#thanks for sending this in pal!!!
idlesuperstar · 8 months
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Conrad Veidt as Captain Hardt in The Spy In Black [Powell & Pressburger, 1939]
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
HI HI OKAY I’ve been thinking about this for ages but as two pink fellas I think Piepoe and Fakette would get along very well <3 Fakette is my little fake Noisette, she’s not malicious at all she just wants to be like Noisette, she loves fashion…. She would look at Piepoes bow and go “wow! !!ytterp s’thaT” im just mentally ill about both of them ough
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Forgive me if any details are incorrect though-!!! But ARGHHH her design is so sweet and friend shaped and they'd FOR SURE BE pals/get along well!!!! Pink and kind creachers!!!
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coffinpal · 1 year
I found raph before he was mutated
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real footage of baby redline raph
hes wanted in 48 states
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good-beanswrites · 11 months
heyo!! i thought I sent this in already, but I guess not o.O
for the writing ask game, morning! :D
Woo thank you pal! :D Fingers crossed for an upcoming inno sweep, have something with Kazui and Fuuta in the morning
(From this ask game)
Kazui's body remembered the sunrise. His mind wouldn't have thought much of it, stuck in a place like this, but his body pulled him from sleep at the same time each morning as if he were still in the habit and standing on the balcony watching the sun with his morning coffee.
He couldn't quite replicate the experience, though not for lack of trying. He'd dress, pick up whatever drink he could grab from the dining hall before it officially opened for breakfast, then move to the common room to sit and enjoy the morning in solitude. Even Kotoko, the next earliest riser, wouldn't make an appearance for an hour or so.
Which is why he nearly spit out the orange juice he'd swiped when Fuuta strolled in just after him and sat himself down directly next to him. It looked like his little silent retreat was out of the question for the day.
"Can I sit here?" Fuuta said, already taking a seat. He rubbed his good eye groggily.
"Uh, sure! I'd love the company." Kazui nodded to him, trying to hide the surprise in his face. He must have failed. Or maybe Fuuta would have leapt to defend himself regardless.
"I couldn't sleep, okay? I hear you come out here at the ass crack of dawn every day, I just wanted to see what you were up to."
Kazui gestured a hand across the empty room with a dry smile. "Just this, sorry to disappoint."
It was easiest to leave it at that. He wasn't sure how to articulate the reason early mornings were so sacred to him -- the peace and the solitude and the ability to be himself without a single expectation put on him. He could take some time to prepare himself for the day ahead without putting up any airs for anyone. It probably would've sounded pathetic to a kid like him, anyways. He was always so full of energy, Kazui doubted he'd need more than a minute to get himself ready for his day.
Fuuta sank deeper into his hoodie. "Hmph."
The two fell silent. Kazui grew antsy as he sipped his drink. At first it had been nice, sitting in something reminiscent of his old fishing trips. But he didn't think Fuuta appreciated the quiet the same way. Was he looking to talk? Was he waiting for more from him? Kazui had never wanted kids -- not like Hinako had dreamed of them -- so he didn't know the first thing about starting a conversation with someone his age.
As he scrambled for something to say, Fuuta whispered. "It's nice."
"This. No prying eyes, nobody trying to start shit."
Kazui didn't mention that Fuuta was usually the one starting shit.
"I hope I didn't interrupt."
"Not at all! I'm glad you think it's peaceful too."
"Yeah... I do."
This time when neither of them spoke, there was no anticipation in it. Kazui breathed deep. His thoughts were allowed to drift freely. His mind felt at ease. He closed his eyes. Though there was no need to, he found himself opening his mouth.
"You know, I didn't realize how much I'd miss the sunrise."
Fuuta shifted. "Eh, I never saw it. I usually slept pretty late." He added, "I'm sorry you miss it, though."
"Thanks. I just hope I'll see it again..."
He wondered if the thought was too suddenly sentimental, but Fuuta nodded gravely. "I hope so too."
By the time prisoners started trickling into the common area, Kazui was calm and ready to begin his day. Fuuta stood to leave.
"Thanks for letting me hang out," he said.
"Heh, I should be thanking you. I didn't expect anyone to stick around for a boring old man like me."
Fuuta's expression twisted up. There was the energy Kazui had been expecting. "Jeez, you keep thinking you're so special! You're just like everyone else, you hear? You're not some boring old man no one likes. There's a lot of people just like you. A lot of us are just like you."
Kazui sat for one more moment after he left. He took the final sip of his drink.
A lot of them just like him? Now, that was a nice thought.
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veeeffvee · 2 months
Was busy traveling all day and couldn't decide which one to choose.. and I was a little worried maybe other people might've submitted already too... UH, how does this one sound from the list? "That's not the worst thing I've ever heard but it's certainly up there." Did I do this right-?
Send a sentence starter and I'll practice writing a ficlet featuring Christopher and Kennith! {COLOR-TV AU}
“...That’s not the worst thing I’ve ever heard, but it’s certainly up there,” Christopher said after a pause, giving Kennith a flat look. 
“Whaaat? Come on, it’s totally a good idea,” Kennith replied with a wide grin, trying his best to sound convincing. Which didn’t go very far when talking to someone like Christopher. “You get your squad together, show up to an episode of COLOR-TV, and do a bunch of team-based challenges together! It’ll be fun!”
Christopher bristled. “They’re not my—” he began indignantly, before taking a breath and trying again. “We are not a squad, as people are so keen on putting it. We’re hardly even friends.” He paused. “Well I suppose the girls are friends, but they just like to follow me around for some ungodly reason.” 
Kennith’s head tilted to the side, slightly confused. “If you’re not friends, then why do you like to dance with Winnie, and ask a bunch of favors from Obsequious?” 
“Because they’re both idiots who will do what I say.” 
“See? You are a squad! You’re clearly the leader!” 
“I am not their leader!” Christopher very nearly yelled, much to Kennith’s amusement. While Kennith struggled and failed not to laugh, Christopher took another breath to calm himself. “I do not even want to be associated with those… buffoons. They just so happened to take quite a liking to me, the reason for which I have not the slightest idea. What kinds of friends show up to my mansion uninvited almost every day?!”
“The best kind,” Kennith said with a cheeky wink. “Come on, you said they’ll do anything you ask them to, why not command them to be on the show? They’re obviously gonna do it.” 
“They would. But I refuse to take part in it.” 
Kennith pouted. “Aww, why not?” 
“You’re lucky I’m still even at your studio after the fiasco during my episode,” Christopher reminded him, his tone cold. “I don’t want to do an episode with those two, that’s final. Only disastrous things follow those two, I swear.” 
“Oh come on, they can’t be that bad, you’re exaggerating!” Kennith rolled his eyes, thinking Christopher’s clearly just being dramatic. “The first episode featured Obsequious, and that went well! Mostly.” 
Christopher folded his arms, glancing away while his eyes narrowed. “Yes, well, apart they’re harmless. But together they just feed into each other’s inane ideas and antics.”
“Aww, cute. I’d ship ‘em.”
The TV show host held up his hands defensively. “Alright, alright!” he said with a chuckle. Looks like he’d need to switch tactics and be more lenient, as bad of an idea as that is with Christopher. “What would it take for you to be on the episode, huh? I’m open to negotiating.” 
That gave Christopher pause, and he looked back at Kennith curiously. There we go, he’d piqued his interest. Much better. 
“...Give me three months of paid vacation, where I don’t need to show up to the studio to be on standby like usual.” 
Kennith blanched. “WHAT?! No!” 
“Fine, then you won’t get your episode.” 
“A week!”
“Four months.” 
“Two weeks!” 
“Six months.” 
“A month!” 
“Deal,” Christopher agreed, shaking Kennith’s hand. Judging by the grin on his face, it seemed like he had been aiming for a month this entire time. “A pleasure doing business with you, Kennith.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Kennith grumbled, withdrawing his hand with a pout. That wasn’t a very good deal. Now he had to rework a bunch of potential episodes for the schedule later on. Dammit. “So you’ll ask them?” 
“Of course, I am a man of my word.” 
“No you’re not.” 
“Hahaha,” Christopher laughed, obviously forced. “Oh, Kennith. We both know that as far this arrangement of ours goes, I most certainly am. Unless you would like to abuse—I mean, exercise your power?” he drawled, sarcastic. 
Kennith tilted his head up, trying to appear taller as he glared at Christopher. Of course, it didn’t work because Christopher was a foot taller than him, but at least he looked a bit more standoffish. “Depends. Are you actually gonna participate in the episode?”
Christopher put a hand to his chin, humming thoughtfully. “Hmm, I don’t believe that was part of the deal.”
“You said, and I quote, ‘What would it take for you to be on the episode?’ I never said I would participate. I simply agreed to show up,” Christopher replied with one of his signature Cheshire cat smiles. 
Kennith stared at him. “You’re a real piece of work, you know that?”
Kennith sighed, bringing a hand to his forehead. “What will it take for you to participate in the episode.” 
“Another month?”
“No. I can’t just have you not show up to work for that long.” 
Christopher hummed. “Hmm, fair enough,” he said with a shrug. As much as he’d like to keep haggling for more, he did want to keep his job. Not because of the money, but because it was the most entertaining thing in his life at the moment, unfortunately. “How about this: during the episode, you are not to yell or rush me in any way. Doing your humiliating challenges is hard enough, I do not need your screeching in addition to that.”
Kennith brought an indignant hand to his chest. “I don’t screech! My voice isn’t screechy, it’s fun!” he protested. In response, Christopher gave him a look without saying anything. “What, you don’t think I sound fun?” 
“It’s best if I don’t answer that,” Christopher said flatly. “Are my terms agreeable?”
Kennith rolled his eyes. “Yes, they’re agreeable, fine. I’ll just yell at the other two, I guess.” 
“Do as you wish with them, I couldn’t care less.” 
That piqued Kennith’s interest. “Would you let me boss them around like they would for you?” 
Christopher paused to consider that, before glancing away. “...No.”
“Aww come on, what?? Are they your friends or not?” 
“They aren’t my friends, but I’m not just going to let you—” 
“So you’re a squad?” 
Kennith grinned. “Sure you are. The Monochrome Squad.” 
Christopher let out a frustrated groan at the team being given a title. “Don’t call us that!” 
“Ohhh, so you guys are an ‘us’ now?” 
“Okay, okay! Hahaha…”
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iwoszareba · 3 months
Sorry if it’s a weird question, but how does Aqil reconcile his chaotic-ness with his devotion/dedication to his clan, god, and role?
Not weird at all! Chaotic neutral is an alignment usually associated with very specific archetypes and it did cross my mind that Aqil must seem a little unusual in that context, considering that faithfulness and dedication are some of his main traits.
The big part of the explanation is the kind of god he follows. 
Nethys fascinates me because he a) lands in neutral by combining both good and evil aspects b) rarely communicates with his faithful and that fact is celebrated c) even his holy text is described as full of contradictions putting the task of finding the answers on the person who studies it rather just granting them.
Aqil is chaotic neutral in a very philosophical sense. He believes in the need for balance of different elements but also in cycles and never-ending changes. And he applies these principles to individuals as well as entire societies. He will butt heads with very lawful types not because trying to establish any kind of order is bad but because holding onto it too tightly is unhealthy and ultimately futile because change will come no matter how hard you try to stop it.
Role of Meru ties into that idea of balance and cycles. First Meru was granted power by Nethys which introduced arcane magic into their very bloodline so now each new Meru is a repayment of that initial investment. Give and take. Blessing and a burden.
Idk if it’s a silly metaphor but if you picture destiny as a river you could try to argue that struggling against its stream is the chaotic option because you detest being led anywhere against your will, but perhaps letting it carry you where you need to go can also be seen as chaotic attitude, complete freedom is an illusion anyway and you may find wisdom in the flow of things.
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
💈 barber!mickey & (not so) shaggy!ian💈
here's the 29th installment for this week's @galladrabbles prompt: rock band by @themilkoviches
catch up/read in full HERE -- updates weekly! [ read scene one in its entirety ON AO3 ]
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“Hair looks good,” Mickey says, attempting to act like a normal fucking person.
Ian pockets his phone, tugging his t-shirt down over the top of his jeans—vintage, some rock band Mickey also likes—and runs his hand through it.
Mickey’s fingers twitch with the sense memory of submerging shampoo suds in those same silky strands.
“Thanks,” Ian smiles. “Got it cut by this guy—he’s kind of a big deal around here. Maybe you’ve seen his write up in the paper?”
Mickey bites his lip. “Sounds like a douchebag. Bet he’s even got it hangin’ on the wall.”
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veloursdor · 7 months
10 and 35 for the writer asks please!
hi pal 💕🥰💕
for this ask
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
oh, have i been haunted by a fic. usually i'm haunted by any unfinished wip i've ever had, to the point where i used to erase them after they had been left untouched for 2+ years (i deleted like... 15 projects in my old ao3 account). and by haunted i think of it as 'it doesn't leave my mind but i can't make myself write more of it and is frustrating and sad because i do want to finish it, i just don't know how'.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Editing. I know I should but the only editing i ever do is read the chapter i just wrote to check it doesn't have glaringly obvious grammar/spelling mistakes and click 'publish'. i'm trying to correct that but i don't think i'm the person to edit my own writing (which is why im so thankful when my friends message me and ask me if im alright with them helping me out)
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electricfied-wolf · 8 months
Aaaaand we're live!
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inkblot22 · 2 months
omg hiiiii!! welcome back aaa I missed seeing u around 🥺
- epel felmier anon 🍎💜
Hello! I'm glad to be back! Sorry I've been afk, I am unfortunately 22 and have been cursed with adult. Life was a little hectic for a minute there, thank you for sticking with me through it!
For everyone reading this, I'd like to blabber a bit about the next few upcoming fics. Of course, part 3 (I somehow gaslit myself into thinking I had already posted it) of the Epel Fic should be coming out quite soon. That's up there on my priority list, followed by a Ruggie fic, and the first proper one of the blog! I also want to do a little Vil fic, so I will begin drafting that soon, as well as another chapter to the Idia mess.
I hope the next few fics are up to everyone's standards. I already have a lot more followers than I thought I would end up having, and I do very much so appreciate you all reading my garbled sentences that I string together and call fanfiction. Thank you so much!
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dujour13 · 1 year
Daeran should have known not to ask Uncle Woljif to babysit the ganzi-gnome chaos bean even for a minute. pwotr pals art trade with @silversiren1101
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starleska · 11 months
I'm a gossip so please I need to hear some Fractal, anything works 👀
oooh is this because you're working on your own Teen Titans OC to ship with dear old Moddy, by any chance? 😉 of course, i'd love to gush more about Fractal!!! i need to make a proper reference sheet for them as i've commissioned a dear friend to draw them and Moddy... but for now, have a little more on their villainous origins 👀
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Fractal (real name Lori Shaw) used to be a superhero-in-training. Lori was an orphan raised in a type of 'heroic orphanage' - a training ground for talented orphans, run by a revolving door of lesser-known heroes attempting to give them a better life and raise hte next generation of heroes. Lori was pushed into superhero training after their skill with gadgetry and weapons modifications was noticed, but found the scene unbearable. the black-and-white morals which came with heroism didn't align with the world they saw: especially their friends, who often came from much less fortunate backgrounds and would need to steal just to get by 💔
this is how Lori got their start in crime: petty thievery to keep their friends fed. Lori justified this as a type of Robin Hood scenario, but when their guardians found out, they went ballistic. they told Lori that if they didn't give up this 'life of crime', they would be kicked out. seeing their 'love' for what it really was, Lori decided to leave, depriving them of the chance 💪 Lori spent the latter half of their teenage years sleeping rough and selling second-hand gadgets filched from dumpsters that they remodified. after selling these gadgets on another villain's turf, said villain (i'm thinking one who is quite technologically-oriented) gave Lori a place to stay, in exchange for a steady stream of suped-up gadgets. as Lori hit their twenties, they became interested in the fashion world and started attending club nights and raves for a variety of Jump City subcultures, trying out new outfits thanks to their gadget-money. at this time, they started posting their co-ords on social media under the pseudonym 'Fractal' 💠 at 23, Lori cut out the middle-man villain and started selling their gadgets directly to the consumers. the name 'Lori' was all but dead to them: they were now exclusively known as Fractal to friends, their clients, and online. it was around this time that they began trying out villainy for themselves; they began to use their flashy dress sense and distracting accessories to rob clubgoers blind. Fractal would be careful about the times, dates, and content of what they posted online, posting photographs of outfits they weren't going to wear that evening, or locations they wouldn't be attending, to give a false trail 📷 this went on for a few more years...until Fractal saw a new villain on the news. according to their older clients this villain was named Mad Mod, and had been prolific in the area long ago with his British-themed crimes and hypnotic technology, but no one had seen him for years. he'd been arrested from his off-shore mansion for capturing the Teen Titans, and authorities were unearthing years' worth of advanced hypnotic technology belonging to Mad Mod from various warehouses on the edge of Jump City. this piqued Fractal's interest, so they visited one of those warehouses under the cover of night, broke in...and stole as many pieces of Mad Mod's hypno-tech as they could carry 🦹‍♀️ in the following months, Fractal distilled Mad Mod's hypno-tech down to its components, and began reworking the technology to fit with their own. at the same time, Fractal began researching up on Mad Mod's past, curious as to how he'd had such a lengthy career: villains of his age would normally be retired. the details of his age-reduction tech and hologrammatic projections fascinated Fractal, as did Mad Mod's clear eye for style: Fractal was delighted to find out his background was in fashion design. taking inspiration from some of Mad Mod's past fashion-related schemes, Fractal began incorporating this new hybrid hypno-tech into wearable accessories: chokers, rings, glasses 👓 and…the rest you already know!! Fractal became a successful small-time villain, only to be captured and interrogated by Mad Mod when he broke out of prison. cue some fun rivalry shenanigans and an eventual master/apprentice-type relationship, with Fractal being wholly smitten by this brilliant, crazy hypnotist 🥴💖
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firein-thesky · 1 year
👀 (if you're still accepting!)
i am!! just slow on the reply bc i’ve been a lil busy 💞💞
for you, i have a snippet of a gojo wip that is a grad school au! he is horribly annoyingly genius. he studies physics and the reader is in grad school for creative writing (specifically for sci-fi short stories)
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coffinpal · 1 year
when i was a vet receptionist this was the best/worst conversation I ever had with a client. so now lefty can have it, too.
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reception work is a nightMARE.
lefty is so cute in your style i adore how messy his hair is! aaaa
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good-beanswrites · 11 months
oooh, for the drabble prompts may I request Books or Night? with whatever characters speak to you for this one <3 thank you!!
Ahh thank you pal! :D I went with Books for Mahiru and Mikoto (I mean it takes place at night but idk if that counts lol)
From this ask game
Mahiru read a lot of books. She read a lot at her university. She read a lot on her own time. She could recall endless romance novels in which the knight in shining armor came to rescue his lover from her dark, musty dungeon cell. The thing was, she couldn't think of a single one in which the fair maiden had killed him before he got the chance.
She huddled in the back of her cell. Her headache had been a permanent one the last few days; Shidou wasn't sure when he'd have more painkillers for her. She didn't mind. It wasn't her head that hurt the most.
Hands clawed at her chest. She'd read so much at her university, and even the most unhappy endings weren't quite like this. There was always a message, a meaning to it all. Her thoughts returned to the classroom, when she drew out little charts and diagrams plotting out books. There always came a turning point. There always came a moment where everything became clear, even if it didn't improve. So, where was hers? When would this all make sense?
In the middle of her desperate search for a pattern amid everything that had happened to her -- everything that had happened because of her -- a knock echoed off her cell door.
"Come in..."
She was surprised when Mikoto swung it open. He gave her a slightly awkward, "hey."
Mahiru flinched as he tossed something her way. She barely caught an apple in her hands.
"You didn't show for dinner."
"T-thank you." She was slowly growing accustom to the new Mikoto that had started appearing around the prison. Now that had been a story-worthy twist. "Sorry to make you worry. My head was hurting, I just wanted to rest in here."
He nodded. "Yeah, I get that."
Whether it was the brief kinship she felt remembering how he'd been complaining of constant headaches, or the fluttering in her chest from the thoughtful gift he'd brought after noticing her absence, or even just a lapse in judgement due to her injured brain, she blurted, "can I ask you something?"
"Hm? Shoot."
She hoped what she was about to say wasn't ridiculous to him. She looked down at the apple.
"I... keep thinking of my favorite books. In all of them, the hero comes in to save the day just in time. But my hero... he... I mean, I..." She didn't need to explain it to him. Her smile filled with sorrow. "Between that and what happened with Kotoko... I'm realizing that no one is coming to save me. You and Amane, you don't seem as worried about it. How do you still have hope that someone's going to help?"
After an agonizing moment in which she was sure he was going to laugh, Mikoto crossed the room to her. He knelt on her bed. His expression radiated an intensity she wasn't used to seeing on him. He took her by the shoulders. His grip wasn't painful, but it was unshakable. His voice, too, came out commanding, and not cruel.
"Listen to me. No one's coming for you. You're right. No one else is going to help you get out of here. That's why you need to do it. I know it's not easy, but you can't just roll over and let this place walk all over you. The only one who will always be there to save you, is you. You need to be the hero, okay?"
She stared at him with round eyes. It wasn't the answer she'd been expecting. Or maybe, it wasn't the answer she'd wanted. She spoke with instinctual protests.
"But, but --! I'm not strong, or smart like the others. What can I even do for myself?"
Mikoto held her gaze, and she began to understand. "It's just like the stories. You do anything you can. You do everything you can."
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bluesthebest · 5 months
◓ + Reverse!
"Hey Blue, do you think you can keep an eye on this Misdreavus? He keeps following me and pulling my hair."
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"I will actually kill you, if you don't get this thing away from me"
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