#thanks for liking my starter !
heclingmuzik · 7 months
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"Hey! Welcome to Starberry! Have you been in before?" She's excited to see someone maybe seemingly interested in checking Starberry out. "I'm Ismael. I'm the owner and founder of Starberry. What can I do for you?"
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mcflymemes · 1 year
use ask meme replies as starters. if starter calls stress you out, encourage your followers to send memes instead! that way you can pick and choose which meme suits you best, searching for the little sentence prompt in your inbox that most inspires you in the moment. at the same time, not every ask meme reply needs to be continued. sometimes they make better one-shots and drabbles, and that's okay! as long as you and your writing partners are having fun creating and telling stories together, that's all that matters!
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pushing500 · 4 months
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I am working on the next post of Mechi’s story, I promise, it’s just taking a long time thanks to some very unhelpful housemates… pictures attached 🙄
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muddlemore · 1 year
instead of supporting disney's latest cash grab can i suggest watching The 7D instead? it's a spinoff series that came out 9 years ago that disney cancelled prematurely during season 2. it's hilarious and well animated and some of the writers worked on Animaniacs so that's how you KNOW its good.
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outoftheirdifferences · 7 months
@spirits-of-nature16 liked (x) for guest muse Margo!
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"...And I think. That's. Everything!"
The girl grunted as she tried to force the last few items into her already-bulging backpack. Maybe she was over-prepared, the brunette was aware; but all the same. For her very first official AVL mission? Even if she was just tagging along with Gru and Lucy, even if her role was just to find a safe corner and provide support for them by hacking into the security system of the lair they were infiltrating?
Margo wanted to make sure that she had all she needed.
Finally forcing the zip to close over the last few supplies she'd just purchased, the bespectacled girl let out a breath of satisfaction, slung the heavy bag over her shoulder--
And almost clobbered the girl who was exiting the shop behind her with it. Margo's hand flew to her mouth with a gasp.
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"Oh, I'm so sorry--! Are you alright?"
As much as she was sure that Gru, in this position, would have just laughed and moved on... Margo didn't have it in herself not to care about the fellow kid who she'd almost knocked down.
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talesofourworlds · 8 months
@mistralxsoul continued from here!
Today was, decidedly, a little bit strange. And even that felt like it was putting it mildly, Guy thought.
His travels had brought him to a city called Zaphias for the time being. It was a much needed break, considering everything he'd been helping to achieve back home. Finally putting a stop of Van's plans and concluding everything at the Absorption Gate hadn't been an easy task, after all. Even without that, he'd been kept plenty busy in Grand Chokmah in the immediate aftermath. Whether that be with walking Emperor Peony's rappigs or settling into his own life, it had been a busy time for Guy. Fortunately, the Emperor had understood his need for a break. Much the same as his friends would have, he imagined.
So far, the stay had been pleasant! Zaphis itself was a nice enough city, or at least was presenting itself to be. In some ways it reminded him of Baticul. That likely had to do with the way the city was structured, Guy concluded. Nobility higher up in the city and the rest of the citizenry further down. In turn, the similarities had reminded him of Luke.
Oh, Luke... he hoped his friend was doing okay now that he had a chance to try and figure out what to do with his life. Knowing his friend, though, that wouldn't be an easy task. So, Guy shook his head and decided to go about his day. Luke wouldn't want Guy to dwell on wondering what he was doing with himself, Guy decided.
Ever since he'd arrived in the city, though, people he had taken the time to talk to had kept mistaking him for someone else. Someone called Flynn, he'd gathered pretty quickly. First it had been some of the knights he'd seen, then just regular citizens. Each calling him that name. One particular man who'd had a dog with him had greeted Guy like they were old friends before realizing the mistake. He hadn't really understood it, but politely cleared up the confusion before the man and his dog were on their way again. Apparently the two had had somewhere they needed to be outside the city.
Still. To repeatedly get mistaken for someone? Strange...
"Whoever this 'Flynn' is must be pretty well liked," Guy concluded as he continued to walk. It was still bizarre, but he could brush it off. Still, as he started to make his way down one particular street, his mind wandered. People kept mistaking him for someone who, he imagined, must have looked remarkably similar to him. Back home, given everything that had happened before he'd decided to take his trip, there would have been an easy explanation. But surely that couldn't be the case here... right?
All too suddenly, Guy became aware of what sounded like a scuffle. The familiar sounds of someone in armor was among the mix. Guy figured it was one of the knights he'd run into earlier that day, and from the sound of it he thought maybe they had it handled. He could help, but as he started to turn his head to see just what was happening, it happened. A yelp first, then a sudden weight crashing into him.
The knight in question, a blond man with his hair styled in an oddly familiar way, had gotten knocked right into Guy. The additional weight of his armor added to the force to the collision made it, in a word, memorable. Guy's own yelp mingled with the knight's as he fell to the ground with the armored man on top of him, and for a few long moments he took in the pain. Not the worst thing he'd ever endured, Guy knew, but it still hadn't been pleasant to get knocked into.
Fortunately, the knight's apology reached him as he found himself being helped to sit up.
"Don't worry about it," Guy told him. "I'm just as much to blame since I wasn't paying attention." Then, he got a good look at the knight in question.
For a heartbeat, Guy was stunned into silence. It almost was like looking in a mirror when he really took in Flynn's features. From the way Flynn's hair was styled to his eye color, they looked eerily similar.
A replica...?
No... no, that couldn't be the case, Guy reasoned with himself. The more he looked, the more he noticed differences. Flynn seemed a little more youthful in his facial structure. His eyes were a slightly different shade of blue. His voice, too, Guy realized as he was asked if he was okay, was different.
Van hadn't replicated him. He couldn't have. Guy knew there was a possibility of everyone having a sort of twin in the world somewhere, but he never thought he'd actually be seeing living proof of that.
"Oh, yeah," Guy finally answered, giving his head a small shake. "I'm okay. A little sore, but I think I can manage. This is hardly the worst thing that could've happened." A light laugh punctuated the thought. Getting knocked over and having a man in armor fall on top of him certainly wasn't as bad as the pain he'd endured when the curse slot seal had been at its worst, after all.
He looked past Flynn for just a moment, noting the fallen dagger and the nick on Flynn's cheek.
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"What about the guy you were after? Is it really all right to let him get away?" If he could, he wanted to help. It was the least Guy could do after what had just happened.
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blcssom · 18 days
somehow got covid aGAIN so…. bear w/ me friends :’ )
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cloudpools · 2 months
⚜ @rpwiththelilflower liked for a starter! (From Carter)
It's no secret that when you're an artist, you're not doing it for the money. Sure, there are the sellouts that mass-produce garbage just to make a quick buck. Tape a banana to the wall, splatter some paint, and call it modern. Not that Carter was an art snob. That just wasn't his kind of art.
Unfortunately, making stuff from the heart doesn't always mean a steady flow of cash.
He had a relatively small place, but it was big enough for himself and his canvases so he couldn't complain. Well… that wasn’t exactly true. The walls were paper thin, and he often heard people through them. Stomping in the stairwell, conversations in the hallway, and his neighbor yapping away all day. Carter wasn't a buzzkill, nor was he a grumpy old man, but he also liked to get in the zone when he was drawing or painting. Loud music was the perfect solution to drown out the noise! Not that he was an asshole. He was only playing it during the day.
And then he gets a knock on his door.
He recognizes her as the neighbor. Madison? He'd passed by her every so often. They'd exchanged pleasantries and such but nothing more than that. He couldn't get a read on her, and he quirked a pierced brow, curious. People usually steered clear of him, his punk looks intimidating. He hated that they made the assumptions, but after 29 years of it, he'd gotten used to it. No one had ever knocked before.
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"You need somethin'?" It sounds a bit harsh, but he hadn't intended for it to be that way. Music was blasting from behind him so he raised his voice so she could hear him... Though it may have been a bit aggressive. Ah well. Fuck it.
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maxdurden · 1 month
Lhokta Lore
The Lhokta Star Cluster holds three solar systems together: The Mordician System, the home of humans who over the years have explored, colonized and categorized the Cluster, was eventually abandoned after its resources had been exhausted. The Oneira System, lush with life and magic, successfully expelled Mordician influence but not before years of war brought its previously isolated planets together in a bid for survival. Finally, the Pyrrhic system, rich with resources but sparsely populated, became a refuge for Mordicians fleeing the collapse of their empire. 
(This is a promised lore dump for an OC universe of mine that has,,, wayyy too much worldbuilding going on for its own good. The rest is under a read more because! It’s long! Also fair warning before you proceed further, it’s by no means a finished product, so be gentle. But also! I would love to discuss it with folks if they find it interesting because it’s definitely a constantly growing thing and having people to bounce ideas off of is fun and the info here is honestly only the tip of the iceberg, i fear)
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The Elsewhither is a plane of existence which sits atop and weaves through the world of the Lhokta Cluster. Gods make their home here, carving out parts of the wild realm of pure magic to create domains which they rule. All magic hails from the Elsewhither. Most commonly, magic is drawn from the Elsewhither through devotion to a god. Druids gain power from deities to whom they pledge fealty, or make a deal. Gods, whose existence is dependent on the belief of their followers, are often eager to strike such deals to ensure their continued survival. Some magic is drawn from the Elsewhither by nature of proximity. There are places where the plane bleeds into the material world of Lhokta, and there are demigods who pull it closer by merely existing. Those who have this kind of special relationship with the Elsewhither are rare, but possess an innate ability to see the Veil—the partition between the material plane and the Elsewhither—and manipulate it to cast magic. Lastly, there is the study of the language of the gods. When known to and studied by mortals, this language can allow them access to some level of magical ability.
Key Planets
The Oneira System:
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⁽ᵗʰᶦˢ ˢʸˢᵗᵉᵐ, ᶦⁿ ᵖᵃʳᵗᶦᶜᵘˡᵃʳ, ᶦˢ ᵐʸ ᵇᵃᵇʸ ˢᵒ ᶦᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵉᵉ ᶠᵃᵛᵒʳᶦᵗᶦˢᵐ ᵇᵉᶦⁿᵍ ᵉˣʰᶦᵇᶦᵗᵉᵈ,,, ʸᵒᵘ’ʳᵉ ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ⁾
Menaea: The largest surviving human colony in the Oneira System, Menaea is also the seat of power for the Oneiran Delegation. Its development has been closely watched, and shepherded by the neighboring planet of Faerie. This is where the Delegation meets, as well as the Council of Seven, which seats a Septenary from each of the six Menaean provinces, as well as one representative from the neighboring planet of Halou. The Menaean Septenaries are also sovereign leaders of their respective province and aren’t elected. Most Delegate positions have also lapsed into a kind of lazy inheritance, but a few delegates are still elected. This includes the Septenary from Halou, who serves a seven year term before an election is held on their homeworld. Menaea is seen as a hub of culture and the academic study of magic. 
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Faerie: No other planet is so closely interwoven with the Elsewhither. Its inhabitants include the fey, split roughly into the Seelie and Unseelie Courts; the dragons, which exist both as wild dragons and those domesticated by the Seelie Court; and the giants, which live in tentative peace with the fey every since they collaborated to defeat Mordician colonists. Aside from the giants, all creatures living on Faerie are deeply magical and immortal. Fey come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, from the Sylphs to pixies to Red Caps. Sylphs make up the majority of the actual Seelie Court, though other kinds of fey are aligned with the court, and the Fey Queen herself is a Sylph. Fey have an innate connection with the Elsewhither, the Veil and magic. Sylphs also traditionally take a bondmate in a dragon, which grows with them and acts as a magical conduit. They hold an event called the Wild Hunt where a contender is chosen to hunt a stag through the feywild. The Snarl denotes parts of the feywild where the Elsewhither practically breaks through onto the material plane, leaving the feywild even wilder and thriving with unpredictable magic.
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Halou: The third planet in the ‘Central Ring,’ Halou holds more power than most other planets in the Oneira system. It is a heavily forested planet, populated by Audaxians (spider folks), Alethians (snake folks), and Therons (bird folks). 
Nochta: A planet of balance, Nochta has always been ruled by two god-brothers, one of order and fate and the other of chaos and free will. Aisa, the god of fate, had consolidated power and killed his brother bringing a suffocating stasis to the planet. He saw in the future one opportunity to once again bring his world glory, or else destroy it, and had a child with a mortal queen. Unfortunately, balance could not be restored before colonization by Mordis turned the planet into a husk of its former self. (This planet is mostly notable for being the homeworld of Maire, the child of Aisa, another OC)
Tarsus: The birthplace of vampires. Tarsus is a rocky, mountainous and inhospitable planet. A cult to the goddess Malochre was cursed with vampirism and then subsequently drained the planet of all life aside from themselves. While the curse—or disease, depending on who you ask—has long since spread from its planetary confines, those who live there and are still devoted to their goddess consider themselves to be the only true vampires, while all the rest are lowly parasites. They call themselves the Children of Malochre.
Quoah: A mining colony of Menaea and Faerie in the Outskirts, the people of Quoah are overworked, disadvantaged and poor. This particular colony is notable mostly for being the birth place of Erastos Arsinoe (an OC of mine who becomes their delegate and then gets up to a lot of mischief and mess)
The Mordician System:
Mordis: The human homeworld, once a marvel of scientific progress, eventually turns to a hollow shell of itself. It was the hub of human colonization efforts, stretching itself in all directions as colonists were sent to both of its neighboring systems. In the reckless pursuit of progress, the planet became completely inhospitable to life and its sprawling empire collapsed, retreating to Pyrrhus in the Pyrrhic System. 
The Pyrrhic System:
Pyrrhus: Rising from the ashes of Mordis’ failure, Pyrrhus is a hub for human civilization that appears destined to make all the same mistakes again. It exists as a cyberpunk dystopia, with layers of undercity accumulating in the dark as those with power ceaselessly build upwards. Eventually, the expansion spills from the containment of their planet.
Torr: A mining colony and high security prison, this planet has been commandeered by the Pyrrhic government as a way to handle the vampirism problem that ravages all of the systems. A tidally locked planet, the mines are built on the half of the planet trapped in eternal daylight, making it (nearly) impossible for its prisoners and workforce to escape.
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halodoved · 4 months
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❛      miss  memokeeper.    ❜       sunday  greets  the  soothsayer.      ❛      i  did  not  expect  to  find  you  at  the  dream's  edge.  i  hope  you've  found  your  room  amenable  and  haven't  lost  your  way  through  the  corridors.  i  know  many  patrons  lose  their  way  easily  despite  our  attempts  to  maintain  order  within  the  hotel.  if  you  would  like,  there's  a  lovely  view  of  the  GOLDEN  HOUR  just  up  ahead.    ❜
for @swahnn . starter  call!
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miodiodavinci · 10 months
in other news i am now on my hands and knees wearily crawling towards the finish line that now stands before me, beyond which is [seriously extensive project i am massively behind on] and [minecraft]
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byanyan · 5 months
been picking at the stuff at the top of my drafts this evening..... got five lil things in the queue rn that i think i'm gonna set to post tomorrow, but i'm also like. gonna keep going for a bit longer, see if i can't get a few more done too uvu
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showduo · 5 months
jinhae coming thru for @meantome !
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          he finds himself situated on the bathroom floor, spacing out in fear. usually, at parties he'd be in the middle of the room, soaking up the fact that he's the center of attention- but not tonight. speaking into the receiver of his mobile when the other line finally picks up, he keeps his voice low, " yo, where are you ? i need you to come bail me out of this party asap. please. my date has lost her mind. "
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wisheswagered · 7 months
Frederick hasn't been at this manor for nearly as long as the others. Though it feels like it's been an eternity to him, it means that he's still getting to know the other survivors who've found themselves trapped in this place.
And Emma Woods... is one of those people. It's such a bizarre feeling, seeing her now. While he'd never known her in life, he had heard of her - as a girl who went missing in mysterious circumstances several years ago, her life sensationalized and her disappearance treated as an unsolvable mystery by those who knew of her.
Never would he have dreamed he'd ever end up joining her among the ranks of the missing. ...He wonders if they're looking for him, too. They must be - while not for the reasons he wants, Frederick Kreiburg is a well-known name among the higher classes, and yet... that fact brings him no comfort at all.
Regardless. It's cruel of him, but the one thing that strikes him as he looks at her now is what he knows of her past. Knowing she's been a patient at an asylum for so much of her life... to be quite honest, it chills him to the bone. The reason for that discomfort is difficult to identify - or maybe, deep down, it's something that he simply doesn't want to acknowledge.
Today, though... there's only one question on his mind. Though he doesn't know if it's curiosity or paranoia that drives him to ask.
"Tell me. Why did you approach me, of all people, for this?"
@mlssamericana ( starter for emma! )
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eternalstarlights · 3 months
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@paradisegrave liked this post for a starter.
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Regulus had been training with his Pokemon to prepare for his next gym. It was a few hours of training and his Pokemon were taking a rest. They were supposed to be taking a rest but his Pikachu had other ideas. He spotted someone feeding their Pokemon a poke puff and instead of resting with the others, Pikachu ran toward the other trainer, hoping to get some yummy poke puffs. Regulus spotted Pikachu running towards the other person and ran to stop him.
“Pikachu, no!”
Not hearing Regulus, Pikachu launched himself and bit into the pokepuff that was in the person’s hand. Desperate to stop Pikachu, Regulus accidentally ran too far and pushed Pikachu and himself into the girl, knocking her down. He immediately pulled himself away from her and pulled Pikachu away who was still biting into the Pokepuff.
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“I am so sorry! I am so sorry! Are you okay?”  
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folkorae · 2 months
@patetpluvia liked for a starter !
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The girl was drinking some soda while taking a small break in her own company ; Shiemi did not hear when the other approached. And almost made the poor girl jump back. " O-OH ! I'm sorry I didn't hear you ! " Shiemi says with an apologetic tone.
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