#thank you lailyn!!
black-feather-fiction · 9 months
The bad news is that this year's MTH commission has me in a thrall that leaves no time for my wips for now (sorry, sorry, sorry), the good news is more than 37k whumpy frostiron and counting.
Thank you again, @lailyn, I really enjoy writing no ship quite like frostiron 😊.
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lailyn · 11 months
This isn't an ask, this is just a big THANK YOU for helping me do my medical research on burns. I'm using the information for my NaNoWriMo project, and I couldn't have gotten through what I wrote today (November 4th) without it.
So, thank you so much Lailyn for helping me! It means so much.
Omg you're so welcome. I really didn't do much, but I'm glad it helped you and good luck on your NaNoWriMo!
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dendrite-blues · 3 years
😈, 🥇, 🖋
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
Canon compliance. 😂
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
I've recently started writing more ships than just one, and I'm very happy with how they've gone. I'm not a one trick pony anymore!
🖋 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
I already posted my fanfic WIPs, so here's this original?
In order of importance, the late Cyrus Blackborne was a ginger, an art dealer, and a drunk. Despite all this he was also a man of exquisite taste, and for that his son Simon Blackborne resented him the most.
Walking the grand halls of the family estate felt very much like observing a skeleton picked clean. The corridors were marked by exposed nails and dark rectangles where portraits once hung, the floors scuffed by the moving of original Chippendale furniture.
Settling his grandfather’s estate had been a thankless eight year odyssey. Now it was at an end, with the exception of one final task. A painting in an antique gold frame, left crooked by some incautious work man or woman.
Muted colors and carefree brushstrokes marked it as a latecomer to the Impressionist movement. The figure of a ballet dancer half-dressed at her vanity had all the grace of Monet, the emotion of Renoir, and the precision of Degas.
But no signature, no label, and no name. A mystery hung in plain sight for no less than one hundred and fifty years.
Even the most skilled appraisers could do nothing for a painting abandoned by its creator and obfuscated by its owner.
She was an enigma, this ballet dancer with her effervescent pink tutu and her cloud-like powder puff poised over her neck.
With a heave he lifted the solid wood frame, squinting against the rain of dust that fell when he tipped it forward and down. The back of the canvas offered only a harried inscription, partially obscured by time and smudged graphite.
D—ur au Miroir, 1874
Mlle. Lau—t
Mon fidèle et tendre patron,
Simon shook his head, feeling as weary as the mystery woman with her powdered nose looked.
There was nothing for it. He'd need to call an expert. He could feel is pocket book hemorrhaging already.
(So obviously he's going to fall in love with the art historian. ;p)
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rabentochter · 3 years
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP
-> This is one I'm writing on the side and decided to have a life on its own. The premise is that the Avengers think Tony has an affair with Loki (he hasn't), and treat him accordingly—Tony decides that the correct answer is to start an affair with Loki.
Dark and soft curls framed the sharp face and Loki’s eyes were nothing but greed as he looked at him.
“And now what?” Tony breathed, moving his arms until he could lay them on Loki’s thighs. “I was promised sex,” he couldn’t resist ribbing the Trickster, crouched above him.
“And to show your teammates how much you enjoy being compromised by me,” Loki replied with a huff, so arrogant that it made greedy shivers ran down Tony’s spine. “Have they said anything about yesterday?”
“No.” Annoyed, Tony bit on his lip before he released it with a loud plop. “They were too busy scolding me for fucking you to take any notice of your gifts.” He bared his neck to Loki, recalling the bruises there.
Loki frowned at him. “They’re already fading,” he commented quietly.
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
-> Being on the ending lines for Glorious to be honest. I adore that fic so much, and I can't wait to wrap that madness up. Writing it was/is a ride but it's only three chapters and left 👀
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
-> "Boiling Frogs" by @quietlyapocalyptic
Tony reaches his boiling point, after being buried by stress and he's exhausted and just— You know, it's just such a relatable story? And at the same time, Loki's actions are what you want/need, no condescending shit or drama, it's just human and wonderful.
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frost-iron · 3 years
Hi! I have just decided to return to tumblr after 6 years. Was wondering if you have any blog recommendations? as in, frost-iron friendly blogs that are good and will provide me with my fix! thank you in advance
Hi!!!! Welcome back to tumblr! 💖
As for blogs, there are a few people that I know who create/reblog frostiron content on the regular, but their blogs aren't 100% frostiron.
I know I'm missing a lot of people so apologies if I missed you! Please feel free to comment/reblog so @toxnat and others can reach out and connect.
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okay so, i have this maybe REALLY cool fic idea abt frostironstrange and im scared to start writing it plus im not that much of a good writer and im anxious shshshxjds i really wanna write it bc ur probably the only frostironstrange shipper i’ve come across on tumblr and ik it’ll make u happy-
Thank you for thinking of me! I would be more than delighted to read or hear about your idea. I'm indeed always down for frostironstrange content, the world needs more content for this ship!!
I'm honestly not an excellent writer myself. But I love creating frostironstrange content and I think it's what matters most. If it pleases you, it's the most important. Because you write for yourself, yes, but also, I think, because people will sense the fun you had writing your fic. Trust me, there are people who will read your fic and absolutely love it!
As for frostironstrange shippers, there are some shippers who create (awesome) content for this ship! I especially have in mind @lailyn @shinindragon @kymera219. There is also @frostironstrange's blog and though it seems now inactive it's a marvelous blog with a lot of amazing content!! I also have noticed a lot of discreet shippers or lurkers that love this ship very much as well. They might be discreet but there are still very enthusiastic for content.
Also, if you don't know about it there is also a frostironstrange discord server (created by @frostironstrange) and even though the admin is now inactive there are always some people ready to hear about your ideas and share or talk with you!
I hope I'll get to hear more about your idea or to read your fic for this idea. 💖
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kymera219 · 3 years
First Lines Meme
I was tagged by @lailyn. Thank you!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag up to 10 of your favourite authors!
1)The landscape of Jötunheim was cold, almost unbearably so.
But nothing could be colder than the ice that ran through Loki's veins when Óðin announced he'd arranged a marriage between him and the princess of Vanaheim {Behind Your Eyes(Lies the World), Thor/Loki}
2)The cabin Wanda fled to after Westview was remote, but not so much that Thor couldn't find it. Tracking chaos magic was second nature to him after all.{Little Talks of Chaos, Thor/Loki and Wanda/Vision}
3.Tony was used to getting all sorts of gifts for Valentine's Day. Money, Cologne, jewelry(I.e. A gold watch from Pepper), the occasional blow job.....you name it, he's gotten it. He figured there was no present that could surprise him
Then Loki happened.{Love & Murder Make Strange Bedfellows(Unless Your Valentine is Chaos), Loki/Tony Stark}
4.Today was Loki's birthday, and Thor wanted to make things as special as possible. He'd even managed to scrape up enough money to buy him a new sketch pad. He wished that Loki could persue his art full-time, but between both their jobs and his doctorate classes, they were lucky to make rent.{ The 13 Ghosts of Óðin Börsson, Thor/Loki}
5)"So, if we get dressed by seven, get redressed by eight after the inevitable bout of sex that'll occur once I see you in Gucci, we might just make it in time for Pepper to not kill.....Loki?"{New Year,Blue Year, Loki/Tony Stark}
6)Tony walked into the living room of his penthouse and flopped onto the couch with a dramatic sigh.
"J, I have a problem."
"Of course you do, sir."{It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year( Unless You're Dating Wizards), Loki/Tony Stark /Stephen Strange}
7)"You okay back there, Bambi? You're looking a little green, and not in the sexy leprechaun kind of way."
Loki looked up from where he'd been leaning out the car window with a glare.
"First of all,there are no circumstances in which those creatures are attractive. Second, I'm merely reacting to your atrocious driving, Anthony."{Santa Baby, Loki/Tony Stark/Thor}
8)Steve approached the New York Sanctum with a sigh. The time stone was the last remaining gem he had to return before going back.
Going back to what, he wasn't entirely sure.{You're the One I Came For, Howard Stark/Steve Rogers}
9)It started out as a bet.
Stephen and Loki had been rivals almost as long as they'd been lovers. They were constantly arguing over whether Asgardian magic was better than human mystic arts, which often led to fights of epic proportions.
The fact that most of those fights also ended in sex was besides the point.{You Can Bet on That, Loki/Tony Stark/Stephen Strange}
10)The storm roiled throughout Asgard, flashes of lightening briefly illuminating the figure stumbling through the forest.
Loki knew it had been a bad idea to flee into the maelstrom, but he just couldn't take it anymore. The whispers and taunts were causing him to drown faster than the rain ever could, so really hiding in the darkness was better.
After all, his entire world was dark now.{The Dark of You, Thor/Loki}
"But, why not?"
"Anthony," Loki sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose,"why in Odin's name would I dress my child up as a Midgardian vegetable?"
"Uh, because it's cute, obviously," Tony said as he picked up Antonia out of her crib," besides, it's an Earthly tradition for a babies first costume to be a pumpkin, and my goddaughter should experience all the milestones....isn't that right tiny Toni?"{An Odinson-Stark Halloween, Thor/Loki and Tony Stark/Pepper Potts}
12)Out of all the hunters in the land, none were as successful as Thor.
Tales of his feats echoed throughout Asgard. In the ten years he'd been hunting, not one vampire had dared to feed in the Golden realm, for fear of being at the wrong end of the crossbow Thor dubbed Mjölnir. Some said he'd completely wiped the creatures out of existence, but the hunter knew there were more out there.
There were always more.{Become the Beast, Thor/Loki}
"Anthony, are you trying to experiment on the Soul stone again?"
".........maybe"{Welcome to the World, Tiny Toni, Thor/Loki}
14)Do it again, Papa!"
Thor was twirling and throwing Stormbreaker in the air, doing various tricks to entertain his daughter. He got a little too confident at one point, and the axe handle landed on his head. Iðuna squealed with laughter as her father started shouting some very creative Asgardian curse words.
Tony and Loki sat watching them with undisguised amusement.
"He is such an idiot."
"Yes," Loki sighed, "But he's my idiot."{The Rousing Adventures of Tin Man and Sparky,Thor/Loki}
15)Fandral loved Thor, he really did.
But sometimes, his friend could be really fucking stupid.
Unfortunately, now happened to be one of those times.{Precious and Few, Loki/Fandral}
16)Loki did not believe in ghosts.
It was an absolutely, positively ridiculous notion.
Unfortunately, his brother and his boyfriend did not agree with him.
After binge-watching paranormal shows for an entire weekend, Thor and Tony were not only convinced ghosts were real, but that Tony could invent something to catch them.
The only thing Loki was convinced of was his impending migraine.{Adventures in Ghost Hunting : Norse God Edition, Loki/Tony Stark}
17)In the end, it was always easier to run.
Why stay for the inevitable hurt when you can just walk away? That's the logic Loki always fell back on when he ran away from something. He fled from his family, his home, from those that would capture him. Hell, he even ran away from himself half the time, if the constant refusal to drop his Æsir glamour was any indication.
But when it came to Tony Stark, Loki wasn't so sure he could run anymore.{Easier to Run, Loki/Tony Stark}
18)Loki woke up with a gasp. He tried to sit up, but the arm wrapped around him refused to let go. The owner of said arm shifted and groaned as he tried to wake himself up.
"What's wrong, Lo?"
"Nothing, Anthony," Loki said as he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to the other mans, " just a nightmare."{Hold Onto Me(You're All I Have) Loki/Tony Stark}
19)In the end, it had been surprisingly easy to take over his brother's life.
All the scheming and plotting to get rid of his twin(including manipulating that twit Amenadiel), turned out to not be necessary.
That fool left for Hell all on his own.
And gave Michael the perfect opportunity to step in.{Didn’t See that Coming, Michael/Mazikeen}
20)Eight year old Thor looked everywhere in his room for his wooden training sword, but he could not find it. He decided to run to his brother's chambers to see if he'd spotted the item.
"Loki!" Thor shouted as he burst through the doors, " have you seen my training sword?".{Everything is Cake, Thor/Loki}
Tagging @rabentochter @tinydragontony @namedawesomeog
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When youre on a diet then this 😨😁🍫 Have Merci on me 😂😂 @mercichocolates Thank you Ate Lailyn for this. 😁👌#cheatday #photography #photographedbychristine #christinecarolino #Myhandsaremybesttools #chocolate #chocolates #weekemd #love #woooo #sweet #sweetnessismyweakness #nofilter #passion #grateful #thankful #blessed #fromgermany
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black-feather-fiction · 10 months
This year's MTH commission is frostiron 😊 - I really enjoy writing for this fic, so thank you, @lailyn ❤️❤️❤️
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