, green hazel eyes, pretty smile. The have a resemblance towards each other. Florian gives him a big hug with a laugh “how’ve you been?” The guy asks
“I’ve been good. This is Y/N. Y/N this is my brother Daniel” he opens his arms and I give him a big hug.
“Nice to meet you” he smiles
“Nice to meet you too”
“How’s China” he glances at me smiling
“She’s great” he nods
“Good well let’s not waste any time let’s go” he nods. I get in the backseat and I see a woman in the front. “Hi I’m Amelia” she introduces. Perfect skin, long legs, gorgeous blonde hair. She’s a model.
“Hi I’m Y/N” she smiles sweetly and turns around. Florian sits next to me and his brother gets in the driver seat as we pull off in the beautiful city of Paris. Or as I like to call it, Heaven.
As we go through I’m glued to the window tapping Flo’s thigh every time I see something cool like mimes, flowers, and even puppies. I notice Flo’s hand on my thigh and I want to move it so badly for the sake of just feeling bad but I can’t. This feels so good.
We arrive at the house shortly after and it’s huge to say the least. I get out and Daniel opens the trunk. I go to grab my bag and Florian smacks my hand. My jaw drops with a laugh emitting from both of us while Daniel and his wife walk by.
“I’ll get it” he says. He picks up my suitcase and his as well rolling both of them into the house. I’m still enjoying the exterior. An older gentleman comes out looking at me. I walk up to him and a huge smile spreads across his face. “Are you English?” His thick accent much like Flo’s emits through his perfect teeth.
“Close. American. I’m Y/N, Florian’s friend”
“No girlfriend?” His thick accent doesn’t stop the curiosity but still love coming from him.
“No she’s at home” I smile. He extends his arms pulling me in for a hug. He smells like teakwood and a little bit of backwoods.
“We have dinner tonight. You like goat?”
“Never tried it” I laugh. He wraps his arm around my shoulder walking me into his house “your house is beautiful”
“Thank you. Me and my wife built it when Daniel was born” he explains “from the ground up and this is one house I will never get rid of”
“I’m just in love with it” an older woman appears with broad shoulders and a disgusted look on her face staring right into my soul.
“Who this?” She asks pointing to me. I hate when people wave their fingers in my face it makes me wanna fight. But for her sake I’ll chalk it up to a culture difference.
“Diana this is Y/N Florian’s friend” his father speaks “oh my apologies my name is Emilio”
“You think you’re good enough for my son?”
“Excuse me?”
“Ma stop” Florian scolds “what the hell is wrong with you”
“I apologize she can be a handful sometimes. Which is why we’re separated” Emilio says to me. I can’t help but giggle and he shows me around more with Flo behind us.
I get out the steamy shower and a knock comes at my door. I open it slightly seeing its Florian dressed in a Nike tracksuit. I’m only in a towel and I smile at him. “Hey you look good” I step aside allowing him in and he shuts the door sitting on the bed.
“Thanks” he answers “you look better. I think my mom will love that” he laughs
“Funny” I smile sarcastically laughing to myself
“Y/N I’m sorry but I just can’t help myself when I’m around you. Every time even when all of us like me you and China are together I want to make you mine and I know that’s your best friend-“ I cut him off with a kiss. That’s that wrenching feeling inside of me knowing I’m going to hurt my best friend is strong. But my feelings for him are stronger. What we have built is too strong for me to just walk away.
“Let’s just have fun this weekend and we’ll see where to go from there” I reassure him. Florian slides his hand up my thigh dangerously close to my bare pussy. Before he moves any higher I push his hand away “I have to get ready”
“Alright alright” he stands up “just meet me downstairs” he kisses my head and I shut the door behind him. I sigh shaking my head ridding myself of the thought that betrays myself and my best friend the most. I go in my suitcase grabbing the short casual t-shirt dress I brought. It accentuates my curves but still is simple.
I grab some sandals sliding those on and snapping the strap to my ankle. I take one last look in the mirror before opening the door to his mother standing right in front of me. “Hi?” I respond in more of a question like tone
“Are you going to Florians fight in 2 days?” She asks
“I am” she rolls her eyes muttering something under her breath. “What was that?” I call out daring her to say it again. People, especially older people, need to realize respect isn’t given it’s earned and if you put me in a position where I have every right to disrespect you, then that’s that.
“Take your ass back on the plane and go home. My son doesn’t need you” Just then I hear Florian yell and he comes up the stairs.
“Let’s go Y/N” he grabs my hand but I yank it away too heated in the moment to understand he means good.
“Nah she wanna sit here and keep disrespecting me. I’ve had enough. Me and him aren’t-“ Florian picks me up taking me downstairs where he sets me down on my feet. His hands are still clad at my waist as I fume.
“I’m tired of her talking to me like she’s lost her gotdamn mind”
“Just don’t let her get to you. I’ll talk to her later tonight. Please” he begs. I sigh and he pulls me in for a tight hug. I take a deep breath of his cologne gathering my thoughts. I let go and walk in front of him to the kitchen earning a swat to my behind. I shake my head and we approach the table full of others. They all stare at me including his mother sitting at the end. I sit down and Flo sits next to me. The maids bring out an appetizer and it’s an orange soup. I grab my spoon taking a sip and it’s delicious.
“This is called a zuppa toscana” Emilio says “something my mother used to make me and my brothers all the time” he smiles. The family engulfs themselves in chatty conversations and I continue sipping on my soup. Flashbacks of the plane and Florian rubbing my pussy keep hitting me creating a waterfall in my panties. I can already feel their soaked through. I stretch my hand on his thigh lightly resting it there. Florian glances at me before going back to his food. I move my hand on top of his crotch rubbing lightly making a firm grip. I feel his thigh twitch and his hazel turn into a dark brown. I keep rubbing him through his pants feeling him harden. I keep rubbing until the chef comes out of the kitchen.
“The food is taking some time but it will be out shortly” the chef announces smiling.
“Perfect Y/N come with me” Florian grabs my hand dragging me with him throughout the house.
He opens the big glass door and lets me out first. I look around seeing we’ve entered a beautiful garden. “This is gorgeous” he shuts the door and grabs my hand not saying a word. Florian leads me through it to a bench in front of some flowers. I bite my lip and he wraps his hand around my throat sealing any space between us with a kiss. His hands move to my butt giving it a nice squeeze. I gasp feeling his tongue slip in my mouth. I feel dizzy and hot. I’m not sure who’s air I’m breathing anymore. He lets go and I suck in a breath of air as Florian sits on the bench. He pulls my dress off tearing off the thin fabric of my lace thong. He sits me on his lap and I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders. I grind along his hard-on as he grips the back of my neck holding me in a powerful kiss. I lift my dress up pulling my underwear to the side while he unbuckles his pants. Florian lets out a big girthy dick and I watch as it pulsates and leaked with precum.
I grab ahold of it and glide myself onto him feeling his dick expand my walls gracefully. Once I’m fully on him Florian grabs my hips digging into them guiding me to ride him. This increases my pleasure somehow.
“I’ve waited for this for so long” he moans bucking my hips faster. I bounce my ass and my acrylics glide through his short hair. My breath is caught in my throat by how fast I’m going and how big he is. My hands move to his chest and I let out that first succulent moan. Florian rolls my hips faster attaching his lips to my neck heightening my pleasure. I claw at his chest hearing his deep voice rumble in my neck “I’ve wanted this tight pussy around my cock and in my mouth since I first met you”
My moans get louder hearing his vulgarity and my legs begin shaking from the pressure building in my center. Florian holds me down with one arm and his other hand snakes up to my mouth silencing my moans. Somehow this makes this rendezvous 10x hotter. He starts pounding me out from below and the only thing you can hear is skin slapping on skin and his low grunts and moans.
“Are you gonna cum on me?” I nod furiously trying to push away from his death grip. The pounding becoming too much “uh uh take this dick”
I have no choice but to sit there and take it. My entire body tensed and I begin my convulsions while gripping on the bottom of his shirt. He takes his hand off my mouth and I instantly move to his neck where loud moans are muffled in his shirt. “Fuck I’m gonna cum” I hop off to the best of my ability and get on my knees. I grab the base of his dick jerking it hard while sucking on the tip. Before I know it warm, bitterness is brought into my mouth while he grips the edge of the bench moaning. He’s gripping so hard that his knuckles are turning white.
“That’s my girl” I milk him dry and keep sucking until he’s begging me to stop. I come off his member with a pop and smile at him. Florian grabs my throat giving me a wet sloppy nasty kiss.
“You’re so nasty” he smiles “I love it”
I pull my dress down and discard my underwear in my bra. Florian fixes himself and I see the door open. It’s the chef.
“The food is ready. I was told you might be out here since it’s your favorite spot”
“Yes thank you. Just showing her the flowers” he extends his hand and I walk in front of him. The chef leaves the door open walking away and I giggle to myself thinking of what we just did. I’m gonna beat myself up later about it.
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shoyokuto · 4 years
-work for it
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pairing: bokuto kotaro x reader 
summary: while stumbling around at a college party you have no desire of being at, all you want is a white claw. in an attempt to find one, you run into a guy who happened to steal the last one. after leaving the kitchen, you had no clue you were going to have a much closer interaction with the same guy later that night.
wc: 4.1k
warnings: some fluff, some smut/implied smut, drinking/mentions of drugs, drunk bokuto and kuroo, high kenma and suna, bokuto being bokuto 
author’s note: what’s a better first fic than a hot bokuto college au one? wellll here’s my first fic!! i had lots of fun writing it. it’s definitely not perfect, so please leave any constructive criticism/advice in my asks!! i would really appreciate it. also, picture campbell however you’d like, she’s my beautiful irl bsf who is obsessed with suna, so i just had to make her his gf in this. i will most likely be making a part 2 to this + other fics very soon! thank you so much, and i hope you enjoy<3
Goosebumps by Travis Scott blares through the speakers that line the hallways of the huge house made small by the hundreds of college students that filled it. The red and purple combination of the lights that ran across the corners of the walls of every room washed over you, making it difficult to focus on one thing, let alone find the person you’ve been searching for in the mess for an hour.
You’re only a few shots and one half cup of beer in and you’re already dizzy. The way you stumble through the crowds of people, pushing away the feelings of embarrassment and solemnity, looking lost as a puppy. Trying to find somebody- anybody. Your brain is fixated on finding a person- you don’t know who, or why this sudden jolt of the longing for someone suddenly sparked within you- you hadn’t seen your best friend Campbell since she got trailed off in a game of cup pong earlier with Suna. You hadn’t seen Kuroo or Kenma either. The only three people you knew at this party are somewhere in this damn house, having the time of her lives, while you’re wandering around, being the light weight you are. The sound of the music is muffled and the bass shakes the floor with every step you take, each footstep you take lands to the beat of the song playing. You step on the shoes of couples making out right in the middle of everything and have no feeling of remorse. The splash of someone’s drink hits your shoulder covered by your light sweater, which causes you to whip your head to the side and look the person up and down, vision blurred and streaked.
You stumble into what you think- think- is a kitchen. The purple lights no longer flooded the atmosphere; your weary eyes trying to adjust to the change in lighting and space. Your eyes trace the shiny marble counters that ran along the back of the tiled wall until they met the silver- probably super expensive- fridge. You guide yourself by putting one hand on the island in the middle of the kitchen, the other hand at your side until you meet the fridge door. You sluggishly raise it and grab the handle, slowly pulling it open. The light of the fridge almost blinds your intoxicated eyes, as you squint and blink and blink and blink.
As your eyes fix, they dart in different directions looking for the White Claw you’ve been longing for. All. Night.
Your desires are interrupted by the sound of liquid pouring into a cup behind you. The sound turns your head around slowly, your eyes still squinted and shoulders hunched. Your hand still grasped the handle of the fridge.
“Are you okay?” a voice sounds from the island of the kitchen behind you. It took a second for you to realize you had turned the wrong direction of the pouring noise you heard. You quickly turn the other way, finally meeting the gaze of a taller guy with spiked hair, dipped in grey highlights over black roots, accompanied by a pair of amber, owl-like eyes.
“Uh, yeah, I was um,” you swallow and scratch the back of your neck, “lookin’ for a White Claw.”
The guy raises his grey, thick eyebrows and makes a “tsk” noise with his tongue and taking a sarcastic, deep breath in. “That is really unfortunate because I actually just took the last one.”
He says, leaning against the island with one arm, as the other one is occupied with your White Claw in a red solo cup.
“You’re fuckin…damnit. Damnit Kenma,” You respond, turning back around to face the fridge. “and Kuroo and Cam.” You mumble shortly after.
“You know Kenma?” the guy asks, lifting his arm up from the island and straightening up.
“Yeah. Why do you?” You don’t turn around to answer, instead you grab a water from the freezer. You close the fridge and attempt to open the water bottle, but fail a couple times as your hand slips over the cap and your fingers start to hurt. You hope the guy doesn’t notice.
“Dude. He’s Kenma. Have you seen his fuckin keg stands?” he replies, walking towards you.
You hold the water bottle in both of your hands, staring straight into the doors of the fridge. You aren’t sure what’s happening completely, but you know you feel the footsteps of the guy approaching you. “I’ve seen them more than enough. He’s my friend’s roommate.”
“You mean Kuroo? You are one lucky duck there, aren’t ya? Your friend’s a stud.” The guy says. You think his footsteps have stopped; you can’t tell if you're just feeling your heart beat in your legs from the nerves or if it’s the steps of the guy’s feet towards you. “At least you seem to be enjoying yourself.” He says sarcastically. You shrug, absentmindedly starting to attempt to open the water bottle again.
“Want me to get that for ya?” the guy asks. And he might as well not have even asked, because he immediately takes the water bottle out of your hands and opens it as easily as he started the conversation. “Damn. How much have you drank, scrawny?”
“Did you just…I’m too fucked for this.” You said waving your hand in the air and starting to walk off.
You get to the entrance of the kitchen before the same voice you heard a few seconds ago- that called you scrawny- sounds again. “You forgot your water.”
You look down at your hands, and in embarrassment turn around and fidget with them as you walk back to the guy, who is now leaning back on the marble countertop. He had your last-resort water bottle in one hand, and your wanted White Claw in the other.
You grab the water bottle from the guys hand, not breaking eye contact with him. You did have to admit, the guy’s eyes were pretty mesmerizing. Maybe it’s just the shots talking, though.
“I’m sure I’ll see you around. What’s the name?” he asks, as soon as you had turned around to head for the exit a second time.
You hesitate as you turns back around again. “y/n.”
“Alright, y/n. I’ll make sure to keep an eye out for more White Claw. Except I don’t think you need any.” He says smirking, proceeding to take a sip out of his solo cup just to spite you.
You squint again, trying to process his words. “Yeah…” you respond in a confused tone, dragging out the word. You slowly turn around, still feeling the heat of the guy’s eyes burn through your back.
And now you’re back in the purple, hazy, crowded room you came from a few minutes ago. However, the trip to the kitchen for a delicious White Claw felt like hours, and you came back with an ice water that you couldn’t even open yourself. In fact, a hot stranger opened it. Your mind races as you slowly approach the cluster of people once again- an atmosphere you did not miss when in the kitchen.
If only you had a fucking White Claw.
You stand surrounded by frantic jumpers and dancers, the light of your phone shining onto your face. The line of text messages you sent to Kuroo and Campbell reflect onto your glossy eyes as you scroll up and down on the messages absentmindedly, waiting for a response like: “where are you?” or “let’s head back”. But still nothing. No vibration, no call, no nothing.
Your heart pounds, no longer in sync with the beat of the music, but speeding up as you hear the increasing volume of shouts and screams of encouragement from one of the rooms around you. Except you can’t tell where the noise is coming from, as the screams mold together and create a halo, surrounding your head. You squeeze your eyes shut as you pinch the bridge of your nose, until you realize you’re being run through by a crowd of eager partiers rushing past you. You feel the grazes of people's arms against yours, causing you to turn around, facing the direction of the room the people are so excited to get to. 
Again, like your brain still hasn’t told you to give up, you whip your head around for Kuroo, or somebody, eyes widening despite the bags under them and your throbbing headache.
After a failure of search, you decide to head the way everyone else is, following whoever the random boy was in front of you. He had dark brown hair that was slightly combed down and raised in the back which absorbed the fluorescent lights that shone from the ceilings. He wore grey Nike sweatpants, if you were seeing correctly, some dirty air force ones, and maybe a…brown crewneck? Familiar looking, but you couldn’t tell under the obnoxious lights.
The mass of people in front of you come to a stop slowly, lining up in the shape of a circle on the inside of the group; too far for you to see in the conditions you were in.
You’re too caught up in your racing thoughts that you bump into the guy you were examining in front of you.
“Watch it.” He says as he whips his head around to meet yours. His hair was parted down the middle, definitely brown now that you could kind of see. He had snake-like eyes, the whites of them a little bloodshot, followed by a dark shade under them.
It’s Suna. Your best friend’s boyfriend. You’re too drunk to recognize him?
“Hold on…Suna? Where’s…where’s Cam?” you ask, scratching your forehead.
“Oh, y/n. She’s up there.” He says, pointing his finger towards the inside of the large group of people.
“S-sorry,” you mutter, putting your hands behind your back. Your tired eyes look over and behind Suna, as you push yourself up and down on your tippy toes in an attempt to see over him.
“Do you know what’s happening right now?” you asked, finally giving up and resting the heels of your feet down.
Suna looks over to where he was pointing, his lips parted and his posture slouched over. “Keg stand.”
Your eyes widen as you put two and two together.
Kenma. Kuroo. Keg stand.
You take a heavy step towards the unknown mess in front of you, sliding past Suna. You didn’t realize how many layers of people you were going to have to push through in order to reach the inside of the crown, your heart speeding up along with your mind as the anxiety of not knowing what was on the inside of this circle fills your tight chest.  
Is Kenma going to be doing the stand this time, or Kuroo?
You try to remember which one of them was holding the other up last time. Your mind flashes back to last weekend’s party; one that wasn’t near as crowded as this one. You try to retrace the sight of one of them holding the legs of the other, an extra cheering on whoever was downing the alcohol from the straw that extended form the keg as people shout one of their names. Which one was it? Did it sound like: “Ken-ma! Ken-ma! Ken-ma!” followed by a hooray and bursts of shouts, or was it “Kur-oo! Kur-oo! Kur-oo!” followed by the same type of celebration as Kenma’s. And for what? Just doing a handstand on a bucket while drinking? Sounds miserable to me, you thought.
You finally push through to the front and stumble when you accidentally step a little too far, as you end up in front of the people that lined the circle around the lives of the party. Kenma, Kuroo, and-
Neither Kenma nor Kuroo are the center of attention this time.
It’s that hot guy from the kitchen.
The cheers start to finally enter your muffled ears which cause you to cover them, still looking in shock at the kitchen guy. His legs are straight up in the air, slightly bent and wobbly, but he somehow managed to keep them there. And even more amazingly, Kuroo, Kenma, and Campbell were just standing there. The kitchen guy didn’t even need to be held up.
What the hell, you thought, rubbing your eyes.
Finally, after hours of being left in the dust by him, Kenma’s eyes finally meet yours.
He’s high again. I wonder how much he smoked tonight.
“y/n!” Kenma yells, pulling on Kuroo’s red, long sleeved shirt while also tapping on Campbell’s shoulder. “Get your ass over here.”
You look around and hesitantly take heavy steps even farther into the center of the circle, the light fading into a reddish-purple as you got closer to them- and the kitchen guy, who was still going on the keg stand.
“Can you believe this guy?” Kenma says, laughing and pointing at the kitchen guy.
“I met him earlier.” You responded hoarsely.
“Yeah, Kuroo’s taken a strong liking to him. They’re like besties already.” he snorts, rolling his eyes sarcastically and shoving his hands into his pockets of his jacket. 
With that, the guy props himself down from the keg stand and stands up straight, wiping his arm against his mouth and raising his fists into the air. Like he was some God, everyone in the crowd cheers and throws their hands up, yelling: “Bo-ku-to! Bo-ku-to! Bo-ku-to!”
Kenma pats Bokuto on the back and Kuroo gives him a noogie. Bokuto pushes his face away and laughs, as he runs his hand through his spiked up hair. Campbell gives him a high five, and Suna finally makes his way over to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek and wrapping his arm around her waist.
You don’t realize you’ve been staring until Bokuto meets your gaze; his eyes widen.
“y/n!” Bokuto says, throwing his arms up. “Did ya see me? I mean, look how entertained a bunch of drunk college students can get. I’m uh-maze-ing.”
“Y-yeah.” You say, your mouth parted open. “How did you even-“
“I have something for you!” Bokuto interrupts, walking over behind the keg stand and bending over to grab something. He turns back round towards you, hiding something behind his back. He stumbles a bit with an attempted smile on his face.
“Huh?” you let out, eyebrows raised in confusion.
“Ta-da!” Bokuto says, revealing a White Claw out from behind his back, water dripping off of it. “Found some upstairs.”
We’re not upstairs already? You ask yourself.
The drink starts to make its way to your empty hand, when suddenly Kuroo interrupts, jumping in between you two.
“What the fuck? You found a Claw?” he asks, slapping Bokuto on the back in a friendly manner.
“Yeah. It was pretty fuckin’ easy, too. Bunch of light weights.” Bokuto responds, proceeding to hand you the drink.
Kuroo interrupts again by resting his hand on the White Claw and pushing it back towards Bokuto’s chest. “Hold on hold on hold on. You’re gonna give it to her that easily?” he says, laughing.
Bokuto looks at Kuroo, to you, then back to Kuroo. “Huh?” he says, his upper lip lifting along with his eyebrow.
“I meeaaannn,” Kuroo rests both of his hands on one of yours and Bokuto’s shoulders, “she has to work for it. White Claws don’t come that easily.”
Kenma, Campbell, and Kuroo are all staring at the three of you, and you soon come to realize the whole fucking party was staring at you guys, too.
You look at Bokuto with a very confused expression spread across your face, however, Bokuto’s seemed interested.
Kuroo gets on top of one of the tables near him, almost falling over as he pushed himself up. He cups his hand in a microphone manner so he could project his voice throughout the house for the crowd. “Who here had to go through war to get a fuckin White Claw tonight?” he yelled.
The crowd of people screams back at him, causing his eyebrows to raise and his head to nod. “Right, right. So,” he looks down at you from the table, and his finger is pointed at you while his other hand remained as a sound booster, “who here thinks y/n needs to work for the last one?” he proceeds to yell, throwing his hands up.
The crowd screams again, and you can feel sweat trickle down the back of your neck.
“Want me to do pushups or something?” Bokuto says, smirking.
“No. I want you guys…” Kuroo looks over at you, a smirk forming at his lips. “come here, Bo.” He says as he motions Bokuto over.
Bokuto walks over to Kuroo hesitantly, still holding the White Claw in his hand. “What the hell are you scheming right now?”
“Dude. Make out with her. You can’t just give her that precious thing.” He said in a loud whisper. “And you probably haven’t had action in weeks.”
“Seriously? Girls fuckin love me.” Bokuto replies, raising his eyebrows.
You can see Bokuto’s eyes widen as you watch them have the conversation, making your mind go in circles trying to find out what he could possibly be so surprised about. As your thoughts are racing, you see them both look at you, Bokuto crossing his arms. He starts to slowly walk over to you, the White Claw still in hand.
 “Oh shit,” Kenma says, eyeing Kuroo who stayed in the place he and Bokuto were talking,his arms crossed and a smug look on his face. Looking at Suna and Campbell, Kenma says, “I know that look.” With that, Campbell and Suna giggle as they watch Bokuto flirtishly walk over to you.
Your heart pounded out of your chest; what was about to happen? Why were your friends laughing? You couldn’t think straight as Bokuto’s eyes fixated on yours as he walked towards you. There seemed to be a certain glare in his eyes, the yellows and ambers burning with lust as he stared straight into yours. You look over to Campbell and see her hands over her mouth as she stands next to Suna whose eyes are wide as well.
Interrupting your thoughts, you realize Bokuto had finally made it across the room to you. He stops only a couple inches in front of you, his hungry eyes looking down at yours. The White Claw in his hand was close to your chest, and you could feel the warmth of Bokuto’s body on yours.
“You want this drink, don’t you?” he asked, staring at your lips.
“Uh…yeah, I do.” You reply, looking back and forth between his lips and his eyes.
“Gotta work for it, pretty girl.”
Suddenly everything around you blurs: the shouts, the people, the purple lights, the music. All you could focus on was Bokuto’s presence and his need to want to be as close as he could to you. You two had just met, and he’s already like a magnet.
 His hand slowly raises to cup your cheek, and his face moves towards yours. His eyes do not leave your lips.
Your heart races as you watch him get closer and closer, his body inching towards yours.
He stops slowly, his lips just inches away from yours, parted. You could feel the heat of his breath, and it made you fill with excitement.
“You alright with this?” he whispers.
“Yeah.” You reply, putting your hands on his shoulders.
He smirks at the reply and finally leans in.
Your eyes close on instinct as you feel Bokuto’s lips meet yours. He starts slow, his thumb rubbing against your cheek. However, he picked the pace up as hid hand moved from your cheek to your neck. Your hands still rested on his shoulders, and the slip of Bokuto’s tongue made you squeeze them. This only provoked him more.
He pulled back for a moment, looking into your eyes. This time, they were even more list filled. “Can I keep going?” he asked softly.
You nodded in response, closing your eyes again as he met your lips again. He looked into your eyes still and smiled, his finger pushing a loose piece of hair back behind your ear. His eyes soon returned to your lips as he leaned in for a second time. He pressed his tongue against your lips and you granted him access to your mouth once again. This time the kiss was slower and deeper. Your heart was spinning along with your mind, with every stroke of his tongue you could feel the pool of heat and the knot in your stomach build up.
His long kiss was rough but passionate, every now and then pulling back and biting your lower lip. You let him take control, and his touch was the best feeling you’ve felt in ages. His hands slowly move down from your neck to your waist, his fingers sliding over every curve of your body. This softness of his fingers as they slid down made you shiver, but you were still distracted by the passionate make out the hot guy you met in the kitchen was granting to you. You could feel him smile through the kiss as he pulled back and went back at you over and over.  
The shouts and music suddenly get louder and less muffled as Bokuto slowly pulls back. Before he goes all the way back, he cups your face again and plants a kiss on the corner of your mouth.
Campbell, Suna, and Kenma are all leaning against each other, bouncing up and down and pointing at you and Bokuto. However, your attention remained on him.
The kiss was so amazing you almost forgot a whole room of people were watching, and that you were only doing it for a White Claw.
You smiled softly as you looked into Bokuto’s eyes, then to the White Claw.
Bokuto raises his empty hand once again to hold your chin with his pointer finger and thumb, lifting your chin up. The heated eye contact remained as your head tilted back.
“Open up.” He said, lifting the White Claw up to your mouth.
You followed his command and opened your mouth. You closed your eyes as you felt the cool liquid hit your tongue: the taste you’ve been craving all night.
However, the only thing you are still craving even more is Bokuto’s touch.
He tilted the drink back down and gently pulled your chin down to meet his gaze once again. Following this, he gently presses his lips to yours for a few seconds. “Mmmm,” he said, licking his lips and rubbing his finger in circles around his temple, “mango!” he followed, pointing his finger into the air. You giggled at this and nodded your head.
Campbell runs over to you and puts her hand on your shoulders, jerking you back and forth and screaming in your face. “That did not just happen.”
“I honestly can’t believe it did.” You replied, rubbing your eyes. You looked over at Bokuto who was standing next to Kuroo in the middle of a fist bump. Kuroo catches you staring and walks over to you.
“You’re welcome.” He said smiling.
“Thanks, K.” you replied patting him on the shoulder.
You walked back over to Bokuto who still had the half empty White Claw in his hand.
“I think I deserve the rest.” You said scratching your head.
“Um, I practically just carried that whole kiss. I think I deserve at least half.” He said while raising his eyebrows and placing one hand on his hip.
“Wow.” you replied laughing. “Who said?”
“I said.” His expression turned more serious. “Maybe you can work for the rest later.”
This caused you to clench your fists and tug at the neck of your sweater. You could feel sweat run down your forehead and your cheeks flush red.
“Cute.” He said with a smile and a laugh, proceeding to take a sip of your White Claw.
“Excuse me.” You said, reaching up for the White Claw in his hand as he raised it as high as you could so you couldn’t reach. Your hand grasped the wrist of the Hand the drink was in and you were up against his chest, both of you laughing the little sobriety you had off of you.
The teasing was halted by the sound of sirens from outside of the house.
Shit. Cops.
“Oh shit,” you heard Bokuto say as he brought the White Claw down. With no warning, he took your hand and started off with you, pushing through the crowd of worried, drunk teenagers. You frantically looked around for Campbell, Kenma, or Kuroo, but had no sight of any of them through the rush of people. “Don’t worry y/n, I can take us somewhere.” He said looking back at you.You looked at him and your mind wandered. 
Bokuto seemed like a natural at everything- keg stands, making out, getting away from the cops. 
How are you so into him already?
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rosegoldannie · 5 years
Something about Rowaelin Pregnancy ❤️
YES !!!
     Rowan awoke to an empty, cold bed, his... Aelin... nowhere to be found. At first, he thought nothing of it. Sometimes, he knew, Aelin woke up early and went for a run, or drove to the store to get some groceries, but she always left a note. This time, there was no note. 
     After searching through every room in their small townhouse, he began to worry, and whipped out his phone and typed a quick message. 
- Hey, call me when you get this
     He stared and stared at the screen, waiting for those blessed bubbles to appear, signaling her impending reply, but none came. Rowan checked out the front window, and saw that Aelin’s car was gone, and its usual space was covered in snow. A sickening feeling settled in his gut. Had she left him? No. No, Aelin wouldn’t, at least not without a text or note. 
     After an hour, Rowan called one of Aelin’s close friends from work. He didn’t particularly like the guy, but had nothing against him. Rowan knew he was a good guy, but didn’t like how quiet he was. “Hey, Rhys. It’s Rowan, Aelin’s friend.” He said, hating the slight tremor in his voice.
     “Hey, what’s up?” Rhys replied, sleep clouding his words.
     “Have you heard from Aelin today? She’s not at home, and I don’t know where she is,”
     Rhys instantly sounded more awake. “No, sorry. Here, I’ll give Feyre the phone, and I’ll be right over.” A slight ruffle, then a woman’s voice replaced Rhys. “Rowan? It’s Feyre. What’s going on?”
     Inwardly cringing at the commotion he was causing by interrupting their saturday morning, Rowan ran a hand through his silver hair. “I can’t find Aelin anywhere, and-” His throat tightened to the point of pain, and his voice gave out. “Shit, I just have a bad feeling.” He rasped.
     Feyre’s voice took on a comforting, motherly edge. “No worries, Rhys will be there soon. In the mean time, why don’t you try to call her?”
     Good idea.
     Rowan picked up their clunky landline, and dialed Aelin’s number. It went to voicemail after several rings. He tried again several times, only to get the same result. “Nothing.” He whispered, eyes clenching shut.
     Though she tried to hide it, he could hear Feyre’s worry in her tone. “Alright, I’m going to drop the kids off at the babysitter’s house, and I’ll help you look.” With that, Feyre hung up, and Rowan caught a small voice speaking in the background, which he knew to be their daughter, Zoe.
     Several minutes later, a sharp knock sounded, and he opened to door to find Rhysand, still clad in his snowman pajamas. Rowan threw on his nikes,  and followed Rhys out to his car. “Thank you for helping me,” Rowan murmured, feeling slightly awkward. 
     Rhys glanced over at him, the car speeding through the snow-covered streets. “No problem. Where to?”
     He directed him to Aelin’s cousin and best friend, Aedion and Lysandra’s, house. They hadn’t seen Aelin, and hadn’t heard from her, too wrapped up in their newborn, whom they had just brought back from the hospital a few weeks prior. Aedion told him not to worry though, because Aelin’s phone was probably just dead.
     When they returned to the car, Rowan broke down. Hot tears streamed down his cheeks, his face buried in his hands. Instead of a half-hearted pat on the shoulder, Rhys pulled him into a hug. “I know, we’ll find her.” he murmured.
     Rowan pulled back, wiping away his tears. “I’m probably over-reacting,” 
     Rhys’ eyes darkened. “No, you’re not. If this was Feyre, I’d be exactly where you are. Hell, I’d be in worse shape. I remember when Feyre-” He stopped suddenly, clenching the steering wheel even though they were still parked. “Who would Aelin trust aside from them?” He asked, jerking his head towards Aedion’s house.
     Rowan gave him a strange look. “Um, Elide Lochan, probably. They grew up together.” He gave simple directions to Lorcan Salvaterre’s house, where he knew Elide had been staying for the last few weeks, since her water heater exploded and destroyed her apartment. The normal half hour drive was done in less than ten minutes, aided by the lack of traffic, and the heavy snow that had begun to fall. 
     When they pulled up, the house was illuminated by light, and he could see Aelin’s car parked in the driveway. A heavy wave of relief crashed through him, easing some of the tension in his soul.
     Rhys parked the car, and led him up the walkway, where he could see Lorcan, propping open the door for them. Rowan, now freezing in his athletic shorts and hoodie, welcomed the warmth of Lorcan’s home. 
     He turned to his friend, eyes pleading.
     “She’s upstairs.” Lorcan stated, something hidden swimming in his eyes.
     Rowan gave him a nod of thanks, and bounded up the steps, taking them two at a time. When he reached the top, he heard Aelin’s voice floating out from the master bedroom, though he couldn’t make out what was being said. He knocked lightly on the doorframe, before peaking his head in. What he saw nearly shattered his heart.
     Aelin was perched on the bed, wrapped in a fluffy robe, her golden hair swept to one side, and her eyes and cheeks a puffy, angry red, as if she had been crying. Elide, seated next to her, murmured softly, “I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” before striding from the room. She paused by Rowan for a second, and gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze, then continued down the hall.
     Rowan took several cautious steps towards his love, his pine eyes holding her turquoise ones. He watched as she set a mug of something warm and steaming on the nightstand. Cautiously, he sat down beside her, and took her hand in his. “Care to explain?” He purred, studying her.
     Aelin reached reached one hand into her robe, and gripped his hand tighter with the other. “Promise you won’t hate me?”
     His heart gave a painful twinge. Gods, what could it be? “Never, Aelin. I could never hate you.” He whispered. “My heart is yours until the end of time. It always has been.”
     Her eyes clenched shut, and she withdrew her hand from the robe, and opened her palm. In it, was a small white stick, with a little pink plus sign. Rowan studied it for a moment, before realizing what it was. tears pooled in his eyes, spilled down his cheeks. “You’re sure?” He rasped.
     Aelin nodded, eyes still clenched shut.
     He surged forward, gathering Aelin in as big of a hug as he could manage. “Oh gods,” He sobbed, face pressed into her neck. “Oh gods, oh gods.”
     After several minutes, they separated, and Aelin pressed a hand to his cheek, wiping away a stay tear. “You’re not mad?”
     He grinned, pressed a kiss to her lips. “Never.”
     Aelin allowed a tiny smile. “Gods, I’m stupid.” She muttered. Rowan cocked his head to the side in a question. She met his eyes reluctantly. “I thought that after Lyria... and everything else, that you wouldn’t want a child, and... I couldn’t handle that thought. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
     Rowan shook his head. “Aelin, my heart was never my own. It was always yours, even before we met. And it will stay that way until this universe is nothing but dust in the stars. Nothing can change how I feel about you.”
     Her eyes lined with silver. “I love you,” she murmured. 
     His answering smile was nothing short of brilliant. “I love you too, so so much.
     An impish smile danced across her face. “We’re going to be parents, Rowan. We’re having a baby!”
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hellosanshine · 4 years
i was tagged by my favorite nerd @emmamackeys why tho?? it’s a long one so it’s going under a cut.
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? i’ve got two tangle teezers one is peach colored and one blue/pink  2. name a food you never eat: i can’t think of anything i never eat why can’t i think of anything i never eat 3. are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold 4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? crying over calum hood what else is new 5. what’s your favorite candy bar? milka oreo chocolate bar 6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes, f1 race babyyy  7. what is the last thing you said out loud? nee is op muffin 8. what is your favorite ice cream? stracciatella 9. what was the last thing you had to drink? coffee 10. do you like your wallet? i don’t own a wallet, got a cardholder 11. what is the last thing you ate? indomie 12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nope 13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? f1 qualifying wbk 14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? salty 15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? fam groupchat 16. ever been camping? yes but i did not enjoy it 17. do you take vitamins? no 18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? not anymore 19. do you have a tan? atm my white half is winning. i don’t go outside anymore. the sun? we don’t know her 20. do you prefer Chinese or pizza? chinese 21. do you drink your soda through a straw? i don’t drink soda 22. what color socks do you usually wear? white in the summer, in the winter i’m usually wearing patterned cosy socks 23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? for legal reasons i can’t say 24. what terrifies you? social small talk 25. look to your left, what do you see? a wall 26. what chore do you hate most? i literally Hate cleaning my house. it’s the fucking worst. 27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? ........ the chaotic aussies 28. what’s your favorite soda? i don’t drink soda 29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? i prefer to go in cos i can use the machine to order and i don’t have to speak to people <3 30. what’s your favorite number? 3, 27 31. who’s the last person you talked to? like said words out loud to? my dog (he’s a person ok!!! my son). like messaging? the fam 32. favorite meat? i don’t really eat meat anymore but idk chicken maybe 33. last song you listened to?  amsterdam - nbt 34. last book you read? i’m still making my way through the diviners by libba bray. it’s been 84 years. 35. favorite day of the week? saturday 36. can you say the alphabet backwards? no 37. how do you like your coffee? strong black mud 38. favorite pair of shoes? any of my nike free runs/roshes/airforces 39. time you normally get up? depends on the day, work days it’s anywhere from 5:30 to 6:45 these days. weekends i usually wake up fucking early and then just get out of bed like at 10 maybe 40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets 41. how many blankets on your bed? one (three if you count my dog and his big ass stuffed animal...) 42. describe your kitchen plates: they’re off-white 43. describe your kitchen at the moment: i don’t want to don’t @ me 44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? corona 45. do you play cards? haven’t in yeaaars 46. what color is your car? dark grey  47. can you change a tire? no but i can call carservices to come change it for me <3 48. your favorite state or province?  i don’t have one?? i guess the one i live in??  49. favorite job you’ve had? work wise? my current job. company wise? not my current job thank u.
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ROXANNE: Chapter Two
 A/N: Y’all won. Y’all got another series out of me. Happy? Anyways, here in the second chapter of ROXANNE. In this chapter, Erik gets to see Roxanne in action and they get to know each other a little better.
For Character Face Claims, PRESS HERE.
WARNING: Street racing, weaponry, drinking, smoking and gambling with cursing. Also, I used Google Translate so dialogue may not be accurate and the English translation is in bolded.
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“RayRay, where my Nikes at, cuh”, Roxxx hollered down her hall of the one story home as Nipsey Hussle’s Question #1 played loudly. She wore her natural red hair in a high puff with curls tucked behind her ear. RayRay was in his room smoking a blunt and playing Call of Duty on PS4. The air was filled with the smoke making it gush under the door. Roxxx knocked on her little god brother’s door loudly. “RayRay, you seen my Nikes around here?”
“Which ones?”
“Negro, the one with the baby blue drip on the check sign. You already know what day it is, bro.”
“Nah, I ain’t see em. Sorry, sis”, he said in a nonchalant tone. Roxxx smacked her lips as she folded her arms. “Muthfucka, yo hood rat ass bitch better not have them or I’m rippin’ her fucking spine out that loose ass pussy of hers. And I know it’s loose because whenever y’all fuck, all I can hear is air and shit.” RayRay rolled his eyes still looking at the game and said “check the backdoor.” Roxxx placed her hands on her hips and said “why would they be there?” All of a sudden, a 6’2 sixteen year old with a goatee opened the door with a white shirt and basketball shorts on stood there. His hair was short and tapered around with bleached tips. “Because you asked me to wash them for you along with ya other sneakers, remember”, he said before pointing to the back door. There were her sneakers she had been looking for all day and more. Roxxx looked up at her brother as he smiled and said “don’t make me smack you.” She pulled him by his shirt to kiss his forehead and push it back. “Thanks, cuh. I’m about to head out to handle some business but I want you to look out for my package. I got some more sneakers and paint coming in. You know what to do when it hits the porch.”
  Roxxx gave RayRay dap and went back to her room to finish getting ready. She fluffed out hair before putting half up with curls by in front of her brows. She filled in her brows with her Fenty brow pencil and glossed her lips from the same line of cosmetics. She placed on her baby blue halter top with matching biker shorts and fanny pack, pushing it to the back. She stood in the full length mirror admiring the fit and her curves. She grabbed her money, gloss, and license in her fanny pack before putting her Swiss army knife in her tube sock. Roxxx stepped into her sneakers and her small leather bag before knocking on Ray’s door and leaving.
  Roxxx hopped in her Angel and fixed her hoop earrings. She drove through the Baldwin Hill streets and made her way to the local hang out for her street team, the Jungles. Every Sunday was the time to meet and talk about where to meet for and after the races. Also it was how she got her pay without any one trying to take her out in the process. She pulled up into the parking lot and noticed all the flashy cars, smiling to herself. She was the only woman in the group which meant she had to prove her title of the triple threat; Sexy, Smart and Speed racer. She was also one of the youngest at twenty six years old which meant people would try to get in her but she was too smart for that.
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  One man with onyx skin looked her way. He had gold caps on his teeth, with all black on and fade haircut. “There she is. What it do, little sis”, he said with his arms out to the side and smile on his face. She hugged and they did their own handshake/salute. “What up, Chi? What’s the move for today?” They walked back to the group and she gave the others dap. “Nothing, really. But it’s time for y’all pay day. First up, Roxxx. You did well, girl. Proud of you as always. Minus my cut, you got a cool 450 thou.” He handed her stack of money and she placed the rolls in her bag. Chiron looked over at Deeno and said “aight, bruh. You and I already talked so you know how I feel about you placing 3rd, so you only get $45,000.” He handed the brown skin man the money, watching him stuff it in his duffle bag. After he gave everyone their cut, Roxxx began to speak. “Aight, y’all. Go ahead and handle y’all business and make ya way to my place.” Chiron added “and bring whatever y’all need. We gonna be there for a while.”
“Yeah, I gotta make sure y’all muthafuckas don’t embarrass me”, she said laughing.
 It was a basic Thursday afternoon when Erik was at the gym. He was working on his chest and triceps while wearing only black sweats and an old pair of off white Chuck Taylors. His scattered keloids always drew attention but he didn’t care; he was simply just say “keep staring and you’ll become one.” He stared at his reflection watching all the veins push up under his chestnut skin, muscles flexing.
  He began to do a few sets of sit ups to further chisel his abs as he gained the attention of a few women but he made them no mind. As he stood, to drink his water he couldn’t help but think of Roxanne. That woman was like no other. She lived life to the fullest, independent with an intriguing taste in cars. He wiped the sweat from his lip, just thinking about her made him get hotter every second; he had to focus so he can finish his last set.
  He stepped away from the machine with Bluetooth headphones in about to change the song but his fingertips had another idea. His thumb hovered over the car text from Roxxx. They had met last Saturday night but something was stopping him from texting her. He looked to the text again and leaned against the machine.
Across town, Roxxx was there on the porch of her one story home with surrounded by the other racers. They all sat around her as she had Deeno in between her thighs, braiding his hair in neat cornrows. She had a blunt hanging from her lips before passing it around.
“Alright, y’all. As we all know, tomorrow night is like any other. So, we got a bunch muthafuckas who sneak dissin and I ain’t with that shit at all so it’s time to put their money where they mouth is”, said Chiron in a serious tone. He looked around as licked his gold caps and continued. “Y’all already know the line up. Deeno, Big Tim, Justin and of course Roxxx”. Roxxx nodded her as she continued braiding.
“So, Chi. Where the meet up at? Is it still at the bridge in Inglewood?” Chiron nodded his head while smoking his blunt and said “these old cliche ass muthafuckas. Think this is Grand Theft Auto or something.” The group laughed as Roxxx shook her head. Before she knew it, her phone vibrated against her thigh. She looked down to see the text and rolled her eyes with a smile. She finished up the last braid on Deeno’s head.
Back at the gym, Erik was busy doing his chest press when the sound of his ringer went off. He placed the 300 lb bar back and sat up, picking up his phone to respond. Deeno tilted his head towards his teammate and rolled his eyes as she giggled at the screen. Erik stared at the text with a smirk and found himself typing.
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    Roxanne placed her phone back down on the porch as she finished up Deeno’s last twist. She pushed at his shoulders for him to get up and Chi replaced his spot. As he sat, he stated how her phone was being blown up. She began cutting his hair, clippers and bent down in front where the member can see her thick bottom; Chiron noticed and gave them all a dirty look. “Don’t trip. It’s a dude that I met while racing.” The men all stopped and Justin asked “yo ass talkin’ to the competition”.
“Nigga, no. The fuck I look like trying to get wit them weak ass niggas. What y’all think I am? Some street car ass hoe”, she looked to them as she lined up the back of his head. They all said their nos except for Deeno...of course. “I mean I wouldn’t be surprised. Probably why you always winning.” Justin looked to Chiron and Roxxx shaking his head. Roxanne cracked her hand as she turned the clippers off to hand them to Chiron. “What did you just say”, she asked slowly walking to him and she stood in front of him.
“Man, don’t be like that Roxxx. I’m playin’ with yo cry baby ass.”
“Nah, it sounds like you got a problem because ya ass don’t know the difference between the gas pedal and brake.”
  Justin snickered but seized when he noticed Deeno looking at him. Deeno looked at her up and down and said “you lucky you a female because if you wasn’t-.” All of a sudden, Roxxx pulled out the glock she had hidden from the back of her waist band, holding it under chin while pulling his head back; they were eye to eye. “What ya gonna do, D, hmm? Beat me up like a nigga? We all know ya punk ass can’t fight for shit, cuh. You see the difference between you and I are, is that you all bark and no bite while I can talk the talk, walk the walk, and still kick a nigga’s ass or two. I can back up my shit talking and you can’t. How come I’m the only bitch in the group but got bigger balls than you?”
   Chiron nodded his head while drinking his Henny, watching and smiling. Roxxx made her way back to Chi with the gun still in her hand but stopped when he heard “yo ass wouldn’t shoot me no way.” Roxxx held the gun pointed to his, pulled the trigger making him flinch but he then realized, when he heard the click, the safety was on. Tim shook his head, chuckling and said “ol’ scary ass. You know Roxxx wouldn’t hurt her fam. She too sweet on us. She rather shoot niggas who fuck with us.” Roxxx gave her big brother, Tim, dap and went back to cutting Chi’s hair when she decided to check her messages.
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  Erik pulled up in his camouflage joggers, jean jacket, white tee and white All Stars when he noticed all the edgy yet expensive automobiles parked around; they even made his Jaguar look like a busted 2002 Nissan Altima. He also noticed the sea of people that stood around smoking, drinking and placing bets with huge wads of money. He looked around to see if he can spot Roxxx but she was nowhere in sight; he stood with the crowd as they all heard the siren on a megaphone go off.
There stood an albino woman who had a big, black fro, dark brows with slits in both and freckles. She wore a yellow jumpsuit with black combat boots and a matching leather jacket. “Good evening, everyone! And welcome to the best muthafucka night ever made. IT’S-“
“BET NIGHT”, the crowd, beside Erik, screamed before barking like dogs then seizing when she held her hand up. “Now, before we get started just know the rules. There is no rules except for no crashing into each other.”
Everyone cheered and she began to announce the racers. A few racers later, Mickey said “aight, this young lady come from the Jungle. Coming straight out of Inglewood, give it up for Roxxx a.k.a Lion Babe.” Roxxx drove her Lambo slowly as the guys followed behind on foot. She stepped out of her car standing and looking at the huge crowd; it looked as if she had on golden cat eye contacts. Her hair was blown out with braids on one side of her head going into the puff. She wore a white halter top, blue and black plaid shirt around her waist and black biker shorts. She also had on her white Air Force ones with the check sign dripping blue.
Erik clapped for her slowly as she flashed her golden fangs to the crowd once she used her pinkies to hold her bottom lip down. They chanted her name as the competitors all huddled up for the course plan. Chi looked over at Erik who watched and rose his brow once he noticed she was being watched. Chi leaned into Roxxx’s ear and said “we being watched, Roxxx.” She looked up at him to see his head tilted towards Erik.
Roxxx nodded at Erik and leaned onto Chi’s solid chest and whispered. “Don’t trip. He cool. That’s the same dude from night’s ago that I raced. Seems chill.” Chi nodded once as the huddled separated. Roxxx made her way over with hands in her pockets, standing in front of Erik. “I see ya found the spot.” She looked him up and down with a grin saying “ya look good.”
 “You do too”, Erik grinned back until he saw the group of men approaching them. All dark skin, tall and intimidating but to Erik; Roxanne liked that. She cleared her throat and said “Erik, these are my bros. Chiron, Tim, Deeno, and Justin. We all known each other for a while. They knew D’Angelo before he got murdered.” They all made a cross while closing their eyes and looked back at him. Erik nodded to them and said “nice to meet y’all, man. D and I went to school together. He was cool people.” They all nodded until Chi said “alright, Roxxx. The cameras are all set up and we got ya on mic so we can see ya feeling.” 
  Tim passed around the Henny bottle and Roxanne took an extremely long sip of it before passing it to Deeno; Erik was impressed. Roxanne did her salute to the group and made her way to the car, getting in and buckling up. The drivers began to take their places as Mickey took hers, holding the long yellow flag in the air. Everyone revved up their engines as they waited. Roxanne looked over at her group who nodded at her then she looked over to the cross dangling from the review mirror and finally at the pictures on her dash board.
   One had a smaller girl, about four in a fluffy dress and a pair of afro puffs her hair color. But that wasn’t the only person in the picture; there were two others. An older man held her left hand, with dark skin and a wide smile. His hair was in ginger toned dreads and the same cross was on his chain. The other child’s hand was held in the hand of a curvaceous woman. She was a plus size beauty with a huge fro that covered her forehead and she also wore a white smile; Roxanne smiled remembering them and kissed her fingers to place over their faces. She looked to the the other side and saw the huge faces she and a younger man wore. They were at the community pool after playing in the water all day; they were at least eighteen and a half in that picture. “This is for you, D’Angelo. Let’s get first place in this one, baby boy.” Her face harden as she watched the flag move in slow motion while she said her prayer.
“Your love and faithfulness, 
along with Your goodness and mercy, 
surround me daily, 
so I will not fear whatever might come against me. 
My trust is in You, God, 
and I give thanks to You for Your love and protection. In Jesus' name, 
Amen. Grant, O Lord, 
thy protection and in protection, strength.”
   The flag flowed and the race was off. Mickey watched as they were off and ran to the guys, crouching beside Chiron. “She looking good tonight”, she said and Chi agreed Erik watched Roxanne’s camera to see how she was doing, she was passing all of them up. “Roxxx, how you doing”, Tim asked and she responded. “Good so far. This muthafucka from the latin gang is on my ass though, bruh. Look like he tryna crash into me”, she sound a tad frustrated but couldn’t let it show. Justin shook his head and said “yeah, one of them niggas tried to get me during the bike race. They grimy as hell, man, but you got this shit, Roxxx.”
   The camera on her face showed her smile with the fangs and it made Erik smirk a tad. Roxanne began maneuvering in  moves that the other guys couldn’t catch on to. All she could hear was her God Mother’s voice saying, “keep it clean, baby girl, but make them fall.” She did just that as she turned a sharp turn on the course. Mickey hollered and said “so far, The Latin kings are last with Money Talks at fourth, Elm Street in Third and The Jungle in second and Crenshaw in first.” The crowd roared in cheer with a mixture of curses from people they were slowly losing their money.
   Roxanne kept her hands still when she heard the announcement as she kept her eyes on the winner so far. He was a few cars away but that wouldn’t stop Roxxx from getting to him. “Mickey, you gonna be saying The Jungle in first in a sec, love.” She began moving in between cars at ease and, right when the light turned red, she drove through traffic, losing the others. She was about to pat herself on the back when she heard the police driving behind the winning car. “Shit, you gotta get outta there before 12 call they niggas in”, Chi said. She had to make a move and make it fast. 
  That’s when Erik saw an alley coming into view. “Roxanne, take the alley. They won’t find ya in there and it’s on course. Take that and you would remain in the lead”, he said as he pointed at the screen. She took his advice and began driving back on to the course, in a different route. Chi looked to Erik and nodded before he went back to the screen. “Erik, how did you know that would work,” she asked and he said “trust me, I have had my share of hiding from the pigs”; that made her laugh. Before she knew she was back on course and ahead of the other drivers; they all soon pulled back in to the meet up at the Bridge and they crowd went off. Mickey grabbed her megaphone and said “THE WINNER IS ROXXX”; the crowd cheered but the Latin Kings were upset. “Man, fuck this! She cheated!” Mickey rolled her eyes and said “ok, how did she cheat?”
“The nigga with the dreads told her where to go.”
   The Jungle group looked to the other and said “man, fuck outta here. Every muthafucka in dis bitch help one another for one and two, you better be careful with that word”, Tim said wrapping his arm around Roxanne’s shoulders. One of the girlfriends from the rival team said “no, eso no es justo. Esa perra hizo trampa y todos lo sabemos. Probablemente esté chupando todas estas pollas negras y le dejaron ganar el culo. (No, that ain't fair. That bitch cheated and we all know it. She probably sucking all these niggas’ dicks and they let her ass win.)” Chiron looked to Roxanne who cracked her neck slowly walking to the group as the others watched. Roxanne stood in front of the girl with her knife in hand, slowly waving it as she said “en primer lugar, mi nombre es Roxxx. No perra En segundo lugar, no hice trampa porque ese callejón estaba en el camino y tercero, si escucho a alguno de ustedes decir nigga nuevamente, cortaré una herida tan profunda en su garganta, cualquier hombre que ponga su polla en su boca tendrá La mejor experiencia de garganta profunda que hayan tenido en su vida (First off, my name is Roxxx. Not bitch. Second, I did not cheat because that alley was on the course and third, if I hear any of y'all say nigga again, I will cut a gash so deep in your throat, any man who puts his dick in ya mouth will have the ultimate deep throat fuck experience they ever had in their life)”. Roxanne used her blade to cut a huge chunk of the girl’s hair with just the blade itself and that made the girl cry. 
   The crowd chuckled as the losing team left and everyone congratulated all the competitors; that was the ending. Roxanne looked to Erik as Chi talked to the other men. “What you doing now”, he asked and she shrugged. “We usually go out to our hang out spot and eat. You can come if you want. That’s if ya don’t have a dick appointment waiting for you.” Erik chuckled with his hands in pockets and said “nah, beautiful. I’m free tonight.” She rolled her eyes, smirking before they all met up at the diner.
   At the diner the guys all sat at one booth while Roxanne and Erik shared another. She sat across from him with her contacts out, back to their original oak wood color. Her eyes were on the menu but Erik’s were on her. Noticing how her plump, glossed lips looked in the dim light. He couldn’t help but to stare. Even if he tried to keep them away, they always fell back to her.  “Do you always like staring”, Roxanne said still looking at her menu. Erik’s eyes went for his and back to her face to see that she was looking at him. “Nah, you had something on your face.” She laughed once saying “I had something on my face?”
“Yeah, it’s gone now.” She rolled her eyes with a smirk as she folded her hands on the table and said “must have been real interesting because you were surely staring for a while, Erik.” Erik placed his menu down, still looking at her and said “it still is interesting.” Roxxx licked the inside of her cheek to hide the blush she gave. “Such a charmer, I see. I bet ya make females panties drop, huh?” She closed her menu and placed it to the side. Erik rested his arms on the booth and leaned back. “Not saying. Just know that no one claiming and neither am I.” She placed her leg on the booth and leaned her back onto the wall. Erik bit his lip as she looked at her and asked “why you single, hm? No niggas wanna be with someone as beautiful as you?”
“Because I don’t need a nigga”, she side eyed him and went back to her phone. Erik chuckled nervously, saying “I didn’t make you mad, did I?”; she shook her head. “Nah, I get that question a lot. But I just ain’t looking at the moment.” He nodded as the waitress came to their table with fries as their appetizers and took their order. “Can I get pastrami burger, well done with grilled onion and a lemonade with onion ring on the side, please”, Roxanne ordered after handing her the menu. “Sure, doll. And what can I get for you handsome”, the waitress asked Erik; Roxanne smiled while biting her bottom lip and shaking her head slowly. 
   Erik told her “I wanna get the breakfast special, steak medium rare, with wheat toast, scrambled cheese eggs, grits on the side and hash browns as well” before handing her the menu to her with a wink and smiled to the side. Once they lady walked away with heat rushing to her unknown place, Roxanne held a hand to her ear. “Do you hear that”, she motioned her hand going down and said “panties dropping.” Erik threw his napkin at her as she laughed. 
   Their food came out minutes later and he asked “so, where ya from? When you talk, I hear a slight accent in there.” She looked up at as she cut her burger in half and looked back at her plate. “You are very curious person.” He ate a piece of his steak and said “nah, just very observant.” She bit into her burger when she felt the other guys watching them as they ate. She sipped her drink and said “Jamaican. But I was born out here.” Erik can tell something was wrong when she looked around and saw that her leg was shaking a little. “Roxanne, you good”, Chi asked once he stood by the booth; she nodded and he said “Aight, I’m finna go finish this blunt with Tim outside.” Deeno and Justin watched from across the way and Roxanne felt all eyes on her as she ate. She cleared her throat before asking “so, Erik... why ya nickname Killmonger?”
  Erik looked up at her and saw that she was looking at him as she ate. “Well, that was my code name in the army. One of the boys at the platoon gave me the name. It was a joke a first because I would be getting all types of goo goo eyes from the ladies anywhere we went but then it became more.”
“What you mean?”
  Erik looked at the guys then at her and finally said “I killed a lot of people. Innocent or not, they were gone. You see every mark on me”, he asked and she leaned back, nodding. “Well, they are basically a mark for each person I murdered.” Her eyes looked over his arms and part of his chest that showed. Erik watched as her fingers got closer to his hand. “Can I touch them”, she asked with curious eyes; he nodded and her fingers danced up his arm slowly. She utter out loud “they’re really...”
“Weird?” She looked up at him and shook her head. He saw the warmth in her eyes, like a star trying to get through. She looked down at her hand, caressing the skin and said “soft and amazing.” He could only smile at her as she leaned back and looked to the guys. “Eat before y’all food get cold.” Deeno kissed his teeth and said “you can’t tell us what do.” As she ate, she pulled out her blade and placed it on the table close to the edge; the other men began eating as Erik chuckled.
   After the night meal, her group was all gone, leaving the pair alone. “So, what ya doing tomorrow? You trynna hang again”, he asked and she folded her arms. “I see someone is feeling me”, Roxanne said. He rolled his eyes and said “ha ha, funny.” She giggled and said “well, to answer ya question. I’ll be busy making moves and what not. But we can hang sometime next week. If ya up for it.”
“I got you. I’ll text you.” She nodded, held her hand out for him to shake and he accepted it. They shook hands but then all of a sudden, she kissed his cheek. “Good night, Erik. Stay black”, she said making him laugh. “I wouldn’t want to be anything else but black.” She let the door down and watched as he got into his car. Roxanne began to drive off when she got a call, and smiled. She placed her airpod in and said “I see someone missed me already. Of course, I miss you. You know that. Yeah, I’ll be home in a few. Aight, baby. Love you too. Bye.”
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@muse-of-mbaku @im5ftbutmythroat66 @chaneajoyyy @melanin-samii @theunsweetenedtruth @doux-ciel @unicornluvin8765 @vikkidc @wakandantings @thadelightfulone @mzamethystp @simbiann @tropicalsun10 @babydoll756​ @notoriouslynay @vminax @quinsly @pinkdemolition @quietstorm-73​ @chaoticcashfancroissant @bugngiz​ @chocolatedippedinhoney​ @yafavcocoa @lostgalaxies​ @mbakuwife @youreadthatright​ @babygotl01292003 @acceptyourselfloveyourself @madamslayyy​ @yoyolovesbucky​ @theogbadbitch @wakanda-inspired @bitchacho25 @toniilaney @wakandascrystal​ @girlsneedlovingfanfics @raysunshine78​ @melodyofmbaku @hearteyes-for-killmonger @silenceisplatinum @thickemadame​ @shookmcgookqueen​ @heykillmongerluhme​ @fonville-designs @cutewylie @allhailqueennel @10bsatatime @nickidub718 @lildashofmelanin @allhailqueennel @amirra88 @hakunalive4eva @thickemadame​ @ghostfacekill-monger @cherrystainedlipsbaby​ @nahimjustfeelingit-writes​ @fd-writes
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shortstack-posen · 4 years
Get to know me tag game
Tagged by @too-haught-haught-damn
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? I have a rose gold one and a teal one
2. name a food you never eat: Blue cheese
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Too warm
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Playing among us I think, my perception of time these days is horrible
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? I don’t think I have one. Do KitKats count?
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? I have been to a Dodgers game
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? “Aw, feel better! Goodnight.”
8. what is your favorite ice cream? Butter Pecan from Thrifty (Rite Aid) YES it’s *chefs kiss*
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Either Diet Dr. Pepper or ice water, I kinda switched off between the two by accident
10. do you like your wallet? For the most part. It’s pretty, but I keep accidentally mixing up which side has my money so I look like an idiot flipping my wallet around looking for it
11. what is the last thing you ate? Almonds and raisins, AKA the parts of trail mix my sister doesn’t like
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? ...maybe👀
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? The Dodgers game last night
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Butter, the OG
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? My sister
16. ever been camping? Nope
17. do you take vitamins? Only vitamin D because my levels are ✨dangerously low✨ (also thanks for reminding me, I forgot to take it)
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? No, but I sometimes go to synagogue with my cousins during the holiest holidays
19. do you have a tan? I’m ghost white
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? Pizza
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? Only if it’s in a can
22. what color socks do you usually wear? White
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? Yes
24. what terrifies you? Not being liked
25. look to your left, what do you see? My hydroflask
26. what chore do you hate most? PUTTING LAUNDRY AWAY
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? “Oh cool, someone who has probably seen a spider bigger than my whole body before”
28. what’s your favorite soda? Diet Coke
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Drive thru unless I’m with friends and they want to dine in (pre-covid of course)
30. what’s your favorite number? 24
31. who’s the last person you talked to? A friend from school
32. favorite meat? Steak or lamb
33. last song you listened to? The Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani (feat. Akon)
34. last book you read? the princess saves herself in this one (it’s a poetry collection but still)
35. favorite day of the week? Friday
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? One of my party tricks! I can say it backwards in under 4 seconds :)
37. how do you like your coffee? With an ungodly amount of french vanilla creamer
38. favorite pair of shoes? Nike white tennis shoes
39. time you normally get up? like 9:30, depends on the day
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunset? Sunset
41. how many blankets on your bed? A sheet, a blanket, and a comforter
42. describe your kitchen plates: Brown and green with a leaf pattern around the rim
43. describe your kitchen at the moment: A mess
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? I’m underage (but any cocktail I can make with sugar free/low sugar mix-ins)
45. do you play cards? I play online solitaire sometimes lol
46. what color is your car? Black
47. can you change a tire? Nope
48. your favorite state or province? California
49. favorite job you’ve had? The closest thing I’ve ever had to a job is sweeping the floor of my haircut place as a kid in exchange for extra tours and lollipops from the manager
Tagging: @sapphiclesbian @funkelly @remy-roman @ridiculously-over-obsessed and whoever else wants to do it! If you see this, do it and tag me!!
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sydney-m · 4 years
What’s the color of your hairbrush? Navy blue and gold
Name a food you would never eat, dog
Are you typically too cold or too warm most of the time?  It depends , at night I am usually soooo cold and sleep with a bunch of blankets
What were you doing 45 minutes ago ? I was making a bagel for breakfast
What’s your favorite candy bar ? I really like Kit Kat bars
Have you ever been to a professional sports game ? Yes, I have been to many soccer games , a baseball game , hockey game
What was the last thing you said out loud ? Damn it ( I stubbed my toe on the corner of the wall and hurt )
What’s your favorite ice cream ? Birthday or mango
What was the last thing you had to drink ? Water ☺️
Do you like your wallet ? Yes I do like it , it’s blue with white polka dots and pink flowers
What is the last thing you ate ? A bagel🥯
Did you buy new clothes last weekend ? Nope
What was the last sporting event you saw ? Soccer game yesterday night
What’s your favorite flavor of popcorn ? Regular ?
Who was the last person you sent a text to ? My dad
Ever been camping ? YES, I love it , it’s so fun
Do you take vitamins ? Yes I do , vitamin -d, fish oil
Do you regularly attend a place of worship ? No I do not
Do you have a tan ? Nope it sadly went away
Do you prefer Chinese or pizza? Pizza all the way
Do you drink soda through a straw ? Nope , I don’t really drink soda
What color socks do you usually wear ? Black Nike
Do you drive over the speed limit ? I can’t drive ( not old enough but I am getting my permit soon !)
What terrifies you ? Failing
Look to your left? Painting / green water bottle
What chore do you hate most ? Cleaning the litter litter box
What do you think when you hear an Australian accent ? You should start a podcast
What’s your favorite soda? Sprite
Do you go into fast food place or just drive through ? Drive through for me
What’s your favorite number ? 13
Who is the last person you talked too ? My mom
Favorite meal? Lasagna and garlic bread 😋😋
We won’t move from the hate you give soundtrack
Last book you read? On the come up by Angie Thomas ( 10/10 would recommend )
Favorite day of the week? Friday or Saturday
Can you say the alphabet backwards ? NOPE
How do you like your coffee ? I don’t like coffee , I would much perfer a nice iced coconut tea
Favorite pair of shoes? Nike air forces or my burks
Time you normallly get up ? 7:30 ish ?
What do you perfer sunrise or sunsets ? Sunsets all the way
How many blankets are on your bed ? 3 , one big comforter and 2 white fuzzy blankets
Describe your kitchen plates ? White and round
Describe your kitchen at the moment ? Very messy, I just got done cooking a cake 🙃🙃
Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink ? Nope , don’t drink alcohol
Do you play cards , yep and it’s really fun
What color is your car ? Don’t have one
What’s your favorite state ? Hawaii
What’s something you love to do ? Surf and play soccer
Favorite job you’ve had ? Babysitting three siblings ( they were angels
Thank you @happyveday for tagging me ☺️
I’m tagging : @shiftysdogtags @basilone @collecting-stories @coraxaviary
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nisaadventures · 4 years
I’m turning 30 in 10 days... yikes.
The last year of my life has sucked... lol. Okay, it wasn’t all bad. I’m exaggerating... but I’m also not. I know there were plenty of nice moments in the last year... but when I think about the last year of my life, its just full of so many firsts... awful firsts... 
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First time celebrating their birthdays without them...
First holiday season without them... anyone else miss mom’s turkey? Most people don’t like traditional thanksgiving dinner because the turkey is more often dry... mom’s was never dry... Okay the key people.. Don’t actually cook your stuffing in the turkey. Its just going to suck all the juice life out of your bird... I mean come on. Trick #1 stuff the turkey with fresh cut oranges and yes, you can leave the skin on... #2 do majority of the oven time in an oven bag to keep the moisture in. #3 cook breasts down. Its the part thats usually most dry, so duh... keep it in the juicy, buttery goodness of the pan. I never made the entire meal, I usually just helped mom with everything. These are just some things I’ve taken away in my observations. 
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Halloween trip to Disneyland without them... Disney is always a good time, but I’d be lying if I said my heart didn’t feel heavy in some way... and that is saying something because Disneyland is my happy place lol. 
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Looking forward to 2020... Hoping that it had so much better in store for us. 
Dear lord... what a joke. 
Going to Hawaii for our “family trip” without them...
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A pandemic without them... I mean yes, I’m thankful they aren’t out there with COVID on the rise... I’m glad they’re not stuck at home because COVID. Mom and Michael are both too much of busy bees to be cooped up in the house for too long. 
Not going to lie... picking up where they left has been hard. All of moms plants... The dogs.. Taking care of the backyard, where Michael usually would. Mom would definitely do too much at once. She’d be out in the yard planting something and pulling out something else in her damn UGG boots! wth mom?! Those are expensive! lol. “Oh its fine.. I’ll wash them.” Omg lol. Either that, or she’d be over here trying to move heavy a$$ pots by herself and I’d have to stop her before she hurt her back. Ayiyi. 
Keanu and Aria’s birthdays without them... seeing my babies sad and missing their grandma, grandpa, and aunties has been hard. It will be out of nowhere sometimes... and all the nights of Aria waking up in the middle of the night crying. I feel you baby girl... I get it. I miss them too... Its okay to be sad... Mantras... 
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You were her little rays of sunshine. Grandpa and grandma loved you SOOOO much. 
Mom would babysit the kids on Saturday mornings, while Kuya, Vaness, and I went to workout. They’d go get breakfast, pancakes and eggs, at UJs. She’d take them to Target, the dollar store, Walmart, etc. just so they could look and maybe get something to play with together. She always crafted with them. 
Living in this house... especially with COVID... has been hard. I miss just sitting at the dinner table, eating sho mi, and talking about work. Mom and Michael getting all worked up over some crazy manager, or something going down with the union.. yup, that’s where I get it from... advocacy and leadership skills FTW.  One thing they could always talk about for HOURS was work lol. 
I remember when I was a little girl, Mom would let me play in the bathtub until I was all wrinkled. She would let me bring all my toys into the tub. At one point I even had a care bear doll that she, for some reason, let me take in the bath lol. She’d throw it in the dryer for me after I was done. 
I remember going to the grocery store with mom and leaving with two full a$$ grocery carts because we had a full house at all times. I mean it was Kuya, my cousin Jojo, my brother Derric, my cousin John, Bubba, my cousin Jay, me and whoever else was over the house lol. When Kuya was in high school, it was all of his buddies partying at our house and crashing on the floor in the living room, dining room, and all the couches. She was the #1 host for sure.
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“Are you hungry? Did you eat yet?” 
Thats love. 
All of Kuya’s high school friends called her Mom. My friends called her Mama Fern. She loved that. 
I remember playing hide n go seek in the dark in our tiny town house.. Later in the bigger house on Glenbriar... where mom actually tripped and broke her arm... But she laughed so hard she peed her pants, so she was a good sport? lol. Needless to say, we sort of stopped playing after that.
I remember making dim sum with mom for the first time. Such a hot mess, flour and food everywhere, but so fun. We definitely didn’t do that again until there were more adults around to help lol. Mom knew how to run through a kitchen like a tornado. Hot mess! but the best cook. 
Mom was always careful. She always wanted to make sure we were safe, that I was safe. I couldn’t go outside unless one of the boys was with me. When I would swim she would get nervous, even though I learned how to swim at a young age thanks to Kuya. One day, we were having a bbq, lots of family over, I was playing in the jacuzzi (drawing on the wall of the jacuzzi with a piece of chlorine... don’t play with chemicals kids lol) and she thought I was drowning? So she jumps her a$$ in there fully clothed and yanks my a$$ out. I was shocked as hell, so I naturally started crying hella hard and complaining about the fact that she scratched me when she yanked me up out of the water lol.
Keep in mind that that was not the first time one of the twins jumped into the pool fully clothed to “save” someone hahaha. 
 Speaking of fully clothed in the pool... The time auntie tripped and fell slo-mo style (that questionable, are you going to catch your balance, speed) into the pool LOL. Mom was dead laughing at her. Most hilarious video. 
Those twins lol. 
Jeeze.. speaking of the twins. They had this crazy connection. Tell me why when mom got sick with suspected viral meningitis and had to be hospitalized... Auntie straight up followed her right into the ICU with viral meningitis... 
Who remembers their 50th birthday? Talk about doing it BIG. So much fun. All the performances. Lani was there... KMA performances and kuya and John getting down for Maglalatik. Who doesn’t like seeing some half naked, buff dudes, bang coconuts together? haha. The twins getting down with their hula performance. Cute!
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I remember when Mom and pops were going through their divorce and she would text me after midnight. I was going to Sac State and of course I was team NO sleep at the time. I would be in the AIRC studying. I’d comfort as best as I could from a distance... and then come home on weekends to be there with her when I could. 
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She found her footing again. Started going to the gym with Kuya more... Started running all the time... all of her half marathons and finally she did the Nike Women’s Marathon. 
Hiking Half Dome with her. What.a.badass. 
That is really how I see her. She was so badass. When she was my age she had my 9 year old Kuya and I was on the way... She was working and supporting us and then eventually decided to make a better life for us, and went back to school... NURSING SCHOOL. wth. I can’t even imagine doing that right now, but reminding myself of where she has been and how much she PUT IN WORK... That keeps me grounded in the fact that we are responsible for our lives. If you want something, you have to work for it. You can’t just hope for better... you make better happen. 
I guess its that reminder... her strength... her and Michael’s love and hard work... That keeps me going. 
Being mindful... being thankful... acknowledging my own strength... 
But with that said... August has been increasingly hard. I don’t like to think about my birthday. I don’t even want to plan anything. They’re not here... I can’t celebrate with all my loved ones and friends. Thank you COVID... 
We’re just getting closer and closer to the anniversary? Nah.. lets not call it that... anniversary sounds like something nice... something to celebrate... This is NOT that. The day your loved ones are taken is not something to celebrate... I mean honestly, if I had to pinpoint the worst day of my life, that was it.... When I think about that day I can’t breathe. Terrible memories... so many sleepless nights. I’ve come so far. Its still hard, but I’ve come a long way. 
Anyway... this post is sort of random and nostalgic. Things I hold onto. Things that make me happy cry... Things that weigh heavy on my heart. 
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Here’s my playlist for grief... reminders of them... collected over the last year:
Aloha for now -Kaleo Vai & Passion 
One day at a time -Jennifer Chung
In the end - Gabe Bondoc, Melissa Polinar, Passion
Round and around -Kolohe Kai
Fade Away -Rebelution
Alive -The Green
New Day -Kimie’
Angels above me -Stick Figure
Memories -Maroon 5
Wish you pain -Andy Grammer
100 -Katchafire
Everyday life -Coldplay
Out of the darkness -Isla vista worship, Bre Reed
Amen -Andra Day
Grateful -13 Crowns feat. Poo Bear
Rainbow Connection -Gwen Stefani
Be okay -ZOE worship 
With you -Eryn Allen Kane
Dont worry -Mesto feat. Aloe Blacc
Just livin’ -Sensi trails, Kbong
Remember me -Miguel, Natalia Lafourcade
Even more -Major
Let it be -Xav A.
Give Thanks -Iya terra, Stick figure
Mr. Sun -Sammy Johnson
Rest easy -Thrive, Nico of Tribal Theory
Sunny Days- Allen Stone
Today’s a new day -Common Kings
Mother’s Love -Jonah Jaxon, Micah G
The bones -Maren Morris, Hozier
Give you blue -Allen Stone
And we remain -Johnnyswim
Yellow -Kina Grannis
Streetcar -Daniel Caesar
Meant to be -Bebe Rexha, Florida georgia line
All you need to know -Gryffin, slander, Calle Lehmann
Like I’m gonna lose you -Jasmine Thompson
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eleincanti · 4 years
thanks for tagging me @kachoobu and @teamnick 💙💙💙
[questions under the cut]
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? Black
2. name a food you never eat. well...idk, there are many thing i never eat lol
3. are you typically too warm or too cold?  Too warm, I hate it
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? wasting my time, I should have been studying *sigh*
5. what’s your favourite candy bar? Snickers I guess
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? I don’t think I have
7. what’s the last thing you said out loud? "Goodnight"
8. what’s your favourite ice cream? Lemon
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Water
10. do you like your wallet? It’s plain and black lol nothing special, but it’s practical so yea
11. what’s the last thing you ate? a cookie
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? why would I at this point
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? I never watch things like that
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? Salty
15. who’s the last person you sent a text message to? A friend
16. ever go camping? I used to in middle school and I loved it then, but never again lmao
17. do you take vitamins? yes a few
18. do you go to church every sunday? Mostly yes
19. do you have a tan? No
20. do you prefer chinese or pizza? Pizza!!!
21. do you drink soda through a straw? Usually not
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? Black or white
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? I can’t drive
24. what terrifies you? Accidentally posting sth on social media
25. look to your left, what do you see? My bed
26. what chore do you hate most? Everything
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? How bad I want to visit Sydney
28. what’s your favourite soda? I don’t really drink soda but Coke I guess
29. do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive through? Neither
30. what’s your favourite number? 4
31. who’s the last person you talked to? My grandma
32. favourite cut of beef? Idk
33. last song you listened to?  The Blaze - Places
34. last book you read? I dont even remember anymore, all I ever read is marketing and finance send help
35. favourite day of the week? Saturday
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? no...
37. how do you like your coffee? I hate it
38. favourite pair of shoes? Nike Air Force 1
39. time you normally get up? 11 😂🤷‍♀️
40. sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets
41. how many blankets on your bed? One or two, depends
42. describe your kitchen plates?  White
43. describe your kitchen at the moment? Clean
44. do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? Not really
45. do you play cards? Very rarely
46. what colour is your car? I don’t have a car
47. can you change a tire? No lol
48. your favourite state/province/county etc? I'm good where I am
49. favourite job you’ve had? When I was working at a bank with one of my best friends, we got everything done but we had so much fun, 2 idiots laughing all day😂
50. how did you get your biggest scar? I don’t really have any big scars🙏🏻
Tagging @hugunderthestars @thesilverrqueen @carolineskam
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kooala · 4 years
since I feel stressed about not being able to pack all my crap until tomorrow, I’ll do the only responsible thing and do a tag instead of finishing packing boxes 🤡 thank you @kimsouthjoon​ for tagging me, love!
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1. What colours is your hairbrush?
2. What food would you never eat?
so I have this unreasonable hate for fennel? so.. that I assume
3. Are you usually hot or cold?
I’m a person that’s ALWAYS warm even in the coldest of winter
4. What did you do 45 minutes ago?
pack boxes 💀
5. Favourite chocolate?
don’t LOVE chocolate but I love giotto.. you know those little balls with hazelnut? yessss
6. Have you ever been at a professional sports event?
Yea I’ve been to a couple of Yankees baseball games in the states and I’ve been to a Patriots football game!
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
"Was soll der scheiß?” because the carton broke
8. Favourite ice cream flavour?
mint chocolate chip from baskin robbins
9. What was the last thing you drank?
10. What kind of wallet do you have?
I have a small chanel one in all black (the linked one isn’t the one I have because mine is last leason, but mine looks the same just in black with gold details - obviously mine wasn’t calf leather for 3.000 bucks but it was expensive enough thank you 😂 )
11. What was the last thing you ate?
oven baked feta with tomatoes, olives, spring onions and garlic
12. Did you buy clothes last weekend?
shoes... bought Jungkook’s FILA’s just to return them becuase I look like a construction worker when I wear them (,:
13. What was the last sports event you saw?
erm.. no clue
14. Favourite snacks?
dried mango
15. Who was the last one you texted to?
@cultleaderyoongi​ 😂😂 to be fair, that jungkook video killed me 
16. Do you like camping?
yes! especially for festivals
17. Do you eat vitamins?
nah only when I have a cold
18. When was the last time you travelled?
Went to visit my best friend in Edinburgh for Hogmanay!
19. Do you like sunbathing?
I do but I’m so fair skinned that I can only do it for like 20 minutes and after that I have freckles all over my face and weirdly enough - knees...
20. Asian or Italian food?
pizza all day every day
21. Do you drink soda?
nah, sometimes I buy a SUGA free if I really crave sweets and I don’t want to eat chocolate.
22. What colour socks are you wearing now?
black and white stripes
23. When was the last time you were speeding?
oh I got a ticket a week ago haha
24. What are you afraid of?
not many things but I can’t get over my fear of spiders
25. What can you see if you turn left?
my homepod
26. What kind of housework you like the least?
... none XD I like using window cleaner on stuff though! spray it babyyy
27. What is the first thing you think of when you hear someone talking in a language you don’t know?
nothing? sometimes I wonder which language it is and if I hear someone struggle in a different language I’m able to speak, like if they’re tourists and they’re looking for something, I chime in to help
28. Do you sleep on your back or side?
29. You crave fast food, where do you go?
.. I hate to say it and I rarely eat it but when I crave it I go for a whopper
30. What is your lucky number?
don’t have one
31. Who was the last person you talked to?
my mom
32. Do you eat meat?
Not at home, like I don’t cook it or buy any but (rarely) when I feel like eating something at a restaurant or take away, I don’t restrict myself.
33. What was the last song you listened?
Just One Day - BTS
34. Last book?
last ones I read was Simon Beckett, chemistry of the dead series
35. What is your favourite day of the week?
probably friday
36. Do you know the alphabet song backwards?
.. am I supposed to? is that a thing?
37. Favourite coffee/tea?
I like Americanos or caramel macchiatos ( don’t @ me) and milk tea
38. Favourite shoes?
the ones I wear most right now are my Nike Air Max 200 or my old school vans
39. When do you usually go to sleep?
when I have to work I try to aim for 11/12
40. When do you usually wake up?
6.30 when I work, weekends usually 9
41. Sunrise or sunset?
42. Do you like your bed soft or hard?
I like harder beds! hate memory foam
43. Describe the plate you are eating from
white plate with a black outline, looks like a handmade one
44. Your favourite type of alcohol
I always drink white wine or vodka with paloma and if you don’t know what paloma is I highly suggest you find out!! it’s mexican lemonade you can drink on it’s own!! so good
45. Do you like board games?
oh I’m super competitive so yeee kasdfhs
46. If you had a car, what kind would it be?
I’m driving this one and I love it, if I could get another one it’d be a g wagon
47. Do you know how to change car tires?
yes because I never wanted to be the girl having to ask for car help
48. Dream country
I’d move back to New York if I had the chance
49. If you could choose from any jobs in the world, what would you like to do?
Something with talent coaching, like helping artists grow and stuff
50. What would you like to try to do? And what is stopping you?
I’d really want to do scuba diving but I want to finish school before I do that
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thanks again for tagging me!! I’ll tag these lovely beans:
@bangtan-madi​ @cultleaderyoongi​ @jamkookies​ @eslebt​ @bitoftaewithsugaandkookie​ and the rest I’ve tagged so much I feel guilty so if you want to do it, be my guest! haha
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tiffdawg · 4 years
50 Questions Tag
thank you for the tag @leo-moon !! this was really fun ☺️
1.) What color is your hairbrush?
teal but it’s basically defunct since quarantine.
2.) Name a food you never eat
i’m a big foodie but i’m also vegan so no animal products for me.
3.) Are you usually too warm or too cold?
I’m basically cold blooded so too cold.
4.) What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
taking a shower.
5.) What’s your favorite candy bar?
unreal pb cups (aka vegan resee’s).
6.) Have you ever been to a professional sports game?
all kinds. but the only sport i really enjoy watching is baseball.
7.) What’s the last thing you said out loud?
just me cooing nonsense at my dog about how cute she is. typical.
8.) What’s your favorite ice cream?
@ home: so delicious chocolate cookies n cream or the coconut milk chocolate ice cream from trader joe’s!
@ an ice cream shop in the real world: van leeuwen’s chocolate cookie dough crunch.
9.) What was the last thing you had to drink?
$5 chardonnay.
10.) Do you like your wallet?
yessss it’s a really cute bifold with black and white galaxies on it bc i am a space nerd. i’ve had it for at least 7 years now.
11.) What’s the last thing you ate?
lentil soup.
12.) Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
i haven’t been shopping for clothes in... months. i’m not leaving the house anytime soon so don’t need to lol.
13.) What’s the last sporting event you watched?
there are reruns of old baseball games on constant loop in my house.
14.) What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
movie theater butter — fun fact: the butter at theaters like regal and amc is actually vegan! which makes me so happy bc popcorn is my favorite snack.
15.) Who’s the last person you sent a text to?
my bff.
16.) Ever go camping?
no. end of discussion.
17.) Do you take vitamins?
no like multivitamins but i take iron bc i’ve been anemic basically sense birth.
18.) Do you go to church every Sunday?
no. never.
19.) Do you have a tan?
no. i don’t spend enough time outside. yikes.
20.) Do you prefer Chinese or pizza?
hmmm damn, idk... pizza?
21.) Do you drink soda through a straw?
i very rarely drink soda but i don’t think i usually use a straw.
22.) What color socks do you usually wear?
white, black, grey.
23.) Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
i’m from socal... it’s generally expected that if there’s no traffic ya gotta enjoy it. 😅 65 means 78 baby!
24.) What terrifies you?
besides the world ending? a general and persistent fear of not being good enough for others.
25.) Look to your left, what to you see?
a pile of laundry that’s been sitting there for a week. double yikes.
26.) What chore do you hate the most?
d u s t i n g. 🤬
27.) What do you think when you hear an Australian accent?
le hemsworth bros.
28.) What’s your favorite soda?
diet ginger ale.
29.) Do you go in fast food or in the drive through?
tbh i don’t eat a lot of fast food. if it’s something like that quick service then go in.
30.) What’s your favorite number?
31.) Who’s the last person you talked to?
my dog. and before that my mom.
32.) Favorite cut of beef?
umm? none.
33.) Last song you listened to?
nina cried power by hozier ft. mavis staples.
34.) Last book you read?
dreaming in cuban by cristina garcía.
35.) Can you say the alphabet backwards?
why would i want to? next question.
36.) Favorite day of the week?
37.) How do you like your coffee?
if i drink a cup of coffee i won’t sleep and i’ll have anxiety for three days. 😂 catch me with a nice cup of earl grey or green tea only.
38.) Favorite pair of shoes?
i always have three shoes in rotation despite owning many more than that — black boots, black nikes, black sandals. and i’m good.
39.) Time you normally wake up?
usually around 9 if i’m lucky.
40.) Sunrise or sunsets?
41.) How many blankets on your bed?
none. just a bedsheet and a light comforter so i don’t get heatstroke in my sleep.
42.) Describe your kitchen plates?
white... round... that’s it?
43.) Describe your kitchen at the moment?
well it’s my mom’s kitchen atm so it’s very clean and looks like a mom kitchen.
44.) Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
wine: something dry like chardonnay, sauvignon blanc, or merlot.
beer: something like an ipa.
liquor: whiskey and ginger ale.
45.) Do you play cards?
no. no. no.
46.) What color is your car?
a very bright, shiny blue.
47.) Can you change a tire?
nope. and let’s hope i don’t have to.
48.) Your favorite state, province, country, etc.?
well, i’ve been fortunate enough to visit a lot of beautiful places in the world. i love california with whole heart and nothing will ever change that. i also adore england, northern ireland, and ireland — hence my geographical research focus as a little historian in training! not only do i love to study those places but i’m always ridiculously happy when i’m there.
49.) Favorite job you’ve had?
i worked as a researcher in a national archive for a bit. i basically got to dig through boxes and boxes of documents for months and then write whatever i felt like based on what i found with very little supervision. ideal work environment for me!
50.) How did you get your biggest scar?
you can’t see it bc it’s on my head but when I was in second grade my brother threw a palm-sized, plastic hit clips boombox (if you remember those you’re a real 90s kid jfc) and i had to get a couple of stitches. I can still feel it tho. tbh we should’ve known my brother was going to become a pitcher then...
no pressure tags! @b0n-chann @auty-ren @unstoppableforcce @poesdxmerons @cryptkeepersoul @damndamer0n 💕
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goalkepa · 4 years
I was tagged by the beautiful @lidah-itsme and the lovely @elpuppies thank you loooooovelies 🥰✨
what is the colour of your hair brush? brown
name of a food you never eat? ummm a lot of kinds of cheese
are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? writing letters
what’s your favourite candy bar? no idea for this
have you ever been to a professional sports event? yep I have been to icc Singapore for twice. those were GREAT memories
what is the last thing you said out loud? hahahahhahahaha (I'm serious)
what is your favourite ice cream? chocolate is lifeeee
what is the last thing you had to drink? tea
do you like your wallet? I guess so I have used it for years
what was the last thing you ate? xiaolongbao and fried rice <3
did you buy any new clothes last week? um if the Charles’ shirt counts then yes (but technically I pre-ordered that and it only arrived today)
last sporting event you watched? Chelsea vs Everton for the premier league
what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn? salty one
who was the last person you sent a message to? @ilott 💙
ever go camping? nope
do you take vitamins? rarely
do you go to church every sunday? no its not my religion 
do you have a tan? no haha
do you prefer chinese food or pizza? Chinese food without a doubt
do you drink soda with a straw? I do but I prefer not 
what colour socks do you wear? black, white or grey
do you ever drive above the speed limit? haven't been on road since I got the license ajskanjs
what terrifies you? cockroach :)
look to your left what do you see? my sister’s wardrobe
what chore do you hate? taking the garbage out (because I might see my neighbors and Im bad at talking to them)
what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? DANIEL RICCIARDO
what’s your favourite soda? Coke cola I guess ?
do you go into fast food places or drive thru? go into because I can leave the trash there (plus the space is actually nice)
who was the last person you talked to? @ilott askjdnakjsn
favourite cut of beef? Ribeye Steak
last song you listened to? another place by Bastille
last book you read? Griezmann’s biography 
can you say the alphabet backwards? I guess not
how do you like your coffee? latte
favourite pair of shoes? well my nike sneakers
the time you normally go to bed? midnight :/
the time you normally wake up? 6~7 am if I have uni :///
what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets? sunset
how many blankets are on your bed? 1
describe your kitchen plates? Disney plates!!!
do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? no
do you play cards? not really
what colour is your car? i don’t have a car hahah
can you change a tire? I CANT
your favourite province? Taipei (I love where I live in)
favourite job you’ve had? never had a job oops
how did you get your biggest scar? bumped my knee when I got on the bus 
what did you do today that made someone happy? i don't know XD is anyone happy because of me ??
and I tagged @footballffbarbiex @abrahamtammy @ilott @maxielando @marcusarmstrng and anyone who wants to do it 💙
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chwesolai · 5 years
cafe girl, grocery boy | s.coups au (2)
Characters: Seungcheol x female reader Genre: college!svt Summary: You guys always bumped into each while at your respected jobs. You’re both just trying to make some money while still in school and there you guys were. He was the grocery boy and you were the cafe girl. Everyone saw this coming except from you two. [ongoing series!]
prologue | ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3
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I was really dragged to the cafe in the middle of the night to see her. She’s probably not even working. Jihoon made me pack my laptop and binder as we left our dorm and began the walk to the 24/7 cafe.
“She’s not gonna be here.” I huff as we walk in the middle of a nearly empty campus, “why are we doing this.”
“I’m not just letting you secretly deal with this crush forever. This needs to be dealt with.” My best friend did have a point while acting like a complete girl-crazy teenager. People in college don’t have crushes, they hook up, forget about it and that’s all everyone wants to do.
I don’t want that. She’s not someone I just want to screw and then leave her in the morning. She’s an actual genuine person who doesn’t want to just get in my pants.
“Fine, but if we’re doing this, we’re doing it genuinely.”
“Alright Mr. Uptight,” he laughs as we approach the cafe.
And low and behold, she was there. “Yesss!” Jihoon laughed as he began to speed to the cafe.
Oh god.
- You -
He’s here. Oh my god. He’s here AND HE HAS A FRIEND WITH HIM AND HE’S CUTE TOO. 
Mingyu came out from the kitchen and laughed as he made eye contact with me after seeing who just walked in. I was sitting at the counter, studying for my econ midterm while Gyu was motivating me and making me an energy booster aka my venti iced vanilla latte. And I look like a MESS, full on messy ponytail, oversized hoodie, sweats and my beat up nikes.
“Are you gonna say something?” Gyu tried to whisper over to me while putting his apron back on.
“I don’t know! Just take their order, stupid!” I shout-whisper back at him.
I pretend not to see him as we haven’t made eye contact yet but I can just feel it. His sparkling eyes peering at me, I want to look so bad. I want to say hi. I want to study with him. Why am I an idiot?
- Seungcheol -
Concentrating on her laptop, she was so focused. From what I could see from a distance, she was looking at graphs and statistics and clearly overwhelmed. I wanted to say hi but I didn’t want to be a disturbance. 
“Hi how may I help you guys!” The guy she was just talking to came over to the cashier and asked for our orders.
Jihoon orders his usual iced raspberry black tea and bumped my arm because I was staring again, “Oh! Sorry! Could I get a hot hazelnut latte and do you know what she usually orders?”
The guy laughs, “Uh yeah I do, I got you,” he plugs in our drinks and the cash register dings, “that will be 12500 won.”
Before Jihoon hands his card, I handed to, I scan his name tag, Mingyu?, the exact change and Jihoon scoffs.
“Thank you!” I nod as Mingyu hands me the receipt.
As we find a table, Jihoon begins to laugh.
“What’s your deal?” I glare at him as we sit.
“You’re so in love, it’s crazy. I haven’t seen you be this way since high school.”
I roll my eyes at him as we begin to set up for our study session.
- You -
I continued to glace back as I type my proposal for class. Ignoring everyone around me, I type on and on about how the statistics of a company mean more than what public outlets make it out to be and how we can affect that until Mingyu set a drink in front of me.
“I didn’t order anything, Gyu,” I take out my earbud as he sets the drink next to my laptop.
“I know,” He smirks as he sets a receipt next to me, “but he did.”
And the two of us glanced over at the two guys bickering over their laptops and notebooks.
“You’re kidding.” 
“I’m not! Look at the receipt.”
1 regular iced raspberry black tea, 1 large hot hazelnut latte, and 1 large iced vanilla latte.
“Go say something!” Mingyu scoffs as he comes to sit next to me after hanging up his apron.
10pm. His shift’s over and Joshua’s coming in. The doorbell rings as Joshua opens the front door seeing the menagerie in front of him. Please don’t say anything, please don’t say anything, please.
Joshua laughs out loud, causing the whole cafe to look at him.
Oh my god.
As Joshua walks to the counter, he nudges me and puts his apron on. Joshua and Mingyu make eye contact and nearly burst into laughter.
“I hate both of you so much. You better gone by my shift,” I roll my eyes at them. We all work late at night on weekdays together. Mingyu was 9-10, Joshua 10-11 and me 11-12. We always hung out together during these times, it keeps us awake. And you’d imagine how many people come in during these times. One night we spent an entire night practicing our latte art and let’s just say the competition got crazy and there was foam everywhere.
“No, you need us to be here y/n or else you would fall asleep immediately.” Joshua leans over at the counter as I begin to tune them out with my music and typing.
“Look at her. She’s so nervous.”
“I know she’s nervous typing.”
I hate how they know me so well. Some time passed and it was almost time for my shift and Seungcheol was still studying. This exam must be big for him. And the bickering from Mingyu and Joshua haven’t been helpful so, I’m gonna do it.
I look back at the receipt and I ask Joshua for the sharpie by the register, “Josh, can you make me one regular iced raspberry black tea and one large hot hazelnut latte please. You can put it on my tab.”
He smirked at me, he knew what I was doing, “I got you y/n”
I glance back at Seungcheol as he types away at his laptop and begin to write on the receipt, Thank you for the drink, you’re so sweet. Let me return the favor someday.
And I wrote my number.
I pull up the receipt and show the boys and they both began to celebrate, silently as he was in the same store as us. 
“Should I walk over and give it and just leave?”
“Be mysterious, yes,” Mingyu nearly shoves me out of my chair.
“No! Just say something like thank you. And, OH! Don’t scare him.” 
“Of course, thank you Joshua.” I roll my eyes and begin walking towards his table with the drinks.
- Seungcheol -
“Oh my god, she’s walking over here. Coups, I’m not joking this time.”
“I’m not falling for it again, Jihoon. Just keep working, we’re nowhere close to being done.” I shake my head and continue to work.
Jihoon continues to try and warn me but I just ignore him. He’s just messing with me again.
“Um, hi. Some refills for you guys.” Oh my god its her. “It’s on the house, on me.”
She nervously laughs, “Couldn’t help but see you guys ran out of your drinks and you bought mine so here’s a little thank you gift.”
“Oh my gosh, thank you.” Jihoon smiles and takes the drinks and nods.
“Oh! And this is for you.” She smiles at me as I look up and she hands me a receipt.
“Oh-h, thank you, I-” I take the receipt and right as I was about to say something she already was walking back.
And the receipt messaging continues. My smile turned into the gummiest smile ever, she really does know me.
“What does it say? What does it say?”
“Hold on!” my eyes scan the small piece of paper and my jaw nearly dropped, “Oh my god.”
I turn the paper towards Jihoon and he nearly screams, “Finally!”
“Now I guess I have no excuses anymore.” I smile looking at the black ink of her cute handwriting.
I guess we’re starting this, y/n.
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I was tagged by the ever so lovely @bitoftaewithsugaandkookie Thank you so much sweetie!!!
what color is your hairbrush? purple and pink
name a food you never eat: rabbit meat, bugs, anything that’s an animals intestines
are you typically too warm or too cold? Both, I’m almost always cold but I’m too warm very easily as well
what were you doing 45 minutes ago?: Reading a fanfic hehe
what’s your favorite candy bar?: Snickers
have you ever been to a professional sports game?: If cycling races count, yes, I have been to countless of professional sports games ^^
what’s the last thing you said out loud?: "I always switch up the meaning of left and right” (in politics)
what’s your favorite ice cream?: Mint-Chocolate and raspberry
what was the last thing you had to drink?: water
do you like your wallet?: Yup!!! It’s from Harry Potter
what’s the last thing you ate?: Dinner, just bread with cheese
did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: nope
what’s the last sporting event you watched?: Retro Gent-Wevelgem, when lockdown started they showed previous editions on cycling races on tv
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: Sweet
who’s the last person you sent a text to?: my mom
ever go camping?: nope, but I want to someday
do you take vitamins?: yes, a vitamine B-complex for my nervous system and vitamine C 
do you go to church every sunday?: nope, I almost never set foot into a church unless I really have to
do you have a tan?: Yup, including weird tan lines on my legs from my cycling shorts
do you prefer chinese or pizza?: These 2 are equal to eachother!!!
do you drink soda through a straw?: oh hell no
what color socks do you usually wear?: black
do you ever drive above the speed limit?: I don’t even have a driver’s license hahahaha *awkward crying face*
what terrifies you?: Thunder and lightning
look to your left, what do you see?: My ‘wall of fame’ with all the pictures from the geek conventions I’ve been to and took pictures with the actor guests, together with their autographs and some pictures from my favourite cyclists
what chore do you hate the most?: definitely the dishes
what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?: I LOVE THAT ACCENT!!
what’s your favorite soda?: Diet Coke
do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive thru?: I don’t go a lot to fast food places, but we kinda do both..
what’s your favorite number?: 28
who’s the last person you talked to?: I’m currently talking to my best friend over video call
favorite cut of beef?: I don’t really like beef
last song you listened to?: Not That Type by Gugudan
last book you read?: I’m currently reading City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
can you say the alphabet backwards?: I can if I really concentrate
favorite day of the week?: Monday, believe it or not :p I never have to work on Mondays
how do you like your coffee?: 2 sugars and a splash of milk
favorite pair of shoes?: my blue and orange Nike MD Runner 2′s
time you normally get up?: on workdays around 7, during weekends around 12-1pm
sunrise or sunsets?: sunsets
how many blankets on your bed?: currently 2, during summer 1
describe your kitchen plates?: just plain white plates
describe your kitchen at the moment?: Neat, thanks to my mom
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?: Strawberry Daiquiri, which I drink like maximum 2-3 times a year haha
do you play cards?: I used to when I was little
what color is your car?: Like I said in a previous question, I don’t even have a driver’s license soooo yeah...
can you change a tire?: nope
your favorite state/province/county/city etc.?: SCOTLAND IT IS!!
favorite job you’ve had?:  I am still on my first job, as a pharmacy-technician so yeah, for now that’s my favourite
how did you get your biggest scar?: I fell with my bike when I was about 14 years old, and my whole right shin was like completely scratched from my knee to my ankle, and every year during summer, when my legs are a bit tanned you can see the scar reappearing
Omg I never imagined it would take me so long to answer!!! thank you so much though!!!!
I tag: @loveliveswithin @caribbeanaghase @shadeistic
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