#thank you snodes
redlance · 4 years
brittany-snow replied to your chat “Me: *stares at word doc* Doc: *stares back* Me: *Types four words....”
masterpieces aren't made overnight.
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astroismypassion · 4 years
Hey hun ! i saw one of your posts i think on draconic charts and was reading that its MC is supposed to be your true purpose. My draconic MC is my natal SNode ... i feel like theres something off there or is that normal? well not normal but typical? and how would that play out in my aspirations vs whats holding me back thank youu
I finally came to your question: 
oh so you mean, like your Draconic MC would indicate your true life purpose? It’s definitely interesting, but I would disagree. 
For me, it could be that Draconic MC indicates your past life’s life purpose. What was the life purpose in your previous life. 
For example: I have Virgo MC in my natal chart, but Pisces MC in my Draconic chart. I think Pisces MC was the real life purpose of my previous life. But not this one. In this one, I have different lessons to learn and apply new knowledge to realize the purpose of THIS lifetime before I die. 
Yes, this is normal! I have Draconic MC, Pisces MC. And I have Natal Pisces IC. 
I means you have to use certain characteristics, traits of Pisces in this lifetime when you are trying to fulfill your life purpose. You will need a lot of universal love and support for others, compassion, patient, also to forgive people more easily. You might need to heal some people or help them. You will need to use your creativity in your daily life a lot. You will need to be creative, inspirational and sometimes you will have to surrender in your life. 
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brittany-snow · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Snodes!
Thank you!
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cj-jacobs · 6 years
Okay, this isn’t the Christmas fic that I still haven’t finished (had a family tragedy right after the holiday, it’s a long story, but I will finish it as soon as I can.) But last year, I was asked by an anon to write a fic based on the Bechloe tags I wrote on this Valentine’s Day post. I wrote the fic last year and almost forgot about it until yesterday, then remembered I said I would post it *this* Valentine’s Day. It’s short, and is meant to fit in with PP1 canon. 
The gifs at the end are reposted with the permission of the incomparable fandom queen, the Artist Formerly Known as Snodes.
Aaaand I just realized as I’m posting it that I have no title for this, lol. If I think of one I’ll add it later. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Beca ducks her head into the doorway of the rehearsal room, halfway hoping it’ll be dark and empty and she can just go back to her room and pretend she forgot they were supposed to be doing Bellas “outreach” tonight. Even the word makes her cringe. But no, there’s Chloe, standing at the whiteboard, doodling hearts and rainbows. When she glances over and sees Beca, she erases them, a little guiltily.
“Hey,” Beca says, coming further into the room.
“Hey! Where have you been? Everyone else got started half an hour ago.”
“Sorry, I know, I know,” she says with a sheepish air. “I fell asleep.”
Chloe looks incredulous. “Before eight p.m.? On Valentine’s Day?”
“Yes,” Beca says testily. “Because my life is awesome. Thank you for reminding me.” She looks around the empty space. “Are you the only one here?”
“I’m supposed to catch up with Aubrey. But I wanted to wait for you.”
Beca gives her a strange look. They’ve been friends for a few months now and spend a ton of time together, but she feels like she isn’t any closer to figuring Chloe out. “You didn’t have to.”
“I know.”
As she approaches closer to the whiteboard, Chloe only now seems to notice her red hoodie. “Beca.” She sounds disappointed. “You were supposed to wear pink.”
“Yeah, I know that, and this is literally as close as my wardrobe gets to pink. So,” she shrugs. “Take it or leave it.”
Adjusting fast, Chloe assures her, “No, it’s fine. Red is good, too. You’ll clash with Amy, but luckily, this is the one day of the year when red and pink are allowed to mingle. Oh, except for, you know, on me.” She gestures at herself. “In which case it’s always allowed, because I’m the only ginger on the planet who looks hot in pink.”
“Congratulations.” Beca gives her a wry smile, but can’t exactly argue the point. Tonight she’s wearing a light pink sweater with darker pink hearts embroidered on the front of it, and the whole thing seems to be doused in glitter, but somehow, on Chloe, it looks good. “Speaking of Amy, where is she?” Beca asks. “Because I’m not doing this alone.”
“She already left, you’ll have to track her down.” Chloe picks up a clipboard from the top of the piano and consults it. “Let’s see, this time, you two are doing... Baker, Hammons, and Jackson Halls.”
“You gave me the dorm where I live? Chloe, that’s humiliating.”
“Sorry,” Chloe says with a slight grimace. “Luck of the draw.”
Closing her eyes for a second, Beca mutters, “I don’t know if I can do this.”
“Well, you have to. It’s an official Bellas duty.” Chloe takes her phone from her pocket and holds it up in a threatening way. “Do I need to call Aubrey?”
“No, oh my God!” Beca stops her, alarmed by the thought that she might actually call her. “Fine. I’ll do it.”
Chloe looks smug as she puts the phone away.
“Damn,” Beca says under her breath, a little impressed. “That was so hardcore.”
From behind the piano, Chloe drags out a massive and beat-up cardboard box. Beca by now has enough experience as a Bella to hate the sight of it. It’s their props box.
“Okay, so, here’s your bow. And your quiver of arrows. I love the word quiver, don’t you?” Chloe asks confidentially, miming a sultry little shudder. “It brings back memories of all those erotic novels my grandma gave me.”
Beca makes a perplexed face but decides it’s best not to pursue the matter. She reluctantly takes the bow and quiver from Chloe, giving an exaggerated stagger at the weight, which Chloe ignores.
“Okay,” Beca sighs. “Is that it?”
“Do you know how to use it?” Chloe asks. “Want to take it for a test run?”
Glancing at the bow, Beca says, “You know what, I’ll figure it out.” The sooner she gets started, the sooner this whole thing will be over.
“Okay. Just some pointers, it helps if you close one eye when you’re aiming,” Chloe offers. “And, um, if you can, try not to shoot directly at anyone’s eyes or testicles. We don’t need another lawsuit.”
Beca pauses as she adjusts the quiver, but again decides not to press for details. “Cool.” She turns toward the exit, but Chloe stops her.
“Oh, wait! You almost forgot your wings. The most important part of the costume.”
Beca turns back, looking miserable. “Is that really necessary?” she whines. “This already sucks so hard.”
“Of course it’s necessary. It’s what makes you a Cupid,” Chloe insists as she hands over the wings. “Otherwise, you’re just a freak in a hoodie shooting arrows at people.”
Beca considers this. “Valid point,” she admits.
“I’m wearing some too, see?” Chloe says in a coaxing manner, lifting a second pair of wings from the box and slipping into them easily, like she’s done it a hundred times.
“Is that supposed to make this less embarrassing?” Beca’s still holding her wings out in front of her, stalling for time.
“Here, I’ll help you.” Chloe reaches out to take them again and steps up close, right into Beca’s personal space, which Beca is starting to suspect is her favorite place to be. “Hold your arms out.”
Chloe delicately tugs the wings up over her arms and onto her shoulders, then brushes Beca’s hair out of the way, making sure none is caught under the straps.
“Your hair looks amazing tonight, by the way,” Chloe tells her. “It’s so bouncy.”
Beca doesn’t seem to know how to respond to this. “Thanks.” She tries not to smile, smiles anyway, then physically tries to force the smile back into non-existence while Chloe watches, amused.
Next, Chloe adjusts the shoulder straps, hooking her fingers underneath the edges to maneuver the wings into place. As soon as her fingers graze the sides of Beca’s breasts, which is basically impossible to avoid doing, Beca feels a totally unexpected jolt of heat. It’s like Chloe’s hands are made of fire, though of course they can’t be any warmer than normal. But there’s no mistaking the glow radiating out from every spot her fingers touch, even through the fabric of a hoodie, a tank top, and a bra. Then the heat seems to be spreading from places she’s touched to places she hasn’t touched.
Beca draws in a shaky breath, then just stops breathing completely for a second, holding perfectly still and fighting the urge to close her eyes. Oh, shit. This should not feel the way it does. And trying to act like it doesn’t feel that way is taking a monumental effort. She prays Chloe doesn’t notice anything, but is positive she does. Of course she does. There’s a sensual-yet-playful twinkle in her eyes that looks like an enhanced version of her usual flirtatious manner. She knows exactly what she’s doing.
“There,” Chloe whispers. “Perfect.” Still only a few inches away from her face, she asks softly, “I’m not straight either, am I?”
Beca seems both baffled and alarmed by this question. “Dude, what?”
“My wings,” Chloe clarifies, trying not to laugh. “Are they crooked?”
“Oh.” Beca steps back and looks her over, trying to concentrate on anything other than the warm buzz of sensation still coiling through her. “Um…”
They’re not crooked. Not at all. The wings are perfectly straight. So there’s absolutely no reason for Beca to reach out to adjust them, to step right back into the body-heated, perfume-scented, too-close-to-breathe zone she’d just escaped from. Still, she finds herself doing precisely this, as if she’s being pulled by a magnet.
“Hang on,” she murmurs. “Let me just…” she trails off as she runs her fingers along the edges of the shoulder straps, starting high and then moving lower. She’s gratified to see that Chloe loses the upper hand as her composure vanishes almost immediately. Her body tenses up and seems to vibrate with responsiveness, her gaze becoming unfocused and her lashes fluttering as if she, too, has to struggle not to close her eyes. Beca works her fingers underneath the straps, needlessly tugging them around a little, letting her hands graze the sides of Chloe’s chest, even as she’s amazed at herself and wonders what the hell she’s doing. There’s a kind of power in it, she realizes. Not to mention, she can feel an echoing buzz in her own body in the exact places she touches Chloe’s, the heat fading a bit but definitely still there.
Eventually, she forces herself to drop her hands. “Okay, you’re good.”
“Thanks.” Chloe collects herself and smiles at her, the playfulness returning. It feels like a game, and now they’re both even.
But then the smile fades and Chloe bites her bottom lip, gazing at her with a sudden intensity that makes Beca think for a split second that she wants to kiss her, for real, and isn’t just doing that automatic flirting thing she always does. They’re still standing way too close to each other, but Beca doesn’t step back. Instead she finds herself staring at Chloe’s lips, which is probably not the signal she should be sending, and yet she can’t seem to look away. She can’t tell if she’s imagining it, or if Chloe really does seem to be leaning in now, just the barest fraction of a millimeter every second. Or wait, is she the one leaning in? Which one of them is moving? She tears her gaze away from Chloe’s lips and meets her eyes, which doesn’t help at all, because it’s like they’re stuck in some kind of force field. She’s never experienced anything like it.
Into the silence, Chloe’s phone suddenly emits an insistent chirp, causing them both to jump a little.
Beca remembers to breathe again as Chloe breaks their eye contact to search for her phone. Half relieved and half disappointed, she steps back to a safe, sane distance, and begins re-adjusting her hair, just to have something to do with her hands.
“It’s Aubrey.” Chloe still sounds a bit breathless, too. Wincing as she looks at the text, she adds, “Crap, she’s annoyed. I should get out there.”
Beca can read the text too, even upside down, possibly because it’s in all caps.
Pressing her lips together awkwardly, Beca looks away from the phone. Her cheeks heat up at the implication, and at the fact that it’s possibly not that far off the mark. Especially if they hadn’t been interrupted.
Chloe seems flustered too as she rapidly texts back. I’m with Beca. Be right there!
Now they deliberately avoid looking at each other, and for a few seconds they busy themselves with gathering their things. Beca’s glad for the distraction. She hefts the bow and the quiver of arrows again, preparing to leave. “So I’m guessing she’s gonna be pissed at me tomorrow, right?”
Giving her a reassuring pat on the arm as they head toward the door, Chloe says, “Nah, she’ll be fine, don’t worry. Our route includes the frat houses, so I’ll make sure she drinks a lot.”
They’re both using their normal, everyday voices, as if by some unspoken agreement to pretend that whatever just happened didn’t actually happen. And really, Beca reasons to herself, it probably didn’t, she probably just imagined it. She’s lonely, and horny, and it’s Valentine’s Day. It was all in her head.
Chloe turns out the lights, then there’s a quick moment of awkwardness when they both try to pass through the door at the same time, forgetting about the wings, and they get hung up and briefly stuck. Both laughing, Chloe gives Beca enough of a shove to pop her free, then follows after her.
After she locks up, she turns to Beca and looks her up and down in a last minute once-over of approval. “I know you don’t want to hear this, Bec, but you look adorable.”
Chloe’s right, she doesn’t want to hear that. Instead of responding, she tells her, “And you look like you could wear that to class, and no one would even notice.”
She’s teasing, but Chloe does look ridiculously natural in the Cupid wings. They suit her. In fact, standing directly under the glow of the streetlight, with the glitter in her sweater sparkling and her bright blue eyes doing their best to compete, she looks more like an angel than a Cupid. Like an angel that’s fallen straight from heaven. Beca almost voices this thought, and is horrified at herself. Jesus Christ, what if she’d actually said that out loud?
Chloe misinterprets the source of her consternation, thinking she’s feeling mortified over the outfit, and tries to give her a pep talk before they part. “I get that this all seems really pointless, and cheesy, but just remember, it’s for the Bellas. We wouldn’t do it if it didn’t make a difference. So maybe, I don’t know,” she suggests gently, “try to have fun?”
“I can’t make any promises.” But Beca finds herself smiling. No matter how much she complains, she knows it won’t be that bad. Especially with Amy as her partner in crime.
As if reading her mind, Chloe grins too. “I mean, it’s better than being alone in your room all night, right?” she asks with a wink, turning to head off in the direction of fraternity row. “See you tomorrow.”
Too late, Beca suddenly recalls that Chloe was just dumped by her most recent boyfriend, only, what, a week ago? She feels like a dick for not remembering sooner. Tonight must be especially shitty for her.
She turns to walk away, hesitates, then turns back. Before she can stop herself, she calls out. “Hey.”
Chloe turns back to face her, curious and waiting.
Already rolling her eyes at herself before she even gets the words out, Beca manages to struggle through them anyway. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
It takes a few seconds for her to believe her own ears, and then Chloe seems surprised and touched, her smile mixed up with something achingly vulnerable. It’s almost sad, in a way, how little it takes to make her light up with joy. “Thanks,” she beams at Beca. “You too.”
As Chloe turns and continues on her way, Beca watches her for a second and realizes that her wings are now crooked, due to her own totally unnecessary adjustment of them, probably. For some reason, Beca doesn’t tell her. They look cute that way.
Finally, she turns around and heads off in the opposite direction, placing the back of one hand against her hot cheek and hoping that by the time she finds Amy, her face isn’t the same color as her hoodie. That girl can sniff out unresolved sexual tension like a beagle on the trail of a rabbit.
Already on the sidewalk up ahead of her, a group of guys is mocking her costume, trying to take a picture. As Beca passes by, she indicates the arrows. “These are poison-tipped, by the way.”
They laugh a little, but then they don’t seem to know whether she’s serious or not. She smirks to herself as they warily keep their distance.
Maybe this will be fun, after all.
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Original post here. 
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itseulonzobiitch · 6 years
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SURPRISE!!! Happy birthday to my dear friend, BSnodes aka @brittany-snodes!
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If you're wondering where I've been, this is why. I've been doing music for the last year! I’m basically an artist now, which I’m sure you’re not surprised about.
So in honor of your birthday, I made this remix of Cups & the Pool Mashup. This is all acapella, of course (minus the stomping during Pool Mashup). I recorded/made this just for you. I made this yesterday, btw. I figured this is something different than a gifset, plus I wanted to surprise you! I recommend listening to it with headphones. So appreciate it, I don’t sing for nobody else! ;)
I know we haven't been talking as much as we used to due to both of us (aka me) being so busy and in different places in our lives, but I never forgot about you. I mean, how could I? I am basically Fat Amy to your Beca. So I wish you a good birthday & hope it’s as awesome as you. :)
Thank you for everything! ♥ ♥ ♥
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beca-mitchell · 6 years
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I just wanted to take a moment to thank everybody who wished me happy birthday!! It meant the world.
A special shout-out to my birthday twin @brittany-snodes, whom I am most especially honoured to share a birthday with; another shout-out to @velmster whose birthday falls exactly three days after mine and exactly three days before Anna Kendrick’s birthday, so she is especially powerful this Leo season.
More under the cut (replies to comments on my bday post and inbox messages I received). **and if I missed anybody, I’m so sorry! I love and appreciate everybody who reached out. I promise. <3
@rosadiaznypd holy shit thanks dude. Not gonna lie, I’m pretty excited to see the stuff you put out for Junksen week!!
@mostgirls thank you so much! 
@brittany-snodes again, thank you :3
@annnakendriick thanks so much!! I honestly love reading your tags on posts askjhgak
@fandom-heaux thank you so much; I had a wonderful day. :) 
@yourshopelessdreams My blog is so far from perfect but I love and appreciate you a lot for thinking that. I hope I can continue to produce things for ya!
@chloebeale cole pls, my sweet prince; our king; thank yOU!!
@becamitchill i have nothing to say to you, you angst-monger. angst-monster??? just kidding, keep sending me angst hcs so I can die peacefully
@lilhan as always, you have the most wonderful things to say. thank you very much and I hope you have an amazing weekend. REST UP!
@aca-bealeve-it: thank you, friend :D
@dysclexa: thank you; i love you, awesome nerd!
@smashheralexander: askjdhgkag thank you so much. your birthday wish was sweet but honestly i think i’m gonna re-read your bathtub fic thank u xoxo
@sarahlikesgirls: thank you! :D
@shadowsinwinter: thank you, my friend. :3 ps when are u gonna write something again hehehee [eye emoji]
@catrogue: thank you! and thank you for always providing feedback. and that one time you listened to me moan about how sick I was (this was literally last week)
and honestly thank you so much to my bbs @backtobasicbellas and @martinlydia for the beautiful creations :3 
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aliciameade · 6 years
Lmao no 🙃 I guess I’ll just never respond, thanks for responding! Have a great night ☺️
You aren’t the one who asked @brittany-snodes to make it?
Cuz she just did. :p 
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chloe-bechloe · 7 years
Also a quick PSA,
Can we all agree not to tag Rebel, Brittany etc in the video on insta, Twitter etc? Although I filmed it, I feel like they opened up so much because of how intimate the meet and greet was and definitely didn’t imagine it all over the internet. I’m glad I was able to share it with everyone but my intention for sharing it wasn’t so Brittany could be tagged in it a bunch of times. So yeah if we could make a pact to keep what happened today between us that would be awesome! Thanks heaps! @brittany-snodes would you agree with this?
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krusherusher · 7 years
"It’s a blessing to see people With their heads up to the sky still 'Cause honestly for the same people Life can be so real I’m amazed by all your strength, I am And I’m grateful you come through yeah, yeah So I take this time to stop a moment And show my gratitude For you, I... I put my lighter in the air for you I see whatch’u doing, yeah I see whatch’u go through Put my lighter in the air, the truth is you’re beautiful, beautiful Now put your lighter in the air for us, Everybody singin' together, sing a new song Put your lighter in the air for love is beautiful, beautiful." Taking time to appreciate all these lovely people in here. :) this is really mushy I know lol, shoutout to @asweetmelodytrickling @katelides @drjilholtzmann @freedomseeker91 @bechloeebhloe @bardenbellatrix for your awesomeness lol. I know there are a lot of amazing fic writers here to mention but daaamn, your fics just helps me get through the tough days so thanks! :D also to @brittany-snodes @ladygaybeale and @rejection-isnt-failure you guys rock! 💪
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redlance · 6 years
The Merry Pitchmas Gift Exchange Master List
Since @staff still haven’t unblocked the Pitchmas blog, I’ll have to post the list here this year. Maybe they’ll have this sorted by next Christmas! Who knows!
As always, I want to thank those of you who participated. Obviously, this wouldn’t be a thing without all your love and hard work, and it’s so awesome to see the finish products and how happy they make people.
That being said, once again this year there were a few people who simply didn’t follow through. Every year I’m so, so careful to remind everyone who decides to take part that if you’re getting something, you need to give something. It’s called a gift exchange, after all. As it is, there are still - I think - a few people who haven’t received their gift. I’m working on getting that taken care of. If you haven’t received yours, please message me here (even if you’ve messaged me before) and I will get it sorted. 
I’d also like to apologise that it’s taken me a little longer than usual to make this post. Between trying to hunt people down and gather everything, then putting everything into a coherent doc and then actually making the post, it takes a bit of time. XD 
But enough of that. That’s not what you’re here for.
On with the show!
Merry Ficmas from:
@aliciameade [x]
@mysterious-teen-blogger [x]
@asweetmelodytrickling [x]
@emilyjunk [x]
@jimalim Who was wonderful enough to write for not one giftee but two! [x]  [x]
@justbullsheet [x]
@pitchedperfectly [x]
@53eggs [x]
@fandom-heaux [x]
@tiny-gay-autistic-bae [x]
@isthemusictoblame [x]
@kendricksendrick [x]
@zentamaus [x]
@prettylittlesestras [x]
@jesseswanson [x]
@acabellas [x]
@freaking-isadorkable [x]
@i-am-a-barden-bella [x]
@free-falling-grenade [x]
@cenestpasmoi-bechloe [x]
@jeffrinamichelle [x]
@katelides [x]
@thegayisveryreal [x]
@kate-foreverfan [x]
@littlewolfie21 [x]
@snowblizzard47 [x]
@raincloudtoyoursunshine [x]
@icarli [x]
@normalhollywoodnerd [x]
@lilhan [x]
@lets-talk-appella [x]
@lespetitesmortsde [x]
@thatmitchsentho [x]
@aca-oblivious [x]
@usemeasabadexample [x]
@ali4822 [x]
@redlance [x]
Merry Mediamas from:
@chloebeale [x]
@diverting-river [x]
@magda-adgam [x]  [x]
@i-am-a-crepe [x]
@brittany-snodes [x]
@karolina-nico [x]
@not-so-average-fangirl [x]
@lion-cheshire [x]
@sendrickslittleweirdos [x]
@snowglobe-art [x]
@sketchywave [x]
@acabloe [x]
@redlance [x]
And that’s it for another year, guys! Thank you to everyone who participated, this literally wouldn’t be a thing if it wasn’t for you.
If you’re not on here and you should me, message me and I’ll add you. If you haven’t gotten a gift yet, message me and I’ll fix it.
Until next year, friends!!
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snowonebutyou · 7 years
favorite blogs?
yikes... you’re gonna put me in a tough position here, anon. but let’s do this!!! imma separate these nerds in categories:
i love you because you are my friend:
@tinyolsen @mysterious-teen-blogger @tryingtofindmyplacetoscream @dumbacapellapotatoes @katemcdreamy @agntlexiedanvers @harleens@pantslessgirlwonder @oddcoupler222 @amysantigao @calliopestorres @ninth-on-eight @anyasbunny @robbinz @moviesoccupymylife @feijoalife
i love you because you’re talented af:
@aliciameade @chloebeale @captainpeachperfect @i-am-bechloe-trash @gabsrambles @brittany-snodes @omacagee @redlance
thanks for asking, anon! ~  send me asks!
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brittany-snow · 4 years
Off to work, but not before wishing you the most wonderful, amazing, fun and happiest of birthday, Snodes!!!!
Thank you, I had a great day.
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redable-red · 8 years
Pass the happy along. If you get this reply with five things that make you happy, then pass it on to ten nice people.
Thank you:) you’re really sweet. I’ll pass it along
Hugs and cuddles, kisses on forehead, helping others, holding hands@rejection-isnt-failure @behind-the-mental-illness @brittany-snodes @mitchellandbeale @loveable-korrasami @loveislouderofficial @staff
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chloebeale · 6 years
brittany-snodes replied to your post “Could anyone rec some good Brittany Snow movies? I’ve watched some...”
96 Minutes is really good. The Vicious Kind. Finding Amanda.
Amazing, thank you! I hadn’t actually heard of 96 Minutes tbh.
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aliciameade · 7 years
Hello! I’m new to the whole Bechloe fandom and I love your work! Could you please tell me which are the top blogs I should follow for more Bechloe stuff? Thanks!
@brittany-snodes @bechloe-beatchell @not-so-average-fangirl @chloebeale
I’m being lazy and ending my list there. Cuz i’m lazy. But if you’re like, a big Bechloe blog, like or reply or something so this anon can find you.
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hodldrgn-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://cryptomoonity.com/word-on-the-block-30th-october/
Word on the BLOCK: 30th October
Word on the BLOCK: 30th October
Hello everybody and welcome to the latest Blocknet newsletter! This newsletter is released twice per month to keep the community up-to-date on what is happening with Blocknet. You can view all previous newsletters here.
Ethereum — ETH is now testing on testnet. Further work on security and merging is still required. There is no estimate for completion at this time. Blocknet’s technology stack is in continuous development, and the project has a high demand for talented developers. Ethereum developers are invited to contact Blocknet if they want to contribute.
CloudChains Inc. (a separate entity from Blocknet) will be creating a lite multi-wallet dApp which uses XRouter’s multi-chain SPV. Development is scheduled to begin Q1 2019. The dApp will utilize a serverless architecture by hosting microservices on XRouter’s plugin system (XCloud) to provide functionality. XCloud allows developers to run decentralized serverless functions with the ability to interact with blockchains for microtransactions and monetization. Development on the lite multi-wallet is scheduled to begin Q1 2019.
Gitian builds have been updated to use newer packages. (Boost, QT, Openssl)
The updated roadmap will be released shortly with a new format.
Blocknet has just attended the E.U. Blockchain Roundtable Event. Blocknet was excited and honored to receive this invitation as it recognizes Blocknet as leaders in blockchain, interoperability, and the future of the blockchain ecosystem. Blocknet Co-Founder Arlyn Culwick and Blocknet Strategic Advisor Alexander Koch presented at the roundtable on the topic of overcoming IT infrastructure challenges and addressing the question of whether current IT infrastructure can support a large-scale move to Blockchain. You can read the full details here and read the text version of the speech that was delivered here.
Blocknet Strategic Advisor Alexander Koch will be attending the Malta Blockchain Summit on the 1–2 November.
Blocknet Co-Founder Arlyn Culwick will be attending Devcon4 in Prague on the 31st october — 2nd November.
Blocknet will have a booth at the North American Blockchain Expo on the 28th — 29th November. Come and say “hi” at booth 690.
The Coin Portal MVP is being launched on October 31st. A public-facing website spec and press release will be created to showcase the capabilities of the website’s infrastructure.
A Marketing Roadmap is underway. A limitation to traditional quarterly marketing plans is that they don’t allow for changes due to roadmap adjustments and product development. To enable more flexibility, Brand Leads are focusing on a roadmap that can show goals while also being dynamic to account for changes in the market and evolving product development.
Several articles are in the final stages of editing in preparation for the marketing push for Block DX. In addition, promotional, walkthrough and trading videos for Block DX are also being planned.
Blocknet was reviewed on a Finnish Blockchain website. Checkout the English translation here.
Work is underway on a new documentation portal that will contain various informational resources.
Hacked.com published an article on why Blocknet is important. Check it out here.
Website / API Docs / Discord / Twitter / Medium / Telegram / Reddit / Steemit / Newsletter / Facebook / YouTube / DTube / Instagram / Minds / BitcoinTalk / Proposal Forum / Arlyn’s Blog / Block Node Info
You can now monitor trades on Block DX thanks to this great website that community member @littleeagle has put together. Features include a map of Service Node locations, open orders, charts and more. Check it out here.
The proposals for Superblock 648000 can be viewed on the website or directly in the proposal forum. Voting will close on block 645120, but your node must remain active until block 648000 for your vote to count.
The current live (and previous) votes can be viewed on block-node.info or within the Proposals screen of the wallet.
Please note, proposals are being submitted to the forum individually so please make sure you scroll down and take your time to look over each proposal.
An introduction to Superblocks and a guide to submitting and voting for proposals, can be found here. There is also a proposal category in the Blocknet Discord for focused and specific discussion of proposals and ideas. Within this category, there is a channel called #anon-snode-feedback for Service Node owners to provide anonymous feedback on proposals.
For Service Node notifications such as critical updates or voting reminders, join this mailing list. (Separate to the Word on the BLOCK newsletter email list).
Blocknet Service Node stats can be viewed on Master Nodes Pro, on Masternodes Directory, and on Block Core.
Coin announcements will resume on the 15th of November.
The Blocknet Protocol currently supports 92 blockchains, all of which can be traded on Block DX. A full list of the supported blockchains can be found on the Blocknet’s Coin Hub. You can also view the current prices, ranking and market cap of of these assets (including BLOCK) on the same page.
In addition to this list, there are another 36 blockchains that are unannounced.
A constantly updated list of compatible blockchains can be found here.
130 blockchains are in progress for error resolution + finalization.
Besides Block DX, BLOCK is also listed on the following exchanges: Bittrex / CryptoBridge / UPbit / CoinSwitch / Cryptopia
Many thanks for reading. We hope that you are as excited as us with what the future holds for Blocknet. A decentralization project fundamentally requires an engaged community, and so if you would like to help with anything, have something to add, use your professional skills or have a problem, we want to know about it.
Please also be aware that a community project is run by a diverse group of people with varying time-constraints (in a number of time-zones) and personal lives, so remember to be kind and patient!
If you want to be the first see these updates, you can receive the newsletters directly to your email by subscribing here. Our next update is due on November 15th. Until then we look forward to hearing from you!
The Blocknet Team.
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Website / API Docs / Discord / Twitter / Medium / Telegram / Reddit / Steemit / Newsletter / Facebook / YouTube / DTube / Instagram / Minds / BitcoinTalk / Proposal Forum / Arlyn’s Blog / Block Node Info
Word on the BLOCK: 30th October was originally published in Word on the BLOCK on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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