#thankfully I had this older piece ready to go from a previous year on Instagram
sincerely-sofie · 5 months
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Wouldn't it be cool if mermaids had mobile gardens planted on the backs of decorator crabs, and they'd just have these little critters wander around their homes and brighten up the scenery as they went? No? Just me thinking that 24/7? Okay.
Psst--- f you want a print, sticker, magnet, or similar product of this drawing, you can get it at the redbubble link below! There's 20% off on most products this design is available for AND free shipping on all stickers if you're interested!
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she-is-tim · 5 years
P.S. I miss you | Elu Online friends AU | Ch.1
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It’s been since a month now that Eliott started to talk to this interesting boy on instagram. They get along well and it’s just a safe place for him to go back to when things are getting too much in his life. But january is here and he’s about to start at his new school. What he doesn’t expect is to bump into the person he’s been texting with. Suddenly Eliott’s life going upside down as he both tries to approach and avoid Lucas at the same time. 
The New Student
Eliott got up from his bed, turning off the alarm he snoozed at least five times in the last ten minutes. He got used to sleeping in during the holidays and this morning he felt extra grumpy for needing to wake up early. New school, new people, on hist last year. Gotta be a real fun ride, huh? He yawned, running his fingers through his messy hair and walked to the bathroom, taking care of his morning needs, such as peeing, brushing teeth and washing his face. When he was done, he took off the old shirt and shorts he was using as pyjamas, putting on light blue jeans and a black shirt. Before getting into his hoodie and going to the kitchen for breakfast, maybe some coffee, he grabbed his phone, unplugging it from the charger and checked his instagram. There was one new message. He quickly opened it, not being aware of the wide smile that spread across his face.
lucallemant Uhg, I hate waking up early
srodulv You tell me?  New school and all, remember? 
lucallemant Fuck, really That sucks
srodulv Wish me luck
lucallemant Should I send kisses? 
srodulv Oh, being playful so early in the morning?  I love that 
lucallemant It’s the Eli affect for sure 
srodulv So I’m affecting you?  Good to know 
lucallemant Shut up  Weirdo 
srodulv This weirdo have to get ready for school Talk later? 
lucallemant Good luck ❤️
srodulv ❤️
He was still smiling like an idiot as he got to the kitchen, making himself some toast and reheating some coffee from yesterday. It wasn’t the most healthy breakfast, but he could get on with it at least. Before leaving he pocketed his phone, put on his favorite brown jacket and left the apartment with his bag on his shoulder. Suddenly he started feeling really nervous. Through the past month neither he or Lucas had many things to do, so they were texting (and flirting) back and forth basically all day, but now they are going to have classes, homework, studies. It made him feel anxious to think about that he can’t share things with him, because he will be busy. 
With a sudenly appeared lump in his throat, he got off the bus at the stop nearest to his new high school. He pulled up his hoodie both as a protection from cold and from the curious eyes. He put in his earphones, turning on some dubstep, making sure the volume is high enough for him to cover the possible whispers, but not too loud to hear if anyone tries to talk to him. 
He walked through the school gates, trying to blend into the other students that arrived the same time. Everyone is busy greeting each other after the long holiday break, so he has good chances of not being spotted as the new kid. He almost made it to the building, people around him went off to their own way, when a small group of guys were coming towards him. They were so busy talking about something, that they didn’t notice Eliott. One of them even bumped his shoulders into him, but he kept talking with so much passion that was unreal in such early hours. The tall boy was so intrigued by these guys, that he stopped, turning around to see them, but all he saw was him. 
He felt like someone pulled the ground from under him, letting him spin and fall in the endless pit. His stomach flipped, his heart skipped a beat, then started beating faster than a race horse. He couldn’t believe that it was Lucas, but he saw his photos on instagram so many times that he could pinpoint him in the biggest crowd anytime. He was even more beautiful in person, his hair seemed soft, bouncing up and down as he walked. His smile was brighter than the sun. The only thing that surprised Eliott was his height, he was so tiny.
He looked down, then back up again, realizing that Lucas and his friends disappeared from his sight already. He swallowed the lump in his throat, continuing his way to the principal’s office. He had to get some things done before starting his classes. Deep inside he was fighting a battle with himself, incapable of forgetting his accidental meeting with his online friend... crush actually.
He was on lunch break, spending it outside on a bench, munching on his cold cheese toast and drinking orange juice. He could only start eating at the cafeteria tomorrow, so he had to bring food with himself from home, which was a bad idea, considering how bad of a cook he was. Suddenly his meal seemed even less intriguing when his phone buzzed, letting him know that he got a new notification. 
lucallemant So, how’s the new school?  I’m bored out of my mind 
srodulv It’s okay so far Eating cold cheesetoast  Delicious~
lucallemant Eugh! That’s disgusting Why aren’t you eating in the cafeteria? 
srodulv No tickets, only tomorrow
lucallemant I’m eating some weird looking pasta It doesn’t taste as bad as it looks like though
srodulv Well, I’m just gonna bury my sadness into my cheesetoast then 
lucallemant You are being unnecessarily dramatic
srodulv I’m craving for your attention 
lucallemant Yeah, right Dramatic
srodulv I like to label myself as romantic
lucallemant Sure, whatever Gotta go, the boys are bugging me for texting so much
srodulv Talk later then  ❤️
lucallemant Talk later  ❤️
Eliott sighed, pocketing his phone with a silly smile. He couldn’t remember when they started to use hearts when they said goodbye to each other, but since then both of them are doing it and it’s just so wholesome. It makes his heart flutter everytime. He was so in depth with his thoughts that he didn’t notice the girl standing in front of him, hands on her waist, so he startles when she says hi. He looks up and his face falls. Imane, wearing a nice headband over her braided locks, makeup is on point like always, her eyes piercing like a sharp knife. He swallows.
“Hey!” that’s all he can force out. He’s supposed to be the older one, but who the hell could be brave when someone is looking at them with such a mad expression. He knew Imane wasn’t a bad person, but she still had a tough personality, which won her the respect from Eliott. 
“Didn’t know you are going to my school.” she said it so casualy, like he was owing her any explanations to which school he attends to.
“This is my first day.” he shrugged. “Didn’t the boys tell you that I’m changing schools?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. Idriss usually shared every little thing with Imane, but probably he just forgot to mention this, since both him and Sofiane already graduated last year, there weren’t much talk about school between the three boys. 
“No.” she shook her head, expression easing a little now. “Problems in the other school?” he asked with so much understanding that it basically hurt Eliott. She knew exactly how it feels like to be different from others, wanting to break out of your previous life and start things over. He smiled at her softly.
“Something like that.” he admitted, trying to brush off the question. It was for the best if no one knows about his bipolarity in the new school. He was already grateful that neither Idriss or Sofiane shared that information with the girl. It was his private secret and he didn’t wanted anyone to pity him or think that he’s crazy. Especially not Lucas. 
“I see.” she nodded, not pushing forward the topic, which Eliott was forever grateful for. “We will have this thing.” she said, giving him a little piece of paper, well put together leaflet that was advertising some common room meeting. The boy raised his eyebrows in quiestion. “My friend is really excited about this, she wants to bring something new to the school, a place were people can meet up, talk and get to know each other.” she explained with a soft smile that made her look even more beautiful. “Can you come? We need people to be there, so she can go on with this project.” 
“Yeah, sure.” he said and shrugged, putting the paper in the pocket of his jeans. “It might be even useful for me, since I know noone here.” he said smirking, trying not to remember how big of a lie that was. He knew someone, and he knew him really well. 
“Cool, see you there then.” she said with a victorious smirk and walked away, probably back to her friends. Eliott sighed, throwing the rest of his toast and his empty juice box into the trash, walking back inside to his next class. 
The week passed by pretty calmly, Eliott decided to just avoid Lucas at school, which wasn’t hard since they weren’t in the same year. Also the short boy had no idea how Eliott looks like, neither he knew his full name. He once sent him a picture of his pet snake, Nagini wrapped around his neck, but he made sure his face is not showing on the photo. Oh yes, Eliott had a fucking snake as a pet, named him after the snake of Voldemort and loves him more than anything. He is that kind of nerd. Obviously he managed to freak Lucas out with that fact, but he only needed a week to get over it and now he sometimes just casualy asks how Nagi is doing, which makes Eliott’s heart melt each time.  
By friday he was kinda comfortable in his new school, even made friends with a cool guy called Alex. He was super chill, super nice and vegetarian. Eliott sadly couldn’t live without meat in his life, but he had huge respect for those who chose that path voluntarily. He was a bit disappointed when Alex said that he’s not going to the common room, because he knew just enough people and he also had basketball practice too. So accepting his fate, Eliott made his way to the place.
As he walked inside with a hopeful smile on his face, he noticed that he was probably a few minutes late, since the girls at the front were already talking. Thankfully the door was wide open so he didn’t got anyone’s attention by coming in and sat down to the closest chair he found. He catched a disapproving look from Imane, but she also had a smug smile on her face. He smirked back at her and for some reason he looked through the crowd. A lot of people came, which was really nice, since the blonde girl, Daphné if he remembered correctly seemed happy. She was probably the one initiating this whole thing.
His eyes almost wandered back to the girls in front of the group, when he caught a pair of blue irises staring at him. He felt like time froze right then and there as he stared back at Lucas. His heart was thumping in his ears, making him impossible to hear anything that is being said by the girls. He watched the boy swallow and turning back to his friends as they snapped him back to reality. Eliott was never so grateful for anything in his life, but he felt like if the boy would be staring just a few seconds longer at him, he would just launch himself at him, kissing the living hell out of those cherry lips. 
He tried to focus now on what Daphné was saying, she gave surveys to the ones in the front to spread it to everyone. Eliott was glad he was sitting far from Lucas, so they wouldn’t get in contact as the students passed papers and pens around. He grabbed a pen and a survey, then giving the pack to the next person. It was hard to pay attention to the quiestions when he kept hearing Lucas and his friends whispering. Hearing his voice made things much harder. Not like he didn’t hear it before, but only in videos and insta stories as he was goofing around with friends. This was different. His heart skipped a beat when he heard him laughing. He had to get out as quick as possible. 
The meeting took much longer than he expected it to, Daphné was a really talkative person and Eliott didn’t had the guts to leave in the middle. He was sure that Imane would cut off his balls the next time she sees him, so he stayed, trying to close Lucas out of his head, but it was an impossible task, since he kept glancing at Eliott from time to time. For fucks sake, Lucas, focus on what your friend says! 
He made his way to the bus stop as fast as possible, hoping that he doesn’t have to wait too long. When he arrived, he realized how hungry he was, so he stepped to the vending machine that was standing there behind the stop like an angelic blessing for his growling stomach. He looked through all the snacks inside, lifting his right hand to his mouth, running his fingers over his lips as he tried to consider which one would be the best choice. After some minutes he heard footsteps too close to him to be just one of the passing by people. He looked to his side and almost got a heart attack when he saw Lucas standing there, having a soft smile on his face. 
“Oh, fuck! I didn’t notice you there.” he stuttered, much more calmly than he was actually feeling. “I just don’t know what to get.” he explained himself, feeling like a complete idiot that he couldn’t just buy something and leave. 
“The 24 one isn’t that bad.” Lucas said and fuck if his voice wasn’t the smoothest thing he ever heard in his life. Also that fucking scarf wrapped around him like three times, consuming half of his face. When Lucas cocked an eyebrow up, that’s when he noticed that he was just staring silently, so he quickly started to look for the coins in his pocket, but managing to drop half of them as he pulled his hand out. He cursed under his breath and leant down to pick them up, but halfway his head knocked into Lucas, both of them stumbling back in surprise, pressing their palms on their foreheads. 
“Woah, I’m sorry.” Eliott mumbled, being terrified of what the short boy is thinking about him now. He used to be so fucking confident as they were texting, why he had to be such a clumsy idiot right now? 
“I wasn’t expecting that for sure.” Lucas replied, a soft giggle leaving his mouth, making Eliott’s heart skip a beat. Yepp, he definitely has a crush on this boy.
“Let me buy you something as an apology.” he mumbled quickly as he knelt down to pick up the coins he dropped, this time without knocking his head to Lucas’. As he straightened up, he catched those ocean blue eyes, seeing something special in them, a playful spark maybe? He swallowed and turned to the machine.
“Sure, get me one of those chocolate bars.” he nodded his head towards the machine. Eliott just nodded and started putting coins into the little hole, pushing the right buttons, then doing it for the second time. He took a deep breath, taking the chocolates out and turning to the short boy, handing him one. 
“Here.” he said softly, trying not to drop it or do anything stupid again, making even a bigger fool of himself. 
“Thanks.” Lucas said smiling and took the chocolate. Eliott was expecting him to eat it there, but he instead pocketed it and puled out something from his jacket. When he noticed what it was, he stared at him in disbelief. “Wanna share a joint?” he asked smirking, raising his eyebrows in a challenge. The fuck is this supposed to be, Lucas? He screamed inside his head.
“Sure.” he shrugged, sounding much more uninterested than he actually was. They walked back to the bus stop, sitting down to the cold steel seats, not exactly next to each other because no homo and all. 
Lucas lit the joint, taking a long drag from it and then handing it to the tall boy while blowing out the smoke. Eliott was just a little starstruck by that, but he took the cigarette, placing between his lips, inhaling the stuff. He wasn’t able to smoke since a while now, considering that both Idriss and Sofiane made sure that he has no access to blunts at parties. 
“Are you new?” Lucas asked after long minutes of silent smoking. The weed was kicking in, making Eliott relaxed and much more calm. His heart wasn’t racing anymore and his thoughts were too fuzzy to overthink this situation, he was just enjoying it. 
“Yeah, I just arrived.” he responded, handing the joint back to the short boy. “Third year, Literature.” that wasn’t necessary to share, but he still wanted Lucas to know. They never talked about school that much for him to realize that his new guy is actually the Eli he is texting with since a month now. 
“Five months before Bac?” he raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that a bit weird?” he asked and every little part of Eliott wanted to scream, because Lucas is so fucking obsessed with the word “weird” that it’s ridiculous. 
“Are you trying to say that I’m weird?” he asked on a playful tone and he watched as the boy’s face falls, trying to explain himself, when a girl appeared from nowhere, jumping in front of him.
“Hey! How are you?” she asked with way too much enthusiasm than Eliott could endure. She was pretty though, long brown hair tied up, soft face, beautiful smile. Anything a teenager boy could wish for. 
“I’m fine. And you?” Lucas didn’t really sound interested as he was speaking, but the girl seemed to not notice that. What she noticed was the joint in the short boy’s hand, she beamed and her smile grew bigger. “Can I?” she asked and Lucas just shrugged, handing her the joint. She sat down right between the boys, taking a drag from the cigarette, focusing her vision only on Lucas, which started to annoy Eliott. 
“That meeting was nice, right?” she asked, trying to initiate a conversation between them. 
“Yeah, it was okay.” the short boy answered, taking back his joint from her.
“The survey was a great idea too.” she added and Eliott couldn’t hold himself back now, he had to say something. He leant forward, to be close to this girl that was getting on his nerves.
“I think it was weird.” he said, startling her with his sudden pesence, but she looked at him with that annoyingly bright smile. 
“How rude of me, I didn’t even introduce myself.” she said on a happy tone, reaching out her hand. “I’m Chloé.” she chimed and the tall boy had no choice but to accept her hand and shake it. 
“Eliott.” he said smiling a little, catching the glance of Lucas, who had all his attention on him instead of this pretty girl. He felt satisfied with that. “I’m Eliott.” he repeated, this time addressing it directly to Lucas who shot him a smile. 
“I’m Lucas.” 
Then an awkward silence fell on them, just passing around the joint quietly. When the bus arrived, Eliott got up and said goodbye to the two, mostly focusing on Lucas. He had a soft smile on his face which made the tall boy’s heart flutter in his chest. During the whole ride home he was smiling like a fucking idiot and not just because he was high. He was almost at his stop when his phone was buzzing. He pulled it out of his pocket and was surprised that it was a message from Lucas.
lucallemant Today was so busy Sorry for not texting you all day
srodulv No worries I also had a busy day
lucallemant Done with the first week though How was it? 
srodulv Not too bad I made some friends
lucallemant Shit, that’s awesome I’m happy for you 
Eliott couldn’t answer immediately, because he had to get off the bus and walk home. His phone was basically burning in his pocket, begging him to grab it and answer Lucas. As he walked into the flat, throwing his jacket on the hanger by the door, he went to his room to make sure Nagi is alright. He was rolled up in the corner of his terrarium, probably sleeping. After that he walked back to the living room, throwing himself on the couch and taking his phone into his hands. He got another message from Lucas.
lucallemant I actually met someone today
His heart skipped a beat and his hands started to sweat. What was he supposed to answer that? Yeah, I know, because that person is me? That is so fucking stupid. He should be honest with Lucas, they were always honest with each other. He knew about the bad mental state of the boy’s mother and Eliott hinted a couple times in their conversations that he also has some mental issues, not wording out that he’s bipolar, but he knew that Lucas put the pieces together. 
srodulv Oh yeah?  Already ditching me for someone else? 
lucallemant Hahaha I would never ditch my favorite stalker
srodulv You have multiple stalkers now?  What else I don’t know? 
lucallemant Oh shut up
srodulv ❤️
lucallemant I hate you 
srodulv No, you don’t 
lucallemant  You got some serious confidence, huh? 
srodulv I just know you  And I know that you can’t resist my intense charm 
lucallemant What charm? 
srodulv Ouch, my heart  That was mean, Lulu
lucallemant So, how is Nagini doing? 
Eliott smirked at his phone. This little shit often used stupid questions like this to avoid continuing a coversation. 
srodulv He’s sleeping
lucallemant  Good then 
srodulv So, you menationed that you met someone today
lucallemant Yeah, nothing special though He seems like a cool dude, but he might be weirder than you 
srodulv Is that even possible? 
His face was hurting from all the smiling, but he couldn’t stop. It was so sweet that Lucas was talking about him, while he had no idea that it was Eliott he met with. 
lucallemant Guess it is
srodulv Maybe you’re attracting weird people 
lucallemant  Thinking about my friends, that must be true
srodulv Still, I’m your favorite weirdo, right? 
lucallemant Of course  ❤️  You are weirdest weirdo I know 
srodulv That is so touching You are my favorite hedgehog too 
lucallemant  Like you have any other hedgehogs 
srodulv Oh, someone seems jealous I can reassure you that my heart only belongs to you  ❤️
lucallemant If only I could roll a joint with it... 
srodulv Every rejection is making my feelings stronger  Just so you know
lucallemant Shut up and go to sleep already
srodulv How mean We barely talked today and you want me to leave? 
lucallemant I just know that if you don’t go to sleep right now, we will be up until 3am talking about the global warming or shit 
srodulv That’s actually an interesting topic...
lucallemant Shower and bed, Eli Shower and bed
srodulv Only if you could join me
lucallemant I believe that you can fix that with some imagination 
Eliott had to take a deep breath after reading that last message. Lucas was always more flirty when he was drunk or high, he realized this just a few weeks ago. Lucas went out a party on saturday, just something organized by one of his friends to celebrate the last days of the holidays. He sent some messages while being at the party, but after it when he was totally high, he kept bombing Eliott with sweet, but for him probably really awkward text. He even asked for a dick pic. Eliott laughed his ass off that night and the next morning too when Lucas was apologizing rapidly. 
He sighed, trying to focus his attention back on his phone, but his mind started to wander off to his meeting with Lucas. He couldn’t get it out of his head how the boy looked at him in the common room. That was the very first time he saw Eliott, not knowing who he was and still there was some strange connection between them in that exact moment. He knew that Lucas felt it just like him. He quickly shook his head, looking back at his phone, typing a reply.
srodulv Good night then, Lulu  ❤️
lucallemant Good night  ❤️
Okay guys, hit me up with your opinions on this new story. Do you like it? There will be a lot of texts, lots of flirting and disaster Eliott! I was so fucking excited that I finished this chapter within a day, don’t blame me, I was waiting to write this story since days now. Bisou 
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paharvey99 · 4 years
No Waitrose October 7: Days 30-31
Day 30
Friday – and the penultimate day of No Waitrose October. Also my nephew’s birthday, so when the four year-old I live with got up she was bundled in front of my phone to record a happy birthday video message. She’s done so many of these that she’s become an accomplished singer of Happy Birthday; I sent it to the family WhatsApp and my younger sister complimented her dramatic pauses and use of vibrato.
I’d bought my nephew some Minecraft Lego (Minecraft is one of those things where I’m not too sure what it is but we’re past the point where I feel comfortable asking. This is not a plea for anyone to tell me what Minecraft is, by the way), and I also wanted to get him something stupid and annoying, because he’s eight, so I got him a voice changer shaped like a mini red megaphone.
A couple of weeks back when I was buying all this on the internet I had thought it would be amusing to get him a retail-size box of chocolate bars, like 24 Bountys or something. He very nearly got 20 white chocolate Lion bars, but then I realised that maybe he didn’t even like white chocolate Lion bars, so I bought him a big Cadbury’s selection box type thing. I still maintain that a box of 20 white chocolate Lion bars is a fantastic present, I’m going to definitely buy one for someone for Christmas.
After the happy birthday message I did the nursery run and came home and did a load of work, had last night’s Sichuan pork dumpling filling noodles for lunch, more work, nursery run, and a nip into M&S Food on the way home.
You’ve probably noticed this month that I have been going to M&S Food quite a lot, and from the outside it might look like I’ve just replaced Waitrose with M&S Food and carried on as usual. However, this isn’t quite right. I will regularly do a big main shop in Waitrose, whereas I can’t bring myself to do that in M&S Food, which remains solely for “bits”. I bought some milk and something for tea, which turned out to be some trout in watercress sauce that was down from six quid to 90 pence. I knew the person I live with would tell me off later for giving her a ready meal for tea, but with a saving of more than a fiver I couldn’t leave it there.
By the time we got home my nephew had received his birthday message and presents and there was even a video of him using the voice changer thingy, which did seem to be as stupid and annoying as I’d hoped. This reminds me – the voice changer present was vaguely inspired by the book Angelica Sprocket’s Pockets by Quentin Blake. The title character has a range of unlikely items in her pockets, like trees and elephants and a kitchen sink and so forth. Spoiler alert: that’s the entire plot of the book. One of the things she has in her pockets is a selection of motor horns that go PAR-HURR and BEEEP BEEP, and I realised that a motor horn that goes PAR-HURR and BEEEP BEEP would be a fantastic thing to receive as a present. However, I chickened out of buying one for my nephew and scaled it down to the mini-megaphone voice changer. Maybe when he’s older.
I roasted some potatoes, courgettes, onions and a yellow pepper in chicken stock to go with the trout, I used a lot of stock and the vegetables ended up a soft, tasty mess, I was very pleased with them. As predicted, the person I live with expressed disapproval of the trout, saying that while it tasted nice she’d rather not eat a bought sauce. I know what she means; it may have been a cheap and tasty option, but I need to protect my brand better.
Just as we were going to bed I went to post a link to a previous blog on Twitter and noticed that the government had leaked news about a new national lockdown to the papers. I flicked through a few tweets and everyone was furious with the government for doing this, and I ended up furious as well. Then I wished I hadn’t looked at Twitter, as I was having a nice evening and all of a sudden I was furious.
It made me think, actually, that the government must be really pleased with the whole Twitter situation. Because really, they do abhorrent stuff, everyone on Twitter gets furious and then literally nothing happens. Boris Johnson is not quaking in his boots because a 90s comedian has got 33,000 retweets, no matter how incisive the skewering. He doesn’t even know it’s happened. Dominic Cummings is not rushing about going “Twitter is furious, what can we DO?”. He’s perfectly happy that he’s upset a bunch of lefties and they’re sitting about frothing in their own anger and doing absolutely nothing meaningful about it. No one is rustling up an angry mob with pitchforks and flaming torches, no one’s even writing to their MP. You want to change stuff, you’ve got to get up and do stuff; it’s the only way. Not me though, I’m too busy.
After that I calmed down and went to bed.
Didn’t go to Waitrose.
Day 31
As ever, Halloween marks the final day of No Waitrose October. I’m fairly sure I complain about Halloween every year, so I won’t bore you with it again, just know that I still don’t like anything about it.
The four year-old I live with and I got up and had breakfast while the other person I live with stayed in bed. After a while I took the person I live with through a cup of tea and complained about the new lockdown. The person I live with hadn’t checked Twitter last night and didn’t know about it, so I then felt a bit bad for waking her up with miserable news.
The weather was miserable too, not much hope of going out for a walk or anything, so we stayed in and pottered about all morning doing weird bits of tidying and video calls with family and stuff.
We made the unicorn Angel Delight that we bought in the week. I had to whip up three different bowls of gloop and assemble them accordingly, it was quite time-consuming. They did look amazing though, the kind of dessert that you see on fairytale tables laden with goodies. I put a picture of them on Instagram and we put them in the fridge for later.
For lunch I made fishcakes, peas and oven chips and somehow managed to mess up the oven chips. I don’t know what I did wrong, they all stuck to the tray for some reason. Still ate them, obviously. Then we had the unicorn Angel Delight for afters. I don’t know if Angel Delight has changed, or I have changed, or both, but it was pretty terrible. Just the kind of food that isn’t worth eating. None of us ate much of it, hopefully we’ll never have to bother with it again.
After lunch there was a break in the weather and the four year-old I live with was persuaded out of the house on the promise of going to Slimetown. Thankfully this was quickly forgotten and so we just went down to the sea, where the light was amazing but it was a bit windy, so we headed back inland. On the way back we went past City Books, Hove’s liveliest independent bookshop apparently. It reminded me that I wanted to buy Nigella Lawson’s new book, and then I realised that with the lockdown coming I wanted to buy it at an independent bookshop rather than online, support local businesses and all that. I had a look in and thankfully it wasn’t particularly lively inside, or we wouldn’t have gone in. I bought the new Nigella and I also bought a book for the four year-old I live with as a pre-lockdown treat, something called Shark in the Park.
Back at home I started reading the new Nigella, and it appears to be exactly what I want from Nigella right now; a text-heavy cookbook with loads of recipes and ideas. You may have noticed that I’ve been banging on about Nigella a lot this month, well that’s because I think she’s brilliant. People tend to think of her slightly daft tv persona, flouncing about in her big London townhouse eating cheesecake in her dressing gown at midnight or whatever, but when you read her books you realise that’s all for show. She’s actually someone who’s properly obsessed with making and eating delicious food, which is where her interests align with mine. And she’s not precious about it; there is a recipe in her new book - not even a recipe really – for roast chicken served on crisps. Literally, you roast a chicken, cut it up into pieces and serve it on top of a large bowl of crisps. The chicken juices soak into some of the crisps, the ones round the edge stay, well, crisp. I think I actually punched the air when I read this recipe, because really, you know that that is going to be absolutely sodding delicious. Roast chicken and crisps are among my top five foodstuffs of all time, so why on earth had I never thought to combine them before? That’s the genius of Nigella. She’s like Eric Cantona or someone, seeing passes that no one else on the pitch can see. You’d probably need a green salad with it, mind.
I showed the roast chicken and crisps photo to the person I live with and she expressed some reservations. Not sure I’ll get away with roast chicken and crisps any time soon.
After more reading and pottering and bed-changing and tidying it turned out to be bedtime. I’d had the song Memory from the musical Cats in my head all day, so I put the Barbra Streisand version on for the four year-old I live with on my phone. She didn’t take to it, so I put a related video on, which turned out to be Taylor Swift singing Macavity the Mystery Cat from the ill-fated film adaptation from last year. We have a storybook version of Macavity the Mystery Cat that we read a lot, so the four year-old I live with knows it really well and was very excited to see a video of it.
It hardly needs saying, as everyone said it at the time, but that version of Cats from last year really is very strange indeed, isn’t it? We watched a few videos from it, and it hardly seems credible that anyone thought it was ok to release into the public domain. Somehow it had a magical effect on the four year-old I live with, who fell asleep to Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer or something.
For tea I had made sausage, pumpkin and brussel sprout pasta, all baked in a creamy cheesy sauce, a proper ribsticker of a meal. The pumpkin was a nod to Halloween, even though I hate it (Halloween, not pumpkin).
After tea we watched a film on Netflix called The Trial of the Chicago 7, which we quite enjoyed, a solid 7/10. 
Then we got angry about the government. This new lockdown doesn’t seem like it’s going to be that big a deal for us, we weren’t going to pubs and restaurants anyway. I would like to know if the man coming to fix the hole in the ceiling next Thursday is still allowed to come, and whether the surveyor can still go round to do a report on the house we’re buying, but we’ll just have to wait and see I suppose. Then we went to bed. Another year over.
Didn’t go to Waitrose.
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Proximity (06)-Oblivion
Prompt: Sebastian meets his newest neighbor and immediately finds her to be an interesting and genuine person. Before he knows it, he’s developing feelings for his much younger friend that he tries not to act on because of their age difference, only the proximity of their lives has other things in store for the couple.
Warnings: mild language, you may be a little angry with me after this chapter
Tags: @yourgayonlinemom, @broken-pieces, @bubblyanarocks3, @yessy2012, @sebstanwassup, @starkxpotts, @kyleannsmut, @joshuad-n, @bucky-bear-barnes, @metal-arm-red-star, @dammnnbucky, @crystallimythium, @harleenquinzzel, @camillechan, @marvelouslyloki, @msdrmarvel, @jesuistresjolie, @castielkitten, @ilovethings-somuch, @boyzines, @thelamegatsby, @huntressxtimelady, @left-boob-chris, @champssole-blog, @ruefulposts, @licoricelace, @pleasantbucky, @jjlevin, @anniemadeofclay, @-tulipsunflower-, @shakzer00, @kitty11223, @one-of-the-boys, @come-and-figure-me-out, @miraisnotavailable, @ladymelissastark, @msharleyquinn, @seargantbcky, @ballerinafairyprincess, @aliciajodiefoster, @mydragulesebastian
Previous Installments:
My Place at Six 
 Just My Neighbor 
Forty Percent 
Writing My Goodbyes 
If You Want  
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(Y/N) paced anxiously outside the elevator doors as she waited for them to open so she could find a way to the seventh floor. Usually the stairs weren’t a burden on her, however the events that had transpired twenty minutes ago had her heart racing and she refused to allow the possibility of passing out in the stairwell to arise. Once inside the elevator, (Y/N) jammed her thumb into the ‘7′ button and then turned her phone’s  Airplane Mode feature on. She didn’t need to be any more distracted than she was and the lingering spark of Sebastian’s lips against her cheek only caused her mind to go further and further into the oblivion she desperately wanted to get lost in.
Upon reaching the seventh floor Isabel impatiently pulled (Y/N) from the elevator and hurriedly dragged her toward the English department offices. (Y/N) was given a small corner room she was convinced had once been a rather large closet that someone put a window in and was since the designated student-teacher office. She tried decorating but the extent of the room’s decor consisted of posters she had collected from Comic Cons or her artistic friends had drawn. The array of posters crossed through various universes including MCU, Harry Potter, Supernatural, with a splatter of Sherlock and a dash of Doctor Who. The poorly decorated office space often decreased the anxieties of the students who were having to meet with her privately, but she could never keep from laughing at the fact that these people were only four or so years younger than her and panicking about having to talk to her about their lessons.
“What have you not been telling me?” Isabel asked as soon as the two women entered the room.
“It’s nothing,” (Y/N) tried to say without blushing. She turned her face and locked the door, giving herself enough time to allow the blood rush to drain from her cheeks. “That picture doesn’t have me in it at all, does it?” she quickly asked with a rather panicked tone.
“No, there weren’t any pictures I could find of the two of you together,” Isabel said while dropping herself in the rather uncomfortable, overly cushioned chair opposite of (Y/N)’s desk.
“Good,” she muttered and quickly turned on her desktop computer and dropped her phone and house keys on the desk.
“What do you mean ‘good?’” Izzy gasped while trying to gain her friend’s full attention. 
“I mean nothing is going on between me and Sebastian and if the news tries to blow that out of proportion, whatever we do have will be compromised,” (Y/N) tried to convince herself rather than her friend. 
“I know what you’re trying to say, but your home screen says otherwise,” she teased while holding (Y/N)’s unlocked phone up mockingly, revealing the rather rustic/hipster photo of a barefoot Sebastian sitting on the porch of a lake house he rented for Labor Day weekend a few months earlier. 
“Give that back!” (Y/N) demanded while lunging toward the device, the memory of Sebastian inviting her to his weekend party lingering in her head as well as the moment she snapped the photo that was now her screen saver.
“Only if you start talking,” she protested. (Y/N) pursed her lips and turned back to face the computer as it loaded the university’s grading database. “Fine, I guess I’m forced to scroll through your phone and make you uncomfortable until you cave,” she teased. Upon realizing (Y/N) wasn’t paying any attention to Isabel’s blackmail, she began to open various apps. “Nothing on Snapchat,” she announced. “Facebook is a dead end too,” she continued.
“Izzy, stop,” (Y/N) grumbled.
“Instagram, here we go!”
“Iz!” (Y/N) demanded.
“Someone recently became friends with a certain Elizabeth Olsen and Tom Holland,” she teased. “Oh, and you have a DM from mister Holland: hi, (Y/N)! Nice meeting you today. Would love to grab a drink or lunch sometime,” Isabel read. “Damn, girl, you’re making all these Marvel men swoon!”
“He did not send that,” (Y/N) laughed as she read over the red ink on the stack of essays sitting beside her only to have Isabel turn the phone around and show (Y/N) the message.
“And Sebastian doesn’t think you’re more than a friend,” she replied cockily. “Spill! Tell me about this whole roommate thing you have going on with him, how the hell do you know Tom, and why do you have a new contact saved as Lizzie O. in your phone?” (Y/N) bit her lip as she contemplated telling Isabel anything but she knew she needed another opinion. Lizzie’s advice was great and made (Y/N) feel hopeful that she had a chance with Sebastian, but Izzy was different. She was blunt and straightforward and would spare her friends no shit. 
(Y/N) caved. She told Isabel the full story of how they met rather than the abridged version she opted for when she first decided to tell her friend about her misadventure. She tried not to go into too much detail about how sweet Sebastian had been and how concerned he was about potentially losing a genuine friendship on the account of her not being willing to deal with his stardom or her only wanting to be in the friendship because of his stardom. (Y/N) continued to divulge into the time she spent with Sebastian and the domesticity of their friendship: the morning coffee trips, daily messages telling the other to turn down their volume or to get their toilet to stop running because the pipes were louder in the other’s apartment, and she talked about the occasional movie nights at the other’s place.
Izzy smiled at her best friend’s glee as she spoke of the man living above her. She had lived with (Y/N) for the past three years and hated to lose her as a roommate, but she couldn’t stay in NYC and (Y/N) couldn’t go to Jersey. She’d missed their boy conversations but listening to what (Y/N) had to say about Sebastian, she feared for her friend’s emotional wellbeing. (Y/N) was two years younger than Izzy and she never wanted to see her hurt. Thankfully, (Y/N)’s dedication to graduate early kept her from divulging in the college-slut phase, but now Izzy worried she had pushed (Y/N) toward something she wasn’t quite ready for.
“It sounds like Tom likes you,” Izzy tried to distract her friend as the phone buzzed in her hand again.
“Tom only met me a few hours ago,” (Y/N) protested.
“Still,” Izzy said with a shrug of her shoulders. “You seem so happy talking about Sebastian,” she continued, “but I don’t know if you two are on the same page, you know?” (Y/N’s eyes furrowed at Isabel’s statement but she tried to play it off as a confusion with the grade displayed on the screen. “You’re only twenty-one,” Isabel sighed. “You have plenty of time to figure the whole dating thing out. Just go out and have fun. Try not to get tied down into anything,” Isabel said lightly while sliding (Y/N)’s phone back to her across the desk. She glanced down at the bright screen to see Tom’s messages shining up at her. Her heart started pounding with excitement and guilt as she read the words written and took them into consideration.
Hi, (Y/N)! Nice meeting you today. Would love to grab a drink or lunch sometime
A couple of friends invited me out to a club tonight. You’re welcome to come if you don’t have any plans!
(Y/N) looked back at Isabel who smiled lightly at her. “I’m not telling you Sebastian is bad news or anything like that--I’m sure he’d be great for you--I just don’t want you getting involved in something you’re not ready for yet.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” (Y/N) asked with a lump in her throat.
“Well,” Isabel said softly and readjusted her position in the chair, “he’s much older than you, meaning he’s at a different stage in life than you, he’s had more experience in the life that he lives than you have, he has more experience in the world than you have. He may be ready for settling down when, realistically, you’re just getting into the game.”
“So, what are you saying? Are you saying to go on a stupid meaningless dating spree to have a few more guys under my belt before getting involved with someone I care about?” (Y/N) couldn’t help the sense of betrayal in her voice, but she knew that she was expecting something from Izzy that Lizzie wouldn’t have given--stark honesty in presenting (Y/N) with her fear in relationships. 
“I’m not saying that, I’m just saying that whatever you do, make sure you’re careful. Keep in mind that he may be wanting more than just a dating relationship, but also you need to figure out what it is that you want out of a relationship right now.”
“I don’t know what I want in a relationship, but I know that I’m happy when Sebastian is around and you know that ‘happy’ doesn’t come easily for me.” Her heart was swirling with the realization that Sebastian could be more than she was looking for and that their age difference would be more of an issue than she had previously expected.
“Hang out with Tom and his friends and just get your mind off of everything for a night,” Isabel said with a smile and lightly put her hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder.
“Can I not hang out with you?” (Y/N) asked with a slight chuckle.
“You know you’ll just be talking about Sebastian the whole time which is the opposite of getting him off your mind,” Isabel laughed.
“Fine, you’re right,” (Y/N) sighed and opened her phone to reply to Tom’s messages.
Sounds like a good time. Mind picking me up from Baruch College? 7th floor. Let me know when you’re coming.
Continued Installments:
Last Night 
Boo at the Zoo Part 1 
Boo at the Zoo Part 2 
Needed You 
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