#thank you for this ask! i love rambling about my spiky son
nuka-rockit · 6 months
Hey! For the Dark Urge asks if you fancy it, how about:
3. The Netherstone, how did they wear it? Did they even wear it?
5. What was their class, and what was their favourite way to use its perks? Did they maybe even dabble in multiple ones?
10. Their name; did they ever have one? Who chose it for them, or did it maybe change sometime down the line? Did they perhaps even have multiple Alias?
oooh, thank you for indulging me c:
3. He did! Much like the other Chosen he had a custom holster made for his Netherstone. In his case it was a sort of pauldron/shoulder bracelet on his left upper arm, made to resemble a stylized face of the slayer form with the stone in its mouth (I actually have a WIP where you can see him wearing it pre-tadpole, hopefully I'll finish that someday) (EDIT: here is crop so you have an idea what I mean. dw about that hand)
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5. He is technically a bard, although the way this was expressed in his Chosen days was less music and singing and more his prowess with weaponry (as of his College of Swords specialization). Music was more of a guilty pleasure than anything, really. That said, the Sword Bard class was a great overlap between classic weapon combat, skill with a good amount of armors, as well as a decent access to spells not dependent on things like material components. He was a killer for hire before he was officially introduced to the Temple at sixteen and picked up many of his skills up during this time. 10. Ah, the names. So, this is kind of a long one: When he was adopted as an infant his adopted parents (a tiefling couple) named him Cassander, and as long as he lived with them he went by that name. But when his Urge began manifesting, he was approached by Scleritas (who had of course watched over him and only bid his time) who slowly manipulated him towards embracing his dark impulses, alienating him from his peers and his parents. this ultimately culminated in him murdering his adoptive parents when he was nine, after Scleritas convinced him this was necessary to find his "true family" and that they were never his kin in the first place. He set fire to the house and disappeared into Baldur's Gate's underworld with Scleritas as his only confidante. After he left his old life behind he abandoned his name. He was nameless for years, only going by monikers other people gave him, until he joined the Temple. There his identity was defined by his role as the Pureblood Bhaalspawn, the unholy assassin, the Chosen, and a whole bunch of other titles given to him by the followers of Bhaal. Orin and Sarevok usually referred to him as "Bloodkin", higher ranking Bhaalists as "Unholy Assassin" or "Chosen", and the gnolls, lowest ranking members and of course Scleritas as "Master" or "Lord". Ironically, when he wakes up on the Nautiloid, he remembers none of the dozen things people used to call him. He only remembers one name, the one a kind tiefling couple gave him so long ago, and when he is asked who he is he answers "Cassander".
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spice-chan · 4 years
Cure Me
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King!singledad! Bakugo Katsuki x fem!reader
Prince Matsuki makes an interesting friend. he could have never foretold who she is to his father...
TW: curses, sickness
Thank you so much to @stargazingaloneatnight for sending this lovely request ! I totally got carried away though, so it’s going to have a second part. 
Thanks a lot to @patt-writes-stuff and @reddriot for being amazing beta readers !!
Wordcount: 4.4 K
At the ripe age of 18, you were married off to the woodcutter in your village. 
You weren’t enthusiastic about it, but you didn’t dissent. After all, in a small village, all the people of close age were expected to marry eventually. It was either him, the farmer or the butcher. A prince isn’t going to come and sweep you off your feet.
You moved to the isolated cabin near the woods where your husband resided, and you lived there with him for a year. You wouldn’t exactly describe it as harmony, but it was peaceful enough for you to be content. He respected you and you respected him, but you yearned for something more.You yearned for love, for the overwhelming feeling that would envelope you whole, that would elicit shivers from your spine, and down to your very toes. 
But you had to get those foolish fantasies out of your head; after all, your husband was now all you had. Until you didn’t have him anymore. 
His body was found, squashed underneath a large tree that fell the wrong way. 
Guilt and loss reigned in your mind and heart. You wondered, should you have appreciated him more ? Should you have cherished the little moments instead of wishing for something better? 
It was a lonely existence for a while after that, until a red eyed, spikey haired little boy ventured to your isolated abode. 
Loneliness was a disease that feasted on your open wounds until they were gaping holes, bleeding and gushing, but you were unable to stitch them back together. Who wants to be lonely, truly? So all Bakugo did was cover the open wounds with his hand, growling protectively as he shielded himself. And he couldn’t stitch together the hole in his chest, even when his hand was stained red as evidence of his pain. 
He thought he loved her. He convinced himself he loved her. The only woman and person who seemingly managed to stand him and understand him. He tried so hard to be good to her. Tried to act better when he saw the gleam of judgement in her eyes. Only to wake up one day with a letter telling him “don’t look for me” and “I’ll be somewhere better. Away from you and that spawn. Good luck with him, though you’ll probably have enough soon and throw him somewhere far, the sound of his cries is annoying.” 
She couldn’t bring herself to say her son’s name. 
It’s like he was a disposable piece of trash to her. Katsuki’s teeth gnashed whenever he remembered the way she spoke of her own son, his son. 
“DAD!” screamed a little boy, the carbon copy of his dad, running to his father's lap where he ducked down and hid between them. 
Bakugo growled playfully, bending his back to look at the excitable little boy, who held his finger to his lips. 
“What do you think you’re doing, squirt?” 
“I’m hiding from Shitty Maid.” 
Katsuki quirked his eyebrows at the foul language that came out of his son’s mouth, but his response never made the light of day as a flustered and heaving maid entered the dining chamber, her eyes frantically searching. 
“My king, I’m so sorry ! Have you seen Prince Matsuki come here ?” she questioned breathlessly, the prince having evidently tired her out. 
Bakugo clicked his teeth rather impertinently. “No, you shitty maid, I didn’t see him come here,” he replied and resumed eating, seemingly unperturbed by his son being ‘missing’. 
“Sorry, Your Majesty, I’ll resume my search for him. Sorry to have disturbed you!” she exclaimed before picking her gown and scrambling out. 
Bakugo stared beneath his chair pointedly, his carbon copy only giving doe eyes as a reply. 
“Why are you hiding anyway?!”
Matsuki crawled out from underneath the chair and stood up, dusting his knees. 
“She wants to teach me eti-etiquette or whatever,” Matsuki grumbled. “I’m going out to play with my friends.” 
Etiquette? How useless. Is that what they are teaching his son? 
Bakugo clapped his back, glad to see his son not be a pushover. “Don’t be late, squirt.”
“Ok, dad!” Matsuki jumped and enveloped Katsuki’s muscular frame in a hug with his tiny arms, warming Katsuki’s heart as he ruffled his son’s spiky hair. 
Matsuki couldn’t find his friends. 
He ventured into the woods in search of them, sporting a scowl everyone should be familiar with. His tiny, handsome face scrunched slightly as he looked around the place curiously. His feet padded on, scrunching on crispy fallen leaves in their wake. 
He walked for a while, marking trees as he went along to ensure he didn’t get lost, but eventually, a sugary sweet scent had his tiny legs move faster on their own accord in search of it. The closer he seemingly got, the more powerfully the mouth watering scent assaulted his nose. It smelled cozy on this chilly day, like a warm cup of milk by a warm fire as snow fell outside.
He reached a clearing. The thick, intimidating trees that loomed over him shrunk away until there was none left. 
No trees, but he found a small cabin with a window cracked open. 
He boldly marched up to it, his mouth set in a straight, determined line. A fisted palm knocked once, twice, and thrice on the worn out wood, to ensure that it was heard. 
His nervousness set in when the handle turned and a lady emerged at the threshold. He steeled himself. His daddy told him that if he wanted something, he should work to get it. 
You smiled at him warmly when you spotted him: a young, unfamiliar boy. He looked out of his element, but his strange red eyes stared at you despite how he seemed to be unused to such situations. His eyes reflected the embers of a brave soul. 
“There was a nice smell coming from here,” he admitted, his tiny face scrunching into a scowl that seemed more adorable than anything.
“Well, yes, I baked cookies,” you responded mildly, your voice never too high but quite clear. The boy’s eyes widened, his red hues glistening in child-like excitement.
“Cookies?!”  He jumped, and clutched your gown. 
“Can I have some ?” Puppy dog eyes stared up at you, pleading and cute. You haven’t encountered a child in a long time. You stopped going to the village as often, and eventually, they stopped visiting too. Your mother died after she contracted something, her old body unable to fight it off, and your dad ran off somewhere to ‘adventure’. 
“Sure.” You moved from the threshold. “Come in.” You gestured with your head to your small cottage, a humble place, but a reminder of your lonesome existence. 
He brightened up considerably, his mouth twisting into a sweet smile. He would become such a handsome young man once he grew up. It made you wonder how beautiful his parents must be. 
You pulled a chair for him at the table, and went to put some cookies on a plate for him. 
“YUM. That’s so delicious!” He spoke between mouthfuls, some tiny crumbs flying out of his mouth in his excitement. 
“Thank you, but be careful. You might choke if you speak while chewing sweetie,” you chided him lightly. Matsuki didn’t recognize this tone, it sounded equal parts stern and caring. He nodded and continued munching down. 
“Would you like to drink something? I have some orange juice, and uh, water. I could make tea, but I don’t think kids your age fancy that you rambled, suddenly excited about having someone keep you company for the first time in a while. 
He opened his mouth to answer, but upon remembering your words, he opted to chew for a few more seconds then swallowing his cookies before bellowing out,“Yes! Orange juice.” 
How adorable. 
You poured two glasses of orange juice and joined your little companion, munching on some cookies of your own. Before long, he finished all of them and leaned back on the chair, mouth letting out a sigh and hand patting his stomach as a show of overindulgence. 
“Yup! You’re a very nice lady. Way nicer than my dummy maid,” he grumbled, you weren’t sure whether to be flattered or concerned, but one thing did grab your attention. 
“Maid ?” 
He nodded, slightly confused at your question. 
“Don’t you have one ?” You quirked an eyebrow and looked around your tiny cottage. Did it look like you have one? 
Oh God, you hoped this boy wasn’t mistaking his mother for a maid. With that in mind, you asked him, however, his face fell in sadness and the fire in his eyes dulled a little. 
“I don’t have a mother. The maids always talk about how sorry they are for me. I hate it. None of them even care about me,” he spoke in a quiet voice, tearing at your heart with his down turned face. 
“But at least I have my daddy,” he spoke up, brightening a little. You smiled at that, reaching towards him and ruffling his fluffy yet spikey blond hair. 
“That’s good. Keep cherishing your father, at least the two of you have each other.” You wiped some crumbs from around his mouth with a napkin, speaking to the boy in a lonesome voice; unintentionally mothering him. 
He smiled and nodded;unintentionally accepting. 
The boy was either mistaking some people in his household for maids, or he was some rich merchant’s son. On that note—
“Did you tell anyone you’re coming here? They might be worried about you,” you asked cautiously, but then your eyes widened as a new wave of worry hit you. 
“Oh my God, what if you got lost? Do you know your way back?” 
You sighed in relief when he nodded, flashing you a smile with his teeth on display, one of them missing from the front, making it all the more endearing. You narrowed your eyes at him, prompting him to elaborate. 
“I always come to play around here with my friends. It’s really close to home!” You oo’d. However, it was now his turn to panic. “Oh no, I forgot all about them !” He looked outside, seeing the sun shining proudly in the centre of the sky. 
“I think I can still catch them,” he declared determinedly, and hopped off his seat. His tiny legs carried him to the door, his pale hand grasping the worn down doorknob, but before twisting it, he turned to you, his smile of youth gracing his face again. 
“See you later, nice lad !”
“No way! You wanted to be a pirate? But they’re so nasty!” he exclaimed, scrunching his nose at you in disgust. You shrugged, shoulders slumped. 
“I thought it’d be a fun time. I found it in a book and dreamed that one day, I too can embark on an adventure and find hidden treasures,”you explained with a dreamy, yet nostalgic look in your eyes, akin to one looking back fondly at a long gone memory. It’s been nearly a year since you met the mystery child. You’ve been...noticeably happier. 
His cherry red orbs made your day, along with an innocence that was very hard to maintain in these tough times, although that's probably because his toughness differs from yours. 
He pouted, running a hand through his tamed locks. “Well, why can’t you?” 
He stared up at you expectantly, oblivious to what he was expecting. His red orbs burwith ith the flame of innocenand and didnuldn’t dare blow it out. 
“I don’t know.” 
Even for his young age, he was perceptive. Bbut before he could question your downtrodden face, you stood up, coughing loudly. It went on for a few seconds, and Matsuki watched worriedly as you cupped your hand over your mouth, shoulders shaking from the force. 
After you stopped, you breathed for a few seconds, face flushed and stamina depleted. But again, before he could question anything, you stood up, stretching. The sun hit your face, which looked noticeably paler, but you forced a smile anyway, and held your hand out for Matsuki to grab and follow suit. 
“Let’s go inside, you wanted me to redo your hair, right ?” He grabbed your hand with renewed vigor, hopping off the wood and trekking with you back inside the cottage. 
He said his maid had to slick his hair back because they had guests over and he ‘had to look more presentable’, which you internally scoffed at. His hair was amazing as it was. 
You’d never seen a texture so amazing. It was soft as silk, but it appeared spikey. Like a porcupine or something, looked thorny but had a soft side? 
You brought some water and wet his hair, before drying it with a towel. You could already see some results. You brought a hairbrush and began to hum softly while brushing his semi dry blond locks. 
You towelled it once again, before patting him across the back. Your head felt light, and a light pain began to creep in. You probably need some water. 
“THANK YOU! It was so ugly before.” He pranced about, happy that his hair no longer looked like some ‘sappy extra’. You wonder where the child got those interesting phrases. You stood up to get a glass of water, but the moment you stood up, the world swirled, spinned, and blurred. And then it all faded to black. 
You hit the floor with a loud thump, and Matsuki sprung to his feet and frantically ran to your side. 
His small hands grabbed your arm and shook you, his face growing warm and throat getting clogged up, before tears burst forth. They dampened your sleeves, continuously flowing like a waterfall, but you still remained almost lifeless on the floor. Matsuki was young, helpless, and alone. 
And he did what any young, helpless and crying child would do. 
He ran to the person he loves —his father. 
Bakugou heard the sound of Matsuki running before h, felt the wind, tornado like, as the doors of his room were pushed open in a manner so excitable he’d consider it rather insolent had it not been his own son. 
 His reprimands were stuck in his throat when he saw the flushed face and bloodshot eyes of his shis heart aching at the sight. 
“What’s wongh” he asked softly, the tone rather unusual coming from him. Then again, his son coming to him crying was something very rare.oo., Matsuki took after his  and and he was a very brave and strong boy. Something that Bakugou lamented about, at times. Being his carbon copy wasn’t that much of a blessing when it came to the matters of the heart. 
Matsuki found his dad sitting at his desk, he ran to him and clung to his legs, crying uncontrollably. 
It took Bakugou a second to overcome his awkwardness and emotional constipation. He scooped his son up and sat him on his lap, wiping his tears away. 
“Hey squirt, calm down and tell me what’s wrong. If it’s someone that upset you, God help them-” 
Matsuki tried to halt his hiccups, failing for a few seconds while he hugged his dad, he patted his back comfortingly. 
“Dad, my friend…” he began, but his eyes watered as a fresh batch of tears threatened to burst. 
“What happened to your friend, Matsuki?” 
Matsuki sniffled, wiping his eyes before continuing. 
“So, she’d been sick for a few weeks, but today when I visited her, she fell and wouldn’t wake up,” Matsuk explainedd, clutching into Bakugou tightly. 
Bakugou hummed, nodding solemnly. 
“Can you take me where your friend is?” 
Matsuki nodded, but Katsuki was dubious about the nature of this pursuit. His distrustful nature was shining through.If this ‘friend’ was outside the protective barrier, then Katsuki didn’t know what to really expect. So before leaving his room, he donned his protective amber around his neck, a magical jewel chosen by his dragon when he was younger. All shifters choose an enchanted jewel to guard their existence and warn them of dangers. He made sure to pick up his son’s, looping the necklace around his neck, the jewel dangling and shining. 
He needed to give his son a talk about this. 
They walked in the forest for a while before reaching a small, worn out looking cottage. Bakugou arched a blond eyebrow, more curious than ever. He’d think it was a ploy with more sinister intentions, luring both prince and king but… he’d never seen his son more shook up over someone, they must mean a lot to him. He couldn’t bear to delay this. 
They reached the door, the wood creaking as Bakugo opened it. His ruby eyes started searching for you, and when they caught your figure on the floor, they began gleaming. 
He felt the breath knocked out of him when he saw you, asleep (he hoped) like an angel with your hair looking wild but still adding to your charm like a halo. You looked so soft, so precious, and it felt like his life only began this moment when he caught sight of you. 
His heartbeat was so strong, he could feel it in his very eyes, who were overwhelmed with the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. He had seen plenty of beautiful women, ones he didn’t spare a second glance at, extras, unworthy of his time. But for some reason, the beauty of you rooted him in his spot and halted all rational thoughts. He was only broken out of his reverie when Matsuki shook him. He felt a rush of love, devotion, and ease like he’d never felt before. It all made sense, the sense of loneliness, of being lost when his path is clear in front of him. Of finding every potential romantic partner lukewarm at best. 
“Dad. Can you help her ? I don’t want her to be sick anymore.”
And in that moment, it dawned on him. 
Katsuki found his soulmate, but there’s a chance he might have already lost her. 
He ran to you checking your vitals, and thankfully, everything seemed fine. He put his forehead against yours, cursing when he felt a scalding fever. 
“What happened ?” He picked one of the numerous questions buzzing in his head. 
“Well, she did my hair like I’d asked her, but the moment she stood up, she fell down! I tried waking her up, but she wouldn’t. She’d been coughing a lot the past few weeks too and looking tired,” Matsuki explained clearly, now comforted by having his father share the weight with him. 
Katsuki looked around at the rather shabby place. Fit for a commoner. Not you. 
He was baffled at having a mate. Only the most legendary, wise and favoured dragons did, the dragons that made it to history scriptures. Things no one considered him to be. Things he was succumbing to not being. Things she convinced him he wasn’t. Sure, he could fight deadly wars, bring nations down to their knees, but violence did not warrant a soulmate. 
He scoop you up, closer to his chest. Heyouyou tightly, heart physically hurting at the thought of you being in pain. He just met you, what’s with him ? 
He stood up, nudging his son to leave. 
What a coincidence. An insane, crazy coincidence. 
His son, his only blessing in this shrouded world, was what led him to the one thing nobody thought he’d have. 
“Tell me more on the way.
Matsuki nodded. 
Bakugou laid you on his bed, surrounding you with the softest materials one could ever touch. He pulled a chair besides you, lounging on it as he waited for a healer to arrive. 
You remained unconscious, but it seems like your temperature increased even more. He was so lost in his own thoughts, that he didn’t register that Matsuki walked inside the room until he was addressing him. 
“Is she going to be alright ?” Bakugou didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth, then again, he didn’t have the heart to lie to him either. 
“I don’t know.” Somehow saying it out loud hurts even more. 
A knock on the door broke the gloominess. 
“Come in.” 
Hope walked in, in the shape of a short, old lady with medical equipment. 
Recovery Girl inspected you, from temperature to heartbeat. And when done, she sighed. 
“Everything boils down to it being a simple fever, but in that case, she wouldn’t be unconscious,” she explained ambiguously. She took one of your hands, and andr fingertips were icy cold. 
She hummed contemplatively. She brought out a healing crystal, squeezing it in one fist, while she held your hand in the other. The idea was to transfer the healing energy from the crystal to you, only possible through a healing mage. 
However, when nothing seemed to happen, Recovery Girl opened her fist. She found a shattered crystal. 
“Oh my…” 
Bakugou growled, frustration willing up and tipping over. “The fuck!” 
Recovery Girl glared at him. Such language shouldn’t be used in front of a child. 
“Typical healing methods aren’t going to work.” 
Silence reigned over this time, willing the old lady to continue on, both his and his son’s hearts on the edge. 
“I believe she’d been cursed.” 
Bakugou scrunched up his eyebrows at the absurd explanation. Who’d curse you of all people ? He only just discovered your existence!
Yet for some reason, he felt like he’d rather die than let you, the one who could love him for all his flaws, the one who always brought a smile on his son’s face, suffer. 
“How?” The deity up there must be very cruel, to take you away when he just met you. 
“I don’t know, son. There’s a very strong, malevolent energy, enough to break a healing crystal. It’s going to make her body reject anything that could heal it,” she explained solemnly. 
“If you want this young lady healthy and well, we need to take different measures to heal her. Also, do you know who cursed, or where she could have incurred it? That will be very helpful.” 
Bakugou looked at Matsuki, knowing that he himself is clueless. 
“This is the first time I met her. Matsuki seems to have met her a while ago in her tiny ass cottage outside the protective barrier.” She looked like she had some questions, but instead directed her attention to the little Bakugou and asked him what matters most right now. 
“Do you know anyone that might’ve done this? Have you seen her interact with anyone that could possibly be capable of it?” She knew asking a child would likely be more fruitless then not, but she still wished to help you in any way she could. 
Matsuki shook his head. 
“I’ve never even seen her talk with anyone.” This only served to increase Bakugou’s suspensions. Could it be something to do with your affiliation with Matsuki ? And if that was the case, then there’s so many other things he must take into account too, because that would mean that there’s a traitor in their midst, or at least someone that had been tracking Matsuki for… what fucking ever reason. 
He sighed, feeling an ache beginning to form in his head. He touched your arm, wanting to reassure himself that you are alive. 
A gasp rang out from the occupants of the room when you opened your eyes, making them seem glowy when the sunlight reflected off them, giving you an ethereal, angelic radiance. 
The air left his lungs, while blood rushed to his cheeks, making them seem ripe as apples. 
“How is this possible?” 
This shocked him awake, out of his reverie and into reality. 
Recovery Girl glanced at the arm Bakugo was touching, humming to herself with a knowing glint in her old, wise eyes. 
“Well, my king, did you forget? The oldest, most powerful magic that dragons have been gifted::soulmates.” 
Bakugo blushed again, kissing his teeth and glaring at Recovery Girl. 
“What are you babbling on about, old hag?” 
“I believe you know.” 
He glared at the ground, childishly not answering. 
“Um...what’s going on?” A small, feminine voice asked. Bakugou turned to you, melting at the majestic sound of your voice. 
“That’s a good question.” That brat. 
Bakugou tried to stay in contact with you, afraid of making the burst of magic triggered by your bond slipping away. 
“Uh, you lost unconsciousness and Matsuki asked me to help you. Oh, and apparently you were cursed.” Bakugou bluntly spits the facts at you, not thinking ahead for your reaction. 
“A CURSE?” you shouted, coughing after due to hoarseness. The old hag shot Bakugou another glare, before sweetening up and looking at you. 
“We’ll explain after you rest a bit and freshen up, you’d been through quite a bit.” she said, deliberately not divulging any information yet. She didn’t need to be there for the grand explanation. She’d rather not be, actually. 
She stood on her weary legs, leaving the room unnoticed as you admired your surroundings, and as Bakugou admired you. Matsuki’s stare lacked the burn of fascination as he stared at his father grumpily. 
“The fuck you looking at her so weird for?” Matsuki seethed. You gasped and turned to him. 
“Matsuki!” He bristled in frustration, having forgotten how much you hated it when he cursed. 
“Sorry. He was though!” 
Bakugou, throughout the whole thing, glared at his son with blushing cheeks. He wanted to spank some respect into him so bad right now. 
You turned to Bakugo, gaze weighty in the seriousness it’s burdened with. 
“Thanks for helping me, I appreciate it. You’re Matsuki’s father, right? The resemblance is hard to miss. Well, I have a lot of questions, but firstly, what do you mean by cursed?” 
You felt as if a rock was pressed against your chest, gloom overtaking your features as you awaited his answer. Still hopeful that it was a joke, but the ancient dark magic was not to be joked with. 
“Someone cursed you. It’s the cause for your sickness, and it’s slowly sapping the life out of you. You’re only awake because uh...the magic of our bond is more powerful.” Bakugou rushed the last part, his heart beating, squeezing painfully when silence hung in the air after his not so confession. 
You purse your lips, the movement catching Bakugo’s attention, drawing him to your lips. Supple, kissable lips. 
“Our bond?” 
Bakugo nodded. 
“You’re my soulmate, it’s why—probably why Matsuki was so drawn to you.” Bakugo was looking forward to explaining more, before his door was busted open (a common occurrence these days it seems) by a panting soldier, who summoned the strength to salute stiffly. 
“Your majesty, we have received a letter from Celeane Siloh.” 
Well, what a great introduction to the family. 
Don’t forget to like and reblog if you enjoyed this !
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shadowsinger11 · 4 years
Golden Snitches And Old Wounds
Pairing: James Potter x Insecure Reader
Word count: 2787
Request: Hi! I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. I wanted to ask you if your requests open. If so can i request a james potter imagine with a very self conscious reader? Thank you!
Warnings: Suggestive themes, references to anxiety and depression
A/N: I actually like how this one turned out. It's way sadder than intended but I hope you enjoy! If you want to be tagged, let me know! Requests are open!
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Lily and you were sitting on a bench right on top of one of the twelve colorful towers around the massively wide pitch, waving your Gryffindor flags in excitement.
The scene before you represented a blur of scarlet and green and you struggled to spot your boyfriend of two years, James Potter, among the fourteen players. 
His leather-gloved hands gripped the handle of his broom tightly as he was swiftly avoiding bludgers and students, rushing to catch the quaffle.
"Potter, on your left!"
On instinct, James drifted to the right a mere second before his head managed to collide with a bludger. The boy kept soaring high up in the clear spring sky, eyes focused forward.
"Brilliant! Potter tossed the quaffle into the ring!" the speaker roared, "The score is 120:120. Will Gryffindor's Chaser be able to score another goal and give their Seeker an opportunity to catch the snitch?"
"Oh, I sure hope he does," you muttered, sitting on the edge of your seat, eyes focused on the Gryffindor Chaser.
The commentator excitedly shouted, "Robertson passes the quaffle to Smith, he passes it to Potter- no! It was stolen from Taylor, that Slytherin son of a-"
"Sorry, professor," the boy sheepishly smiled at McGonagall though he wasn't sorry at all, and returned to retelling the match. "Potter's caught the quaffle! He's swooping down, the three Slytherin Chasers on his tail…"
Over the noise you heard Lily exclaim, "What's he doing! He's getting further away from the ring."
"I don't know, I think he's trying to get rid of the Slytherins, distract them maybe?" you shrugged. You really hoped James was doing this for a reason but yet again, when has he ever thought things through?
Meanwhile you noticed Sirius, a Beater of the team, covering his buddy, making sure to guide the bludgers in the direction of team Slytherin. You had no idea if those two had planned this beforehand or if Padfoot was just improvising.
"A bludger knocked Taylor off his broom!" Joshua happily announced. "That's the moment for Potter to strike!"
And exactly then James swiftly turned around and sped up towards his aim. He threw the quaffle with all his might, the ball piercing the air and going right through the ring.
"Yes!! He did it! What a brilliant attack!" the commentator screamed. Lily and you squealed and clapped, cheering him on. "Now it's up to the Gryffindor Seeker to catch the Golden snitch and that'll be the end!"
James tried to spot you in the audience and when he did, his grin grew even wider. He threw a wink your way but he didn't have much time to celebrate because his task now was to make sure Slytherins didn't score another goal and maybe get another 10 points himself while he was at it. He drifted between teammates and opponents, the summer wind ruffling his hair. He prevented numerous attacks from the opposite team, winning a good couple of minutes where the score was even and Gryffindor had a chance to win.
"Where the hell is the Seeker!" Lily groaned, "It's a matter of time until Slytherin strikes a goal."
You understood her frustration but had faith. You always supported your boyfriend and his team during matches regardless of which house they were up against. You were aware of how much stamina James had, especially when it came to Quidditch, and even more so now that he could almost graze the win with his fingertips.
Suddenly, the Seeker emerged from the depths, a small ball shining in his grasp.
"He's caught the snitch! Williams got the Golden snitch, Gryffindor wins!" Joshua roared, rising to his feet.
The air shook with the screams and cheers of Gryffindors and Gryffindor supporters. Some students hugged each other, squealing in euphoria, others whined and screamed in frustration. The audience turned into a sea of scarlet flags, the iconic lion on display for everyone to see. Professor McGonagall smiled, something rare for a woman as stern and serious as her. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement.
Lily and you high-fived and rushed down the stairs, impatient to greet the boys. When you ran along the pitch, the team was already surrounded by fans and you saw Sirius carrying James on his shoulders, their other teammates doing the same with Williams. Slytherins were quick to exit the scene, muttering curses and complaints.
"Not trying to steal my boyfriend, I hope?" you asked Sirius and laughed.
"Boyfriend?" he feigned being shocked, "Why didn't you tell me there was someone else, James?"
James only rolled his eyes and his friend let him down. Potter walked up to you, standing tall in all his red leather glory. His chest heaved with every breath he took, his spiky hair was disheveled beyond recognition and his uniform was wrinkled and covered in dirt. He was a mess but still managed to look so perfect in your eyes, he was absolutely irresistible.
"Did you enjoy the show, babe?" he smirked as he placed his gloved hands around your waist, pulling you close. You giggled and pecked his nose, "Indeed I did. You're such a show-off."
"But you love me nonetheless," he mumbled, out of breath, and leaned in but you pulled away before he got to kiss you.
"I suggest you shower first, you're quite sweaty."
He frowned and pouted his lips but couldn't help but grin, caressing your cheek. You were staring into his hazel eyes and when they focused on yours, your cheeks turned the same color as his uniform. James was incredibly confident, charming and charismatic and he never failed to make your heart flutter every time you caught him glance at you.
He seemed perfect to you and your expression suddenly darkened when poisonous thoughts clouded your mind. He was perfect, but what about me?
Before James had the chance to ask what was wrong, his friends pulled him aside, "The coach wants to talk to us." He couldn't do anything except for giving you a sad smile and a wave as he left.
A tap on your shoulder snapped you out of your trance.
"Let's go to lunch, I'm starving."
You nodded and followed Lily out of the now empty pitch.
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Prodding your salad with a fork, you were still processing your thoughts from earlier, replaying them over and over in your head. You couldn't get rid of the image of James. You were smitten by his messy hair, goofy smile, the way his uniform clung tightly to his body, highlighting his broad shoulders and strong biceps. His physique looked way more impressive and massive and the sight made you lick your lips.
Your daydreaming was interrupted when the doors of the Great Hall opened wide, the winning team walking through. The Quidditch players were greeted with loud cheers and clapping which some of the teachers joined too. Even in just his plain Gryffindor cloak James managed to look astonishingly handsome and he did it so effortlessly. His black robes were flailing freely behind him as he made his way over to you and sat down on your right.
"Clean and fresh just for you," he smirked and pressed his lips to yours, lingering for a bit more than you expected. After that, you proceeded to eat your meal while he placed a steak, some salad, sauce and other different kinds of food on his plate.
"You did an amazing job up there, really."
He smiled, taking a sip of his pumpkin juice, "Did you ever doubt me?"
Ah, that cockiness. It might have sometimes gotten on your nerves but it was a part of what made your boyfriend unique and you adored it. You laughed, trying to cover up how flushed he had made you, "Absolutely never, Potter. You're one of a kind."
"So are you."
His compliment caught you somehow unprepared and you slightly froze. You looked at him only to find him already staring at you with such loving eyes, it made you shift in your seat.
"What?" you giggled, dumbfounded.
"Thank you for being there. It really matters to me," he gave your hand a light squeeze.
Seriously, what did you do to deserve this guy.
He's amazing in so many ways, I just can't compare.
You noticed students sending you dirty glances from across the hall and you wished you could shrink in your seat. You lowered your gaze and silently finished your meal.
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"Seriously, what's the difference between Felix Felicis and liquid luck? The professor crossed off "liquid luck" and replaced it with Felix Felicis! That's not fucking fair," you groaned, checking your graded essay. You were pretty sure you'd get an Outstanding but you only got Exceeds Expectations which you were slightly pissed about.
Lying on your boyfriend's bed, you were rambling on and on about school work, earning occasional chuckles from James as he was getting changed.
"I mean, Remus always gets the best grades, how on earth does he do that! I swear, he's like a walking encyclop-"
Your words got stuck in your throat at the sight of a half-naked James. His shoulders, toned arms, back and abs were on display while he paced around the room, trying to find his sweater. His muscles flexed under his flesh with every move and you could feel your mouth begin to water.
Once James found the clothing, he turned around. He grinned when he saw your blushing face and didn't miss the opportunity to put on a show for you - he slowly put on his sweater, his jeans falling low around his waist when he raised his arms above his head.
James wasn't only caring, loving and talented. He was also extremely hot. A kind soul wrapped in a pretty package.
Your mind started to wander and you thought about all the girls and boys who would die to be in your place; to be able to date the infamous Marauder and see him shirtless all the time like you got to. You knew many people envied your relationship and you tried not to care that much but you still somehow did. You always did.
"Are you alright, love? You're doing that again."
"I-uh… what?" you stuttered, embarrassed.
James, now dressed, sat in front of you on the bed, the mattress dipping under his weight, "You tend to space out from time to time, you stop listening to me. What's on your mind?"
You shook your head and started to rearrange your books, attempting to appear busy, "Yeah, I do that sometimes, sorry. It's nothing though, I just get lost in my thoughts."
James was eyeing up and down your stiff figure and his heart stung when you lied. One of the things he despised most was being lied to and it hurt him immensely when you did. He knew you meant well but he wanted you to trust him and talk to him like he did.
The boy abruptly but gently grabbed your trembling hands and you froze.
"Talk to me," he pleaded, looking into your eyes for a sign, any sign to reveal how you were feeling on the inside.
Your nervous smile faded and you dropped your gaze to where his hands held yours.
The room was ghostly quiet and you felt trapped, unable to run away or escape the situation.
You opened your mouth to speak but your lower lip quivered and no words came out. James simply stood there, patiently waiting for you to say something while soothingly rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles. After taking a deep breath, you choked out.
"Why do you like me?"
He seemed slightly confused but his expression remained calm, "What do you mean?"
You chewed on your lip, considering how to proceed. He deserved honesty and he was genuinely worried so it wasn't fair to keep secrets from him.
"It's just… I am…" you sighed, frustrated. "You're amazing, James. People love you. You're smart, athletic, outgoing and your personality lights up the room. You charisma is undeniable."
You stopped to inhale again, your throat tightening as tears blurred your vision. Your voice was shaking and so were your hands. James only listened. "You're an exceptional person yet you're with me. I-I don't get it. You could choose someone more impressive, someone whose abilities can compare to yours… Someone who's not me."
A tear rolled down your cheek and it pierced through James' heart like a burning blade. He brought your hands up to his face and softly pressed his lips to your knuckles. James let you cry it out first before he dared to speak, knowing you needed this moment to simply let yourself feel before anything else. There was time for figuring things out, but it was not now.
You sobbed and he reached to brush a piece of hair behind your ear, "I've got issues, James. I'm hard to deal with. I struggle with many things and I'm afraid I'm just being a burden to you."
James immediately pulled you into his embrace, arms wrapping around you as you hugged your knees. He rested his chin on top of your head which was leaned on his chest. The boy could not believe a person as breathtaking as you would think so lowly of themselves. You both stood there for awhile, not talking at all. James needed time to take it all in just like you needed time to calm down.
"What makes you think like that?" he hesitantly whispered, voice trembling.
You stared off into the distance, tired eyes unseeing. 
"I don't know. I just do. I've always been looked at as if I'm a disease, as if I'm wrong to feel happy," you muttered, using your sleeve to wipe your nose. "Something's wrong with me and I have no idea what. I'm just scared... and exhausted."
You heard James sob.
"How long have you been feeling like this for?"
You swallowed and took a breath, "Years."
James' arms tightened around you, sheltering you from the cold world. You took peace in the vulnerability, you had no strength to hide or pretend, you were free to simply exist.
"At some point I gave up on happiness. That was until I met you," you explained. "You gave me hope and though it was painful and risky for me, I decided to trust you. You never let me down but I'll always be afraid you'll leave me for someone less troubled than me. Like most people did."
"Then I'll always be here to remind you that I'm not going anywhere. I'll be by your side to help you."
You held onto his sweater, scared to let him go, "Thank you."
James rubbed your back up and down and pressed a kiss to your head, "You wanted to know why I love you?"
You hummed, turning to him.
He took a look at your bloodshot eyes and tear-stained face and he fell in love even more.
"I love you because of your pure soul. No one has ever treated me with such sincerity. You always support me, guide me and ground me when my head's up in the clouds. I'm far from perfect, I'm flawed just like everyone else. But you don't only make me a better person, you make me want to be better. For you."
A few tears rolled down your cheeks, this time from gratitude and love.
"I'm amazed at how torn you are, but still willing to give a part of yourself to those who need it. Your kindness knows no limits and I admire that in you. You might hate the hurt, damaged side of yourself, but I find its rawness to be astonishing. Because I love you. All of you."
Warmth spread throughout your body and for the first time you felt truly safe.
James slowly kissed your chapped lips. He stood still, just letting the moment take place. You savoured the feeling of his lips on yours and were surprised to feel something wet drip on your cheek. When you pulled away, you saw his glossy eyes.
"I love you too," you replied softly and nestled back into his lap. James hugged you, relieved to finally know what was going on with you. He vowed to himself to help you in any way he could and to constantly remind you that you're not fighting your battle on your own. You, on the other hand, were way calmer as well. It was refreshing to be understood and accepted, to not be judged or blamed for a change. You didn't have to act a role or lie. You let down your defences and let the rotten wound inside you bleed. And you smiled.
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Reblog if you enjoyed my work!
Tag list: @self-ship-love
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rambeautan · 7 years
Miss You Like Crazy
Something I wrote in 2016, and resurrected today for my readers at FF net and A03. A fellow follower pmed me asking if I'm still alive as there's no updates on any of my fanfictions. Well that's because I haven't time to write for weeks/months now. Since I went back to Uni I'm always on breaks from writing. Hope this will suffice moir readers until January 2018 at least.
Summary: SasfemNar. Sasuke's furthering his studies at University, leaving his bestie back in his hometown. Itachi questions his brother's relationship with his best friend and whether they were really, just best friends.
Sasuke folded his handkerchiefs and tucked them into the small spaces between his shirts and pants inside his luggage. He made a mental note to swipe another pair of Itachi's unused leather gloves, patting himself for saving another 3000 yen. He had so far swiped 3 shirts and 2 shorts from his brother, all unworn. His brother model and entrepreneur receives a lot of sponsorship clothings which Sasuke always took advantage of.
Initially he planned to swipe one of Itachi's unused designer jeans, however the fact that his brother was so much taller than him at 180 cm feet compared to his 172 cm deterred him from doing so. He didn't want to alter them himself. Plus his brother's jeans were mostly blue or some other colour variant compared to Sasuke's choice, that would always be and forever be, black jeans.
Over the summer Sasuke had grown about seven centimetres, and since he started following the older Uchiha to the gymnasium his body was more toned and he felt fitter. It was important for him to start a healthy lifestyle before he entered the life of a university student. Sasuke snickered when he realized that his best friend Naruto had only hit puberty a little later than him. He only realized it upon their reunion at New Year's eve. It was the first time he saw his bethorst friend after the summer break. It did not matter to him that they were essentially different physically anyway.
Sasuke spent enough years around Naruto to realize that the dobe's father, Mayor Namikaze Minato and Mrs Konoha 2012, Kushina Uzumaki made a very handsome couple. They were both tall and lanky. Still, Naruto at seventeen had not caught up to either of her parent's height. Naruto was only 168 cm, four cms shorter than him. She was disappointed that she was shortest amongst her peers.
Her peers. Naruto had always thought of herself as one of the boys. She was often teased by their classmate, Sai for that. The insensitive prick also teased her for looking as flat as a plane and was so often unjustly compared with Sakura, who was quite chesty and and Hinata who is, well endowed. Sasuke never needed any of Sai's teasing of his best friend, often dismissing Sai when Sai was being over the top. But Naruto, she sometimes ended trying to flatten the socially inept Sai's nosy nose. In fact any comment from Sai never failed to make the blonde's blood boil.
Naruto who was once an annoyance, but now his best friend forever. Sasuke smiled at how Naruto had wiggled into his life and cemented herself there as his ultimate shadow, silly and crazy Naruto. He glanced at a framed picture of him and Naruto at a school party. He checked out his height contrast as he stood beside the 6 cms shorter tomboy. He chuckled at the thought of him winning over a non existent height competition, between him and Naruto.
"I should give this to you before I forgot… again," Mikoto's voice interjected his son's thoughts. She peered into his room, only half her body showing behind a laundry basket she's holding.
Sasuke got up from the floor where he was packing his things and approached his mother. In the basket on top folded of clothes in the laundry basket were two gray rectangular boxes.
"One is for you and another is for Naruto. Keep it close ok as they've got your names engraved. There's plenty of refillable ink in there until you come home again," he took both boxes and kissed his mom on her temple. Mikoto smiled and then disappeared to her room.
Sasuke glanced at Itachi's room just opposite his room and saw that the door was still closed. He knew his brother had worked the late shift yesterday following his company's fourth outlet midnight sale so he realised that his brother would only be awake sometime around noon.
Sasuke sat back on the floor and opened the box and took out a black stylish pen adorned with silver accents. It had the name Sasuke Uchiha engraved on the body. Sasuke thought he would get his mother something too before he flew out for university tomorrow night. He peered at the other box which held an orange pen adorned with golden accents with his best friend's name engraved on it.
The Uchiha was a close-knit family, but not the kind to say thank you all the time or apologize to each other. They conveyed their thank yous by actions and gestures, and words were only used in very delicate situations. In the rare times that Sasuke used the words, Thank You and Sorry with his family, he freely used those words with Naruto. He did not know why he was more open with Naruto, but it was easier being expressive with his bestie than his family. Maybe because Naruto wore her heart on her sleeve which made things easier for Sasuke. She was the most honest and loyal friend he ever had, though she also had her annoying tendencies.
The house was quiet with Itachi still asleep, and his mom in her room. The Uchiha patriarch had gone to a golf tournament since early morning. Sasuke finding the quietness overwhelming especially with his anticipated travel, took his earphones and tuned to his favourite tunes. Music blasted into his ears as he sorted his remaining clothes to be brought to uni.
Sasuke finally finished packing, so he zipped up his trolley bag and parked it next to his bed. Next to it was a stack of boxes. Each box labelled: for donation, the address to his campus and also to Naruto. He and Itachi had compiled their old but good clothes to give to Naruto to sell at the Flea market. Naruto liked opening up stalls for extra money, which she spent mostly on ramen and Sasuke.
Sasuke's was about to press skip for the next song in his music playing app when a call came in. He saw the ID and immediately answered.
"Teme," the husky voice blared from his earphones. Sasuke had accepted the call, even before the ring tone had begun. He smirked when he realized how Naruto's voice made his heart all tingly.
"Dobe." Sasuke smiled at his teasing nickname which belonged to their early friendship days.
"You free this evening? Dad wants to give you a studying gift and he wants to meet before you depart…"
"...Ok. What time? I have something for you too, from Mom."
"Be here after lunch."
Sasuke plucked his earphones out and stuffed it into his backpack. He grabbed his towel and headed to the shower as he got a meeting to go to.
After showering at the shared bathroom at the end of the hall, he peered into his brother's opened room door. The elder guy's bed was unmade but his brother was nowhere, so he headed back to his room. He entered and saw that Itachi was picking his face using Sasuke's full length mirror. His brother had always been a bit vain, a kind hearted but certainly vain man.
"How's the preparation going? Do you need to run to the mall for anything, or has raiding my room solved your packing pribles.?" Itachi asked knowingly.
"85 percent solved but I need jeans. Black ones."
Itachi glanced at Sasuke's reflection as the younger sibling started dressing up for lunch. Sasuke wore an indigo shirt paired with dark jeans.
Itachi already knew who his brother was meeting, but he still asked. "Meeting Naruto?"
Sasuke nodded while picking socks from his drawer to match his white sneakers.
"Minato wants to meet me before I depart."
"How's the bestie reacting to you moving away?" Itachi asked as he sat on his brother's bed. Itachi had always known that the two best friends would be separated. He was just curious about how Sasuke was handling it.
Sasuke side eyed his brother. It's a regular question which he cared to answer though it was something Itachi should've known about. "We'll keep in touch. There's a tonne of apps for that."
"What would happen if you found a girlfriend at campus?"
Sasuke paused in his movements, he was raking his hair on the back of his head trying to enhance the spiky locks making it look more gravity challenged. He had his hand hovering in his hair. Noticing that he was almost done with his hair grooming and that he needed to respond to Itachi he dropped his hand for awhile before decided to just ignore the unspoken question in Itachi's words. Not that he needed to confirm with his brother about us love life.
"That's not my main focus being in university," Sasuke answered as he continued to rake his hair upward after the awkward pause. He hated when Itachi was being in a happy relationship, because Itachi was suddenly all sage like in the matters of love. Sasuke could understand the unspoken question about his and Naruto's status as best friends, their close friends wanted them to be more than best friends Sasuke suspected. The problem was that there was no way that the dobe would feel for something like that for him. Naruto was never inclined to like him romantically, Sasuke thought.
"I've got to go. Bring me to the mall tomorrow so I can max out your credit card on things I need." He said as he picked on his white sneakers and exited his room, while also changing the subject.
Itachi laughed and laid back on his brother's bed. He rummaged for his brother's diary which was placed under the mattress and began reading on the boy's daily rants about life, aspirations and anecdotes. Sasuke knew about his brother's intrusive habit, but he didn't care. Itachi wasn't one too share his daily ramblings about how raising his brother's wardrobe was better than shopping on his own anyday.
Sasuke smirked as he saw from the corner of his eye, that Itachi did not bother to leave his room even without him being there. He had ranted enough in the diary about his brother to rile his brother a bit, and also an appreciation note for his only sibling. It was his way of making his brother know about his unspoken feelings.
As he swiped his mom's car keys and wallet. He thought about his unspoken feelings for his best friend. Words that he was not brave enough to confess, and not even write about. He may have written about hints of his fondness towards Naruto for Itachi to read, which eased his thoughts a bit. Something which sat uncomfortably in the pit of his stomach, which made his heart bloom but his mind in turmoil. His mixed feelings about what he wanted from Naruto, maybe not now, but maybe in the future.
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jd-the-anime-fan · 7 years
The GX 12 Chapter 1: Entrance exams
Summary: AU Crossover, set in the GX-verse, includes Synchro and Xyz summons though. Naruto and Karin Uzumaki, cousins who enrol at DA in hopes of looking into the disappearances of their respective fathers. They are soon joined by new friends, Sasuke Uchiha and Hinata Hyuga, however their investigation comes at a time when dark forces begin to stir, with the fate of the world on the line. Eventual Naruhina and Sasukarin.
                                                                                                                             Duel Academy the first-built and one of many schools across the world where aspiring duelists go to train and refine their craft. However, attending such a place is not easy as applicants must undergo a written exam before duelling an exam proctor on a separate date. It was on this very day that one such applicant who had passed the written test was getting ready to head out for the practical portion.
He was a teenage boy about fifteen years old, with spiky, blond hair, bright blue eyes and three whisker-like birthmarks on each cheek. He wore a black shirt with a red spiral-like pattern in the middle of the chest area and dark grey tracksuit pants with similarly-coloured trainers. This was Naruto Uzumaki. Currently, he was shovelling the breakfast his mother Kushina had made for him that largely consisted of rice, salted salmon, miso soup and pickles down his throat.
A transparent, blue, serpentine-like monster with a light-lavender-coloured underside that easily reached the size of a full grown materialised beside the blond and regarded him with a look of surprise and exasperation, "Naruto slow down, you're going to choke." It said in a concerned and oddly soft-spoken voice. This was Codarus, a duel spirit and one of Naruto's partners.
"Sorry Cody," The young boy apologised, using the spirit's nickname as he took a brief break in his eating, "But the faster I eat, the faster I'll get to the exam building, I can pass my exam then-ugh!" The blond tried to explain excitedly between mouthfuls of food, only for him to start choking, exactly as Codarus had said, much to the Sea-Serpent's alarm.
"In fairness Cody did warn you." His mother scolded playfully, handing her son a cup of water that he eagerly took and drank from, sighing in relief once he could breathe again.
"Where's Karin?" The teenager asked.
"She already left, didn't want to get caught in the rush hour traffic." His mother explained, "I'm proud of you, ya know?" She asked kindly, "I know you'll ace the duel exam and if your father could see you now..." She rambled on, trailing off as a slightly solemn expression overcame her features.
Naruto got up, putting a hand on her shoulder in a comforting gesture, his mother smiling gratefully in response, "I know it's been three years since dad disappeared, but I promise if he's still out there, then I'll find him, along with uncle Nagato." The blond swore.
"It's a nice thought Naruto," Kushina admitted, "But don't be doing anything dangerous, alright? It's not worth it if you get hurt."
"And I don't think it'll be that dangerous." Naruto said assuredly, "Love you mom." He said before quickly giving his mother a kiss on the cheek, running off to catch the next subway train into Konoha City Centre, where the exam would be held.
One hour later...
"Stupid train!" Naruto cursed, "Of all the days it could have broken down mid-journey, why did it have to be today?!" The blond continued to shout, thankfully the train had broken down during a stop at a platform that was still some distance from the city centre and his destination building, the Kaiba Building, one of many small buildings used for the sole purpose of dueling dotted across the world as well as judging applicants to see if they had what it took to enter one of the various academies owned by the CEO of Kaiba Corp. Unfortunately, the delay had caused Naruto to realise he would need to sprint for at least a good portion of his journey on foot. Now he was approaching the Kaiba Building, as well as the deadline for entry to it. Once he reached the top of the stairs in front of the temporary exam hall, he saw the attendants were just about to pack up, "Wait!" Naruto shouted desperately, garnering their attention "Naruto Uzumaki, present."
The blond breathed a sigh of relief as he was allowed to enter the Kaiba Building, entering the duel arena, several duels between hopeful students and proctors seemed to be wrapping up. He smirked as he spotted a familiar mane of red hair in an odd fashion, where one side was spiky and the other was straight. Karin was Naruto's cousin and Kushina's niece, she wore a light-purple tank top with black shorts, a set of glasses adorned her face, behind them was the gaze of her red eyes. She was currently facing one of the proctors, a young man with a horizontal scar running across his face with hair tied up in a spiky pony tail, this was Iruka, a teacher and for the moment, Karin's exam proctor.
Iruka: 2200
Karin: 1900
On Iruka's side of the field were two Marauding Captains (A: 1200-1600/D: 400) and a Command Knight (A: 1200-1600/D: 1900) whilst on Karin's side were two face-down defence position monsters, "You've done well to come this far Ms Uzumaki, but you have three monsters staring you down, with their respective abilities preventing them from being attacked even if you summon a stronger monster. Now my Marauding Captains will attack your face-down monsters." Iruka commanded as the blond warriors clad in armour lunged for a face-down each. The two monsters revealed themselves as a jester-like monster dressed in garish clothing and a somewhat creepy mask (A: 500/D: 1200) and a young woman in indigo-coloured robes holding a staff with a crescent moon on the end (A: 300/D: 400). The two were destroyed and due to their position, Karin took no damage.
"Since you destroyed Magician of Faith when it was in face-down defence mode, its flip effect activates, allowing me to retrieve a Spell card from the Graveyard." Karin explained.
"Perhaps, but it won't help you here as Command Knight can attack you directly." Iruka stated, the regally-clothed knight rushed forward, striking the aspiring duelist.
Karin: 300
"Now, you have two options, A: Surrender and try to apply next year or B: Wait for my monsters to deal damage to your Life Points on my next turn. Which one will you pick?" The proctor questioned, his intent clearly being to turn up the heat on Karin.
"I choose C: Neither," Karin retorted without skipping a beat as Iruka's turn ended, allowing her to draw a card, "And I'll start it by summoning this monster: Shadowpriestess of Ohm!" The Uzumaki declared, summoning a woman in dark blue robes with a gold belt, an elaborate black headdress and flowing, grey hair to the field, (A: 1700/ D: 1600), "And though you're right that I can't attack your monsters, I can do this, activate the effect of the Peten the Dark Clown you sent to the Graveyard. By removing him from play, I can summon another one from my deck." A second clown that looked the same as the one destroyed previously appeared on the field in attack mode, "Next, I activate the Spell Card I retrieved from the Graveyard, Dark Room of Nightmare so whenever you take Effect Damage, three hundred extra points are taken away from your Life Points. It just so happens that my Shadowpriestess has an effect that allows her to sacrifice a DARK monster on the field, such as Peten and deal eight-hundred points of damage to you." At her command, Peten turned into an orb of purple light, which Ohm then used as a projectile, launching it clear past Iruka's three monsters and creating an explosion that damaged his Life Points.
Iruka: 1400
"Now, Dark Room of Nightmare's effect activates," Karin said, a surge of electricity shot from the continuous Spell Card, hitting the proctor.
Iruka: 1100
Just when Iruka thought the examinee's assault was over, Karin spoke up, "It also just so happens that I have another Peten in my deck, I think you can see what's coming?" The redhead questioned confidently as she removed the second Peten from the Graveyard, summoning her third, and final one. Iruka's eyes widened in surprise as the process was repeated, Karin's Shadowpriestess once again inflicted eight-hundred points of damage to Iruka, quickly followed by the effect of Dark Room of Nightmare.
Iruka: 0
Winner, Karin: 300
Despite his loss, Iruka smiled approvingly, "Very good, welcome to Duel Academy."
"Thank you, sir." Karin said, bowing to him
"Hell yeah! That's my cousin!" Naruto declared boastfully, proud of his relative's victory.
"Congratulations," Someone a few rows of seats in front of him said, a young woman about his age with long, dark-blue hair and featureless, yet oddly pretty white eyes.
"Thanks," The blond said, "You here for the exam too?"
"That's right, I won my duel and just thought I'd see the rest of the duels, I'm Hinata by the way." She greeted.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Naruto, I just arrived for my duel."
At his statement, Hinata looked a little concerned and slightly confused, "You haven't duelled yet?" Naruto shook his head, "Sorry to say but I think these are the last duels…"
There was a long moment of silence for the teenager before he comically shouted, "What?!"
In another part of the building, situated above the duel fields was the chief proctor, Mizuki. He loved the idea of several hopeful duelists being in his dorm, Obelisk Blue even if they had to share a campus with less prestigious Ra Yellows and Slifer Reds, though the former was much more respectable than the latter, "Excuse me, Mister Mizuki?" One of the attendants asked, the white-haired man cast an annoyed glance at him, "One of the attendees arrived last minute." Typical, there was always at least one person who turned up like this though there was also another reason why he was annoyed with the question, "Did you just call me Mister?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, professor?"
"I have a PhD in duelling." Mizuki said pointedly, "It's Doctor, and if this slacker wants to duel he can apply-" At that moment, his mobile went off, "Hello, I'm very busy-" Mizuki began before he was cut off by a gruff, old voice on the other end.
"Mizuki it's me."
"Ah, Chancellor Hiruzen, nice to hear from you." Mizuki said much more pleasantly, "What can I do for you?"
"I just wanted to remind you that so long as the students arrived within the deadline, you are to allow them to duel and do not prevent them from taking the exam for some other ridiculous reason. What was it last year? That they referred to you as, Mister or Professor instead of Doctor?" The old headmaster brought up.
"Of course Chancellor." Mizuki said.
"Very good, continue with your work." Hiruzen said before hanging up.
"Old windbag," Mizuki muttered under his breath, "Very well, let the new arrival duel," He continued as he got up.
"Alright Doctor, but what exam deck should we use?" Another of the proctors asked.
"Don't worry, you just leave that to me." The Academy teacher said, with a smirk that he quickly hid from his colleagues. Maybe he couldn't stop the late arrival from duelling, but he could definitely do the next best thing!
"But I got here on time, how can I not be allowed to duel?" Naruto wondered aloud tugging at his hair in frustration so hard it looked ready to come out.
"Naruto, calm down." Codarus said trying to reassure him, the aspiring Duel Academy student shot a look at his duel spirit, quickly taking him to the side so his new potential friend wouldn't think he was talking to himself, little realising that Hinata could see the WATER monster clear as day.
'He can see duel spirits too?' Hinata thought surprised, to find someone who had the same gift as her. Naruto couldn't see her surprised expression as he took Codarus with him.
"How can I be calm?" He asked through gritted teeth, "If I can't duel then I can't attend Duel Academy, kindly explain what I can do to keep calm?" He finished sarcastically.
As if to prove him wrong, an announcement was made, "Will Naruto Uzumaki please make your way to Duel Field 3."
"Shut up." Naruto snapped as he noticed Codarus looking at him smugly.
"I didn't say anything." The Sea-Serpent said nonchalantly, though it was clear he knew exactly what Naruto meant.
As he made his way down the stairs towards the duel fields, he noticed his cousin coming up the opposite way, "Someone's a little late." She sneered playfully.
"Yeah, yeah laugh it up." Naruto responded in a good natured manner, "I'll be joining you soon enough."
"Of course, good luck."
"Thanks Karin."
"I was talking to Cody." The redhead replied, she promptly began laughing at her cousin's comical indignance. When the two parted ways once more, Naruto himself chuckled at the banter between them.
Once he arrived at Duel Field 3, he was given a Duel Academy-issued duel disk, "Welcome!" He was greeted as he entered the field while strapping the duel disk to his arm. The person who greeted him was a white-haired man with a blue blazer, "You're Naruto Uzumaki, correct? I'm Mizuki the head of the Obelisk Blue dorm, congratulations, you've been selected for a rather special condition on your entrance exam."
"What condition?" The blond inquired.
"You see, I'm not really a fan of anyone who turns up late, so your punishment is you have to duel me at eight-thousand Life Points, against my own deck instead of an exam one. When I said 'welcome', I meant it as 'Welcome to the big leagues kid.'." The exam proctor announced.
"What a dirty trick." Karin said as she took a seat on a row where she could get a good view of the duel. The odds would clearly be stacked in Mizuki's favour.
"I would agree." Another voice a little further down the row she was on said, the source of which was a young man with black hair, black eyes and wearing a black trench-coat over a dark-red t-shirt with black jeans, "You're that guy's cousin, right?" The stranger asked.
"That's right, how did you know?" Karin inquired.
"He made it pretty clear for everyone still here when you won your duel." The young man replied with an amused smirk.
Karin snorted at that, "Figures that knucklehead would do something like that. I'm Karin by the way."
"Sasuke." He replied, "Though from what I've heard, Mizuki uses Zombie-Type monsters and supposedly he has quite a few rare ones, maybe we'll get to see them."
"Maybe…" Karin mumbled, despite her cousin's predicament, even she had to admit, seeing not just one but several rare cards was definitely something of a treat, for both the audience and Naruto.
After hearing the news Naruto's head had sunk and he had begun shaking, "What's the matter, are you scared?" Mizuki asked in a thinly-veiled taunt.
"Scared?" Naruto said before he began chuckling, much to the confusion of his soon-to-be opponent. The chuckling soon erupted into full-blown laughter, "I'm excited! This is the type of challenge I was looking for! But if I beat you, there's one thing I want from you in return."
"And what would that be?" The white-haired man questioned.
Naruto pointed a finger at Mizuki and made his condition known, "You have to recommend me for a place at your dorm."
The doctor was stunned, though his shock soon turned into a scowl, "Cheeky and turning up late, I hope you realise that's a bad combination. Very well, I'll accept your offer, not that you have a chance." Mizuki stated as the two of them readied their duel disks.
"Let's Duel!" The two declared.
Mizuki: 8000
Naruto: 8000
"As your senior, I'll begin, I draw," Mizuki said, "And I'll start by summoning a face-down defence monster and setting two cards face down to end my turn."
"That's your best?" Naruto asked, clearly having expected more than such a simple manoeuvre, "Then I'll draw and start by activating the Field Spell, Umi and summoning the monster, Mermaid Knight in attack mode." A mermaid with a green tail, flowing red hair and a purple cuirass armed with a sword and shield appeared on the field, (A: 1500-1700/D:600-800), "Thanks to Umi, not only does she get a boost in attack, but since it's on the field she can attack twice this turn. Now attack his face-down monster Mermaid Knight!"
The face-down monster flipped face-up, revealing it as a turtle with a square-based pyramid on its back (A: 1200/D: 1400), Mermaid Knight brought her sword down, cutting clean through and destroying the monster, "Since you destroyed my Pyramid Turtle, I can summon a monster with two-thousand or less defence from my deck, and I select my Vampire Lord!" A pale-skinned man adorned in gothic yet regal clothing appeared on the field, (A: 2000/D: 1500).
'This isn't good.' Naruto thought as now his monster would be defenceless on his opponent's next turn, "I end my turn." He said reluctantly.
"Very well, then I'll draw, and activate the Spell Card, Pot of Greed." Per the card's effect, Mizuki added two new cards to his hand, "It seems that I'm in luck," The proctor stated, "I summon my Soul Absorbing Bone Tower to the Field in attack mode and activate the Trap card, Coffin Seller." A tower composed of blackened and bare bones with an eerie orange glow appearing from a small cave close to the summit appeared alongside the Continuous Trap, (A: 400/D: 1500).
"So long as there's another Zombie-Type on the Field, Soul Absorbing Bone Tower can't be attacked, but that's not its only effect. I activate the Polymerisation in my hand, fusing my Zombie Dragon and The Snake Hair together to summon Great Mammoth of Goldfine!" A purple dragon with rotting flesh and a woman with snakes for hair dressed in a blue robe appeared briefly before being sucked into a vortex. What emerged next was a golden woolly mammoth skeleton that let out a roar as it took its place on the field, (A: 2200/D: 1800).
"Since he was Special Summoned, my Bone Tower's second effect activates, when a Zombie-Type is Special Summoned the top two cards from your deck are sent to the Graveyard. Naruto discarded the two cards, Salvage and Torpedo Fish, "Since one of the cards was a monster, you take three-hundred points of damage due to Coffin Seller's effect." A mist-like, white projectile shaped like Naruto's monster was launched from the card.
Naruto: 7700
"But I'm not done yet, by removing my Vampire Lord from play while it's on the field, I can summon this, Vampire Genesis!" Mizuki declared, as his vampire was engulfed in a shroud of darkness, a new one took its place. Its skin was dark purple, had two large, bat-like wings protruding from its back, jagged teeth and two piercing, red-coloured eyes. It was easily the biggest monster on the field, standing much taller than the already large mammoth (A: 3000/D: 2100), "Another Zombie-Type Special Summoned, so you know what that means?" He asked rhetorically, Naruto grunted in frustration as the next two cards in his deck were also sent to the Graveyard, Gruesome Goo and Xyz Reception, "Another monster, another three-hundred points of damage." Just like before another monster-shaped cloud of mist hurtled towards Naruto, damaging his Life Points.
Naruto: 7400
"Now, Great Mammoth of Goldfine destroy his Mermaid Knight!" Mizuki declared, with a charge that shook the ground, the mammoth-like zombie rammed into Naruto's monster. Naruto flinched as his only line of defence was destroyed, "And don't forget about Coffin Seller."
Naruto: 6600
"Next, Vampire Genesis, attack him directly!" Mizuki's strongest monster gave a bellow as it brought a fist down in a hammer strike on the blond.
Naruto: 3600
"Finally, Soul Absorbing Bone Tower, do the same." The tower appeared in front of Naruto, a vacuum pulling on the blond as if the creature was really trying to absorb his soul.
Naruto: 3200
"Those rare cards pack quite a punch, your cousin is going to have to make a big comeback if he wants to even have a chance of beating Mizuki." Sasuke commented.
Even Karin had to admit that Sasuke was right, Naruto's current situation was dire, it would take quite a lucky draw to get him out of it, "I have a feeling he'll do it." A feminine voice behind the two spoke up, they turned to face the young woman behind them with questioning looks, "I was speaking with your cousin earlier," She addressed to Karin, "My name is Hinata."
"You think he can actually get out of this one?" Sasuke asked, "Care to put your money where your mouth is?"
"One-hundred ryo that he wins." (1) Hinata replied, placing her bet as she agreed to Sasuke's wager.
"Then I'll bet the same that he loses." The young man said confidently.
"That's my cousin you're betting on." Karin stated incredulously, "So, how much can we raise the stakes?"
"My turn," Naruto said, "I'll draw." Looking at his card, Naruto grinned, "I activate the Spell, Moray of Greed so, by returning two WATER monsters to my deck, I can draw three cards."
'Please be good.' Naruto thought nervously as the deck finished shuffling, taking the top three cards, internally the blond breathed a sigh of relief, 'Just what I needed.'
Noticing his pause, Mizuki once again decided to taunt his opponent, "What's the matter do you give up?" The white-haired man was surprised and strangely… unnerved when the blond grinned at him.
"On the contrary, I just got the cards I needed." Naruto said, "Come on out, Codarus!" The blue Sea-Serpent appeared on the field, (A: 1400-1600/D: 1200-1400).
"This doesn't look good Naruto." Codarus said in concern.
"Don't worry Cody, I have a plan." Naruto said in a reassuring tone.
"Mind filling me in?" His duel spirit inquired.
"I would, but where would be the fun in that?" Naruto retorted.
"You're a dick." Codarus muttered, realising that his friend was probably doing this for how smug he acted when Naruto was first called up to duel.
"I learned from the best."
"Are you… talking? To your duel monster?" Mizuki asked in clear confusion since he wasn't able to hear the conversation taking place between the duelist and his monster.
"And what if I am?" Naruto asked.
"Reminds me of someone else who believed those myths about seeing monster spirits, Minato Namikaze…"
"They're not myths," Naruto said adamantly, "And he's my dad."
"Well that explains the craziness," Mizuki said, "But I wonder if you're a hack like he was?"
"What do you mean?" Naruto growled in anger at his father being insulted.
"Please, you mean you don't know?" Mizuki asked, "Your father was an intelligent man, I'll give him that much but at the end of the day, he was a fool who spent his time researching fairy tales instead of actual duelling." He elaborated upon noticing Naruto's confused expression.
"Do you know anything about his disappearance?" Naruto demanded angrily.
Mizuki simply shrugged in response, not seeming to care, "Only that he, along with a few others, disappeared three years ago and hasn't been seen since. Maybe they all finally realised how fruitless their efforts for 'studying' these supposed duel spirits would be and packed things in. They could have at least told someone where they were going their disappearances caused a scandal that almost got Duel Academy shut down."
"Then I'll make him tell us where he's been all these years!" The blond stated.
"What?" The proctor asked in a confused tone.
"I came here to search for him, to find answers about what happened, I promised my mom that I would. I won't go back on my word, my pride as a duelist is on the line!"
Mizuki could only sigh in exasperation, "You really are your father's son, obsessed with chasing something so inherently hopeless. But enough blathering, continue with your turn." He said, internally smirking at his current setup, 'Codarus's ability allows it to destroy Umi, then target two cards on the field and destroy them. Chances are that he'll destroy Genesis and Goldfine to target Bone Tower but with Negate Attack face-down, I can stop the attack and end his Battle Phase. Then when it's my turn I can switch Bone Tower to defence mode, Codarus will have lost its boost so it won't be able to destroy it, that's if I don't get a Zombie-Type on my next draw.'
"I destroy Umi," Naruto began, seemingly, Mizuki's prediction was coming true, "By placing another Field Spell." The blond stated, causing the white-haired man to gain a look of surprise, "I activate, A Legendary Ocean." The sea below them was replaced by an ancient city submerged deep beneath the waves. "This card still gives Codarus a two-hundred point boost to attack and defence but also lowers the Level of every WATER monster on the field and in our hands by one. I set a card face-down to end my turn."
'That's it? The kid might even be more foolish than I thought.' Mizuki internally stated, "Very well, I draw. Since it's the only card in my hand, I'll activate it, Monster Reborn and use it to bring back, Dragon Zombie." The decaying dragon reappeared on the field (A: 1600/D: 0), "Another Special Summon, so Bone Tower's effect activates." Once again, two cards were sent from the top of Naruto's deck, another Moray of Greed and Sea Kamen. Coffin Seller's effect then dealt three-hundred points of damage to Naruto's Life Points.
Naruto: 2900
"Now Vampire Genesis, attack and destroy Codarus." The purple monster roared as it swung at the Sea-Serpent.
"I activate the Trap, Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord, with this all Level 3 and below Aqua, Fish and Sea-Serpent-Type monsters can't be destroyed by battle or card effects this turn." Naruto declared, regardless the attack of Mizuki's strongest monster still connected.
"That may be, but you'll still take Battle Damage."
Naruto: 1500
"Goldfine, attack Codarus as well." The mammoth skeleton charged, head-butting Codarus.
Naruto: 900
"And with the effect of your card, there's no point in attacking with Dragon Zombie, I end my turn." Mizuki said.
"Thank you, now it's time for this duel to end." Naruto said as he drew a card.
"Are you joking?" Mizuki scoffed, "I have almost ten times your Life Points, what makes you think you can win?"
"This," Naruto said as he flipped a card around, "The Spell Card, Cost Down, so I discard one card." The blond began to explain as he discarded the monster, Amazon of the Seas, which of course activated the effect of Coffin Seller.
Naruto: 600
"Now all the monsters in my hand are two levels lower and because of that coupled with A Legendary Ocean, a normally Level 7 WATER monster, is now Level 4." There was a collective gasp from most students who had opted to stay and watch the duel, excluding Karin who already knew this part of her cousin's usual strategy. Mizuki's eyes now widened in terror, since there was now a very real possibility of his opponent bringing out a powerful monster with almost no cost.
"What I'm choosing to summon, is Superancient Deepsea King, Coelacanth!" With the declaration, a large grey, fish with jagged teeth, a powerful-looking jaw and most strangely, arm-like appendages that were tipped with claws appeared. Superancient was an understatement as the monster looked like it was from prehistoric times with armour-like plates modern day fish weren't known for having and kelp was growing from between small gaps in the plates, as well as the crown-like formation on its back, (A: 2800-3000/D: 2200-2400).
Mizuki calmed down at that, "It's an impressive monster, I'll admit but it only matches the strength of Genesis and even if Coelacanth isn't destroyed I still have a solid line of defence, whilst you only have two montsers."
"Well, it's a good thing subjects follow their king." Naruto retorted, "Let me demonstrate, I activate Coelacanth's ability, by discarding one card I can summon as many Level 4 or below Fish-Type monsters from my deck as possible." Thankfully the card discarded was Salvage, so Naruto took no damage from Coffin Seller.
"What good will that do?" Mizuki questioned.
"A lot of good actually, when two of the monsters I'm summoning, are Spined Gillman and one Great White." Coelacanth gave a long, reverberating bellow that seemed to shake the very building, once it finished, two blue humanoid, fish-like monsters with barbs running the length of their backs appeared, holding red tridents. The other monster to be summoned was reminsiscent of a great white shark, as the name implied but it also had muscular arms that ended in webbed hands, "Due to the effects of my Spined Gillman, the attack points of all face-up Fish, Aqua and Sea-Serpent-Type monsters goes up by four-hundred since there's two that totals eight-hundred. Plus, A Legendary Ocean's effect gives an extra two hundred."
"A total of one-thousand extra points…" Mizuki mumbled as the two monsters raised their tridents and a blue glow surrounded both themselves and their fellow monsters.
Great White, (A: 1600-2600/D: 800-1000). Spined Gillman, (A: 1300-2300/D: 0-200) x2. Coelacanth, (A: 3000-3800/D: 2400). Codarus (A: 1600-2400/D: 1400).
Mizuki was definitely worried now but calmed himself down when he realised he still had Negate Attack, it would be easy to destroy the two Spined Gillman on his next turn. Yet the proctor couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, "Before my Battle Phase begins, I activate the effect of Codarus. You see, when it's on the field, A Legendary Ocean is known as Umi. By sending it to the Graveyard, I select two cards on the field and destroy them, what am I selecting? Vampire Genesis, and your face-down."
"What?!" Mizuki cried in shock, of course he had expected the blond to use the ability, but that was just when Codarus was on the field. Now with five monsters, each with more than two-thousand attack points staring him down, his confidence in his strategy was at all-time low.
"Good plan, Naruto." Codarus said, beginning to draw in the water from A Legendary Ocean as it disappeared and launched them at the two intended targets in the form of miniature typhoons. The first of them slammed into the vampire, destroying it whilst the second one sucked up the face-down, picking it up and causing it to shatter.
"Unfortunately, my monsters lose the benefit of A Legendary Ocean, but they're still strong enough to take you down." Level 3-4 (A: 2600-2400/D: 1000-800), Level 2-3 (A: 2300-2100/D: 200-0) x2, Level 4-5 (A: 3800-3600/D: 2400-2200), Level 3-4 (A: 2400-2200/D: 1400-1200), "Great White, attack Great Mammoth of Goldfine." The human-like shark rushed forward, the Zombie-Type attempted to defend itself but Great White quickly stopped the tusks and brought its teeth down on Goldfine's skull, shattering the monster.
Mizuki: 7800
"Spined Gillman one, destroy Zombie Dragon." The humanoid monster leapt at the rotting corpse and plunged its trident through the dragon's chest, destroying the monster.
Mizuki: 7300
"Spined Gillman two, attack Soul Absorbing Bone Tower." Like the first one, Naruto's second Spined Gillman attacked, practically dismantling the Bone Tower.
Mizuki: 5600
'This can't be happening, this isn't happening!' Mizuki internally screamed, his defences were completely wiped out, and two of Naruto's monsters still had their attacks…
"Coelacanth, attack him directly." Naruto commanded, despite its size, the giant fish moved quickly, opening its maw and bringing its jaws down on the proctor.
Mizuki: 2000
"Now Codarus, finish this, show him what duel spirits can do!"
"I was planning on it." Codarus said, lunging forward and biting Mizuki's arm.
Mizuki: 0
Winner, Naruto: 600
Mizuki fell to his knees, 'I lost?' He thought incredulously, 'This kid is a slacker, I used my personal deck, and he beat me! How, could this get any worse?!'
"Hey, Mizuki-sensei!" Naruto called, the blond's now soon-to-be teacher looked up from his kneeling position and scowled at him, "Now don't give me that look," He began in a teasing tone, "You still have to recommend me for a place at your dorm, after all you promised to in front of all these people." He finished, gesturing to the room around him.
Mizuki's face fell as he realised that what Naruto was saying was true, he would have to recommend a place for him at Obelisk Blue. Otherwise, he would run the risk of looking like a sore and petty loser throwing a tantrum, a pupil doing that would be one thing, a teacher though likely ran the risk of either demotion or being outright fired. The worst part? If Naruto somehow remained in Obelisk throughout his entire stay at the school, Mizuki would be subject to that blond being a smug little shit about his victory for at maximum, four years. Thus as Naruto turned away and began heading back to the seating area, Mizuki shouted out the only sentence that felt appropriate at the time, "I hate you!"
"I'm sure this is the start of a beautiful friendship!" Naruto called back, Mizuki gritting his teeth in anger as he heard the WATER-user's echoing laughter.
"He actually beat him?" Sasuke mumbled.
"He did indeed, now pay up." Karin said as both she and Hinata held out their hands for the five-hundred ryo that Karin had raised the stakes to. Sasuke grumbled as he took out his wallet and handed the two smirking women five hundred each.
"Were you really betting if Naruto would win or lose?" The familiar voice of Codarus asked, leaning his head on the spot in front of Karin.
"I had the utmost confidence in him!" Karin stated unconvincingly, Codarus raised what would have been an eyebrow curiously, likely not believing the redhead.
"You mean you only betted in his favour when he summoned Coelacanth?" Hinata asked rhetorically.
Both of those she addressed looked shocked, "You can see me?" The Sea-Serpent asked in amazement.
"That's right." Hinata said, a transparent werewolf-like creature with particularly vicious-looking claws wearing tattered, blue trousers appeared, quite a stark contrast to the gentle-looking, petite woman next to it, "This is my duel spirit, Lycanthrope." The werewolf merely grunted out a greeting, "Sorry, he can be a little aloof." The blue-haired woman said apologetically.
It was at that point that Naruto walked up the stairs, still chuckling after his victory against Mizuki, stopping briefly as he noticed the group together, as well as the yellow-eyed Beast-Warrior staring intently at him which became slightly more unnerving as it appeared to start grinning at him, showing off gleaming white teeth. Slowly, the blond walked up to his cousin, "I'm just going to take a stab in the dark here, ignoring the fact that that duel spirit is starting to creep me out and say Hinata can see duel spirits?" He whispered to her.
"Yep." Karin said, nodding her head.
"Sorry," Hinata apologised, "I would have told you sooner, but we didn't exactly have the time."
"Pardon me?" Sasuke spoke up, "You guys have actual duel spirits?"
"Yeah, are you another person who can see duel spirits? And who are you?" Naruto asked.
"Not see, but I can sense them and even if I couldn't I'd still believe in their existence. The name is Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke explained, "My brother was on the same team that your father disappeared on Naruto and like you I'm going to Duel Academy to find him. If you want to work together, I'd be grateful for the help."
There was no hesitation in Naruto's answer, "Sure, I'm in."
"Count me in too." Karin said, "My dad and Naruto's uncle was with them as well, if they're still on the island, then I'll do whatever it takes to get them back."
"Glad to hear there's someone else who wants to work with us." Sasuke said, smiling almost kindly at Karin, causing a pink hue to briefly dust her cheeks before it faded, "And what about you?" Sasuke asked, the remaining members of the group turned to Hinata, awaiting an answer.
The other young woman looked a little awkward, "I guess I'm the odd one out, I don't have a relative who disappeared on Academy Island, but if you need anything feel free to ask, I think I know someone who could help."
"Thank you," Sasuke said, "How about we have a battle royal when we get to the academy?" He suggested, he noticed his companion's looks before leaning in, glancing around suspiciously as if to make sure no one was listening in, "It's not normal for several people to disappear, not without a trace, something is up. It could be that people in the upper echelons of the Academy, maybe even the chancellor himself are in on the disappearance. If we're going to trust each other completely, we should at least know part of each of our duelling styles. Keep in mind that it's just an assumption, but it's also a distinct possibility that shouldn't be ignored."
"Sounds like a plan to me." Naruto agreed, with the two women of the group also nodding.
"Well, can I suggest something?" Hinata spoke up, the young woman took out her deck, and removed a blue card, a Ritual monster card, not just any one though, it was Lycanthrope, "My mother taught me a way of duelists making a pact together, we put a monster that's sentimental to us in some way together in a silent agreement that we share the same goal, as well as stating what that sentimentality is to show the trust between the participants. For example, Lycanthrope was a going away present from my father." She explained, placing the Ritual monster on the table top in front of them.
Karin was the next to select a card, "She's gotten me out of some tight spots in the past, even if I don't have a duel spirit of my own, she's easily my most trusted monster." The redhead placed Shadowpriestess of Ohm on the table so that the tops of both it and Lycanthrope were touching.
Sasuke took his card out, "A gift from my brother before he disappeared." The Uchiha said, placing the Synchro monster, Exploder Dragonwing so that it partially covered the two previous cards.
Lastly it was Naruto's turn, "My strongest monster, and the first duel spirit I ever saw." He said, though aside from Karin, it was not what the other group members were expecting, Ocean Dragon Lord – Neo Daedalus. Hinata looked surprised at the sight of such a rare monster and Sasuke gave an impressed whistle.
With Naruto placing his card in the final position, a pact was formed between the four of them. A pact to discover the mystery behind the academy's disappearances, to find those who were missing, and most importantly, to look out for each other if the journey they would undertake got dangerous. Little did the group realise that the latter would become reality far more often than not.
A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter, this was my first time writing a duel so I really hope you guys can give me some constructive criticism on that. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next chapter.
1) For those wondering, I did the math and basically Sasuke lost about USD$90/£90.
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