#thank you yoshinaga-sensei
tamuramachi · 2 years
[Eng] Yumi Tamura's Message to Fumi Yoshinaga in Ōoku Vol. 19 Special Edition
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[^Image is a cropped & monochrome copy of original*]
Fan translation of Tamura’s congratulatory message to Yoshinaga. The original message and accompanying illustration was included in the Special Edition of Ōoku’s final volume, released on February 26, 2021.
“Fumi Yoshinaga,
Congratulations on the completion of Ōoku!
Well done on your hard work throughout the 16-year serialization! It’s a crowning achievement! The series was magnificent! Captivating! Just amazing. I was fully immersed in it. I can’t help but be green with envy, wondering how you could create such a work of art.
As I read your work, I constantly thought about what you wanted to say in it. I kept looking at the predicaments, conflicts, and heroic way of life of each man and woman, while being swept up in the interpretations that my mind could reach, but also by a strong belief and suspicion that there must be something different hidden in them. I really enjoyed it.
Due to a plague like (just like!) in the story, we can no longer see each other as often, but you always have my support. And someday, I would love to taste your scrumptious home-cooked food again.”
Yumi Tamura
(In a side comment, Tamura explains that she drew Yoshimune because Yoshimune is from Wakayama/Kishū Domain like Tamura)
*For the full image in color (not to mention other great content), please purchase an official copy of the special edition. Digital version available on Bookwalker Japan (using a registered “Global” account is OK). Physical version available on Amazon Japan, CD Japan, or wherever you typically order similar products. To find the edition, input the following keywords in the search bar: 大奥 公式ビジュアルファンブック大奥-没日後録-付き特装版
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entertext · 11 months
HGSN 19-3
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Yoshiki: It's here. Another monster. Don't look at it. Don't look.
Yoshiki: (don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look)
Yoshiki: ('Hikaru'...!!)
Student: Huh? Wait, isn't this bad!?
(sfx: slam, thud, whack)
Student: What's that?
Student: Huh!?
Hikaru: Yoshiki
Hikaru: That's a human.
Student: Huh...!? No way...
Student: *shrieks*!!
Student: That intruder from before...I heard he slit his own throat with a hidden knife
(blackboard: Self-study)
Student: They said Yoshinaga-sensei also got cut and sent to the hospital...
(sfx: crowd chatter)
Student: They're gonna end class and send everyone home now, aren't they?
Yoshiki: Asako
Asako: That intruder...
Asako: ...had something get inside him.
Yoshiki: Get inside?
(sfx: chatter)
Asako: Yeah, something scary was, like this, inside... "Possession"?
Asako: It's not like I can see anything, but somehow I can tell that it's a person that something got inside.
Asako: Lately there's been more and more of them... Hikaru, are you okay?
(sfx: chatter)
Hikaru: Me?
Asako: You super-duper absolutely have something inside you...
Hikaru: Huh? Haha, Ha! I'm totally fine~!
Hikaru: Guess I'm ghost resistant! Wonder why!
Asako: Oh, okay...
Asako:  Hey...what'll we do if something happens to any of us?
Asako: It's finally come all the way to school...
Asako: Even though I can't do anything about it...
Yoshiki: Asako...
Yoshiki: What should we do....?
Hikaru: *whisper* Asako's also noticed that the impurities have been steadily increasing
Hikaru: Doing something about it is one of the reasons we're researching right now, remember?
Hikaru: If it comes to it, I'll...
(sfx: sharp pain)
Hikaru: ....
Yoshiki: What is it?
Hikaru: Nothing, my elbow is just...
Hikaru: ...bruised.
Hikaru: I banged it against a desk when someone pushed me earlier
(sfx: slam)
Asako: Oh! Are you okay? I'll get you something to put on it.
Hikaru: Oh, uh... thanks.
Hikaru: (Pain...? Even though up until now, I barely felt any...)
-- (at Diner "Amerika")
(sfx: door chime)
(sfx: plates clatter)
(sfx: crowd noise)
(Diner: ...And then, like...)
(Diner: I'd like to order number 8, please!)
(Waitstaff: Welcome!)
Hikaru: You're really studying even at a time like this?
Yoshiki: I'm thinking about what we should say to Grandpa Takeda...at the same time.
(sfx: kick)
Hikaru: ...Hey...You still have my "fragment", right?
(sfx: crowd noise)
(sfx: plate clatter)
(Waitstaff: Here you go!)
Yoshiki: I have it
Yoshiki: I'm keeping it on me at all times
(sfx: crowd noise)
Hikaru: Definitely don't lose it.
(sfx: plate clatter)
(sfx: door chime)
Hikaru: If it broke, I probably wouldn't be okay either
Yoshiki: Huh!? It's that important!?
Hikaru: Obviously...It's proof of my resolve. Though if you put it back into my body, it might go back to normal...
(sfx: plates clatter)
Hikaru: But well, there isn't anything like a way to destroy that anywhere at all
Yoshiki: (I'll put it somewhere it'll be harder to lose...)
Yoshiki: *sigh*
Yoshiki: ...
Next chapter: 2023/07/25
Twitter Extra (link):
Nude man scary...
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tessenpai · 2 years
Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 114 Scans and Rough TL
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Scans: The link for the raw scan will be uploaded in this section when there's one available
Page 1
Side tex: The sound stops and the venue becomes quiet.
Chapter title: The reason why "it's ok"
Page 2
Kifune-sensei: --Marvelous
School teacher: girls, is your time to go out there-
Student: We have to go out after this?
Student: ...This is a joke, right?...
Page 3
Suzuka: Okay, let's go over the plan just one more time before rehearsal.
Everyone: Yeaaah!!
Suzuka: Head to the carry-in entrance as soon as we arrive.
Suzuka: Umetsugu-san will bring the instruments to you, so you will pick them up them and unpack them at the designated place.
Page 4
Suzuka: After that, move to the tuning room where you will have 60 minutes for the final prep.
Suzuka: Through the first waiting room and the second waiting room
Suzuka: Is the stage
Suzuka: Same as the day of the performance, you will have 9 minutes. You will play once, so pay attention to whatever is bothering you right now.
Suzuka: You're the only ones who know what the sound inside the stage is like
Atsumu: !
Page 5
Atsumu: ...
Suzuka: Ah, just in time
Chika: !
Suzuka: The venue
Umetsugu: Guyyys, good job, good joooob
Page 6
Kota: Thank you for the hard work!!
Takinami: Sorry for the bother and thank you for taking care of the instruments. You have been very helpful
Umetsugu: Nah, this much is nothing
Umetsugu: We have to swap cars in 11 minutes, so let's just get it in and over with. Everyone, take your instrument!
Everyone: Yes!
Umetsugu: Ok, this one's Kudou-kun's
Chika: Thank you very much
Chika: !
Page 7
Takezou: ! Ichiei...
Sane: Eh!?
Satowa: Seems like they are just going back now
Page 8
*No text*
Page 9
*No text*
Page 10
Suzuka: Come on, stop spacing out
Chika: Yeah!
Assistant: Please be quiet from here on, as any sound going forward will echo on the stage.
Page 11
Atsumu[thoughts]: Wha- what do I do?
Atsumu[thoughts]: As expected, I'm really nervous.
Atsumu[thoughts]: Even though the senpais gave me so much advice...
Hiro: Yoshinaga, are you ok?
Atsumu: Eh? Ah, I- I'm ok
Atsumu[thoughts]: Come on, get a grip! What are you going to do if you get this nervous during the rehearsal!!
Atsumu[thoughts]: Takezou-senpai also said it yesterday!
Atsumu[thoughts]: "Don't worry about making mistakes, let's just have fun" he said!
Atsumu[thoughts]: So there's no need to get nervous!!
Assistant: It's time, so please advance to the second waiting area.
Page 12
Assistant: Please do not make any noise while the group in front of you is playing.
Atsumu[thoughts]: It's ok, let's have fun
Atsumu[thoughts]: Let's have fu...
Atsumu: ...
Page 13
Atsumu[thoughts]: ---...Wha -what...?
Atsumu[thoughts]: ...The feeling
Atsumu[thoughts]: in my hands...
Atsumu[thoughts]: What...?
Atsumu[thoughts]: This can't be
Atsumu[thoughts]: What do I do
Atsumu[thoughts]: Am I shaking?
Atsumu[thoughts]: What should I do!?
Page 14
Atsumu[thoughts]: Calm down, it's ok
Atsumu[thoughts]: It's ok
Atsumu[thoughts]: The senpais said it yesterday
Atsumu[thoughts]: That even if I'm nervous my hands will remember how to move
Atsumu[thoughts]: So it's ok
Atsumu[thoughts]: It's ok
Atsumu[thoughts]: But
Atsumu[thoughts]: What if I'm different?
Atsumu[thoughts]: I mean, this is just a rehearsal.
Atsumu[thoughts]: Just a rehearsal and yet
Atsumu[thoughts]: Why
Atsumu[thoughts]: Am I---
Natsu: Yoshinaga
Natsu: Take a deep breath
Page 15
Natsu: Just take a deep breath
Natsu: Ok, first, inhale
Atsumu: Eh?
Natsu: First, take a deep breath, and then "Fuuuu"
Atsumu: *Inhale*
Natsu: Take the air in through your nose
Natsu: And exhale slowly
Atsumu: fuuu ...
Atsumu: Inhale
Page 16
Natsu: It's ok. You can play
Page 17
Assistant: Tokise High School, is your turn. Please get ready
?: Alright, let's go!!
Akira: How was it, everyone? Were there any parts that were hard to hear?
Page 18
Chika: The 17-stringer sound resonates a lot, so Hozuki, Hiro-senpai, and Mittsu's sounds are a little hard to hear.
Akira: Should we try pulling a little closer, then
Akira: Mizuhara-kun, Yoshinaga-kun, what about you?
Kota: I think it was just fine... probably
Atsumu: I- I feel like... it was harder to play than usual...
Atsumu: But why is that, I don't really...
Keishi: Let's move you a little bit to the left
Akira: Brother
Keishi: The 17-stringer, Momoya, plays with a very precise rhythm, so it might be easier to play if you are closer.
Keishi: Also, I think everyone should move around 10cm forward
Akira: ! Understood
Page 19
Akira: Takinami-sensei, something to add on your side?
Takinami: No, it's fine
Akira: Well then, let's end here.
Akira: Everyone please carry your instruments out.
Everyone: Yeeees
Keishi: Akira
Keishi: This time Tokise's performance... is nuts
Akira: fufu Right?
Page 20
Keishi: I'm really looking forward to the performance
Chika[thoughts]: Ah...! The Mister...
Page 21
Chika: Excuse me, can I use your bathroom?
Umetsugu Sr.: ...It's at the end of the hallway to the left
Chika: Thank you very much
Umetsugu Sr: ...Are you practicing again?
Chika: Eh...?
Umetsugu Sr.: You had rehearsal at the venue today, didn't you
Chika: Ah, we must be bothering you. We must be very noisy...!
Chika: I'm sorry
Chika: We will be done soon---
Umetsugu Sr.: Is not noisy
Umetsugu Sr.: I'm used to living within these sounds (TN: I think he means he lives because there is life within the sounds. It Is a tricky one. We will figure it out)
Page 22
Chika: ---I see. That must be nice
Umetsugu Sr.: ----------
Chika[thouhts]: I wonder if he is around the same age as gramps
Chika[thoughts]: And he is also a person who makes kotos...
Chika[thoughts]: I wanted to ask him to see if he could tell me about how are kotos made
Page 23
Chika: Welp! First, let's concentrate on the performance in front of me!!
Chika: Strawberries!
Kota: A horn!
Sane: Uoooooooh
Mittsu: Gyyaaaaaaaa
Natsu: Woah
Page 24
Natsu: You are back
Atsumu: Yeah. The public bath was very nice! It's too bad you didn't come as well.
Natsu: I don't really like public baths
Atsumu: I see...
Atsumu: ...
Atsumu: Momoya, thank you very much
Atsumu: You really helped me in the rehearsal at the venue
Natsu: I don't think that really counts as "helping"
Atsumu: It does!
Page 25
Atsumu: I was ready to be nervous, I didn't expect to react like that...
Atsumu: I kept telling myself that it was ok, but I ended up reeling myself up too much...
Atsumu: But when Momoya-kun said "It's ok" and I saw the senpais faces
Atsumu: I immediately thought "Aaah, it's ok" and finally calmed down!
Atsumu: Momoya-kun and the senpais really are amazing. Thank you, really
Atsumu[thoughts]: ...Getting like that at the rehearsal, even I think I'm a little lame...
Natsu: ...
Page 26
Natsu: Aren't you the amazing one?
Atsumu: Eh?
Natsu: The amount of practice and knowledge the senpais gained over the last year, you've been playing with it since the very beginning.
Natsu: Normally, it would be incredibly hard to keep up with that
Natsu: I mean, it would be impossible for me. I can't
Natsu: But Yoshinaga, I've not once seen you complain.
Natsu: I've not once seen you make a fuss, whine, or slack off.
Natsu: Just t looking like you're having fun, like it's the norm.
Natsu: Practicing with all your might up to this point. Is not something anyone can do
Natsu: It's amazing
Atsumu: gu- huuuh
Natsu: Eh... what? You aren't crying are you---
Page 27
Atsumu: Mo- Momoya-gun, you really thing sho? hic hic
Natsu: Pffff
Natsu: huhu You... That face...
Page 28
Natsu: What the hell... That's disgusting
Natsu: Haha
Atsumu: Buaaaaah
Natsu: Hey, now
Atsumu: Uwaa Mo- Momoya-gu...
Natsu: Stop that, don't come any closer! Your nose is running!
Page 29
Hiro: Kurata!
Takezou: Kurusu-san
Takezou: You have also come for a drink?
Hiro: Yeah!!
Hiro[thoughts]: kyaaa♡ kyaaaa♡ Score!♡♡
Takezou: I see, um, then...
Hiro: ...
Takezou: ---------
Takezou: Want to talk for a bit?
Page 30
Takezou: ---- In today's rehearsal, when Momoya-kun was the first one to reach out to Yoshinaga-kun, I was really moved.
Hiro: I totally get you!!
Hiro: I thought I was gonna start tearing up
Takezou: Ahaha Ah, so you too?
Takezou: I said something like "Let's have fun" so easily, and he still got nervous in the end...
Hiro: Yoshinaga just found himself suddenly at Nationals, having to go out and play a song with a part of his own...
Hiro: But aren't we the most nervous about this performance...?
Page 31
Hiro: So, if it happens that I suddenly stiffen or freeze... At that moment---
Hiro: Kurata, will you say "It's ok" to me?
Takezou: Well then, if I get nervous
Takezou: Kurusu-san, you do the same for me
Page 32
Hiro: Looks like we will be saying that to each other.
Takezou: For real. I can see it happen.
Hiro: ---...It begins tomorrow already, the competition.
Takezou: Yeah
Hiro: Let's hit them as hard as we can with Tokise's sound!!
Takezou: Kurusu-san, sometimes you can be really wild
Hiro: Eh?
Takezou: You are usually very cute
Hiro: Eeeh?
Side text: They believe in their sound. Tomorrow, they just have to play.
----Kono Oto Tomare! Continues in the next issue ----
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anayaahwrites · 2 years
The boys sleeping:
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Momoya sleeping with the plushie looks like a literal adorable momo my heart can't take this—
Chika exacting his revenge on Tetsuki for asking him to hug a pillow and sleep, and Tetsuki struggling with the weight of a hundred-thirty pound doggo in human form. (These two are literally asking to be shipped oof.)
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Yoshinaga just.... What in the actual fuck. I'd have a heart attack if I woke up to that no kidding ✨
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Kouta sleeping exactly like you would expect him to, matching his Squirtle personality perfectly. (Aw)
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Mittsu sleeps like an older brother, I shit you not. All elder siblings sleep like this. (Fite me.)
And then there's Kurata and Sane who just. look. ethereal. I spent four minutes staring at them and analysing how the fuck they look like models on the cover of a magazine.
Kurata without glasses being hot was a head canon I had for a long time. Thank you, sensei for proving me right.
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Sane is a snack, I shit you not. Since the beginning, if you don't think he's breathtakingly beautiful, you're lying to yourself.
Then there's the girls:
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Aw look at them sleeping like normal people and not maniacs like the boys~
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deliahscrush2003 · 2 years
If you’re still willing to do it, 🔀 + Apollo Ryu? (If not, that’s fine! I hope you have an amazing day and an even better year!) <3
Thank you for visiting the inbox @apollothe-sungod!
As soon as I saw your crossover ask in my inbox, I knew exactly who I would pair your Apollo up with! Forgive me for not answering this much quicker, my BNHA OCs are not quite as developed as I would like them to be (which I'm looking forward to mending this year) but I had a basic concept in mind for them all and I had just the person in mind for this asks.
🔀 Apollo Ryu (My Hero Academia) // Ren Mitsugi (My Hero Academia)
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Both are 1st year students in the Hero Course at U.A. High School which already puts them on even ground.
They are known to have sweet demeanours and are rather casual and easy going.
They are both 'giving' people, they like close contact and like to do stuff for others, offering comfort, support, encouragement etc.
They both love energy drinks - Ren's quirk requires him to have a large intake on energy and he finds that most often through the consumption of sugar, caffeine or large meals. It's through Ren's love of sugar that he actually came up with his Hero Name: Warhead when he and his group were hiding out in an abandoned convenience store and he came across an American candy of the same name.
They both hate mornings - Ren is NOT an early riser and that was an almost life-threatening aspect about him during his time on the run from the Villain Society. Rousing him up in the mornings was the biggest pain in the ass for the Heroes and he would whine about it until at least after midday.
They both have very strong power quirks that make them ideal fighters on the frontlines.
They also both excel in combat.
I also feel like they both have quirks that they don't have complete control over and because of the potentially dangerous nature of their quirks, they can be concerned and possibly afraid of backlash to those in close quarters, whether that be colleagues, friends or civilians.
They don't have the best relationship with their family and have stronger bonds with their friends than their actual blood.
Ren has a much louder and more outgoing personality than Apollo, I think. Mostly because Ren and his friends have been forced to be aggressive for over a year or so in the name of survival. Ren's role model is his mentor and Pro Hero: Red Riot and thus, he has modelled a lot of aspects after him.
Another diverging factor is that Ren was raised during a time where Hero Society was overly criticised and was largely fractured by corruption, crime and villainy.
Therefore, Ren and Apollo would have vastly different opinions about what it means to be a hero and how the current hero society (as we see in the show) lives up to that expectation.
Ren's outlook on Hero Society - like the rest of his friends - his more critical and cynical.
Besides that, I think they would get along.
I can imagine them swapping Monsters at recess if the other had the flavour they wanted.
Shouting out encouragements or exchanging high fives whenever the other was stepping up for a training exercise.
Both drudging behind everyone like zombies and just collapsing on top of one another when Aizawa-Sensei isn't watching.
Ren would pull Apollo into conversations more often, introduce him to people outside of his circle like Ren's friends Kaneki, Yoshinaga and Nakano.
Get him to open up a bit, maybe invite him to a movie night or out for a shop. Bribe him with the promise of burgers.
Ren would stand up for Apollo if anyone was giving him a hard time with his looks or pulling mean-spirited pranks on him.
He'd rave on and on about how cool it was that he had a dragon as a friend and would part his spiky red hair into a pair of horns in solidarity.
TAGLIST: @lokitrasho || @foxesandmagic || @wordspin-shares || @lilac-lemonade || @apollothe-sungod || @chickensarentcheap || @ocfairygodmother
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naonoholics · 3 years
Hello guys! Sorry to bother, I caught up with a few series so thank you so much for translating and sharing! I also wanted to know if by any chance you were possibly going to translate the two other doujinshi from the Kinou Nani tabeta series by Yoshinaga Fumi sensei? I believe a third and fourth comic had come out and I just want to know if it's in you guys' plan to work on it or not! Thank you so much for all your hard work!!
Hello Yes we are going to work on both of the other books!! Book 3 is currently being work on and we are about to get the scans for Book 4 so we will be able to start on it soon.
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tineechi · 4 years
Kono Oto Tomare Chapter 93 English Summary
Sooo... Sorry for the delay. The Japanese raw chapter was released a few days before in Baidu but I was so busy and lazy at the same time. T_T
Standard non-native Japanese speaker disclaimers apply.
The chapter is entitled 'Anxious/worried child' and starts off with Keishi cooking in the Doujima house's kitchen. He tastes his dish, declares it delicious and calls for Akira and their grandmother.
On the table, Akira says that the miso soup is delicious. Keishi happily tells them that he tried changing the dashi stock and checks with Akira if she likes this taste. Akira says "Yes. I like it." He asks "Grandma?" and Grandma seriously answers with "A little bit dark..." (I think she meant the color of the soup. Miso soup is usually clear but I think Keishi's dish may be more opaque than usual. Correct me if I'm wrong.)
Akira changes the topic and asks how Sakai-kun is doing. He tells her that he is doing good and trying his best. Keishi also says that Mittsu can now concentrate better than when her mother was not yet discharged from the hospital (She's still in rehabilitation though).
The scene shows their past practice where Keishi points out that Mittsu needs more volume on a specific part and Mittsu says that Akira-sensei has also pointed that out. He then continues on to say that his fingers (not having enough strength) is why he still couldn't play it.
Keishi tries to assure him by saying that he firmly has the basics in him but Mittsu is still a little unsure. Keishi sits beside him and "borrows" his hand. Keishi tries to show Mittsu how to do it by placing his hand over Mittsu's and showing him the movements. He explains that "You might get it if you experience it once". Keishi holds Mittsu's finger and shows him the direction to pluck the strings while saying "My way of playing it..."
Mittsu is surprised and enlightened. Mittsu says "Oh. It is like this?" Keishi clarifies that their posture is a bit different (because Keishi is sitting beside Mittsu and not sitting like he is actually playing the Koto) but the direction is kind of like that. Mittsu is astounded and says "Amazing!"
Mittsu continues to be super happy and amazed. He says that a wonderful sound came out and that he's using the same koto and nails as before but with this motion, the sound came out beautifully. Mittsu also says that he wouldn't forget the feeling just now and tries to copy the motion again and again. Keishi looks touched by Mittsu's genuine happiness.
Keishi finishes recounting that experience to Akira while saying "I was about to cry that time." Akira smiles and says that Sakai-kun's sound has really been improving lately. Keishi energetically agrees with her like a proud brother. HAHAHAHA. Akira tells Keishi that "After all, I am very glad that I asked older brother for this." Keishi is surprised and drops bits of rice from his chopsticks. Tears just falling from his eyes like a waterfall. XD
Keishi asks "Can I squeeze/hug you?" and Akira says "No!" :D
Grandma stubbornly makes a sound like "Hmph!" and stands up after eating her meal. Keishi asks if she is already done and Grandma says that she did not return to this house to hear them talk like that/talk about those things. Grandma tells Akira that she returned because she was worried when Akira said that she wants to rebuild the Tsubaki group. She asks them "What are you two doing? Taking care/looking after such amateurs (Tokise kids)?"
Akira and Keishi look at each other and Keishi jokingly says "Grandma also...would you like to come and teach?" Grandma shows an angry and scary face and Keishi takes it back immediately and apologizes.
Grandma resignedly says "Jeez...from a long time ago, you two..." She turns her back on them, and says "If you can afford to teach other people, why not try playing a song at a concert?" and leaves the room.
Keishi asks "Just now... was that referring to me?" Akira answers with "It's only about big brother, right?" (Because Keishi's the only one who stopped performing with the Koto. Hahaha)
Akira laughs and says that Grandma really isn't honest. She says that it looks like somehow big brother got involved in the Koto again and that makes her happy. Keishi smiles at her and jokes about the miso soup.
Keishi becomes serious for a moment, asks about the club and if it’s going smoothly. Akira tries to explain that it is a challenging song and that they're really having a bit of a difficult time. Keishi agrees but tries to say "but other than that..." but Akira interrupts by saying that there's still a bit of anxiousness and worry (As far as I understand, she mentions that there is still an anxious child. But I might be wrong. It might be an idiom or a common expression but I just assume that some club members are still unsure how to play their parts. Please correct me Native speaker-san.)
The scene changes to Momoya and Atsumu in the classroom. Atsumu is super excited in telling Momoya about what Kudou-senpai has said. Momoya looks a little bored listening but Atsumu continues with "And then... after that...". Momoya interrupts and tries to say "Yoshinaga...you don't need to report everything to me." Atsumu is shocked, feels a bit embarrassed and looks down while saying "Ahhh... I..It was annoying huh?" Momoya looks a bit guilty and tries to rein it in by saying something along the lines of "It's hard to do that, right?" (Meaning it might be hard for Atsumu to do that for him.)
Atsumu becomes excited again and says "Not at all!/It's defintely okay!" HAHAHAHA. (The interaction between these two will kill me. XD) Atsumu continues by showing Momoya a notebook that he writes on about what happens in the club and what every one has been talking about. (Talk about diligence and passion. Sheeesh this Atsumu boy! :D) Momoya reacts with "Uwa!"
Atsumu says that if Momoya wants to ask anything about the club, he can ask him. Momoya says "Well... Thanks..." then thinks to himself that Atsumu has bad handwriting. LOL
Momoya is a bit astonished because there was an entry written in the notebook about Momoya saying that they need to play more in the classic style. Atsumu writes in the first person perspective and notes that only his sound is 'floating'. Also, Momoya saying that playing according to the musical score is the start line (meaning... every one needs to know how to play the correct way as a basic skill. Then they have to improve their playing from that point on.)
Atsumu says that he didn't think before that music can be that deep but he thinks that Momoya is great because he knew about that. Momoya tries to disagree and says that he does not know about it that much. Atsumu insists otherwise and says that he was listening to music everyday and then it was like he suddenly understood (I think he meant about how Chika had an epiphany and explained how to play music from the last chapter. Atsumu uses a phrase I'm not sure about. 目からウロコ - I think it's scales from the eyes falling suddenly or kind of like genuinely understanding/seeing something. Correct me if I'm wrong.)
Momoya thinks for a few seconds and asks "You listen to music every day?". Atsumu smiles and says that "Yes, I do." and that he likes his grandfather's music very much. He also listens to anime songs, special effect songs and character songs too. Momoya says "Character songs..." and Atsumu embarrassingly says "Umm.. right... Momoya-kun doesn't listen to those kind of songs..." Momoya answers with "Well... I don't know much about it..."
Then Momoya says "If you have any performances/songs that you recommend, send the titles to me through LINE." Atsumu is surprised and clarifies "My recommendations?" and Momoya answers with "Who else's?"
Atsumu looks super happy, pulls out his phone and says "I'll send them. I'll send them right away." Hahaha. Momoya tries to say "It's okay if you don't send it right away."
While typing, Atsumu's hands are shaking and he keeps thinking that it's the first time that he's sending recommendations to Momoya. He is a bit teary-eyed and he says that "Looks like a friend." (Feels like a conversation between friends) out loud. Momoya is a little shocked and Atsumu covers his mouth, thinking "Oh no! I said that out loud/my voice came out." Atsumu tries to say sorry in a very panicked way and thinks to himself that Momoya definitely thinks that what he said was annoying.
They are interrupted because the class is about to start and Momoya turns to face the blackboard (with his back to Atsumu). Atsumu is still a bit troubled by the situation and Momoya is thinking to himself that this is a bit troublesome. He is thinking that it's not just about making it sound classical when they play. He thinks that when they play as an ensemble, Yoshinaga's sound is usually 'floating' and no one tells him that it is that way. Because no one calls him out for it, it becomes normal and he keeps playing the same way.
Momoya pulls out his phone and reads the Line message from Atsumu saying that he'll send the recommended titles.
Momoya continues to think that he can't say anything even if he notices. It is probably a sound quality issue and maybe Atsumu (he refers to him as Yoshinaga here) is not skilled/dexterous enough to make changes to his sound even if he informs him.
The scene changes to the practice and the four of them are playing as an ensemble. Momoya hears Atsumu's sound and notices the difference immediately. They finish the parts and Kota is happily asking Atsumu if he felt that it was good that time. Atsumu also happily says that he feels the same way.
Chika doesn't really look happy and says that it was "their best so far but..."
Kota asks "But?..." and Chika says that it's like it's not refreshing enough. It feels like it's not good enough.
Seriously, Momoya says "Mizuhara-senpai and Yoshinaga are still cheating a bit." Both of them react with "Eh?!" Kota says "I'm not cheating though." Atsumu also say "I also am not doing something like that."
Momoya, with a funny face, says that that means more problem for him.
Kota asks about the part that he did wrong and Momoya answers with "Well.. No.. it's not like it's a mistake specifically."
The he tries to explain something along the lines of "the best place for the pauses/places without the sounds". (Hihihi, it's very technical so I'm not too sure but I think he is referring to the way you put the pauses when you play the song. It has to have meaning to make it more evocative. Correct me if I'm wrong.)
Momoya continues on to explain that Mizuhara-senpai is probably listening to the other’s sounds too much. Because of that, his timing is delayed. On the other hand, Yoshinaga's issue is his basic impatience. He is usually staying ahead/ in front in terms of timing.
They're all surprised and Kota is panicking a bit. Hihihi. Chika asks if that is all. Momoya asks "Eh?" and Chika tries to explain that "Well.. No.. I can't say it properly... but the atmosphere/mood of the sound, is jerky/bouncy/shaky...It is not just about the timing gaps/differences only." Momoya is surprised and Chika looks at him seriously and asks "You understand what I'm saying, right?" Momoya thinks about it, then peeks at Atsumu for a bit (Atsumu notices this. I think he understands that the issue is with his playing.) and Momoya thinks "This is bad..." to himself.
Atsumu asks him directly "Is it me?" and Momoya tries to say no but he remembers Kota saying that it is okay to not hesitate and tell them things honestly. Atsumu seriously tells him "Say it." Momoya is shocked and Atsumu continues to say "If there is anything, say it/tell me." Momoya tells him "Yoshinaga's sound is floating. The sound quality doesn't match the surroundings/other sounds. It's probably the reason why the atmosphere/mood of the sound is jerky/shaky." (referring to how Chika described it before.)
Kota asks how exactly can you match sound quality and Momoya answers that it is not really simple/easy to match sound quality that's why he didn't want to say something. If it was a strength or technical problem, you could do something about it. But, sound quality is more fundamental.
Chika asks "Why is Yoshinaga the only one with a different sound quality? What if he changes/replaces his Koto?" Chika and Kota continue on talking about this matter but as they are discussing, Atsumu is not really listening. In his mind, he is thinking "Why is that? Why am I the only one different from the others?" He looks at his hand wearing the rounded nails. He remembers Takezou-senpai saying "We are from the Ikuta style. We use this kind of square nails." Then he remembers his Grandpa's smiling face and him saying his name "Atsumu!"
Atsumu looks really sad after that. The closing remarks are "The only bond with my late grandfather..."
So basically, Atsumu's style of playing and sound is a bit different from everyone else's. But he loves his grandpa and his music so it'll be hard to make changes to that. I say that they should ask Suzuka and Akira-sensei about this. I'm not really musically talented so I don't know how to fix it (even Momoya doesn't know and he's super talented) but I doubt that Suzuka-sensei will ask Atsumu to change his playing style. He probably knows a thing or two about incorporating different styles to make it better.
Shout out to our boy Momoya for being honest this time (though he needed a lot of convincing. His hesitation comes from a place of caring. T_T)
No romantic moments for the main couples this chapter. Boohooo! (Oh! Well... There was a lot from Momoya and Atsumu! ^_^)
Onto the next chapter... Thanks.
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tineechi · 5 years
In chapter 79 what was Natsu saying about Mittsu's situation?
Hi Anon-san. Thanks for the ask. Sorry for the delay. Also, I’m not a native speaker, so sorry for the mistakes in advance.
Kono Oto Tomare Chapter 79 - The Mittsu and Natsu confrontation scene
During group practice, Akira-chan-sensei notices the difference in playing skill between Mittsu and the others. She is surprised at the amount that Mittsu has lagged behind in just a week. Mittsu makes a plucking mistake and looks back at Sane. Then he looks downwards and feels really bad about it.
Akira-chan-sensei says “Stop! For now, up to this part (referring to group practice).” She says that this is also her first week and they will focus on individual practice. (I guess she intends to give individual reminders to everyone so that Mittsu wouldn’t feel like he is the only one making mistakes.) She starts by saying, “For now, Sakai-kun…” But Mittsu knows that he is the only one making the mistakes so he starts to interrupt Akira-chan-sensei and while looking like he’s about to cry, says “After all, I…right now, I’m pulling everyone down.”
Sane and Kota try to disagree with Mittsu and try to cheer him up. Mittsu lightens his expression a bit and looks at them. Natsu suddenly says “But, you can’t play it.” Mittsu reacts with “eh” and looks at Natsu. Someone says “Momo...” trying to call him but Natsu continues with “Senpai, you’ve been making the same mistake until now”. Sane and Kota look surprised and Kota says “Momoyan, what are you saying?”
Natsu says “I’m only telling the truth. Doing your best or whatever, he still can’t play it. If you’re aware that you’re pulling everyone down, it is strange obstinacy/stubborness. Isn’t it okay to use the easy musical score (referring to Takinami-sensei’s offer of making his part easier). Mittsu looks at him a bit wide-eyed. Sane gets angry and pulls Natsu’s shirt and says “Momoya, you…”
Takezou and Kota try to stop Sane by calling “Adachi-kun” and “Sane” respectively. Satowa, Hiro-senpai and Atsumu look worried on the sides.
Natsu, with a blank but straight stare at Sane, says “Encouragement on the surface only, will it change anything?” Sane, Chika and Kota, looking surprised, couldn’t answer. Mittsu, while forcing himself to smile, says “Sane, it’s okay. Thanks. Really. It is as Momoya says.” He says that he shouldn’t be too stubborn (regarding the use of the easier musical score) because everyone wouldn’t mind then he purses his lips in frustration. Atsumu sees it and seems surprised. Mittsu continues on to say, “For now, it is time for me to go home today”. Someone tries to say, “Eh, but…”
Chika holds onto Mittsu’s shoulder but Mittsu keeps his back to him and says “Sorry”. Chika is surprised and removes his hand from Mittsu’s shoulder. Mittsu is shown walking away from Chika.
Atsumu, while crying, says “Why? To say it that way…” while Natsu looks at him. Atsumu continues on to brokenly say, “Mittsu-senpai has been doing his best. All the other senpais…everyone… saying do your best with a smile on their faces… Why? For most of the club activities, Momoya-kun is not going…”
With his back facing them, Chika says “Yoshinaga, stop”. Atsumu is surprised. Kota looks introspective. Sane looks hurt. Hiro-senpai, Satowa and Akira-chan-sensei look worried. Chika looks at his hand and closes it into a fist in frustration. Takezou-senpai sees this and looks worried as well.
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