#thanks for the help!
Quick poll!
They're the last pictures I need! I've been putting it off trying to decide this very question! Thought I'd leave it up to y'all 😄
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little-pup-pip · 5 months
Um I would like to request something if it’s possibly not too much trouble! :O But I um… can’t seem to access request details? ^^; Every time I try to click on it says url not found! :(
Hello!! I edited some of the text a while ago and that probably messed it up. The link should be fixed now, thank you for letting me know!!
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cuz-reasons · 9 months
Both of these have been a chapter or two from being completed and I need the motivation to actually write. Starting to upload them will trick me into doing that. They're both multi chapter fics that'll update weekly starting next week.
More info below the cut!
Wing AU:
This started as a series of scenes/one shots that mostly explored how Ingo and Emmet having wings would change things mainly around Ingo being in Hisui. The later like 2/3 turned into Ingo and Emmet healing post the eeby deebying.
Elesa being their friend cuz thats pretty standard with most of my fics
Uncle Drayden
Uncle Ingo
My usual brand of angst seasoning
Happy end natch
It's roughly 20-25k words currently (I'm at work so I don't have exact numbers)
Body Swap AU:
I don't wanna give too much away about this cuz the first chapter sets it up nicely. But while in Hisui, Ingo body swaps with [redacted] but he doesn't actually get to remember it. Then things pop off during the red sky shebang. The story is told mostly through the swaps (theres little bits before and after) since I felt like that was idk thematic.
Elesa being their friend again
Uncle Ingo again
One (1) stressed Emmet during the whole middle part
An eplouge I still need to write
This one is at about 10-15k words and there are vague plans to write some of the non swapped bits as a sort of pt2 but that's not happening until I finish it first.
Feel free to ask questions about either and I also don't have titles yet so I'd you wanna suggest names feel free. No guarantees I choose one but I will credit you if you want!
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🔫😊 I heard you need a little “encouragement”
*slowly walks back to my laptop*
*Begins writing again*
Commence monologue with typing noise as background music:
*one hand over my head*
I guess I have to write now that my life is being threatened by a water gun.
*fake sob*
Oh the horrors! The horrors of get my clothes wet! I shan't think about! No I must keep writing!
*furiously types away*
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pearlypairings · 7 months
I have a long update for There is a Light ✨ and would like to know your thoughts on when/how should I post!
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toska-writes · 1 year
Ok next fic-
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dapper-lil-arts · 2 years
pssst sex isnt unbanned, the TOS still says "Visual depictions of sexually explicit acts (or content with an overt focus on genitalia) are not allowed on Tumblr". You can still post boobs and fetish stuff since it states "Nudity and other kinds of adult material are generally welcome" but explicit sex isnt allowed. please dont get banned i'd miss your art!
oh SHIT i'm deletin that art then thanks for tellin me!! Yeah getting banned would be real crap. i'd rather keep drawing my subtle stuff!
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zojnks · 1 year
asking now because its coming up but anyone have tips for attending a grand prix? my bsf and i are heading to barcelona in june and we are both very excited but nervous because neither of us have ever been. barcelona specific tips would be appreciated too!!
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ishouldbeworking · 1 year
Can you all explain something to me? How did JaeWon’s camera break? Did his dad do it? I can’t figure it out.
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kimikitti · 1 year
Wait are we supposed to interact with mutual?
Jks aside, it depends really? Ya don't need to talk to someone just becauses they're your mutuals.
Oooh lol, that's the general vibe I'm getting from other responses. Lol, you and I are in the same boat.
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nogoodninny · 1 year
Turn on your washing machine, turn on your blender too, turn on this, that and the other thing too. We’re asking you to do this and even if you do, you will lose your tv if you overload the grid!!
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hippolotamus · 1 year
Hi, friend! Thanks for the word making push 🥰
“Morning, boys.” Athena gives them each a hug, taking a beat longer with Chris.
for every 🎁 in my asks i'll write 5 sentences and share 1 with you
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little-pup-pip · 7 months
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rose-colored-tarot · 2 years
Just realized a charm I used to help pay down my credit card is also a ward against thieves. Multipurpose magic ftw
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mornyavie · 2 years
Gift means poison in German so the Gift Ball Deluxe is. A deluxe ball of poison lol
That's hilarious - I actually do speak German and I was noticing that a bunch of thing in Bleach had German or German-ish names, but it didn't occur to me that that was one of them.
I'm chalking that one down to "bad translation," honestly, because I think keeping the multilingual wordplay is not worth a phrase that is going to read as absurd nonsense to 99% of English speakers and completely break the "this is supposed to be scary" immersion. It's supposed to be an inescapable terrifying thing and it's called a Gift Ball.
(Context is that I was reading a couple specific issues of Bleach on the recommendation of someone who thinks that Kisuke Urahara is the coolest character ever.)
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kochei0 · 3 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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