#thank you seyiku!
ramenhue88 · 11 months
Something about cheese 🧀
I love the designs of witches in Madoka Magica. Gekidan Inu Curry, the designer for the witches, is a GOAT. Witches all have that paper vibe going on with them. So, let's list all the witches that appeared in the anime so that you can see what I mean by, "Paper Vibe™" (Also note I'm going by the wiki) + Gertrud
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+ H.N Elly (Kirsten)
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(Side note for Elly is that we actually see her 2 different forms [Should I call it forms? Idk]. The picture above is when Sayaka killed her and the other one is when she's inside the television. Also, the picture above only shows up for about a second.)
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+ Gisela
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+ Elsa Maria (Poor her, got murdered by Sayaka)
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+ Oktavia von Seckendorff (Seyiku.....)
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+ Izabel
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+ And of course, Walpurgis!
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But wait a minute.... I feel like I'm forgetting someone.... OH RIGHT! + Charlotte!!
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[Steppy steppy Homu] See those images? Now those are the #PaperVibes™ I'm looking for! Well except for Walpurgis who has 3D cog wheels instead of a paper vibe™. All witches look like this paper vibe™ but for the one I almost forgot; Charlotte, why is she the only exception to this rule? She's entirely animated like everyone else in the series. No other witch is drawn like this. She's the only exception when it comes to this rule. Well, the only NORMAL witch that is exempt from this rule. Ultimate Madoka's "witch" also doesn't follow the paper vibe™.
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It's more drawn than paper bashed. And that's ok since Madoka is the most powerful magical girl thus making this one, the most powerful witch. So of course, it's gonna break the rules, same with Walpurgis. It's also drawn with its difference having 3D rendered cog wheels.
So why does a normal witch get the animated treatment? By Goddess Madoka, EVEN HOMURA has the paper bashed witch.
(Thank God Homura got the paper bashed witch treatment, I am gonna throw hands if she didn't. Look how beautiful that is...)
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So why in Goddess Madoka's name does Bebe get the animated treatment, when we consider her, a normal witch? We can chalk this up to the animation team just wanting Bebe to stand out from the rest (Because she's the witch for the #IconicSceneAlert) and nothing more. Buuuuut... That's boring. So let me try to reason out why Bebe looks different from every other witch.
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[Let me yoink this witch]
Ok, so about Bebe.... Well, what about her? We have nothing to go on if we're only talking about the main series. We don't know anything about her apart from her personality and design. Her wish? Nothing. Her past? Nothing. So how do we talk about someone who doesn't have anything? Well, we go to another universe silly! Magia!~ Record!~ (Cue the SONG)
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Not that universe but another another one!
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There we go. MAGIA~! RECORD~! (NOW cue the SONG) The game one.
In Magia Record they expanded much more on Nagisa, giving her an event titled: Nagisa's Wish! (If you want to watch it)
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(Me and Nagisa have the same reaction after finding out the event is literally named Nagisa's Wish)
So, let's go back to her witch appearance for a moment. In Magia Record you fight her and EVEN in this game, they decide to make Charlotte look "normal".
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Most, if not all, witches still look papery even in the game. I say most and not all because of the NA shutdown and I have no idea of anything past Arc 1 Magia Record (I'm still finding free time to catch up to Arc 2). Doppels and Rumours ALSO follow the papery rule.
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There is one exception to Bebe's appearance and that is Nagisa's doppel.
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[Now that's the papery vibe™ I'm looking for!]
So why does Bebe have a different art style than ALL of the other witches? Let's go to her MGS in Magia Record (Metal Gear Solid!? No, Magical Girl Story)
So, in her MGS we see that she's being followed by a Pink Kyubey which we can safely assume is Goddess Madoka. Why can we assume that? First, her transformation (when you get her in the gacha). It starts with the symbol of the law of cycles.
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Second, it's literally Goddess Madoka pulling for her in her transformation.
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[Go get that 5-star girl]
She's also putting make-up on Nagisa and making her look human.
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Well not literally making her look human. You can read this as Goddess Madoka, preparing her to blend in because you know. She's half magical girl half witch already at this point. So of course, you gotta blend her in. So, we've made it clear that the Pink Kyubey is Goddess Madoka, watching Nagisa from afar. How important is Nagisa that THE Goddess Madoka, THE concept would get you to do work for her instead of another magical girl. Well firstly, she can't choose any of the 5, because Goddess Madoka is essentially killing the Magia Record version of them by putting another version in their body. Nagisa is the closest choice for Goddess Madoka because.... Because.....
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[LMAOOOOO I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. SAME MAMI, SAME. Look I get that Bebe is the closest to them because she killed Mami?? I mean you could say that to Gertrud, Esla Maria, Gisella. Every other witch could have fit the Bebe position. But I'm not complaining that they used Nagisa btw.]
But this does bring up the fact that Nagisa is special in one way or another.
Ehemm... Back to the topic at hand.
So why does Bebe have a different art style than all the other witches. One theory I have is that Charlotte, the witch, has more control over their witch body compared to other magical girls. Like she's more accepting of what happened to her compared to other magical girls. She succumbed to despair, just like any other magical girl. But unlike the others, she chose to bathe in despair. Enjoy it.
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[From Magia Record - Nagisa's Wish]
Other magical girls wallowed and grieved in despair. Not Nagisa no. She accepted this despair because there was nothing more she can do, there was nowhere for her to go anymore. She lost everything. So, when she became a witch, she was more in tune with it. She was more welcoming of her faith than other magical girls. (Ehem Homura, ehem...) Can you blame her though?
If everything in your life went wrong and then suddenly for a moment. Everything went your way. Would you not want to stay in that moment forever?
In her witch labyrinth she could eat all the cheese she wants.
For her, cheese was equivalent to her mother's love.
I mean, her mother loved cheese.
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She on the other hand, didn't. After becoming a witch, she began to see cheese as a symbol of her mother. She loved chasing cheese; she loved eating cheese.
For her, chasing cheese began to symbolize her wanting to get her mother's love. That is why she's so obsessed with it. All she wanted was to go home with her mother.
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Her life was a tragedy and she saved herself from it. By ending her tragedy of a life, she began a new and better life.
She could eat all the cheese she wants.
She could have all the snacks she wants.
She could choose from the varieties of cheese in the room!
This is the HapPiEst she has ever been!
Why would she deny herself this happiness?
The princess has finally found a place where she can happy! The End
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Bonus!! So, while I was looking for a screenshot for the end of my post. I saw this happy Nagisa. And I thought to myself... "Wait a minutos, why is she happy? Shouldn't she have memories of everything that happened?" Well, for a fact she does. I mean, Sayaka remembers everything, she just forgot because Homura made her forget. Homura didn't do it to Nagisa. So, it's safe to assume she does remember. So, she's happy because Homura won? Not exactly. In rebellion the scene with Sayaka and Kyoko where she interrupted them, she said.
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So, if we go by what she said. We can assume she doesn't care about the Rebellion event. She's just happy that she gets to exist again. Back in 2015, the Madoka concept trailer.
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The happiness Nagisa wants is not in Heaven. It doesn't exist there. So, when Homura to dragged Madoka down, she destroyed Madoka's "Heaven" where Nagisa lives. She now lives in reality again. Where she can eat cheese again and experience all the things she never got to experience. So, for her, what Homura did is something that actually goes for her favor. We love a selfish cheese loving character.
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deltaruiner · 4 months
Hiiii Ami!!
How are you? (Hope you don’t mind me popping in like this–)
i'm fine compared to my usual um
feeling unmotivated and my sleeping hours keep getting worse where they should be improving
meguca helps though i couldnt find a way to really immerse myself lately
i'm looping sayaka themes in my head to get thru the day bc she wouldn't let me give up
ppl have fandom tulpas telling them to eat well mine is telling me to overwork and have moral ocd but i love her anyway
i managed to reconnect with a friend whose been busy for a bunch of time now though!! i hope we wont lose touch again
when i'm going to sleep i like to imagine the megucas in various aus
the latest is sayaka surviving in a fantasy world with a human/witch mix girl with good intentions but kinda twisted powers that she initially dislikes because of her idea of justice
a girl who i am definitely not using as a self insert to be friends w/ seyiku
they do this in order to find the other girls who were scattered around the world (and also overthrow the local monarchy and monster nests)
i think my comfort character obsession is getting weird and/or unhealthy but im not sure
i just find the idea of what would happen if the girls, who turn into surreal and fantastic witches to sate their desires and imagination got into a true fantasy where they can live way more uniquely, super interesting
especially sayaka and her dream of being a pure and just knight which fits like a glove
thank u for asking btw!! fantasy!!! i make it sound bad but i dont feel too poorly (and also dont actually have a tulpa-)
i'm also playing something like the sims except with even more inhuman atrocities and survival aspects and it's suprisingly fun?? do not judge me please it's very simple graphics okai T~T
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paladinwife · 3 years
Doing Catherine for this one!
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Look, I know that’s Byleth and not me, but. Look at the smile. Look at that tight hug. God I wish that were me. This is just so cute.
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And this one! I have a copy of this art signed by her VA, and it’s one of my favorite things. She’s just so gorgeous and I love her looking powerful.
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selfinsertdio · 6 years
✍ shiroumine...
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honestly i should draw like this more often goddamn
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swordwife · 4 years
hi so I know I never talk about my ship with Lorenz or th.ree houses in general you know why but I want to talk about a Scenario that has been plaguing my thoughts for some time now. doing this in bullet point format because I can.
So first I should offer some context for what’s going on with 3h Seyiku. She actually isn’t a student, but is instead an assistant in the infirmary there’s a lot more to her Lore but i’m not getting into it here
Sey has a complicated relationship with Lorenz. Thanks to her status, it wasn’t long before he approached her with the intent to get to know her. She didn’t take this very well and said some choice words in return. Lorenz was insulted by this but Seyiku insisted that he needed someone to call him out. 
She does eventually apologize, feeling that she was a bit too harsh on him. Lorenz apologizes as well, thanking Seyiku for the advice she had given him, even if she could’ve done it in a better way. 
So they’re on good terms now, but it’s still a tad awkward. 
And would you look at that! It’s time for the ball! Since Seyiku is considered staff, she isn’t allowed to attend. She swears she’s fine not going, but deep down is a bit disappointed. 
Manuela takes pity on her, feeling like her little assistant has more than earned “a night of dancing and romance”. So she finds a spare uniform and insists Sey pretend to be a student for the night, just so she can enjoy the ball. Cinderella
Seyiku makes it to the ball and is excited to try all the special food available, but oh no, she’s been spotted. 
Guess who! Lorenz is surprised to see Sey at the ball, but is definitely not complaining. 
He of course invites her to dance, and Seyiku accepts. 
But ah... Spending time this close together... Having not much to look at but each other... It is at this moment that Seyiku realizes she has fallen in love. Well at least that she’s developed romantic feelings.
She’s immediately flustered by this, and cuts off their dance under the excuse that Lorenz should make time to dance with other partners. He was a bit disappointed to have to stop so soon, but agrees with her suggestion. 
He had planned to dance with every potential suitor at the ball... yet only seemed to enjoy dancing with a certain someone... It is at this moment that Lorenz has the same epiphany that Sey had just moments earlier. 
I could go on about everything that happens afterwards but I’m cutting it here since I only really wanted to talk about The Realization :) Thanks for coming to my ted talk 
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getitfrenchship · 4 years
Honestly I now associate you a lot with Brigid Fire Emblem, especially thanks to that edit! [queenvonhresvelg]
Is it me or does she look almost like Eyvel from Thracia 776? /j
But yes I’m still grateful Ashe and Seyiku made edits of her for me ;w;
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mmikmmik2 · 6 years
psychic: *reads my mind*
me: Meduka. what is it Coobie? become Meguca. no Meduka. I become Meguca for Kyusiko. won't let you. why. I become Meguca? no. what I wish for? please. no Meduka no. don't listen to Hameru. we your friends Meduka! what I do? I protect Meduka and Kyusiko. thank you Seyiku. but. it okay. Mumi why. my city now. fight! I protect friends! being Meguka is suffering...
psychic: what the fuck
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paladinwife · 4 years
3, 9, and 10 with catherine
Thank you so much Seyiku!
3) Show me some concept art of your f/o!! How much different is it from how they look now? 
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So here’s what I could find. It doesn’t look hugely different from her appearance in game, so I’m guessing this is from later in development. Also ooouuughhh thighs. Anyhow, next question.
9) Do you actually like your f/o’s combat/play style?
Oh Catherine is a goddess in combat. She’s so broken when you first get her, and honestly she stays pretty viable for the rest of the game. Her one weakness is that there really aren’t any master classes that suit her - which can be fine because she stays good as a swordmaster. I personally put her on a pegasus for that extra nyoom. Anyway yeah, she’s great and I love her.
10) What would your s/i’s combat/play style be?
So the specific self insert I use for Catherine is Scathach, and she’s usually a mounted mixed attacker. She’s kind of a glass cannon and doesn’t want to take too many hits, but she deals some real damage with both her attack and magic stats, and Canto makes her very movable. She could also probably work as a gremory to maximize that magic, but that’s trickier due to me right now thinking she has a penalty to faith (though I could change that). Short answer she’s a sick dark knight.
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paladinwife · 5 years
3 and 14 for that last ask meme!
Ahhh Seyiku! It’s been a while, thanks for the ask-
I’m basically picturing Mira as the lord of her own game!
3. Main weapon/magic types?
Ooooh, this one is hard. I usually want to be a versatile DPS unit, and at some point or another I’ve given Mira basically every weapon. I think I’d make her a lance/dark magic unit - which is certainly unusual for a main lord!
14. As a Fire Emblem lord, you’re entitled to a seasonal alt in FEH. Which seasonal outfit would you pick?
Honestly, probably the bride alts, or maybe even Day of Devotion! My reasoning is basically just that I like pretty, elegant dresses, and any excuse to wear one is a good one to me.
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swordwife · 5 years
happy self insert positivity day, seyiku! u are one of the funniest people i have met on this hellsite, u never fail to make me laugh w ur shitposts. no literally all of our pins are gold (yogurt boy...) but at the same time ur more than a memelord- u are a good, kind friend, and i appreciate u and want u to flourish. also, i'm glad i was able to introduce u to hideo :3
I didn’t know it was self insert positivity day????? thank you maddie ;; 
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i’m not that great at sending messages but I want to wish you a happy self insert positivity day as well!! You’re always fun to talk to and seeing your self ship content on my dash is always a great time
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swordwife · 5 years
i’ve been seeing this go around and wanted to do it so thanks @polyeros for the tag 
Nickname: Seyiku, Egg 
Gender: female
Height: 5′6″
Sexuality: idk
MBTI: ISTP. its been a while since I tested and I don’t feel like doing it again so it might be different now idk 
Favorite Color: blue
My Choice for a Last Meal: monte cristo sandwiches but also like. a cookie cake
Favorite Animal: penguins!
Favorite Music: idk man. its all over the place 
Dream Trip: it’d be fun to travel across europe and see the Cool things in each country. also try all the different foods. i’m not really super interested in one particular country so this would be better than going to one country per trip.
Random Stuff: licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets 
not tagging anyone because idk who has and hasn’t done this yet so feel free to do this if you want to 
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swordwife · 5 years
- Who sneaks in dollar-store snacks because their wallet can’t handle spending on expensive food?they both would tbh. wouldn’t stop seyiku from buying the expensive food though- Who gets on all the intense rides?sey! she’s basically me so she’s also really into thrill rides- Who gets sick on the tea-cup ride?seyiku spins the wheel like her life depends on it and henry immediately regrets getting on the ride with her - Which Disney couple would they cosplay as? oof good question. they give me milo/kida vibes so i’m gonna go with that - If not cosplay, would they wear those cliché personal-tees that show everyone they’re a couple? What design would they have?ok tbh i’m not big on matching shirts but like. these I could tolerate - Who makes it their life’s mission to get an autograph and picture with all the Disney characters? they’d both be into it, but it was probably henry’s idea. it’s a nice break from all the rides (cue seyiku talking nonstop about she hasn’t done this since she was little and its making her all nostalgic) - Who cries at the fireworks show/parade?…both. sey would be too embarrassed to admit it, but henry definitely noticed (tbh he’d be relieved to know he wasn’t the only one who cried)- Who likes California Adventure more?people like california adventure? shjsdjks okay I was super unimpressed last time I was there and I think it’s safe to say neither of them prefer it over disneyland (spoiler: epcot is their favorite) - Would they make a silly pose on the top of Splash Mountain? If so, what would it be? (Bonus Points if a marriage proposal happens.) my seyiku’s tradition is to make peace signs on every ride with a photo. she tries to convince henry to do a matching pose but he’s too scared to let go- What is each person’s favorite section of Disneyland? oh jeez i’ve never even thought of this before uhhhh sey likes tomorrowland bc of space mountain aaaaaand i’m gonna say henry likes fantasyland. it brings back fond childhood memories so he can’t not like it- What merchandise would each person give the other as gifts?henry buys seyiku a stuffed animal (but what kind 🤔), and I think sey would get him a snowglobe or some other knickknack to keep around the house
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swordwife · 6 years
but thank you mana!!
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selfinsertdio · 6 years
AAAA thank you!! (seyiku over at strawberryshipping actually recommended your blog to me!!)
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swordwife · 7 years
Uuuhm I can think of Diego x Seyiku = Dieku. Pronounced Dyeku o: and Giorno x Seyiku = Gioku. Pronounced Joku, with the Jo like in Jojo (*ノωノ)
ooh I like these. thank you for the suggestions! 
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