#thanks acepavus
DA 20 questions!
I was tagged by @acepavus! Thank you darling!
I’m gonna tag: @apostatetabris, @dirthara-mama, @wicked-eyes-and-wicked-hearts, @star--nymph, @red-wardens, @vvakarians, @trans-aloth, and anyone else who wants to do this! Sorry if I’ve double tagged you all!
01) Favourite game of the series?
I gotta go with Inquisition. I love all the maps and the characters I’ve gotten to make through the games. It’s a beautiful game.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
I saw art of Dorian around and figured out he was from dragon age and that he was gay and I was instantly hooked on wanting to play the game. I hadn’t ever seen a video game before with a gay man in it and I was desperate for LGBT content and validation. Dorian has been immensely important to me in helping me realize my identity.
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
I’ve played origins all the way through four times I think. I’ve played da2 three times, twice with my main Hawke and then another Hawke. I’ve played inquisition at least six times with Darva and I’m playing Dimitri for the fourth time. I’ve played that one the most by far.
04) Favourite race to play as?
Elves! I love the elves of dragon age so much
05) Favourite class?
Dual wielding rogue by far along with archers. Rogues are one my favorite classes ever. I do have a soft spot for mages and warriors thought
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
I try to make little sorts of different choices. I’ve both allied/conscripted the templars and mages before on different little games and I’ve both banished and kept the grey wardens. I’ve never put Gaspard on the throne himself, but I’ve done all the other ways Halamshiral can end up. I’ve only ever not drank from the well once and the was because I was playing a human. I try to mix it up a little each play through for variety sake. Plus I love Calperia’s story so much more than Sampson, so I do side with the templars on occasion. But I am a mage loving gay.
07) Go-to adventuring group?
My Origins go to gang for Eth is Shale, Wyne and Alistair and Slivayn is usually Wyne, Shale, and Zevran. DA2 is a whole grab bag of people, but I usually have one mage, one warrior and a rogue + my mage Hawke.  My crew for inquisition depends on who I’m playing. Darva mainly roles with Cassandra, Vivienne and Dorian while Dimitri runs with Iron Bull, Sera and Solas.
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Dimitri and Darva are at a big ole tie with Eth coming in second place. Dimitri is my ever evolving kiddo mainly bc I play a TTRPG with him as my PC, but Darva is like that comfort character where I truly see myself in. Eth is my precious little complicated warden child who I revisit on occasion because I forget how much I do enjoy origins.
09) Favourite romance?
Oooo it’s a hard tie between Bull and Dorian. Dorian was really like that gateway--along with dragon age in general--into me making gay characters explicitly and having them represent me. He made me feel okay with who I am and seeing that blatant love between men was something I had never seen. It was kinda the same with Bull, but he was also like that shattering of men having to preform to a certain degree of manliness to be seen as valid. Bull is manly af, but he loves the color pink. Masculinity doesn’t have to be as society defines it.
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?
I have read the Magekiller comic, but that was about it. I wanna read the books, but having the energy to do it. Does reading the TTRPG book count? Or the World of Thedas books? lolol
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?
I haven’t read any of the main book tbh
12) Favourite DLCs?
I loved the Return to Ostagar DLC. That one was full of a great atmosphere and just generally quite sad. I liked Mark of the Assassin best out of the DA2 DLCs because it was humorous as well as having good drama going on. A very fun time even though it was a bit of a pain. Trespasser is probably my favorite DLC for Inquisition mainly because of the run through the elvhen ruins at the end of the DLC to get to Solas. It’s throwing everything you have because this is the end at the enemy and I love that.
13) Things that annoy you.
Ehhh most of my annoyance come from the lack of mlm romance options in the game and the treatment of characters like Sera and Sandal who are coded as neutroatypical. But, most of my qualms come from fandom and the rampant homophobia, transphobia, racism and white-washing everyone does. Ya shitty fandom.
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Ferelden, personally.
15) Templars or mages?
Mages as always.
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
I have multiple characters across two world states, my canon one being Eth Tabris, my dual wielding rogue warden who romanced Alistair, Bryn Hawke, my force/blood mage, who romanced Fenris and Darva Lavellan, my dual wielding rogue who romanced Dorian. I also have other Lavellan's that go along with Darva like Fisk and Livonah. Then I have an alternative world state with Slivayn Mahariel, an archer rogue who romanced Zevran, then Farlan Hawke, my two handed warrior who romanced Anders, and then Dimitri Enallasani, my mage elf who romanced Bull. Dimitri only has Daniel as his other sort of important character.
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
Eth named her Mabari, Witt, after her brother who was sent to the Circle when she was 16. I cannot remember for the life of my what Bryn named his Mabari, rip. Darva ends up with a Mabari in Kirkwall just named Da’len. Slivayn named his Mabari Tamlen after his clanmate and lover. I can’t remember what Farlan named his Mabari, RIP. Dimitri has an Anderfels Hart he raises later on named Ghilan after his Keeper’s old Hart and he has a great horned owl named Falon who he rescued.
18) Have you installed any mods?
Nope! I play all my games on console, so no mods for me. I do want to get a good gaming computer after I graduate from college so I can indulge in some mods for Dimitri and Darva and learn fly cam. I would really like to have Dimitri’s vallaslin in the game and more dalish outfits for my kiddos. Alas, I am stuck with what I have for now.
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
Wanting to become a Grey Warden wasn’t something Eth thought about wanting or not wanting. She was ready to die for having saved Shianni and that would have been enough. She kept her safe and that was her duty. Duncan thought she was worth the risk and she accepted that if this was going to be her new duty, it was going to be her new duty.
Slivayn didn’t want to be a Warden at all. Duncan had to conscript him and even then he hated Duncan for a long, long time. He didn’t get to see if he could save Tamlen at all so he was intensely grieving and he was torn from the only home he had ever known. Ostagar was his first experience with humans who weren’t out to kill him and his family.
20) Hawke’s personality?
Bryn is firmly in the Purple Hawke camp, but strays into Blue on occasion. Farlan is a firm divide between Red and Purple.
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
Yes, omg yes. My quizzies have their own color palettes I work off of. Darva alternates between Bear Fur + Plush Fustian Velvet + Infused Vyrantium Samite + Blue Vitriol and Great Bear Fur + Darkened Samite + Silk Brocade + Blue Vitriol. Dimitri’s changes from Snoufleur Skin + Drakestone + Darkened Samite + Higher Weave to Great Bear Fur + Darkened Samite + Dragon Scale. aka, Darva wears a lot of deep browns, blues and greens and Dimitri is a lot of reds, blacks and oranges.
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
Eth wishes she would have done more to keep Shianni safe along with the rest of the Alienage. Her biggest regret is that she allowed what happened to happen.
Bryn wishes he could’ve saved his family. He covers up a lot of his grief with humor and deflection, but he hurts a lot for what he did. Part of him wishes he had done better with his mother, but he wouldn't admit it.
Darva wishes he could’ve saved his father; he knows he was only fourteen and that he would have gotten himself killed, but at times he thought that a better fate than having to deal with his mother and her all encompassing, smothering grief. 
Dimitri wishes he could’ve saved his clan. He goes over what happened as much as he can, trying to piece together what he could've done to save his family. It’s his life’s biggest regret.
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
Oooo could Darva being trans be one? Idk, that's a headcanon that doesn’t much go again canon. Biggest one for him would be him leaving the clan at 18 and traveling around Thedas. 
Dimitri’s whole origins and magical usage is a big middle finger at the canon for the dalish inquisitor considering he is sort of his own sect of elves who are drastically different than their southern counterparts.
24) Who did you leave in the Fade?
Ooo Darva leaves Alistair in the Fade because I can’t bear to leave Bryn behind, rip. But Dimitri ends up leaving Loghain in the Fade. I can’t give up my Hawkes.....
25) Favourite mount?
Me personally? I love the Pride of Arlathan mount. Darva mainly uses that mount and it’s his favorite. Dimitri loves his horse, the Amaranthine Charger. But, later on he gets his Anderfels Hart--which is a sandy colored breed of Hart that is larger and tougher than others of it’s breed. They bond with only one rider in their lifetime and will stand their ground, full of as much conviction as the elves who originally bred them.
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daihell · 5 years
🖊 c:
Elden has always been a morning person but tbh the moment he started sharing a tent with Dorian he started to love them even more. It meant he got to see Dorian first thing, all messy haired and groggy, before he’d had time to sort of apply his usual mask of flippancy. Mostly Dorian was just grumpy but it was still incredibly nice to see.
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mahalzevran · 5 years
★★★ Bolin facts pls
Bolin believes in the Stone
He’s only half Cadash blood. The Carta recruited his mom and that’s how his parents met. His mom did a Thing™ while she was still fairly new that got her some renown. Despite that, Bolin still gets shit on because he’s not “full cadash” and people say that the only reason he moves up in the Carta ladder is because of his mom and not because, you know...he’s actually capable.
When Dorian leaves for Tevinter after defeating Corypheus, Bolin sends him a lock of his hair.
For every “★” I get, I will post a fact about my characters.
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lioaa · 5 years
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“I love all of you Amatus, and nothing could change that.”
!!! I was commissioned by my good friend @acepavus to draw his inquisitor Somhairle with Dorian! (Warm light = gay) It was a pleasure to draw them together! and thank you for commissioning me!
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tevinter-amatus · 5 years
About the character…
Tagged by @dickeybbqpit thank you :) 💕
Tagging: @loveydoveypiperwright, @tk-duveraun, @the-chantry-stole-my-elfroot, @josephinemontilyct, @acepavus, @carverhvkwe - if you guys wanna do this!
― your muse’s name:
Laylah Amell
―  a favorite picture / faceclaim of your muse:
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― two headcannons you have for your muse:
During the first few years of her life in the Circle, she was extremely recluse and unsociable. This was no doubt due to the severe trauma of being taken away from her family at such a young age. For years, she had constant flashbacks of her mother falling to her knees and sobbing while the Templars dragged her away. 
Shortly after the events of DA2, Laylah abandoned her quest to cure the Calling in order to track down Hawke and Bethany. After helping Anders and the rest of Kirkwall’s mages, the three women travelled together, keeping a low-profile. Eventually, after Hawke received a letter from Varric about Corypheus and Grey Warden corruption, they headed for Skyhold (they arrived just after the Inquisition returned from the Winter Palace). Leliana cried with happiness when she saw Laylah. Morrigan was also particularly pleased to be reunited with her dearest friend.  
― three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
Drawing - around the age of 10, she taught herself how to draw. She spent a considerable amount of time with Jowan, sketching out fantasy worlds and bringing to life elaborate adventures that they daydreamed about. Drawing became somewhat of a coping mechanism for her. During the Blight, she drew portraits of Leliana, her companions, and other fascinating things she came across. 
Star-gazing - this is her absolute favourite thing to do. Ever since leaving the Circle, she’s been utterly enamoured with the beauty of the night sky. She loves nothing more than to lay with Leliana and marvel at the moon, stars, and constellations.
Exploring - there’s still so much of the world she wants to see. She loves experiencing new places, things, animals, food and culture. 
― seven people your muse loves / likes: Leliana (LI/wife), Morrigan, Alistair, Zevran, Anders, Lia Hawke, Bethany Hawke (and special mention to Josephine because she adores her too!)
― a phobia your muse has: Those horrific giant spiders that casually roam around Thedas, trapping you in their web and then mauling you to death? Yeah....no. 
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caed-nuas · 5 years
Three Things Oc Meme
Tagged by @acepavus, thank you so much!!! Took a while but I got around to it!!! Tagging @cloaked-blog-of-ocs, @daydreamingdragonage, @moonlacer, @red-wardens, and anyone else if they wish to do it, just tag me so I can learn more about your lovely ocs!!
I'm using my three dwarf wardens for this!! (note Zeja is in a different worldstate then the other two)
Royce Aeducan
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He's actually utterly confused at the system of Dwarven politics and really doesn't like it. Why be voted in by a select few when in relitly a good heir cares about all the people, every dwarf under a leaders rule really should be the rulers first concern, shouldnt they have a say? And the backstabbing only makes everyone distrust eachother when they should be again helping to make Orzammar better, why backstab? Royce just doesn't understand it which makes him very bad at actually playing along with the politcal landscape of Orzammar (whereas Zeja despite never liking it was very good at handling said political landscape)
Royce is really fond of rain and actually is rather mesmerized by it at first rather than scared. Actually loves all weather as he just finds ir amazing. The climate actually changes and water falls from the sky and that's all normal? The surface is alot more interesting then he'd ever thought.
He really enjoys painitngs. Everywhere is so dreary and the same bland bronze or silver colour and he finds adding a painting can make anything look better, it's something your eye can look at and he also enjoys making paintings for said reason. They're also very calming
Zariah Brosca
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Really doesn't like dogs. They're just so big and nosy and loud, and she's also scared by the fact that these big animals are warhounds and can easily kill a dwarf. Safe to say she keeps her distance around both Adina’s Mabari and the one rescued by Royce at Ostagar.
Working in the Carta for as soon as she could, Zariah really doesn't care much for the legality of situations. If someone is dying of hunger, stealing food is good even if it's breaking some moral law, why should she adhere to this law when it prevents someone from doing good. So yeah Zariah has no qualms about doing something illegal and conflicts with both noble raised wardens alot as they both treasure rules and laws for different reasons.
Zariah was shocked at being tittled Warden Commander when she was merely 19 compared to Adoma Cousland who was atleast 5 years older, but Nora herself believed her best got as afterall she and Anora had a country to rule. And in the end Zariah proves to be a rather great Commander and actually able to manage the responsibilies thrown her way quite well, and she is rather glad actually to be Warden Commander as she gets used to it
Zeja Aeducan
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Zeja is very fluent in sign language and can write in atleast four different languages as well, and by far the oc who knows the most languages even though they actually cannot speak, and a couple years after Zeja has picked up Antivan from Zevran fairly well.
Zeja can play quite a few musical instruments and can play them really well. As far back as they can recall they've always loved music and has found it quite relaxing.
Zeja really doesn't like committing themselves to staying in one place long and enjoys travelling to new places far too much to ever be tempted to do so. So more times than not Zeja will often be traveling across Thedas for a variety of reasons, alongside both Zevran and Sigrun of course.
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concessit · 5 years
Relatable descriptions!
FINALLY!!! kajshd IRL stuff is taken care off and I can concentrate to do these tags (and finish the art trade coff coff)
I was tagged my the amazing @moko-sh and @alsogolden-ana!!! Thank you so much!!!!
rules: You don’t have to go full on detail, just make a relatable description of yourself. Maybe like 5-6 lines to describe you
People tell me that I’m huggable.
Full of feelings and might cry about anything (and I mean ANYTHING) that can move me.
I play a lot of videogames, my favorite genre is rpg, but I play other genres that strikes me fancy.
I do cosplay from time to time
I’m studying Japanese(what a weeb/nerd)
I’ll taaaaaag @erlkonigstochter @acepavus @royalboileo @castillon02 @scribbleries @strangerdeer @ravenclaw-craftsgirl @weasleyismyking540 Of course if you haven’t already and if you want :3
Thank you so much for the tag!!
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vulpixelates · 5 years
Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Tagged by: @ezrisdax. Thank you~
Favorite color: Mostly purples, but I’ve been really liking teals and golden/mustardy yellows lately
Top 3 ships: If I was trying to choose all around I would be here all day, but from Bioware games - FemShep/Jack, Shakarian, and Warden/Alistair
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick
Last song: Stardew Valley OST
Last movie: The Devil Wears Prada (in theaters, though, Us)
Currently reading: “Cam Girl” by Elliot Wake
Tagging (if you want to): @amatusheart @stormcoasting @ironbullsmissingeye @bobbiesquares @nilziio @acepavus and anyone else who would like to do this :)
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lindira · 6 years
OC Interview Meme
Tagged by @elvenbeard! Thanks! I haven’t done one of these in ages!
Tagging @thessalian, @true0neutral, @ghostoftheyear, @princecatling, @helliecarousel, @acepavus, and anyone else who would like to do this.
I remember doing this for Aeric waaaaaay back in the day, so I’ll do this for my D&D character instead.
1. What is your name?
"You can call me Clarity. Clarity Meloreth.”
2. What is your real name?
"Priyenne Meloreth, if you must know. But I haven’t been ‘Priyenne’ for several years now.”
3. Do you know why you were called that?
"I don’t know the story of my real name, if there’s one to be had. Never really knew my birth parents.
“As far as my virtue name, I’m trying to find out what happened to my brother, Henry. I was blamed for his disappearance, you see, and I took it upon myself to find the truth. I know tieflings often take the names of ideals or qualities they want to embody. And I want nothing more than to discover true clarity.”
4. Are you single or taken?
"Single, but... very accidentally dating?”
5. Have any abilities or powers?
"I’m quite good at skulking about, even without my old boots that helped me do such a thing. Most of the time, if I don’t want to be seen, I’ll be pretty well hidden. Um, I’m good with daggers... Oh! And I’m an excellent researcher. I hardly pretend to know everything, but I could probably find out anything I wanted to know, given enough time and a large enough library.
“I also seem to have some innate magical ability. Still figuring that out.”
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“I’ll be as much of a self-insert as I can or want to be, thank you.”
7. What’s your eye color?
“Bronze and glowy. No pupils or sclera, just glowy bronze.”
8. How about your hair color?
“Dark blue. I like it quite a lot.”
9. Have you any family members?
“I don’t know about biological family. I have a brother. Adoptive. His name is Henry Thatcher. His parents are sort of my family too, I suppose. They... don’t really consider themselves family, though. They’re just the people who took care of me. Their names are Jun and Teresa Thatcher.”
10. Oh? What about pets?
“I have my animals from my Bag of Tricks! I can have 3 a day. There’s Wendell the weasel, Gwendoline the giant rat, Norman the badger, Helen the boar, Ernesto the panther, Ramona the giant badger, Brandon the direwolf, and Dolores the giant elk. It’s supposedly random who will come out of the Bag, but Norman is always one of them.”
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
“Liars and fake people? People who are cruel, especially for their own gain.”
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
“I love to read. I study magic especially. And I like spending time with animals. I rather enjoy swimming as well, but I’m not especially good at it. I just like being in the water.”
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
“Yes, though it was mostly in self-defense.”
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Yes. Again, for self-defense. They would have killed me otherwise. I... don’t know what else to say... Yes.”
15. What kind of animal are you?
“...Are you speaking metaphorically? Because I’m not an animal. I’m a tiefling. I mean, I suppose strictly speaking I’m an animal of a sort, in much the same way humans or elves are animals. But...
*clears throat* “I think I’d be a good cat.”
16. Name your worst habits.
“I ramble a bit. I tend to try to deal with problems by myself rather than rely on others. I’m trying to work on that.”
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“To many people, yes. To Twilly and Miranda Heartheart, to the others in my little band of adventurers. They’re all admirable people.”
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
19. Do you go to school?
“I went to school as a child. It wasn’t a very big one - just learned my letters and numbers and a bit of history. I lived in a small village, so it was just me and Henry and the few other children who lived in the area.
I haven’t gone to school since, but I’ve never stopped reading or learning. I study constantly, and currently work as a researcher.”
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“One day, yes. I’m in no hurry, but I like the idea of having a wife and a few children someday.”
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
“Not really? There are people who like me, but in a realistic sort of way.”
22. What are you most afraid of?
“That I won’t be able to save Henry from the terrible fate that befell him.”
23. What do you usually wear?
“Dark clothes, leather armor, and boots.”
24. Do you love someone?
“In a platonic way, yes. But not romantically.”
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
"I honestly don’t remember. But this isn’t an appropriate interview question...”
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
“I suppose I would be regarded as lower class, since I come from a modest upbringing. The Thatchers were not poor, perhaps, but they did struggle to make ends meet sometimes. Since leaving them, I’ve gained a decent amount of coin and educated myself about the world. Not sure what that makes me now.”
28. How many friends do you have?
“Four close friends, two I’m still getting to know better. There are several others who are not quite friends, not quite family, not quite acquaintances, but rather an odd amalgamation of the three.” 
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
“I adore pie! Blueberry is my favorite. Though, not when I’ve inhaled about three at once...”
30. Favourite drink?
“I adore strong coffee. I like it with cream. I’ll add a bit of sugar or honey if I’m feeling indulgent.”
31. What’s your favourite place?
“The library in Belarys, currently.”
32. Are you interested in someone?
“Erm... yes? The woman I work with is incredibly beautiful. But I’m not looking for anything to happen, really. She just makes me flustered.”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
“What kind of perverted interview is this?”
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“I’d like a lake better. Less salty.”
35. What’s your type?
“I’m attracted to intelligence and kindness and courageousness. Other than that, I’m not sure. I’ve not been very lucky in love, and I don’t know yet what would suit me best.”
36. Any fetishes?
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
“None of the above. Is there a box for ‘Decline to Participate’? If so, I’d like that one. I’d rather be reading.”
38. Camping or indoors?
“This seems like a strange question to follow all your sexual inquiries. Anyway, indoors, if I can.”
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
“If these are the sort of questions you’re starting to ask, then yes. Which is too bad, because I thought it was going nicely until you started getting weird.”
40. Now it’s over!
"Erm... all right, then.”
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9 and 21 for Darva/Dorian and Dimitri/Bull? :D
Thank you! :D :D
9. Answered that here!
21. What’s a really significant moment in their relationship?
When the two of them finally get to being vulnerable and letting themselves be vulnerable around each other. It takes them both a lot of time considering the intricacies of how the approach relationships, both romantically and physically. Dorian holding out on anything physical because that’s when it all ends and he will keep the flirting business up to delay the end of things, and Darva holding off on any intimacy because seeing him that close equates immediate rejection. But when they both take that leap into the blind abyss of those feelings to find they both feel the same way is a huge leap in their relationship.
9. What made them realize they were in love?
Tbh this is running off my own personal headcanon, but Bull was in love with Dimitri not long after they started their physical relationship with each other. The big thing--in hindsight 20/20 for him--was on the battlements where Dimitri was insistent on him being a good man, that he has worth, that if his old life doesn’t care about him anymore, then good riddance. It’s that subtext of Dimitri saying that he is going to care about him, he has worth in his eyes. And it’s a worth--as time goes on--that goes beyond his usefulness as a battering ram or his ability in bed. It’s a worth of who is as a person and all the little bits that make Bull who he is. The acceptance without judgement is what made Bull fall in love as time went on.
Dimitri realized he was in love with Bull during their stint in the Western Approach before they left for Adamant. Bull took two daggers to the side and it was a struggle for a while to see if he would pull through from that. It was a giant scare for Dimitri and a realization since he knew that deep, deep fear in his gut and chest over the idea of losing the person you care about. He had felt that before and he knew just how much Bull meant to him once that happened. It was that wake up call of “oh I’m in love with him.” I’m currently working on writing out this whole thing.
21. What’s a really significant moment in their relationship?
A big significant moment has to be after Adamant/The Fade. That whole time was a very deeply uncomfortable experience for Dimitri that stretched back to way before Inquisition happened. They both struggled intensely with the whole deal of it and neither of them want to really talk about it, but they have to because it’s just not going to work out. Dimitri and Bull both have the fault of not wanting to talk about their feelings and rather feel and experience things strongly and hope that it’s enough. But they need to talk about it because it’s affecting both of them--they’re getting into arguments and fights more often because they’re both being very irritable. But it’s also months and months--almost a year--of them sitting on this sort of half assed physical relationship with heavily implied feelings they din’t confront that needs to go somewhere or not at all. It’s either “we need to define this, or leave it behind.”
[otp ask game]
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Oh how is Darva problematic?? Give me all the juicy details
Oooo some problematic facts about Inquisitor Darva Lavellan!
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1. He holds grudges and he holds them for a very long time. He isn’t keen to forgive those whom he feels have done very wrong by him. He’s held a grudge against his mother for like....the past sixteen years. It’s often debatable if they have deserved it, but in his eyes they have.
2. He is indecisive at the worst of times. He grows paralyzed by the choices required of him to where he will avoid having to make the choice.
3. Can, has, and will kill people for money. He is an assassin after all.
4. Can, has and will kill people on principle or for revenge. He isn’t above being malicious to that degree if he feels it is deserved. Sometimes those reasons are apparent to others, so he can come off cruel in those instances.
5. His jokes are bad.
Your fave is problematic: OC Edition!
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mahalzevran · 5 years
What about your OCs, who are their closest friends? What are their favorite things about each other? Was there a moment they realized how much they meant to each other or did it happen before they knew it?
I’m just gonna answer for my DA ocs but if anyone wants to know about my ME ocs then lmk! 
This went on longer than I realized so it’s under a read more
For Rhian, it would be a tie between Alistair and Anders. 
She and Alistair really relate to each other over many things. For example the whole “not knowing where you belong” thing. Alistair can’t really belong with the commoners because he’s an illegitimate child and he can’t fit in with the nobles for the same reason. Rhian’s also in an in between state of identity because she grew up in the Circle where of course there’s prejudice towards elves, no matter how much they advertise equality between humans and elves. So she doesn’t feel elfy enough but she also can’t fit in with shems. Rhian really likes that they relate to each other a lot because she never had that connection with someone before. As for Alistair, he could probably write a book on his favorite things about Rhian since he’s low-key (high-key) in love with her. One of his faves is that she’s really emphatic (empathetic?). She cares a lot about people. They realized how much they meant to each other in different ways. For Rhian, it was more gradual. It happened before she knew it. I hc that Ostagar took longer than the game implies, maybe a week or so? So Alistair had already spent a considerable amount of time with Rhian by the time they got to Lothering. He realized he had a crush on her then, like he talks about when he gives you the rose. But I he didn’t realize how much she meant to him until she agreed to find Goldanna and how she tried to comfort him afterwards.
Rhian’s relationship with Anders didn’t really deepen until Amaranthine. In the Circle, they looked out for each other (Anders more so than Rhian since he was older) and they were kinda friends but they mostly kept some distance since getting close with the other apprentices was discouraged. Rhian realized he meant a lot to her after Broken Circle. She thought he had died then and got really upset. I think Anders realized how much he cared for her when they met again at Amaranthine because of how relieved he was to see her again and how she did everything in her power to protect him from the Templars.
Kaia gets pretty close with the mage companions because she’s been trying to hide her magic her whole life and it was nice to meet other mages besides Bethany and her dad. But she’s the closest to Anders. She loves how passionate he is and how much he cares about others. He likes how well meaning she is and how loyal she is towards friends and family. There wasn’t a moment when they realized how much they meant to each other, it happened before they knew it.
Alden’s closest friend is none other than Fenris. His favorite thing about Fenris is how thoughtful he is. There’s always an intention behind everything he says and does. Fenris loves how dedicated Alden is to his friends and family and how carefree he is. Fenris realized how much Alden meant to him when Alden respected Fenris’ need for space and how that didn’t stop him from helping him with Varania and Danarius anyway. Alden realized he was in love with Fenris when he first showed up and ripped that guy’s heart out. In all seriousness though, it was when he and Fenris first got together after the meeting with Orana (don’t judge Alden he’s a romantic). Isabela gets an honorable mention because she and him just vibe really well.
Lu’s closest friends would be Dorian and Merrill. She did have two friends in her own clan, but they died in the conclave explosion (I’d talk more about them but I’m lazy and haven’t developed much about them yet). 
At first, she was wary of Dorian because of him being Tevinter and her being both Seheron and an elf. But she grew to love and care for him over time. Especially since she’d go to him for necromancy tips, they’re both big Nerds™, and they’re both brown. Dorian realized how much Lu meant to him when she helped him with his dad. Lu really likes how she can just nerd out with Dorian and Dorian likes how confident Lu is about herself.
Merrill is one of the last few things has from her old life before becoming Inquisitor. They met during an arlathvhen when they were young and always kept touch. Both of them bonded over the people in their clans not really understanding them and so kind of ostracizing them, though their situations are different. Merrill for reasons that were shown in da2 and Lu because her personality isn’t exactly friendly (hence why she only had two friends in her clan). Both of them are really into dalish history and preserving their culture. Lu had always had a small crush on Merrill, so her feelings developed from there. The moment they realized how much they meant to each other was not too long after Marethari died. Lu’s clan happened to be passing by so she visited and comforted Merrill. They fell in love in the time between dai and trespasser because Lu was more free to visit her so she helped Merrill help the Kirkwall Alienage. They didn’t officially go into a relationship until after Trespasser though.
Actually, now that I think about it, Solas should be on this list too. Lu was first drawn to Solas because he was kind of the only other elf in the Inquisition, and plus he was a mage, so Lu thought there’d be solidarity between them. It got a little shaky though because Solas kept trashing the dalish. But they became really close over time, mostly because Lu liked talking about elvhen history with him and also the Fade because she likes to learn. Lu’s favorite thing about Solas was that she could go to him to talk about anything and nothing. They used to have conversations all night. She liked how much thought he put into things and the fact that he cared about the little people. Solas likes how confident Lu is and that she doesn’t really take shit from people. She’s passionate about the things she cares about. He also likes how protective she is towards the people close to her. Solas liked her first, but the moment he realized how much she meant to him was after his personal quest when he leaves the party for a moment. Lu fell in love with him over time, but the moment she realized it was when they were storming the Old Temple during Jaws of Hakkon. She absolutely hates the cold so the ice magic affected her a bit more than the others. Solas noticed her shivering really bad so he put his arms around her to try to warm her up a little.
Bolin didn’t have a lot of friends while he was in the carta because of reasons I talked about before so his first real and proper friend was Sera. They just really vibed the minute they met. She helped Bolin get out of his shell and is his wingman. Bolin really likes Sera’s way of thinking because she points out things that he wouldn’t have noticed. It’s also really helpful tactically. He also likes that she cares about the little people. Sera’s favorite thing about Bolin is that from the start, he didn’t look down on her like other tend to. He actually takes her seriously. There wasn’t really a moment they realized they cared for each other. It happened before they knew it.
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mahalzevran · 6 years
46, 47, 48 for Bolin??
46. What is something they’ve always wanted to do, but know they shouldn’t?
Not necessarily shouldn’t, but couldn’t. Bolin wants to be closer to his roots, to the Stone, to dwarven culture, to Orzammar. But since he’s a surface dwarf as well as part of House Cadash, he felt like he couldn’t.
47. Is there someone whose laugh makes them laugh as well?
The answer is very obvious! It’s Dorian!
48. How festive are they on holidays?
He’ll celebrate, but he wouldn’t go off. He treats holidays as downtime with friends. He just wants to have fun.
Odd-ish OC Asks
OCs: Rhian Surana | Kaia Hawke | Alden Hawke | Luwalhati Lavellan | Bolin Cadash | Neneng Shepard
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tevinter-amatus · 5 years
Three Things OC Meme
Tagged by the lovely @dickeybbqpit - thank you! 💕
Tagging: @themefo, @loveydoveypiperwright, @lavellanlove, @deblightful, @daydreamingdragonage, @tk-duveraun, @keeperscompanionsdai, @sulevinblade, @acepavus (no pressure, only if you guys want to and/or haven’t already!) Of course, if anyone else wants to do it, please do! I love learning about your OCs!
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Vesryn Lavellan
He loves animals and probably has more animal friends than human friends. At Skyhold, he made a mini infirmary for all the injured and sick animals that he came across in his travels. His favourite animal that he rescued was a baby fennec who he named Foxy. Almost everyone at Skyhold swooned over Foxy - she was a tiny ball of fluff with big floppy ears! Cassandra was particularly fond of her (although she’d never admit it), and would often check up on her and sneak her treats when no one was looking. 
Vesryn is friends with Merrill! He met her at one of the Dalish meetups that occur every decade and they instantly liked each other. After the Inquisition was disbanded, she accompanied him and Sera to the Free Marches to help him locate any survivors of his clan.
He was only an infant when clan Lavellan adopted him, and to this day, he still doesn’t know the story of what happened to his biological parents. The only thing he knows about them is that they lived in Denerim. On his 15th birthday he finally asked the Keeper about them. However, the Keeper refused to tell him anything, and muttered something along the lines of, “you’re better off not knowing.”
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What’s your love type?
I got tagged by @heraldofwho! Thank you! :D
I’m going to tag: @dirthara-mama, @apostatetabris, @veridium-bye, @sulevinblade, @dickeybbqpit, @acepavus, @vvakarians, @mocha-writes, and anyone else who wants to do this! No obligation to do this y’all :)
quiz here
Dimitri Enallasani:
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Love Type: The Scientist (INTJ)
In love, you tend to be very private and withdrawn - even when things are going well. You don't open up easily. For you, kissing and hugging are important in a happy relationship. They are less important when things aren't going well. Overall, you are confident, intelligent, and serious about commitment. You don't do flings or casual relationships well. However, you tend to hold back and not show your emotions. You think your actions should speak for themselves. Best matches: ENFP and ENTP
That’s pretty dang right for Dimitri. He is pretty serious about commitments when things get deeper since he has a vested emotional interest which means he’s let someone in enough to see him that way, which requires trust. He only gets much more physically affectionate when he is much deeper into the relationship and he cares deeply/is in love with them.
His normal MBTI is ISTP (The Virtuoso)
Darva Lavellan:
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Love Type: The Idealist (INFP)
In love, you crave a long term, harmonious relationship. You want a life partner and soul mate. For you, closeness doesn't come quickly - it takes time for you to open up. You need to build trust first. Overall, you are supportive, nurturing, and expressive. You want to be that rock for the person you're with. However, you tend to be shy and protective of your personal space. You absolutely need to have your 'me' time too. Best matches: ENFJ and ESFJ
That is Darva spot on right there. He likes to be the rock and to have someone to have that trust with. He doesn’t do relationships lightly--partially why Dorian is his first real “love” and not a fling he had on the road. 
His normal MBTI is ISFJ (The Defender)
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OC negative traits!
I got tagged by  @biserker-kadan and @red-wardens! Thank you both! I did this ages ago, but I figured I could do an updated one! :)
bold = always/almost always, italics = sometimes/situational
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Dimitri Enallasani
absent-minded | addict | aggressive | aloof | antisocial | arrogant | authoritarian | biased | bitter | blasé | blithe | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | childish | cold/cold-hearted | complacent | compulsive | conceited | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | deceptive | deceitful | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | disloyal | disrespectful | distant | distractible | disputatious | disobedient | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | facetious | finicky | foolish | forgetful | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | haughty | hypocritical | indulgent | impatient | impolite | impulsive | inconsistent | inconsiderate | indifferent | insecure | insensitive | irresponsible | irritable | intimidating | judgmental | kidnapper | kinslayer | lazy | liar | loud | lustful | manipulative | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | messy | mischievous | mistrusting | moody |  murderer | narrow-minded | naughty | nonchalant | obsessive | opinionated | obtrusive | over-bearing | over-confident | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | passive-aggressive | patronizing | petty | pompous | presumptuous | proud | remote | repressed | ridiculous | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-centered | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | single-minded | taciturn | timid | temperamental | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful | weak-willed | workaholic
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Darva Lavellan
absent-minded | addict | aggressive | aloof | antisocial | arrogant | authoritarian | biased | bitter | blasé | blithe | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | childish | cold/cold-hearted | complacent | compulsive | conceited | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | deceptive | deceitful | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | disloyal | disrespectful | distant | distractible | disputatious | disobedient | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | facetious | finicky | foolish | forgetful | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | haughty | hypocritical | indulgent | impatient | impolite | impulsive | inconsistent | inconsiderate | indifferent | insecure | insensitive | irresponsible | irritable | intimidating | judgmental | kidnapper | kinslayer | lazy | liar | loud | lustful | manipulative | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | messy | mischievous | mistrusting | moody |  murderer | narrow-minded | naughty | nonchalant | obsessive | opinionated | obtrusive | over-bearing | over-confident | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | passive-aggressive | patronizing | petty | pompous | presumptuous | proud | remote | repressed | ridiculous | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-centered | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | single-minded | taciturn | timid | temperamental  torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful | weak-willed | workaholic |  
I’m going to tag: @apostatetabris, @dirthara-mama, @veridium-bye, @acepavus, @bitchesofostwick, @star--nymph, @vvakarians, @enchantment1385, @heraldofwho, and anyone else who wants to do this! No obligation as always :)
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