#thank you mr. anony mouse
Are you afraid of Itachi?
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"I'm not afraid of him, hn! Why would I be afraid of that Uchiha? I hate him and I'll hate him for all eternity! Stupid fucking Uchiha..." Grumble grumble grumble.
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reddawnmultimuse · 2 months
Would you rather fight one tailed beast-sized samehada, or fifty samehada-sized tailed beasts?
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“That is indeed a great question as it challenges one to weigh the magnitude of power against the manageability of size. To confront one tailed beast-sized Samehada would mean facing a single entity with immense power and size, amplified by Samehada’s unique ability to absorb chakra. The challenge here would be monumental, requiring immense strength and strategy, particularly since the size of a tailed beast would make Samehada’s chakra-absorbing scales incredibly formidable.
On the other hand, fighting fifty Samehada-sized tailed beasts presents a different set of challenges. While individually these creatures would be smaller and potentially less powerful than their full-sized counterparts, managing fifty entities simultaneously would require exceptional tactical acumen. The coordination and stamina needed to combat multiple foes, each possessing unique abilities albeit on a smaller scale, would test one's capacity to strategize and adapt under pressure.
Considering my own abilities, including the Sharingan and my proficiency with genjutsu, I might lean towards confronting the fifty Samehada-sized tailed beasts. This scenario would allow me to leverage my tactical prowess and ability to manipulate multiple enemies simultaneously. Furthermore, the reduction in size would limit the scale of their individual powers, making them more manageable within the illusions and control techniques at my disposal.”
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reddawnmultimuse · 2 months
Deidara, hey hey. How long does your hair care routine take?
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"If you ask Sasori-no-Danna: 'too fucking long'."
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reddawnmultimuse · 8 months
what do you think about AUs? (And ocs)
[ love 'em, love' em, love 'em. especially AU's since in my opinion, canon is boring.
unfortunately, i don't have the creativity for OC's. i only have Ame because he was the OC of a person i rped with on Myspace for years. they retired and i didn't want Ame to go to waste so i adopted him from them. i've tried writing my own OC's but never liked how they came out. i sync better with canon muses.
other mun's OC's tho? love 'em! ]
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reddawnmultimuse · 2 months
when are you going to put that pink haired bitch in her place sasori?
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"First off: language. Second: I ain't puttin' 'er nowhere. Though, I can think o' one place I wouldn't mind puttin' 'er, heh. Anyway, she n' I 'ave an...understandin', as one may put it. A gentlemen's agreement. I don't poison 'er to death n' she don't punch the rest o' me face off." And no, Sasori was not going to explain what he meant by that.
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reddawnmultimuse · 2 months
Someone, in an attempt to cheer the Uchiha up, slides a singular sticker his way.
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"It's cute, but it's not the same as a good boy sticker."
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reddawnmultimuse · 2 months
itachi what's your favourite flavour of dango
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"Oh heavens me, I couldn't choose just one flavour!"
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reddawnmultimuse · 3 months
[dumps 500 frogs of varying types, no care if they are poisonous to the touch, on you]
You've been Frog'd.
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reddawnmultimuse · 8 months
...I notice how Itachi didn't even consider Pein-sama and Konan, aha..... He better hope it wasn't either of theirs!
[ itachi loves cookies more than he fears god and his angel ]
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reddawnmultimuse · 8 months
A single innocuous, lonely looking cookie sits alone on the table of the Akatsuki base, looking fairly fresh and innocent.
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Itachi stares at the delicious cookie. "Oh my." Who could have left this here?
Was it Deidara? Like Itachi, the blonde had a sweet tooth. However, the Uchiha couldn't imagine him leaving a single cookie out. Hidan? No, no, it was far too clean to be Hidan, no crumbs. Hmm...and neither Kisame or Kakuzu ate sweets, to Itachi's knowledge. And Sasori--well, Sasori could not eat at all.
Since no one obvious came to Itachi's mind as having ownership over the lone cookie, he saw no harm it taking it for himself. It'd be a shame to waste it, afterall. Such a shame, such a shame.
So, upon glancing right and then left, Itachi snatches up the cookie and shoves it into his mouth. Yummy!
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reddawnmultimuse · 8 months
what... would a world with two sasoris look like LOL????????
[ i don't know but nothing good i imagine ]
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reddawnmultimuse · 9 months
what are your muses' least favourite foods? addressed to any and all
[ this is half canon and half headcanon ]
itachi is a vegetarian so dislikes meat, especially steak and chicken.
deidara doesn't like rice and has a very low tolerance for spice.
sasori cannot eat but when he could, he hated cheese due to being lactose intolerant.
hidan hates vegetables but can eat them in stews or curries.
kakuzu hates anything sweet or with a jelly-like texture.
ame doesn't like anything sweet or foods that gets on his hands.
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Anonymous asked: Sasodei
Who’s the cuddler? Deidara...tries. But Sasori is a puppet so he isn't very comfortable to cuddle with. Also, he's coated in poison.
Who makes the bed? Sasori. He may not sleep but he's a perfectionist and OCD. Everything must be clean and tidy.
Who wakes up first? Deidara, obviously, because Sasori doesn't sleep.
Who has the weird taste in music? Sasori. Fucking old man listening to oldies like he did with his granny on the vinyl player. Makes Deidara glad for the deafness.
Who is more protective? Sasori. Only because if anyone has the privilege of hurting Deidara, it's him and only him.
Who sings in the shower? Deidara but it's more like a humming.
Who cries during movies? Deidara. Sasori cannot cry and even if he could cry, he wouldn't give a shit about whatever he watched. Dude went through a World War and lived. Nothing can get to him.
Who spends the most while out shopping? Deidara. Sasori doesn't have the patience for it and doesn't like going out if not necessary.
Who kisses more roughly? Sasori. Only because he's a puppet and cannot tell if or when he's kisses too roughly. It's a genuine accident and Deidara doesn't criticize him over it. He's trying and that's all the matters.
Who is more dominant? Sasori. If Deidara so much as thinks about dominating, Sasori shuts that shit down.
My rating of the ship from 1-10. 5/10. I love it but I also hate it. But, it's a classic and the OTP for these two, like it or not.
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What is Deidara's clan?
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Deidara's clan is just a personal headcanon. It's the Katsu clan. Thus the term "katsu" which Deidara yells at detonation which was the clan's mantra upon an anticipated victory.
The clan had a Kekkei Genkai known as the "God Hand" because users had the ability to use their own chakra to bring their clay creations to life. In Iwa folklore, it was said that in exchange of this god-like power, users were blighted to be abominations, thus the extra mouths on their person. "Golem" was considered a slur against Katsu clan members.
In the Third War, when Onoki sent one-thousand shinobi to march on Konoha, he sent in the Katsu clan who was the village's greatest clan (ie as was the Uchiha to Konoha) and succeeded in getting the clan exterminated when Minato single-handedly defeated the invasion. Deidara is the last member due to this.
Sorry, sorry. Kinda geeking out 'cause I'm hella proud on this headcanon and there's so much more I could write about it. But, I'mma stop myself.
tl;dr: Deidara's clan is the Katsu clan. It is a headcanon.
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So. Art is beautiful? Didn't you once call a certain Uchiha art? Does that mean you think Itachi is beautiful?
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"Excuse me?! I did not!" Oh shit, she did, didn't she? Backtrack, backtrack! "O-Ok, maybe I did but he's art in the way garbage can be art, hn! Or Sasori's dumb puppets! I could stick a feather in a pile of dog shit and call it art! That's what that Uchiha is! Feather dog shit art!"
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Anonymous asked: would you have sex with tobi just to see his face ?
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At first, she was disgusted at the thought. Have sex with Tobi?! But then she thought about it; weighed the pros and the cons. Pros: she got to finally see Tobi's face. Cons: she had to have sex with Tobi. Though, he wouldn't be the worst person she fucked and could think of at least three other people that were as bad if not worst than Tobi. So, after a moment, she shrugged. "Sure. But, only if he took the mask off first."
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