#thank you for this ask venus
wakanai · 7 months
Hii my beloved mutual
I just wanted to say, you're such a sweet and thoughtful person for always thinking about other people and trying to brighten their day up a little and I don't think you hear it enough. I'm sure you're a great friend to have in real life, and your friends are really lucky to have you.
But also, I do hope you're taking care of yourself. I don't want to seem too forward, but as a person with a people-pleaser attitude myself, I know that sometimes it feels more like an obligation, a burden and a weight to do it, even if it's for your own friends. But you also can't stop doing it because then they'll assume something is wrong. If all of this isn't very applicable to you, all well and good! I'm glad. But if it does, I just want you to know that I, and by extension everyone else you know, love you for who you are :)
I just wanted to make sure and tell you this. It doesn't have to feel like a duty. You are your own person and your worth isn't defined by what people think of you, so don't worry about them.
And for what it's worth, we really appreciate you ♡
Have a great day love.
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Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
bro thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you 😭😭
is this how you feel? for what it's worth, I hope you're doing better in that regard and not still forcing yourself to do things out of obligation.
On my end, actually
funny that you mention it because I do *have trauma* from a certain friend because of that 😂🤭🤭
She would text me everyday, sometimes call me during online class even though she knew I was busy, and actually I was okay with it but then
she started making back handed remarks, and acting toxic in general 😂
after a big event where I felt manipulated by her, I lost some of my 'heart' for her and every day listening to her texts felt like a chore and made me feel trapped.
Came to a point where I hated the sound of a text notification because I dreaded if it was her.
Dude, she even got mad at me once because I didn't ask, "how are you?" after she visited my house.
Like, she arrived back to her home after visiting me, right? I get a text message later that day saying
"thanks a lot for asking how I am" (sarcastic)
like WOJEFRINA 😂😂😂
turns out she had a bad experience on her way back home but like JWEIJWRT be fr man 😃
when I first received that text, my first thought was
"Am I obliged to ask you how you are?"
and I hated her so much in that moment.
(At that point in time, she literally texted me every day and I usually responded cheerfully and kindly even though I had some things against her).
Bro, she's the reason I bought the book, "How to Deal With Difficult People" by Bo Sanchez 😂
I read that book and one advice from that book was to love them from a distance and to distance yourself from them cause you can't truly love a person who hurts you 😄(plus you're just enabling their toxic behavior which isn't helping either of you in the long run - but that's my opinion for another day-)
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(inserting these excerpts because it gives me nostalgia looking back at them 😂)
That book helped me decide that I was going to distance myself from her. There were actually several 'ways' that book suggested in dealing with a toxic person. One of them was confrontation and another was gradually distancing (not meeting them if you can help it, etc.)
Me, being the person who hates confrontation at the time naturally went with the less...'scary option.' 😂🤭
I decided to distance myself gradually.
GIRL I KID YOU NOT. I was so anxious at ignoring her texts.
It was hard for me to not respond to her text for even a single day.
Like. Bro. Not responding to a text for a day felt like a milestone.
iirc there was even a time where ignoring her text for an hour felt like an accomplishment.
Like 😭😭😭😭😭
eventually, after lots of praying, crying, contemplating, hating her secretly that it ate me inside to overlook her annoying remarks (like when she made fun of me for my weight🤣), I eventually confronted her at like 2 am.
I sent her a text explaining why I've grown distant, my honest feelings, and that I wanted to take a break from her as a friend.
I fell asleep. Checked my phone again in the morning. Saw that she replied.
AND BRO. It took me like...a while. just. to. open. her. reply.
I opened it.
She apologized actually and said she understood.
Had a big 'THANK YOU GOD!!' moment. I was celebrating, dancing, screaming inside because I. literally. felt. so. free.
I will never regret that day I cut ties with her.
Had a whole 'closure' thing. She apologized. I forgave her.
(yk what's funny? my people-pleasing persona was like 'oh will a month break be ok?' then she was like 'girl, even if it's a year, I understand') <<< internally, I was thinking 'actually I have no plans of ever being friends again'
😂😂 past me is so sillay lol.
She's a good person. It's just..she just got toxic lol. even good people can be toxic if it's not confronted.
It's because of that experience that I need my friends to be okay with late replies and seen zones. I always tell them,
'If I don't reply or seen zone you, I'm either not in the mood or I'm doing something atm. It doesn't mean I hate you or that we have beef. I'll tell you if something's wrong. So don't freak out if I seen zone. It just means I'll reply to your message later '
because I can't stand feeling pressured to respond to a text message right away.
Thank you so much to my ex-friend for that ❤️
(JK. but actually, really though. It's good I'm like this now compared to before where I put everything on hold just to reply right away).
So right now,
I'm glad to say that I'm better at prioritizing myself instead of doing things for my friends out of obligation 🤭❤️
rn, I do things mainly because I want to. and I don't feel as stressed about my friends <3
(but I do admit, even if I tell my friends I seen-zone, I sometimes still feel uneasy when I don't respond after a certain amount of time---)
my main struggle right now is being confident because I'm super shy and socially awkward in real life.
the people-pleasing personality that keeps me from sharing my thoughts and personality, especially to strangers irl. that little pest.
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(this is the people pleaser in me hugging the people pleaser in you. we're both struggling together lol.)
I appreciate you sending me this message. It means a lot. like..
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this is prob me rn. (I'm kyouka on the left).
thank you...
really. i appreciate it.
have a good day, as in.
i hope you know we appreciate you too.
u made my day better.
thank you for sending me this.
and yes we will definitely succeed in killing that pesty little people pleaser part of us.
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Have a lovely day and hug from me 💗
also I'm just going to add hehe..
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you're giving me mom friend vibes. it's giving Kunikida ✨🤌🫴
I love it.
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blindmagdalena · 8 months
Omg could you maybe do “The sun rising over the horizon as they chat through the night” with homelander and maybe venus!reader? A standard reader would be wonderful too though ☺️
ohhh, venus!reader!!! it's been too long since i thought about her! yes, absolutely. 🖤
homelander x reader. dialogue from this list of newly wed prompts. reader is the supe Venus, a Poison Ivy inspired superhero. ❤️🌿 1.3k and 18+ for saucy imagery and some heavy petting, but no outright smut. mostly a sentimental affair.
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Intimacy is a strange word. It’s the sort that can be used to describe the closeness of a wide variety of different relationships, be they platonic or romantic. It strikes Homelander that he’s had very, very few relationships that he would classify as truly intimate.
But that’s what this feels like right now. You lay atop him, nothing but skin between your bodies. It isn’t just your shared nakedness that makes this intimate, though.
It’s the tenderness in your eyes as you gaze down at him through heavily lidded eyes, lips curved in a gentle smile. It’s the way you tilt your head at the same time he lifts his hand, knowing he intends to stroke your cheek with his knuckles well before he does it. It’s the way you sigh the warmth of your breath onto his lips.
It wasn’t always like this. There was a time where he couldn’t stand you: at least, that’s what he thought it was. You had a way of putting him off balance, agitating him in ways few people could. There were times when he wanted to throttle you for the ease with which you would brush him off.
It turned his world upside down when he realized you’d been flirting with him the whole time.
“What’re you thinking about?” You ask idly, leaning against his hand. He adjusts his hand to support your cheek in his palm, rubbing his thumb along the rise of your cheek.
“You,” he answers, smiling at how you scrunch your nose.
“What about me?” You press, turning your head to kiss his palm.
He inhales a slow breath through his nose, exhales a little raspberry. “You and me. Where we are, how we got here.”
“Well,” you begin, folding your arms to rest them atop his chest. “It all started this afternoon when I sent you a picture of a blooming Middlemist Red–the rarest flower in the world, I’ll remind you–and you texted back ‘Not The Petals I’m Thinking About Spreading,’ which, inexplicably and against all logic, made me incredibly horny. So, I came home, took off all your clothes and rode you stupid.”
As you speak, a grin slowly spreads across Homelander’s face. “Wow. You got it bad, huh?”
“I married you, didn’t I?” You give back, quirking a brow.
“Ch’yeah, but even so. Sheesh. Embarrassing.” “I’m going to kill you,” you say through a smile, turning to bite his hand. He laughs as you chew ineffectually on it, continuing to stroke your cheek regardless. 
“Yeah? I think this approach is gonna take you awhile,” he muses, watching as you gnaw at the meat of his hand just below his pinky.
Letting his hand go with a soft pleh noise, you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. “Yeah, I intend it to. At least a solid fifty years. You’ll suffer real slow. That’s why they use spoons instead of knives to torture people, you know. It hurts more when it’s dull,” you say, leaning in to press a sweet kiss to his lips.
“Fifty years, huh? That’s it?” He asks, wiping your own spit on your shoulder. “You know we’re probably gonna live a lot longer than that, right?”
“Yeah, well, you never know what the divorce rates will be like in the future. You know what the leading cause of divorce is, right?” You ask, refolding your arms, resting your chin atop them.
“We’re not getting divorced,” he says, unwilling to entertain the thought even playfully.
“The leading cause of divorce is marriage,” you say very seriously anyways.
“You are… so incredibly lame,” he says, voice heavy with the severity of his accusation.
“And yet,” you say, wiggling your ring finger.
He takes your hand and pulls it to his lips, kissing that inconspicuous little gold band. It matches his wider band perfectly. “And yet,” he echoes by way of agreement. “Hard to believe I finally pinned you down.”
“Oooh,” you purr, brows lifting. “Tell me more about how you pinned me down.”
“You’re done for now. Shackled. Legally bound,” he expounds, smoothing his hands down the curves of your body, sinking his grip into the soft swell of your ass. You laugh, moving your hands to kiss his chest just above the beat of his heart.
“Mmm, see, I recall our honeymoon differently. I remember you being the one all tied up,” you say, a wicked glint in your eyes.
True. You surprised him with that one, ensnaring him in a tangle of vines and keeping him like that for hours under the narrative of “breaking him in.” It had worked, rocked his world so hard that the thought alone was enough to send a hungry pang all the way to his core, despite having just thoroughly had you. It isn’t as though he can ever get enough. You’re intoxicating.
He inhales deeply, savoring the rich smell of you. You always have the lingering scent of blossoms and sandalwood on your skin, remnants of your powers woven into every fiber of your being. It gives you a sense of wildness, leaves him feeling as though he’s laying claim to you every time he touches you. 
“I love you,” he says, eyes soft, utterly drunk on the feeling. He watches how easily those three simple words disarm you, draining the slyness from your eyes and replacing it with a tenderness reserved exclusively for him. For as much as the world thinks it knows you, it never will. Not the way he does. Let them go on believing you’re part hero, part villainess, that all your stems are barbed with thorns. He’ll keep the truth of your softness a secret for his hands alone. 
“I love you, too,” you whisper, cupping either side of his face as you close in to kiss him properly, parting his lips with your tongue to taste, to feel, to consume. There is a hunger in you that mirrors his own, each of you taking bites of the other without ever truly growing full or satisfied. 
He realized a long time ago that no amount of you would ever be enough, and that was when he knew he had to make you his forever. The rings on your fingers are just a small token of that. It’s the scars you carve into each other’s hearts that scream the true nature of your love.
Time melts away in the wake of your presence in his. You make him laugh, bringing him the kind of peace he’d only ever dreamed of. There is an ease that comes about when you truly love someone, when you can not only show them your deepest darkness, but your most nonsensical self. He’s never afraid that you will laugh at him. He knows unconditionally that you only ever laugh with him. When he is vulnerable, you bring sobriety. When he is afraid, you don armor.
In the span of a single night, you are his lover, his rival, his spouse, his menace and his dearest friend. The two of you are so wholly consumed by one another, neither of you realize that the night has ended until the dawn comes crawling in through the windows.
“God, what time is it?” You ask, dumbstruck by the encroaching light.
“I don’t care,” Homelander answers unhelpfully, tugging you back down into his arms. “Fuck it, let’s stay in bed all day, sleep through it. I like the night better anyways. No one to bother us,” he says, kissing a line up your throat. “Let’s play hooky.”
You sigh through a smile, carding your fingers through his hair. “You know that I’m supposed to be the bad influence, right?”
“Step up your game, then,” he says, sucking a mark at your neck that threatens to bruise. The way you shiver against his tongue is fucking delicious. “Be worse.”
He inhales sharply at the firm press of your hand slipping between his legs.
“If you insist,” you say, feigning exasperation. He grins broadly.
Who ever said honeymoons had to end?
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acourtofserpents · 5 months
What does fae fashion look like?
fae fashion definitely depends on the type of fae we're talking about. the fae MC comes across around the court all wear very ethereal, light and airy layers, adorned with golden or silver jewels, masks, headpieces etc. a lot of sparkles and even flowers, seashells etc. lower ranked fae wear more mundane clothing, simple but presentable. magical creatures that are not fae (such as gnomes or orcs) wear much more heavier clothing, with darker colours and more animal motifs.
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orange-fresh · 8 days
Live footage of Mars trying to rizz up Venus (with Earth as the best/worst wingman)
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Well it's Mars' worst attempt so far
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If we can't save the earth how are we gonna save these two dawg 😧
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willgrahambf · 4 months
heyyyyy do u possibly have the google drive link to venus in fur or r u watching it somewhere i REALLY wanna see it ^^
hi!!! i actually have been in the process of trying to put together a drive with some hannibal resources and hugh/mads filmography, and venus in fur is in there! i hope you enjoy it! I'm always happy to hear people's reactions to it because it is invariably wild haha
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brittlebutch · 11 months
Tell me a fun Bill and Ted fact? I know nothing about them really
Bill and Ted is such a fascinating franchise to me bc it's Super Obvious that a majority of people's awareness of it begins and ends with the first movie - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure - and yet there is so much to uncover about these dudes. There are three films, one novelization, like 7 comic series, a cartoon that ran for 2 seasons, a musical, a live action show that ran for 7 (bad) episodes, like 3 video games, and a pretty longstanding run as a Halloween Horror Nights show.
They're also extremely fun characters because there's like, such a prevalent tendency to generalize their character types, but they're actually Super specific personalities. Like, Bill and Ted don't ever use the words 'rad' or 'bro' nor any 'surfer lingo' or 'valley speak', they're not ever sarcastic/ironic they're like Painfully earnest constantly (the writers even specified that Bill and Ted are "these innocents who would wander wide-eyed into any situation and treat everyone exactly the same - completely open, completely friendly" and the Director also refers to the 'Puppy Factor' wrt Bill and Ted, meaning they should both "Be like big Labrador Retrievers who just bounce along and love life",) they Do use the word 'dude' nigh constantly BUT people always underestimate how often they'll use each other's names equally as often, and also they're really not slackers or deliberately dismissive of schooling/education - they are trying really hard, they just genuinely struggle/can't learn things right (you can tell they even kind of Value it because they do make an effort to use like, Expanded Vocabulary, it's just that they don't always fully understand the words so they'll use them wrong on accident) - i just love them so much
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aeneiddaily · 2 days
todays email reminding me how fucking dysfunctional a family aeneas and venus are. bc aeneas knows from JUMP that that's venus. even going as far as to mock her with the whole "O virgin" thing. her interrupting his. well frankly earned complaints of how the gods have been putting him through the ringer. leaving before aeneas can respond. "Why do you taunt your son with false phantoms?"
thanks virgil im gonna feel regular and normal about this /s
it's a functional family dynamic! being the son of a goddess is a normal experience that teaches one how to interact with other people normally! (but in all seriousness, i think it's interesting that aeneas's godly parentage is emphasized much less than, say, achilles' in the iliad; is it because vergil is writing in a more historically-grounded style, or because aeneas's godly parentage is a different sort? how much of the aeneid is about the horrible, divine violence of love?)
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slowdesire · 10 months
i am so so curious what are you wearing to your concert !! do not feel obligated to answer tho xx
omg i'm not at the venue yet (it's far...) but i have low quality bathroom selfies so here you go lol
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savage-rhi · 2 months
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teekays · 11 months
bless us with your ekky thoughts please and thank you 😌
EKKYYYY my terrible son. my horrible son who hates and bites me
First impression
my first impression of ekky was literally like the comic that's like "awww how cute! OH! he's a little bit fucked up actually!" i saw like. pictures of him and then i actually saw him committing atrocities and i was like wow... a princess who bites. i can get into this
Impression now
more than probably anyone else ekky's whole deal is SO FUNNY to me. because like. he has a terrible personality actually in many ways. he's SO competitive like WILDLY competitive which is saying something because he literally works at the competitive guy factory. not letting your two year old brother win at things to "teach him to appreciate winning more later" is CRAZYYY. he is pouty and insane and a little bit evil but in a fun and silly way. he has bitten before and he will bite again, gladly. and he does all this while looking like a disney prince with those bright pink kissable lips. the way that he made himself a hockey player out of sheer force of will is so fascinating to me like the fact that he will readily admit that he was not good at hockey at all until he was like, 16 but he just worked and worked at it and now he's the guy you want on the ice when you need someone to go unbridled beast mode... in many ways so much more interesting than someone who has heaps of natural talent. descended from a Vibes Guy and becoming his own special brand of Vibes Guy but the Vibes in question are kind of scary? he's my favorite teen mom <3
Favorite moment
this video where he's like. genuinely pissy and mad about his brother "letting their dad win" like bro you are beefing with a teenager 😭😭😭 i don't even speak swedish and i can tell he's mad. something so wrong with him
Idea for a story
the funniest thing about the san jose barracuda is that fundamentally they are just a bunch of coworkers which is true about all hockey teams but the cuda have a vibe that would translate really well to like, an actual job which a lot of teams don't. but i simply think they should all work at a restaurant together complete with the insane interpersonal sexual politics of working at a restaurant. vanderpump cuda ekky is stassi. this has just devolved into saying words but the restaurant idea is so real and true to me. ekky would love unfettered access to a bar soda gun
Unpopular opinion
maybe only unpopular to the sharks front office but give my man a contract. a big one. full time. run him his check. let him bite at the pro level. come on.
Favorite relationship
him and bordy for sure because narratively there is some crazyyy stuff happening there like the previously mentioned "they're destined to play together" and the way that they are both nepo babies but in different ways... fascinating. the alex holtz relationship is also up there tho because like... it could be very "you're the star and i'm just your weird friend" but ekky is like yes i am the weird friend. what about it. the weird friend can control their own narrative.
Favorite headcanon
i think he is, like many of us, a little treat girlie. like he needs a little beverage and a snack to get him through the horrors. you know how it is
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acourtofserpents · 5 months
it always saddens me how cruel readers/other authors treat others in this community. We were supposed to help and support one another, but instead people insist on being mean and disgusting. I'm sorry that Axel (and you) have to go through this. It angers me, really. I wish you both the best. I really love all your work and I'm excited for what's to come. Sending much love to you guys sz
that's a really sweet message, and it's appreciated to know there's people that feel that way too. i haven't really had to deal with these issues thankfully, but it's frustrating to see and witness. but i think axel is doing the right thing, no one needs to sit here and take all this nonsense.
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ncytiri · 5 months
crying, shaved ice, volcano, mouse trap, droplet and cloud for valentina, venus and/or vernon!! <3 (also your oc page looks AMAZING)
OLI THANK YOU!!!!! i decided to spin the wheel and assign two emojis for all of them so the order is gonna be a little messed up but i got it 🫡 and thank you for the compliment on my oc page!!! :"0 it took me so damn long to do but im sooooo proud and happy with the final result!!
edit - oh my GOD i had this answered for so long and it was never published because it was sent to my drafts instead 😭? so i deeply apologize for the late response oli omfg...
oc emoji asks!
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for? (valentina)
god both of those honestly… she is very protective of her loved ones and is willing to do anything to keep them safe ANDDDD she is always looking for a way to save herself from the relic (but also valentina wants so badly for johnny to be saved too, she has grown attached to him :/)
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon (valentina)
once valentina started getting more uppity and well known in night city ($$$$$), she was able to help joss pay off randy’s medical bills and also helped joss re-enroll randy into school so he could graduate (also because she’s extra, she has delamain pick up and drop off all the kutcher kids at their respective schools so joss can go to work without worrying about getting them to and from school!) :’) valentina loves river’s family so much and she wants to let them live normal lives again after what happened with randy because she still has nightmares (as does river) about what she saw on that farm, so she can only imagine how bad it must be for randy ❤️‍🩹
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily? (venus)
it takes a lot to make venus cry tbh but the one thing that does make her cry is a cat, she loves cats SO much… she gets so emotional seeing cats on the street and likes to think in another life, she ran a rescue for kitties ☹️ so instead, while she was employed by arasaka, she would make a monthly donation to animal shelters around night city to help them with any surgeries or care they might need!!
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it? (venus)
she had a plushie her parents got for her before she was even born that she kept for most of her life and she took it with her EVERYWHEREEE truly one of her best friends... but when she moved out, she gave it to her grandmother for save keeping. but after her removal by arasaka, her whole family basically shunned her no matter how hard she tried to tell them otherwise, so even thinking about the small little pearlescent dragon brings back painful memories for her :(
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion? (vernon)
vernon has a very mild temper, it takes a LOTTTTT to get him mad omg so definitely a slow boil!!
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon (vernon)
vernon is a nomad because he has basically lost every family he has known (his biological one, his adoptive one, etc.). vernon was given up for adoption as a baby by a couple who were unable to give him the life he deserved, so a close friend of his mother promised to raise him as their own. his nomad family was part of a small clan, removed from the seven nations that inhabit the NUSA and were located north were modern day vegas is. he grew up happy until he was about 18 when he was off working a seasonal job at some biotechnica plant, after the season was over, he returned to find his whole clan had basically been slaughtered, only a few members remained who were also returning from their seasonal jobs. so vernon and the remaining nomads gathered what they could of their family to honor them and eventually joined the bakkers which is where his story starts at the beginning of cyberpunk!!! (damn sorry for that long ass dissertation 💀)
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red-flagging · 3 months
For the ask game:
10. Top three favourite fic tropes
36. How do you come up with fic titles? What's the one you're most proud of?
I hope your day is much less boring/stressful than anticipated!
(fic ask game!)
10. Top three favorite fic tropes?
i. post-apocalypse fic - in many ways this is just a subcategory of my actual favorite fic genre, which is "something unimaginable happened and your life is irrevocably changed. and now u have to wake up the next day and figure out how to keep living" (e.g. career-ending injury fic, retirement fic), except this time the unimaginable thing is that the world literally ended lol. but i think there's something about post-apocalypse fic that like - puts such a specific emphasis on the tiny details of being alive. and learning how to find joy in those tiny things (the new year's kiss in your post-apocalyptic fic!!) that is truly like catnip to me
ii. not so much a fic trope and more a category but any fic that's a deconstruction or examination of the real-world implications of a common trope (the heartbeat is a hunger by @thelittlebirdthatkeptsomanywarm comes to mind immediately). i have a wip for a different fandom that basically boils down to "what are the legislative implications for health insurance and disability policy in the US if hanahaki disease was real"
iii. PACIFIC RIM AU SORRY but in many ways have not changed from who i was in 2013 and i never will
36. How do you come up with fic titles? What's the one you're most proud of?
almost always taken off of my writing/poetry playlist for a fic lol. i can't actually listen to music when i write, but i still make playlists because i find it's a really useful exercise to figure out exactly what a fic is about at its core by curating a list of songs that capture what its vibes should be, even if i can't actually articulate what that vibe is yet. so by the time i have a full playlist it normally means that i know what the fic is about, and it's easy to go back and find something that fits.
in terms of titles i really like, i was really happy with consider the hairpin turn! i was very committed (in an ironic but also unironic way) to pulling a line from crush, and i think that one in particular really captures a) how precarious the situation feels from lewis's pov b) the sort of dissociative, distanced view of the entire situation he's using (or trying to use) to cope and c) hey look a racing word!
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onejellyfishplease · 8 months
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IM SO SORRY I'M LOW-KEY STUPID! I've been going back to your answer to this post and I gen. don't know what you meant
is it ok that I drew the white flower instead of the rose-like flower or is it not ok? I domt understand! I'm sorry if I didn't follow the og design I was very confused and didn't think of anything I can change it if you want!
(also there's probably so many sheep now in your mailbox at this point ... WAIT I gotta draw that EHEHEHHE *sound of Marlon scheming*)
ah! sorry! either design is fine really!
the flower hasnt appeared in the comics yet, but if (real if this time i really dont know if ill include it) it does, then i probably draw the white venus fly-trap flower. the one you did!
sooo, to clear it up:
i loved the flower you chose!!
and if i end up drawing the flower again, it will be the one you drew instead of the rose!
(if anyone needs any clarification for things that i say, dont be afraid to drop me an ask! i tend to word things in a convaluted way sometimes!)
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cathchicken · 7 months
In your AT AU, does another Historical figure take Lincoln’s place as King of Mars? Washington, perhaps?
Haha yeah probably!!
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soddenbeast · 11 months
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Guess who saw fall out boy. They almost didnt get to go on cause a thunderstorm rolled in literally as they were setting up the stage for fob and we all had to wait in our cars for 2 hours and didnt know the whole time if the show was even going to happen but it did. It did and i saw them and im so happy
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