#thank you lena for tongue inspo
ofthecaravel · 1 year
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Baby, show off all them tricks and bang dem sticks 🖤🥁💜
Aka What If Greta Van Fleet Was Composed Of Beautiful Women?
pspspsps @streamsofstardust @the-starcatcher @s0livagant @holdingup-fallingsky @t00turnttrauma
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ofstarsandvibranium · 6 months
Playing with Fire: The Photobooth
Fandom: Marvel (Dad's Best Friend AU)
Pairing: DBF!Bucky x F!Reader
Summary: Your dad's coworker and best friend, Bucky, decides to tag along with you on your errands after your boyfriend bailed on you last minute.
A/N: Bucky is in his late 40s, reader in her mid to late 20s. inspo came from these recent pics of seb.
The Book Store
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Further into downtown, you stop at another store that sold different types of knick knacks and gifts.
Bucky follows you out of your car and towards the store, "Yelena's birthday is coming up so I figured I can check this place out for some stuff for her."
"I'm following you, sugar," Bucky says as he enters the store and is immediately met with a plethora of color and trinkets.
You zero in on a shelf that displays little crystal figurines. You smile at the ones shaped like animals, some shaped like Pokemon and Sanrio characters.
Yelena always had a thing for elephants so you immediately pick up an elephant carving made from amethyst.
"Those are cute," Bucky says as he looks over your shoulder.
You turn to him with a grin, "Right?! Lena, would love this," you hold up the elephant with a wide smile.
"She likes elephants?"
You nod, "She likes how smart and cute they are."
Bucky watches as you head to the pay counter and ask the cashier if you could place the crystal carving there for now. When the cashier nods, you thank them and head back to Bucky.
"I just wanted to make sure I don't accidentally drop it while I look around."
Bucky continues to follow you around the store until his eyes land on a photobooth in the corner. His eyes brighten, "Oh, hey! Check this out!" He takes your hand and leads you to the booth, "Haven't used one of these since high school."
You scrunch your face up as you think, "I don't think I've actually used one of these before."
Bucky looks at you in surprise, "Really?" You shrug and he opens the curtain to it, "Well let's do one then."
You snort, "Seriously?"
"Yeah, c'mon. Better late than never, right?" He takes your hand again and pulls you in. He sits on the bench and you do your best to squeeze in beside him.
"This isn't gonna work out, here," he has you stand and then he pulls you onto his leg, "Better?"
You gulp, "Y-Yeah."
You try not to pay attention to the hand that rests on your hip as he pays and picks out the amount of pictures and strips. He leans back and points at the screen, "Okay. It's gonna count down for us before every picture. There'll be four pictures all together so be ready."
"Right. Got it. What should we do first?"
"Uuuuhhh happy?"
You giggle and you both smile when the screen counts down to one. You two work quick, "Sad?"
The both of you do your best to look sad. You frown while Bucky straight up looks like he's wailing. When the camera snaps, you lose it. You find Bucky's face absolutely hilarious and he's watching you laugh at him. You're too caught up in the moment to realize that the countdown started and took your picture.
"Oh crap. Uuuuhhh, silly face?" he asks and you nod.
You blow out your cheeks and cross your eyes. He pulls out his ears and sticks his tongue out.
He pulls back the curtain again and has you step out first. You realize how warm you are now so you start to fan yourself. He walks out with a grin, "That was fun."
He leans against the booth while waiting for the pictures to print, "I can't believe you never used one of these before."
"Just never caught my interest, I guess. But I definitely see the appeal now. I'll have to come back with Yelena to use it."
Bucky cocks a brow, "Not your boyfriend?"
Your smile weakens at the mention of your boyfriend, "Oh, um, John doesn't like taking pictures together. He thinks they're dumb."
Bucky's brows raise, "Thinks they're dumb?"
You shrug, "He thinks taking pictures together and posting them is like showing off. So he said he doesn't need to show off our relationship because we both know we're in one. I don't really get it, but I got tired of arguing with him on wanting to have keepsakes for memories," you look down in shame. The only person who knows how John is like is Yelena. When around your dad, John puts up a front. Like he's the perfect guy to you. He's not bad, but sometimes he's not good either.
"And this is the same boyfriend who ditched you today?" Bucky asks with a look on his face you can't even decipher. Is he mad? Annoyed?
"He didn't necessarily ditch me, Bucky. He had a deadline to meet for his capstone project."
"Right and I'm sure he already knew of this deadline and proceeded to procrastinate anyway."
You cross your arms over your chest defensively, "What's your issue with him? You don't even know him, Bucky."
"You're right, I don't, but from just the little information you've given me today, I don't think he's the right guy for you."
"Don't think you have a say in the guys I get involved with, Bucky," you say with a scoff and turn around to walk away but he grabs you by the elbow, "Wait, wait."
You turn back to him and raise a brow, arms crossed over your chest. He sighs, "I'm sorry. I just know you deserve better."
"Thanks but I'll be the judge of that, Bucky. I'm an adult. I'm responsible for my own decisions."
"Yeah. I know, but still. You deserve to be with someone who isn't afraid to show you off, ya know? Makes time with you and does everything to make you happy."
You nod, "I know. Thanks, Bucky."
"Sure," he lets you go to continue to shop for Yelena.
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ynscrazylife · 3 years
Can you do one where the reader is sick and has a lot of nightmares about the red room or something, and Natasha and Yelena just take care of their little sister?
Sisters are the Best Medicine | natasha & yelena fluff
Summary: Having a cold and nightmares is not a good combination. Thankfully, Y/N’s sisters are there for her.
Authors Note: Thank you for requesting!
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
Main Masterlist | MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
header c @/piratanjo
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“Okay, Y/N, just go home.”
Y/N glanced up from her spot at her desk only to see the Stark Industries CEO Pepper Potts staring at her from her office door, arms crossed. She looked around at her coworkers but everyone else was simply too focused on their work to take notice of her.
“Huh?” Y/N said, her eyes finding her boss once again. She had a feeling she knew what the redhead was talking about, but she chose to ignore it.
Pepper gave her a look that told her that she definitely knew what she was doing. “You just sniffed from the millionth time - go home.”
Y/N just returned to her computer and finished the sentence she was typing. “I’m fine, Pepps—” only she could call her boss that, seeing as she was friends with the Avengers through her sister. “—It’s just a cold. It’s nothing.”
She was able to fall back into her work so quickly that she didn’t notice Pepper’s heels clicking against the floor until she felt a hand on her forehead. Out of reflex, Y/N jerked back, and sent a not-so-meaningful glare at her boss, who just smiled smugly.
“Your forehead is hot—”
“You have the heat on!”
“—Please just go home. I don’t need you sneezing all over the computers.”
Y/N stuck her tongue out at Pepper’s lighthearted-but-true comment and admitted defeat. That brief moment of distraction from her work allowed her to fully feel what she was ignoring — like she had been slammed through a wall. All her limbs felt heavy but she dragged herself to her feet anyway — she didn’t need Pepper calling her sisters. Y/N quickly typed and logged out of her Stark Industries account and packed up just as speedily. Within seconds, she was heading out the door.
As she approached her apartment door. Y/N felt the full effects of the cold. All that kept her from slumping on the carpeted floor was the knowledge that she could fall asleep on her bed almost immediately. She knew Natasha was at the Avengers tower and hoped Yelena was running an errand so neither would be home when she entered. But, she was mistaken.
The moment Y/N closed the apartment door, she felt hands grabbing her arms and pulling them behind her back, shoving her face-first against the wall. “It’s me, it’s me!” Y/N immediately called out.
The tight grip on her arms quickly disappeared and Y/N huffed, turning around and gently leaning her back against the wall instead of her face. She closed her eyes, taking a moment to let her brain process that had happened.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N!” Yelena’s voice floated into her ear. “I thought both you and Nat were at work!”
Y/N forced a smile despite how awful she felt and opened her eyes. “It’s ok, Lena. I went home early. Well, more like Pepper forced me to go home early,” she admitted.
Yelena’s eyebrows furrowed and, combined with the gleam entering her eyes, etched concern into her features. “Why?” She asked. The simple word held so much power - soft yet firm, kind but concerned, weaving through the octaves in an attempt to be strong but wavering.
Y/N stifled a sigh, trying to block out how it felt like a werewolf was clawing her throat out. She didn’t have the energy to think of a thoughtful explanation that wouldn’t freak her sister out, so she blurted it out. “I’m sick.”
In the flash of a light, one of Yelena’s hands was on her arm, guiding her forward, and the other was on her forehead, checking for a fever. Y/N groaned at the sudden movement and leaned her head on her sister’s shoulder, hoping that would stop the dizziness.
Yelena was saying something but Y/N blocked it out, until she felt the older woman picking her up. Y/N let out another groan and buried her head deeper into Yelena’s shoulder, letting her arms hang limply. She just wished that the dizziness would go away and, luckily, it subsided when she felt her body be lightly set down on the couch.
She opened her eyes when she felt a damp cloth resting on her forehead, instantly feeling relief as it cooled her down. Her gaze focused like a blurry camera would to see Yelena’s phone pressed against her ear. Listening, she deduced that Yelena must be on the phone with Natasha. Who else would she be calling?
Sleep was calling to Y/N, though. It felt like what she’d imagine a sailor being lured in by a Siren to be. Knowing she was in safe hands, she surrendered the battle and let her eyes close.
Her peace did not last for long, though. Soon, a flash of red disrupted her sleep, occurring so quickly like it was blood splattering on the movie screen that was her mind. The memories wasted no time, not bothering to brace her, before they entered like a snack to the face. One after the other, turning devilish with exaggerated features, exaggerated fears, of everything she had felt when she was living those memories. Unbeknownst to her, Natasha had returned from the Avengers tower during that time, and was talking with Yelena when she noticed Y/N’s mumbling and squirming.
Yelena had just left to get cold medicine when Natasha glanced over and saw the situation unfolding. Within seconds, she was kneeled beside the couch, a gentle hand laid on her younger sister’s arms. “Y/N,” Natasha murmured, loud enough to reach Y/N in her slumber but quiet enough so as to not startle her. “Y/N.” She accompanied her words with a small jostle of Y/N’s shoulder.
Y/N’s eyes flew open, glancing around, startled, until she saw her sister and calmed down. Natasha stood up, wrapping her arms around Y/N and pulling her close as she sat on the couch. They sat in silence, the only sounds being Y/N’s heavy breathing as she remembered her dreams — no, nightmares.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Natasha’s question reeled her in from her thoughts, like how a fish might escape from the bait.
The words tumbled out of Y/N’s lips without a second thought. “I was in the Red Room again. It was my graduation ceremony, but so much worse. Instead of just making me swear to the Red Room like they actually did, they made me swear to go after you and Yelena. A-and I did.”
Natasha’s arms wrapped around Y/N tighter, her chin resting on the younger’s shoulder. “Remember that it wasn’t real, yeah? And the parts that were real were not your fault. You’re safe now,” she assured her, and those words were like magic, healing Y/N’s distress.
But her peace did not last for long. Her runny nose and sneezes ran over the nightmares in a big truck, flattening it. Y/N leaned forward, out of the spy’s arms, trembling with a sneeze.
Like clockwork, Yelena strolled back in, a plastic bag hanging off her arm. She stopped short at the sight of her sisters but one shared glance with Natasha told her that whatever happened was handled. 
“That was quick,” Natasha commented dryly, eyeing the bag Yelena put on the kitchen counter like an animal would emerge and pounce. 
“Yeah, I forgot my wallet so I threatened the cashier into giving me the medicine,” Yelena explained nonchalantly, rummaging through the bag and organizing the items neatly. 
Natasha frowned, but Y/N laughed, which sent her into a coughing fit. With one hand she rubbed Y/N’s back soothingly and with the other she caught the box of cough drops Yelena tossed their way. Y/N practically tore it out of Natasha’s hands, clawing it open and only relaxing when she popped one in her mouth. 
It took a hot second but her coughs subsided. Yelena grabbed the allergy meds she got and a glass of water before sitting on Y/N’s other side on the couch. 
“Y/N has a cold, not allergies,” Natasha pointed out, beginning to regret letting the blonde go out to get the medicine. 
Yelena sighed. “Whatever, this stops the boogers, okay?” She pointed out. 
Y/N simply rolled her eyes and took the meds, swallowing them with a gulp of water. 
“I know something that’ll cheer you up,” Natasha said, smiling. 
Y/N sat up with a gasp. “We can watch [Favorite Show]?” She predicted excitedly. 
Natasha nodded, making Y/N squeal, and hopped up to grab the remote. Meanwhile, Yelena hid her annoyance. In her opinion, the ballet was better than that show (and she hated the ballet) but she sucked it up for her sister. 
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @cerberus-spectre @marrymemcgraph @celestialbarnes @kathryndimitrescu @snipyloulou @big-galaxy-chaos @cc13723things @ycfwmalise14 @unexpected-character @passionswift @drayshadow @amaryllis23
MCU Taglist: @stephanieromanoff @summerlovingbaby @ineffablebean @okkulta @procrastinatingsapphictrash @prettysbliss @caseyfish-blog @sarahp-stan @thewidowsghost @basiclesbianbitch @mycosmicparadise @kidswhofightmonsters @xtraordinaryfangrl @peggycarter-steverogers @username23345 @ima-gi--na-tion @yori-nakajima @hi-i-1 @mmmmokdok @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @mads-weasley @tenaciousperfectionunknown @afraid-to-be-me @lilclownx @acertainredhead @natromanoffxox @lilymurphy03 @thanossexual @avengersz-biotch @kozumekoi @mjaudrey @un-name-d @leyannrae @buckyandstevesbitch @kuzomekou-blog @nylevea @suckerfornatstits @bentleywolf29 @Snowdrop1026 @bunnyweasley23 @ss @pianogirl2121 @@beth-gallagher22 @pleasantbearscissorstoad @marvelwomen-simp
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c-optimistic · 4 years
Hallo! I greatly enjoy your writing, for everything really, and whenever you get the chance and some inspo hits, wouldya write somethin sweet and gay? Whatever you're feeling, I'm sure I'll enjoy it! Thank you v kindly and I hope you have a lovely evening/day!
Kara shifted in the chair, feeling a tiny bit uneasy. Her nurse—a young woman who introduced herself as Nia when Kara had been called from the waiting room—smiled kindly and paused her typing on the desktop situated on the study table in the examination room.
“First time getting your eyes checked?” she said knowingly, voicing the question though the answer was clear in Kara’s fidgeting hands and on Nia’s computer screen, proclaiming Kara to be a first-time patient. “You shouldn’t worry, Dr. Luthor is the best ophthalmologist in the business. She’s world renowned, not that she’d ever admit to it.” It seemed like that last part was more for Nia’s benefit than Kara’s, said in a slightly miffed mumble as she turned her attention back to the computer. “Any known allergies?”
Kara blinked, feeling a bit trapped. “Um, no, but—”
“—we don’t have any medications listed for you. Is that right? You’re not on any prescriptions?”
“Oh, no. I’m not. But I—”
“—I see you wear glasses. When was the last time you got a prescription? Did you want to get new frames, we can—” Finally Kara had enough. She reached out and grabbed Nia’s hand, causing her to fall silent. “This is weird. Is this a come on? Because you’re really pretty, but I don’t swing that way.” 
“No, I—wait, what?” Kara released Nia, feeling as though she’d been burned. “No! Not a—not a come on, I would never—”
“Look, it’s okay. I didn’t think so, you seem...well, nice. But I have a lawyer friend who owes me a favor so...I can have you sued. Just so you know.” She narrowed her eyes in an attempt, unsuccessful unfortunately, to look intimidating. “So what is it? You look like I tried to drown your cat.”
“I shouldn’t be here,” Kara confessed, meeting Nia’s eyes steadily. The nurse blinked owlishly at her, clearly lost.
“I don’t follow,” she said, confirming what Kara already knew. 
“Look, I’m going to trust you, okay? There’s nothing actually wrong with my eyes. Or my health in general. I’m in like perfect health. By human standards, maybe more than perfect. But I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything, you know?”
Nia’s head was cocked to one side as she studied Kara. “Sorry, I still don’t follow.” 
“I’manalien,” Kara said in a rush, and judging from the way Nia’s eyes widened and her expression cleared, she understood Kara perfectly. 
“Well that explains all...that,” she gestured wildly to Kara. “So what’s the issue? Dr. Luthor is super supportive of aliens. She’s one of the only doctors in National City to—”
“—I don’t need glasses!” Kara interrupted, not really needing to hear about Dr. Luthor. “Look, I’m only here because,” she paused, not sure if she was willing to give the long explanation of how her work mishap, the stupid excuse she’d mumbled out, and a well-meaning coworker’s insistence to help (with a voice in Kara’s head that sounded suspiciously like Alex reminding her to keep her secret identity secret when she tried to get out of the whole thing) led her here to this moment, “it doesn’t matter. I just need your help. Tell the doctor I don’t need to be seen, give me a fake prescription, and I can go on my way.” 
Nia frowned, shaking her head. “Dr. Luthor would never buy it, and she has to sign the prescriptions. She’s very particular about it. You’re here, you may as well just...get your eyes checked?”
“My alien eyes that can shoot lasers and see through anything but lead? Those eyes?” 
“That’s so cool,” Nia breathed out, but she was focused. She pulled a drawer open and pulled out to eye drops. “One is to numb, the other is to dilate.” She paused, eyeing the bottles then Kara. “Would you even need a numbing agent?” 
Kara resisted the urge to tell Nia that her cousin once had a bullet to the eye and it just dropped to the ground, harmless to a Kryptonian. Instead, she leaned her head back, allowing Nia to apply the drops, reassuring her the whole time that she’d help with Dr. Luthor. She winked at Kara before slipping out of the exam room, leaving only a single dimmed light on, assuring her the “doctor would be in soon.” 
Kara closed her eyes—which felt no different from before she’d gotten the eye drops—and leaned her head back. She couldn’t leave, she didn’t want to stay, and she was just about to declare this one of the worst days in the last year at best, when there was a knock at the door and it swung open. 
And standing there, bathed in the bright light of the hallway, was the most beautiful woman Kara had ever seen, a grinning—and all too smug—Nia standing right behind her. 
She had long dark hair, brilliantly green eyes, wore the tightest dress Kara had ever seen, with heels that she was sure were murder to walk in all day. The sleeves of her white coat were rolled up to her forearms, her bright red lips were curved into a breathtaking smile. 
“Hi,” said the walking angel, “I’m Dr. Lena Luthor. Nia tells me you wanted to check your eye pressure and get a new prescription?” 
Kara nodded numbly, struck dumb by Dr. Luthor’s easy grace. 
Nia snickered, actually snickered, as she closed the door behind them, leaning against it as Lena pulled a chair in front of Kara and motioned for her to bring her face up to the tonometer. “Forehead against, yes, and chin on the rest down there...perfect,” Dr. Luthor said gently, her voice like honey. Kara couldn’t help it, her eyes followed Dr. Luthor’s, wanting to memorize the shade. She was so busy trying to decide whether it was an emerald or sea green, forgetting entirely her misgivings about being here in the first place, that she missed the first part of Nia’s attempt to ‘help.’
“—quite extraordinary, don’t you think?” Nia finished, causing Dr. Luthor to pull slightly away, cheeks tinged pink. 
For the first time, Lena Luthor was something just below perfection, stumbling over her words a little as she responded. “Oh, yes, um. They are. Looking at eyes is my job, Ms. Danvers, but yours are—well, like Nia said, so unprofessionally, they’re quite extraordinary.” She leaned back in, looking a little interested. “In fact, they’re almost—”
“—your eyes are very green,” Kara blurted, both because she was thinking it with Dr. Luthor’s face so incredibly close and because she wasn’t sure if she wanted a world renowned ophthalmologist looking too carefully at her eyes, lest she see something, well, inhuman. “Do your patients ever mention that?”
“For sure, but you’re probably the first person Dr. Luthor wants to hear it from,” Nia said, which had the doctor in question turn around and flash her a dirty look, and had Kara spluttering. 
“Your lawyer friend should sue you,” Kara managed before refocusing her attention on Dr. Luthor. “I’m really sorry about commenting on your eyes. That was rude. I said the quiet part out loud. Can the numbing agent for the eyes cause a loose tongue?” 
It was the stupidest thing to say, Kara knew it as soon as the words escaped her, embarrassment heating her cheeks and the back of her neck as Nia choked on laughter and Dr. Luthor seemed, well, angelic. 
“You know, Nia tells me you have very interesting eyes,” Dr. Luthor said, her tone and the stressing of ‘interesting’ making it very clear Nia had told her about the laser vision. “You don’t need a doctor.”
“I need a fake prescription.”
“I can write you a note instead,” the doctor offered, getting Kara to lean back in her chair and tugging the tonometer out of the way. “Would that work?” 
“Could you say I can’t see with my old glasses and that’s why I ran into a table and knocked over a coworker’s favorite mug, not that I broke it by trying to heat their coffee with my laser vision?” 
Dr. Luthor laughed, the sound like the jingling of bells. It was beautiful and was thoroughly distracting. “I think that’s a lot for a note. What about, you have vision issues I’ve never seen before?” 
Kara thought about it for a moment, then nodded, sticking her hand out for the doctor who stared at it with a fond smile on her lips. “You’ve got a deal, Dr. Luthor,” she said, waiting for the angel to take her hand. After several seconds, during which Lena Luthor met and held Kara’s gaze, she reached out and took Kara’s hand, her index and middle finger sliding against the inside of Kara’s wrist. She opened her mouth—to say what, Kara wasn’t sure—when Nia cut in.
“In return for the note, Kara will take you to coffee. Oh look you shook on it! That’s an oral contract, my lawyer friend will sue you if you don’t go on that date.”
Kara blushed and glared at Nia, ready to let the doctor off the hook, but Dr. Luthor’s grip on her hand tightened. And when Kara’s eyes met Lena Luthor’s incredibly green ones, she noticed they were crinkled in a smile. 
“When we go to coffee,” she said softly, “you have to call me Lena. All my dates do.” 
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