#thankfully they were dreams and like with thoughts- dreams dont define a person
msmarvelwrites · 4 years
The Winter Soldier - Part 15
Info: A Devastating car crash causes you to lose your memory and start over. The only thing left in the wreckage was the horrific nightmares which plagued your mind. If you knew what today would entail you would have just stayed in bed. But you didn’t and because of that, everything you knew was about to change.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: swearing, gun violence. 
W/c: 2.9k
A/n: I’m double posting for @kalesrebellion​ because she called me out. So here you go babe. Also, I did an embarassing amount of research trying to come up with the basics for the serum. But I concluded that this is fiction and it doesnt really matter. But if you’re ur a science major and this doesnt make sense please dont come for me lol
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There are moments in your life that define you. Moments you look back on after everything and wonder, if you had listened to your gut, maybe it would be different. This was one of those moments. Bucky’s world shattered around him as Natasha’s words rang through his comm. 
“We’ve been compromised, Buck. I’ve been hit. They got Y/n.” Her voice, broken and solemn. 
Dammit, NO.
This isn't how this was supposed to happen. This was an easy job. Only a few Hydra agents resided in this compound. The whole thing felt like a dream. One he was completely and utterly unprepared to handle. How could he let this happen. He should have been there. 
“Dammit. What's your location? I'm coming to you.” He shouted. His blood began to boil and he heard your heavy breathing on the other side. You were running. “Y/n, please come in. Please, doll. Where are you?” Bucky hated how broken he sounded. He knew the rest of the team could hear his begging, but he didnt care. He couldn't. He just needed to get to you. 
“You always were a fighter. Right till the bitter end.” A man’s muffled voice came through his comm. He didn't recognize it as anyone he knew, but there was something familiar about it. A distant memory he couldn't quite piece together. Before he could speak, your voice broke though, a small whisper shattering his heart and sending him into a blind rage. 
“Bucky” You breathed, choking on a cough. 
“Y/n. I’m coming to you, doll. Don't worry, I've got you. I’m going to get you out of this. Don't worry, I’m coming.” He pleaded, but was only met with static, and then finally silence. The rest of the team kept quiet, waiting for any kind of sign of life from you. When none came, Nat spoke up. 
“Guys, we gotta get out of here. They've set off a security alert, this place is going to blow in three minutes.” Her voice was now back to its usual tone, but Bucky knew better. She was scared, he could hear it.  “ There’s no sign of her out here. She’s just… gone.” He could hear that she was running now.
“Bucky, we gotta go.” Steve spoke from beside him. Bucky’s head snapped to his friend, eyes wide and body still frozen. 
“We can't leave. Not without her.” He all but begged. 
“You heard Natasha, she’s on her way.” He paused, “Nat, you got the files?” He spoke into his earpiece, motioning Bucky to follow him to the entrance they had come through. 
“Yeah, I have them. Thanks for asking by the way. I’m great, two more bullet holes in my gut, but yeah, files are more important.” She scoffed, causing Steve to roll his eyes.  “I’m headed to the entrance right now.”
“No, I’m not leaving without Y/n!” Bucky tried to pull away from Steve, but he was stronger. A fact he would never admit to the guy, his head was already big enough. 
“She’s not here Buck. They wouldn't blow the compound with her in it.” He persisted.
Sam’s voice interjected, “Jet’s fired up, you guys better get the fuck outta there. We have less than a minute.” 
Bucky and Steve ran through the dark hallways together until they almost slammed into Nat’s small frame. He gasped when she appeared in the hollow moonlight. Her face was contorted in pain, something he was all too familiar with. Guilt.
“I lost her. I’m so sorry, it was my job to-” She broke off into a sob. Bucky wanted to agree. Yell that if she was a better agent- a better person his girl would be coming home with them. But he couldn't... This was on him. He knew it was a bad idea to bring you on the mission. He deserved all the blame. 
“She’s not dead. Not yet anyways. But we will be if we don't get out of here.” Steve yelled over the alarms blaring in the hallway. 
Bucky and Nat both nodded, and followed Steve across the field. Before they could reach the jet, the warehouse behind them rumbled before letting out an earth shattering explosion, sending the two of them flying into the ground. Without hesitation, Bucky grabbed Natasha's hand and pulled her from the ground. He wrapped her arm around his shoulder and all but dragged her body onto the jet. 
“Vision’s been alerted we need medical. He’s been staying at a safe house in Munich. We can be there in thirty minutes.” Steve spoke urgently, rifling through the cabinets of the jet looking for the first aid kit. 
“Seriously guys, it's a flesh wound. I’m- Ah!” Nat screamed in pain as the jet hit a spout of turbulence. 
“Like you were saying.” Wanda smirked, placing her hands carefully on Nats' wound. Her hands glowed a deep red as she tried to relieve the pain. The spy’s face relaxed, but only for a moment before she was back to worried. 
“He’s alive, Buck.” Nat spoke, and when she did, he could hear the fear in her words. 
“Who?” Steve demanded, but Nat’s eyes stayed put on Bucky’s. 
“Tommy. She said his name in the hallway. It was him, Buck. He’s not dead. He’s the one that shot me, the one that took her.” Nat flinched in pain as Wanda's hands fell from her side. 
“That’s not possible.” Bucky shook his head. “Steve found my mission file. I killed him. I remembered it. You just don't walk away from that.” 
“Well, clearly you do.” Nat spoke sarcastically, pointing to the gushing holes in the body. 
“So Tommy’s alive? And he’s Hydra now?” Wanda asked, suddenly realising her hands were not on Nat’s wounds anymore. She placed them back silently apologising. 
“And he’s got Y/n.” Bucky added, his jaw clenched in anger. 
“We’ll get her back.” Steve spoke. He placed a hand on Bucky’s shoulder which he quickly shrugged off, pacing back and forth through the small aircraft. 
“I know we will. And i’m going to finish the fucking job and tear that prick in two.” He seethed, mostly to himself. 
He tried to focus on the task at hand. Desperately brainstorming how to get to you, but his mind was spirling. How could he just leave you? How could he have been so stupid? The sound of his name leaving your lips echoed around him, only fuling his growing rage. 
“All our tactical suits have hidden trackers in the sleeves. We will hear it go off, but until then we wait. They cant have gotten far.” Steve started as the jet began its descent. “We're almost at the safe house. We’ll track her from there. In the morning, we’ll head out.”
“Morning? That's too long. She could be-'' Bucky cut himself off, too broken at the thought to finish that sentence. “I’ll find her myself tonight.” He grumbled. 
“Oh no you don’t. We’re a team, Buck. We do this together. Vision will be able to enable her tracker. But we need to work together. We can't lose anybody else to impulse decisions.” Steve scolded. 
He knew his friend was right but it didn't make it any easier to agree. All Bucky wanted to go but get you back. Keep you safe and never let anyone touch you again. He tried to keep his distance before, he really did, but that was out the window now. There wasn't a chance in hell he was leaving your side after this. As for the man that ripped you from his grasp, oh boy… He tried not to make a habit out of fantasizing murder, mostly as it resulted in the Winter Soldier coming out of the shadows, but if that was the case with Tommy, so be it. Only when Bucky stood in a pile or carnage and gore and blood would he finally feel peace again...
“We're coming up on the safe house. Y'all ready to bail?” Sam's voice tore Bucky out of his thoughts, and thankfully so. He was sure it was leading to a very destructive path. 
“Buck, help us get Nat inside. Wanda and Sam - sweep the area, make sure no one has followed us. I’ll fill Vision in on what's happened and see if he can turn on Y/n’s tracker now.” Steve commanded as he hopped out of the jet. 
“Can you stand?” Bucky asked, dipping down to tuck Nats arm around his shoulder, helping her up. She nodded reluctantly, wincing in pain as she moved. 
The safe house was a small cabin in the middle nowhere. Munich was only a few minutes down the road but the thick coverage of trees that surrounded the cabin made it feel secluded and hard to be spotted from above.  If they weren't followed, no one would ever know they were here. 
Bucky helped Nat inside, letting Steve and Wanda take over once they were through the door. Before he could enter, he stopped, taking a moment to gaze upon the sun rising over the mountains. In a few hours, he’d be with you again. He just had to make it until then, and pray to whatever god would still have him, that you were alive. 
“Продолжай копать. Нам надо её найти.” Keep digging. We have to find it. The voice rang in your mind, waking you from the recurring nightmare. Visions of Tommy and that boyish smile that once brought so much happiness.. His voice, the way it used to say your name, now only causing you ache. 
“Wait, rewind there! Вернись. That’s it.” The voice spoke again, echoing around the room. You opened your eyes slowly, taking in your surroundings, but all you were met with was darkness. You could feel movement around you, but the blindfold tied around your eyes masked their faces. 
“I’m positive she told me what was in that serum.” His voice caused your heart to just about leap from your chest. You knew that voice anywhere. 
“You better be right. You're as good as dead to me otherwise.” Another man spoke. 
“No I’m sure. Wait! Right there. Replay that part.” Tommy asserted. 
Suddenly a headache burned through your temples, scorching the inside of your eyes. You screamed in pain as it coarsed though your body until an image appeared in your mind. It replayed over and over, making you dizzy. 
“Whatcha doing?” Tommy cooed, taking a seat on your desk. 
“Just trying to find the right components.” You spoke, not taking your eyes microscope as you examined the petri dish below. 
“Cummon, baby. You've been at this for hours. Come eat something.” You looked up, Tommy stood there with that big goofy smile you loved so much. 
“I’ve almost got it. Just a little longer.” You reassured him, rolling in your chair and picking up another sample and analysing it. 
“What exactly is, it?” he asked, emphasizing the word. 
“If I mix the steroid with-” 
Another shrieking jolt of pain seared through you as the memory disappeared, leaving you trembling. 
“Go back, we almost had it!” Someone yelled from beside you. 
You tried to scream, to beg them to stop, but it was no use. Before you could try again, the same horrible pain erupted through your body, ripping you back to the distant memory. 
“If I mix the steroid with human blood, it does as it's designed.  But taking into account the theory of nuclear transmutation, we can assume given the right element we can use the serum to absorb its surroundings, right?” You spoke, like it was common sense. 
“Sure…” Tommy chuckled. 
“So, strip down the original serum, add radiation to its compound, now it needs the ability to absorb energy… What element do we know has that power?” it wasn't a question, nor did you think Tommy would know the answer so you continued, “Water, and our bodies are basically made of that. So in turn, if we can create the original serum mixed with high levels of radiation, inject the person, granted you're not killed by that high levels of toxicity, we're looking at a new type of Super Soldier. One that could, in theory, mutate around the serum and absorb its surroundings!” You finally finished.
“I have no idea what any of that means… But it sounds cool. Now put the vile down, and eat something.” He laughed, grabbing the sample out of your hands and carefully placing it on the table next to you.
“Thats it!” Someone shouted. “Of course, why didn't we think of this. Call the commander, tell him we found it.” 
You felt your body twist in agony, but soon the memory left, leaving you back in the dark with disembodied voices echoing around you. 
“What do you want me to do with her?” a man asked. 
“I don't care. убить её?” Kill her? You froze at his words. Even if you could move, your hands were tied down to the chair. Gentally you wiggle your fingers, careful not to draw any attention to yourself. Not that you would be able to tell. The ring that Shuri had made you was still there. If you timed in right, and you still had Wanda’s borrowed power, you could use it to untie yourself and hopefully get the fuck out of this hell hole. 
“Kill her?” Tommy choked. “You didn't say anything about killin’ her?” 
“You should be thankful. The girl’s been sharing a bed with the same man who killed you once before. In fact, I’m so pleased with your work developing this memory decoder that I’ll give you the honour.” The man spoke, shuffling around the room. “Here, tell me when you're done having your fun.” A few heavy footsteps later, and you finally heard the door close. The silence was deafening, but eventually, Tommy let out a deep breath and took a step towards you, ripping your blind fold off. 
You squinted as you tried to acclimate your eyes to the lighting of the room. It was small and dark, but a few dim lights hung above you illuminating Tommy's features. Once upon a time you would have described them as strong and rugged. Now they seemed to loom over you, sending a shiver down your spine. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, softer than you expected. You quickly clocked the pistol in his left hand and tried to suppress a scoff. 
“Am I okay?” You gawked at him. “You just dug through my head like a sand pit. No- no I’m not okay you shit head!” You screamed. 
Tommy chuckled, using the gun to scratch the back of his neck. “Touché…” He spoke, pulling up a stool and plopping himself down on it infront of you. “I missed that attitude baby. Really, these past couple years have been hell without you. These guys are really scary, but I told em- I said, my girl will know what to do. And you did, baby. I never doubted you.” His voice was like honey. Thick and sickenly sweet. 
“What are you talking about?! I thought you were dead!? I mourned you, asshole. And you've been alive this whole time, working against me?” You couldn't believe how cavalier he was being about this. Tommy only shrugged, fuling the rage inside you. 
“Nah, it's not like that. I was dead, really I was. But then Hydra came and BOOM I was back. They promised me that they’d keep me safe, as long as I could help em get that serum you were always talkin’ bout. Said they wanted to give it time in your system, make sure it didn't kill ya.” He started, narrowing his eyes slowly, “You grieved me? That's a funny way of putting it. Cause from what I saw in that head of yours, you were pretty chummy with that Soldier.”  
You couldn't stifle the scoff that erupted in your mouth. “You're kidding right? Jesus, Tom. They brainwashed me. And I don't need to explain myself. You're sick, you know that?  How could you do this? Do you have any idea what they're going to use that serum for?” You fired the questions off like explosives into his chest, but he didn't even flinch. 
“I don't really care. They told me if I gave em’ your little recipe, they’d let me go.” He shrugged. 
“And so what? Now you're going to kill me?” 
“No… Maybe. I haven't really decided yet.” He looked down at the pistol like it was the first time he really noticed it was there. Contemplating your death like he was deciding between his morning coffee. 
“I would get going on that if I were you.” You lifted your hands, wiggling your wingers playfully “Really, Tommy, you're not cut out for this line of work.” You spat, jumping from your seat and landing a hard kick to his gut, sending him flying back. The gun ricocheted off the ground and hit the wall, but before he could react, you grabbed it. In one swift move you turned the safety off and placed your finger on the trigger. 
“Cummon baby, let's talk about this.” He raised his hands in surrender. “You wouldn't shoot me.” 
You cocked a brow, “You sound really confident in that statement. Especially for a boy who was debating my death a moment ago.” You argued. 
“Dont take it personally, baby. Anything you can do, I can do better. Remember?” You smirked. 
A/n: Another Cliff hanger? Yes. Do I know how to wrote anything else? No... My bad lol. I hope your enjoyed this one as much as I did writing it! As always, @cutie1365​ is the bomb dot com for editing this for me. Tommy sucks, we both agree. I hope he gets whats coming to him... please leave some love and reblog if you read it! 
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lovebunnie · 5 years
fr the poem questions: all of them >: )c
jared... only for you...
the tyger – are you a taker of calculated risks or do you enjoy playing with fire? would you rather ask for permission or forgiveness?
i am a major rule follower, i am not at all adventurous and i like to stay in my comfort zone. my life is a mix of staying true to my comfort zone and doing what I feel is right, first instinct. 
i carry your heart with me – do you believe in fate? what’s your secret to living a good life?
i tend to not believe in fate, it tends to make people not take responsibility for their actions and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth; predestination takes away humility from us. and i wouldnt say that im currently living a good life, its getting there but more often then not i would not describe my days as ‘happy’, more so just another day. but to make a day not outwardly bad, i firmly believe in having a really good breakfast in the morning and taking a shower at night. both of those really make my days better.
i wandered lonely as a cloud – what does nature mean to you? where do you feel most at peace?
nature for me is what comes to us instinctively and what we turn to for comfort in trying times. i feel the most at peace either at summer camp or in my bedroom with my cat :3
blackberrying – what were your early years like? do you miss being a child?
my early years were very happy, i was a very happy and funloving child. it was a time where i wasnt told about any of my family drama so i lived in blissful ignorance. i definitely miss being a child, all the way up to about 7th grade. its just been downhill from 8th grade and on.
ode to a nightingale – how do you feel about your own mortality? do you believe in life after death?
my mortality is something of a burden i carry with me everyday, a reminder that every minute is precious and this is the only life i get, i have one shot to not fuck it up. i dont believe in the afterlife, the concept of death is something that if i think too hard about then itll fuck me up.
hope is the thing with feathers – what gives you hope? what would you tell your 10-year-old self?
hope comes from those news stories about good news, like charity donation goals being hit and remembered anniversaries and flower bouquets in public, there is good in the world and sometimes its hard to find but its always there. to my 10 year old self, i would tell her to not hold too tightly to those around you, and that life constantly changes so dont get too attached or comfortable because itll prevent you from growing in the future.
the road not taken – do you find it hard to make decisions? what regrets do you have?
its really hard to make decisions because i always assume that my ideas are wrong or bad so if someone else takes the lead, i cant be blamed. as far as regrets, i wish that in my past, i just put myself out there more. i couldve spent highschool actively seeking for possibilities instead of sulking and wishing they came to me. they dont ever, you have to find them.
still i rise – what's your relationship with yourself like? what are your best qualities?
i have a bad relationship to myself; if i admire one trait about myself, the other traits must be less than. for example, if i think i look nice one day, then i remember abt my grades or my writing and how much i hate both of those. i can never be fully at peace, it will never be enough to sate my psyche. my ‘best’ qualities depend on the day, right now i think i have nice eyelashes.
howl – can you express yourself freely? do you feel smothered by societal norms?
i struggle everyday to be my genuine self. its not so much societal norms but my own mind; i want to look nice but i dont want to attract too much attention. i want to be remembered but not for how good my ass looks or whatever. my biggest fear is that people see me as something desirable but only sexually so i want to dress how i feel but i cant because im terrified of the gaze of men on my campus.
the raven – are you in touch with your feelings? how would you describe the relationship between emotions & rationality?
im extremely in touch with my feelings. i can acknowledge when i am angry or sad or happy, even if i dont know why. i allow myself to feel my feelings and then let them pass, i hate bottling those things up. between emotions and rationality, i use my emotions 9 times out of 10. i ask myself, ‘what do i want?’ and the first thing i come up with, i know is what i truly want to do. 
sonnet 116 – how do you define love? what qualities do you look for in a significant other?
i think love is everything; its the warmth of hanging out with familiar people, its when people remember facts about you, its a meaningful hug and its ‘this reminded me of you’. its different for everyone but i feel love in everything i do. in a significant other, the biggest thing is being able to make me laugh, if youre funny than im sold.
to autumn – what's your favorite season and why? what cherished memories do you associate with that season?
my favorite season is winter because it has lots of holiday warmth, good food, pleasant childhood memories, and comfortable clothing. also i love snow. i have very vivid memories of a blizzard in maryland when i was 11(?) years old, my neighbor tied a sled to the back of his ATV and dragged us around the cul de sac, it was so much fun!!
the waste land – do you like big cities? if you could choose any place on earth, where would you settle down?
i love big cities, they evoke so many feelings of love and the atmosphere being surrounded by people makes me so happy! if i could live anywhere, i think it would be san francisco, i love the city and the weather and the public transportation!!
o captain! my captain! – what are your aspirations in life? what motivates you?
in life, i want to give a tedtalk. i would also love to publish a book but i dont like what i write so if i ever did, id end up hating the book anyway in a year or so. i want to teach people the joy of public speaking and i want to give kids the joys i had given to me by my teacher when i was their age. my motivation comes from, this has to be done and if no one else will do it, it might as well be me. i have the passion and everything else will follow after that.
she walks in beauty – what's your aesthetic? how would you describe the relationship between inner goodness & outer beauty?
id describe my aesthetic as lovecore, i love the color pink and red and hearts and flowers and teddy bears and dresses and sparkles and valentines day and i love everything stereotypically ‘cute’. and i feel there is no outer beauty without inner goodness, if someone has bad intentions or a rotten core, their outward appearance will reflect.
one art – how do you deal with loss? do you write diary entries, poetry or prose?
thankfully i have not had to go through tremendous loss in my life but when i feel an emotional loss or general low point, i tend to move towards art, aimless doodling to take my mind off of situations. it centers me.
work, sometimes – how does your favorite weather make you feel? what is happiness to you?
my favorite weather makes me feel SO happy, all smiley and giddy and like things are going to be okay, just for one day, i will make this a good one. happiness to me is comfort and joy, its something that makes you laugh until your sides hurt and its art that you look at and feel. happiness isnt a huge moment, its little moments scattered throughout the days.
acquainted with the night – do you think there's such thing as the right time? what’s your outlook on the world?
no, i dont like to set things off for the thought of there being a right and wrong time. time isnt real and we only have so long on earth so there is no time but the present. go get that tattoo, ask them out, eat that snack. my outlook on the world is that there is a lot of bad shit but there is also a lot of good shit you will never see but it important nonetheless. you cant change the world in a day so you might as well take it one day at a time, working everyday to make it as good as possible.
if – do you daydream a lot? are you volatile, or do you stay calm when conflicts arise?
i love to day dream, it helps me determine what i really want and its a lovely distraction when the goings get tough. i try to avoid conflicts in every situation possible but if i were pushed, id either accept my mistake and apologize and work towards a better future; or i would tell the other person how im feeling and what i can do to help them feel better.
what would i give? – do you cry often? if you could change anything about your past, what would it be?
things make me sad but rarely enough to cry, things more so tend to weigh me down then break me. i let the sadness take me however it sees fit. and if thats to cry, so be it. if i could change anything about my past, i would just say that you will only get this chance to start over in a new state once, the years will go by quick so to TAKE OPPORTUNITIES WHEN THEY SHOW THEM SELF TO YOU!!!!!!
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whatcomestomind1 · 7 years
Thoughts Vol. 2
So it has been a while. The second entry is a year and a half after the first, but better late than never i suppose. Keirra and I broke up. And i honestly never thought i would have to type that sentence and actually mean it. It really sucks still, even though it all started nearly 2 months ago. I didn’t think she was serious and i thought the feeling would pass. But i was wrong, now wasn’t i. https://youtu.be/K_pLV94telg this song really helped me during the break up. When she wouldn’t come home to try and talk and work stuff out, or we would fight, this song had my back. There is a line that says something along the lines of “my dogs the only one around that listens to my problems”, and damn was that line true. Lady was always very perceptive of when we were arguing or when i was feeling down, and she would come sit on my lap and cuddle, which i really needed at the time. Even though she is a bad dog, she made me feel loved right then, when i needed it the most. Since the first volume, i was fired and then got a new job less than a week later. A much better place too. I have some lovely coworkers that i can honestly see me being good friends wit even after that place is long in my past. I don’t really dread going to work. And its good money for not a lot of work, so that is really great. The hours are long and it can be stressful, but its certainly not the worst thing ive ever had to do. I feel like i havent been a good friend lately. Or at least i wasnt very present, and i am now striving to change that. I have already done more with the friends, and i have been talking to more people which is nice. its refreshing to just talk to someone different. I cant help but feel like i need a relationship though. Being in one has defined me up to this point in my life. And i enjoy having that one person to spend time with and hold or talk to. But at the same time i just dont like it at all. it gets tiring, but i feel like im only good at being in a relationship. Maybe i will pursue someone, i guess it depends on how receptive they are of any advances though. Maybe something more casual though, or take it slow at least. The past year and a half has been pretty mediocre, all in all. i feel like all the good canceled out all the bad, and im left even. I am also moving again here soon. We moved back to my parents(now sisters)house, and, surprise surprise that was a huge mistake. I really need to stop doing people favors and being overly nice, it has always put me in a worse off place. I think this new year im just going to focus on bettering myself. I never do what i want, i always ask for permission or what other people think. 2018 is going to be my time to do me. and if someone doesnt like that, well they can get out of the way. Anyway, back to moving. I am getting a place with a couple. Was supposed to be two couples in a 2 br, but now its just me and them. Thankfully i can afford it, so i should be ok. I want to buy a little house to rent out to people, have them pay my bills and even make some cash in the process. I dont really care what i do, so long as i am financially stable and able to do what i want when i want it. That is my dream, to be able to sit back and relax, even if something bad happens, and knowing that i am in a comfortable enough spot in my life that i can roll with the punches and think nothing of it. Im not really sure where i was going when i typed this up, but i think im done for the time being. I want to try to keep a regularly updated log though. Lets see how well that goes.
Thanks, and bye for now
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rae-ism · 8 years
Set yourself free
I hardly post anymore - i thinks its been a year, i lost quite a number of followers. but to those of you who are still with me, thank you for still leaving me there on your follow list. I must say, many things happened in this time and I had hit my rock bottom a number of months back. its going to be a long post, but to anyone who chances upon this, or genuinely cares about my life, i just hope you read through.
I have always been an uptight person - i care too much about what others think, i want to go to the best school, do the best things, i am a perfectionist, i want everything to be perfect. the perfect weight, skin, grades, room, boyfriend, instagram account - the perfect life. i always thought to myself i need to earn more, do more. my mind wasn’t peaceful and there isn’t a moment in my life i could be happy with myself because i wanted more all the time.
but in recent times, i got fired from my job for refusing to do something illegal - with no savings in my bank from settling my dad’s debts, and spent the remainder of whatever compensation they gave me on again helping my dad and shopping for myself because i felt like i deserve it and that i’d find another job soon enough.
its true, i found a job soon enough - high paying (more than i ever earned or thought i would at my age for a job that isn’t of high risk). but i’d never think it got me into the worst mental state i had ever been in a job. i mean, i’ve been through lots, but this was the worst i ever felt because of a job. dragging myself, crying everyday, praying to fall sick so i dont have to show up. i was very much a victim of my own choices.
So to all of you out there, suffering today, and wanting to get your shit together, and need some advice, i hope this post of my lessons learnt can do something for you:
given that i hate my new job so much - you’d think i regret standing up for myself and what i believe is right which got me fired - but no, i am proud of myself for it. the people around me were proud of me for doing what i did. and yes, good things come after that - like i said i got a compensation, and i found a job soon after, one that at least valued my integrity and won’t force me into illegal shit. good things come your way, when you constantly make the decisions you know to be rightful even if its hard.
i think people say this all the time, but what i mean is, say no to whatever you think won’t benefit you, or especially, that would harm you. SAYING YES WILL ALWAYS BACKFIRE IN SUCH CASES - trust me. i was offered 2 other jobs before my current one and i knew they weren’t what i wanted - 1 wouldn’t work out so i said no, and i said yes to the other just because. turned out it put me in a tight spot after i got my current job - and of course caused me much more mental turmoil than i hoped, and almost cost me a friendship.
When i got this job and it caused me so much mental turmoil, i was so afraid to leave - because of 2 things - money, and judgment. so look at point 4 about money, and remember, saying no to what doesn’t serve you can also mean blocking out what doesn’t do good for you. if you know doing something is best for you, whatever that is - quitting a job, taking a break from school, cutting off your used to be best friend, do it and don’t fear what others think. they will say something whatever you do anyway. its their mind, life, and mouth. but just live yours.
think about it this way - chasing after success, money, fame, friends or relationships - what do they do for you? i’m not saying be passive about your dreams and goals, but don’t let them be the only thing that gets in your head. don’t allow the lack of these things to ruin the good things you have. having all this won’t make you a better person, won’t serve the world, won’t necessarily make you happier. because it is what lies within. breathe now, and then hear this: when you come to terms that life is NOT a competition, and that if you say ‘so what?’ to the people who try to compare you - you will feel much better about yourself, and in a better state to work through the problems that come, because you won’t be too distracted thinking about what others have that you don’t.
what is it that really matters to you? standing up for not doing the illegal thing made me realise i stood for something. i had values and i had lines that i didn’t previously define. so i made it a point to define them - what are your limits? what will push you to quit a job? what will make you end a relationship that isn’t working? what will make you say “enough is enough”? know these things about yourself and you will feel much more free, because its your black and white, and you will always know when someone crossed the line.
you may think that the one uber ride you’re about to take, or that sandwich you’re about to eat at that artisanal cafe won’t cost you much, or break your bank. but trust me, its the small, accumulated expenses that slip through which really breaks your budget. i had zero savings when i got fired from that job, not just because of my dad’s debts, but also because i let myself get away with one too many rides/sandwiches or some small thing i thought wouldn’t matter. take a look at your expenses now - and think, where can i eat that can get me cheaper food? what can i do so that i spend less on an outing this weekend?
i know its freaking hard to be when you feel like all odds are against you. you forgot your document at home, or the deadline is up. your spilt coffee on your table, and stubbed your toe in the door. and then your boss added some work to your load, and your colleague gave you the cold shoulder. your family is breaking apart or maybe much worse. i won’t undermine your feelings - but i just wanna say look within you and be grateful for yourself. your own strength, your surviving this without jumping off a cliff, or running onto the road to get hit by a car. be grateful that you a person strong enough to survive this bad day. and remember that someone else is always watching you - your kid, your best friend, your little sibling, me - there is always someone who will admire your strength and be grateful you exist - so be grateful for yourself.
I know you’ll probably read another article like this somewhere - but this is really personal to me, it helped me gain back my mindfulness. it took me a long time to understand this. for those who wanna know, i’m still in the job i hate because i am practicing point 4 for long enough while i stay here so that i can save up a sum of money, and point 1 and 6. I spoke up for myself and told them i couldn’t take the workload and thankfully am offloading some things now, and point 6 - remaining grateful. there is alot to complain about, i still complain, but in my mind i remind myself to be thankful for what i did for myself, i am thankful for being given the chance to offload the work, i am thankful for the people who try to make things better, thankful for this space to share my thoughts. it keeps me wired and going. 
i hope everyone has a blessed day - and that someway, somehow, you feel inspired a little more now to grow in a happier direction
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