whipplefilter · 7 years
Hey girl, can you write a short fic about Cruz meeting Harv? I was very curious as to how that interaction would play out (plus you write Harv so well!!)
This ficlet is a bit random, but I gave it a shot! I feel like Harv would talk at/through Cruz more than anything, since in canon that’s basically all we’ve heard him ever do, haha, but Cruz tries to get something out of the encounter anyway. :) Thank you for the ask, babe!!
Cruz knows it’s him–has to be. She knows Harv by his voice, which is the way everyone knows Harv. And everyone knows Harv. 
He’s working the room like the pro that he is, calling everyone by name and asking after particular business ventures, favorite haunts back home in states not-this-one. He knows their grandchildren’s names. Not because he’s met the kids but because he’s got Facebook, and facebooks, and in Harv’s biz, knowledge is power. Well, knowledge is potential. Power is not being afraid to use it. Harv’s fearless.
“Ramirez!” calls Harv, as though he knows her. They’ve never met. “Lookin’ good! Digging the metallics. Great race last week–you got that sizzle, kiddo.”
He speaks at a rapid clip, personable generalities that, Cruz realizes, don’t require him to have actually ever seen her race. He’s not looking at her now; he’s looking past and above, toward the next wealthiest car in the room. Cruz is in his way, and she knows it. That’s the whole reason she’s idling here.
“Are you looking for Mr. McQueen?” she asks, and for a moment Harv does look at her, with a mixture of pity and bemusement.
“Why would I be doing that? He’s the client, not the sponsor.”
Time is money, and Harv’s got schmucks to schmooze. With Lightning not racing, Harv’s working with a whole new funding paradigm–media, endorsements, appearances, it’s all a whole new ballgame. Forget the deal of the century. Harv’s aiming for the whole top 10, plural. All of them. Capiche?
The next wealthiest car in the room must excuse himself, because Harv’s interest in the world behind Cruz immediately cuts out, and he turns, unexpectedly to her.
He sizes her up pretty quick, like he’s his own portable X-ray machine. Somehow, Cruz feels like he knows more about her than he did two seconds ago.
“I mean, I just figured that if you’re here, Mr. McQueen would love to say hi!” Cruz points out.
Harv just laughs. “And I’d love to say hi back all day. But I’m working, he’s working–hey, maybe we should do dinner before we all blow town, you me him. You like tapas?”
Harv’s scanning the room again, looking for his next likely suspect. She’s losing him. Her eyes dart to follow his, and land on an Escalade with custom gold rims.
“What was he like?” Cruz blurts out, before Harv has a chance to excuse himself. “Mr. McQueen, when you first met him. You’ve known him since the beginning, right? What was he like?”
“Oh, a joy!” Harv says, unsarcastically but not quite earnestly. “Real hero material. Team player, easy to work with. It’s been such an honor to be his agent, lemme tell you. And you know–”
Harv says a lot more, in a similar vein. Some of it sounds a little bit like Lightning now. Maybe. Lightning in a magazine, airbrushed and glossy and exceptionally well-lit. But Cruz knows it’s not true–not back then. That’s not how Lightning talks about himself. Or not-talks about himself, more accurately. He’s not proud. And Sally doesn’t talk much about her relationship with Lightning, past or present, but there are plenty of cars in Radiator Springs for whom their introduction to Rookie Sensation Lightning McQueen is a favorite tale to recount. A very favorite. So Cruz knows that almost nothing Harv’s said in the last thirty seconds is actually real.
It’s not all spin, though. Well, it is. It totally is. That’s what Harv’s good at, after all. But at the same time–
It’s then Cruz realizes she doesn’t know anything about Harv, except that what he’s giving her right now? It’s real.
He wants her to love Lightning McQueen. Really and truly. Cruz doesn’t own a broadcast station, or a magazine. She doesn’t have anything Hollywood that she’s getting ready to option. She’s not in charge of grand marshals or any international conventions or sports drinks or VR firms. She doesn’t have anything that most of the cars in this room have, and nothing Harv’s contract says its his job to find. Even so, he wants her to like Lightning. He believes, genuinely, that she should. It doesn’t matter who she is, or how little he stands to gain by this.
“You don’t have to lie, you know,” Cruz assures him.
Harv laughs. “I don’t have to do anything. And hey, sorry to cut this short, but I gotta go open a tab for that Escalade over there,” he says.
He’s looking way past her again, but before she loses him to the crowd, he stops, and he says, “But you know what, kiddo? There’s very little I wouldn’t do for Lightning McQueen.”
“I ran into Harv today,” Cruz tells Lightning some hours later, once her own sponsor obligations had been fulfilled and she managed to track him down again.
The first thing Lightning says is, “Oh! Sorry.”
Lightning’s teeth do something that is not quite a grimace and not quite a smile. “I just meant– I mean, Harv is actually really great but if you don’t– He can be– Uhhhh… He’s really good at his job. And he’s actually really– I think you have to sorta get a feel for him and know that–”
“Don’t worry, I think I get it!” Cruz interjects, and Lightning breaks off.
“You do?” he says.
He loves you.
“He believes in you,” Cruz beams. “I know what that feels like.”
Lightning smiles at her, all cheeks, his lips a broad curl across his face.
“Did he tell you how we met?” he asks.
“He said you were a team player,” Cruz replies playfully. “Sound like you, Mr. No Tires, Just Gas?”
“Okay, but there’s actually some truth to that!” Lightning objects, blushing. “It’s just weird… Harv truth. He says that because the day we met, I didn't… I dunno, I guess I didn’t feel like I needed to ask for a meeting, or send a demo reel, or my specs or stats or anything. I just rolled in and acted like he was already my agent. I asked him what was taking him so long booking me stuff, getting me signed with a team.”
“That’s insane!”
“I know! But you know what he did? He loved it. He’s probably the only guy on the planet who’d– Well, anyway. He just laughed. He sized me up for like two seconds. Then he picked up a phone, started dialling, and asked, ‘And who am I representing?’”
“And here you are,” Cruz says.
“Here we are,” Lightning agrees. “That’s Harv.”
He loves you.
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stormy-boy · 7 years
Based on a recent post I've seen, (just curious) what if Jackson was Lightning's long lost son? How would they both react to this and who would find out first?
I’ve also seen posts lately comparing Jackson to Lightning and how similar they are (in most senses), so that would be interesting!
Since nobody really knows for sure how cars are made/born, I’m going to avoid trying to figure out that part. BUT, both Jackson and Lightning are Custom-Built Piston Cup Racers, and I’m pretty sure they’re the only two with that label (correct me if I’m wrong). So that could mean that they are related in that sense.
OH, I just had a random thought, but since Lightning and Jackson are Custom-Built racecars, maybe they were made specifically with the purpose to surpass normal racecars and become Piston Cup champions. (I’m probably not the first person to think of that). Maybe they made Jackson specifically to beat Lightning?? But that’s an idea for another time.
But anyway, I guess Lightning would find out first? Since he’s now the type of guy to be considerate of the past (ever since Cars 1), he might get curious and revisit people/aspects of his past. So he might find out that way.
Lightning would definitely be shocked. I think I���ve seen the headcanon that Lightning wants kids, but he’s a bit afraid of stepping into the role of father (he’s not sure if he would do the best job). Not to mention that he’s still busy with racing, so he doesn’t know how he would handle being a father amidst that either. But he would definitely approach Jackson about it, ready to do the best he can.
Jackson, on the other hand, would be a lot more freaked out, mainly because he was so harsh and belittling toward Lightning. He was kind of indirectly responsible for Lightning’s wreck after all. He would be in denial about the fact that Lightning’s his father and try to avoid him. It would take some time for him to accept the idea. But having Lightning as a father figure in his life would probably benefit him, because I headcanon that he never had that kind of positive, disciplinary influence in his life (hence why he gets away with so much).
Ultimately, I’m not sure if they would form the best, most stable relationship, but they would have something. Lightning would take this opportunity to try to correct Jackson’s bad behavior, seeing some of it in his younger self. I’d like to see how they’d race together on the track (they’d be super competitive… even more so than they are now).
Thanks for asking!
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sad-grandpas-blog · 7 years
Storm 11 (headcanon)
11. Wardrobe headcanon
This boy has the worst fashion sense. 90% of his clothes are black. Even when its hot as balls he still wears just black. He thinks he looks cool but he’s not.
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lightning-mcquack · 7 years
!!!! Thank you! I’m glad I’m able to inspire ya :D
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kachowboy · 7 years
Fandom meme 13 and 17 (preferably for the Cars fandom)
{13.} Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending
•Lightning being super extra with Sally! In anniversaries and her birthdays he would always go an extra mile to get her the most expensive and fancy gifts anyone could ask for, because Sally is just the best thing that could’ve ever happen to him and he wants her to have the best of the best always! Until Sally asked him to humble the whole thing a bit, bc for her a relaxing evening alone cuddling in their fav spot watching the sun go down and enjoying each others presence (giving some kisses here and there) when he is back from racing was more than enough to make her the happiest car woman in the universe, just like he already made her (she said that sarcastically at the start bc she didn’t want to boost his ego). But to the date our kachow boy stills surprises her with cute presents, not as often anymore but she can still get something fancy for Christmas or Valentine’s Day. I love my extra drama queen mcqueen
•Also, Filmore being a protester back in the 60’s, it’s quite the standard I would think but I can just picture the fella in every march in pro of car rights (always high asf of course lol), and him being a rock fan is already canon so I picture him going to a lot of rock concerts back in the days too, that’s how he met Sarge. After that concert they never saw each other again till Radiator Springs and ever since they’ve become inseparable (no matter how much Sarge denies the story)
{17.}Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go
Ok omg where do I start…
•My mum got me a keychain of the literal logo of Cars 3 and I put it on my keys so I carry it with me everywhere and IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!
•I just got a Cal mini diecast and it’s so freaking cute
•One of my friends has literally just sent me a photo of the toys section @ a store that is dedicated to Cars and told me she thought about me there
•I love playing the McQueen and Sally song while I drive, it’s so relaxing and makes me so happy I swear
That’s basically some facts of my Cars love but that’s what I can get @ 2am hehe
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miss-fox116 · 7 years
On a scale of one to Lightning McQueen, how much do you love Cruz?
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This is literally the cutest question I’ve ever been asked!!! Also, I appreciate you  asking for and reading my posts about my love for Cruz. It really makes me happy to know that someone cares about my love for her and Lightning! 
(Long story short: I was at an event at my church so I’m answering this really late, hope you don’t mind). Also, this will contain Cars 3 spoilers.
Anyway, on a scale of one to Lightning McQueen, I have to say that I love Cruz more when she is with Lightning. And by that, I don’t mean a romantic relationship. I mean a mentor/mentee, student/teacher,  or father/daughter relationship. These two are the main reason why I’m a Cars fan to begin with. They dragged me into hillbilly hell with no mercy! The dynamic between them just makes my heart flutter every time. I could literally ramble on and on about how much I love these two, but to save you from a long-winded answer, I’m going to share a few of my favorite moments and why they mean so much to me. (I couldn’t get pics for every scene in the movie, just the ones I love the most).
First Meeting
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First impressions are really important. I love this scene because Cruz was really professional. Instead of acting like a crazed fangirl, she used her training techniques through reverse psychology and allowed Lightning to see her do her job to the best of her ability. I wrote a whole chapter on this in one of my fanfics, but I bet she was bubbling with excitement on the inside, but she had to keep it professional. Her boss was there after all. I also love how Lightning was trying to act suave even though Cruz called him old on several occasions. It’s like the man doesn’t want to accept the fact that he’s getting up there in age. 
Beach Training
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Don’t even get me started on this scene!!!! This scene is my favorite one in the entire movie! I love how Lightning keeps teaching Cruz even though she is constantly messing up. That’s amazing to me because even though he’s annoyed with her, he still tries to prevent her from making the same mistakes. Also, some of the best lines were in this scene:
“The beach ate me!”
“Life’s a beach and then you drive.”
“That is great self-motivation! Did you come up with that?”
“You’re brittle like a fossil.”
“I didn’t want to hit a crab! What? It was cute!”
“And all of the crabbies have gone night night!”
To me, this scene sets up the relationship between them. This marks the first time that they ever raced against each other, the first time Lightning gets to be a teacher (and the best thing about that is, he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it), and its the first time we get to see a merge between the old generation (getting those tires dirty) and the new generation (this is nothing like the simulator). 
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This scene is really touching to me. This was right after Cruz vented to Lightning about her broken dreams (btw, I adore that scene too). I love this moment because Lightning just takes Cruz under his wing and allows her to immerse herself within Doc’s past. Since Doc was very close to Lightning and was an important factor in his life, it was amazing to see that Lightning allowed Cruz to share in the most personal aspect of who he is as a racer. We also find out that Cruz is also a racing guru considering that she knows Louise. My favorite part of their visit to Thomasville was the lap that they took on Doc’s home track. I love how Lightning just breaks into the place to show Cruz where Doc raced while he was in his prime. He even invites her to take the lap with him instead of just telling her to stay there while he took the lap himself. Seeing them drift along the track together was just the most amazing aspect of the movie for me. 
The Florida 500
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It’s funny, but I used to hate this part of the movie. At first, I was upset that Lightning didn’t get to beat Storm himself. I thought that this scene was a cop out because Pixar didn’t want to give us a predictable ending. After watching it a few times and realizing the deeper meaning behind Lightning giving up his last chance for Cruz’s first chance, this scene became a core reason of why I love their relationship so much. I just love how selfless Lightning was in allowing Cruz to get her shot back after she blew it the first time. It just amazed me to see how much Lightning grew as a character and seeing him be Cruz’s crew chief was so fun to watch. Especially the parts where he’s telling Smokey what to say:
“Tell her she’s a fluffy cloud.”
Smokey: “What? No!”
Lightning: “Smokey TELL HER!”
To see him step into that role of being a mentor just as Doc was to him, it fills me with happiness every time. 
Overall, (to give a short answer to your question) I adore Cruz even more once Lightning is involved. Their relationship is definitely my aesthetic.Seeing those two together makes me the happiest person in the world! I LOVE LIGHTING AND CRUZ!!!!!!!!
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igntrboy · 7 years
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Here you go @missfox116! Lil Cruz was tough kid! Loud spunky and fast!
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storming-therapy · 7 years
So ,while reading @whipplefilter&@missfox116 ’s posts about Jackson Storm and traveling this hc popped out of nowhere :after he lost the Piston Cup ,Jackson decided he needed to take a break and so he did: he loves travelling and he loves receiving attention so he took a trip (with Gale and Ray ofc) in Europe ,starting with London (because why not?)
I’ve already mentioned my thoughts about him taking selfies with Queen’s Guard -feel free to add more;our precious stormy boy needs this
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kerretssss · 7 years
Tagged by @thefreckledone
Rules–tag ten people you want to know better.
1. Name: Mona Lisa
2. Gender: female
3. Star Sign: cancer
4. Height: 5′9.5
5. Sexuality: I'll get back to you on that...
6. Why I made a Tumblr: I'm here for the fandoms✨
7. Hogwarts House: Slytherin (with Ravenclaw traits, according to @anoceaninthesun)
8. Average hours of sleep: eight to nine ideally, three to four realistically
9. Dogs or cats: sneks I LOVE THEM ALL
Tagging (feel free to ignore): @anoceaninthesun @missfox116 @pumpkin-head-93 @lucythevaliant94 @wishfulthinkin21 @the-talking-panda @the-moogle-of-your-nightmares @cura-posterior @awintersrose @love-kaaiistudent
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Moe Marcusi
Moe Marcusi, the hauler for Team OctaneGain, an uncle to 8, a self-declared mystery connoisseur, and an all-around underappreciated background character from Cars 3, came to be after the following conversation with @whipplefilter and @stickersandsally :
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Assorted headcanons (in order of creation):
He makes the best blueberry pancakes.
He loves jazz. No-one is allowed to change the radio to anything other than jazz.
He reads mystery novels but only likes the cheesy dollar store stuff.
When Moe finally got a smartphone, Bobby introduced him to Kindle and he lost his mind because “Bobby, look at this, there’s so many books”
Moe and Mack enjoy making up and exchanging pulp mystery. They’ve even collaborated on occasion. (speaking of collaboration, this part was suggested by @missfox116 and @whipplefilter , who in turn were collaborating with @the-kings-tail-fin on “Mack’s pulp mystery career”)
Moe has a huge family. He’s the second of 6 children and has 3 nephews and 4 nieces whom he loves dearly. He routinely invites them to races and they’re all best friends with Bobby.
Bobby is also an “honorary nephew.” This isn’t a title he takes lightly.
He’s in a committed relationship with another hauler he met in a truck stop. They’ve been together for 11 years, but he’s too shy to pop the question. Bobby loves suggesting ideas, ranging from “leisurely drive on the beach” to “laser it in the moon Moe!”. Moe has seriously considered every suggestion at least once, even moon lasers, and keeps a notebook of them. Even if he doesn’t use them with his girlfriend, he still might use them in his next mystery novel…
Once Moe heard some guys were picking on Bobby, so he cornered them and started quoting mystery novels at them until they backed off. To this day, the guys have no idea why Bobby was nearly choking with laughter.
When they first met, Bobby was super shy and nervous. Moe kinda helped him get out of his shell by introducing him to McQueen (who was totally chill and friendly) and Cal (who had also just started and was equally terrified).
Moe also sometimes assists with the pranks that McQueen, Cal, and Bobby pull on each other nonstop. He’s the mastermind behind the “cupcake” gag.
Moe can karate chop a watermelon in half. No one knows how or why.
He’s very good at close-up magic. Every now and then he’ll do a trick for Bobby and his friends.
He loves his purple and orange color scheme. Not just because it’s associated with his “honorary nephew,” but because he genuinely enjoys the way they look on him.
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whipplefilter · 7 years
Just to hop on the Storm train, question for him. Why did you disappear after Cars 3? I was actually concerned about you dude!! Where did you vanish to?
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nieves-hellcat · 7 years
Heya i just wanna say...
I admire @missfox116 's @texdinoco 's and @whipplefilter 's creative shorts stories, fiction concepts (what ever you call it) and etc.. of pixar cars.
i enjoyed reading them. ^_^
keep it up! 💛
-Icy Halle❄
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stormy-boy · 7 years
Head cannon meme ✿ Jackson Storm 😏. (😂 you don’t have to do this if this is uncomfortable, I just thought I try and ask. Really love your blog tho 😂)
✿ - Sex headcanon
I was sort of hoping someone would ask me this 😏😏😏 Oh and thanks! ^_^
In terms of “Has he done it?” Probably. While Jackson seems like a distant individual emotionally, I don’t think he would be totally against physical contact (though it might be a little awkward at first). At the same time though, I don’t think these types of interactions would be particularly meaningful to him. I don’t believe Jackson is at the point where he can truly love and care for another person (yet). These types of things he has seem more like the product of pure hormones and infatuation. So I could see him fooling around when he was younger, but I don’t think he’s been getting any action lately (racing takes up a lot of time… also he’s bad as relationships).
And like @missfox116 mentioned in her own post, I don’t think Jackson would be the type to wait until marriage. He doesn’t seem like the committed type to me either.
As for HOW does he do it… that’s too adult for this blog (also, I’d be too embarrassed to write that). XD
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lightning-mcquack · 7 years
10 and 13 for Cars fandom please
(i’m sorry i’m replying so late sdjbhdsadsnj)
10.  Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of 
So I hit shuffle on my Spotify and Stupid Girl by Cold came up and ummm this fits Jackson so well?? I can imagine him thinking this way and also thinking of Cruz (like he develops a small crush on her or something after the end of Cars 3 but it’s like a hate crush and he disgusts himself for finding Cruz attractive but he can’t help it and he likes it all at the same time) but ye. Jackson and Cruz is what this song reminds me of.
13.  Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all
Jackson struggled with his sexual orientation for the longest time and even dowright hated himself for liking guys. Like he probs had a very neglectful and homophobic family. Anything remotely gay came up and they’d be disgusted and that kind of rubbed off on Jackson which resulted in him being super conflicted and hateful towards himself. He learned to accept and love himself tho, if a bit too much lmao
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kyurilin · 7 years
why did you like missfox116's post saying that gay marriage isn't okay? do you agree?
Wow this is sure a first, getting called out for liking a post. I actually don't agree with her post anon. I agree with her standing by her beliefs- I was raised Christian as well and despite being very far from one now, I respect her ability to stand by her faith. She's a good friend and a very sweet person, and I will gladly respect her faith even if it contradicts with my own opinions. Not to mention it was a very well explained answer.
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miss-fox116 · 7 years
Cruz vs. Lightning: Instagram Wars HC
This is a random and weird headcanon that I came up with literally a few minutes ago, but I believe that Cruz and Lightning have Instagram wars. Since Cruz has so many hilarious facial expressions, I feel like Lightning often sneaks multiple pictures of her while she's making her crazy faces and posts them on Instagram. He even writes crazy captions for them and even calls the series of photos the "daily Cruz" (for lack of a better title) or something funny at least. To get him back, Cruz would post videos of her and Cal playing pranks on Lightning. Sally would even get in on the pranks as well (et tu Sal??), giving Cal and Cruz information about his schedule, various pet peeves, etc. I believe that Lightning and Cruz go to the extreme to try and embarrass each other on social media. 😂😂
Bonus: If the prank embarrasses Lightning enough, he will post videos of Cruz dancing in her room while no one is watching. After seeing the embarrassing dance videos, Cruz calls Cal like, "He can't get away with this. We have to get him back."
And Cal's like, "I'm in! What did you have in mind?"
And Cruz just gives a very cunning smile. "Oh he is gonna pay!"
I'm definitely writing this fic!!! LOL!! (If anyone has any suggestions or wishes to contribute to it in any way don't be afraid to do so. This should be fun!!).
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