#thank you cheritz for including dandelion and nameless!!!
intr0verted-weird0 · 2 years
Happy Chuseok!
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smol-grey-tea · 1 year
What's your fav Nameless route (s2g this game is so underrated in the Cheritz fanbase)
Thank you so much for sending me an ask!!! This might be a long post tho ^^;;
My favourite route would by far be Red's, definitely :) he's my favourite character by far cuz I just identify with him so much and his route is so beautiful. I've been replaying the game from the start and I started Tei's route but I just couldn't help myself from going back to Red's route again and caught myself saying "oh my god why did I wait so long to do this, all the other routes mean nothing to me compared to you!!"... But that's an exaggeration really
Some of my favourite scenes from his route would include the scene from Misunderstanding where Red walks Eri home from Banjul, or the scene on the roof from You Are Still My Heroine, and of course everything from Come Back Home onwards. I've replayed this route so much I have a good chunk of it memorised, there's not much about this route I don't know 😅
Though I will give an honorary mention to Yuri's route because there are scenes in his route that hold a special place in my heart. Yuri's rain scene might be my favourite scene in the whole game, because there's something about it that's just so calming for me, especially with the music.
Yeah, in my opinion this is definitely the best Cheritz game, not just in terms of gameplay but in story too. I never finished Dandelion cuz I couldn't deal with how the game worked and both Mystic Messenger and The Ssum being timed and taking up so much space on your phone are difficult to deal with, not to mention the pay walls on those two. MysMes' story is good but after the popularity the V and Saeran routes got way out of hand, Dandelion never really got me in the feels the way Nameless does and neither did The Ssum,,
I've put over 480 hours into this game so it gives me a lot of emotions,,
I am working on other Nameless posts too so you can look out for those in the future as well ❤❤
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thankyoucheritz · 7 years
Dear Cheritz,
            I’m writing this letter as one of many loving fans, hoping to express my gratitude for all the work you’ve done for your users over the years. Though I am still a new face in the community you’ve created (my Mystic Messenger registration date tells me I joined on June 9th of this year, meaning I’ve been enjoying your game for 123 days as of today), I have quickly and delightedly become a devoted follower of your content, and plan to continually support you in the future.
            I first came across your content by coincidence, when a game developer I’ve followed for many years now posted about playing Mystic Messenger on Twitter. It was early summer and I was looking for a new game, so I decided to give the app a try. Little did I know how quick and how hard I would fall for everything about your game. It was around Day 6 of my first route when I was certain I wanted to fully commit to supporting your company and Mystic Messenger for a long time to come: that was the day I ordered the game’s VIP package and decided I wouldn’t stop playing Mystic Messenger until I’d seen everything it had to offer, and I haven’t regretted that decision since.
            I fell in love with Mystic Messenger because of the care and attention I saw in every aspect of the game. There were so many choices, so many visuals, so many voice acted segments, and so many details incorporated into the gameplay that I found myself completely enraptured. This game I had chanced upon was so carefully thought out, and its presentation so refined and engaging, it was unlike any experience I’d had before. With each playthrough I uncovered more of the meticulous care that went into the game: the entirely different text that appeared when chats were missed or different choices were made; the sheer quantity of new story waiting at every turn—seven different endings per character and even special responses to wrong text and email choices; the vocal expressiveness of the voice actors and the beautiful soundtrack that accompanied chats and visual novel segments; the number of CGs to be collected; all the English translations of even minor details, like the spaceship thoughts or the login messages after this summer’s update (which are very important to me, as a non-Korean speaker); all of these incredible things, and that’s not including the multiple days’ worth of DLC! As I played Mystic Messenger, I could feel all the heart poured into the game by every person who worked on it, and that’s why I continue to play it every day: I know there’s still more of the game I haven’t seen, and I want to see everything made by a devoted team like you.
            I’ve spoken of Mystic Messenger at length because that’s my primary form of engagement with your company, but my experience with your care and attention to detail expands to your online presence as well. Following your social media accounts has been a rewarding experience, and has shown me how courteous and caring your company is to its customers. Every update you share is unfailingly friendly and polite, and your continued efforts to provide additional content and improve existing content have not gone unnoticed. I’m constantly impressed by the consistent effort it must take to monitor feedback and fix bugs or other problems as quickly as you do, as well as the generosity you show by offering compensation for gameplay issues, routine maintenance, and even server outages for updates that will provide further content. Your product promotions are always fun, too, from videos to new merchandise to game updates, and the contests you’ve hosted have been a joy to participate in, making even your advertisements rewarding for your fans. All of these things reflect your sincerity: you truly wish for your users to have the best experience possible, and it shows. As a result we users feel appreciated and cared for, and more than happy to continue offering you our support in any way we can.
            Cheritz, for all that you’ve done in the past, and all you will do in the future, thank you. After finding your company and your games, I have learned just how thoughtful and communicative a game company can be. You’ve done so much for all of us, more than we could have expected (especially for those of us English-speaking fans who require translations for everything), and I can only hope my words can convey a portion of my appreciation. As for me, I hope to continue sharing experiences with you in the future, and to catch up on what I’ve missed in the past (I’m sure Dandelion and Nameless both have excellent stories to tell, too, and I look forward to playing them in the near future). Thank you again, for everything: I’m so glad to have been able to experience the wonderful things you’ve all created.
Best wishes,
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