#thank you tumblr for duplicating this for no reason
didthekingdieyet · 2 years
january 17, 2023
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incognitopolls · 6 months
Hi! Thanks for running this blog, I love participating in the polls and seeing how tumblr answers. I was wondering if you would consider queueing polls you’ve posted to repost after their voting time ends. Sometimes for the polls that are specific to a population (e.g. “people with stepparents,”) I want to know how people answer but I don’t want to skew the data with the “not applicable/show results” button. If I knew I’d see the outcome later on, then it’d be easier to skip voting on the first pass. No worries if that doesn’t work for you (I know it would be more work), just thought I’d suggest :) Thank you again!
This is actually a bit of a pet peeve of mine – many other poll blogs reblog each of their own polls (either shortly before the voting period ends, or after it ends so people can see final results), with very valid reasons to do so, but I honestly find it pretty irritating :’)
It puts duplicate posts on followers’ dashboards with no added interactive value, and if you go to scroll through the blog (to find a specific poll, vote on all of the most recent open polls, browse, etc) you end up slogging through infinite duplicates for what feels like no good reason.
No hard feelings toward any of the other hardworking poll bloggers out there, of course– each blogger is right to find the workflow that they like best! But I’m not going to implement that on this blog. Thanks for the feedback!
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wip · 29 days
Hi wip! I'm wondering if there's a reason for, or if there are any plans to change, the fact that there are two For you pages on Tumblr desktop? They are different (noticeable when you look at the page urls), so shouldn't they have different names to separate them and make it less confusing? I know I prefer one to the other strongly, and that others do as well. There's the one accessible through the dashboard tabs at the top, which is the "stuff for you" page, which seems to be a mix of posts I haven't seen from people I don't follow, and reblogs from the people I do follow (which I have often already seen on the regular Following dashboard). Then there's the one accessible through the Explore page, which is the "recommended for you" page, which does not contain reblogs I've already seen, seems to have different non-reblog posts, and is the one I personally prefer very strongly overall (and it isn't available on Tumblr mobile anymore as far as I can tell, which is a shame!) Part of me worries that there are plans to remove the recommended for you page, please keep it! I think giving these two pages different names, to better reflect the difference between them would be great and remove a lot of confusion for new users, and annoyance for old users. It would also make it easier to put the recommended for you page back into the mobile app.
Answer: Hi @trulytragiclesbian!
Thanks for your question about the duplicated "For you" page on web. It's true that they have the same name, but they also have different content.
The "For you" dashboard tab, available on all platforms, is a place to find the best posts from blogs you follow, mixed with recommended content. The "For you" page under Explore is purely recommended and trending content.
Thank you for mentioning that you often see reblogs from followed blogs, that you have already seen on the Following dashboard. We'll look into this!
Now that Communities is getting closer to a beta phase, we want to take the opportunity to refresh the Explore page. The goal is to make it easier to know what is trending and to discover other great stuff.
Thanks for the feedback, and have a lovely day.
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bizarrelittlemew · 1 year
Gif Coloring: some examples (yes, more)
(click the gifs to enlarge)
note: the "before" gifs are after trimming the clip in a video editor, manually deleting duplicate frames created upon import (thanks photoshop!), frame rate adjustment, cropping, and resizing.
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now, these are just some of my examples – each gif maker has their own style and methods, and i am by no means an expert (some people out there can truly do magic). my reasons for posting these are 1) it's fun to look at the difference before/after coloring :) and 2) to hopefully show that a lot of work and time goes into creating pretty gif sets, and it sucks big time and is incredibly demotivating when those gifs are reposted without credit. it's not just plopping a clip into an online gif converter (those often look even worse than these "before" gifs) ✌️
SO: credit gif makers if you repost gifs!! (on tumblr, reblog from the source or use the Add GIF function whenever possible) ❤️
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I made a mistake. Several actually. Several very severe mistakes. And this post isn't meant to make it all ok, I have accepted that many are rightfully mad at me, but I do hope that I can at least have some context to the mistakes I made and why I made them.
First let me say that I am privileged. That much is true. I am a white man in the american suburbs. I have the luxury of not only not being personally affected by many social issues but not even having to witness them. But I still want to be a good person. And part of that is learning about these social issues by talking and interacting with people online. But I'm still not perfect. I'm barely an adult and I have a lot of growing to do as a person. And hopefully with this in mind it will make some of the mistakes I will go over just a bit more understandable.
Back in mid march I made the submissions post for this blog, and did not expect to get as many as I did. I then spent a month taking as many submissions as I could and putting them in a list. All in all I ended up with over 2000 characters. From that alone it should be understandable why I couldn't research every one before releasing the bracket. I even ended up with many mistakes like incorrect labeling and duplicate characters.
However the first true mistake came later. I was making the poll posts themselves and I got to Lance. I knew I should have done something at the time but I didn't exactly know what. It was one poll and I was doing 16 polls per day minimum, but ideally double that so that I could have a backlog of posts. So I didn't spend as much time thinking about the issue as I should have and the conclusion I came to was that at the end of the day it was a fictional character, and if I properly content warning it it will be fine. Anyone who is sensitive to that imagery can block it. This is largely where my ignorance came in. While it may sound improbable to those who do know more I promise you I genuinely thought that I was doing no harm. And while I won't lie and say I am now a master in the topic now I do have a better understanding of the harm that this decision caused. Additionally my pride got to me. I am very proud of having "the biggest bracket on tumblr" but I had already had quite a few be disqualified for being duplicates or real people, so I didn't want to make the bracket any smaller and lose prestige. This was far from the main reason I kept him in, but it was morally wrong.
People's response to the original poll was mixed. There were people who immediately asked me to remove him, but others were on my side in saying that he should stay since he's a fictional character and his morals don't matter. So I defaulted to the stance I already had, and did nothing. This was a mistake. Above all else I should have prioritized everyone feeling safe and comfortable on my blog.
But the last night it was about an hour later then I should have been asleep and my brain was incredibly stupid, and things started to go down hill. I got the first ask in a while about Lance, and I decided to put an end to the issue. My way of doing this was doing a poll. In my mind this was my way of accounting for my ignorance. I don't know much about how severe this issue is, so I'll put it in the hands of people who did.
This poll also got mixed results. Some said I should just have the conviction to eliminate him myself, but others brought up things about that character I didn't know, like how he apparently has a character arc of learning fascism is bad, or that he has other visuals where he's wearing different outfits. I also got messages from fans of the series who thanked me for giving the character a chance. This made me feel comfortable in being a "neutral party". However with the notes I felt that I should "do this right" which unfortunately led to me doing the exact opposite.
I deleted the original poll, where 70% were in favor of disqualifying him. I didn't think it was a big deal since it had only been up a few minutes, but this was yet another mistake. I made a new poll, which included info that had been told to me since the previous poll. But the problem was that what I had actually written was not good. It was almost midnight at this point, so while I tried to remain a "neutral party" I ended up having the info show a very clear bias. And considering the character in question, people began to wonder why I was trying so hard to keep him in the poll. This led to many replies on the poll that began to overwhelm me. I was starting to realize the mistakes I had made and just how deep of a pit I had dug myself in. I panicked. I turned off replies and deleted all the ones on that were on the poll so that I could say everything I wanted to say interrupted. This backfired, and led to people going to the reblogs instead. And me deleting all the replies looked BAD. While I was trying to get the things I wanted to say out the post had spread. Spread even outside of the people who normally know this account. People who knew nothing of the history and structure of this blog, who thought that I had seen a character who was a Nazi and thought "sure come right in" and I was now trying desperately to keep him in.
This understandably made people very mad when that was their perception. Many many people were saying terrible hurtful things to me. Their heart was in the right place but even now I do not agree with the kind of harassment some stooped to. At this point I was in a full blown panic attack. Every bit of damage control dug me deeper into the pit. I decided that I needed to deal with this situation with a clear head so that I didn't make more mistakes in a panic. I deleted the poll about Lance's elimination and went to bed.
That brings us to this morning. I have announced that Lance is disqualified, and deleted the original poll containing him. I promise you all that I will try my hardest to prevent anything like this from happening again on my blog. I want to make things as right as I can. And I hope now you all will believe me when I say that I am not a Nazi, or an antisemite, I'm just a privileged idiot who made some dumb mistakes.
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sea-jello · 1 year
ill keep this post up but anything beyond the line is outdated
okaay if youve seen my recent posts youll know that we MIGHT be doing an actual remake of be more chill right here on tumblr dot com! run by me ofc but i might need help down the line so you can sign up for that. its gonna be a completely fan made thing like im talking singing voice acting drawing music editing everything
ive gotten quite a lot of positive reactions to that post so ive made a google form if youre interested in participating! options include major roles minor roles editors artists and more take your pick
if youre not the best at singing then you can sign up for ensemble, for example the bg voices in guy that id kinda be into. no worries at ALL if you cant sing or draw or anything, theres gonna be a speaking ensemble too, for example the overlapping shouting in the smartphone hour. you can pick more than one role, for example ensemble + visuals, cause this is not a very big fandom so we're gonna need duplicates but if you want a major character role i'd prefer if you just stick with that tbh. if you want a major character role you can also pick more than one character! you can specify you want to try for rich, the squip and brooke or whatever. youre not actually auditioning for those roles yet i just need to see if theres enough people to cover every role
EDIT YO GUYS im sorry i forgot but deadline is end of the month! don't worry about timezones, as long as it's april for you you can still sign up. AGAIN I AM JUST CHECKING IF ENOUGH PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED so don't worry if you can't sign up now for whatever reason. you'll get another chance in the future, like an official sign up form. ALSO posts about this would most likely be under the tag #bmcblr remake thank you happistar for coming up with the word bmcblr it's funny as hell
KEEP IN MIND!!! WE ARE NOT FOR SURE DOING THIS I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. again i just need to see if enough people are interested to pull this off. ofc the more who are interested the more likely we would do it. also PLEASE please reblog or interact in some way so the word gets out! remember the more people the better
EDIT AGAIN it looks like we’re doing it! i will have an official blog and a masterpost up on that soon so if you’re still signing up be sure to go look for the forms for the art team, editor gang, music department and the actors on my blog as well
go crazy
im gonna tag the people who already said they were interested i really hope yall dont mind
@stealthkragen @merpiko @finallyheereandqueer @happistar @nezumithewriter @jarofmayonassey @mx-showtime @housebird @thetheatergremlin @celestetcetera @mynameismicah-getitright @william-austin @lohstandfound @lovely-blue-galaxy @genderlesssnake @twoplayergame @h0n3yk1tt3n @thefingerinthemiddle @thesquirrelqueer @tw0-player-game @enamelon @itsjustjo78
oh thats a lot more people than i thought i hope i didnt miss anyone
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Kinda just going to share some things that are going through my mind.
"""I do think Eddiebhas been acting OOC but my problem is I can't tell if its lazy writing to make Buck act put or if it will be addressed in a way.""""
I have to see if i can find it, but someone on tumblr had a great theory that it wasn't just 7:04 that we see things from Bucks point of view, but that most of the "buddies moments" this season have all been from Buck's point of view. They had some great insight on how they detailed the scenes and how they came to that conclusion. I found it interesting but darn if I didn't remember to save it. Maybe someone else who knows more about how to search Tumblr would be able to find it. All I remember is they had Eddie and Buck in their profile pic and that isn't a lot to go on to find it again.
Another thing that keeps crossing my mind is... while I doubt it is going to happen, people keep mentioning that if there ends up being a buddie kiss in the next epi, that It would be just like buck and lucy kissing and cheating. Yet... Tommy isn't Buck's bf at this point. So it wouldn't be. They had one partial date, and they met for coffee. That isn't bfs. Heck, they are barely seeing each other at this point. (now Eddie would be a different story) I'm just confused about how people have gone from one failed date and one coffee date to BOOM. They are bfs, and they are endgame. like what?? My friends would think I was insane if I went out with someone once and said we were in a relationship. We don't even know if they will even get to the point of an official relationship. For all we know, exploring his bisexuality means that Buck and Tommy go out on a few dates and things fizzle. We honestly don't know at this point. I just mean there are levels to dating here and they are definitely not at the bf/bf stage at this point.
I don't dislike Tommy (outside of the fact that there was nothing about his behaviors of the past); however, it is highly doubtful that he is endgame, and I'm kind of stunned that so many are acting like Buddie is all overbased off of some upcoming dating between the two. I mean even with him having been on the show before, we knew more about Ali and Taylor at this point than we do of Tommy. (we only know more about tommy compared to marisol because he was on the show before) Tommy is just a way for Buck to explore in a healthy manner. Im cool with that.
I do find it interesting that we are getting more and more information about things such as They tried to have Bi buck seasons before. Bucks story arc now was meant for Eddie. Heck it seems like almost every interview at some point mentions Buddie in some way shape or form. Its just different than before. And they had to know people would go crazy overhearing that Bi Buck was already supposed to happen. They had to know people would go insane over the Tommy/eddie. And I Still maintain that it makes no sense to literally sell Tommy as a duplicate Eddie without a reason. Especially when you realize that the Episode was from Bucks's point of view, which means his subconscious knows, even if he himself hasn't figured it out yet. Right now, Tommy is safe, and there isn't any extra drama with him. so it's easy to convince yourself that THAT is who you were trying to attract.
I do think it is ridiculous that people are trying to curb peoples comments for buddie or for tommy/Buck (yeah I get it for the really toxic bad comments but I mean even if someone just says we are still waiting for buddie, really? is that something to attack them about? Or if someone post Tommy/Buck are so cute, is that really something to lose it over?
Share what you enjoy and keep it moving folks.
Wow. Great rant anon. I love reading these long asks. Thanks for saying all those things. I agree with all of it.
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Hi I was wondering will you be making a post on the request? Like a wips post ? Just wondering in case people start messaging you if you got their request or if tumblr ate it XD
if you don’t want to no worries; what’s your opinion so far on the arc your on ?
who’s your fave character in anime vs live action ?
last thing to say is hope your doing ok !
I do have a wip list that I have a link to in the pinned post, so you're free to check that out anytime. That list only covers fics that I have begun actually writing, but it admittedly doesn't cover me getting inspire and writing a fic in one sitting like I just did with that opla Garp fic. I have just shy of 200 requests (and that was after purging old Strays asks and duplicates), so listing all of those isn't exactly reasonable for me to do. If you or anyone wants to know if I got a specific request, you're just gonna have to ask about that one specifically. I won't be bothered by anyone asking that.
I only have a couple of episodes left in Thriller Bark, and I have to say that I genuinely loved it. I don't get people who say that it isn't good, I thought it was great. The style of the characters/backgrounds in that arc looked really cool (and the straw hats were all dripped out). The fights were cool and creative, Brook is an amazing addition to the crew, nightmare Luffy was fucking awesome, and the final fight with both Oars and Moria was amazing. And I'm sure no one needs to hear me say that the nothing happened scene was some bomb ass shit. Kuma's intro was also iconic now that I'm talking about him. So chilling.
In short: Good shit
My favorite character in the anime is my dear, sweet Sanji~ He's perfection to me. I would fight god for him. I also just love his character when he isn't being reduced down to just being a pervert. I can relate to him a lot since we have unfortunately very similar backstories, so I really appreciate when Oda fleshes out the more serious aspects of his character and how his trauma affects him. It's very honest and realistic.
Ace is an extremely close second for similar reasons of I can relate to him too much. Which is also why he's my favorite to write for, it's easy to get into his headspace.
In opla, my favorite is Mihawk. I love me a sassy, beautiful man. He's the only live action version of a character that I honestly prefer over the anime. I think that Mihawk is the most objectively attractive character in the entire series, but I'm not personally into stoic characters, so I went feral over the live action personality lol
And thank you! I'm doing great!
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thatruerealmwalker · 6 months
Crawls out of a hole in your wall
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"Despite it all, This Empty Shell still Remains." -Pre Acceptance Quote
"Within this Hollow Heart, Love Still Remains!" -Post Acceptance Quote
This is Claire Taker, a new OC I've made! And let me tell you- the origins of the OC is fucking weird.
This tainwreck of a Lady came about because I was reading @zoeywinterrose's smiling critter fanfic on A03 (which you can check out HERE), started letting THE VOICES speak through me, eventually pulled out the original story I have and made the Caretaker seen there into a fully realized character in my story (get it? Claire Taker?), told them so, found each other on tumblr, because friends(?), and they maybe sort of said yes when I said I was gonna draw the character and make and AU of their AU (in some order there, the progression of events may be off a bit)... I DON'T KNOW HOW I GOT TO THIS POINT.
So yeah, I'm gonna be both explaining this character, my own story, and having all that be loosely connected to Poppy Playtime (Again how did I get here?) So the tags are gonna be silly because of that.
Claire Taker is, as said before, a Magical Girl by the name of Heart Hollow (well Technically Magical Woman, she is pretty old but I prefer saying magical girl)... well the term for in my Canon is a "Blessed" or "Actor"... but those are the official terms, she and the others still use Magical Girl and Magical Boy (because that IS what they are)
And yes! There are both Magical Boys and Girls in this World!
Claire Fights with her Fists and Legs, being a close range brawler, as well as fights with her threads. She uses them in a variety of ways, from creating points to jump, pulling things to her or pulling herself to them, wrapping up targets, or even sometimes using them a whips.
Her Threads are also capable of Stitching people back together and healing them! Apparently the world thinks this means she should be one of the few to get constantly injured, needing to reattach her limbs in the middle of fights sometimes! (or it could be seen as caused by her low self worth as well). I mean look at all of those scars! And those are just the ones she couldn't fully heal for different reasons, she gets hurt alot! ("Better then letting one the kids take the hit" she would say)
Her mental health isn't the best, but it gets really bad when she is alone- Luckily, she's gained the trust of the Parents of the three kid members of Her group to look after them while their at work- as well as fostering the teens when they need somewhere private to hand out. (Her home is like one of 2 unofficial team bases)
At this point, almost everyone who isn't an adult (and two who are like 18-19) calls her Auntie- which she is still getting used too.
After finally getting into a far more okay mindset, she takes to jogging and exercise in her free time. She even helps the younger of the team practice fighting forms and working out when they train at all.
She actually owns a good few properties thanks to her parents- and after her depression weakened she put them up for rent. After a while (and learning how to duplicate cash with Starlight from the group's resident self appointed "Chaotic Gremlin") she was able to start getting a good amount of cash saved up for when the group needs a break or wants to go somewhere fun- (The cost is usually split between her and the other full Adult in the group most of the time).
She still has episodes where her is very not okay (like panic attacks or just bad thoughts)- but it never gets to the point where she feels like hurting herself at all anymore. It helps that one of the kids, the team's unofficial mascot, lets himself be her comfort animal when she has these episodes (and while he hates to admit it, he does enjoy her hugs)
That's all for now! If your interest in more of this original story, let me know!.. Though it probably won't be tagged under Smiling critters next... unless I make William apart of this then it will!
A full view of her plot is down below if your interested in that as well- Anyways thanks for reading this and maybe what lies below, and I hoped this sparked your interest/was a fun read all the same! I think I got an AU to write now!
Claire Taker's Story:
(Content Warning! This gets a bit dark!)
Claire Taker used to be a Person of Joy, living life as Happy as any other- even had Children she cherished most dearly... however one day- in a series of events, Claire loses her kids, be it an Accident or something far worse. Believing herself to be solely at fault, she shut down, remaining within her home and rarely leaving. At first those closest to them attempt to help, as it does, even if She rarely talked or interacted. Just being with others helped to keep her afloat...
But she was abandoned- left alone... and that is what sealed her fate. For a long time- years, close to Ten even, she drowned. She lost her smile, her kindness, her emotions, her Love. She tried, and try she did to get better... but she still drowned all the same.
She made many half attempts on her life- and the one time she fully went through with it- she only lived because she forgot to turn off the Safety on the Gun. This attempt was on the day, when she was so close to pulling herself back together that she was reminded of her kids- undoing all the work she did to get better at a single moment (one the prolonged her deep depression for a few more years-)
Eventually, upon one better day Claire spent shopping with a local mall for much needed supplies for her bare home, a Star fell from the Sky and landed nearby. From it formed a Matrix, and Starlight Leaked into the world. The pure, unfiltered and uncontrolled Starlight, the Blood of Creation, tainted the area in its presence, and Claire. The Building Creaked and Groaned as Starlight lashed into the populace surrounding. Many ran as the structure began to collapse around them...
And Yet Claire stepped forward, Drawn in by the Star.
Even while her body warped, as fur sprouted from her skin and monstrous claws ripped out from between her fingers. As her bones cracked and shattered before being reformed. As the demented whispers that long accompanied her gained form, breaking out from Claire's back and ripping into her flesh-
She reached the center, Where the Fallen Star has landed and with her last bit of strength before she became tainted under Starlight, reached out and touched the Glowing Star within the Epicenter-
And Starlight gathered and condensed, leaving her body, the surrounding air, and returning herself from the Monstrous form it was trying to become- And within her hands laid her Matrix, a Softly glowing heart floating between her palms.
A Stranger came to her one day, and promised her he would grant her most wanted wish "To return your children to you" in exchange for gathering as much Starlight she could.
She, like many other Actors, believed his word, and walked forward with a long lost flame in her eyes, ready to do Anything to get her children back.
Even after learning there was others like her (most of them teenagers or young adults), even after learning that many of the monsters she is fighting against and killed to gather Starlight (the Tainted or Cursed) were once people, even after she learned that should she actually get her wish- she would have to kill the other Blessed and steal their Starlight- She continued on.
It was only when the Three Children amongst the Blessed stood against her to protect their older peers then she questioned if what she was doing was worth it- if ignoring the signs that something was wrong was worth it- if her once beloved children would accept being brought back through the blood of others- if she could really kill these three if it was required of her.
It was from there, after giving up and fleeing that she changed from an antagonist to a protector akin to Tuxedo Mask for the Blessed- more so the Three kids that fought in this battle than the other Blessed.
It was here that Claire was taught how to tell if a Cursed was made from a person, animal, or object/fully made from Starlight as well as how to defeat the Tainted without killing the Person or Creature within. She learned that gathering Starlight is unneeded, and should she continue to gather Starlight like she has- she would only overwhelm her Matrix and become a Cursed herself. She learned how to truly use Starlight, how to prevent herself from Tainting someone on accident, and how to dispose of unneeded Starlight safely.
She was slowly pulled into the Group, being one of the Few Actors to listen and stop the senseless fighting between them. Even when she fell and broke, these Bright Souls dragged Claire along, taking her on their group adventures away from the Magic within their lives. Exploring the town, eating at an Café, enjoying the park. Slowly but surely, she became apart of this group, of the team who fought against the darkness that surrounded them.
The rest of the Blessed, especially the younger of them, started to call Claire 'Auntie'.
However, there was one final truth all of them avoided telling Claire, the final Lie told to Claire about the situation, even if in the depths of her heart she knew the answer herself yet feared to speak it aloud in vain hope for it not to be true.
That there was no Wish- That it was the ploy of The Man who Thought Himself God to either gather followers and resources or spark war between those who could threaten his goals and attempt to turn them into monsters- a Truth that they all knew could break Claire, steal her reason for continuing to live, to stand up tall.
They were going to, right after they handled this newest Tainted... but The Man who Thought Himself God appeared near the battles end... and with a smile, knowing Claire's history of mental health, and the reasons for it, held her by the throat while floating in the air, while Claire thrashed and fought with all of her might, while her allies called out in fear and rushed to save her, whispered in her Ear- "I lied~ There is no Wish, no reversing your most heinous Sin. Your children will never come back- for you killed them. They are gone and you killed them."
Claire SHATTERED then and there. Once again all of the work she put into getting better, doing better shattered- and as The Man who Thought Himself God threw her from high above towards the ground- Starlight, once Shining, became fully black- And the Blessed became Cursed under the weight of Despair-
Mother Gospel: The Harbinger of Mourning was born- as so her fellow Blessed fought, and after a long an almost lethal fight, where the extent of Claire's grief and broken heart was bared to the world, the ones who claimed her as their own, with all they had, ripped Claire out of her Depression made Manifest, and saved her from her fate.
Amongst the broken building, Claire laid as her Heart, once healing, was now torn apart once more as she cried tears of sorrow... and then she was hugged by the most youngest of them... then the other children joined in, all crying and making sure their Auntie was okay. The older kids of the Group joined in as well, despite two having to be dragged within. And even the young adults sat nearby and showed their love for Claire-
And that was what it was- Claire was LOVED, and she could Love in return. She was not Alone anymore, and so the dam burst within her and she cried and screamed and hugged back as sadness and joy danced within her. Her Hollow Heart had become not so Hollow anymore.
It took time, but somewhat soon Claire stood, still in mourning of her lost children, still not fully okay, but she could finally move on, she could finally live with those who saved her from that Sea that engulfed her and gave her warmth and belonging.
And so she fought, and even now fights, against those that would bring about the horrors she went through upon to others with the family formed under the Light of the Stars.
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Hi! I love your writing, so I gave in and opened my ancient Tumblr so I can follow you on here as well as on ao3. I read you've been having trouble with your eyes and it means you cant write as much as you'd like; I have eye issues as well, and I have a tip that might help. I write and edit in a notebook, then use Google docs on my phone and use the voice-to-text to copy it into a file. It means I only need to do minor edits on a screen. I hope this helps :)
Hellooo~ o/
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for coming back to this hellsite (affectionate)! I hope you've been enjoying your return despite all the bullshit changes they seem to have made in my four month long absence... And thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate it, and I'm glad you enjoy my writing, thank you ❤❤
That is a really good tip about the writing. Voice-to-text doesn't work well for me because for some reason the words I say never come out how I want them to (apparently my phone thinks "chapter" and "character" are exactly the same word when I say it -.-), but I legit did not even consider the notebook thing because apparently I am an iiiidiot!
Technically typing out everything from a notebook shouldn't be impacting too much of my vision given I'd be looking at the notebook to type it rather than the screen 🤔 I mean, it's not ideal since it duplicates the work, but I hadn't even considered that since who uses pen and paper anymore? |D But even if the voice-to-text isn't a possibility, the notebook sure is and I have noooo idea why that didn't even occur to me until I read your ask! That might actually help until I can get back to a new normal, so thank you! Can't believe my lizard brain didn't even consider that!!!
Thank you for the writing tip and trying to help out someone who is STRUGGLING with the ideas crammed in her brain that need an outlet! I appreciate you <3<3<3<3<3<3
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teosthoughts · 8 months
This is a blog for Bluebird Transmission of Teo's Thoughts!
I know there's already a blog for Teo's thoughts here on tumblr but... it seems like it's not active anymore so I finally decided to create another one.
For Harry's thoughts check out harrychoisbluebird and for June's thoughts junesbluebird.
I also opened the submissions so feel free to send your screenshots. I missed Teo's Vanas - Momint bluebird transmissions and I might miss the future transmissions too so I really need your help to collect all Teo's thoughts.
Please read before submitting!
Before submitting be sure to search the blog to avoid duplicate bluebird transmissions. For the screenshot, just follow harrychoisbluebird and junesbluebird format and please refrain from adding any captions. Also, please be sure to select from which seasonal planet (Vanas - Momint) you were when you got this transmission. Again, only add the tag of which seasonal planet you are in when you got the transmission. If you are using mobile app when submitting, for some reason they are all added automatically so please remove the other seasonal tags. That's all thank you!
Send your submissions here:
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anyhs-themes · 6 months
What about my themes? I'm not taking commissions anymore, but all my themes will continue to be available for now, however I'm no longer updating them, so use them at your own risk!
Where to find me? You can still find me on my personal blog (@anyhsalinas). And if you have a theme/HTML/CSS/JavaScript related question for me, as long as it's a simple question I might have time to help you, so send it to my personal blog (here) ONLY. Don't even try to ask about these things on my other social medias where the focus is not coding, please, otherwise I'll block you (I had people doing this before and I get very annoying by that, respect my spaces, please).
Why I'm quitting?
One of the biggest reasons why I loved Tumblr was the ability to customize our blogs however we wanted and turn it into our own space with our own style. And that's why I started making themes for myself and for other people. But over the last years Tumblr has kinda neglected this feature of the platform:
Clicking on a blog through the dashboard now takes you to a default dashboard-like page (this) and not to the customized version of the blog (this), which turned customizing your blog into something pointless because we take a long time customizing our theme only so that it might never even be seen by anyone;
This change also made it possible for people to send me messages without even seeing the rules for messaging me first;
And let's not forget the fact that now we need to contact Tumblr's staff to ask and wait for their permission in order to use JavaScript in custom pages, which makes things so unnecessarily more difficult for people who want to use our custom pages (they say it's for safety reasons, but it's still possible to use scripts on the main theme, so what's the point?).
Let's talk about writing posts as well:
We can no longer use basic HTML codes on posts which made it impossible for me to post tutorials (since it blocks the codes I'm trying to teach) -- which made me need to create a blog on Blogger to post my tutorials there, and have to simultaneously take care of two blogs on the exact same topics, which is kind of annoying;
Also the new post editor has been very buggy for me. Sometimes when I try to copy a portion of the text I'm writting it just won't copy no matter what. Sometimes it will duplicate paragraphs on its own for no reason...
Tumblr has also made some bad decisions (in my opinion at least) over the years of what kind of content to allow in the platform which caused serious problems to the platform itself (as you might have seen in the news around that time), but even before that also caused a big change in its community and the majority of the blogs I loved (the meme, poetry and fandom blogs of shows and bands I like) moved to Twitter (I still refuse to call it "X", lol) and other social medias. So most of what I loved about this platform is gone forever and the only things still keeping me here are the things I have saved in my blogs, my liked posts and drafts (mostly custom content and mods that I found here for The Sims, lol).
I haven't been using Tumblr regularly in... years, actually. Only sometimes I pass by. And I no longer enjoy developing themes for this platform because now, after all these changes, it has turned into something kinda pointless. Also, I've been busy with other projects that are bringing me more joy at the moment, such as my Youtube channels and crafting. So I'm leaving behind this part of my life... I don't like saying this is an end because I can always change my mind. But unless Tumblr goes back to making our custom theme as the main page of our blogs (instead of that default dashboard-like boring page), I don't think I'll go back to making themes for this platform.
But thank you all for your support in this blog and for using my codes through all of these years! Wish you all the best. 💕
— Anyh's Themes (2013 - 2024)
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razzek · 5 months
This may be a duplicate ask because Tumblr may or may not have eaten my first attempt.
1 - When did you start creating art?
3 - What are your favorite subjects to draw? (OCs, your fan faves, etc.)
5 - What piece of art are you still proud of to this day? (Show or describe)
8 - How would you describe your art style?
20 - What motivates/inspires you artistically? (topics, emotions, etc)
from this ask game
Thank you for such an extensive ask! I wasn't expecting that! :)
Somewhere around 4 years old. Realized people could draw things after a preschool trip to a doctor's office that had a human heart diagram and I never stopped. :D
3. Favorite subjects can vary. Usually it's whatever I'm hyperfocused on at the time. :D I always love drawing my OCs though. They're designed specifically to be fun for me to draw and they are. :D
5. I'm always kind of proud of things I've completely forgotten about but when I stumble on them again months/years later it's like "oh hey, wow! That's pretty good!" Many of them I can't share here for Reasons but I enjoy being able to do work for clients that is not of personal interest but which I can do so well that people assume it is. At random, I just opened my art folders and this early digital piece from 2017(?) is pretty rad! That border was all hand drawn because I could. XD
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8. I always say I'm a cartoonist with a specialty in character illustration.
20. I read so much nonfiction and watch a lot of documentaries and it all sort of soaks into my sponge-like brain, swirls together, and falls out as some very trippy "yeah, but what if...?" ideas. :D I get the occasional greatly weird idea from dreams too. A lot of it is just making a shape with arm and going off of how something feels to draw; a simple line swish becomes the angle of a face or the direction of a body in motion. And of course I get constant inspiration from straight up misinterpreting the world around me, for both physical and mental reasons. Being almost totally blind means that what reality looks like is very subjective and there is so much I encounter that I don't even recognize for what it is, which translates to fun ideas for art. Combine that with ADHD and I am never without an idea or twenty. :D I like to say art is "advanced fidgeting" for me: if I can't draw or write or imagine, my brain starts to feel literally itchy and I don't like it. XD
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bizarrelittlemew · 1 year
IDA do you have any advice or pointers for gif-making? yours are always so high quality with such great colors! i just started trying to make gifs and i feel like I'm constantly struggling with the export settings trying to make it look decent without being a gigantic file 😭
hiii and thank you so much 💗💗💗
I'm not really sure what to say since I've mostly learned by trial and error, so I guess the biggest piece of advice would be practice!!
I'm sure there are loads of gif tutorials out there and I may make my own one day but here are some tips I can give related to quality (I use Photoshop so these are probably specific to that):
The higher quality video you have to begin with, the easier it will be to make the gifs look great. I go for 1080p or higher (if possible)
When you import video frames to layers, be aware of duplicate frames as they will make the gif look choppy, it's a framerate issue - I use a very simple video editing software to cut out the scenes I want to gif, but if you have a more advanced one, you should be able to adjust the framerate so PS won't create duplicate frames. idk I'm not an expert on this exact thing I just delete the duplicates manually
For tumblr posts, the full width is 540px, half is 268px, go for these to avoid tumblr compressing the gifs
I usually set the frame time delay between 0.06-0.09 seconds since always prefer them a bit slower, which allows for seeing more detail. I check the speed by going into File -> Export -> Save for Web (Legacy) and clicking the Preview, because just playing the gif in PS will usually have lag
After wrangling frames, cropping and resizing etc., I convert to video timeline and convert all the frames to one Smart Object before sharpening and coloring. I use Smart Sharpen and Gaussian Blur filters with different settings, making copies of the smart layer and playing around with the opacity settings (I have this process recorded/automated as an action, but often have to adjust afterwards based on the clip). There are many different ways to do this and probably some tutorials too.
As for coloring, I don't use any automated processes, but just play around with adjustment and color fill layers. A gif with my usual sharpening and relatively simple coloring may have layers looking like this:
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I think this is where the practice mostly comes in, because you'll discover new things with every gif you make. it's also the most fun part for me :) again, there are a lot of tutorials out there, and some scenes require more adjustments than others (especially dark scenes). really, Selective Color and Curves may be the most important adjustment layers (to me at least lmao)
As for file size, these are my usual export settings:
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reducing the number of colors will always reduce the file size, but I'd usually rather trim the length (or split it into two gifs) or the image size (cropping a bit more off the height). Going for 40-80 frames is usually reasonable, and you can do more for very static gifs or smaller image sizes!
I hope some of this is useful, good luck and happy giffing 💗💗💗
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jasontoddthings · 7 months
Dean Anon:
You asked why I reblog stories by a certain writer, because you see my reblogs as suggestions on your feed, and you don’t understand because “there (sp) literally the WORST Jason todd ever”
I am answering your ask as a post for two reasons:
1) To protect the name of the writer you mention (because, let’s face it, you’re hoping they’ll see it and be upset). If there are other writers out there that you think write him better that maybe I hadn’t run across yet, you’d have suggested them, and you wouldn’t have used an anonymous ask.
2) Because I realize that English may not be your first language, and I’m not going to embarrass you by reblogging your other grammar and spelling mistakes.
I also believe in encouraging young writers and generally being nice to strangers, because have you looked at the news lately? There is WAY too much nastiness, violence, and general fuckery out there in the world, and I don’t want to add to it if I can help it. Plus, in another fandom I have a side blog on, I see so much arguing and bullying and hate, and again - I’m not going to take part in it. I’m sorry you don’t appear to feel the same way.
Hurt people hurt people. I’m guessing someone has hurt you in some horrible fashion at some point in your life, if you feel you have to resort to cyberbullying people to try and control what they choose to reblog on their pages, instead of being a sensible adult and scrolling past things you don’t like. There are over 8 billion people on this planet; mathematically, it’s impossible for us all to agree on most things - look at all the religions, political parties, etc. out there. At least we’re allowed to have our own pages on sites like this, where we can post things we like to read and not what we’re told to. It’s why we post MDNI on our fics, so we can read mature themes and mature characters, because we’re supposed to be mature people and not act like cranky children on the playground.
I know you know Jason Todd is a fictional character and not the subject of a non-fiction biography. Fans’ definitions of cannon depend on which Jason they’re thinking of, because Jason changes with every writer in the comics, the games, the movies, and the TV shows. We can’t all be Chip Zdarskys, Neil Gaimans, Shakespeares - and they didn’t start out being the literary titans they are, they had a learning curve from their first story to their current bodies of work.
Am I a writer? Nope - I write articles, technical reports, boring things with no literary value, but I love to read. It’s how I found Tumblr in the first place. Do I like everything I read? No, of course not - if a paragraph or two in to a story I don’t like it, I stop reading and scroll on past like a mature adult. If I read a whole story that someone took the time to write and share for free, even if I wasn’t over the moon about it, I’m going to thank them by commenting something positive and reblogging it. If we don’t complement and reblog things on this site, authors get discouraged and don’t write, things don’t get reblogged, and this site dies.
Know what also discourages authors, especially if they’re insecure about their writing? Bullying and hate-posting. If there’s a problem with something like duplicated sentences/paragraphs in a story I will comment about it (because I’d want someone to do it for me so I could correct it). I would never presume to tell an author “X wouldn’t do that,” or “this is awful,” unless the author *specifically* requested constructive criticism (and then I’d sure as hell be respectful about it), because there are as many Jason Todd’s out there as there are people to write about him. I’m not a Nazi - unless I’m commissioning a story and paying the author to write what I want, I would never presume to tell an author they’re wrong or something is the WORST. I can almost guarantee you, as bad as you think an author is, there’s always someone out there in the world writing the character in a way you might consider even worse.
Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe the author hasn’t read a lot about that character? Or they’re young with not a lot of life experiences to draw on, so they’re writing what they know? Or they’re new to writing, or (whatever language) isn’t their first language? Or, for characters like Jason Todd, The Winchesters, Matt Murdock, or thousands of other characters out there who didn’t have happy childhoods (if they even had a childhood at all), the author wants to read about the character as a young person, and are writing the AU or medium-adjacent they want to see out there? I’ve not seen many fics on young Jason, and I was curious to see what they’d come up with, especially as he’s doing a lot of the things I did at that age (but far more vigilantism than I did - I just did roller derby). Whatever the reason they chose to write about young Jason in their world, they envisioned it, took the time to write it, and shared it - that took a lot of time. I took the time to read it to the end, so I reblogged it to thank them - because it’s my blog and I decide what I want to share on it, not you. Simple as that.
Just because the character doesn’t act the way you want them to doesn’t make you right and the author wrong. You’re entitled to your opinion, just like they’re entitled to theirs. Writers don’t get better unless they get encouragement, find a mentor to give them constructive criticism, and read a lot of things (not just about their favorite character) to help them learn what they like and what they don’t. Maybe you’re a writer yourself - if so, you must have a thick skin (not because of your grammar and spelling, as English may not be your first language) but for your willingness to be so disparaging about another writer that you take to sending anon messages to those that reblog the author’s work to try and get them to stop. If so, I’m sorry someone in your past hurt you and showed you that treating others the same is acceptable behavior for an adult. At least reading the stories of the author you disparaged in your ask to me has given you an opportunity to learn what you don’t like, and will hopefully inspire you to be a better writer yourself. I also hope that after reading all of this, if you bothered to read to the end once you realized you haven’t changed my mind, you’ll be a little kinder to other authors and treat others the way you’d like to be treated. You may be anonymous here, but Karma knows your face, and she keeps score even if I don’t.
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kan-be · 2 years
hello lovely people of tumblr!!! my direct messages tab along with notifications has been disappeared for some mysterious reason, which I thought to be the updates at first but guess is not 🤥
support haven’t solved it yet soooo please, if you DMed me without an answer, duplicate your message to my email [email protected] because I don’t know how long I’ll have to wait 🤧 I’m sorry and thank you!! ❣️
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