#thank you for lending your ear to my word mush writing
storyarcscribe · 1 year
I wrote another 700 words for Lighten Up and it was so CATHARTIC.
Writing for Lighten Up feels like coming home when I write Poe and Rookie🧡
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charmed-asylum · 4 years
👨‍🍳# FOODIE👨‍🍳
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#Foodie, Part 2
Summary: Something happening in Easter Hills. Something that effecting everyone under the surface. Could this just be a phase a trick that no one can shack off? Is this something that will pass with another or can we all be heading for destruction
Declaimer: #Foodie has some curse words, blood, making out, and maybe a dead body or 2??. Also, I do have dyslexia who happens to do her own proof reading so be easy with me!!!
A/N:So who would think after doing a love story I go be switching it up to some sci-fi. Let me know what you think or want to be added to the taglist. Or simple to sit my butt down and stop with the dramatics xoxo Tia
MASTER LIST // Previous Chapter (1) 
Tagged: @weapinggwillowss​ @kittykatlow​ @alagalaska @deansblackbeauty
2 weeks later 
My fingers intertwined with his as he locks and kisses them. He doesn’t know I know but he a snuggle monster the reject monster from Sesame Street. Another secret I love it. We haven’t had much time as I will hope with one another. Even though he was back from the war he still was working as deputy while he was home. I pout like a two-year-old who got denied a brand new toy from a toy store. But we made it work. He moves me close as he whispers praise in my ear in his deep voice that makes me shiver a cool chill.
I only had 15 minutes left of my break with him. God how I miss him. After Janet left me teary-eyed in the abandoned hallway apart of me felt I was in old westerns like I was waiting for her around and draw her guy. That night he came over and hold me as I cried into his strong chest hands wrap as far as I could around his broad shoulders. Each night I founded my self there. Even if I was asleep he sneaks in and holds me. Letting me know he was never gonna leave me. 
He looks down into my eye out time coming to an end with a bit of sorrow regret. Hopping up so I can reach his face I pepper kiss him with each hop. Watching as his smile spread from ear to ear he loves when I did this be my silly tiny self. Knowing he always be my savior. His eyes were dark like midnight sky but were as bright as the sun. Others wouldn’t see this wouldn’t think he was more than a brick wall but he was more. Just like me more than meets the eye. Each day I’m happy god loves me to bring him to me. Bring me someone that made me feel things I never did before. 
“ I gotta go. I was only supposed to drop off another animal to you, baby “ He said in muffled from my lips. 
Lending back hold his hands close , “ Yeah but it was you who  wanted to start kissing me. I’m only here to basket it all this”.
This was been a familiar thing the last two weeks animals found dead somewhere or sick with some type of rabies. Blood from Mr. Fuzzy Bear only adds to the mystery. Blood work consists of an unfamiliar source. I went anymore I know and even the internet god the internet. After weeks of looking non stop trying to find anything to make me more at ease. NOTHING. I wanted to express this to KP but he only tells me to stop worrying.
“ BABY” KP tickle me under my underarms. I twitch and almost trip. “ I was talking and you did that moody thing you do. Is this Janet” he asked. YES NO I DONT KNOW I rub my forehead gently and peek up at him and nod.
I hate lying most importantly very bad at it. Even though he knew it was more he still allowed it to be, this time. 
“ I am taking you out. Show you off. Remind folks who you belong too. Which means I want you to be out this little head of yours. Janet she many things but all with reasoning. Give her time didn’t you say she nods at you other days” KP said. God his voice.
“ Your right probably PMS. Or something. Where we going” I asked looking down. I could hear my name-calling for me and some chaos.
“IAASC I KNOW HE SEXY EYE CANDY BUT GET YOUR ASS IN HERE-OW” Ethan scream out. I giggle and peck his cheek and ran off.
“ I CALL YOU ILY “ I shouted over my shoulder.
He ruffles his thick black hair across his hands as she smirks at me.
“ILY2” He said.
Everything was like walking into the war zone. Ethan was sitting on a chair holding her arm that was gushing blood out and Casey walking back and forth. I swipe up a rabies shot and quickly gave it to her and took her arms into my arms to looks at it. So much blood my arms got painted red. With a finger snap, Casey passes me the 1st aid kit as I dress the wound. Ethan was laughing all while. After thanking Casey ask sending her off for a break treating her like my child even though she was twice my age I gave the tickle me Ethan my attention.
“ You need to go to the hospital. That looks nothing like something seen before where the animal that did it” I asked looking around.
“ Killed it” She said like it was nothing. My eyebrow bent at this as I look her.
“ I need to call KP back he and sheriff can come over and help” I said pulling my phone out my pocket.
“Shit that fucker a bitch. I go okay I go I’m fine I go later. You did everything right by the way. It’s dead. We take it to the trash and that it” She said then look at me finally. I was a mess. To say the least. I bit the corner of my cheek till it bleeds and the iron the mint of him I was chewing on earlier.
Her eyes look glassy and she had a gentle sweat coming down her forehead. Didn’t it bit her not even a half-hour ago? I walk over and grab the bloody towels and help her up to sit down in her office under the AC. Closing the door I look hands it still had traces of her blood on it. I close my eyes and tried to relax. Taking deep breaths I went over to the sink and started to scrum till my hands were bright red from the friction.
“ Is she alright? “ Casey asks poking her head into the exam room. I peak over and back at my hands.
“ Yeah, she huh. Resting. Hey, what even happen that was so like the strange right” I said adding extra words to sound like I wasn’t just obsessing over it.
Casey pulled out a cigarette from her pocket and pluck it in her mouth getting ready to share something.
“ While you were outside smacking lips with Mr fuck for brains and takeout outside” she stops and looks at me.
“ I was upfront talking to Rachel about our lasted book club meeting. And she was talking about this new craze when one of the animals that came in just bounced up to life and start making sounds hissing and shit. Went sideways. The animal was acting all crazy like Bob does when he drank that moonshine and whiskey during October fair of 2003. Anyway, I rushed back and she was swinging at it with a paperweight” she said raking in another inhale of her cigarette. With a few coughs and tap, she looks around before talking some more.
“ You know a lot of shit been happening around here. I have been here all my life sadly and I would know. You know what it is huh?” She said putting her cigarette out with the bottom of her shoe. “ Damn Liberals. Probably put some damn glitter dusk on shit and made folks all crazy “She said as if it was a known fact. Did I not mention she a bit of a blowup doll racist. Try to explain to her just because I look Spanish doesn’t mean I am. Now she always says Ho Lay. Like that means something more than being a bitch. But she Casey and there no one like her.
“ You never know. So where is it now the animal ” I said drying my hands?
“ Out in the front. Sucker ugly mug tosses a blanket over it” Casey said nodding to the front. I nod and look around trying to let everything sit. Before she could walk off I without even thinking grab tight to her arm and pulled her into a hug. My hand ran up and down as I hold her tight.
“ Stay safe. Cas” I said. She chuckled and pat my back before going. I don’t know why I did it. Maybe a part of me knew something was gonna happen. That I was about to head down a steep drop something I will never be able to recover from.
The animal or what was left of it was like Casey said a mess. Scattered with its brains and head mushed. I poke it a few times before taking my pocket knife and stabbing it in the brain just in case. I wasn’t trying to live my life in a horror film. When I took the knife back out there was a strange goo mix with the blood. What the fuck I whisper to myself as I knee down and got closer to look. Just like I thought it was just like Mr. Fuzzy Bear. This was not a dog and this in on ways was a house pet. How strange how can two things so far from one another by going through the same thing. Can it be a generic trait from mammals? Or animals?
Ethan was quiet for the rest of the night. She didn’t move out of her office and when she did she was still sweating and shivering. I knew I promise KP not to worry but I couldn’t.
Me: Promise not to laugh but I have a question
Mi Amore: Haha what up sweetie
Me: Have there been any strange animal behavior or attacks? I know I’m coo-coo 😛😛
Mi Amore: 🤔 idk. Yeah, old man, Nick has been coming about some behavior. But that’s about it. Ur not crazy just crazy beautiful. Y??
Me: Remember when I was called in. Ethan got bite by a stray animal. Just wondering. I miss U  💋 💋 💋 
Mi Amore: Never stop. If you promise to stop worrying I keep an eye on it. And stop by to check out on Ethan tonight or tomorrow. Alright babe
Me: Kk thnx KP 
Mi Amore: ILY let me know when you get home
Me: ILY2  😘
Old man Nick was crazy still believing that aliens were never in Roswell but here. But his word is not so reliable he is married to his chicken Cheryl. I paced around that night in my room thinking trying not to think. He was right I need to stop worrying. I pulled out my pink paper and my fuzzy pens from my desk and sat on my bed and starting to write. Could me not having Janet be making me acting like an old man Nick, god I hope not. So I did what KP did and after my letter to Janet, I decided to not worry about it.
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My feet bounce from one to another as I ran across the neighborhood. I felt a bit of sweat coming from under my lavender purple sports bra and forehead. Hair swinging from left to right right to left as I power through. In theory, if I wanted to I could run my whole town form one end to another. Music blast though my Bluetooth Air Pods. As I turn I reach Bloom Ave I made a quick left and push through till I reach a familiar two-story house at the end of the dead street. It sits back in the dirt a bit with a few stubs in the ground that somehow went perfect with the grey clay outer skeleton with huge windows and white curtains and a bright red wooden door. No cars in the driveway weren’t unfamiliar. Janet's mom or body double was always out at the local bar on some table dancing talking about her glory days. Janet hates that and even though she never told a soul she always fears she becomes that. Be stuck in the middle of nowhere no love and memories of when life was fearless Couldn’t ever be like that I told her as sat back on a black and white blanket sipping on my organic lemonade. She smiles and asks why. Because I will be there no quicksand right. She smiles and nods no quicksand.  I wipe my eyes as I came up to the front porch. I knock a few times before I gave up. Hail Mary twisting my neck a bit I look around to the empty street. From the corner of my eye, I could see the shades move. I turn my head around so quickly I got dizzy. I ran towards the window and tap at it. Trying to look in. It was blurry but I can dang sure I saw someone. I called out and bang it a few times. She was not gonna answer. With a exhale I turn and leaned against the window and slide till I was on the ground. I never gave up but this was starting to look like the only thing I could do. Was not doing that stupid drug that big of a deal. More. More I thought about it I got anger mad-sad even. Whipping my eyes with the back of my hand I got up and grab a few rocks. And started hitting the window calling out for her. Pissed I storm in circles across the front door like a madwoman. 
" I don't know what wrong but FUCK IT. YOU KNOW I CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOU DOING THIS IS FUCK UP. BECAUSE OF BLOODY DAMN DRUG. YOU PROMISE ME MOON AND STARS WE ARE NOTHING WITHOUT THE OTHER. SO IM NOT LEAVING IF I HAVE TO WRITE TO YOU AND LEAVE A FREAKIN LETTER OR CALL I AM. I KNOW SOMETHING FUCKIN WRONG. WHAT WE ARE YES IT IS COMPLICATED AND NOT WAY OF THINGS BUT I DO ANYTHING FOR YOU. THIS SHIT CHILDISH. YOU FUCKIN PROMISE J. They all leave me and you promise you won't" I stumble to my knees and hold onto my face with my hands and cried. I can't hate her even when I wanted to I can't. I cry and cry to the point my sweat and tears were blending into one.
Slowly getting up I look at the house once time. I lost. I lost over something so stupid. Crazy as it is if I could go back knowing what I know I still won't take that duck fuckin drug. I would just fight more so Janet wouldn't.
" No quicksand " I whisper before I walk off in defeat.
At work I didn't move much I just sat there listening to Casey about how Ethan couldn't make it something about going to the urgent care next town over. Casey was pleased because it meant she could leave early. Cleaning up the back exam rooms I recognize the towel Ethan used when she got attack day before. FUCK IT. I Peak before I snoop over to the magnifying glass and cup a piece of the towel and took a look. I tried squeezing my eyes but it wasn't close enough DARN I crushed at myself as I ruffle my hair through my hands. Biting the corner of my lip I look over for something anyway. JACKPOT. I rushed over and bent down to go through old equipment until I found the microscope that I remember Ethan told me about when I first started helping out. Sometimes about it not working right but if there one thing I was work with what you got a type of girl. It is I tap the metal table till the light came on. Grabbing the piece of the towel I place it over and fetch my glasses out my chest pocket and kiss my eyes to the lends. At first, it looks right till I saw a few things in the corner that didn't look quite right. The light kept flicking above me with an annoying buzz. Was it stupid yes but who said I was smart. More I tried to focus louder the buzz got. Till the office phone ring making me jump out my damn skin with a loud final act scream. AHHHH.
After a second to realize it was the phone, I quickly answer it. Hello, I said slightly out of breath. I heard heavy breathing. I repeated my self. Still nothing but heavy breathing. This isn't funny I said about to poop a golden egg. Still, it was heavy breathing. I can't hear you breathing I said looking around second-guessing every life decision I ever made. I gonna hang up I said but something stops me. Three words. No QUICKSAND. My eye widens Janet. I scream into the phone for her a bit excited and more so worried. But all I got was a dial tone I tried to call her but she didn't answer.
Each night around the same time the same message those three words. Of course, I tried to make her say anything else but no. My mind races trying to figure it out till each time I came to the same conclusion, she did not want my help or worst she could not ask for it.
I tap my foot as I look at my planner trying to figure out what to wear for my date with KP today. Strawberry favor purple teddy bear he got me on our first date sat on my lap between my thighs. He did tell me much but just it was a casual date no restaurant this time. We need that a few times when he was in school ones out of town. I liked those I could be anyone I wanted to be even though I could only drink the bottled water and had to bring omg own food. If they didn’t have things like organic apples. The third one we did he told me of his dream ones that included me. I like those a lot. Even after the two years when he went off to the army to take down the bad guys. Each letter you write adventures about life we were gonna have. I told him I didn’t care just wanted him there to hold me and love me. Stupid I know but stuck in a small town you can get caught up in those dreams.
After a few minutes of debating I pick up my feet push and turn around and around in my chair holding the hand of teddy. Hoping off after a few turns around I click on my radio and just decide to go with the flow whatever I was feeling. REMEMBER A DAY BY PINK FLOYD starting to play. I bop my head and shake my hips as I look through my denim.
Remember a day before today
A day when you were young.
Free to play alone with time
Evening never comes.
Toss a blue denim skirt with a beach wave cut on the bottom and round bottoms on the front. I lose myself in the beat that was creeping through my soul. Singing off-key look over my shoulders and pull out short sleeves stripe blue and black with a hint of the orange shirt.
Climb your favourite apple tree
Try to catch the sun
Hide from your little brother’s gun
Dream yourself away
I walk backward as I sang with my teddy in my hands the outro plucking out my round black shades to complete the outfit. Licking my lips I look into the mirror with items place in front to imagine how it would look. Something was messing I look behind and saw one of his old button-ups he left one night he stayed. Taking I deep breath in I look up to my ceiling knowing if things go well maybe I go a step forward. Or maybe not.
He came at exactly at 12 o clock. Rolling up in his 2010 Black Ford Raptor with the music blasting. I hope up without thought ran over as soon as it stops. Before I could get in I saw a few blankets on the passenger seat. Peaking up I saw him staring at me with those intoxicating midnight eyes that match his thick cut on side and swoosh in the front black hair. That I love to tug and play with between my dainty fingers. His smile was so wide that it shows off his perfect pearly whites. Reaching closer I smile into a kiss and I felt a lift as he pulls me in and into his lap. To deepen our kiss the taste of his toothpaste and hint of orange juice he must have had before coming over. Recently he taught me the fun of French kissing and art of a tongue. Pulling his bottom lip with my teeth I glance at him his strong muscular hand grip tight to my thigh.
“ Looks like someone wearing my clothes again” He said rubbing little patterns on my thigh with his index finger.
“ Want me to take it off and give it back. Baby” I asked playfully. With one last glance and shook his head no and tilt his head to look at me.
“ You know it drives me crazy seeing you wear my stuff. Let’s not forget the football jersey incident” he reminded me. It was 1st time I allow him to fell my thigh and butt. Thought alone brought a heat running down my body. Something Janet told me was normal. Playing with his hair I look down at what he was wearing. Black jeans with a red t-shirt an leather jacket.
“ So this the big date. Just sitting in your car. I could have told my parents we were staying for lunch then” I said playing with the collar of his jacket.
He ponders the question for a bit before he started to laugh. Picking me up he helps me over to the passenger seat. Left his right hand on my thigh and drove off with his left hand. After a few minutes, I wrap my hand with his and lean back and look at him as he drives. Few times he will peak over even throwing me a silly face which I then gave a few my own. Got to a light I peak out to the street. Crazy for a Saturday the usual busy with folks at the town square or at the farmer market that would be along Main Street it was pretty much close to deserted. Looking back as we drove off I sat back and ponder about it.
“ Did Bucks say anything about not having his produce today?” I asked.
“ Huh yeah sweetie it was postponed. Something happened to some of his vegetables. Think some kids piss on them. There also that beauty pageant in San Pedro. Took a bus over to watch” He said to bring my hand to kiss.
“ Yea yea I forgot. You know with Ethan gone. I feel like I’m working all alone forgetting the days. Where we going “ I asked.
“ Don’t worry we almost there. Would you put that scarf around your eyes it a surprise? Isaac” he said.
I took the red plaid scarf and wrap it around my eyes. The realization was starting to dawn on me besides our movie dates or him staying with me at night. This was our first date since he came back. Worried wasn’t even the word for it my whole body became snuffled with nerves. My mouth was dry and my neck felt warm.
“ Hey hey you okay,” he asked with a serious tone. I nod yes and hold on to his bicep tight.
“ Sorry just excited. Is all” I whisper holding on.
I didn’t know where I was but I felt the ground being a bit rough against my converse. One hand-grip tight to his other feeling my way. I could feel the moisture from the air and leaves. Before u even lifted the scarf I knew we were at our special hideout in Lover Lane.
Close behind me, he squeezed my shoulders gently as he whispered words of sweet nothing. I felt like Alice walking through wonderland. What if I look clearly through the darkness between the glitter and tiny rainbows I could find mad hatter drinking morning tea or the queen of hearts out by her garden w brush covered in red paint. Endless wonders who will I be would I be Alice full of innocence and wonder, the white rabbit who always running with of anxiety, Chester cat who full of the finger brings back cross and a smile with a bit of darkness inching to come back or maybe just a poor bystander. Most say I could pick out those three or add one in but today I didn’t know.
The blindness of the light brought me back from that rabbit hole of thoughts. Blinking a few times to adjust I saw a blur of trees and blue sky. It was beautiful right in the middle among all the flowers and grass was a big red planet blanket with a wicker basket in the center.
“ Surprise My Ama. Like it” KP said with a huge grind with his hands stretch out as far as possible. I didn’t know tears were coming down till KP came over to kiss them away. I hold his hand tight and kiss his hand before kissing each finger and look deep into his deep space eyes.
“ Did I do something why are you crying?” KP said a bit worried. I felt my lips playing peek a boo with teeth. I wish I knew why I was crying. I don’t even know anymore.
Instead of the truth I pull KP by hand and pull him onto the blanket before I let go and lay across. I curl my finger and motion for him to come over to sit by me. He lay his head on my lap. Right by edge of my skirt and he help right with his head facing my lower stomach. Playing with his hair between my fingers I came close and kiss his forehead gently. He holds me close and mumbles something. Maybe today I’m Alice before she found that hole.
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The sun felt so good again my smooth rich terra- cotta skin. My hair was slip to the side taking in the sun raises. I could here KP reading from his old worn-out copy of The Last Man in the background still laying on my lap. He always had a fascination with Pre-American Gothic and an unseen classic from popular authors. Could read anything that was calming may you forget the world around you and drunk of his voice capturing his presence. Once he read House of Leaves to me when we were both in head and sound like a lullaby.
What is there in our nature that is forever urging us on towards pain KP read.
I bent down in front of the book to block any of the words and cup his cheeks in my hands and kiss him. Putting the book beside him he returns the kiss and pulls in deeper and turns me over to he was on top. My head rests on my honey scent shampoo hair. I could smell the woody scent of his Guilty Pour Homme Spray by Gucci he always put on. He moves his hand to crest cheek eyes match my woods brown eye with his. I could feel something hard pressuring against my thigh. With a sigh, I look at him and then down. Once again. As if he could read my thoughts he slowly pulls away.
“ Should probably not continue this before we are both in trouble huh baby?” KP said in his deep chocolate voice. I slowly nod and place my hands against his side and rub it against the pants being the only thing stopping me to go further. I need an escape something to stop my thoughts stop me from jumping face-first onto the hole. I felt moving his hips with movement with my palm. Kiss trace down my neck gently I curve into his touch wanting more. God, he knew how to make this girl feel good. His hands while rough with warn and tares always was gentle. Without thought I let out a sigh as we continue till out nowhere I thought I heard some birds. A lot of birds. Opening my eyes corner of my sight I see a family of birds flying in a flock west of me. I bent my head back as I follow the birds until they disappear. My mind drifts off to where they were going what would they do once they are there.
“ Ama I gotta tell you something alright something very important and I need you to listen can you do that” KP asked as he kisses my neck some more. I nod and mouth yes.
“ You know when I left I thought I was strong I thought I was brave. I wanted to protect you so badly from all evil all darkness I went onto war. But honestly, it’s not what I thought baby. The world we live in full of chaos more I tried to fix it stay in line I found my self missing you thinking what if I stay with you” KP said and continue to kiss me between my chest. Feeling brought old feelings I haven’t felt in more a year ago.
“ This world needs order. And I can’t do it all alone. Many nights I was barley holding thinking of ending my life but I got your letters and face times. If it wasn’t for you I will be lost in this huge empty world. I have been thinking and well what if after you graduate we leave pack all your shit and leave. Nothing d holding us back” KP said. I blink and look at him he stops kissing me and look back up at me with huge night sky eyes. I could hear some strange noises from behind me. KP was still speaking and all I could do was stare at him with drunk haze eyes.
“ Would you run off with me?” KP asks turning to go get up to look at me. No words can describe the look in his eyes passion fear worry lust doubt. Galaxy with million and one thoughts hiding in plain sight. Could I leave and blindly follow him into the unknown future. FUCK YEAH, I WOULD that promised I gave him so long ago.
Before I could say anything everything happens in a flash. The gravity pull was distracted in a minor of seconds. I felt him pushed my down covering me with his chest I look and I could feel something wet. Stumbling back on the blanket my breath gets shorter and I start to feel dizzy my fingertips were numb I felt like the more I tried to breathe more I fell deeper into the darkness. Then were the two muscle arms scooping me up from behind?
“ ISAAC ISSAC AMA AMA BABY BABY LOOK AT ME. Come one before you go into shock “ KP shout out. I look away from the body and at him. His thick finger covers my flushed cheeks. I slowly start to nod and look back at the body.
“ Is he.... is he dead we gotta do -“ I stop as I could see man chest rising a bit he was saying something. I let go and slowly follow the mumble I was a foot away before I felt a hand on my shoulder stopping me. I couldn’t freak out not like before a deep breath in I slowly turn back around.
“ Not safe. Take my phone get services and called for help” KP said in his deep savior voice he does when he serious. I glance back at the body. It gosh out blood to point you couldn’t tell where the actual puncture wound was. Where was it that was gonna be on his death certificate. From where I was it looks like his had puss and some strange black markers. He spoke to me but I did not answer him instead I remain quite till I heard the 911 operator.
“ He Hello. Yes huh, this is huh Amaryllis Isaac Smith I’m with my boyfriend Kindred Phillip” I could hear KP be reaping the word deputy. I nod and look at him he was hovering over the body almost studying it. “ Deputy Sargent Phillip. We are huh mm KP where are we” I stop and scream again where are we.
“ Lover Lane South East entranced a quarter-mile away from the lake. TELL ME THE PEEK A BOO SPOT they will know” He shoot out.
I repeated words word by word what he said. I heard the words by I couldn’t answer.
“Yes, there a man baby hurt. PLEASE HURRY” I said. Placing my hand to the phone I look at KP. “ Is he breathing KP “ I shout out. I couldn’t see one of his hands he was knee down to the body his back facing me. I waited but he didn’t answer just slowly got up and brush his hands on his thighs and grab the phone.
“ He dead. We wait to cops come. Maybe an ambulance my girl she a bit shook up. That’s okay Baby ... Baby” KP asked looking down at me. I couldn’t breathe anymore my hands wrap around his broad shoulder for my dear life my right cheek pushed onto his chest till I could hear his heart. Far away by the now dead body, I saw flames surrounding it. Tears gently fell more flames the closer I pulled into him till my vision was blur form fabric of his shirt. With one last breathe I was free-falling down that hole.
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of-suns-and-guns · 6 years
I have two for you: 5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most; and, 50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.
*bops around the room cause these are awesome and YOU are awesome*
5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most:
Okay, so this one’s actually super hard, cause if anyone’s actually influence my writing, it’s happened subconsciously, and not really because I actively integrated anything of theirs into my writing.
Examples would probably be writers like StarvingLunatic and Kim Pritekel  because I read (and re-read) such vast amounts of their work at a time in my life that I really began understand how to work on my own writing, so if I internalized any stylistic idiosyncrasies from anyone, it’d probably be them.
But that being said, there are definitely writers whose styles stand as the goal I hope to one day pull off.
Some examples would be:
1) LJ Maas. She wrote sweeping epics, often spanning decades in-universe, but her stories were just...captivating. Somehow managing to move the story forward at a crawl that never felt boring, never lost the goal, and always driving the angst in a way that NEVER lost hope but ALWAYS kept satisfaction teasingly out of reach. (“None So Blind” is my favorite)
2) Kim Pritekel. While she does have several mind-blowingly long books, she most often writes a lot of 30-60k novel/novellas. And about 90% of her stories are told in two parts: youthful connection, [time-jump], and the reunion. Her style is very straightforward, almost simple, but the kind of simple that takes years of practice and a very strong ear to achieve. (Check out “Sisterly Love,” about step-sisters falling in love. I promise you won’t regret it. )
3) Radclyffe. (I can already hear Beagles’ scoff at this one) She’s got more drift and flounce. Not unnecessarily wordy, but she does lend more toward a visceral, romantic/kinetic kind of writing. She’s a very strong writer, and tends to focus more on the internal affects of each characters struggle, without making it feel like you’re drowning under hyperbolic mush. (“Above All Honor” is amazing. And seriously, make sure you read the sequel, “Honor Bound” as well, cause THAT’S where the romance really takes you by the throat)
4) You. Your stories are so well built. Your plots are strong and woven tight and neat. Your style is literally the perfect balance between visceral and concise, and, goddamn, if I had a dime for every time I literally howled at every perfectly worded, perfectly executed moment in any one of your stories. You’re an intimidatingly strong writing, and truly an inspiration. (“thanks a lot, red k” is my current dual-favorite of your works)
(also I’ve just realized I’m not following you on tumblr and I do not know how that happened)
50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had:
Uhhhhhhhhhh.......I dunno, actually. I mean, besides my weird obsession with animal-shifter AUs, I’m not sure what constitutes “weird.”
Weird by a Kalex-fandom standard, though, I have had several ideas about “what-if” kinds of reversals that I’ve never seen anyone else mention. Like what would change if Kara had been 15-17 when she landed, marking her as the older sister.
Or the quarterback/cheerleader AU (that Jae does not believe I could pull off believably, but I so could) that very specifically has Alex as the cheerleader, and yes, I could make that believable to her character, trust me. She would be very angry the whole time.
Or the numerous resentful AUs in my arsenal about Kara and Alex never having resolved their issues when they were younger and how that would play into the fact that they are built to love each other. The conflict in that would be EPIC.
Do those all count as weird?
Thank you soooooo so much for the writer-asks. (Also you’re awesome-squared)
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stardustizuku · 7 years
Charms and Feathers
Mirror, mirror on the wall, please protect those who I love.
or, the witch! Izuku au i can't get out of my head.
“You should really cut your hair,” his mother said, stepping into the shop. Her furrowed eyes stared at the dyed purple tips of his hair. “It’s not safe.”
The sun in the sky, filtered by the big wide windows made the air shine with particles of powder. The air smelt like lavender and rosemary, as the song ‘Marzipan’ played in the background. Izuku felt his mother’s presence before he heard her voice. It was warm, with the color of the summer morning shining brightly in hues of greens and yellows.
Relief washed over him with her by his side. His mother had that kind of effect.
“I’ll be careful,” he answered instead, his eyes not leaving the notebook on the counter. Spread wide open, the ink still fresh against the pages. It was a cheap scented gel pen with glitter on its ink. After Ochako had gifted him a set of 32 different colors, he had grown a habit of using them. They were pretty.  
“Izuku,” she said again, her tone stern, almost scolding. “I still don’t think you should-”
“Mom, I’ll be fine,” he said yet again. His tone was desperate, but a smile crept across his lips. “You kept your hair long and nothing happened.”
“Well, I wasn’t one to use my powers so freely either,” Inko retorted. Izuku let out a laugh instead of an answer, which didn’t help to ease his other’s worries.
Inko took the loose strands of hair that hid her son’s piercings in her hands and stared at it. The purple and green mixed in her fingertips like the sky and the earth. Her touch was delicate as if scared that it would vanish from her hands if she held it too tightly. Eyebrows furrowed, worry in her face, she said, “I’m serious.”
“Mom,” Izuku’s voice was warm and tranquil. It helped ease worries if he used it right. He took her mother’s fingers in his hand and gave her a small smile with a look full of conviction. “So am I. I know how to take care of myself.
Inko knew. She sighed.
“Come down here,” she tried to sound commanding, but the tiredness of her voice was more like a plead. Izuku followed it without hesitating.
The stool in which Izuku sat was too high for her to reach his hair. But even if he stood up, he was taller than her, so he kneeled.
Inko took out from her pocket a feather ornament. Izuku followed her hand with his eyes.
“Feathers of a wren,” his mother said, taking the strands of hair and braiding them. “Of amethyst create. A string that’s dyed in red. Woven together in the sun of May.”
The voice of his mother was even more soothing than anything he could ever do. It made everything all right, especially when she began charm.
Her fingers ran through his hair with care.
“I call for the sky the earth and fate, to lend me their powers to watch and protect. Still young, not yet safe, please keep my child from the evil that stays.”
Izuku tried his best to stay awake. It was hard to. His mother was powerful, and a protection spell was meant to lull you to sleep. Her words spilled from lips like warm chocolate in a winter night, or even chicken soup when you were sick.
“Done,” she said after a moment.
Izuku jerked awake, making his mother laugh ever so slightly. With a stretch and a yawn, Izuku turned to see his mother that looked proudly at her handy work.
“Perfect,” she said, with a satisfied smile.
“The protection spell wasn’t necessary,” Izuku said, his fingers tracing the braid his mother had made in his hair. It was so well made he doubted he could take it off in the next few days, much less today.
“It’s either that or I cut your hair,” his mother threatened. Izuku gave her an awkward smile. “I’m not risking it.”
Izuku didn’t argue with his mom. He continued to write in his notebook as his mother reached for her own grimoire.
“What’s that you’re writing so frantically in your grimoire either way?” his mother asked, turning the pages in her own, searching for a spell.
“My spell broke,” he said, frowning as he tapped the glitter pen in the pages. He bit his lip in frustration, trying to decipher what had gone wrong.
The sound of her mother dropping the thick book on the floor startled him to look up. She had wide eyes, looking pale.
“Your what broke?!” she yelped, hurrying to pick her grimoire up.
“My Guardian spell,” he said but quickly added. “I wasn’t the one wearing it.”
Which probably wasn’t the best option.
“What do you mean you weren’t the one using it?” his mother asked, and Izuku turned away in shame. “What did I tell you about giving random people your charms!”
“I swear I only gave it to him!” Izuku defended himself, biting his lip in guilt.
“Tell me please it wasn’t one of your crazy spells…” Inko begged, letting her hand rest on her forehead.
“It was the Guardian spell,” he reassured her. Inko sighed in relief. Then quickly opened her eyes.
“How did they break that spell!?” she asked again.
“It was a work in progress,” Izuku said, turning the pages of his notebook. It was full of stickers- thanks to Ochako- and doodles all over. It looked more like a child’s superhero story than a witch’s grimoire.
“I’m still wearing mine,” Inko said, showing off her bracelet. It looked just like the summer. “Your charms are powerful, Izuku.”
“I…” he started, eyes wandering to the bookshelves where he had given the boy his charm. “…don’t think magic broke it.”
“Don’t be silly Izuku,” his mother replied, holding her grimoire close to her chest. “A witch’s magic can’t be broken by humans-”
“Unless,” he interrupted, holding the pen tighter in his hand. “Unless…”
Inko didn’t answer. There was a moment of silence before she spoke again.
“I’ll bake a pie,” she said, turning to the stairs that lead to their apartment. “If he comes by today…he can have some.”
“Thanks, mom,” he said with a smile. He continued to scribble on his notebook.
‘Human cannot break this magic spell,’ he wrote next to his Guardian Spell. ‘Unless malicious intents exceed those of a witch.’
He knew.
From the moment that the boy had walked in with a confused expression, Izuku knew there was something weird. The boy had such a magnificent blue aura. Full of innocence, full of dreams, and full of kindness. It was so beautiful he could barely keep his eyes on him for half a minute without blushing. And despite that-
There was this weird feeling around him. Like a thick scented dark mush that floated around him in a grim like manner. It wasn’t part of him, Izuku could feel it.
It was haunting him.
The charm was an experiment, but it was one he knew it would work. Something to protect the boy from whatever was haunting him, even if not for long, until he found something better.
He knew his spells weren’t that strong, but it was should have been enough to guard him for a month.
Less than a week later the boy was back, holding the charm in his hands.
Izuku almost got paralyzed by the sight. Todoroki was obviously shaken, holding to the charm full of guilt.
“Sorry,” he had said. Izuku couldn’t find in his words how to tell Todoroki that there was nothing to be sorry for.
Out of worry, he had made tea. It was green tea with a spoonful of honey. Warm to the touch, boiling down the throat.
‘Drink,’ he had said, holding out the cup, sprinkled with rosemary and charmed with kindness. Todoroki had looked at him weirdly, but Izuku just smiled. ‘It’ll make you feel better. I promise.’
So he did.
‘It’s good,’ was all he said, but the sparkles in his eyes as the liquid touched his lips was undeniable. Izuku felt bubbles up his throat and smiled.
He was glad he could be of help.
The sound of chiming bells rang in the air, making Izuku look up from his notebook.
“Todoroki-kun!” he exclaimed, jumping out if the chair. Izuku felt like a thousand fireworks exploded inside of his chest as he met Todoroki’s eyes. “Good morning-!”
His feet stumbled as he tried to move out of the counter, and he felt the hit before he reacted.
Todoroki was right by his side as soon as he opened his eyes.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his face scrunched up in worry, making the bubbles inside of Izuku fizzle up like coke. He offered him his hand, and Izuku took it without hesitating.
“Don’t worry, it happens all the time,” Izuku confessed, as he tried to laugh away the pain.
Todoroki helped him up and Izuku dusted off the dirt in his clothes. He hummed a bit and turned to see Todoroki who was staring at him with wide eyes.
“Todoroki-kun, are you okay?” Izuku asked, waving his hands in front of his eyes. Startled, Todoroki turned his gaze away from Izuku.
“Your hair,” he pointed towards Izuku’s charms. Todoroki was beet red, making Izuku worry if he was ill. “You have…-”
“Oh, it’s a charm!” Izuku replied in a heartbeat. At the mention of his mother’s charm, he couldn’t help adding. “Mom made me wear it since it’s not really safe to have my hair this long. You know, since if someone took my hair it could be used to harm me. It’s not really something that happens often, but mom thinks it does- she’s always been a bit nervous about this kind of stuff- so this serves as a protection charm. It’s actually kind of strong but it takes a lot of-”
He stopped midsentence and winced. He had done it again. Slowly, he looked up to see Todoroki, scared he might have scared off the guy. But to his surprise, Todoroki was staring at him wide-eyed, almost impressed.
“Sorry,” Izuku said, his hands falling to the side, heat spreading through his cheeks. Why was he always like this? “I kind of talked your ear off…”
Todoroki simply let shook his head and said, “Don’t worry. I actually like listening to you.”
Bursting bubbles exploding in colors bloomed in Izuku’s chest.
“Really?” he dared to ask.
“Yeah,” Todoroki answered.
Todoroki had no idea what Izuku was talking about.
He really, really tried to understand but it was kind of hard when. One: before he entered this place, he had no idea that witchcraft existed, much less how it worked. And two: he always got distracted when Izuku talked. He was more than a little embarrassed about the later.
It’s not like he was trying to be distracted. There was nothing that Todoroki wanted more than to listen whatever Izuku was saying, but…
The way the light hit the feathers and vibrant stones decorating Izuku’s hair, made everything around him mute. Izuku’s hair looked so soft and fluffy with the pretty way it was adorned. Todoroki couldn’t stop staring, even when the logical part of him was screaming in a really Momo voice to pay attention to what Izuku was saying.
Forcing himself to tear his eyes away from the charm, Todoroki landed his eyes on Izuku’s face- and god this was probably a bigger mistake.
If Todoroki thought the amethyst was shining, that’s because he hadn’t seen the way Izuku’s eyes as he talked about a spell he was trying to perfect.
“-but really, despite whatever Ochako said, red candles work as well as white candles when it comes to protection spells. I don’t know why she insisted that-” Izuku said, his hands going up to play with the purple tinted tips of his hair, on the base of his neck. Shouto swallowed hard, trying to stop his eyes from lingering too long. “-it didn’t. Still, you have to admire her effort in trying to understand. Not many actually want, much less try, to comprehend magic…”
After all the staring that Todoroki did, it was hard to miss the way Izuku’s mood dropped at the last sentence.
“I think,” Todoroki tried to say. His words tripping in his own mouth, as he was unsure of what to say to cheer him up. Izuku’s eyes were staring deeply at him, and suddenly all Shouto could think was Green. “What you do is pretty cool.”
Perfect. Nailed it.
He could almost hear Yaomomo laughing in the background at how lame that had sounded.
Izuku was staring and Todoroki felt the heat rise up to his face.
“I mean,” he continued, trying to save whatever he could from the conversation. It wasn’t easy with wide green eyes like jade staring at him, while jewels refracted the light to make it seem as if everything surrounding them where sparkles. “I don’t fully understand, but from what I see…You do amazing things. You protect people and help them... That’s kind of-of, what a, ah…a hero would do.”
A hero?
As soon as Izuku started laughing, Todoroki was ready to run to the exist, his face a giant camelia.
“A hero?” Izuku asked. His smile was wide, the colors blooming in his face, as he stared at Todoroki wide-eyed. The look on his face was soft, caring, grateful. “That’s a first…I like how it sounds, ‘Hero Witch Izuku’. Protecting people from evil villains that want to hurt cute guys.”
A quick image to his brain of Izuku wearing leggings was enough to make Todoroki short circuit.
“Cute guys?” was all he managed to say.
“Ah!” Izuku exclaimed. The red in his cheeks covered the freckles that had adorned his face. “I meant! Cool guys! You’re totally cool, not cute, I’m sorry!”
“It’s alright,” Todoroki said, mustering all his strength, so his voice came out normal. This made Izuku calm down but the red in his cheeks was still there. Todoroki liked how the color looked on him. “I like your offer, but I don’t think you can save me from my villain.”
Izuku’s eyes went wide for half a second, quickly furrowing his eyebrows in worry.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“My asshole of a dad,” Todoroki said casually, fixing the messenger back he had. He felt his own voice grow harsher and his tone dropping. “The villain of my story.”
“Todoroki…” Izuku said, gripping the end of his notebook with great strength. “Wait here.”
“Midoriya?” Todoroki asked, but before his words could reach Izuku, he was gone.
Izuku rushed to get the boxes that were stored in the back of the store. He knew he had placed those purple candles somewhere…
“Found it!” Izuku said, turning back to Todoroki and opening his grimoire.
“What are you doing?” Todoroki asked, a bit curious as Izuk arranged the things on the top of the counter.
Izuku was entranced by his own work, as he seemed to completely ignore whatever Todoroki had told him. His eyes were completely focused on the wide open notebook that read some kind of spell inside.
“I’m not a fairy godmother,” Izuku said, almost as if it were a confession. His cheeks red, looking down to his hands, moving to arrange things. “I can’t wave a wand and give you a happy ending, but-”
Izuku smiled. A warm smile that seemed to shine like the bright candle burning in front of him. Todoroki could only stare as his heart beat louder than words could.
“-I can try,” Izuku said, his breath a bit hard, as he focused his magic on the mirror he was holding. “…I can try to help you. Achieve your happy ending.”
Todoroki stared at Izuku’s extended hand, the one not holding the mirror. It was covered in rings and bracelet, and purple polish dusted his nails.
“I don’t bite,” Izuku joked a bit, making Todoroki look up. His eyes meeting Izuku’s. They were clear enough to pierce as if looking through Shouto were no difficult task.
Slowly, Todoroki gave Izuku his hand. Electricity ran up his spine at the single touch, making him wince.
“Oh, my,” Izuku said. He furrowed his eyebrows, rubbing small circles on Shouto’s hand. “Hmm…this energy is definitely not yours…It’s too clouded with greed to be yours…”
As Izuku began examining his hand, Shouto could only focus on the way his hand felt. Izuku’s hand was warm, just like everything in the guy seemed to be. A bit calloused on the edges but so small in comparison to Shouto’s on. It fit perfectly inside of his that it could be so easy to wrap Izuku’s hand completely on his and-
‘Breathe, oh my god,’ he thought, as tried to look away. Unfortunately, the thing he looked then was Izuku’s charm on his hair and it just made him melt. ‘Breathe!’
The scent of rosemary hit him as he breathed in.
“I’ll get rid of all these bad energies, don’t worry,” Izuku said, looking at Shouto with innocence. As if he were not the cause Shouto almost died from a heart attack. “Now…Think about this person who has harmed you.”
The atmosphere quickly shifted.
“Oh,” Izuku managed to say, blinking slowly. “This is not good…”
“Am I doing something wrong?” Todoroki asked.
“Ah, no, don’t worry, you’re doing fine,” Izuku said, a small smile on his face. “It’s just…A bit overwhelming…Now, keep picturing this person’s face, okay? Close your eyes.I’ll start doing this.”
Todoroki did as he was told focusing to keep his breathing even. As soon as he heard Izuku mutter the steps, he felt the shivers run stronger in his back. It wasn’t necessarily something bad…It just felt weird. Surreal. Almost like-…
“Mirror of reflection, mirror of protection,” Izuku said, startling Todoroki. His voice felt different from a second to the other. It like heaven and sounded safe. In a minute, Todoroki felt his arms relax and his mind clear. “I call for your help, in this endeavor. A soul that has been wrongly harmed, I ask for your help to light the path…” Izuku began breathing harshly. “…and sent this energy back to the start!”
The pitch on Izuku’s voice raised ever so slightly by the end. It brought pain to Todoroki’s chest. Slowly, he tried to mimic the same movements Izuku had done in his hand moments before. The tension in his hand visibly lessened.
It took a bit more of time for it to finish, but after it was done Izuku told him to open his eyes.
“Oh, it broke,” Izuku said sadly as he reached for the messy part of his hair where the charm had stood.
“I’m sorry,” Todoroki said, looking down at his feet. “Is it my fault?”
“Not yours directly,” Izuku reassured. “I was kind of…dealing with energy bigger than I had planned…That person sure holds a lot of negativity in their life!”
“Tell me about it,” Todoorki let out a small chuckle from his lips. Izuku smiled at this.
“I’m still learning spells,” Izuku confessed and moved forward to start cleaning up. “But, if I can help you feel better, even if just a little…Then you’re more than welcomed to come hand out here.”
“Thanks,” Todoroki answered, a genuine smile on his lips.
Izuku felt his heart trying to jump out through his throat at this. Shouto was too handsome for his own good, and Izuku was only human.
“Would you like a cup of tea while we’re at it?” Izuku asked. Bright smile covering the corner of his face.
“That would be nice,” Shouto said sincerely.
With a beam, Izuku rushed to the back of the store where he had the tea in. Two cups would be enough, so he reached forward to grab the tea leaves, along with the honey.
“Mom is going to be so worried about this…” Izuku said to himself, sighing at the way his hair was now completely messed up. Then his eyes fell to the tea in his hand. A guilty smile tugged his heart. “I mean…if she doesn’t find out…it won’t hurt anyone…”
The mixed leaves smelt amazing, and as Izuku heated up the water, he gave small prayer to help Todoroki relax.
The memory of the unabashed cruelty of the energy surrounding him as he tried to cast a spell will forever haunt him. It was too much. Too dark, too big.
Whoever could create so much negative energy must be a person with nothing more than pain and greed being carried on his shoulder.
Izuku shuddered, spilling a bit of his own magic into Shouto’s tea.
‘Please be safe,’ he thought as he did so. His mouth went dry.
He tried as hard as he could to keep his own head from going dizzy. But it kept swimming in black goo. His legs trembling, his hands shaking, his eyes burning. A loud cough broke through his throat, and painful streaks painted the back of his eyes.
“It hurts…” he managed to mutter, barely holding on to the counter, hands sweaty and numb.. He breathed out loudly, keeping the pain from reaching him completely.
“Izuku?” Shouto called from the front of the store. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he managed to say, but he was unsure if it was as cheerful as he intended. “I’m searching for the tea leaves!”
After a few seconds, Izuku felt slightly better. Enough to, at least, get up and reach for the cups.
“I really overdid it this time,” he sighed to himself.
Yet, when he saw how eager Shouto looked in front of the counter, for a simple cup of tea…
He wondered who could ever harm such a beautiful soul. And the need to protect this moment, full peace, in a small cottage, only grew.
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Emma Swan vs. The Bake Sale
Note: I don’t normally update two days in a row but this prompt was too good to pass up. imhookedonaswan on AO3 made a comment on one of the prior installments about Emma bringing store brought brownies to a baked sale with judgmental moms and I really couldn’t pass it up. It was just too brilliant for me to let slip through my fingers so I decided to write it. Anyway, thanks again @welllpthisishappening for always lending an ear and constantly reading blocks of text that I send your way. You’re amazing. Summary: Emma Swan is the Savior, the Sheriff of Storybrooke, a daughter, a sister, a wife and a mother of five children. Her life is a bit hectic. God forbid, she bring store bought brownies to the youth football bake sale. Rating: T Word Count: 5,500+
Before she got married, Emma Swan admittedly thought about how her life would be if she survived the Final Battle. She had fantasized about an idyllic life where Killian and she only had to battle a monster once a week, would go to Henry’s track meets, eat dinner with her parents and have an absurd amounts of sex on a daily basis. She had imagined that she and Killian would have a few years to grow comfortable with each other before deciding whether or not they would have children. And even more admittedly, Emma had imagined that they would have one or maybe two kids, a boy and a girl preferably, and they would be beautiful, charming but respectful of their parents and wouldn’t get into too much trouble. (She always assumed that any child of theirs would have some mischief in them, but would be smart enough not to do something crazy like perhaps steal their grandfather’s sword and go swinging it around like it was a baton. Seriously.)
That was a fantasy though, and some deity up there on Mount Olympus had seen those fantasies and laughed their ass off because that was not the reality that Emma Swan was granted.
The reality was that Emma Swan and her family only ate with her parents twice a week, Henry had quit track during sophomore year to run the school newspaper and while she still had a healthy sex life, it was constantly interrupted by her four (yes, four, she was still uncertain how they had managed to get that number) small children who didn’t seem to understand the meaning of a closed door. Those same children, of course, were beautiful and charming, but they didn’t often understand the meaning of the word ‘respect’ and they seemed to get into trouble more often than they were out of it. Emma was now very familiar with the school principal, who seemed to have her on speed dial, and her family health insurance now covered absurd things like “falling off a roof” and “accidentally eating harmful paints” because apparently, she needed that. She’s pretty certain that the Emma Swan of eleven years ago would be terrified of the reality she had been given and would have gotten her tubes tied.
It wasn’t that Emma hated how her life had gone since the Final Battle had been won. She adored her life, her husband and her kids, but sometimes she just wanted a day off or at least a twenty-minute nap. That’s all she asked for. Well, maybe she also wanted for a clean kitchen too. And a magic proof cookie jar. And a vacuum that could actually pick up dog and cat hair. And a way to detect if a suspicious brown stain was chocolate or poop. Okay, she wanted a lot of things, but at the moment, she really, really, really wanted that nap and it was only nine in the morning.
“Sometimes I envy you. You have nothing to do except eat and sleep,” Emma whispered to her youngest son as she attempted to get him to eat the chopped strawberries she had prepared him for breakfast. At six months of age, Neddy was just starting to eat solid foods and he was showing himself to be just as fickle as his older siblings. “I would kill for either right now.”
“Bah,” Neddy replied in the same eloquent fashion of all babies who hadn’t learned to speak yet.
He batted Emma slightly on the nose was his strawberry coated fist and looking up at her with unblinking and impossibly blue eyes. Neddy’s eyes were nearly identical to Killian’s and Wes’s eyes and now that he had hit the sixth month mark, Emma was certain they would stay that way instead of going green like Harrison’s and Beth’s.
“Bah is right,” Emma agreed with a nod of her head, holding a strawberry up in front of his mouth in hopes he would take the bait. “You are a man of many words, Neddy Jones. A gentleman and a scholar. Now if only you would eat as well as you talk.”
“You know he can’t actually talk right?” Emma’s eight-year old son Wes called as he entered the kitchen. “Because he can’t. If you were expecting him to, then you might want to talk to a doctor.”
Emma sighed, rolling her eyes and turning to give Wes a very unimpressed look.
“When did you learn to become such a wise guy?” she asked, her voice sounding incredibly tired even to her own ears.
“Birth,” Wes replied, making a beeline to the cookie jar and putting his hand in to take one of the last remaining Girl Scout cookies in the house.
“That explains a lot,” Emma remarked before she realized what Wes was doing. “Hey! Put that cookie back, kid! It’s literally nine in the morning. House rules! No cookies before noon.”
“Dad had one this morning so I don’t know what house rules you’re talking about,” Wes replied defensively.
None of this surprised Emma; Wes arguing with her or her husband eating cookies at nine in the morning. Killian had a massive sweet tooth and an intense fondness for Girl Scout cookies. In fact, Emma had taken to hiding them to keep him for eating them all, especially the Tagalongs which were her favorite. Wes, on the other hand, seemed to want to argue and fight with them every step of the way and Emma was dreading his teenaged years, which were right around the corner.
“Your father is an adult and rules don’t apply to him,” Emma replied, still not impressed with his arguing skills. “You’re a child and you’re going to put that cookie back or so help me Westley Graham Jones, I will make you regret it.”
“Fine,” Wes muttered, putting the cookie back in the jar and giving her a dirty look.
He practically stomped his way over to the cupboard that held all of the cereal and Emma half the mind to tell him off for the attitude but she was still incredibly tired from Beth being sick all night and Neddy refusing to fall asleep and it just wasn’t worth it. If the kid wanted to be an ungrateful brat, then Emma would let him be an ungrateful brat.
“Is Henry coming to my game today?” Harrison asked, walking into the kitchen and looking at Emma with hopeful eyes.
He was dressed in football gear, looking bigger and older than his ten years, which was a good thing Emma supposed because her father had insisted he play for the U12 team instead of the U10 team so he and Neal could play together. Emma was almost certain that David wanted to groom her giant sweetheart of a kid into a Division One talent. The thought made her inwardly snort. It was a fool’s errand. The kid didn’t have a mean bone in his body.
“Not this time, kiddo,” Emma replied with a sympathetic smile. “He’s still in Seattle this weekend, but I’m sure he will try to make it next weekend. You know that he loves being there for you.”
“Oh okay,” Harrison mumbled, immediately wilting at the news and walking towards the counter with his shoulders slumped to get bread for toast.
It broke her heart that he was so upset about it. Her two oldest boys were incredibly close despite the rather large age gap. Henry was without a doubt Harrison’s hero and at times a source of confidence. Harrison always seemed to be less shy and surer of himself whenever Henry was around. Archie was currently working on a way to make Harrison less anxious without Henry, but so far it seemed to be a fruitless endeavor.
“Hey,” Emma placed her hand on Harrison’s shoulder pads. “Just because Henry isn’t there doesn’t mean you aren’t going to totally rock today. I bet you anything that Grandpa David is going put you on both the offensive and defensive line and if you get seven tackles, which you totally can, I will buy you ice cream. Pinky promise. Sound good?”
“You have strawberry on your nose,” Harrison mumbled, not really answering her.
Emma brought her hand up to her face and sure enough, she had mushed strawberry on her nose. She sighed and wiped it against her sleep-shirt. She didn’t want to add any dish rag to the dirty pile and she was going to put her shirt in the laundry later anyway.
“How come you don’t buy me any ice cream when I score goals in soccer?” Wes asked, still in a foul mood.
If there was anything that Emma had learned over the years, it was that parenting multiple children at the same time was hard; almost impossibly hard. Each child was different and needed a different style. Harrison needed constant encouragement and help with his self-esteem while Wes, who had no confidence issues to speak of and was nearly as wild as a Lost Boy, needed a firm hand to keep him from exploding up his own face. Beth also needed a firm tending to because she had a mischievous streak of her own, but seemed to work better under Killian’s handling than Emma’s. Neddy, who couldn’t walk or talk yet, thank the gods, was an unknown factor at this point. She was slightly hoping that he would become a mild-mannered nerd who didn’t need much handling at all.
Her kids didn’t necessarily seem to get that they were different and needed to be treated differenlyt. It wasn’t uncommon for them, namely Wes, to complain or imply that there was favoritism towards certain members of the family over others. It often made Emma want to scream.
“Well, if you score three goals, then I will buy you ice cream too, okay?” Emma replied in the most patient tone she could muster at the moment.
“Two goals, not three,” Wes countered.
“This isn’t a negotiation, kid. Hat trick or nothing,” Emma said firmly.
“Bah!” Neddy cried, picking up the leftover strawberries in front of him and tossing them across the table, which Emma had just cleaned not even twenty minutes ago. It seemed her youngest was feeling a little left out of the conversation.
Emma sighed and closed her eyes, quietly counting to ten to keep from screaming. This was her happy ending. Her life was great. She had wonderful husband and children that sometimes acted like normal human beings. This was a tiny bump in the road compared to dealing with curses, evil witches, psychotic villains and the sort. Or at least that’s what she kept telling herself.
Just as Emma was starting to calm down, her husband’s voice cut sharply through the kitchen.
“I don’t think so, Westley Graham Jones. Put the cookie back in the jar.”
Emma opened her eyes to see Killian standing by the doorway with a pale looking Beth on his hip. He was glaring at their son, looking nearly as exhausted as Emma. The son in question looked guilty as hell, hand outstretched. There was no cookie in his hand, but there was one levitating in the air not too far from his fingers.
“You got to be kidding me?” Emma exclaimed in exasperation, bringing her hand up to her forehead before it ran back through her hair. “Kid! I told you like five minutes ago, no cookies before noon!”
Emma snapped her fingers and the cookie disappeared, returning back to its home in the cookie jar. Wes pouted, not even looking remotely sorry, which really got on Emma’s nerves because he had deliberately disobeyed her.
“But Dad ate a cookie this morning!” He repeated his earlier argument. “I saw him!”
“Westley, did you buy the cookies?” Killian asked in a tired tone.
“No.” Wes answered sourly.
“Are you above the age of eighteen?” Killian continued.
“Do you pay taxes for this house or anything in this house?”
“Then you don’t get make any decisions in regard to cookie eating,” Killian concluded, giving him a firm look while also running his fingers down Beth’s back. “In fact, because I can say ‘yes’ to all of those questions, I’m going to make a cookie eating decision now. And you’re not getting any for the rest of the weekend.”
“For real?” Wes asked, looking very dismayed.
“For real,” Killian confirmed, looking like he really wanted to roll his eyes. He then turned his attention to their daughter who was still resting on his hip. “Think you’re ready to come down, love?”
“Yeah.” Beth’s voice is a bit on scratchy side, but she climbed down from Killian’s side with ease.
Killian placed his hand on Beth’s forehead for a moment, frowning to himself before allowing his fingers to make their way through her long dark hair. He looked a pinch concerned and Emma could only assume that her fever was still running high.
“You’re still warm, Minnow, are you sure that you’re feeling alright?” Killian asked gently.
“I’m good,” Beth mumbled, leaning into his touch. “Pirate queens can’t be sick. You said so yourself.”
“They can if they’re only six-years old and have been throwing up all night. I don’t want you making yourself worse. Can’t run a crew if you’re running yourself ragged,” Killian replied, leaning down to plant a kiss on Beth’s forehead.
“I’m tough,” Beth said stubbornly, puffing out her chest and standing a little taller as if that pose would somehow convince her father that she was, indeed, tough.
Of course, Beth didn’t realize that Killian already thought she was the toughest bean in the world and had proven so when she was only two. Emma wasn’t ever going to forget how Beth had hit her head against a ceiling fan when she had been on Killian’s shoulders and how they had rushed her to the emergency room to get stitches. Instead of crying when the doctor had been sticking the needle into her skin, she had growled at him. Emma remembered vividly Killian’s look of disbelief and laughter when he realized their toddler was more pissed off than scared about getting stitches on her face. “That’s a tough lass,” he had commented, pride filling his voice rather than guilt.
“I know,” Killian responded while placing another kiss on Beth’s forehead, looking straight at Emma rather than at their daughter. And for a moment, Emma was positive he too was recalling the stitches incident as well.
“Hey Mom,” Harrison called suddenly, standing in front of the open refrigerator and frowning. “Did you make brownies for the bake sale today? Because I don’t see them.”
“What?” Emma frowned, a fusion of confusion and panic running through her.  Bake sale? What bake sale? What was he talking about?
“You know, the bake sale that the moms are running today to help raise money to buy new uniforms for the team,” Harrison explained, looking just as panicked as she felt. “You said you would make brownies for it.”
“I did?” Emma asked, closing her eyes and hoping that this was some elaborate prank that Harrison was uncharacteristically playing on her.
“You did,” Harrison replied solemnly. “Did you forget?”
“Fuck…” Emma muttered and she dropped her head gently against the table. The game was in an hour and a half. She had absolutely no time to get dressed and make herself look like presentable human being as well as make brownies and bring Harrison to the game on time. She was the Savior, not Wonder Woman. (Though she kinda doubted that even Wonder Woman could do the same in a time crunch with four children.)
Neddy giggled next to her, flinging more strawberries about. One landed on the back of Emma’s neck and she suddenly realized that she dropped the mother of all swears in front of her impressionable six-month old child who would probably say his first word at any moment
“Shit,” she exclaimed, raising her head from the table. Her whole body twitched as the strawberries slide down her neck into the back of her shirt. She pointed a finger in Neddy’s direction. “Don’t repeat anything Mommy says. Your grandmother would kill me if your first word was a swear.”
Warmth spread through Emma’s shoulder and she glanced to see her husband had placed his hand there. As her eyes met his, his hand gave a gentle squeeze.
“Would you like me to drop by the store and buy something while you get dressed, love?” he asked gently.
“Could you? I mean you’re not really dressed yourself, but if you could, you would be the best because if I don’t bring those brownies, I will never hear the end of it from Aurora and the others on the Parent Association,” Emma said, smiling at him.
“If that’s what you desire, it will be my pleasure. I’ll just throw on some actual trousers and I’ll take Beth and Wes with me to the store,” Killian replied, dropping a quick kiss on her lips.
“Thank you. You’re my savior,” she replied, incredibly grateful to have him.
“I believe that’s your title, love,” he said, the corners of his eyes crinkling a bit as his thumb brushed against her cheek. “But I’m always happy to be the Savior’s savior.”
“Why do I have to go?” Wes frowned, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms in front of his chest. He looked the epitome of displeasure and once more, Emma was dreading his teenage years.
“Honestly?” Killian arched an eyebrow at their son. “Because I don’t trust you alone with those cookies and we’re on the last box of Tagalongs. Your mother needs to get dressed and she can’t watch you and keep you from taking them, you little thief.”
“I thought the preferred term was pirate,” Wes retorted.
“It is,” Killian agreed, the corners of his lips twitching. “But regardless of terms, I don’t trust you with the cookies alone and my word is final. You’re coming with us.”
Killian practically dragged Wes by the back of his shirt as they headed out the door with Beth walking slowly behind them. Emma frowned as she watched her daughter follow them without her usual enthusiasm. Regardless of what Beth said, she was certain that her daughter was still pretty sick and was only pretending to be okay. Emma sighed and picked up Neddy.
“Come on, you,” she said gently, giving the boy a kiss on top of his mop of black curls. “Let’s get you and me clean and dressed so we can watch your brother decimate kids that are two years older than him.”
It took Emma a record twenty minutes to get herself and Neddy bathed and dressed. By the time she returned downstairs, Killian was waiting for her with two tins of brownies that Emma recognized as coming from the bakery section of the grocery store. She smiled, glad that he had gotten those over Wes’s preferred zebra cakes.
“The crew is all buckled in the car waiting for us. Do you want plate these so they don’t look like you just bought them?” Killian asked, grabbing their son out of her hands and bouncing him. Neddy let out a squeal of delight.
“No. I’m not going to lie to them. There’s no point in it. Destinee McRae or whatever her name is will know they’re store bought from a mile away and I’ll never hear the end of it,” Emma sighed, picking them and gesturing with her head for them to go to the car.
When they arrived at the field, Harrison immediately broke into a sprint, muttering something about being late and coaches that were going to kill him. Killian looked down at his watch and frowned.
“The game doesn’t start for another ten minutes and he only missed a few seconds of the warm up and Dave is the coach. What in blazes is he going off about?” he asked, a bit confused.
“This is Harrison we’re calling about,” Emma said with a sigh as she adjusted her hold on Neddy. “He freaks out when we’re less than fifteen minutes early to a dental appointment. He likes to be early in case something happens.”
Killian gave her a look like he wanted to say more on the subject but didn’t want to say it in front of their other children. Emma understood the sentiment. She looked around for the bake sale stand, hoping against hope that none of the really anal mothers were manning it.
When she spotted the stand she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was only Ashley Boyd who seemed to be running it. Ashley was probably the most manageable and sensible out of the other mothers, which meant there would be very little cajoling over the brownies. However, at the same time, Emma was a bit confused. Ashley had two children now, Alexandra and little Thomas, but Thomas was only seven years old; nowhere near old enough to be playing in a U12 football game. Emma frowned.
“Everything alright, love?” Killian asked, noting her expression.
“Yeah,” Emma replied faintly. “Yeah. Everything is fine. Why don’t you go find my mother and the little ones and go sit with them. I’m just going to drop these brownies off and wash my hands of this.”
“You sure you don’t want me go with you and fight off the judgmental harpies?”
Emma couldn’t help but laugh a bit at his very adept description of the Parent Association mothers.
“No need. It’s just Ashley,” she said, giving him a quick kiss. “I shouldn’t be long.”
“If you say so,” Killian responded, smiling a bit. “But if any of those surly ladies show up and try to pick a fight with you again, just remember you’re the Savior and you’re taken on more fierce foes than them. Their nattering is nothing but bored and jealous chatter.”
Emma made another amused noise in the back of her throat.
“I’ll keep it in mind,” she chuckled.
“Would you like me to take Ned?” Killian asked, gesturing to their youngest, who was sitting on Emma’s hip and focusing on the teething ring in his mouth.
“Nah,” Emma replied. “I’ll keep Bug with me. He makes for a good distraction if the ‘harpies’ show up.”
“As you wish.” Killian bent down to give her one last quick kiss. “Good luck and raise hell if you need to.”
Ashley’s eyes lit up as Emma approached with both the brownies and Neddy. It became clearly very quickly that Ashley was more excited to see Emma’s son than either herself or the brownies.
“Is that Bug?” Ashley asked in an very enthusiastic tone.
Emma laughed.
“It is,” she said. “And I’ve got some brownies for the bake sale. I forgot about the bake sale so they’re store bought. I hope you can forgive me.”
“Brownies are brownies. The kids aren’t going to care. It’s all good,” Ashley dismissed with a wave of her hand as she came closer. “Hey there, Handsome! Can I get a cuddle?”
“You may,” Emma laughed placing the brownies down on the table and handing her son off to Ashley. “He loves giving cuddles to his favorite daycare teacher.”
Ashley held Neddy close to her, smiling and running her finger down his cheek. Neddy gave her a smile around his teething ring, nuzzling his head into the crook of Ashley’s neck.
“I will never get over how much of a monster cuddler he is,” Ashley said with a smile, running a hand up and down Neddy’s back. “He’s such a sweetheart. He’s a joy to look after. He almost makes me want another. Almost.”
“Yeah. I got lucky,” Emma agreed. “He’s a good boy. I wish he would stay like that forever. They get less cute and more complicated once they can walk and talk. They’re always easiest at this age.”
“Do you hear that, Bug?” Ashley laughed, looking down at Neddy. “Mom doesn’t want you to grow up!”
“You call your son Bug?”
Ashley and Emma turned to see Aurora approach them with a look of pure judgment on her face. Emma internally sighed. Aurora was exactly the last person she wanted to run into.
If there was anything that Emma hated more than dealing with immature, screaming children, it was immature parents. In fact, parents normally held the persona-non-grata spot on Emma’s tolerance list. Aurora had never given much of an issue to Emma before. They were never close, but they weren’t enemies. At least, they weren’t until Emma’s son Harrison joined the U12 football team and Aurora threw a great big stink about Harrison’s age and how he should be playing at “his proper level.” Emma was more than convinced it had something to do with the fact Aurora’s son played the same position as Harrison on the defensive line. On top of that, Aurora was near militant about food and Emma was pretty sure she could recite little Philip’s allergies in her sleep.
“It’s just a nickname,” Emma said, taking her son back from Ashley and holding him a tad protectively.
“Yeah. They call him that because he’s got these killer big blue eyes,” Ashley exclaimed, still focusing all of her energy on Neddy. “And the fact he likes to be snug like a bug in a rug. He’s a cutie pie.”
“Ashley’s right,” Emma chuckled, slightly amused that Ashley was aware of their nicknaming tendencies. It didn’t necessarily surprise her however. Emma had put all of her children save Henry through Ashley’s daycare. She knew her kids as well as anyone.
“Interesting,” Aurora replied, sounding like she wasn’t interested at all. “Did you bring the brownies, Emma?”
“Yeah…” Emma replied, somewhat confused. “I thought that Ashley was running the stand though…”
“Oh no, I’m not,” Ashley clarified. “I’m here because Alexandra is cheerleading for the game. I was just holding down the fort until Aurora came back from the bathroom.”
“Gotcha,” Emma said with a nod, feeling a little dismayed. She really liked Ashley and she tended to be a bit more reasonable than Aurora.
“Emma, are these store bought?!” Aurora asked, looking positively scandalized.
Emma closed her eyes briefly for a moment. This had been exactly what she had been expecting when she arrived at the field. It was half the reason she brought Neddy with her to the bake sale stand. It wasn’t so much of a distraction for the other mothers as much as it was a shield for them. Emma Swan couldn’t knock someone’s lights out if she had a baby on her arms.
“Yes, Aurora,” she said calmly. “They’re store bought. I just didn’t have enough time to make some and I didn’t want to come empty handed so I had Killian buy some.”
“Emma, you’ve known about this bake sale for weeks. I sent an email almost weekly about this. Don’t say you didn’t have enough time. I told you sent you an email on Monday.”
“Aurora, I have four small children,” Emma responded, not willing to take the Princess’s chastisements. “Neddy is teething and Beth has been sick for the past few days. Plus I had to arrest three Vikings this week for diner dashing on Granny and I had to get my car fixed since Henry wrecked it last time he was here. Forgive me if I’ve had more stressing matters on my mind than a bake sale.”
Emma’s explanations seemed to fall on deaf ears however because Aurora was still glaring murderously at the brownies, still in their packaging, on the bake sale table.
“Whatever. It’s bad enough that you brought processed brownies. Who feeds their kids these? Are these even sugar free? Gluten free? Nut free? Vegan friendly?” Aurora asked, rounding Emma with her hands on her hips.
“Store bought brownies are fine. My kids eat them all the time and I promise you that they haven’t died yet,” Emma replied, barely holding back an eye roll.
She was pretty sure Aurora would have a fit and call child services if she revealed Wes’s love for Little Debbies and Zebra Cakes. “And I have honestly no clue. Killian bought them while I was in the shower.”
“Great,” Aurora replied with a huff. “Great. Now I’m going to have to label them so everyone knows that they’re not friendly brownies.”
“Not friendly brownies?” Emma stared at her in disbelief. “They’re regular run of the mill brownies, Aurora. It’s not like they’re nuclear or something.”
“No, but kids like my son can’t eat them!” Aurora hissed through clenched teeth. “Kids who have celiac disease or who are allergic to nuts cannot have these brownies. They could die, Emma! That’s why everything is labeled! At least tell me you have a pen so I can write all of this stuff down.”
Emma glanced down on the table and sure enough every single food item was labelled. Nearly everything on the table was vegan, gluten-free, sugar free and made with products that were free of GMOs. She honestly didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. It seemed like children with all dietary diseases and allergies had a variety of choices, though they didn’t look necessarily appetizing.
“I have a pen in my car, Aurora,” Ashley said with a slightly awkward smile. “I will go get it for you.”
Emma nearly screamed at Ashley with her eyes not to leave her alone with Aurora but Ashley merely gave her an apologetic smile and a final ruffle to Neddy’s hair before sprinting off to go to her car.
“Look, Aurora, I’m sorry that I brought store bought brownies and that your son can’t eat them, but like I said, I genuinely forgot and didn’t want to come empty-handed.”
“I honestly would have preferred if you came empty-handed, Emma. My son is going to see these brownies and he’s going to want one and he can’t. I thought having a mini circus like you do would make you more sympathetic to the dangers of food allergies.”
Emma’s jaw clenched. A mini circus? She wanted nothing more than to punch her in the face, but thankfully for Aurora, Neddy was nestled against her chest and she loathed more than anything to put him down.
“None of my kids have food allergies and just because you’re frustrated with me that doesn’t mean you can insult my kids,” Emma replied tersely.
“Please,” Aurora sniffed. “People have said worse.”
That was it. Emma was done. She wasn’t going to stand here and get chastised by a woman who had hired an nanny to look after her only child. She couldn’t punch her in the face like she wanted to, but that didn’t mean she had to stick around.
“You know what?” Emma said lightly, adjusting her grip on Neddy. She perched him a bit higher so that his wild curls tickled the bottom of her chin. “I did what was asked. I brought brownies. I don’t have to stand here and help you. In fact, I’m going to sit with my husband and watch my son start over yours despite the fact he’s only ten. Have a nice day.”
Aurora’s jaw dropped at Emma’s words and she looked like she wanted to say something but Emma didn’t wait for her. She spun on her heel and went to go find Killian.
When Emma finally found her husband, her mother and their kids, the game was already seven minutes into the first quarter. Wes and her younger siblings were nowhere to be found but Beth was laying across Mary Margaret with her head in Killian’s lap, looking positively miserable. Killian was running his fingers through Beth’s hair, watching the game.When he finally noticed Emma approaching, he offered her a smile.
“Still sick, Little Beth?” Emma asked her daughter as she approached.
Beth made a mumbling sound before burying her face in Killian’s stomach.
“She’s still a little under the weather but she’s enduring as always. Hello, love. You were gone for awhile,” Killian commented.
Emma sat next to him, giving him a quick kiss before responding.
“Apparently it’s the end of the world if baked goods aren’t vegan, gluten-free, nut-free and sugar-free,” Emma informed him. “How’s Har Bear doing?”
“He’s going well. He has two tackles already,” Killian reported. “Neal is also doing well. He got himself a touchdown. Your brother is quite fast.”
“The touchdown is expected. I mean, I’ve seen how fast that kid is when he’s going a naked yard dash away from my father but Harrison has two tackles? You sure it was our kid?” Emma asked in disbelief.
“Of course. He immediately picked up the other boys and brushed them off, making sure they were okay,” Killian responded with some amusement. “What’s this about vegan and all of those free-somethings?”
“Okay, yeah tfhat definitely Harrison,” Emma laughed. “And I know. Apparently you can’t just sell regular baked goods at a bake sale. I don’t know what else to tell you.”
“I see. Well then, fancy a wager, Swan?” Killian asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
“I’m all ears,” Emma responded, burying her face in Neddy’s hair and watching her husband’s amused expression.
“I bet you anything, including the Jolly Roger, that those brownies will be sold out before anything else on that table,” Killian stated with a grin.
“Oh, that’s a given. Only a fool would bet against that.”
Sure enough at the end of the game, they walked past the bake sale where Aurora was doing her best to sell off vegan cookies that had apparently been made with apple sauce. Only one brownie from the store bought batch remained and Emma smiled to herself as she watched a child buy the last one.
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