#thank you for Ask
tord had to get blown up for world domination and all matt needed was a time machine LMAO. does tord know is he salty about this. tord cringefail moments (hes my favorite malefail)
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where did that time machine come from, do you think.
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(text under cut)
Matt: You know, I took over the world once, too.
Tord: Yes, Matt, I remember.
M: Remember? How do you remember that? You weren't even there!!
T: Matt, you rewrote the entirety of human history. You caused so much damage to the timeline that the laws of physics would have collapsed within days. SOMEONE had to fix that mess.
M: ...I don't remember any of that.
T: There are a lot of things you don't remember.
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finnlee-sliced-ham · 2 months
What’s your favorite tease to make someone smile?
This is a tough one because it depends on the lee.
But I'd love to give someone a look with a little smirk and they'd know it means I wanna tease them
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lonicera-edulis · 3 months
hello, just popped in to ask why aren't most of your posts reblogable? geinuine question, i want to know why i can't share my favourite art around ☆♡☆
I've started getting some weird and disturbing (to me personally, others might be ok with this) comments/tags on my art lately, and got tired of it. It is a temporary prevention.
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WHO is your tumblr crush
so many good blogs but my big crushes: my spouse @eddiebabygirldiaz (ryan i love you sooo much <3333), my wife @hippolotamus (<3333), @fatedking (my sunshine) @andrewblur (always make so supportive and make me laugh) @arthursdent (funny talented supportive) @wikiangela (talented) @loserdiaz (my first fav writer and person who inspired me to write) @mandzuking17 (fantastiv mutual I love talk to) @monsterrae1 (fantastic talented person) @rogerzsteven (talented whump writer and just cool person)
I'm tipsy talk to me
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miblue · 2 months
who is your favorite character to draw?
I love drawing all my characters. Even ones that I really havnt shown on here yet. Once I get into a groove with one, I'll fill pages of just one character.
But I guess that would be darlen.
She's kinda always my go to. Especially when I don't know what else to do, she happens. (Well darlen and Dean both hold that go to spot)
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cocpcoco · 5 months
hello I'm just stopping by to ask if gangstertale is still being continued and have a good day:3
Coming soon 😉
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keruworld · 1 year
Female Michinaga Azuma
If Michinaga where female... haters could decrease drastically and the shipping with Ace could be in another level. X,D In my mind... looks couldnt change so much... just may be longer hair and with small boobs.
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jonnymarzetti · 2 months
23 :)
they are so big, dangerous, and easily startled which is not a good combo in my opinion. cute but i would not go near
and also falling in front of people. idont care if i fall when i'm alone, big whoop whatever but its SO SHAMEFUL to me to fall in front of other people. like why were you here to witness my blunder
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alchemiccolored · 3 months
If you’re up for it, top 5 favorite prairie plants and why? Or are there any parasitic prairie plants that you know of? Where I’m at we’ve got California Dodder and mistletoe but they’re the only ones I know about
5. Andropogon gerardii - Big Bluestem: basically THE prairie grass. you cannot have a tallgrass prairie without a tall grass lol.
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4. Carex buxbaumii - Buxbaum's sedge: I can't in good conscience do this top 5 without including a sedge. all sedges are identifiable by their triangular stalks- "sedges have edges!" I'm still not fantastic at identifying specific species, but carex buxbaumii is one i'm pretty confident in, since i harvested them at my old internship! i couldn't find a great pic for it but their seed heads look like mint chocolate :3
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3. Eryngium yuccifolium - Rattlesnake Master: aside from having the COOLEST FUCKING NAME POSSIBLY, this is also a really unique prairie plant! they don't have obvious "flowers," instead having a spiky green ball on a long stem (its still a flower though). despite their painful looking leaves, these guys aren't too bad to accidentally rub up against, especially if you've got bull thistle and common teasel in the same area (FUCK teasel).
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2. Silphium perfoliatum - Cup Plant: really, I could go with any of the silphiums but cup plant is just such a cool plant. all silphiums get really tall and have beautiful big yellow flowers, but what makes cup plant special is its cups! where the leaves meet the (really cool, square) stem, they completely surround it and form a cup that actually holds water after it rains. theyre great for finding bugs since they have lots of nooks and crannies (and water)
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1. Impatiens capensis - Jewelweed/Spotted Touch-me-not: not solely a prairie plant, but it's such a good one I gotta put it in here. it likes wetter environments when in full sun, which leads to it growing like ABSOLUTE CRAZY! they usually get to about 1-3' tall, but one that was at the end of a stream in full sun got to 6' at least. it's an impatiens so it spreads its seeds by fucken LAUNCHING them; very cool but also cmon i want to propagate you :( MOST importantly, though, it is a natural remedy for both poison ivy and stinging nettle. i'm not usually one for medicinal herbs but this plant has saved me lots of trouble (and money) by keeping those rashes down.
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dodder my best friend dodder <3 i'm not sure if there are any other fully parasitic prairie plants, but wood betony is one i'm aware of that's hemiparasitic, getting some of its nutrients from other plants. i love parasitic plants, theyre so interesting...
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finnlee-sliced-ham · 3 months
Your tummy is absolutely adorable, are you aware of that?
Thank you so much 🥺
It took me so long to find good angles and lighting😭
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squaletta · 4 months
✂ Did the mun ever do something to make you jealous? 
⭐ Is there any genres the mun enjoys writing but you don’t enjoy being part of? 
🌟 Is there any genres the mun doesn’t enjoy writing but you enjoy being part of?  
❄ Did the mun ever forced you to do something you didn’t want to do? 
💧 How often do you annoy the mun? And with what? 
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✂ Did the moon ever do something to make you jealous?
Squaletta: Of course! I hate it whenever she is busy with her other rp blog here on Tumblr. I'm a better and more interesting muse than a female Tsuna. I need a plan to get rid of Signorina Vongola.
⭐ Are there any genres you enjoy writing but you don't enjoy being part of?
Squaletta: Did you see what she did to me?! She created Bridgerton verse for me. Do I look like I'm in for a sweet romance?! NO! How could she do this to me?! VOOOOOI!!!
🌟 Are there any genres the mun doesn't enjoy writing but you enjoy being part of?
Squaletta: Sure thing. I love combat roleplays, where I can measure my swordsman skills with someone in battle, and I don't care at all that my mun can't write them. She said she loves new things, and this is new, too. But don't you dare ruin my reputation as a swordswoman! Do you hear me?! She wanted Bridgerton verse, I want combat roleplays – it's a barter.
❄ Did the mun ever force you to do something you didn't want to do?
Squaletta: I feel like killing her every time she wants to talk to me about my feelings and analyze them. If I didn't need her to run this blog, I would have gotten rid of her a long time ago.
💧 How often do you annoy the mun? And with what?
Squaletta: Apparently, she started getting more migraines since she started to write me. I don't know what she meant by that. For her I'm supposed to be loud and demanding. Pft!
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thesquishiee · 4 months
Let's start a new ask game. Name your 5 top ships for the show you are currently obsessed with and send this message to 10 last people that interacted with your posts. Hope you have a good day! ^^
I barely watch shows on TV I’m a YouTube girlie LMAO I wouldn’t have many ships going off of shows so I’ll do my top 5 League ships if that’s ok ^^ ( prepare for the yapping )
1: Nami/ Yasuo ( SB universe ) || my drawings of them say it all, she thinks ‘I can fix him’ and he’s like ‘holy shit she can fix me’. Then they fix each other because they can find good in one another and live a happy domestic life because SQuishie one draws good endings
2: Aphelios/ Sett || I’m sorry I just think they’re cute. Big buff man gets soft for cute moon boy. I think the pair is cute in every AU but especially in SB. Mooncake 🥮💙
3: Jhin/ Hwei || IM BASIC IK but I just. Like them. A lot. I think they’d hold hands and stuff and draw and maybe accidentally kinda sorta murder a lil bit….
4: Thresh/ Yone ( SB universe ) || Hot men. That is all.
5: Kayn/ Myself || I’m not sorry. He’s mine. SQuishie’s brain says pretty pixels on the screen :3
Hope this was good enough for youuuuu
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You're the colour brown, silver anklets, music playing from a distance, comfort space, and sweets
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miblue · 2 months
what type of scenarios do Athena and her brothers often use their powers for? like do they fight Villains and Monsters or do they help with more lowkey stuff liking find a lost cat?
a bit of all of those to be honest.
The story has a ultimate big bad, that is like a mastermind pulling the strings sorta thing. (Bbg name is void)
Their kinda lower tear minons who do the bbgs biding and is sent out to do their evil fetch quest.
A darker magic, that those guys use to corrupt people and turn them into monsters the team has to fight to both save the person corrupted or get the magical whoosawhatsit.
And then sometimes using their powers for random stuff they want or want to do, or accidental magic shinanigans..
I got some concepts of what like corrupted people created into monsters looks like.
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bidisasterevankinard · 10 months
i was listening to exile and start thinking of the possible video on that from your rival music au , do you have a vision of that?
I don't have full vision of the video and not sure if will write it at all, but I see Eddie as Bon Iver and Buck as Taylor (at least for now. Jury is still out). It possible I will leave clip on your imagination. But I have those edits so you can imagine first as break up moment , and next one as you wish a memory or maybe way to be back together again or maybe Buck's new bf left them for some minutes and they try to be polite. Anything. How I said for now I don't have anything, but maybe when I will really write this moment I will have ideas
P.s I start to think I will ruin some songs for people after my fic will be poste. Ooops
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keruworld · 1 year
IDK aren't the things you listed about Buffa mere justifications for the atrocities he has committed? Yes, it's part of a game, there's no question about that.
But it's part of a game he at least has a hand in designing if we assume this is Beroba's game and not Buffa's game. Way, I see it, those "casualties" didn't need to be casualties if their aim was Niram's Vision Driver.
He could have just made a game where the only ones affected were the remaining Riders, but no, he still went with what Beroba designed because girl needs to have her daily dose of human misery.
While I don't exactly want Michinaga to have the "death by redemption" trope or anything related, but I want that redemption earned. I want there to be distrust toward him.
I want him to atone, I want him to try and regain the trust of the people he's hurt the most.
I want him to work hard for that redemption, but as things are now he'd get away with his actions scot-free, especially considering he's just going to forget everything once all of this is over, as per DGP rules.
You say Keiwa's a hypocrite, maybe it's true but I don't see it that way. Keiwa' to me hasn't trampled on anyone, he certainly hasn't sabotaged anyone for the competition, in fact, he has sabotaged himself for trying to be fair. The only act of sabotage I see him do was when Sara was in danger and he stole Sae's buckle, but that was because he values his sister's life over anything else.
You say Buffa hates himself for the casualties, but are we so sure about that, is that even canon, or is that your interpretation of what happened?
Sure he may not have made a victory dance when he killed Ace, Keiwa, or Niram, but he nonetheless gloated about his victory over Keiwa, a victory he got after attacking the man who just witnessed a world-shattering view of the girl he saved pushing a man to his death.
"You said you would be happy if everyone's happy. Why don't you become fuel for my wishes?" *proceeds to throw Keiwa into the hole on the ground.
What atrocities I wonder? The kill of Ace and Keiwa? I know Im taking theirs deaths as nothing... but come on, why do you think that Ace was not angry to Michi when he revived? Why he didnt say: HEY YOU MOTHERFUCKER, YOU KILLED ME!! Because if you are in the game, you know what are the possibilities. And Ace of all the people know this very well.
To whom he has to atone? To whom he has to regain trust? To Ace? To Keiwa? To Neon? To all the casualities? Why? Because he won and made everyone miserable? He wished for that? That's truly evil!! X,D (sorry, im being sarcastic here)
"You say Keiwa's a hypocrite, maybe it's true but I don't see it that way." When I said that everyone is hypocrite and add Keiwa too... is because Keiwa hides his pain of the lost of his parents behind being the nice guy, and it's ok, and may be you could have the best wish for win the DGP like "end world famine", but in a rooted game like the DGP, that is rooted to it's core, if you want to fight for the most good wish, you can't be good, you have to get your hands dirty. Keiwa was just naive, and that's good, Buffa was there to get the dirt on himself. The script have been protecting Keiwa like a baby... sadly... because of all characters... he havent had much development. But I hope now he gets the development that he needs. I think he's adorable. (that's why deep down inside I think he and Michinaga could be best friends)
"You say Buffa hates himself for the casualties, but are we so sure about that, is that even canon, or is that your interpretation of what happened?" You know... a character dont need or have to say it directly, especialy someone like Michinaga. Of course is my interpretation by watching his expressions. Always serious, unhappy, pissed. May be my interpretation is wrong... But this exactly scene where he have just killed Tycoon and all that was left was Geats, the boy was almost in tears saying his dialogue to Ace. It was the most saddest expression of all. If this was not repent for just killed Keiwa, to just have got his hands dirty… I dont know what it is. He didnt wanted to, but he had to.
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"You said you would be happy if everyone's happy. Why don't you become fuel for my wishes?" *proceeds to throw Keiwa into the hole on the ground. This scene was sooooo good. Because Buffa... was totally a bitch, he played the bad guy to the end. And I know he did bad... but come on he was right of what he said to Tycoon. I could bet that Keiwa is not angry with him too. X,D
I know it looks like Buffa have gotted his way out like nothing, like he had his redemtion like nothing... but if you carefull watch I think is not like that, he have suffered and almost break. Again... yeah... almost all of this is my perception, my interpretation that the stupid and evil bull is a good boy in the inside. I too couldnt defend him like this some chapters ago... I haven been puzzled too, is he good? is he bad? why are you doing this? how you will end this? But this is exactly why Geats have been so fun... at least for me.
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