#thank you for the ask bb! :DDDD
whipplefilter · 7 years
Let's say that Cruz plans a girl's night out with her main gals. What do you think a girl's night out between her, Sally, Flo, Louise, and Natalie would be like? What do they talk about? Who is the party animal? How do the others react to Natalie being there (since she's a bit of an outsider to the RS gang)?
At first, Louise isn’t really sure if the night out’s gonna be all that. She hasn’t talked much with Sally and Flo, but her assumption is they’re townies–and whoever this Natalie is, coming from the big city? Please.
But it turns out when Sally’s not working (that is, at the Cone, or representing Radiator Springs to its visitors generally speaking) the girl can get down. And we all know Flo can party. 
Louise is curious about their moonshine, too. Carburetor is technically a dry county ( and not just because it’s in the desert) so Flo’s been known to dabble in some closet brews of her own. For special occasions such as these, of course.  Louise is suitably impressed.
It didn’t occur to Cruz that alcohol would be involved, though in retrospect she realizes that was silly. It’s just back home she never got to have birthday parties–the kind with balloons and plastic dropcloths and party favors and cake–and she’d been so focused on her studies she’d pretty much missed the college party scene. (At their house parties, her friends would dance like maniacs because they were drunk or high, and at some point in the night Cruz would come down and join in totally sober. Where dancing like a maniac is concerned, she’s never required the aid of social lubricants.)
Meanwhile, Nat shows up in clubbing makeup with a bottle of tequila in her trunk because it didn’t once occur to her that Radiator Springs wouldn’t have the nightlife scene she was used to. When she arrived and realized her mistake her first terrified thought was “oh god is this going to be a hoedown?”
Luckily once Cruz sees her at the city limits (Nat is the last to arrive), she drops a beat that is decidedly not hoedown material, and they make main street their club. The neon dazzles and the acoustics are phenomenal and it is so, so cool to feel like you’re on top of the world, and you own the town. If Natalie tried this back home, she’d be arrested for disturbing the peace and engaging in unpermitted activities. But in RS, they do as they please, and not even Sarge asks them to tone it down. The fact that that’s even a thing that can happen? Natalie thinks that it. Is. Wild.
Other than the dance party, the girls’ night out is this bizarre amalgamation of every girls’ night Hollywood has ever conceived. They rage, they dance; they play King’s Cup (which Cruz discovers she is very, very bad at); for some reason there’s also a random PIÑATA involved; they have a Grease-style sleepover; they wake up the next morning and go to fancy brunch at Wheel Well. 
By the time they’re done, Louise and Natalie have completely forgotten that they don’t actually live in RS, and will eventually need to head home.
Cruz hands out all the party favors before she remembers that wait!! she doesn’t live here either!!! and she should have carpooled with Natalie for conversation on the way back home. XD
But she’s always welcome at the Cone.
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attollogame · 3 years
could you share more about sysba's language? owo
YES I ABSOLUTELY CAN. I’m a little bit proud of myself for this (slowly crafted) language, so I’m definitely happy to share it with you!!!
So Sysba’s language is called ‘Ioctaxari’; Lovecraftian lore—which the whole eldritch concept is based off of—has a language, but there are no firmly established guidelines for it so I said fuck it, I’ll do my own. Ioctaxari takes from Welsh Gaelic and older Germanic languages in order to make the terms that are often used.
In terms of naming, Elder Gods often own a name of their own choosing and a “true” name, such as the case with Sysba (going by Sysba, Moloch, etc) and their “true” name of ‘Ymnar. True names are often tied in with the Elder God’s abilities, origin, etc. Elder Gods do not possess surnames or 'parental ties', but in the case of Sysba, they jokingly took the second half of their Fathers name (Korath) and applied that as their surname. This is not correct in terms of the structure of the Ioctaxari language—but Sysba doesn’t follow any rules anyway, so are we surprised?
One thing that should be noted regarding Ioctaxari is that concepts of time are non-existent. Therefore, numbers used by this language are ones used exclusively by Sysba, Florence, and Abraxas, created after the exile of Sysba and the departure of Florence and Abraxas. This applies to days of the week and months as well. For Elder Gods, since time doesn’t exist, there’s no need to track it—but for Sysba, Florence, and Abraxas, staying on earth has made them adapt these habits so that, in the few cases they communicate to one another in Ioctaxari, the flow of conversation still works.
Here’s an example of the numbers taken from Ioctaxari:
0—Oen | 1—El | 2—Ta | 3—Den | 4—Fi | 5—Pen | 6—Zech | 7—Rhk | 8—Zhr | 9—Nach | 10—Xi | 11—Ihe | 12—Yath | 13—Xiden | 14—Xifi | 15—Xipen | 16—Xizech | 17—Xirhk | 18—Xizhr | 19—Xinach | 20—Ta-en | 21—Ta-en el | 22—Ta-en ta…| 30—Den-en | 40—Fi-en | 50—Pen-en | 60—Zech-en | 70—Rhk-en | 80—Zhr-en | 90—Nach-en | 100—Xi-thera | 200—Ta-xi-thera | 201—Ta-xi-thera el | 300—Den-xi-thera… etc.
And the Alphabet:
Aa—Ah | Bb—Bah | Cc—Cèh | Chch—Cah | Dd—Di | DdDd— Edd | Ee—Eh |Ff—Ef | Gg—Eg (Gh produces a J sound) | Hh—Aest |Ii—Iy | IhIh—I’ch | Kk—Kah | Ll—Ell | LlLl—Eh | Mm—Em | Nn—En | Ngng—Eng | Oo—Ohr | Pp—Pah | Rr—Aehr | Rhrh—Rhi | Ss—Es | Tt—Ti | Thth—Etha | Uu—Uhr | Vv—Vah | Ww—V | Xx—Ek | Xixi—Ziy | Yy—Zay | Zz—Zeh | Zhzh—Shah
I also have days of the week, months, and seasons:
Days of the week
Sunday—Sol Ddhar | Monday—Luhn Ddhar | Tuesday—Toth Ddhar | Wednesday—Ngyr Ddhar | Thursday—Cihl Ddhar |Friday—Gauth Ddhar | Saturday—Som Ddhar
January—Cri-ehr | February—Llyanehr |March—Gwehndd |April—Glatil | May—Stelnuhr |June—Uhlan | July—Ghaih | August—Rhan | September—Medrendel |October—Bliefendel | November—Sahmendel | December—Noxendel
Spring—Glahnys |Summer—Buhys |Winter—Crihys |Fall—Rhaxhys
Note: endings are altered if things go from singular to plural. For example, Brenfih (A loaf of bread) can become Brenfihre (Loaves of bread). Sol Ddhar (Sunday) becomes Sol Ddhara (Sundays).
Here’s a basic sentence:
Mira enew yn Ames. Ihr llyah crihys, ihr hazhal buhys.
My name is Ames. I love winter, I hate summer.
Obviously it’s still a work in progress in regards to grammar rules and other such things, but I’m enjoying picking away at it!!! Thank you for asking!
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iseeyousworld · 3 years
Semantic error ep 7 happened.
And imma make it your problem.
Starting off with me forming BB and SE parallels bc i haven't moved on. Prolly never will.
Staring sangwoo as Pran
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#teamwekissandrunawaybcfeelings amirite?
And jae-young as Pat
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Then my personal favourite ,
when i say this one gave me butterflies- I mean it.
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You see what i see? Bc i see their fricking fingertips turning red 😭😭😭😭
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Notice them ears?? Rudolph the red nose reindeer who?? We only know jaewoo's red ears.
And then.....the ultimate favourite of them all.....
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Y'all see his face?? 😭😭😭 It's doing things to me. He looks like he believes nothing in life could go wrong if he stays in jae-youngs arms😭😭😭😭
No fr , he looks so calm and genuinely happy to be here it makes me feel soft in a way i can't tell you.
Really good job Jae Chan , we salute ✋
And because i love this scene so much , one more shot
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This man would sleep right there he looks so comfortable and relaxed 😭😭😭😭
On a side note , that is a rather good shot i must say. It's looks really good
Another side note,
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I can already see his smile bc this man prolly knows what he's doing. And mind you , the red fingers aren't gone yet.
And then this jerk proceeds to wake the bb up.
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Even sangwoo thinks so
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We 👏 need 👏 to 👏 get 👏 him 👏 his 👏 hugs 👏 back. 👏
Thank you for coming to my SE brainrot.
Go watch it if you haven't already re-watch if you already have.
Trust me , you don't get such good serotonin everywhere.
BONUS-: is that a sweater paw i see??
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I'm not swooning you are.
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telesticmajesty · 4 years
3, 11, 34, 40
HIIII,,,, Thank you so much for the ask!! I will answer,,, immediately.
3 //  What was the best hug you’ve ever had?
Honestly the hug I got from u when we first met. Never have I ever experienced such a full-of-love, kinda desperate but in a cute way, soft, relieving, full-of-emotion, and tender hug as that one.
11 // Are you good at apologizing to people?
I don’t actually know, I think it depends on the thing I do wrong tbh. I’ve never really got any confirmation on whether my apologies actually help people to forgive me or whether they sound sincere or not. When I apologise, it takes a lot for me because I’m naturally very prideful, so in the case that I DO say sorry, it shows that I really know where I was wrong and it’s as sincere as I can possibly make it.
34 // What do you do when you feel like the world is ending?
I suppose that depends on what defines ‘the end of the world’ for me. I used to feel like my world was ending a lot, but over the past few years I’ve really healed from a lot of my mental traumas and worries and I feel much better over a lot of things. I suppose ‘the end of the world’ for me now would be if I really feel hopeless, like nothing I ever do will ever help me get what I want, that I’ll forever feel terrible, that I’ve lost everything that makes me happy, like my heart is shattering into a million pieces-
But in that case I would normally shut myself out, drown in my thoughts, maybe vent through writing or editing or doing what I like, watching a show or a movie, playing a video game, etc. I wouldn’t want to talk to anyone until I feel better, but even in those case, it would help me a lot for someone I really care about (like u hehe) simply to tell me that it’s going to be okay and give me a hug. It might not seem like it helps at the time, because I may continue to act a little cold or down for a while, but in the end, a few easy words, a bit of understanding and some comfort is all I need. Saying that, though, I know I shouldn’t rely on other people to cuddle me, it would help me heal faster I suppose, but I also know, in times like now when I feel fine, that even if the end of the world comes for me, I’ll eventually get out of it without help.
40 // Which berry best represents you as a human?
Berry...? That’s a strange question... What constitutes as a berry again,,,? *google searches berries* 
I guess either blackberries or grapes! I ADORE grapes, they’re my favourite fruit, but I prefer seedless black ones because they tend to be sweeter. Blackberries I suppose because I've always felt like I had a connection with them for some reason, and wild ones are black and thorny like my soul- :’DDDD
I also REALLY love the look of blueberries, though, and they taste delicious... For now let’s just say black grapes. Bc I love them and even though they’re black or a dark colour, they’re sweet on the inside I guess. 
Long answer but thank you SO much again for asking me these, bb!! Ily.
If anyone else wants to throw me a deep or emotional ask, the original post is here! 🖤
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First of all, I always love catching up on your fics cause they're amazing. Second, do you think you could do a bit of a fic with the dogs and reader going on a camping trip? I feel like these idiots would fucking nearly die out in the wilderness alone 🙃🙃🙃🤣
first of all i adore u thank u odojdosdlaskj ♥♥
and yes i can!!! thats amazing LOL also i’m so so sorry this took so long!! i hope u like it bb :DDDD lots of love xxx
“Where’s the cigs? Where are my fuckin’ cigs?!” spits Mr. Pink, twisting and turning in the backseat, fumbling around trying to find the pack.
“Would you sit still?” sighs White from the driver’s seat, glancing at him through the lopsided rear view mirror. “Thought you quit, anyways?”
“I did.” He glares at Brown, who is squinting at his Gameboy. “Are you quite finished?”
Nothing. “Hello? Am I fuckin’ invisible?”
“Huh?” Brown mumbles, eyes fixated on the screen.
Slightly disgruntled, Mr. White turns to Pink, hands clamped on the wheel. “Can you just leave him to play on his video game and stop bein’ a little shit about it? Please?”
“A half hour. A half hour of that shitty Tetris playin’ over and over, so ex-fuckin-scuse me if it starts to grate!” Pink scowls, crossing his arms and rolling the window down. Sighing dramatically, he stares out of it, not a word more. 
“I beat my high score!” exclaims Brown, a few minutes later.
Orange turns around to him, his head between the two front seats. “Nice one, man. Gimme a turn now?”
“Sure,” he says, passing it over. Pink watches this from the corner of his eye, secretly wanting a turn, but he isn’t prepared to swallow his pride– not now, not ever.
“Hey, White, how long till we get there?” Brown asks.
“Uh… ‘bout an hour or so? Ain’t so sure, how long we been on the road?”
Brown checks his watch. “Forty-six minutes exactly.”
“Yeah, ‘bout an hour then, if the traffic treats us well.”
“How d’ya think Pink’s copin’ with Brown, then?” Blonde asks, a smirk present on his lips. He’s driving the other car accompanied by Mr. Blue and Nice Guy Eddie, and it’s a million times less drama-filled than White’s.
Eddie scoffs. “Fuck knows. Probably strangled him by now,” he says, and the three guys share a chuckle.
“You should give ‘em a call, I could use some entertainment.”
Eddie grins mischievously and pulls out his clunky-ass cellphone, dialling Mr. Pink’s number. “Hello??”
“Pink, it’s Ed. How’s it with you guys?” he asks, sharing a smirk with Blonde.
“It’s fuckin’ impeccable.”
“Less of the attitude, motherfucker.”
“Ask him how Mr. Brown is,” whispers Blonde, nudging Eddie.
“How’s Brown?” Ed sniggers.
“Don’t talk to me about that– that little retard!” Pink splutters, eyeballing Brown.
Eddie tuts loudly. “What did I say about the attitude? How far away are you guys, anyway?”
“I dunno, like an hour, White said earlier?”
“A’ight. Sive drafely, man.”
Eddie sighs, smiling at Blonde. “Just don’t fuckin’ crash the car, okay? I’ll see you guys later.”
“Yeah. See ya.”
At least an hour and a half later, White pulls over, the wheels crumbling over the gravel. Mr. Orange flings the door open and jumps out, looking up at the trees towering over them. Rather than staying at a family-friendly campsite type of place, Eddie had opted for a slightly dangerous forest that a friend of Joe’s had recommended. There’s no sound of human civilisation to be heard, only the rustling of leaves and sweet birdsong, though White suspects that it wouldn’t be quite so uneventful when dusk arrives. “It’s so warm,” says Orange, taking off his leather jacket and chucking it on the passenger seat.
“It’s too warm,” Pink groans. “Christ, even my asscrack is sweaty.”
“Do you have to?” asks White, screwing his nose up in disgust. “We’re surrounded by all this beautiful nature and you’re talkin’ about your asscrack?” He places his hands on his hips waiting for Pink’s response.
“What do you expect me to do? Not tell you?”
White chuckles, defeated, and opens the trunk. “Jesus Christ. C’mon, help me get the tent out.” Despite Mr. Pink’s concerted effort in trying to convince Eddie to let him have his own tent (”I need fuckin’ privacy, come on!”), he had been unsuccessful. “I’ll share with Mr. Blonde, you share with Mr. Blue and Mr. Brown, White can share with Orange,” he had decided.
“Can’t he help instead? It’s boiling,” complains Pink, nodding at Brown– he’s slumped in the backseat with his head leaning against the car door and his mouth wide open, fast asleep.
“Nah, he’s sleepin’, leave him to it for a bit. I’m not havin’ you two bickering while we set up the tent.”
Pink huffs, scowling at White when he has his back turned, but helps heave the tent out of the trunk while Orange gets everyone’s belongings out of the car. White looks up at him with a smile. “Thanks, kid, just leave ‘em there.”
“Sure.” Just as he says this, the other car pulls up a little too close to Pink, who screeches when he almost gets run over. “What the fuck was that, man?!” he splutters, waving his arms about at Mr. Blonde.
“Oh, sorry, didn’t see ya there,” Blonde sniggers, stepping out of the car, the gravel crunching beneath his cowboy boots. Pink throws a dirty look and continues to help lay out the tent. “Where’s Brown?”
“Asleep,” Orange mutters.
“What’s up, fuckers?” bellows Eddie, striding out of the car and stretching. “Woah, fuckin’ beautiful here, huh?” he adds, admiring the scenery.
Blue emerges from the backseat, his hair a little fluffed up– presumably, he had been asleep for some of the journey. “Not bad here,” he remarks, whipping out his cigar and lighting it, his moustache furrowing.
It’s almost as if Mr. Brown has spidey-senses or something– at that moment, he had stirred, taking a minute to fully wake up. “Oh, hey guys!” he beams, knocking on the car window and waving at the other Dogs.
“Christ, here we go…” Pink mutters under his breath.
Yawning, Brown jumps out of the car. “How can I help? I wanna help!”
“By gettin’ back in the car?”
“Huh?” asks Brown, not catching what Pink says and marching over to White & Orange. After a LOT of bickering and arguing about how to put up the tents, the boys finally stand back and admire their handiwork. By now, the sky has turned a beautiful honey shade, the warm colours melting into one another.
“Where’s the damn food?” Eddie asks. All of the guys are sitting around a campfire that Blonde had managed to light (after a good round of arguing, obviously).
Blonde shrugs. “Thought Brown was s’posed to bring it?”
“Was I?”
If looks could kill, Brown would have been laying dead right then and there. Pink glares at him, not even blinking. “Yes,” he says through gritted teeth, “you were.”
Brown laughs nervously, six pairs of eyes on him. “No I wasn’t– you guys put me in charge of snacks.”
“Kid, we put you in charge of food. Y’know, as in the shit we’d hafta cook up & eat?” answers White, keeping his cool. “But what snacks did you bring?”
Brown jumps up and fetches his bag of food while the guys share pitiful glances with one another. “Uhh… Oreos, potato chips, some Wonka candy, Dunkaroos, cheese balls and… Hubba Bubba.”
“Hubba Bubba? You brought gum? That ain’t a fuckin’ snack,” Eddie scoffs, chuckling.
“I know, but it tastes good.”
“So what you’re sayin’ is you brought fuckin’ kiddie food,” Pink scowls. Although pissed off (it doesn’t take much let’s be honest), he snatches the cheese balls off of Brown and crams a few in his mouth.
Orange shrugs, leaning over and taking the Wonka candy. “I don’t care, this shit’s pretty good. S’better than nothin’.”
“Yeah. Pass me some balls, Mr. Pussy,” Eddie smirks.
To make things easier, Brown lays down a scarf of his (he had packed three, just in case) and carefully places all of the snacks on it. It’s a strange concoction, admittedly, but like Orange had said, better than nothing.
As dusk approaches, the sky is a deep purple and the wind rustles through the trees. It’s slightly eerie, but the atmosphere is light, so none of them really mind. They’re all still around the fire, now lying on blankets Brown had packed, sharing stories and having the occasional bicker. “Do you guys believe in werewolves?”
The guys blink at Brown, who’s gazing up at the moon. He’s laying wrapped in his blankets with his hands behind his head. “I was just thinkin’ about An American Werewolf In L–”
“No, hold up. What the fuck does that have to do with our damn conversation?” Blonde demands, chuckling. He takes a drag of his cigarette and exchanges a smirk with Eddie.
“It doesn’t.”
“Christ, that’s my cue to leave. I’m tired,” Blue sighs, smiling to himself. “You guys are too much.”
“If you’re sure. Night, man,” Ed smiles. The other guys say goodnight and watch Mr. Blue disappear into the biggest tent (which, to be honest, isn’t so big). Blonde flicks the ash from his cig into the fire, his baby blue eyes lit up from the gentle flames.
Fidgeting slightly, Brown flops onto his back, putting his hands behind his head. “Camping is boring.”
“No, it’s fuckin’ dangerous is what it is,” Pink huffs.
White looks at him, nudging Orange with a smug smile. “Alright Mr. Expert, why’s it so dangerous?”
Pink sits upright and glares at him. “Well… well– what if a fuckin’ bear mauls us?”
“Be a fuckin’ miracle if he mauls you, that’s just about the only thing that’d shut your goddamn mouth.”
“Fuck you, man! I gotta take a squirt, where’s the bathroom?”
Pink looks across at Eddie, who shrugs. “How the fuck should I know?”
“Well where am I supposed to piss?”
“Blonde’s hair. Could use a wash.”
Vic drops his cigarette at the sound of this. A perfect opportunity to play-fight. “You’re a little bitch, anyone ever told you that?” he chuckles, pouncing on his chubby friend and tackling him to the ground, soiling that violently blurple windbreaker jacket of his. “I’ll piss in your fuckin’ mouth, ya little bastard!”
Eddie breaks into laughter, struggling to get Vic in a headlock as they tumble around. Meanwhile, the other guys are sat blinking at one another– it’s safe to say that random outbreaks of play-fighting between those two are a regular occurrence. “Brown, you come with me, I can’t deal with all this gayness. You need a piss too?” Pink sighs, grabbing a flashlight from his bag.
“Yeah, I guess we can do it on a tree.”
With that, the two saunter off to go find a spot away from the other guys, leaving Orange and White to deal with Ed & Vic. “You two fuckasses finished yet?” White pipes up, running a hand through his hair and earning a snicker from Orange.
Panting, Eddie breaks away from Vic, shoving him back down and taking a seat himself. He wipes his sweaty forehead with his sleeve, his cheeks rosy. “Think so. Think I won there, don’cha agree, Blondie?”
“I think I fuckin’ won, Edward.”
“Agree to disagree?”
“Bunch a queers, you guys,” Orange sniggers, nudging White.
“Oh yeah? What are you two then? You’re practically White’s twink!” Eddie retorts. He throws a couple of cheeseballs at them both as they all share a chuckle, the fire still crackling and throwing white-hot lashes at their skin. Sighing in contentment, he lays down (not bothered in the least about the dirty ground), gazing up at the sky– upon seeing this, the other Dogs do the same, admiring the masses of tiny stars. 
Pink looks around in a panic, his head whipping from one direction to another. How the hell did they even manage to do this? ‘I swear,’ he thinks, ‘if I die here tonight I’ll make it fuckin’ known it was Brown’s fault.’
“Uh, Pink?”
“Uh, technically if you were invisible they could still hear you, like, it’s in the name, man. Invisible? Like vision? So they’d still be able–”
Pink cuts brown off with one of his deadly glares. He’s impatient at the best of times, but they’d managed to get lost in the middle of a pitch-black forest at night-time with no cellphone, no way of contacting the others and, worse of all, stuck with Mr. Brown. Trying to keep calm, he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. “Just help me yell for them, alright?”
“They should be able to hear, I mean, it’s not like we’re that far away.”
He scoffs, marching in what they assume is the direction they came in. “We wouldn’t have to yell if you’d have just listened to me.”
“Fuck you, man, I didn’t do anything!”
“‘Ooh, let’s take this fuckin’ turn,’” Pink mocks in a higher-pitched voice, waving his hands around, “‘Yeah, that’s really fuckin’ safe, why don’t we just get our dicks out and stick a sign there sayin’ ‘FREE FOOD’ for the bears to see?’”
Frowning to himself, Brown quietens down, trailing behind him like an ashamed puppy. He kicks a few twigs as he saunters behind Pink, wishing they could just get back already. After a couple of silent minutes (aside from the sound of wet leaves beneath their feet, the swishing of leaves in the night’s winds and the very distant smell of the smoke from their campfire), he speaks. “What if somethin’ bad happened to ‘em?”
“Shut up, nothin’ bad’ll’ve happened. Even if it has, they’ve got their guns. So shut up, they’re fine.” Although it’s in a snappy manner, it’s Pink’s best effort at showing a smidge of reassurance.
“If you say so, man. Sorry if I, uh, y’know, pissed you off back there.”
“Whatever, it’s nothin’. Just help me yell for ‘em, knowing those queer bastards they’re probably in the tents fuckin’ each other or some shit,” Pink scoffs, a slight smirk present on his face. It’s barely visible, but it’s there. A little more at ease, Brown manages a nervous chuckle and precedes to help his colleague holler for the other boys.
“Hey, what the fuck is this?! An orgy? We were fuckin’ stranded out there, didn’t you hear us yelling?”
Pink emerges from a few trees and stomps over to the campfire, a subtle shiver about him. Whether it’s from the temperature or the situation, the others can tell he’s shaken up. After a few seconds, Brown follows, looking equally as uneasy. “We yelled and yelled and none of you motherfuckers responded!” spits Pink, glaring at them all lying on their backs.
“Why are you guys lying like that?” Brown asks.
“Didn’t hear ya,” says Blonde. “Well, we did, but we thought it wasn’t important. You only went for a piss. A piss is a piss.”
White rests his head on his elbow, looking up at the two. “Did you get mauled by a bear?”
Pink scowls. “No.”
“So what’s the fuckin’ problem?”
“Fuck you guys, I’m goin’ to bed. Rather listen to Blue have a fuckin’ wet dream than be around you pieces’a shit. G’night,” he huffs, disappearing into the tent without another word.
“I think I’m gonna go to bed too, I’m tired,” Brown sighs. “And it was pretty scary out there. But it’s been a good night, thanks you guys.”
White smiles at him. “Thanks, kid. Have a good sleep.”
“Night, man,” adds Orange.
After exchanging a lot of goodnights with the other dogs, Brown crawls into the tent and, soon enough, the guys can hear him sleeping soundly– and by that I mean quietly snoring. “Don’t hafta see him to know his mouth’s wide fuckin’ open,” Orange jokes, looking across at the tent. He yawns, stretching out on his blanket. “I could sleep right here.”
“Yeah, me too, man,” Ed agrees.
“You guys are fuckin’ gay,” smirks Blonde, earning a slap on his cheek from Eddie. 
“Says the guy who tried to fuck me in Daddy’s office.”
“You little bastard–” Vic begins, a smile full of mischief appearing on his face. Two seconds later and they’re tumbling on the ground in a tangle of arms & legs while Mr. White & Orange sit watching, chowing down on some potato chips.
Orange leans in to speak to White, “I wish I’d have brought my camera, Joe’s reaction to this would’a been priceless.”
“Ah, that’s where you’re in luck, my friend,” White smirks, reaching over for his bag, “because I just so happened to bring my little Polaroid. Thought I’d never use it but I grabbed it on the way out just in case.” He hands it to Orange, who promptly squints into the viewfinder and snaps a picture. The second the flash goes off, both Ed and Vic’s heads snap round to look at the two laughing guys, utterly confused. 
“What the fuck are you two doin’? Did you just take a fuckin’ picture of us?” Eddie asks, eyes wide and curious. 
“Might have done.”
“Give it here, I wanna see if I look like a fatass.” Eddie scrambles for the camera, but Orange holds it out of his reach. Besides, White has the polaroid in his pocket. “Give it, motherfucker!”
Mr. Blonde is lying on his back now, hands behind his head and watching them squabble. “Forget it, Ed,” he says suavely, “you’ll look like a fatass either way.”
The four share a chuckle, obviously not meaning anything by the bickering. With a yawn, Orange grabs a blanket and begins to stand up. “I’m fuckin’ exhausted, I’m going to bed. See you assholes tomorrow,” he snickers.
“I’ll join you,” White replies. “G’night, you two.” His laughter lines showing a little more after the night’s dumb escapades. He and Orange disappear into their tent as Vic & Eddie insult them goodnight. It’s quiet after that, the two remaining guys lying looking up at the stars, utterly mesmerised. The campfire crackles scarcely and, after hoisting blankets over themselves, the boys accidentally fall asleep in the midst of the night. 
OK RIGHT i’ve just finished writing this post but i think i’mma do it as a 2 part thing bc i feel like this is pretty long for one of my fics. like the next morning/travelling home etc will be in part 2 :) \DKLASJLKDA I WANNA GO CAMPING W THESE PRICKS NOW LOL
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Since you don't watch shows, what're your top 3 movies and/or top 3 books?
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Bird by Crystal Chan
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
ask me anything you’d like?
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helloooooooooo i'm here to distract the shit out of you as well :DDD 6 (if you don't really have any say arctic monkeys and we'll be okay :DDD), 9, 18, 27, 83, 91, top five shameless characters :DDD i love you ♥♥♥
hello bb :)♥♥♥ thank you so much. I really appreciate that ♥ I love you! Sooo here we go
6. Favorite band: uhhm…okay, artic monkeys then :’D 9. Tattoos I want: oh don’t even get me started :’D I want to add something Sherlock/Moriarty related definitely. I used to think about the I.O.U. apple, but don’t want it anymore, since everyone has it now. So I’m not sure at the moment. also, I want something related to my dog…and some quotes…and this and that and yeah :’D 18. Phobia: well, rat phobia and social phobia…that’s it basically. 27. First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: Andrew Scott / Cameron Monaghan ♥ (I always fail when I have to choose only 1 or only 2 or only 3..you know, the ONLY (or in that case first) part is difficult :D)83. Have you ever glued your hand to something?:DDDD nooo91. Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? I can’t remember tbh, I don’t think so.
okay, again..only 5…uggh it’s so hard :D like the 1-4 was easy but the 5 was like…damn :D anyway,
top five shameless characters1. Ian Gallagher♥ 2. Mickey Milkovich♥ 3. Carl Gallagher4. Mandy Milkovich5. Veronica Fisher
pretty people, please ask 
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sherriarty · 7 years
🎤 - song i’ll sing out loud & 🌇 - song that inspires me, pleeease :D
awww, dear, thank youuuu ♥♥♥ I guess in the end of the day everyone will think I have a very bad taste in music :’D I don’t care :’)))
🎤 - song i’ll sing out loud - *smirks* of corse I was wating for this one :3333 You're the Voice [John Farnham] (I remember being in the supermarket when they started playing this and I started singing, my friends were a bit ashamed :DDDD)
🌇 - song that inspires me - hmmmmm, there are lots of them, probably Skyscraper [Demi Lovato] although it’s also depressing :3
thank you again bb ♥
Mood/Feelings Song Asks 
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11, 14 (but coffee shop order in general), 17, 19, 25, 29, 34, 36?
11. what unusual talent do you have?
UM. I’m not sure if you could really count them as talents, but???
I can crack a lot of my joints. Dad thinks it’s gross. XD
And I can do a weird thing with my tongue. No-one else in my family can do it, but my family is useless, and it’s probably a really common thing. X’D
14. what’s your coffee order
Is this… are…. are you asking me on a date, anon? Because if so, I ACCEPT. ;P
I don’t drink coffee but I know in Australia in some places they serve tea as well, so probably just some regular ol’ tea! … but if there are sweet things like cookies and cakes I will Nom™.
Also for anyone curious, if you find yourself making me tea at any point, use whatever black tea you have, bash it around with a spoon until it’s black as my soul, then put a tiny bit of milk in it and hand it of to me and I will LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER.
17. google the top song from the year you were born
2001… The first thing that came up was Lady Marmalade…? X’D
19. what’s the favourite teacher you’ve ever had
My Mum. She rules. She tries to make me feel less dumb, bless her. :’)
25. what’s something you can’t stop buying
Food. Because it is remarkably hard to live without. XD I don’t really buy a lot of other stuff, sorry! I am a very practical person and I really don’t like material stuff outside of things I need to keep living, like food!
29. what quote or inspirational setting do you think is bs?
Okay so I’m not sure how often it gets shoved into other people’s faces, but “lower your expectations”/”maybe you’re never pleased because your expectations are too high” REALLY pisses me off. Like, babies, NEVER let anyone tell you that you’re expectations are too high. I don’t mean, your partner or friend showering you in love and gifts 24/7, don’t expect that. I mean, if your relationship with your partner and friend is one-sided and unfair, YOUR EXPECTATIONS ARE NOT TOO HIGH!!! IT IS NOT A BAD THING TO EXPECT SIMPLE ATTENTION OR KINDNESS FROM SOMEONE, ESPECIALLY IF YOU GIVE IT TO THEM! And even if they are for that particular person, they are obviously not a match for you! Find someone who will treat you how you need to be treated!I dunno, this advice rubs me the wrong way. It was what trapped me in a manipulative relationship and made me feel like I deserved it. :/ Maybe it’s just me?
34. do you like your hogwarts house or do you wish you were a different one?
Me, clad head to toe in black and yellow, holding a badger and Bob my succulent, lifting my wand proudly: “YOU MIGHT BELONG IN HUFFLEPUFF, WHERE THEY ARE JUST AND LOYAL, THOSE PATIENT HUFFLEPUFFS ARE TRUE, AND UNAFRAID OF TOIL!!!!”
36. what do you think you’d be arrested for?
Y’all probably don’t know but I have pretty bad anger management issues, don’t know how to shut my mouth or back down, and I am quite willing to deck a motherfucker. I think you can see where this is going. :)
Ask me a question 
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