#thanks for asking :3
ganondoodle · 3 months
Heyy, you're German If I recall correctly. My I ask what pronouns you use in German?
yeah i am german (deutsch), since german doesnt have neutral pronouns that i like or are as easy to use/common as they/them is in english i prefer er/ihm since im masc leaning anyway :3
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wickjump · 2 months
Hi Wick !!
How are you doing?
pretty neutral all things considered. nothing bad nothing good im just existing. cat on the lap tho !!!!
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spinnysocks · 1 month
Does Chester have any interesting habits?
yes! he has a few; one i've noticed a lot is that he likes to pick up stones and move them. my best guess is that he chews on them to wear down his teeth, since they never stop growing!
chester also likes to settle down next to ornaments, usually this owl or unicorn that i have :] probably because they're in shaded areas
and like most rabbits, he just loves to chew/eat things he's not supposed to! most famously, he bit a big chunk off a plastic windmill once but of course turned out completely fine because rabbits are just Like That. rabbit owners are god's most stressed soldiers /silly
also bonus image for you of him "hiding" behind a plant pot bcuz he didn't want to go back in yet
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yaknowlikenyah · 3 months
12 for the ask game! :3
12. What’s a kink or sexual niche that you think is highly underrated/appreciated?
Oooo great question. Fuck. Hard to define a kink itself as underappreciated. But as far as sexual niche- I want more with the intimacy of sex itself.
I feel like such a sap saying it- but I want those little moments of feeling like there's nothing but you and your partner. I love the idea of being completely focused on another person. A dog looking up at it's master in devotion and the master's whole focus being on their dog in that moment. How pretty they are. How good. The amazement that another person could be perfect.
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lesbiansforboromir · 1 year
hey is your pfp from a larger piece of art? i'm so curious!
yes! it's from this Boromir/Theodred piece I did a while back;
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Here's the link to it on my artblog; https://lesbiansandboromir.tumblr.com/post/618567239129579520/i-know-the-men-of-rohan-true-and-valiant-our
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cablehaver · 1 year
plssss what brushes do you use…..
Procreate gesinki ink for sketches, technical pen for lineart, syrup for coloring + i rotate slightly with nearest neighbor for a squigglyline look
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adhd-merlin · 5 months
14, 15, and 16?
14. Favorite oc of yours?
Well, I've only written one so far, so there isn't a lot of choice! Ygraine Pendragon, aka Gwen and Arthur's daughter (whom incidentally I'm writing about).
15. Favorite Merlin fic you've written.
Oh idk. I'm going to say Call It Anything We Want because it's probably the most coherent and it got me to write fanfic again after many years.
16. Angsty thought you've had about something in canon that you wanted to share.
I'm sure I've had a few but I can't think of any right now, to be honest.
Hang on.
A couple of random ones – Morgana's time in captivity in that well is actually horrific when you really think about it. Like, we don't talk about that enough.
Gwen killed poor Tyr while enchanted and I've wondered if she realised/remembered it once the enchantment was broken because she would feel absolutely awful about it :(
↳ merlin ask meme 📬
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🥺🥺 That's so cute Astrid has her own igloo now, do you have any pictures?
but of course 🥰
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lostbabybunno · 2 months
How's the cutest bunno doing today?
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spinnysocks · 17 days
do you ever watch those bbc docs like Life and Planet Earth?
yes!!! i used to watch them CONSTANTLY when i was a kid, but as i've stopped watching tv as much, not as often anymore. i still watch em tho and my family always records any documentaries they see for me to watch! david attenborough is always in our recordings (and our hearts, love that man) :]
one i absolutely love and recommend is Life On Our Planet (on netflix but y'know. pirating exists :3) because i am a total evolutionary history nerd!! i binged that shit, it's SO COOL!!!! >w<
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remy · 3 months
1, 4, 14, 24 :]
1. A song that makes me happy
I think this song is really fun :3
4. A song from an underrated artist
This fucking song..... Beach Shoppe has 208 monthly listeners on spotify but they should have 10000000000 this song is so good
14. A song I'd make everyone listen to
I made everyone I know listen to this album when it came out but this is my favorite on it
24. A song I want to be my theme song
I like this song because its a good motivator to make myself better
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thepinkywarband · 5 months
9: What type of animal do they least want to see while out in the wilderness?
10: What kind of routines do they have to take care of their pets?
[Kirnaash's pets for reference: Pinky the salamander drake, Pinky Jr. the pink moa, Pinky II the mini drake, Pinky Esq. the fire wyvern, Carmine the raptor]
9: Sand lions! They send my arrows flying, when I can even see. Just seeing them makes me itchy knowing how much it's gonna stick in my fur. The lizards don't mind as much, I think the sand actually feels a little like a sharp scritching for them.
10: Now that we've started to settle down we have to actually focus on exercise. Jr. is pretty easy to care for as he's older so sometimes he needs help with preening some feathers. I'll take Carmine out for a ride maybe three times a week with Pinky running beside and Esquire getting his wing workout. I also express the glands that he uses to breathe fire with every week or two. Makes him less likely to use it when he's excited, and the liquid fire is surprisingly handy to have around the house!
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the-vibing-ghoul · 5 months
23, 32! ^^
23 - already answered, but now i am kinda thinking about getting some sort of hole + metal object combo on my face in the future 32. What is your favorite color? - it's green!! :3 🌿🍃🌱🐸💚🍀🌲🐍🐊
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puella-peanut · 1 year
- what is your favorite color
- what should I eat for dinner
- who is your favorite superhero
- Ralph pic
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Red and yellow, no I don't take criticism. I like most colors, but not taupe. And beige. Those aren't colors, those are mistakes.
I think you should do pizza, everything on it. Also hot wings, breadsticks, lasagna, tiramisu, and a coke (the fizzy kind not the Terry Silver kind), because it's Friday, and you should live Queen! If not that, then Waffle House, because I'm from the South ya'll (yes, with an accent too), and We Need To Represent Our Greasy Haunt.
Batman when I'm trying to be edgy, Superman when...you know what, Superman's just great, period. But not edgy Superman. Fuck that. Christopher Reeve!!
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So, I'm super gross about Cuba and His Teddy Bear and I don't know if you know, but Ralphie's look in this play-which-ruined-my-life might be my favorite of his. Of all time. Yup. Anyway, I don't have a favorite picture of Ralph, but I still like this one a lot because a) CaHTB, and b) I really like the kicked pouty lesbian puppy energy of this image Very Much. And you can never go wrong with a Lady Diana haircut. God bless the 80s.
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yourubersawcrit · 8 months
evil anon dropping a little bit of terror into your ask box. how've you been?
Evil Anon! Well, it's been rough. We had to move and stay in another place for a while. My country has lots of fires happening and the air is suffocating, but one must keep silly!
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smellpelt · 9 months
Desire and ghost for any OCs of your choice? :3 Perhaps Bubbles?
Desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it? I think Bubbles probably has everything she wants right now but there might be this leftover feeling from the mind of the person's body she stole. She doesn't know what it is but sometimes she feels like there's something missing, that she wants something she can't explain. Of course she'd never admit this to anyone.
Ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts? From all the people Bubbles' killed you'd think there'd be someone but not really. If anyone it's her mother, even if her mother's dead and she's so far away from her home planet she still gets influenced by her plant origins sometimes.
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